@Atlanta Hawks

Trae Young Reacts to Trade Rumors, Breaking Steph Curry’s Record & More | From the Point

Trae Young Reacts to Trade Rumors, Breaking Steph Curry’s Record & More | From the Point

Welcome back to another episode of from the point by your favorite Point brought to you by Sprite the clear favorite I’m also here again my brother Winston you’re too far bro I ain’t gonna lie little hard for little far for handshake but uh a little banged up now

Man how you doing man another week another episode another month another episode we back here with Bleacher Report how you feel yes it’s uh it’s a great great day to be back uh got some stuff to talk about that’s cool been been a great month though man a lot of

Mix in the Sports World I was watching the NFL playoffs man shout out to CJ strad and Jordan love man balling balling balling that ain’t the word it’s like hooping like overdoing it man ho both are going crazy hooping who you got who you got in the Super Bowl ah Super

Bowl lot of football left lot of football left I I don’t want to doubt Lamar this may be the year that he just erases all the doubt of everybody and I’m pulling for him so I want Lamar to win one um so I think I’m gonna go with them on that

Side uh man I don’t know I don’t know man it’s going to be them it’s gonna be who you got I got Baltimore winning it all I I think I think Baltimore just because they’re playing really really good football right now I think like you said Lamar has been playing excellent I think

They’re receiving core I’m so happy to see Odell ball in Odell hooping he’s he’s hooping um and then on the opposite side I mean listen Detroit’s out here balling right now but the 49ers going that’s that’s the only other team I think can can win at all CU they got

Yeah their defense is crazy their defense is crazy they got Christian mcaffrey they have um George K from Oklahoma George KD from Norman Oklahoma shout out Norman out Norman Norman High um I mean you got Brock pie uh you got you got got some got some killers on

Offense too yeah NFL isn’t the only the only uh Sports you know that we’ve had going on MLK was a really big day for hoops man um talk about the importance that it was playing on MLK and uh I mean it’s it was an honor honor to uh play

Onl day uh it always is especially here in Atlanta uh I mean just knowing the history I mean that he brought not only to the I mean the African-American uh people I mean just the city of Atlanta like I mean he has family he has family

That still lives here so to be able to put on that Jersey and play on this day uh in in this city is it means something to me so it’s it’s always an honor to be able to represent him on on a on a special day for sure absolutely it’s

It’s great to honor his memory honor his family’s Legacy glad you guys were able to get the win on MLK Day listen I don’t know of many people that scored their scored their 10,000th point and then pull up and record a podcast directly after so man congratulations on your

10,000 Point um seriously though you became the fastest player in NBA history to reach 10,000 points 35,000 assists and 1,000 three-pointers made you did it in 390 games bro that’s is pretty fast pry cool getting into those stats man you gonna be able to keep this up your

Whole career I mean that’s the plan I don’t I don’t doubt it I mean obviously age is going to um make it tougher as I get older but uh right now I feel good I mean obviously I’m not old so I’m just continuing to play the way I’ve always

Been playing so it’s definitely a blessing to be able to reach 10,000 points and all these assists but I mean I obviously couldn’t do it without my teammates like I mean getting me the ball having space on the floor for me to create for myself like uh so it’s not

Anytime you get an achievement or reward individually it’s never especially in a sport that we play in an individual and award so U my teammates helped me a lot throughout these years and uh to help me get where I am right now yeah I’m on

Pace for that too did you know that oh you are that same stat line except uh mine is in my men’s league and I think I’m on Pace to be the youngest in my men’s league by about 40 years to get there so if I if I hit if I hit that

Mark by about age 57 and a half I’ll be good I’ll be good money I think you’ll be on the right path with the 10,000th point actually you officially qualify for the NBA’s alltime points per game leaderboard in their in their career so basically um taking everybody’s career

Averages and and who who has the highest uh of that career average you actually are 13th on that list some of the greats on that list include Will Chamberlain Michael Jordan man what what does it feel like to be on that list with some of those greats man it’s an it’s a I

Mean unreal feeling it’s an I mean an honor to be mentioned with those type of guys it’s it’s crazy um those are guys that I’ve lifted up to and uh I mean even guys that I didn’t necessar get to watch play I know who they were and I

Know the impact that they had on the game before I was even thought of so uh I definitely appreciate um being on those types of list because I know I mean it’s only greats ahead of me and even around me so um you can only appreciate being on those types of list

And appreciate the teammates and the people that helped you be on that type of list too so I know I couldn’t do it by myself all the dominoes fell yesterday it seems like in terms of playing on such an important day in history with honoring MLK’s Legacy you

Hitting such an amazing um career statline for you um you actually gave your jersey to a fan yesterday um and I didn’t get to see the sign by any chance but I remember we were we were talking last night and talking about he just he

Held up this sign that I just I couldn’t couldn’t resist man I had to give him my jersey yeah such a dope video no yeah it was cool I uh a lot of people hit me um even my dad uh hit me asked me if I I

Kept the Jersey after the game and uh thankfully my equipment manager at half time grabbed the Jersey cuz I guess I mean I scored I needed like one point in the second half or something I had no idea before the game I was close to this

And and all that but uh so the equipment manager took my jersey at at halftime and and just kept it because he knew I was going to want to keep my jersey and probably give give one away after the game so um he kept that Jersey and I

Think I needed one point in the second half and did it and after the game I gave away that but I definitely kept the the jersey that I had in the first half so uh yeah no but that I saw a sign and it was it was really cool and it’s like

They had just came from somewhere or it was a birthday celebration so I wanted to give him give him something definitely made definitely made that kids night for sure you played against the Spurs last night Victor wiim minyama ton of hype around him what was it like

I know this your second time playing him this year but just to be able to share the court with him get to get to see some of his game and and what that’s been about how would you say as a as a peer you’re most excited for him to

Continue to grow his game and and what’s it like sharing the floor with him I mean he’s going to be a beast in this league uh I mean as long as he can play he his presence on the floor alone is is impactful and I mean just on defense

Offense he can create for other people he just disrupts people on on defense so he can do pretty much everything and it’s everything that everybody’s been saying about him and uh you can tell he’s humble he he he competes he wants to work hard so uh he has all the

Intangibles to be I mean the best player ever um it’s just I mean the accolades and team accolades as his career goes on is what’s going to determine that so uh he definitely has a tools though you guys have both trained with Tim Martin a trainer who unfortunately I’m not cold

Enough to train with um Tim you know if you’re watching this man definitely hit me up for some training sessions I still need it to dominate my men’s league but um have you ever trained with wimy before I actually don’t know this no I you Haven no I have there been any

Instances where Tim is like dude like before he got drafted I’ll say like because I know you and Tim are super close that Tim was like because obviously Victor works out with him like oh man like be on the lookout cuz this dude is he’s for real yeah no I had I’ve

Been working with Tim since I was in high school um I mean we work out once or twice a year I go down to Dallas I go down on Christmas uh trained with him and some other guys I’ve trained with him in the summertime I go down there

And uh just spend to a weekend or two in Dallas and uh just train with him just spend some time with him um and he would always tell me how he was going back and forth to France to work with this young kid who’s going to be the next Prodigy

This next up and cominging thing and um he was always telling me about him and as Victor was obviously getting older the the world started knowing more and more about him and um I just had I mean I had heard about him I didn’t know what

He was going to be and seeing him now I can tell the reason I mean I know Tim is probably not the only person I bet Tim will tell you himself that he’s not the only person that put Victor in these situations or Gave Victor all these

Tools but he’s definitely one of these guys and so just seeing Victor play for the first time just as a high school kid and then now or I mean being overseas and then now coming over here you can tell that some of the things that Tim puts in his workouts and his training

Sessions that Victor has in this game and I mean Tim is a guard so just having guard likee skills and mindset when you’re 74 75 like it’s hard to stop so um but no Tim Tim had told me about him um a long time ago before uh I mean a

Lot of people over here really knew about him because he was going over there training him I know Tim’s some of his workouts are notorious for having these crazy intensive drills there was a there was a clip obviously we were still going to school at the time I didn’t

Even know you did this but it surfaced probably like six months ago where he would take the Rock and he would throw it from under the goal and you’d have to go run get it catch and shoot run get it catch and shoot it was going on for like

90 seconds I think he made like 20 something in a row um I also heard that Tim actually teaches and has taught folks how to like properly nutmeg people and um you obviously have some Notorious nutmegs now it looks like we got seven4 dudes in the league nutmegging dudes I mean like

Is this like does he really teach people like how to how to Nutmeg I I don’t know about the nut Megan part he may be teaching other people now he ain’t teach me how to do that uh but he he definitely you can teach people out to

Do that I wouldn’t be surprised if he does um I mean he teaches he teaches a lot of in work in his workouts about conditioning and doing keeping your feet moving with with the ball moving at the same time like never um never let a Defender like guess your next move and

Things like that so uh no he he’s definitely one of the best trainers out here for sure so who who taught you you just practice on like you know some dummies to yeah just practice I mean messing around and then getting playing in Oklahoma you can you can practice

Sometimes okay you practice sometimes in games um there was a I think you commented on yeah I think it was a Bleacher Report post but there was that clip where Victor actually like jumped up in the air like one of his teammates be somebody off the dribble and like had

A lob opportunity for him and I think you comment is like man this is a easy lob um but talk about what it would be like to play with somebody it could be him or it could be somebody else in the league cuz you’ve played with a a couple

Guys before where they have incredible athleticism and all that just reading lobs just in general I think it would I think it would be great for you to talk about what that’s like to read a lob actually because people don’t understand like how difficult that is to throw lobs

Just in general you’re obviously one of the most proficient in the league so yeah like how would you read plays where you would have to throw a lob and um I I think what I mean the the part about throwing a lob is is really just having confidence in

Your big too and knowing that um he’s going to go jump and get it like I feel like I I give my big so much confidence as far as like if they set a screen they get behind their man because I’m I feel like if I get into the paint his man’s going

To worry about me so if they don’t worry about me I’m going to be shooting floaters to death and uh just getting good shots in the paint and So eventually they’re always going to get good looks because a team is not just going to let um let me do that all game

So they’re eventually going to step up and so uh I really just tell our bigs just just keep rolling keep rolling keep setting screens and every big I really played with from Dwayne deadmond Alex Lynn I mean John CC like I mean Big O like they’ve all they all know how to

Set screens and they all bring different attributes to the game so it’s it’s just about knowing my big strengths and uh thankfully I’ve been playing with who can who can who can jump a little bit and go catch my lives and so it’s more about just feeding them and just knowing

When and when and and how to give it to him for sure absolutely um pivot here but uh we’re about a month away from Allstar can’t believe the season’s already going by this fast um we’re expected to have the third and final fan Returns come out this

Week let’s actually take a look um for these the second returns um where those are at said that’s the West it’s the West we got for sure guard wise that’s going to be three that’s locks do you agree with those so far yeah I mean it’s going to

Be I mean it’s LeBron yish KD like it’s Lucas you can’t really argue with this it’s more about the fans it’s like what do the fans want to see it’s an allstar game so like no matter how bad the Warriors are doing right now they you

Want to see Steph Curry play want see the best people play absolutely yeah I agree with it Shay could be up there higher than Steph okay here’s the East yeah I agree with it too I think you said it best honestly the All-Star game is about seeing the best

Players play with each other on the court I think yeah I I don’t I don’t know how you could disagree with this I think the All-Star thing like the allstar it’s about it’s about the the fans like I mean it’s not about anybody else it’s about the fans and so I I I

See why they give the fans their own vote and really a big big part of the reason why guys are starters um so no it’s it’s a it’s a fan it’s a fan award it’s a fan vote it’s for the fans like you don’t go to the players go to

Allstar for the fans like we don’t we don’t go there for us for real we go there for the fans for our families and for the environment to to bring everybody with us to have fun for the weekend celebrate I mean the the work we

Put in in the first half of the season and understanding the second half is just right around the corner so it’s just uh yeah I think it’s just for the fans so I think the the returns are where they should be yeah one point 1.4

That that’s a lot of that’s a lot of people voting for for Trey young second time around it’s a bless it’s a blessing for sure I I feel like a lot of my fans know if if I don’t get voted in it’s gonna be tough for me to to get in maybe

This year is different but in the past and previous years uh if I didn’t get in as a as a as a starter I haven’t really ever got in as a as a reserve so maybe that’s why they’re voting for me what does a third selection mean to you in

Terms of your legacy in terms of I think you said it best too though is like you really go up there to put on a show as to all those guys and how but what I mean what does the third selection mean to you though uh I mean it mean a lot to

Me it mean um the work I’ve put in is being paid off and um obviously I know I still have more work to do because what I want to do is win a championship it’s not to be an Allstar and um to be nothing like that but I mean being an

Allstar you can’t take that for granted and I mean not everybody is is blessed with the opportunity to be all stars even really good players have never had the chance to be an Allstar so I can never just sit up here and take that for

Granted um but at the same time I have bigger goals and bigger dreams that I want to I achieve and after being snubbed a couple times I feel like the allstar game is is a different Outlook in my eyes than maybe to somebody else

So uh that’s how I look at it and for me I would rather now I’d rather see my boy bogy being the Three-Point Contest and uh that would make my Allstar Weekend really cool that’s awesome I want to play a little little game with you um since we’re talking about Allstar

Weekend uh I want you to take these three challenges and build what you think would be the best Saturday night basically what I want you to do is name a name a player or group of players that you would like to see participate in these three things okay first is the skills

Challenge so it’s just right now or all time or I think I think all time okay all all time they’re do all time uh they’re gonna do all time skills first person that comes to mind is dwade D way always had I think he won

A couple if I don’t if I haven’t forgot uh Steve NZ I’m going put him in there them two and then I’mma go two more uh dang this is a tough one skills competition um I’m G put me in the skills all the time uh I feel like I got

Cheated Jason hit that halfcourt shot of me I should have me a skills Championship um but us three and then I’ll put in Chris paw that’s good list I think I’m going I think I’m going Magic Johnson Steve Nash Chris Paul and I think I’m going throw Oscar

Oscar in there too Oscar Robertson okay that’s proba that’s probably my four just so you can see him because you Ain never really get to see him yeah exactly I I really I’m we were too young to watch Magic other than highlights too so I think I think that would bepe be yeah

Uh Three-Point Contest three-point got to put Steph got to put Steph is in there I’mma put Ray Allen in there MH I’mma put um Reggie Miller sniper in there I’mma put for the last one dang this is so tough I’mma put I’m GNA go Chris Mullen great list

Lefty I agree with you I my personal preference would be the first three so Steph Reggie and Ray Allen I’m I’m also throwing in paa sakovich okay okay okay shout out Paia man I’m a huge Paia I’m a huge Paia fan uh last is Dunk Contest dun contest

Okay like this one’s gonna be a little bit more easier um I’mma put the uh put Vince Carter one I’m go put Zack LaVine one B to that dude got bounce uh man I’m going give gor some love cuz he even though he ain’t got love for

Winning one he could have won one IM Ander Jones that was a battle and then I’mma go Human Highlight with Dominique greaty list yeah I think I’m going personally I I think I’m going Gerald Green Gerald Green had bounce crazy I I think you gotta go Vince

Carter Vince Carter uh I I would just the inner faning I would love to see Lebron in a in a dunk contest yeah but he no he ain’t tired of seeing that tired I I he yeah just my yeah we know he would win one Braun and then I think

My fourth guy in the dunk contest probably gonna go Kobe I’m I’m g go and Kobe froby too like I man that would be yeah yeah those are my four you may have won are we gonna see you in the D contest come on man nice question

Um so on uh on a little bit more focus on the season um you guys are currently 11th in the East you guys are looking to make a big jump before Allstar and then obviously post Allstar but you guys have been in the situation before um in 2021

You were 16 and 20 before the All-Star Break um and then finished the season 25 and 11 what was that moment in 2021 that you look back on there like okay I very clearly see a switch in our team in our locker room and what are you looking forward

To to implementing that again to seeing that switch to making that improvement post Allstar and eventually making a run for the playoffs well first I I don’t even it’s hard to really compare years like because every team every year is something different every year brings something new and something a different

Challenge and so that year was a different challenge that was brought to us and something happened we made a change and then it was it was out of there and we were able to go on a run and turn the season around I mean for me

I don’t necessarily know I mean what the the challenge is and point a finger on the challenge what it is for us right now um but for me I just hope that like whatever it is we can fix it and and go about it the right way and then as the

Season goes go on it all turns like like it did for us a couple years ago but it’s hard to say that we do what we did back then now and expect the same result because this is a totally different team a totally different situation that brings new

Challenges so you can’t really do that and so for me I I don’t want to look at it like that I just hope whatever challenge that we have right now that we’re going through that we can find out what it is and and figure it out and

Then we’ll make it we’ll make it work and make the and with those challenges I think not I think it’s very clear that there’s a lot of outside noise that goes on you have beat Riders constantly on the Hawks case you have Twitter and social media so the 24-hour news cycle

As a professional but also a leader of a team how important is it for you to be able to block out the noise and also make sure you’re helping your entire group and yourself play at a high level perform and eventually win games I mean it’s important that you block out the

Noise but um it’s I mean you gonna hear it it’s not like we don’t hear it’s not like we all aren’t aware of what’s being said about each of us outside the locker room um but that’s where I feel like we got to be better as far as just for each

Other and I think we we have in certain moments uh throughout games but just not even worrying about that worry about like our what we have going on right now and um cuz we we can only control we can control and in the NBA we can only

Control so much and for us as players like I think it’s hard being in those situations it’s hard hearing your name being talked about going somewhere else and uh you could be moved here whenever you could be in the middle of a game and be traded I’ve been a part of teams

Where that’s happened and it it’s not easy I mean for us as a team we just have to figure it out and just as this is process is going I think what we’ve been doing is being just Pros about it and and guys have been Pros about the

Situation and just um focus on what we can control and that’s just trying to win games for for each other and playing good because at the end of the day you’re always playing for I mean you’re always being watched um and so if you continue to win that’s going to that’s

Going to matter um before you leave so I think it’s just about making sure you’re a pro throughout the whole situation with losses with sometimes frustration uh can sometimes have there there’s fan frustration that comes with a struggling team sometimes Stephen Clay actually had two little bit differing opinions on

This um Steph said that I’m booing myself it’s not our job to give them or it’s our job to give them something to cheer about and we haven’t done that yet clay took a little bit more of a different approach and was like listen I don’t really care you supposed are you

Supposed to lose sleep over it or or what um what’s your what’s your reaction to this and I know that you have your fair share of experience with hearing crowds boo yeah not saying at home but just in general I think I know where you’re going to go with this but oh I

Mean don’t ever assume CU that’s when you make a ass out of you and me uh but no uh I think for me I mean I know like I I would rather cuz to be honest I feel like we haven’t I’ve never been bued in Atlanta

Until like last couple games and to be honest with you like I feel like I’m on more of the step approach as far as like they should be buling us like but I feel like that only comes with expectations like I mean they they talking about in Detroit they’ll Boo and they talking

About s team because they lose 20 something games straight but they weren’t talking about that whenever they lost 10 11 games because they didn’t really have expectations so the expectations weren’t there and so team the fans don’t necessarily care as much and so when a fan base boo that just

Shows how much they really care and how much I mean they’re they’re mad that the expectations aren’t being met and so I don’t necessarily mind it I think it’s there’s appropriate booos and then there’s not and I think in certain cases where like us this year like us not

Meeting certain expectations like we’re like we should be there can be moments where you can be booed and so I think in the same same breath with them they’ve been Champion so uh they their expectations are high and so um and their fans are of them as well so I

Think it’s expected whenever uh the expectations well said so you’re saying in response to that that there are a culmination of things but really what sets it over the top is expectations is that you’re expected to meet certain expectations and you don’t that’s when they’re warranted yeah for sure got it

Yeah that’s that’s what it is I’ve got a new little segment uh shout out to our producers that they help they helped us craft this up but we’re calling this new segment Trey’s bag um we we’ve got some we’ve got some questions from the from X and the

Bleacher report app uh that would would love love your response on um so first one I have is do you like making a big three at home or away more o victory at home or away I don’t know it’s something about um something about both of them something about both I

Don’t know I love I love making a big three at home so we can all celebrate all in the arena home home home’s my pick yeah what’s your favorite game winner of your career favorite game winner of my career uh favorite game winner was probably dang I can’t I’m probably just

Going to say the the latest one in TD Garden and Celtics just cuz it was against the best team I played against in the playoffs and they just in that arena is crazy so it was a a good one that would be mine or the one where you

Kind of like caught it on the on the line the catch and made it when Milwaukee was at home that one was great that was crazy Atlanta went crazy whenever you made whenever you made that shot um the other the the last question question I have is

Jaylen looks like he is a budding star in the league he’s really cementing himself on the Hawks team how have you personally helped him mature in his game um I mean I think I’m a small piece of his his maturity and his game I think

A lot of it is just him being able to be on the court now and have the opport opportunity to fail and and succeed like when you are on the on the bench and don’t get to play you don’t even get a chance and uh I think now that he’s

Gotten more comfortable and now he’s gotten more in the rotation he’s he’s able to show more what he can do and so for me all I can really give him is advice throughout the game stuff I see things that I can I I see that I can

Make the game easier for him and because at the end of the day I need him just as much as he needs me and uh I think just us continuing to communicate okay with each other is going to be important and um no he’s a hell of a player so I’m

Just glad that people are finally getting to see it but it was it was more about him just being a to be on the floor and uh just getting the opportunity to play uh is what what was holding him back yeah I think you and Hawks fans uh around the country around

The world are just excited to see what you guys can continue to build in Atlanta so yeah that’s great brother ice thanks so much uh it’s it’s always a pleasure man to get to record with you um shout out to all the fans that have been been watching us and thanks so much

To our presenting sponsor Sprite for that crisp lemon lime taste it’s a clear favorite obviously there we go another episode of from the point by your favorite Point see y’all again soon peace Peace

Trae Young responds to reports that Hawks are shopping key players and talks becoming the youngest player in NBA history with 10,000 points, 3,500 assists, and 1,000 3PM. He also discusses what Atlanta needs to do to turn their season around and explains why Victor Wembanyama has a chance to be ‘the best player ever.’ Finally, Trae reacts to NBA All-Star voting returns, what it would mean to be selected again and builds his all-time All-Star Weekend lineup.


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  1. Even if Trae doesn't become a Spur, which he most likely won't, I am a big fan of his character and his game. Hope he gets a great team around him, he deserves it.

  2. Iā€™m never forgetting that u said u wouldā€™ve won the chip that year if u didnā€™t get injuredšŸ’€. When yā€™all couldnā€™t even stop Khris Middleton when Gianniā€™s was injured bro gave yā€™all 40 points every gamešŸ’€. But u was injured too so I feel u but yā€™all wasnā€™t winning the chip even if yā€™all were to beat the bucks gangšŸ’€

  3. Trae You Should Ask For A Trade To San Antonio, Donā€™t Waste Anytime. The Sooner The Better.

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