@New York Knicks

Hart on RJ’s return to the Garden: “I’m going to boo him for sure!”

Hart on RJ’s return to the Garden: “I’m going to boo him for sure!”

by SwellandDecay


  1. Saucetheb0ss

    Josh Hart is the best twitter follow of all time.

  2. firstbreathOOC

    I’m almost offended that RJ thinks he’ll get anything less than a standing ovation

  3. LeftyMode

    He’ll get booed on the line but I’m positive he will be cheered.

  4. bkguyworksinnyc

    They’ll get a standing ovation during the line up announcements like most former Knicks do. What else is expected here?

    Once we show our initial appreciation, they should be getting booed after the fact. I appreciate their time here and was a huge fan of them on the Knicks, but I am a Knicks fan.

  5. LazyLeadz

    I’ll cheer him as long as he’s never on this team ever fucking again

  6. mattr1198

    He and IQ will be cheered in the starting 5, after that, anything goes

  7. Fitz_D_DiSCriPsion86

    Broadway Barrett is now Raptor Rowan!
    He is cooking back at home lol
    Still, all thanks!! 💪🏾🗽🏀

  8. MSG better go crazy for the boys, then boo them at the FT line lmao

  9. Abradolf_Lincler_50

    He ain’t Andrea Bargnani, get up out of your seats and give our boys standing ovations when they get introduced. After tip off, they’re opposing players. And when the final horn blows give them the farewell they didn’t get when the trade happened.

  10. Stonedinthewoodz

    RJ is getting a standing ovation but IQ will get the LOVE! 

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