@Minnesota Timberwolves

I have NEVER been more proud 🐺

So my S/O hails from Portugal and recently moved to the US a couple years ago. I’ve been trying to get her into watching Basketball with me and hopefully attend a Wolves game in the near future.

I saw a clip on the NBA subreddit of Neemias “bullying” Wembenyama in the paint, and found out that he’s the first-ever player in the league from Portugal. I figured *surely* this will get her into watching basketball, even if he plays for the Celtics (Previously with SAC).

Her response was 10/10, and this is the power of Naz Reid 🐐

by Still_Abrocoma_122


  1. CantaloupeCamper

    I’m … I think I had a stroke.

    I don’t know what I’m reading in that pic with the water thing in the middle…

  2. Brother, why aren’t you buying an engagement ring as we speak?

  3. Há de chegar o dia em que o Quetão vai comer!

  4. residentpotato1337

    My girlfriend visited Minnesota and I took her to the Nuggets and Heat game, where Naz popped off in both. She didn’t even know Naz was a meme at that time but she kept saying he’s the best player

  5. Longjumping_Fig1489

    my wife was shocked to learn naz was only 24.

    ‘looks like a grown ass man’

  6. I’m Portuguese and I too prefer Naz Reid! … (I want Neemias to do well too!)

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