@Oklahoma City Thunder

Midseason Stock Watch! Where the OKC Thunder roster sits, Plus can OKC avoid a losing streak spiral?

Midseason Stock Watch! Where the OKC Thunder roster sits, Plus can OKC avoid a losing streak spiral?

On today’s locked on Thunder podcast we’re grading the Thunder roster at the midseason point and Grading your trades let’s dive into it on today’s show you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day

Let’s get it going on the lockon Thunder podcast on the lockon podcast Network your teams every day I am your host media member edin Chief over at Thundurus intentions. comom Ryland Styles follow the show on Twitter at L thunderpod follow me on Twitter Ryland Styles and on today’s show BR to you by

Game time go download the game time app create your account use code locked on for20 $ off your first purchase we’re checking in at the mid-season point on this Thunder roster doing an addition of Stockwatch with Stockwatch we just take the 18 players on this Thunder roster

And say are they trending upwards are they trending down some players might be just hanging around sticking right in the middle but we’re going to go through all 18 players and then we have to grade your fake trades we’re going to do this more and more leading up to the NBA

Trade deadline who do you want to see the Thunder go out and add at the NBA trade deadline so let’s first start with Stockwatch I think that this is a good time to do it after this game against Utah tonight it’ll literally be the Midway point of the Season where do the

Thunder sit right now currently of course uh they’re they’re playing fantastic basketball and have a great record but on an individual basis where do the players on this roster set with the Thunder 27 and 13 uh there six and four in their last 10 games just as

Minnesota is just as Denver is as well so where are they at individually you can start with SGA who it’s clear he’s trending up and that that is a bit of a surprise in the sense of each season that goes by it feels you know kind of more and more

Like Shay has hit his ceiling has hit his you know big leap and last year felt like the biggest leap he’d make and that there was no other leap to to to make but I think that this year he’s he’s came back and he’s made another leap and

It’s his playmaking and the playmaking and the and the consistent defense that you saw last year bleeding now into this year leading the NBA in steals and how he plays with a high motor on both ends all those things have turned him into a guy who who was you know in the

Conversation last year for MVP at number five in the vote total but this year like he legitimately is from for many people the leader in the clubhouse to win MVP part of that of course with Jolan beid you know tracking to not actually even be eligible for it if you

Misses a certain amount of games moving forward but still SGA like he has a legitimate MVP case this is not going to be votes just to uh you know prop up a good story he’ll get legitimate MVP votes and like legitimate votes to win the award so he his his stock of course

Is trending up and then you move in you the the starting five first and let’s get into the bench you move into Josh giddy uh I I think that overall this season from start to finish his stock has to be trending downward because he just has never played this poorly in the

NBA now if you look at it from you know December 1st until right now the stock is starting to to climb back up a bit because he’s gotten better as a Team Defender he’s he’s of course hitting his threes more I think that with Josh giddy the the biggest point of emphasis

For him should be finishing inside the arc figuring out ways to to to score in the mid-range and to score at The Rim because you’re just never going to spoon feed Josh gidy seven plus threes a night uh and and and if you did his percentages would not be as good as they

Have been recently so it’s kind of a catch 22 of like yeah he’s shooting 40% he’s doing his job he’s only getting three four shots from Beyond The Arc and he’s making them for the most part which is really good and you can’t take that away from him but there’s a reason why

The defense is still have not adjusted to that because they’re comfortable giving you four attempts and letting you shoot 40% on them you know or five attempts and let you shoot 40% on them you’re just not going to get to that total of um and it’s not just Josh G

Like like you know you saw last year jayw jayw shot 40% last year the defense has never shaded over to him never closed down on him because while it is it was really cool like to to watch jayw will shoot the ball that well again defenses are going to let him

Shoot 40% on two attempts from from be on the AR game or three attempts from be on the Ary game it’s just it’s just how it is and it’s the same thing with Josh gidy where you got to find that counter punch that you can get to uh driving

Into that space and and then once you use that space to get threes to get mid-range shots and to get to the rim then they’ve got to start playing you more straight up I think another thing that he’s looked better at has been being more comfortable as a as a you

Know live ball player now which he had shown before it had never been a problem until uh this new defensive scheme that they thrown at him in Houston in other places where U you know you put your Center on him once that started to happen he kind

Of he kind of just looked uncomfortable or did not um play as well as a live dribble player he picked up his dribble early on he’s getting better at that in recent vintages of of his game and then I think that the defense is coming along

And you can really track how much better he’s gotten at it even just within this season much less compared to where he was as workie season obviously joshk is not going to be a point of attack Defender if you ever have to rely on him as a point of attack defender on any

Team at any level of basketball it’s not going to go well but he can be a really good Team Defender which he has shown the last week uh really well so if he can continue to do that and gain consistency doing that that’ll be good

For him uh Lou Dort stock is trending up up up up because we know what he can do as a defensive player we know what he is on that end he’s one of the best defenders in the NBA he is credited by some of the top scores in the NBA as

Being uh you know the the toughest challenge that they face but offensively he’s played more under control this year he’s played more efficiently this year and he’s shot the ball better this year he is playing within his role very well and this is something that I think that

Know he deserves a lot of credit for because the last few seasons each season we’ve been saying you know especially last season and then coming into this season we’ve been saying like hey you the team is getting better around him that should push him down the pecking

Order thus making him more efficient and then last year the team got better and he still was taking some wild shots and was driving uh you know kind of uh wild to the rim and he even used the word wild and out of control himself at media

Day like that’s that he looked back on some of his shot attempts from last year and realized that like those just weren’t good attempts and and he was right they were not and so this year he’s finally kind of resigned into that role of of not being the aggressor not

Trying to do too much offensively and it’s netted him his most efficient season and he’s played really really well um and whenever you can play defense at his level and hit threes at the level he’s hitting him you make yourself an incredibly valuable player

In the NBA so I think that lart stock is trending upward and you start to see whenever he sign that at contract extension yes this is going to happen you know for multiple extensions yes the dollar figure the day that it was signed kind of hits you in the face but as the

Cap you know Rises as things change in that way the contract looks more reasonable and then as just the players get better like L dart’s gotten better since he signed that contract to where it’s just the contract is no longer even something that’s being discussed and

Like when he first signed it it was something that was dramatically discussed uh for the Thunder and then jdub jdub has to be training up there’s just no ifans or buts about it he’s become uh a lethal mid-range score he’s be a better three-point no score where

He’s not shooting over 40% from Beyond The Arc and then we know what he can do at The Rim uh he’s improved that as well with his bul and finishing through Contra contact he’s also became uh a guy who can go get a bucket like the the

Playmaking stuff is nice as a passer and as a dribbler he had that stuff in college he had that stuff last year but his ability to just ISO and go score especially going to his left uh really ties things together where you can have um a situation where you can stagger him

And SGA and always kind of have someone who can kind of bail out possessions for you the way that SGA can the way that jdub can so his stock tring up jdub is is a All-Star level player he’s an All-Star Cali player this season he’s obviously not going to make it this

Season uh and we can talk about Allstar and how how you know that conversation gets kind of loose because um because of of the politics involved the fan voting um just the the perception and the fact that you know you’re on a very talented team in Oklahoma City where you have

Chat gonna compete for an he’s ninth right now uh in fan voting sgaa is going to be top in fan voting for for a long long time and to get a third guy in there you gotta be a really really really good team which the Thunder can

Do uh but nonetheless JB is an All-Star caliber of player Chad hren is he going up is he going down I think Chad hren is obviously heading in the in the right direction and he’s climbing his stock now for a rookie stockat going up is just saying

That you’re playing well cuz there not really they too much to compare to obviously but I think that he from his from even just looking at his college days I think he’s gotten better um as a as a defender in space I think he’s gotten better as a play finisher I think

He’s gotten better uh just as a dribbler from where he was in summer league which we knew was going to happen you can go back and listen to those summer league podcasts of of you know the the turnovers and stuff in summer league was a combination of a lot of different

Things where it’s it’s a totally different style of basketball in summer league more comparable to the G League style and I think that people you know will confuse that with like less talented no it’s just like the G league and summer league when you’re in those

Settings you are trying to get looks at players who you might sign and and in the modern NBA you want to sign up and load up on wings and guards and like those are the guys you’re going to look at so there’s not a ton of like Sinners

You know true traditional sinners in the G league and in summer league and that’s why the pace is so much higher that’s why the offense is so much higher because every team is playing with with the Thunder play where they’re playing just like a ton of versatile wings from

One to five they’re getting out and running they’re pushing off misses they’re trying to score in transition and it just racks up a ton and ton and ton of points so the style of play is so much different than what it is in the NBA because you’re just trying to

Evaluate an individual player and so I think that like sometimes you can look at the G league and look at some of the funky stats that happen some of the and some of the quirkiness of it and and think that that just means it’s worse off basketball it’s just different

Basketball I think that those those are some really really talented players in the G league and summer league but but with that being said when you have you know a four-wing lineup who are all trying to for the most part fight for an NBA contract and you have a big man

Bringing the ball to the court it gets tougher to to to maneuver in that space and so obviously he came off with the massive injury as well which made it tough so like the turnover thing was overblown in summer league but it has he has gotten cleaner Handles in summer

League I think that his shot looks better I I I think I think it looks a little bit more faster than it was at Gonzaga of course that’s very tough to tell on uh on video that it is in real life so I I don’t know if that’s

Actually just a kind of a my imagination or having seen it in person now versus not seeing in person in Gonzaga but it looks a lot faster than it was at genin zaga so I think the CET just heading in the right direction as a elite Defender generational rim protector and the play

Finisher that people have been clamoring for in Oklahoma City his ability to cut his ability to play in The Pick and role his ability to relocate and and and play off the catch and and and catch and shoot opportunities all that stuff is what makes this Thunder team go and

That’s part of why people are a little bit hesitant on the Thunder of just like you’re relying on a rookie who has to make this team go with SJ and with jdub and jdub’s only a seconde player like that that’s where the scary part comes

In but I think that so far they they’ve Managed IT very very well and and those are the guys that you’re going to want to lean on this year and for the future because you know these are these are experience points that they’re getting uh for being in a role that they’re

Going to be in for a long time of just consistently running the show consistantly you know being the top look at guys to to score on this team and to play well on this team moving on we’re going to talk about the bench unit but first I want to say

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Apply we’re back on the lockdown theer podcast on the lockdown podcast Network your teams every day talking to you about the Thunder bench right now Stockwatch Edition we did we did the starters in the first segment let’s do the bench here and we still have to grade your takes uh today grade your

Your fake trades which I think is going to be a lot of fun uh we’re not going to get to all the fake trades I don’t think today but we’ll save them and just continue to do them and roll them out uh for for the deadline so if you missed

The the entry don’t worry still send in your fake trades and then we’ll grade them on the show uh as we lead up to the deadline let’s start with Isaiah Joe I think that Isaiah Joe is trending up for maybe not the reason that you think right because I think people still view

Isaiah Joe as this like Sharpshooter three-point specialist you know he you know in December he actually only shot 34% from three but he was still so impactful with his ability to collect rebounds with his ability to play defense and get out in transition run the floor uh to cap off possessions he’s

A really nice cutter and he just does the dirty work even though his frame wouldn’t suggest that he’d be a dirty player he absolutely is and when you look at his body of work as a three-point shooter I don’t have any concerns with the fact that you know he he he had a

Little dip in December you know 34% for him is a dip but he’s back up to 42% in in January and that includes that’s nine games already in January that includes the the 0 for five game the other night but he turns it around and goes five for

Six you know the next night so Isaiah Joe is going to be a lethal three-point shooter but it’s all the other things that he’s added it’s the rebounding it’s the defense and it’s the ability to create uh stops on that end either by high pointing a rebound or by diving for

A loose ball or by being top half in the NBA uh in drawing offensive fouls whatever it is he’s able to get the Thunder uh a spark either by knocking down five in a row threes or by playing high level basketball on the other end he’s became a complete player and he’s

Trending in the right direction because he’s proven over the last year you last year and this year that he’s a playoff player sometimes you get you know these these three-point Specialists and and when they’re 64 and 165 like you get these three-point Specialists and they just can’t play in the postseason they’re

Gonna get played off the floor in a slower game you’re hunting mismatches if you hunt Isaiah Joe in the pick and roll you’re going to be in for a rude awakening like obviously he’s not going to be L Dort but he’s not going to be a traffic cone out there he is going

To scrap and he’s going to get deflections and he’s going to get stops and so you can handle that because of his shooting that he brings you because of the offense that he brings you as well let’s go case Wallace again with rookies it’s a bit tougher because

There’s there’s not an NBA comparison but case race just you have to be feeling good about stock that you bought in case Wallace because he’s such an you know Elite level Baseline Defender like like like the Baseline for his defense shows you that he’s going to be an elite

Defender sooner than later you can look at this week alone and see how he defends LeBron James Harden and all these guys like he’s going to be an elite Defender then the three-point shot you know seems real now again this is another guy who who’s who had a little

Bit of a dip in December compared to where he was but where he was was a was a you know unrealistic like un replicatable high right like you’re not going to shoot 80% from three you’re just not and that’s what he did in October you’re not going to you’re not

Going to shoot 52% from three that’s what he did in November he dips down to 30% December and now he’s at 32% in January it’s like these are these are two of the dips that have that kind of come back to earth a little bit but you

Know whenever you dive into his numbers in college in conference play he he shot 40% from three like he has a a nice sample size of shooting well from three so I do buy that three-point shot I I do buy that he can be an elite Defender and

Will be an elite defender in the NBA and then he also has that kind of just Dirty Work to him or or uh kind of that that ability to scrap for opportunities and for a undersized team they need those Scrappers let’s continue on talking about the bench let’s go to poku poku

Stock is trending so far down poku stock would be like investing in glass bottled milk right now or investing in a dodo bird farm it just would not be good for you to invest in poku stock great person all that good stuff qualifiers he can’t even dress on these

Nights he’s a you know imp pending restricted free agent next year we know how the Thunder have operated with red for agents he isn’t even active on most nights to even be sitting on the bench in uniform most nights he’s sitting in Street closed the writing’s on the wall with

Poku like that that has to just be trending horrendously down with poku let’s continue let’s talk Olivier SAR Olivia SAR I just think that he’s he’s trending down in the sense of or at least like middling like I would say middling because trending down is like a bad

Connotation I know people like Olivier SAR Olivier SAR is my looks likee Theory where it’s just like he looks like he’s a big man he looks athletic and he looks like just this this awesome you know true five and he gets a ton of blocks and he’s just awesome when in reality

He’s just a block chasing R roller he chases a lot of blocks so he’s out of position and gets scored on a lot at the ram even at the g- league level and he gets some blocks which which makes it feel like oh gosh look at him’s he’s a

Big man and yes you know he can use his body and box out and get some boards because he’s 7 feet tall and that’s awesome like he is still not this like overly physical traditional big man who can go and play down low against all the

Tough matchups and so when I see people like clamoring like why aren the Thunder playing sarm more when they have such this size deficiency I just I don’t think that he’s like the the secret formula to to all of this I don’t think that he is the

The big that you think he is I think that he looks like it it’s sort of like you know Eric cosmer versus Billy but they’re like Eric cosmer much better looking ball player Billy Butler was was a better player than Eric cosmer in baseball that’s a bad comparison because

It’s baseball and I don’t think a lot of people like care about Royal baseball especially how bad they were in the Billy Butler era but still you know SAR looks the part doesn’t necessarily play the part you know and then Lindy Waters I I think that he’s just middling

Because he’s just continuing to be what he’s always been at the NBA level he’s a he’s a solid Team Defender he’s a guy who is a shooter and name only right like he’s build is a sharp shooter he misses a bulk of his wide open Catch and shoot shots uh and he

Does not just shoot the lights out of the gym he is a player who makes a ton of great reads in the sense of when you have him on the court he’s not going to cost you a possession he’s not going to throw the ball away he’s not going to do

Something something silly he’s just going to he’s going to do his job but it’s to the level of of of extent of like what level can he do that job at he’s gonna he’s gonna make the right decisions but even when you make those right decisions how often can it be

Successful so that’s why I’m saying that that Lindy Waters is middling KY Johnson trending up KY Johnson has been incredible in the g- league uh and I think that he’s not beating down the door of NBA opportunity he’s a really good rebounder especially for size but a really good rebounder just in general

The technique of rebounding is not lost on kthy Johnson he has it on the glass he he’s a really good transition threat he’s a really good cutter he’s a he’s a really good dunker spot option if you want to kind of sit him there and use

Him as a safety valve off of drives and then defensively I really buy into Kei Johnson’s defense and that shot continues to fall at a 40% clip from three something he did at Kansas State something he did now in the G League like that shot is just pure so I I think

That kthy Johnson sooner than later should should be beating down the door for NBA chances Usman Jang I’m gonna say Usman Jang is trending up slightly like it’s not as though like it’s not as though if you’ve invested in Usman Jang you are making money hand over fist but

You’re also not losing money like I know that that whenever you only pay attention to the NBA the NBA level and he only plays you know five 10 12 minutes and in those minutes and in those situations it feels like every game’s dire because I I do

Believe that the vast majority of this thunder fan base has that football brain where like every game is a make or break game and we overanalyze every possession that sometimes you can get lost in that and that realize how much better Usman Chang is than where he was as a rookie

He is a better player he is a more comfortable player he is a more decisive player he is a more aggressive player he’s making these in incremental increases that’s not to say that he’s ready for for bulk NBA opportunity or bulk NBA rotation minutes I I was the

First one to say that you know Aaron Wiggins should have been should have never had a dnp CD even if that means that you don’t try out Usman Jen um but nonetheless he’s played well in the G League not shooting the ball well from three in the G league but overall he’s

Just looked the part better as a as a more confident player just his his sure offensive Force pops off the screen so he has gotten better and his stock is turning up and that it might be surprising to hear um if you only pay attention to the NBA but he is getting

Better as a player the question is brusman Jang how much better and how quickly can he get better how much better can he get as a shooter and when will his developmental process kind of be accelerated because you know you’re you’re going to have halfway through this season right

Now I don’t think mman Jang is a guy that you want to rely on in their rotation right now at the NBA level I don’t know if he’ll get there this season then you’re going to have a slew of roster changes this summer then you’re going to have a new crop of young

Players who you’re going to be developing then pretty soon you start to see how the game passes You by and so I think that that this summer was huge for isman Jang he is a completely different player you know in the sense of I struggle to say mental things I I don’t

Know where his head was at last year I don’t I don’t I’m not inside these guys minds but last year he was not de at all he shied away even in the G League he did not want the ball in the G League he

He just he did not play with any sort of offensive force in the g- League this year it’s the complete it’s the complete opposite he is in charge of that g-league team he wants the ball he wants the opportunity he wants the possession he wants the Takeover he does those

Things exactly the way you want to in the G League which is why he got rewarded with NBA minutes and I think that his NBA minutes were good it’s just so happen that like the team wide minutes were not good and so I think that that kind of put a damper on things

With Usman as well but the big thing is going to be is shooting that’s going to be the key for a lot of players in the modern NBA can you shoot the ball well from three to this point he has not uh but but we’ll see for musman Jang Davis

Brans middling meic heading up bans G middling I mean he just bans bratans is Brans is Bron meic trending up he’s getting more comfortable he’s looking better uh up against athletes and sharing the floor with them so I think that that that me is heading in the right direction let’s pause now before

We finish out the roster real quick uh to discuss our good friends over at game time I love game time you know that I love game time use code locked inba for $20 off your first purchase why I think game time so great is that the NBA is like our bread and

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Check it out today at game time for those last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed so I think that meic is heading in the right direction I think that he’s getting more comfortable around NBA players he’s he’s playing better offensively uh he is just overall a better player in January than he was

At the start of the season in the NBA getting more minutes and getting more opportunity also he’s just learned the game more at the NBA level which we knew that his his caliber would figure it out around this time Jay will I think is middling like Jay will Jay will has not

Been a totally different player than he was last year he’s also he’s also not been worse than he was last year he’s just been jwell like jwell is is a nice floor spacing option uh who who can take up minutes and he Innings Aaron Wiggins I think Aaron Wiggins is trending up

From his like overall player developmental standpoint U I would like to see him of course get more minutes I think that he can do everything on the floor and play exceptionally well well I give Wiggins in his opportunities given an A minus B+ type of season Ken

Williams the last one Ken Williams I think that Ken Williams could be middling right now of he’s certainly not turning downward but I’m not sure what what the next gear is for him I think that this is just the role he’s going to be in like this is just who

He’s going to be in so you can let this thing ride and accumulate money for you over time because Ken Williams is going to bring in in City he’s going to bring um the grit and grind and that three-point shot I I think is legit I do

Worried about the free throws I’m not I’m not sure about the free throws the free throws are kind of concerning and then and then I think that over the last couple of games he might have looked a step or twoo slow but I’m sure that’ll

All be ironed out with time this is a very brutal part of the schedule especially for you know an older player on the roster an older player who also had the back issues at the start of the season so monitor that as well but their Stockwatch on every single player who’s

Going up who’s going down give me your players on who you think is going up and down uh afterward as well so the fake trades let’s there’s a lot of them and so we’re already at at like 32 minutes let’s I did not think that Stockwatch would take that long I do apologize

Let’s save these fake trades for Monday we’re going to recap the Jazz game uh tonight we’re going to recap the Timberwolves game on Sunday let’s save the fake trades for Monday so if you want to get your fake trades in you can do it on YouTube you can do

It on Twitter Ryland Styles and let’s talk about this game against the Jazz so Oklahoma City comes into this game 0 and2 on the road trip they lost to the Lakers they lost to the Clippers on a back toback now they go face the red hot jazz in

Utah to this point in the season the Thunder have not had more than a two- game losing streak but this is a dangerous part of their schedule now luckily you know you know they have the the Trailblazers coming up next week to kind of stop the bleeding but you have

The red hot Jazz today you have Minnesota in Minnesota who’s been a thorn in your side for a while now on Saturday this could spiral into like a 0 and3 0 and4 one win type of road trip which is okay which is normal like the Jazz are 9- one in their last 10

Games they’re on a six game high right now they are F 15 and five at home the altitude plays a part in that as well but just beware that like a four game losing streak is not out of their own possibility and is also look you never want to go on a four

Game losing streak but it’s also not the end of the world in the in the NBA this happens to a lot of teams it happened to last year center team multiple times and they still got where they wanted to go the kings are on a three- game losing

Streak right now like you’ve seen teams go on bad stretches and still end up being quality NBA teams so it could happen circumstantially the back toback the the five games and seven nights the tough January and then you CAU the Jazz at the wrong time you can’t Minnesota on

The road who’s always going to be a tough game for you and a tough matchup for you so we’ll see I think that this is going to be if the Thunder can somehow Salvage a two and two or even just win one of these next two games I

Think that that would be a really good Testament to just what this young team is made of like this Thunder team despite the red hot jazziness the Jazz being scorching hot and the and the horns playing brutally loud despite that the Thunder are the better team the Thunder are the

Much better team much more talented team if the Thunder can come into this game and handle the altitude handle the road environment handle the momentum Utah has handle the the you licking their wounds of the last two games if they can come in and win this game that’d be huge for

Them and that’d be huge for kind of setting the tone of what this team is and and I guess I guess we shouldn’t say setting because it’s Midway through the season But continuing the tone of what the tone has been and tener has been so far this season for Oklahoma setting and

Then you head to Minesota tough tough game uh but you’re going to get up for a game like that whenever it’s the top two teams in the west going at it so let’s see what they can do against Utah we’re going to have the recap for you right

Here on the lockdown ther podcast uh including on YouTube and any other podcasting platforms that you you may have subscribe for free uh and also follow me on Twitter and threads _ Styles and until tomorrow when we recap this Jazz game be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder are at the mid-way point of their season, and it is time for MIDSEASON STOCK WATCH, grading your fake trades; who should the OKC Thunder target at the NBA Trade Deadline? Can the Thunder make a huge trade? Could OKC just improve their roster at the deadline? Will this losing streak spiral on the Bricktown boys?

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#ChetHolmgren #OKCThunder #JoshGiddey


  1. I don't want to see us make a major trade, but if we do, I'd really like to see JJJ from Memphis come play the 5 and move Chet over to the 4 spot. Would trade anyone but Shai, J Dub, Chet or Dort. Package of mostly picks and 1 or 2 role players.

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