@Minnesota Timberwolves

A-Rod challenges himself to make one shot before he can go inside

A-Rod challenges himself to make one shot before he can go inside

by Knightbear49


  1. OneOfTheDads

    I only made it 15 seconds into the video and have concluded that A Rod froze to death. Gone to soon, RIP

  2. Scottie81

    I’m loving Snow-Adverse-Minnesota-Winter-Sports-Owner Alex Rodriguez.

  3. FireFrogs48

    It’s a good thing he knew how to play baseball

  4. xAlphamang

    Good thing he has such a nice house to warm up in. lol

    More power to him for being in MN during the winter though. That’s kinda crazy.

  5. A-Rod is such a dork lol. I love him as our teams owner.

  6. For those who don’t live in MN, when he says he can’t feel his hands at -5 degrees, he’s not joking.

  7. WrinkledRandyTravis

    Does he think he’s going to impress Minnesotans with the little -5 overlay? All I took from this video was that he still hasn’t finished shoveling

  8. Carth_Onasi_AMA

    Liking these little skits from him, cool to see he wants to be engaged with fans. Also, he didn’t take his shoes off and doesn’t have a floor mat inside. Just walks all over his nice floor with his wet shoes.

  9. TheTrenchMonkey

    Unlocking memories of playing basketball growing up and the ball hitting a wet snowbank and when you pick it up there is two pounds of snow stuck to it.

    Your hands do go numb after a while and when you go in and wash up the stinging sensation was something else.

  10. I love that he is embracing being in MN and actually being here in the winter to experience our culture.

  11. No-Strawberry7814

    I’m gonna start liking ARod. What is happening to this world

  12. JoeyBougie

    I’m worried he might actually kill himself can someone help Mr. Rodriguez?

  13. RexArcana

    I was finally ready to like this guy and then he goes and wears his wet shoes inside the house.

  14. BeleagueredDleaguer

    He left his ball outside and left the door open! Good thing he can burn money to keep himself warm… and watch a sizzling hot nba team courtside

  15. yourloudneighbor

    That’s a sick house, and one heck of a humblebrag on his end. His follow through needs work but probably couldn’t feel his wrist at that point

  16. Kack-Jerouac

    as a twins fan and a yankee and cheater hater, as hard as it is to say, i must admit he’s earning my respect doing these mn cold winter videos

  17. yarn_install

    Shoes in the house this man does not belong here smdh

  18. I can’t believe this doofus is one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

  19. Can’t lie, he’s doing a great job endearing himself to the fan base. Some will call it corny or whatever- but it shows he cares. And the timing of them stepping into ownership couldn’t be better. I love this team.

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