@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Barnes, Barrett, Trent contribute to beat-down in Toronto | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Barnes, Barrett, Trent contribute to beat-down in Toronto | Five on the Floor

The Flor my where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y the plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s having guts we here to bring

The heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network welcome back to five on the floor the latest edition of post game

Five on the floor tonight’s floor plan I am your host Greg sander with me on five on the floor is Alex Toledo you can follow him on Twitter at Tropical blanket and Brady Hawk you can follow him on Twitter at Brady Hawk 305 we are

Going to do a little little bit of a dive I’m not gonna call it a deep dive because I am not about to uh subject myself to this for too long but uh the heat we’re going to get into the loss up in Toronto 12197 is the final score it

Was ugly it was really ugly like I don’t know how much I even want to go into this we should even end the show right now and that would probably be equivalent to the effort that we saw in the first half um and so so let’s just start by

Acknowledging that uh so we’re going to dive into all that but before we do uh I do want to call out that we have our off the- floor Discord server and it’s blowing up currently because everybody wants to find the right trade uh you can

Find up to um I don’t even know how many channels we have now but it’s uh it’s reaching double digits but the ones that are the most fun is our main thing chat also our trades chat it’s a lot of fun you can interact with other Heat fans 247

It’s $299 on desktop 3.99 if you have an iPhone uh and you want to do it from your phone but you definitely want to check out off the floor it’s our Discord it’s pinned to all of our Twitter pages myself included uh we’re always tweeting

About it but you also can find it in the description of this show so check out off the floor and that’s it we’re leaving because that’s about as much as the Heat’s effort was tonight no so um 12197 Alex we were on playback so we

We’ve uh and Brady was there as well we we’ve talked a little bit about this but is Gary Trent Jr a um he’s not a scrub so is he just is he a heat killer at this point and then your opening remarks for tonight’s game he is I mean

He’s certified he’s done it before and exact type of guy who kills you and it wasn’t just him tonight like RJ Barrett got to 26 Scotty Barnes only having 20 points to me I I felt like he had 40 but it really was because of the way that him and the

Others on the Raptors were just kind of marching parading you might say to the rim all game long because man that defense was terrible that was sickening and it’s funny because I feel like the last two postgame pods or at least I wasn’t on the hornest one because since

We were at the game but I’ve left saying like man there was some bad basketball played this was a whole different level man like when it just comes to the heat right because last game it was more about both teams kind of stinking it up

For a good portion of the game but the heat stunk it up tonight like it was just that was some of the most atrocious defense I’ve seen all season which it’s just annoying because it felt like they were kind of finding their their identity there in in re in you know

Recent games it felt like they were defending better even with like the terrible offensive basketball played recently the the the the defense it felt like it was starting to find itself and shape into form a little bit you know you’ve got your best players back and we

We spent all season long talking about how Jimmy bam and Tyler have only played six games together man after tonight I don’t know if I want to see them play together ever again I’m obviously messing around but it’s just like that was just such a [ __ ]

Effort I’m sorry to curse I try not to do that on this pod but that’s really what it comes down to it’s hard to get it to more than that like the heat very much have a way that they want to beat you and we talked about it at nauseum

For years when it comes to like they want to take away the rim they want to make you shoot kind of semi contested threes that aren’t necessarily super clean that wasn’t that was completely like what did not occur tonight the Raptors were just making their way into the paint seemingly without much

Resistance at all like for for a big portion of this game and then they got on fire from three because they kept generating generating wide open looks and then I was talking about on play playback like yeah the second half there was there was bound to be some

Regression from the Raptors because they were 14 of 22 from three in the first half and the heat were one of 16 which is obviously just a huge ginormous Gap that there was going to be some some sort of Middle Ground found but um you can’t even like and the regression came

A little bit in the third quarter like the Raptors weren’t on fire from three in the third quarter the problem is you were down by so much that regression came and you were still down by like 20 or whatever it was the third quarter that’s how pissed po your defense was

That even regression couldn’t save you right like they got to 14 of 22 in the first place from three because of how bad their defense was and man it was I just can’t emphasize enough how bad it was and it’s not one person and look I

Was not like and I’m sure we’re gonna get into this but uh on future shows I wasn’t a fan of the stting lineup heading into the game I I would I wanted to keep seeing play with another point of attack Wing I can’t even blame it on

That tonight like it it started off with them for sure but it just continued no matter what lineup was out there and it’s like I still feel the same that I would like to go back to the the bigger lineup and I think Kyle at this point

Should be sent to the bench I don’t know why he he they they feel the need to keep him as a starter I don’t think he’s proven himself as somebody who needs to be in that starting lineup this season regardless of that the effort from everybody was terrible tonight everybody

And it wasn’t 100% of the game but it it felt like it wasn’t that far off from 100% like I just thought it was an allaround piss poor effort and I know that wasn’t very like X’s and O’s heavy or even it shouldn’t

Be that’s what I saw what I saw no no CA what what we saw transcends it transcends X X’s and O’s excuse me uh Brady we we talked a little bit about it on playback about the starts of these games and that we we harp on closing

Lineups and you set you are articulated this beautifully so I’m paraphrasing and quoting Brady but so if I get it wrong correct me but who we we get all hung up on what the closing lineup’s going to be but you you need to get to the closing

Lineup first right so the the opening lineups do matter because the domino effect of the entire game and it just seems like off or defensively early in this one they were disconnected as hell do you foresee them doing something different early in games maybe is it a substitution pattern is it a starting

Lineup change what do you think that they can do differently early in these games that maybe can just fortify them so that they’re not um in a slugfest a cement battle not even a A slugfest or a mud mud fight but a cement battle um or

You know what I mean like it’s a situation where they how can they get out of that early in games I think they do need a starting lineup shift like that’s that’s kind of the the point I’m at and it’s not even overreacting to this one game like I

Said before this is a multiple game thing this is this is a bigger sample sized in this and just because and I said this on playback as well just because they won that Brooklyn game shouldn’t make them as positive and confident as maybe you would think like

I think there the problems that occurred you can’t just throw out the window just because they made that comeback and it was same thing here like even if like let’s just say the impossible happened and they made this come back tonight we’re I we still needed to have the

Discussion that needed to be had of the inconsistencies and the stuff that’s happening to start quarters and it’s happened all year and I’ve literally talked like players have talked about it I’ve talked about with Tyler where he asked him about before about the start of third quarter specifically I didn’t

Even bring up the first quarter because it was at the point of the season when the third quarter was just kept happening over and over coming at halftime and he’s like well if it’s not the third quarter it’s the first quarter and it’s become a trend like it’s always

Been one of those things where they’re coming out slow and it’s at the point now where you’re saying yeah starting lineups don’t matter as much as closing lineups like that’s always been the case like okay it doesn’t matter that much but at some point it does matter at some

Point it does matter because you have to you can’t just be losing and trailing every game at the start of the quarter and say well we have our lineup we’re going to get to eventually like that that that’s not the point here how can you when you start the quarter I mean

You got outscored in the first quarter 18 to 41 yeah and and today was just a totally you know totally different scenario like even and they responded by getting outscored in the second quarter by 12 which exactly so to your point earlier this isn’t a starting lineup issue tonight specifically because it

Blended into a bunch of different lineups but this is a rhythm game and and things happen in the domino effect that that Greg mentioned can happen in a basketball game where if if you’re kind of sluggish to start a game it’s not easy for this bench group to come in and

Find a rhythm immediately you’re playing off those same guys so it’s It’s just tough to see so as I said before I think they’re you’re at the point now where you need to start evaluating a starting lineup shift now the question becomes where is that coming from because we’ve

Heard the talk about who is the starting four there’s been the talk about Kyle Lowry there’s been all these different scenarios that’s being thrown out there I just think that at this point first of all we we another thing we talked about on playback gred that we went back and

Forth about is the point guard thing where they we always say they don’t have a point guard essentially they have two right now in the starting lineup like quote unquote and neither of them are high volume Shooters neither of them are high volume scores they’re both looking

To kind of play that role and one of them doesn’t even really have the ball his hands that much so you’re at a scenario now where it feels like if you’re going to kind of plug this in as Alex said before putting a point of attack bigger Wing in there as we’ve

Seen I don’t even remember was it one game or two we’ve seen it we we saw it for for a small sample size there where uh it looked pretty good so I just think the scenario Alex were you what were you jump G to say I um I was muted for a

Second I was gonna say it was one game with Tyler and one game with Duncan if I remember correctly with that line right so they they’ve done it before and it’s it’s not something we’re accustomed to seeing I guess in Miami but I think at this point in the season where you can

Tinker and you have your top end Talent available this is the time to do it because as I said before as well we don’t know when when one of these top guys are going to go out again and and miss another stretch of game so if you

Want to figure out your problem with your main guys playing you better figure it out now and then you can mess around and then when you have guys out you could put Kyle in or yic in or anybody in that you want at that point but right

Now I think you need to figure out a rhythm so I I think it’s time to start evaluating that speaking of Rhythm let’s go to the Rock orts gamer of the night and now on five on the floor it’s time for the gamer of the night sponsored by

Rock Esports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in paletto Bay they’ve got a 5500t state-ofthe-art center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for just 25 bucks but if you mention five

Reasons it’s just $20 so mentioned five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20 and now the gamer of the night before we get into the gamer of the night need to give a major shout out we got a watch party coming up in a

Tournament Alex tell them about it damn it you put me on the spot we’ve got a watch party in 2K tournament coming up I was trying to quickly refer to um the flyer here because I uh forgot the date but the rock gamer of the night in the meantime is Gary Gary

TR eight of nine this guy I almost gave it away earlier he was in an absolute Rhythm killed the heat from start to finish 10 of 13 from the field 28 points it could have been RJ Barrett it could have been Emanuel quickley he almost had a triple double it could have been

Scotty Barnes there were plenty of guys that killed Miami but Gary Trent Jr led the charge he is the rock Esports gamer of the night and now with those tournament and watch party details yes sir so the watch party is going to be on January 27th he at Nicks and that game is

Starting at three o’clock so uh we’re trying to make it easier for you guys uh to kind of head over there and give you enough time and not only that even better um the 2K tournament since the game starts at three: it’ll be ending around 5:30 2K tournament will is set to

Start around six so you know it’s going to be in the middle of the day um I think it’s going to be easier for you guys to come out there we’ve been we were trying to make sure to get kind of like a weekend game or something that we

Could get in the middle of the day um and that is on a Saturday so again January 27th Saturday um go to rock Esports Center sorry I’m like trying to get these details off the flyer and basically if you want to just come and hang out watch the game with us it’s

Free like you don’t have to pay anything you can just hang out watch the game there will be snacks there will be food there will be drinks um sold over there and if you want to enter the 2K tournament we brought down the entry fee

It’s now $15 all of that goes to the pot to the cash prize not only that today we got Ethan to kind of you know up the pot a little bit he’s going to throw down a $50 cash prize on top of you know the

Entry fee pot and there’s going to be a second place prize as well so we’re just trying to kind of you know spice it up spice it up a little bit for you guys make it a little bit more interesting and I plan to get first place I I got

Second place last time I made some progress so you want to make sure you win this money and not me come out to Rocky Sports Center not just watch the game with Alex you would have won that money at the last one now that they’ve extended the prize pot but you better

Bring your bring your aame out there you’re all lucky I ain’t a gamer no more I should send my son out there he he’ll um run it on y’all um okay so I don’t really want to talk about this game a lot more because it was an awful display

Of Heat basketball but we are going to run through a few other things here um I want to talk a little bit about Josh Richardson because I think that this is we’re getting to a point here where the ups and the Downs to me um it’s unbelievable to see the star

Difference between when Josh is playing well and what that looks like and when Josh is not playing well and some of the shooting I think impacts other parts of his game do either of you think I’m overreacting to Josh’s recent shooting impacting other parts of his game am I

Singling out Josh Richardson or either of you as concerned as I am recently about his uneven play I mean I would say this is pretty pretty much what you should expect like I think what you would have expected like he’s a player that has two different sides to him like he’s a guy

That can get hot and be streaky and kind of find a rhythm but when he’s not it could be a little ugly at times that’s what we’ve seen at different stretches of this season and that’s why I don’t know if it’s overreacting or not I just think this kind of the expectation of

His game and that why there’s there’s certain questions that we’re going to have of what does his minutes look like if any in the in a you know a certain playoff rotation like are they kind of squeezing him in is he a guy that’s kind

Of subbing in on the back end on in certain matchups that’s kind of what I think they’re going to be at because they’re at the point now where they’re playing a lot of their wings and bigs as guards that they don’t need just because he’s a guard they don’t need him

Just to play that position especially he’s not even he’s not even really generating a ton of assists like it’s not like he’s playing that position he’s just kind of out there in this position this system so if he’s not shooting well if he’s not having that rhythm he’s a

Guy that you kind of have to cut his leash and I think the question tonight more so was the minutes that people were discussing because he was at you know 23 minutes but Off the Bench like it’s they didn’t cut his leash at all like they

Just kind of let him keep going and that’s always been as part of his game as well I feel like like he’s not somebody that’s gonna shy away from to keep shooting like if he’s inefficient like I think even last game he was three for 13 like he kept he keeps getting the

Ball up he keeps kind of getting those opportunities and it’s at the point now where he’s sort of the guy in certain lineups that’s getting helped off of so he’s kind of forced to take a lot of those shots but he’s gonna have to start making them consistently so we’ll see

What happens but in a one game sample size I don’t know if we’ll overreact but I think in the long run there’s certain things to evaluate and see you know where he’s going to fit in the rotation wise that that’s kind of where I was

Going because you look at him he has one assist in the last three games he was two of seven from the field tonight three of 13 or three of 10 so three of 13 over Brooklyn so it’s just that that jumped off the page to me is just Josh

Having one of those downturns um but the other guy that I thought was better tonight Alex was Caleb Martin he played a lot of a more efficient game he looked like he was rounding back into form I know that that is lost amongst when you lose by this much nobody wants to hear

Anything good happen but I think Caleb Martin was one of the few bright spots uh did you like what you saw from him what kind of what were your thoughts on Caleb night I mean you know what like he was okay and that’s about as much as I

Can say because it’s like like you said before it’s just hard to give anybody too much credit um when you really just got roundly beat like that roundly just destroyed and you know yeah like he finished four or five he gave you five assists that’s good stuff you know like

We can point to something good from tonight I guess but yeah man like I just can’t take away much from it when like your best three players each 16 points and you know me I’m not one to just talk about raw points or anything like that but like I thought

Overall it was just a bad effort and you know when when when their defense is not in place I don’t believe in their offense that’s kind of what it comes down to I I’ve I’ve hinted at it before but I felt like some of their offensive um efficiency and production was kind of

Fluky and I’ve fought against that narrative whenever it’s been brought up in the past for the heat in their playoff runs but I do think like in this regular season they’ve started off shooting really well from three and we’re still middle of the pack in offense right and like we know what they

Do in the mid-range they they we still doing it high volume high efficiency for the most part weren’t expecting them to be like a good finishing team or or get getting to the rim much like none of us expected that so with those circumstances right and and a decent record you think okay

Their offense is a little better than than than we expected it to be no I mean middle of the pack with just about everything going right and look and I saw a stat today that was about their shot quality they were kind of in the in

The bottom five I want to say in three-point shot quality but we’re in the top like two in percentage some of that just doesn’t scream sustainability like what and and that that’s relevant to tonight by the way and relevant to last game because they started off both games shooting nothing from three like

And I mean uh just as far as makes and I know I’m all over the place here but it’s just saying like they start tonight what was it one of 16 from three yeah and in the first half last game 0 of 12 from three if I remember correctly and

That three is not falling and sometimes when their offense is just really like it’s it’s it becomes not going well there and Jimmy has said this so many times throughout the years but there’s been times throughout the throughout the years here where when their defense is

Not I mean their offense is not there and they’re not making shots or a decent amount of shots their defensive effort kind of Falls along you know it goes along the Wayside too it’s just that can’t be that can’t be happening you’re not talented enough to play that

Game and I get it like it’s three games of four nights all of that you know like there there’s something to be said about that but really I can’t I can’t I can’t even talk about that like your effort from the start was terrible tonight and

Then you followed it up with another bad quarter and it’s just like how bad did you really want it you know what I mean yeah no tonight was a game where I think we all felt like stop crying that’s what it felt like yeah you I wanted to turn the TV

Off early I’m gonna be honest because the effort’s coming out and um let’s go to the a aggressive play of the night and now it’s time for the insurance byet play of the night sponsored by insurance at a Aggressive Insurance Agency you can reach out to our friend Lynette at

95458 8800 that’s 954 5818 8800 or insurancepet that’s insurancepet dcom with two WIS two T’s your best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or retirement program reach out to Lynette at insurance by so there’s only one meaningful uh and meaningful is

Going too far noteworthy play that I can remember from the Heat tonight and Bam a bio was the one who did it it was very early in the game so I didn’t know how quite bad it was gonna get uh but he had a little um he had the ball at the top

Of the key had a little shoulder fake the little shimmy fake got to the basket and dunked it I don’t even remember the Tim stamp because he cut the lead to 30 cut the lead to 35 I think cut the lead to 35 it was one of

Those it felt like that it would be that bam a bio dunk I’m also biased when I pick the BAM AO plays but that’s okay no ceiling no ceiling uh and let’s you know what back to back let’s do the Eric Rubenstein injury report and now it’s time for the

Official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born and raised in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan but the important thing is he can help

You get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein decom or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report the injury report’s cleaning up and that’s what made tonight so

Disconcerting to me um really it’s CB and it’s haime hakz JR everyone else is ready to roll um and so the fact that that’s where we are with it being this clean um that is what makes me walk away from this game feeling pretty disconcerted is that your injury report

Can be that quickly I literally did it for you in two sentences uh I don’t expect Kevin Love to be back on this trip neither do I expect haime hakz but I will reiterate to everybody that he still expects to be able to participate in the dunk contest so we feel good

About that um that’s your injury report that’s your play of the night let’s get to final thoughts in a night where Miami shot six of 28 from three that’s 21% Toronto shot 20 of 38 from three that’s almost 53% Miami was outrebounded 4537 and lost the turnover battle 14 to10 Brady final

Thoughts yeah it’s it’s definitely a tough scenario we’ I think we’ve hit on both the issues on on kind of both sides of the ball felt like the offense was bleeding into the defense but I mean spos said he wanted games in the mud and

It was muddy it was muddy for them like let’s just say that like that the game was in the mud the team was in the mud like the only way you’re going to get a game in the mud like it was last year is If you defend at a high level and make

Up for the missed shot so I feel like that’s and look and I don’t want to make this all about the starting lineup thing but you’re not getting a game in the mud with that starting lineup you’re just not that that’s just not the the style you’re playing the only if you’re going

To run that lineup out there you better be playing out of the break you better be scoring uh you better be playing a fast style like it’s just it’s just a certain it’s just a certain Style of basketball you have to Leen to with that

Lineup so if you want to get games in the mud which they need to right now with the way the offense is is looking you better start playing more Defenders and playing into that into that style a little bit more so I’m curious to see if

They do it they head back home obviously for this for this UD game the retirement game so that they’ll be trying to get the Vibes back up yeah maybe maybe in the midst of the all this UD chatter they slip in a starting lineup shift they just try to make it real sneaky

Where where maybe it doesn’t get talked about a lot and all of a sudden L is coming off the bench tonight well wait ud’s Jersey getting retired at halftime wait that that’s the story of the night so hey I’m just I’m just saying let’s look out for it they created diversion I

Like that Brady that’s very Miami Heat like uh I like where you’re how you’re thinking there Alex Final thoughts is there a better night to do that than Udonis Haslam’s retirement ceremony I mean Jersy retirement ceremony like the guy who sacrificed everything right like right Kyle you got

If like think about all the sacrifices made throughout history right we don’t even got to go through them just just off of Udonis right you could you can come up with a little list there and he’s talked about it on his pod with Mike Miller and low like I said there’s

Just no reason for him to be stapled into the starting lineup as if we haven’t seen him be a productive bench player in the past where like you just come in you you you you help organize some of those other guys there you be You’ be getting hakz and love and I mean

I mean playing with other good players still but there’s just no reason to have him in the starting lineup anymore I really I it’s not just about Kyle like I feel like I’ve been pretty fair to him since they’ve had him about what he what

He can and can do I just I don’t see the reason um for keeping him in when all their act all their actions are still like being run through their best players Kyle is literally just a ball mover out there and yic can do that at

611 and actually wants to be out there and and look I don’t I don’t mean to sound like I don’t want to be disrespectful like I’m not saying that none of these guys aren’t trying okay but it’s just like for tonight felt like that for Kyle for Jimmy for love and to different

Degrees I’m not gonna categorize them all in the same in the same boat there but it’s a marathon more so for them because they really are just trying to be healthy by the playoffs so why are we doing this thing where Low’s in the starting lineup getting a lot of minutes

Meanwhile you have this yic kid who is like you know good at the same things he is much taller and needs to be developed like he clearly he is not polished yet and he’s shown you good stuff and showed you you know some stuff tonight not everything was great um specifically the

Finishing but that’s that’s just a team problem as well but what I’m saying is like I just don’t see the need for Kyle to be in the starting lineup I I I think you know you’re not a team that has a lot to depend on offensively so I would just kind of lean

Into the defense play a little bit bigger and really lean into your defensive identity and I feel like that’s something that they would agree with is like we’re not going to win games without playing defense and that’s what Bry was referring to with in the

Mud it’s like it’s the wrong type of mud like the the complete wrong type of mud tonight that’s not that’s not what’s poos met at all and I I don’t have to hear him talk to know that so like look the defensive effort from start to finish was terrible and then honestly

Outside of the three-point shooting stuff that I hit on before and how big that Gap was the heat still can’t finish at The Rim whether in half court or in transition and that’s a problem they can’t generate easy points they can’t they can’t generate easy it’s like you

Know that they’re gonna take a lot of midis and most Knights they’re gonna hit them at a high enough rate that you can feel good about they can they get to the free throw line pretty well when their team is healthy you can feel good about those things they don’t turn over the

Ball you can feel good about that offensively other than that it’s just like when they do get to the rim tonight they got a 33 shots at The Rim that’s a fantastic number normally but it’s just all yes they 19 they were trading Twos for threes yeah I mean yeah exactly

That’s the math problem there when you’re hitting one three in the first half and they hit 14 that’s tough to overcome but you know what it’s even tougher to overcome when you’re shooting 57% within four feet of the rim man and that’s been a problem all season long

They they and and it’s not the only season in the Jimmy era like they’re constantly at the bottom and finishing at The Rim constantly at the bottom at getting to the rim so what does that tell you when the three is falling like their offense is probably not going to

Be enough lean into the defense that’s all I’m saying hopefully they lean into the defense as they head back to Miami for the game against Atlanta Udonis Haslam’s retirement ceremony because UD will not be happy if they play leaky defense against Atlanta thank you to our

Sponsors thank you to Brady thank you to Alex Ethan will be back to uh cover that game as well as have you uh taken care of on the off day in between we appre we did a half hour on this we appreciate our sponsors we appreciate app our listeners peace out

Greg, Alex & Brady go over the Heat getting blown out in Toronto.

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  1. Remember thinking… “oh when Jimmy comes back their defense will be better”…. Cool cool, but now their offense STINKS!

  2. Starting line-up needs to be:

    If that doesn’t work well… Highsmith for Jovic

    easy, easy

    But knowing Spo, he’ll start JRich instead of Kyle 😂

  3. Biggest issue ,Bam,Jimmy and Hero occupy the same spaces , and Hero and Lowry do not generate enough 3s , wouldn't mind Tyler not starting either ,he went back to a inefficient scoring night ,not that anyone was scoring,but his defense sucked way worse than against the Nets ,why wasn't Bam attacking more, no Siacom or OG, he and Jimmy were doubled at first some and nobody that was open could make a shot ,why Spo feels the need to play Rich so much in the fourth 🤔,need to make a change like when they decided to start Max instead of Duncan

  4. Bam just played a team with no center and got 5 rebounds. Yes, he has a ceiling. we have seen it for 5 years. He shrinks when things don't go well. Tyler and jimmy out rebounded him. the nets guards out rebounded him. He was the biggest player on the floor with 5 rebounds and zero offensive rebounds when there were plenty of heat misses.

  5. Spo better focus on them lineups. They are terrible and don’t make sense. Then let the front office focus on a trade.

  6. The Reason why our offense Sucks is because we don’t have any high quality offensive players Besides JJJ, and he’s a Rookie. Jimmy can’t shoot, Bam can’t score in the paint, and Tyler’s IQ hasn’t caught up with his talent yet.

  7. Duncan should start over Tyler and that's not a slight against Tyler; Jimmy and Bam play better with Duncan. Let Tyler cook in the second unit. If Tyler is hot close with Tyler. Let him cook in with the second unit. There's a reason 6th man has an award, it's an important position.

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