@Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets Are Awful AGAIN!

The Charlotte Hornets Are Awful AGAIN!

I’mma have a little hate take because I’ve been too positive today people keep talking about the Pistons they people keep talking about the Wizards people keep talking about scoot yo the Hornets suck again come on come on really talk bro I’m not gonna lie was on the lamelo train I’m not

Trying to say he suck but my got he might not be Numero Uno bro cause they bad again May and maybe Michael Jordan is All To Blame we just had that conversation whatever it is somebody gotta go and it gotta be somebody of substance I’m tired of seeing yo we

Might trade Gordon Hayward I don’t want to hear no no more of that bro this is it’s hard toce when you do nothing but put criminals in an area that indulges criminal activity I’ve never seen a team let so much slide again I am an hour and a

Couple of minutes away from Charlotte the [ __ ] that be on the news about Hornet players I lived I lived in Indiana they weren’t talking about the patience like this then I I lived in New York what nobody talk about Nicks and Nets players like this I lived in

Sacramento no one gave a [ __ ] about DeMarcus Cousin he wasn’t doing nothing crazy in these streets but Charlotte these [ __ ] falling asleep with guns in the car they rappers turn woman abusers their drug addict I don’t care what nobody say Kai Jones was on drugs on Instagram live I don’t care what nobody

Says and and lamelo is a deviant TR he’s a traffic deviant I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a 100 plus unpaid parking uh unpaid traffic citations that [ __ ] L runed light every game the end of every game he runs the red light right outside the arena every single one

I’m just waiting for him to get T-Bone and then blame someone else this is crazy [ __ ] control down there now let me say this because they going to harp on it chat I I know he was hurt as the [ __ ] that shuffled through the uh playback Hornets games like Dam where

Lamelo I know he was hurt he I know he just came back and I’m not even necessarily deeming his play for not playing well in the past couple games but a dog you don’t even have to do that much chat just go to lamelo Stats you

See they got their ass blown out twice by the Spurs for one of them and then even the three before that it’s like okay you had close games with no you got blown out by the magic prior to that sorry and he had two very very close

Games with the Wiz one one with the Wizards and then one overtime game in Boston so even in the last five games he played that it look like [ __ ] changed no like so I’m not I don’t gash like me into waiting another month of the Hornets being [ __ ] for me to say the

Hornets are [ __ ] now stop y’ y’all know they’re bad again and to add on to that PJ Washington you’re lucky Zion’s a freaky frog cuz you would have been the freakiest NBA player There Was You Freaky frog your lucky Zion came out the way he did with the Moran Mills thing

Because people will still be on your ass about why we were so invested in your baby mama drama with you being a a Charlotte Hornet that is insane I can’t I can’t remember ever being invested in any basketball players parental disputes let alone a Charlotte Hornet what the

Hell crazy I I will say this uh what’s his name might be like the um lamelo might end up being like the Vince Carter of this ERA this generation be crazy in in the sense that like you know they talk about oh Vince Carter has so much

Talent he just couldn’t mentally put it together I I believe that Melo got a lot of like for real for real like oh yeah yeah Melo tal it PA have needed yeah Meo tal as I don’t I don’t know why I’m looking at him now is that 20 25 points

Per game I don’t know why lamelo ball can’t average inefficient and maybe maybe we just truly truly truly need to watch more games because I do think I think he’s a bad finisher at the Rim still yeah if and that’s definitely pause um if he could a I don’t know why

He can’t average 27 plus points but I don’t I don’t know know why I know why because who are the other four [ __ ] on the court at the time he’s on the court that’s why [ __ ] out there with half of T rier half the time other time they

Staggering minutes out there with a hobble Gordon Hayward whoever at Center shout out Mark Williams I mean you cool Condor but at the end of the day that’s just Mark Williams uh they out there who’s a powerful PJ Washington they up there battling Court disputes with Miles

Bridges God forbid that you name a guard they drafted outside of Lelo that’s worth a damn all them [ __ ] seem to just be G leue written Nick Smith Jr Amari Bailey Theo madlin name him it don’t matter all the [ __ ] are two-way contracts at guard it’s literally just

Lamelo ball show you talking about Vince Carter hell no that’s not Vince Vince was a little competitive this [ __ ] is Steve Francis I am I know Steve Francis I’m you know you know how this really is the lamelo ball show because this is my third time trying to explain to chat I’m

Not hating on lamelo ball I said the Hornet suck and [ __ ] keep saying yo Ser but but lamelo’s doing lamelo’s doing that yo bro y’all keep talking about lamelo I’m saying the Hornets yet again are bad that’s how that’s how I know that’s all they got and to be

Honest [ __ ] [ __ ] you might not desert a [ __ ] at this point this is getting crazy bro the literally a historic losing team and then the team closest to it on the standing search is the only reason nobody’s talking about this [ __ ] because they they have been the team remember what the Hornets were

Supposed to be let’s really talk about that they should be in disappointing talks in terms of last five years remember that one season where people like damn the Hornets was healthy they lowkey would have been like a top four do like like I hate when NBA fans have

Amnesia bro stop bro this te was supposed to be on timing by now and they are bad again y should watch him play I’m I’m looking at his his shots versus the Miami Heat man why he look like go y for real he be out there chucking he

Like Julian Newman just 68 that’s what Julian Newman look like at 68 just dribble dribble dribble pull ah let me look text for the cameras like that’s all he does it’s insane it’s like Jordan P Aura with no Talent around him it’s it’s kind of crazy it’s it’s insane

Um this is a quicker conversation before we get into the shenanigans making a good time we’re getting to these basketball conversations in the second half talked a lot about Mike we’re about to get back on his body um Jaylen Rose wants to know the great question

Talk oh [ __ ] it always does this huh always when you go full screen always got to reload oh no foremost we can’t have a m J versus why he yelling and what happened to his hair this must be old video LeBron conversation because LeBron got a Leap Frog some other people

On the Mount Rushmore everyone okay there are some people that play basketball that accomplish some things and achieve the level of greatness that LeBron just has not been able to do you want me to name him for you besides Michael Jordan yes you ever heard of a a

Guy named Kareem Abdul Jabar okay you you ever heard of a guy Nam Bill Russell you ever heard of a guy named Irvin Magic Johnson it just when did LeBron pass magic did I did I miss something did I miss something I got this say I got this one

Uh I think he passed magic I think he passed magic the day he didn’t cheat on his wife and get AIDS is all I’m saying I think that day that was the boy no way I beg your pardon had if I had to pick an exact moment it was the moment you

Realiz wait wait wait wait wait what if he does it what if he does it like in two weeks or so oh then the longevity is still crazy like he still lasted longer I beg your pardon without cheating and get AES like he still lasted longer so

There’s still a still no comp you getting all this off right now because you gotta go on the panel tomorrow don’t you that’s why you getting it off right now I’m getting it off now the new Grind is coming I’m getting all the nastiness off now I’m not problem

But yeah um there’s no way there’s no world we’re living in when we’re looking at the resume of a Magic Johnson pre-ad and think about that compared to a LeBron James with no AIDS um I that’s just the AIDS is the killer in my opinion that’s really it like I don’t

Have no on court [ __ ] because that should be obvious because one has AIDS and one doesn’t like people were scared to share the court magic CU they thought if he sweats on me I’mma get it that’s how early he got he didn’t even get late got like he got version one like the

First covid vaccine like [ __ ] you got it this in serious in serious talks I personally think he probably passed magic before he left Miami no [ __ ] I know that might sound crazy [ __ ] two rings the defense the offense left Miami before he left Mi I don’t know why I thought you

Said before he went to Miami oh no no no that’s crazy now that’s I would was like Jesus Christ I don’t know that and then also I mean come on now Jaylen Bill Russell that’s Shameless we’ve got that’s very dis that’s distasteful the Kareem [ __ ] is distasteful like let’s be honest when

Did that no no no no no no let’s be honest let’s be honest Kareem all was Kareem Pro black was he Pro black yeah could be no he couldn’t be because he had a white wife did he not what no not with a white woman didn’t have a white woman is the

Craziest look it up right now that’s not the hell to die on Kare was more he was more Pro black than say % of his whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m not arguing who’s more Pro black I’m just using today’s today’s checklist of what make

You Pro black no this woman is black is she is she white passing no she’s black all right my fa go my fault go my fault King I your body was like that g wait let me make sure jaar my fault goat my bad I a I didn’t know you was getting

Down like that L all my bad the guy the guy if you had his will between the two Kareem is first of all was [ __ ] all the [ __ ] and it’s crazy he didn’t bring him up because that’s the only guy that has an argument in my opinion because when you

Looking at when you look at what makes LeBron a go it’s obviously longevity because I don’t even think he Peak the absolute highest I think there were there has been Micha I think Michael Jordan’s Peak was higher but LeBron’s sustain over was the second one white

Here you go here you go what no no no no no let me get the information because if he left a black woman for a white woman how Pro black can you be she’s got some olive in her skin but look white here you go here you go there

It is I knew CH I knew I wasn’t bugging man the man was with a white woman who was trying to Black pass a little bit he want all the repercussions in the and 80s I I wasn’t bugging yeah you my track C he left her too though so yeah he’s

[ __ ] I give it to you big I would legit argue Jordan I’m not Jordan I would legit argue LeBron because of longevity and all those players I mean you can say Kareem but what are we gonna say longevity wise sucar because longevity wise LeBron put up better

Numbers did he not for a longer period perod of time LeBron was a better player at an older age like Kareem was still an important player when he was 59 years old playing basketball but let’s not lie and act like he was better than what we’re seeing from the chosen one like

Come on gang and the Jordan thing just overrated just just in general just overrated and overstated um the lies that are told about his career when he actually has more evidence to watch his games compared to other guys like Bill Russell you want to say Bill Russell the

Go cool I’m glad you watch the five games available on YouTube to com to that conclusion about how great he was at his time well Mike you can watch a lot of Mike you can watch a lot of Mike like way more compared to guys like Bill

And Kareem and even when Kareem can watch more than bill but with Jordan I mean you can go back and watch if I wanted Kobe with some Bop in a bald head I would go to older Kobe like what are we talking about I I just don’t get

It as a person that watched a recent on stream so there’s no way I could possibly be fabricating this I know some of yall think I lie I just recently watched Kareem and I mean not Kareem Bill and uh Wilt play I ain’t gonna lie me personally aridi no so they’re out of

They’re out of there I ain’t gonna lie I just I was s i I know the rules held them back but the rules made the game harder to play hey it is what it is Buddy both not saying they are not all time great I am saying no I am 50 toes

Down on aridi they’re out I hate the idea that some folks in this world still try to die on Magic over LeBron considering they’re like the most similar archetype player of all time damn near and one is just better I I don’t I don’t know how one plays defense

Better damn near pass is the same it’s a significantly better finisher at the rim and the only difference paive needed and the only difference is even if you want to say they’re dead even Talent is situation literally one [ __ ] H Jr you gotta hit that shot the other dude all

Right good [ __ ] Kar and I’m not I’m not trying to disrespect magic but we’re comparing him to LeBron right now it’s like come on bro I don’t I don’t I I refuse to provide numbers and all that extra [ __ ] which I can do but I refuse

To do all of that comparing LeBron and Magic so that he’s out what was the other names go ahead dama yeah um to my recollection cream also had a baby with the white woman so shut disqualified hey man okay day I’m sorry disqualify from the conversation you haven’t you reproducing With the

Enemy and you supposed to be in the goat convo it is I did you are gross any other person not named Jordan and Kareem I just think I just think you doing a little too much you you’re being dishonest go ahead Omar no cuz I know

Where he like they be going in these conversations and stuff stuff like that and who they choose to prop up and not prop up cuz I saw it when we uh put up the Rashard mccan video and some of these other videos just from now on type your

Criteria type your criteria and make sure that it’s consistent because if this guy’s case is rings and this guy’s case is points and this guy’s case is I don’t know Peak defense or some [ __ ] like that if it’s Rings bill should be one simple if it’s points well currently Bron should be one

But before this Kareem should be one if his defense bill should be one Hakeem should be one some [ __ ] like that where where where are we where’s the criteria because there’s no way that Braun with four can’t be over uh uh uh uh magic with five but another [ __ ]

With four can be over magic with five or you know or or or a [ __ ] with five is over a [ __ ] with 10 you understand what I’m saying and they say they don’t like it when we say [ __ ] in the chat it’s MLK Day what yeah is that on I saw that I

Don’t know oh wow they said when you refer to players as [ __ ] not on my day not on my I beg your pardon I beg your pardon I don’t I just truly for real for real though all jokes aside I don’t know how if if Braun with

Four can’t be over somebody with five somebody five can’t be over somebody with 10 or 11 however however many bill got so Bill be should be somewhere in the conversation right five I get I get somebody five being under somebody with six but seven should be right above that and then 10

Should be over that right I I think that’s how math Works where where is where is JoJo white in this conversation C I think he got he got a few too so I don’t know real JJ where is J no one joh no one put Dennis Smith in this conversation this is

Crazy Brad Samson I don’t know just some generic ass names where are these guys Walter something some [ __ ] back there was named Walter yeah I don’t know you know they had a Polish guy back then too probably so North SK two-time champion hey when I said uh when I said

SGA is better than any guard taller than 62 since MJ somebody in the chat said Mario Charmers [ __ ] bro y funny bro I forgot about Mario forgot about Mario how I forget Ah that’s me chat that Mario chers is me my knowled is just not it was






  1. Lamelo was HOOPING before he got hurt his finishing got way better they overall roster construction just bad

  2. I agree my Hornets suck right now but we aint this bad its literally the injuries that is killing us, not exaggerating to get one player back a player must be sacrificed to replace them…we had to sacrifice our announcer (Eric Collins) to save Nick Richards because we needed a center, I repeat this not a joke im dead serious.

  3. Ya'll Charlotte basketball discourse is cooked just don't talk about em bruh. The uneducated discourse around this team that I keep seeing is just getting annoying atp.

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