@Atlanta Hawks

POSTCAST: Dejounte Murray Creates Magic For Atlanta Hawks At The Buzzer

POSTCAST: Dejounte Murray Creates Magic For Atlanta Hawks At The Buzzer

You are locked on Hawks postcast part of locked on Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into the lockon Hawks postcast you’re home for the best Hawks talk it’s local Insight you can’t get anywhere but here at lockon I’m tanra batist alongside me is desant T today’s

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Deshawn the Hawks went into this final game of the five game home stand looking for a win tonight and a winning record and to go up 2-1 in the season series against the magic they took it right down to the wire and we’re going to talk

About it because they get out of it the notoriously with the 106 104 win we’ll talk a deep dive in the and one we’ll talk about who’s got next what their next game traveling to the other team in Florida but first let’s get T and Tate’s

Take on this win over the magic and you said Tate I thought this was a good win I did I did I really did and I mean listen one of the reasons why I feel that way um is because of what we’ve seen from Orlando this year now granted

You know over the last you know probably couple handfuls of games or what have you um they haven’t looked as good granted they have had some injuries and whatnot but they’ve still like been overachieving all season they’ve still been probably in some people’s eyes overachieving um even you know with some

Of the injuries and so forth even on their West Coast you know road trip and things like that so um I think it’s a good win um at this point the Atlanta Hawks I’m just being honest any win is a good win no matter who it’s against

Let’s just be honest about it um but even more so uh you know just taking a look at this I’m like wow back-to-back wins the last time we’ve seen this Atlanta Hawks team have back-to-back wins could have literally been earlier this week right which we know is not

Truthful but it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve last seen it um and it may have been since forever I’m not sure but um you know it’s it’s it’s that it’s that good feeling that you have whenever you can come away Victorious and you mentioned something on the last

You know um you know postcast that we did how many times do we keep on you know looking down the line to see L2 L3 L4 L5 like now we’re at a point where we’re getting past W1 and W1 is good this year for you know

On on all accounts but just being able to say W2 is a good feeling regardless of what happens on Friday it does it does and like you said dating back to the wins that were back-to-back W’s but not necessarily back-to-back games of course that was the win against the Wizards on

December 31st and then they turned around and beat the Thunder on that Wednesday January 3D but to your point we would have to go back a couple of weeks for back-to-back wins and then a couple more weeks before that for back-to-back wins so this is the kind of

Thing that you hope to see on a consistent basis and we need to see more of especially because we know that we’re right there on the cusp of the midpoint of the season and I think for me I kind of said okay I guess I’m gonna play the

Bad cop tonight because I was kind of like all right all right yeah yeah yeah it’s a win and yeah you kind of are happy it’s okay to get a win though and still be big mad why am I still a little bit big kind of bad it’s because I still

Didn’t like the fact that we were having a conversation as you and I were tweet uh texting back and forth and as we were going through pre-production about the number of turnovers the fact that there were 13 turnovers by the Hawks in 18 minutes and the magic were able to

Actually convert those into 13 points that for me was a problem and then we actually kind of joked at the end and said yep and then they creeped up to almost 21 and it’s like 21 Savage up in here what we doing what we doing because you know it’s kind of Savage and

Scandalous when you start getting into the him Beyond Mark really when you start getting past 15 to be honest that’s you’re not being careful with the ball and that’s not a recipe normally that’s not a recipe for success but tonight they eak it out thanks to one

Dejon Murray and we’re going to talk a little bit about that later but yeah that piece you know bothered me a little bit and well actually you can kind of see bothered me a lot because that was most of our text thread tonight yeah it was it was that’s right and also thank

God for them being effective in the from the field because from the perimeter it was still a shaky game at best they finally got it up to 34% but still that’s not something that I want to keep having a conversation about night in and night out and you already know the other

Thing that made me big mad if that team over there whoever they are is going to give you free buckets yeah for the love of God Mary Jesus and Joseph the basket get to the charity stripe and make it that’s right 76% is still uncharacteristic of the Hawks now

I will say this and we talked about it not giving them a full pass I’m gonna give them a half pass because I’m still mad at them but half a pass is what we’re going to talk about in the and one and that is sometimes when you expend so

Much energy on defense and you’re trying to be committed to defense it will affect your game in other areas so that three-point number is typically up because of Trey sadique Bay bugged bonovich but if you’re expecting those guys to try to defend sometimes that number is going to

Be impacted right and for those same guys and de jante marray can throw him in there as well and Jaylen Johnson they typically do make their free throws but tonight was another one of those nights where they couldn’t because Real Talk they were expending a lot of energy on

Defense because this was a back and forth game really almost from the opening tip you know and and I got to think it to myself you know I know a couple people that listen and watch postc casting like dude you need to smile more and I’m thinking to myself

Like like today I’m kind of smiling a little bit more but I will when this team gives me a reason to freaking smile um because I want to smile more you know what I mean it’s just that kind of thing even though I hate it on a personal

Level but that’s a whole another thing um you know I me and you joke all the time I joked with you you know multiple times over the last few weeks and you know couple months and stuff and asked you when’s the last time that you had a

Sloppy joe sandwich because every time I see this team play and that they you know have those sloppy games I’m always going to bring back one of my favorite meals and dishes which is you know one of the most inexpensive but yet some of the tastiest especially if you put

Cheese on it is the sloppy joe sandwich and oh wait wait wait ATL did he just say cheese but I digress yeah no I got I gotta have that I mean this one on tonight was so sloppy it was like a swine delicacy in Arkansas it was so

Sloppy I’m talking about like slot bucket pig oink oink the whole nine hog everything um and it looked extremely bad and they were exchanging you know turnovers between one another um as teams and so um I just kind of tell people you know just as a remembrance just you know rule of thumb

And just to note that we don’t want to overreact on the wins you know some people feel like sometimes we overreact on the losses which I don’t necessarily think so but we don’t want to overreact on the wins because you know once you start stringing together more and more

Wins I think is when people will respectfully and deservedly um start to have a build a little bit more confidence in the product that that is being put on the court I think so too and we want to be respectful and also want to be accurate with what we share

Here and Deshawn you just said it I called it out for what the Hawks did in terms of those 13 and ultimately 20 almost 21 Savage turnovers but we also want to give respect to the fact that the came into the second half which is seven turnovers and they wrapped the

Game with 18 so you got to give some credit again we’ll talk about it in the n one but you got to give some credit to the Hawks for that and hey our guy Robert Blackman checked in early appreciate you for that tonight guy our guy and you said the Hawks was playing

Hot potato with the ball right it’s like who’s gonna who’s gonna take the shot who’s gonna take the shot but you know what Robert I’m gonna actually do something that I haven’t done in a minute and I’m going to give them credit on the flip side and say say well can we

Call it that they actually dished out 24 di like yeah yeah right you know and granted he’s absolutely right you cannot have 20 turnovers if you weren’t playing hot potato with that ball on some level but on the same token you and I have talked about the fact that we had not

Seen enough ball movement in these last couple of games even with the win a couple nights ago but we just have not seen that fluidity in the offense so I just wanted to say well at least we kind of got the fluidity that wanted to see

On some level with the fact that there were 24 assists and that we weren’t just looking at the other team saying wow they had 27 dimes wow they you know they were actually Distributing the ball right why can’t we why can’t exactly why can’t we so there are subtle pieces of

This puzzle that while uncharacteristic at the free throw line and uncharacteristic with three-pointers there are some characteristic things that I did like that I saw and you got to give them assist one of them if they continue that kind of ball mve in the right way and actually protect the ball

Then I think Deshawn you and I are going to be talking about in that street column W2 W3 and maybe even W4 for the the foreseeable or in the foreseeable future we hope now when we get back you know guys we got to talk a little bit

More about this when it’s Hawks magic in the ad one now guys you all know it’s a new year and sometimes that new year brings about different things that we have to take a look at right and in this case sometimes it’s about exactly what you

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To be with this team because obviously it was one of those kind of sluggish first halfes a slow start really for both teams they were tied at at the end of the first quarter and then the Hawks were down by a couple points at the half but finally we saw the Hawks do

Something we hadn’t seen in a while and that was win the all important third quarter you may not think it’s a big deal guys but when you’re talking about winning it 29 to 25 and then you’re talking about winning the two points by two points at the end deshaan that’s

When it tells you every Point counts but when you looked at that third period tonight what you see that was different I think it was just the the the the the pickme up a little bit you know I I I think that um they needed to

Lock in on defense um a little bit more and of course there’s going to be some miscues um regarding there but I think that they were it appeared that they were in a level at a level of like plays with some urgency MH with good desperation

Not bad desperation um and and kind of having that refused lose mentality now granted to my liking it probably was not you know the offensive Firepower first half that we like to have seen and I think that you know they kind of felt that energy and that Vibe a little bit

Too knowing that they could not only play a little bit better but be a little bit more efficient um on offense and also the fact that the shot selection um was making a difference a little bit too um not by not not necessarily by number

11 I want to make sure that I mention that um because I saw some very distasteful things but he’s not the only person that I saw that from um but I think you know there is something to say about the rest of the team that is able

To say okay we know that it is not his night yeah um but we have to make sure that when he realizes that it’s not not his night and he’s facilitating and distributing the basketball to us that we do what we’re supposed to do with it

As well and that is why you saw the assist look the way that it did on tonight so um I thought it was good to be able to have that you know balance and just that know about yourself to say that hey you know we know that we have

To be better we can’t take Quarters off and we can’t you know treat you know third quarter and so forth as if um um you know and just yeah and just kind of just be like just sleepwalking through it you know I think that they play with

Some urgency and that was the biggest Difference Maker from what I was able to see got some stops well yeah I think that’s a those are great calls and when you look at Trey’s numbers he had three assists in that particular quarter and that was also a quarter where he was

Kind of finding his sea legs again because it got a little bit of a dust up in that first half and sometimes that does affect you you got to kind of shake that off during halftime and hey I’m just GNA say maybe the brat brought some

Good vibes at the half as well with her performance but anyway anyway in addition to that I think you called out a couple things that are also important and that is just just a little bit of lock down defense here and there and shot selection is so critical right because that’s one thing

That we talk about as well like sometimes you see the Hawks just kind of Rush shots it’s like they go down the court and instead of kind of using most of the 24 second clock it’s like hey no we’ll just use seven to the seconds and

Heave up the first three that we can and you saw a little less of that in that third quarter now you just need to see a little bit more of that across the stretch of 48 and then I think that’s when you start stream together wins but

Yeah absolutely you got to know when it’s not your night and you got to defer to the guy whose night it is which would be dejonte Murray because man you’re talking about a guy in DJ that literally had 26 points on a 11 of 18 shooting and

Just would not allow this team to and and D I say it in their own gym but wouldn’t allow this team to go away yeah yeah well the other thing is is the Hawks have not you know played that great significantly um particularly at home um so I thought that that’s something that

Also added to this being you know a good win um and I’m glad that you mentioned something about head coach Quinn Snyder um you know one of the things that I saw in his postgame press conference from the game against the Spurs um was that he just kind of talked about us not

Taking care of the ball and the you know questionable shot selection has been the thing that has kind of LED these teams to be able to a um stay in games with us and B um you know come back to be in games you know with us and so I thought

That those things were definitely uh very very telling and even when you’re talking about guys like deante and his contribution are you sure that you’re ready to kind of mail it in on this guy and you know I mean I get it there’s some things that

Seem like it’s not working out and I definitely don’t love the idea that it appears that it’s like you know he’s the guy that you got to you know the the it almost kind of has that feel like he’s the guy that you know is the reason for

Why this isn’t working um which I don’t necessarily always agree with but nonetheless it’s good to see that when he hit that game winning shot and maybe this is just me and you let me know if if I’m on point with this or not but it

Kind of seemed like as he hit the game one a shot and turned around towards the it almost feels like a a burden was like lifted off of his shoulders and we know that he’s been kind of maybe going through a lot if you will in terms of

Hearing his name um being called in the trade rumors and everything else these guys are you know it’s not a secret and whatever I feel like I get a new notification every day if not multiple times a day about Deonte Murray being traded so I think it’s just good to to

See guys performing under that kind of pressure yeah and I I think the same and I think it’s one of those situations where yeah the other piece that that communication piece is so critical and you and I talked about that like sometimes it feels like you know Trad

About the dish but dishing in a way that deante can receive is it a good point for him whether it’s within the shot clock and it’s not a good look or whether it’s just hey you guys must not be communicating because DJ was thinking that this play was going to be run and

You’re dishing it over to him and like okay shoot your shot or vice versa dejonte Murray may have the ball and it’s like he’s tossing it over but maybe that communication piece isn’t lacking in order for you Trey young to have the assist to get the ball to DJ for DJ to

Hit the game-winning shot there had to have been some good communication so if that little part of this game actually can just be expanded across 48 minutes not that it has to be a perfect 48 and you’re going to be communic communicating effectively at all moments

In time but there has to be more of it in order for you to see more wins now speaking of something that you and I kind of called out that was I don’t even want to say a little bit better I might say a lot better tonight was the bench

Play uh the Hawks only dressed out eight and so three players found themselves having to take up those the slack but seeing as though that bench mob has not really had a mob mentality this whole season to see Ana okong bdon banovich and Garrison Matthews all be factors in

This win they combined as a bench for what 30 31 I’m sorry 33 points to go with 17 rebounds that’s pretty darn powerful and here’s the good thing about that that number that spreads across all three of those guys right it’s not heavy on the points good split it’s not heavy

On the boards good split all three of them contributed and how important deante desan see I did it again I’m call call him DJ you you gonna be Tate he gonna be DJ for the rest of the season but anyway how good was it to see double

O bogy and Garrison all be a factor on both ends of the court in this win I thought it was really good um because you know at the beginning of the season in the first few games and maybe I don’t know 10 or what have you um there’s a

Lot of conversation about how much this bench has been contributing and we had we seen that disappear and we haven’t heard about it or talked about it or addressed it very much um so with that being said just one person it’s either B absolutely or on but it’s never like

Everybody at the same time at the same time exactly and I think even when you’re talking about the bench contribution um and production of what which they you know gave on tonight especially in the rebounding Department which I think you said about 17 rebounds or whatever two of those three guards

That you just mentioned that contributed to that number are guards and so to know that you know ano kongu um was the only big you know from that standpoint I thought that that was like a plus and a positive in my eyes for the Atlanta

Hawks and so to be able to see him get the energy and you know even though he’s not a starter these are the little things the the things that he does to affect the game that makes people feel like he could be a starter for this team

It’s not the most consistent thing all the time but hopefully that’s some that they’re working on and obviously you know buggy bonovich um you know coming in and bring the energy Off the Bench like he always does especially with his lights out three-point shooting and then of course

When you start talking about Matthews I mean I love the fearlessness that he has to you know go out there and take some of those shots and not just be a guy that just gets lost on one end of the ball he plays them both equally is he extremely extremely talented and all

This other stuff as some of the other guys he’s not but because of his confidence his fearlessness and his hard work ethic is why you see him on the floor and it paid off tonight indeed and something that you called out that I think is also critical is this when we

See Ono kongu and there was a point in the game where we saw the double OC matchup early because we had to that was kind of something that was a forced situation just because of foul trouble and like I said Trey got dusted up a

Little bit there so you had to kind of reset that starting lineup but when you can get 27 minutes out of double O and you can get 24 out of bogey that’s also very positive because again we’re going into that critical second half of the Season where bodies start to wear down

And it’s important that you know that you can rely on your bench to come in and give quality minutes when you need to give your starters a rest so good call on on that in terms of Quinn also utilizing the uh the the the bench the way that he did tonight because again

One little piece here or there was what made the difference in them actually getting a win versus us talking about another another winning this season series by the magic now when we come back we’re going to talk about who’s got next this episode of the locked on Hawks

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NFL so deshaan we got a little bit of bittersweet news today about who got next and who got next ain’t the Hawks unfortunately it’s the real conversation that you and I started a couple games ago and we’re going to continue this guys by the way until the trade deadline

And if you have some commentary or some conversation that you want us to consider for this combo Jump Right In of course I’m talking about that three-way trade today that involved the Pacers Raptors and pels according to multiple sources the Pacers landed Pascal C yakum in India now the Hogs have been rumored

To be in that race for SE yakum really dating back to last summer and there were some reports all along the way that said they couldn’t get him because they wouldn’t give up whatever Toronto was asking for but it really made me wonder when you think about all the specifics

And we’re not going to go into them tonight due to time constraints but when you think about all of the moving parts and the fact that you had to find three Partners who were willing to give up what they were able to give up or get

What they were going to get get in order for SE yakum to go to Indie you kind of think back to some of the deals that the Hawks have made the last couple Seasons that may have hamstrung them and maybe it’s not Mo so much that the Raptors

Were asking too much maybe it was just more so that the hugs were saying we wouldn’t mind giving it to you if we had the assets but we just don’t yeah so how is that going to potentially affect what we think they need to do between now and the trade

Deadline I think it definitely does just because of the simple fact that um you know there there’s there’s there’s got to be a buyer for for you know someone that’s interested in some of the players like I know that it was rumored recently that you know the Atlanta Hawks um you

Know wanted two first round picks you know for specifically for dejonte Murray y um outside of that um you know when it when it when it comes to a player like a pascal sakam who reported we did hear um that the Hawks may have been having some

Interest at one point in time it feels like that was drug out pretty much like forever yeah start to feel like we were getting really really close to it happening but I think down the stretch kind of seemed like it was something that was just likely not going to happen

Or it probably would have happened already you’ve got to have pieces that you know other teams want and the asking price has to be reasonable it almost appears as if the Hawks asking price um is not you know is is not reasonable for whomever that other team is um all

Things being considered I think potentially potentially only you know the value for some of the players that are on this team if we’re just being honest um looking at how the team has done this year in terms of you know how some of these guys have performed I’m

Not sure that there’s been a consistent player on this team if it has been that player is probably sadique Bay uh who you know you’re pretty much whatever you get from him is going to be a bonus you know what you’re getting each and every single night um and that’s honestly

Respectfully to him um that’s not really saying a whole lot so right um I you know I think that’s probably some of the biggest reasons behind why we haven’t seen very much movement um as of late and yeah it’s one thing to be you know somewhat consistently inconsistent but

It’s a whole another thing to say okay now we’re asking this and when somebody feels like that ask is you know Blasphemous and they’re not the only team that kind of quote unquote feels that way according to some of the reports I think that’s why it seems like

This has been kind of a slow process yeah yeah and I was thinking the same like unfortunately it may have been the worst of both situations right where what the Hawks were asking for in terms of giving up maybe their most attractive asset which would be a dejonte Murray

The Hawks the other teams were like no thanks but on the same token when the Hawks wanted to maybe say we’ll keep Trey young we’ll keep dejonte Murray we’ll keep Jaylen Johnson arguably your three best players on the roster well what assets did you have to make it

Appealing for the Raptors to then pull the trigger and say yeah you guys can take Pascal cakam or even at one point oan noi was a part of that discussion as well so yeah I think that while we were looking at it from the fact of the perspective of yeah the Hawks were

Asking for too much I think honestly there may have been teams out there like the Raptors that wasn’t so much that they were asking for too much it’s just that the hug didn’t have what they were asking for which could indeed hamstring you and that kind of goes back to our

Question on whether or not it can be a true reset that puts you in position to get into the playoffs or if you kind of sort of have to look at it as a rebuild because you just don’t have enough assets maybe to be in contention a reset

That will put you in the playoffs which means that this roster potentially is currently constructed is going to have to figure it out in order to get them into the play in possibly the playoffs and speaking of that it starts with winning games like this against an

Eastern Conference Foe and now you’re up 2-1 in the season series and it continues with winning against foes like the Miami Heat they’re back on the road Friday to take on the heat and they’re still looking for their first win of the season series against Miami how did they

Get it on Friday I think it’s just you know not being in your head too much about the fact that it’s Miami again and the physicality and finding a way to defend Trey and all these different things like you just have to be better at all the

Things that you know you’ve been really working on and not applying too much pressure to yourself you know that’s that was the difference when we started talking about playing with good urgency and bad urgency don’t let Friday night be a situation where you’re playing with bad urgency you know you needed to

Improve in the two areas is to be honest with you of which head coach Quinn Snider said when it comes to the free throws and when it comes to the turnovers if you can do those two things obviously rebounding is going to be a huge piece to that too between those

Three things turnovers free throws and rebounding you can be putting yourself in a good position um you know when Friday night rolls around obviously that comes with playing some really good defense that’s something you need because that’s something that the team has not done a very good job of uh so

Far this season is it doable absolutely is doable it’s going to take take a little bit more than lip service and talking about it to actually get it done it’s not the end of the world whether they you know win or lose um but nonetheless it will be a significant win

If they can go into you know South Beach and walk up out of there with a W right and like you said it’s not something that’s out of the realm of possibility because in game one back in November they only lost by eight game two in

December de they only lost by nine and it seems like slowly but surely Trey young and Company are starting to figure out the Trap so they just got to be ready for it because we know that the heat are the ones that kind of put the

Stamp on how to trap try but if the Haw can be prepared for that and like you said execute in all areas and just minimize the just do the basics just get back to executing on the basics they can actually take away a win on Friday listen we appreciate you guys for

Stopping by the lock on Hawks postcast remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel for more on the Hawks also check out locked on Hawks with our guy Brad Roland we’ll see you next time

On Wednesday, the Atlanta Hawks completed their first set of back-to-back wins of the calendar year by defeating their much improved divisional foe the Orlando Magic at State Farm Arena.

In a relatively low scoring game that featured some of the league’s youngest rising stars (Jalen Johnson and Paolo Banchero), highlighted by some baptising dunks (…and a few turnovers), our Atlanta Hawks displayed what most had been searching for in recent weeks (or months)… defensive effort.

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate dive deep inside the Atlanta Hawks’ urgency to win despite recent struggles.

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