@Sacramento Kings

The Handoff – Figuring Out the Sacramento Kings Issues

The Handoff – Figuring Out the Sacramento Kings Issues

Welcome back into the Insiders Kenny carway is here for the handoff we typically do this mid segment because we got off track with ly Butler and we had to move some clocks around Kenny’s just gonna start the segment with us disappointed in my man James Hand you gotta work this thing out you

Be like come back you know because he left during the break or whatever you gotta come back be like yo it’s going down I wouldn’t change your dial from ESPN 1320 for the rest of the day it’s going down now he didn’t say what’s going down he just said it’s going down

So you know that’s how you got to work it I always talk about this I have I have uh like two people three people I talk to on a regular basis who if I’m hanging out with them and they’re like oh I need to take this caller oh I just

Got a text I’m like you said what like let’s talk about it and James went he walked past my window and he goes just like this chatty house he goes I have to take this call I do I did and I was like oh oh let’s go let’s go I probably

Should have just taken the call after the show I need hand signals though I need like need to call not basketball like I need something well I didn’t know uh before but wow yeah that once again then like I said you didn’t say well you wouldn’t have been saying anything you

Like yo it’s going down don’t stop listening to 1320 you didn’t say what was going on you didn’t say a trade you didn’t say a transaction we could be talking about a uh the the new uni tracker is out you could have been talking about that you didn’t have to

Say specifically well we left him on the edge we we know James’s a big uniform guy NOP I don’t know how they do that did you see that they uh they have all the uniform combinations out for the rest of the season I I used to always think they

They did that like day of or the night before now this is not baseball isn’t that crazy in baseball the starting pitcher pixie uniforms I didn’t know that like I’m feeling green today guys yeah I had no idea that’s the thing well it’s just like it in basketball people

Don’t know that the opposing team gets to choose what which end of the Court they want that is always bizarre because you watch games and one day the Kings will be finishing on one side of the Court the other day they’ll be finish I’m like yo what’s going on here what

Like in football just which way is the wind going and you want to make sure you’re shooting to end the game on the better side typically the team wants defense in front of their bench right oh maybe that’s just me I want I want I think I want defense in front of

My at the end of the game at the end of the game so you can be more communicative yeah and play there’s an argument for offense too but defense also a weird thing that goes on during pregame every game which I don’t know if a lot of people know that the whistle is

It has a chip in it and it’s tied to the clock and they go and they check the whistles in pregame and make sure it stops the clock so as soon as they blow the whistle it stops the clock that’s pretty that’s pretty cool that’s amazing

Yeah and so all all three of the officials have their whistle attached to the clock and boom boom boom like as soon as they so one guy will test out everyone’s whistle before the game which is kind of strange yeah why yeah why put some Clorox on that whistle afterwards

Sir I always thought it was that little thing on their hip right don’t they control the clock by that too uh it’s possible that they can also control the clock by that but they do that when somebody’s rolling the ball so like it maybe they have control of it or

Whatever but they’re always got their hand on you’re not blowing the whistle right exactly so that’s why you would have it in that situation where you’re starting the clock and the the moment the ball is touched but you don’t want to blow the whistle and stop the clock

Always wondered his Sports and I’m learning them all right now this is amazing I would love to have like an hour to just sit down with an official from each league I just have questions a they’d be mad at me like why are y’all so dumbb no no but that’s just no but

That’s the thing is I would D I like obviously if you ask that they’re not going to answer you right right but if you go if you know going in you can take notes on like all right I want to get to the bottom of why X Y and Z happen you

Can frame your questions around why do these things happen yeah no yeah I’m just joking I wouldn’t be disrespectful but like you talk about the Dame Lillard play the other day that Mike Brown was upset with yeah like okay Deen’s hand was on his hip number one did it affect

The shot I would say no and number two what’s the difference between dear’s hand beond Lillard’s hip then and then if dearon was four feet away from the basket and Lillard had a hand on his hip you probably wouldn’t get a foul call right like what’s the difference between

The two I you know I I that’s I would ask them you know those type of questions because it doesn’t make any sense I would ask in football do they ever blindly throw Flags it feels like there’s a lot of calls where they’re just like ah yeah

That’s a flag like that that just looks like a penalty so I’m goingon to throw specifically like late hits pass interference the one there’s a there’s a million examples but one that sticks out of my mind is is like Niners Browns taan Gibson goes shoulder to chest on a

Browns receiver no contact of the helmet from either player and they throw a flag is that just the see helmet to helmet or did they go oh that’s a big hit over the middle of the field that’s just flag I wish they would just be take

The two seconds to look at those plays I agree it takes it’s one Replay by the time you get everything settled it’s taking no extra time off the game and and I and I say all the time man they are human and the thing that bothers me

The most is they don’t talk and if they would just say after the game I got that wrong I can live with that you’re human being you’re GNA mess calls up like I don’t expect to be perfect but don’t tell me I saw something I didn’t see got

It like just be like I was wrong you know everybody forgave Jim Joyce who blew Armando Gaga’s perfect game do you know why because after the game Jim Joyce very remorseful was like I blew it if officials did that and just like hey you know what yeah I thought I saw a

Foul went back and looked there wasn’t one that’s on me I think on a play on occasion you do see them go over and talk to the team and say hey like look we missed that it are bad for sure there we can’t go back but we missed it uh can

We do keys to the game in 50 seconds rapid fire okay go number one don’t get in ATT track me yeah no you can’t do that with the Pacers they will they will run you out of the gym uh number one expose them they can’t play defense

Expose them number two uh oh shoot don’t let don’t forget Buddy heeld and don’t let Buddy Hill beat you it says don’t let Buddy healed and I agree with that you just can’t let him buddy healed but also if he wants to Buddy healed I you

Got to let him he wants to Buddy healed go ahead go ahead uh number two for me you got to get switchable against this team they are athletic and long and they got a lot of guys that can do the same stuff thank you for trying to run around

Screens and stuff they will uh they will hurt you number three uh get right after a tough couple of games you got to get right here you got to figure out a way to atone for what happened the last couple of days uh tyres halton’s out

Can’t get complacent go uh go beat them down don’t let TJ McConnell beat you if all of those things happen the Kings will win tonight uh KC thank you so much DLo and cas coming up next on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports later

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