@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz lose tough one to Oklahoma City Thunder: Post Game Show

Utah Jazz lose tough one to Oklahoma City Thunder: Post Game Show

Tough loss for the Utah Jazz but a really good game and a few things that show what the Jazz need to maybe get to that next level let’s talk about it it’s the Hoops nerd Show all right guys before we get into it let’s give a shout out to our sponsor priz picks go to priz use promo code Hoops nerd that’s it right there if you are new to the site new to prize picks use promo code Hoops nerd and they will match up to

$100 free money on me and it would support the channel so go there a lot of fun man if you went on the over on points for on free throws for for for sgaa or if you went over the points on Colin ston like I’ve said Colin ston is

Easy money right right now go to go to use promo code Hoops nerd it’s free money man and it’s a lot of fun all right let’s get into this the Utah Jazz just had an incredible game for jazz fans it’s a little frustrating because

You don’t win the game but there’s a lot to be happy about if you’re a jazz fan I mean to be this close to this good of a team in Oklahoma city is a great sign because because the Oklahoma City are really good they are just really good

And there’s a reason why they’re number two in the Western Conference and so impressive win by them I mean just looking quickly at their numbers they had for the Jazz to be in this game with some of the shooting that was going on for the Oklahoma City’s Thunder I mean

Look at Cas Wallace who by the way I told you he was going to be good I told everyone he was going to be good and look what he does tonight he is starting for this team and this is a championship contending team he goes six for seven

From the field but most of it from the free throw three three-point line four for five from three four rebounds and assist to steal a block he was awesome there were times where he was guarding marinan in the post and marinan took advantage a few times there was a few

Times he poked the ball away created turnovers and things like that case Wallace is awesome he is kind of this perfect off ball player to play next to Shay in that backc Court really cool uh and then look at what Jaylen Williams Jaylen Williams tonight was the

Reason the Thunder won the game he was out of his mind tonight shooting the ball 27 points he goes 11 for 14 from the field four for five from three eight assists two steals two blocks I mean this is like Allstar stuff look at that

That is crazy I mean Shay and Chad are getting all the headlines this year and rightfully so because they’re amazing but Jaylen Williams is that guy I mean him as a third option is kind of unfair what he is able to do as this Oklahoma City Thunder team continues to grow and

To play together they’re just going to get better and better because they’re so young it’s crazy and then yeah we’ll just talk I’m going to skip over Josh giddy because we ain’t touching that uh but Shay uh eight for 15 from the field he takes 17 free throws he

Gets a very friendly whistle uh some of those fouls were legit I mean they’re just fouls I mean he he knows how to draw them and if your arm goes across his arm it’s a foul so when you’re guarding SGA it’s kind of like when you guarded Harden back in the day you’ve

Got to have your hands up you cannot reach across or he will get the call you’ve got to be smart that is just not something you can do and if you do that you are going to send him to the line and then he not he makes a high

Percentage so 15 for 17 from the free throw line he is great so just but not only that he’s a good shot maker I mean he only tookes one takes one three he’s kind of a throwback guy because he does take all his shots kind of in that mid-range and he’s just so

Good at it but eight for 15 from the field 31 points he also grabs six rebounds six assists he’s awesome he is awesome and he is the engine to everything they do all right should we talk about the Jazz that’s plenty about the thunder uh but I had two things and

I wrote on Twitter just announcing the show but there’s two things I want to talk about getting into this uh you look at this shop making by them and you look at what the Jazz did with kind of the turnovers I mean Keon had a tough night

Tonight he looked like a rookie tonight you know who else kind of looked like a rookie CH hren I mean he takes 16 shots he looked a little worn down to me uh he’s got to be tired because he is this is his first season playing and you know

He’s used to the Gonzaga season he didn’t play at all last year and he just looks like he’s getting a little worn down and that’s understandable it’s his rookie season as well and you know but that just shows how good he is 15 points five assists five rebounds he is just

Great uh but I think we really saw Keon geord kind of I mean he got slapped in the face they didn’t call a foul that was weird uh but just a tough night for Keon not a lot of great body language I don’t there’s not a lot of great things

I’m loving tonight with um and lately with Clarkson and and oin I think those two are getting traded I really do I think at some point we are going to see a trade go down probably trade dat I can’t remember if it was windhorse or

Who it was I think it might have been actually wge just said that a lot of the trades are is going to happen on trade deadline day which is pretty typical um of trade deadline but I would like to see them move not necessarily because they’re bad players or anything like

That but I do think there is some element of the Jazz needing to kind of move this team forward but anyways outside of Keon George who we’ll talk about um but you know you look at what these Thunder did the Jazz needed some shop making like this and who

Brings shop making for this Jazz team especially from the three-point line Taylor Hendricks and look at these numbers look who is a player that’s like 69 610 who is already a great defender who do you think could have helped in this game Taylor Hendricks would have helped in

This game he would have been big and I think tonight kind of showed that the Jazz are developing into something really special I think Lowry marinin has shown that he is an Allstar and and probably should be considered an all-nba player but we’re also seeing that Colin

Seon is starting to push the you know most improved player maybe and maybe more I don’t know I mean right now his numbers are probably not enough to get him to the all-star game just because he had a rough the change from the first part of the season to now is incredible

With Colin ston but that first part of the season was bad you know so it’s tough to overcome that but look at this 17 points per game it’s slowly creeping up he is turning into such an important part of what the Jazz do uh you know in fact I just out of

Curiosity so anyways I just wanted to make that point because I think what the Jazz need is Taylor Hendrick I think Taylor Hendricks is going to be a big part of this Jazz future and he would have been a big- time player in this game the Jazz

Are just a year or two behind what the Oklahoma City Thunder are they have just developed they have a superstar in Shay and they have borderline if not solid Allstars and guys like Chad and jayen Williams and you know just solid shot making all role players all across the

Floor Colin or not Colin you know Cas Wallace is a rookie but he isn’t I mean that was such an incredible pick and then you know you’ve got the other Jaylen Williams you’ve got Isaiah Joe who’s like a just dead eye from three all these guys in all these different

Roles I mean Josh giddy we haven’t talked about him and he played well tonight you know he’s the underperforming guy he also looks at the underage underperforming and underaged interested is is him Dre $10 my man thank you so much that is an incredible donation thank you

So much Dre John Collins with his best traffic cone impression it was not good I mean that is one thing I mean that’s why you kind of get excited when you think I mean could Taylor Hendricks fill that John Collins role where he’s playing that stretch Center he’s not

Quite big enough yet but can you get some strength on Taylor Hendricks and in a year or two is he spreading the floor and doing those things great comment though because you know John Collins will do this or that that’s really nice but then defensively it can be a if he’s

Out in space he’s not very good out in space and he definitely turns into a traffic cone his Rim protection numbers are probably better than you would expect but they’re not good enough to like really change games it has been good enough for this Jazz team to improve defensively though you know

They’ve been pretty solid although this was one of the best teams they’ve played you know they were full health no one resting and that was what was impressive about this game is actually Utah really did kind of keep up with them uh despite not getting great games from all their

Players so uh let’s see let’s look at game logs let’s look at this from Colin seon and let’s just look at from December 13th that’s usually the number I like to start with when the Jazz really turned things around and this doesn’t include tonight so uh green

Assault I guess but look at this 21 points per game 4.8 assists he is averaging 2.6 rebounds but in this period he’s shooting 52% from the field and 41% from three so in this Jazz turnaround he is doing a 5241 and he’s doing 50490 that’s crazy that’s the last how

Many games is that uh last 20 games and tonight he was awesome so in this last 20 games he’s got a 5049 season going on it’s crazy that act I didn’t realize it was that good but he is playing at Allstar level he just is I mean you

Could if the scoring was up a little bit more he’d be getting some consideration at the very least Colin Sexton deserves some MIP so anyways that was the first point I wanted to make is Taylor Hendricks actually fills a real hole for this Jazz team in terms of defense and

Then the fact that he can shoot the ball it’s very much a player that would fit in in on so many different Championship type teams you just got to get him on the floor and I think that’s why you know tonight really showed with the Jazz bench not you know there were moments

Where they played well and you look at what uh Jordan Clarkson put up they’re not the most efficient points I mean it’s seven for 18 from the field for 18 points uh he does have five assists but sometimes it feels a little empty calories with Jordan Clarkson it just

Does a little bit and Kelly o lenck had a few moments tonight seven points uh four assists one steel he really does kind of take on like a playmaker role with that second unit but I do just feel like sometimes keontay George is just out there existing the

Way and there’s some body language there I think there’s some cracks in this Foundation a tiny bit that the Jazz need to be careful of and I think a trade is honestly in order just for the the betterment of the team and the long-term Outlook I just you know there’s teams

Out there that I think would be interested in Jordan Clarkson there’s teams out there that I think would be very interested in Kelly linic and I think tonight was a good reminder that you know what Jordan Clarkson has amazing nights but you go up against one of these Elite teams and Oklahoma City

Is Elite they are great and he’ll struggle he just does we’ve seen it in the playoffs when you’re going up against big-time teams that are playing 100% And they’re playing their best their best defense best defensive players he’ll struggle and we saw that tonight and you know if you’re getting

This type of production and you’re getting not a great night from Keon I would rather get a good a a bad night from Keon and allow him to develop than just more minutes for Jordan Clarkson and just watching Keon just kind of sit on the perimeter and observing while

Jordan Clarkson and Kelly oen dominate The Possession you know uh Dre welcome to rookie welcome Dre everyone give Dre a hand a rookie baby I like the comment Dre I like the com uh Josh giddy he uh he’s not worried about minimum age on his Tinder account I’ll just say that

He’s not uh he’s not worried about I got to be careful all right let’s see that was the first point I wanted to make the second point I wanted to make and then we’ll go through the players we the Jazz have a star in ly lar marinan Colin ston is amazing and I

Don’t know if I would quite call him a star but he’s starting to act like one but I would say the Jazz have another star on this team and I honestly thought about it tonight I was like you know what maybe I do believe this Jazz team

Can win a championship one year I don’t know if it’ll be this year maybe they’ll go crazy maybe they’ll make a trade and it’ll be just wild and we’ll be all like oh my gosh how did that happen probably not and probably not winning the title

This year but I do think they’re going to make the playoffs anyways the Jazz have another star and his name is Will Hardy he is fantastic this team has no right to be doing what they’re doing you know everyone expected this team to be somewhere you know below 500 probably

Border like bottom 10 he has them playing at such a high level and I know they lost tonight in fact let’s bring up the tank Thon just to see this where this puts the Jazz the Jazz are still above the Lakers and they are going to start winning more games uh let’s see

Utah Jazz schedule I just have no doubt that this Jazz team is going to play really well for the rest of the season so Utah loses let’s see where are we here Utah loses tonight to the Thunder they’re going to play the Rockets that’s actually a pretty big game but they’re scuffling

Utah’s playing great that’s this oh that’s Saturday today what’s today I don’t even oh that’s the day I’m losing I don’t even know what day it is anyways they’re going to play the Rockets Pelicans Wizards Hornets Nets Nicks I mean that’s a these are all winnable games the Pelicans are the toughest of

That group but the Jazz have beaten the Pelicans like twice already this year so the Jazz could go on another five to six game winning streak and I have no doubt they’re going to play well in these these games um it’s a long this is a road trip I

Believe I think it’s at Houston at New Orleans then they’re going to we’ll see but in fact this is a long road trip this Sixers game is probably a schedule loss but anyways this Jazz team is playing great and Will Hardy has them just playing fantastic Bill Simmons had

A really great you should go listen to the latest Bill Simmons pod uh not right now but after but anyways he has a great like ranking of the NBA teams and he has a good segment on the Jazz and he talks about how this Jazz team when the season

Started why is my let’s turn this freaking light on there we go this Jazz team was kind of like a buffet of like mismatched things it’s like a Golden Corral or something where you’ve got like you’ve got the the Mexican food station you’ve got the steak and potatoes station it’s like shrimp night

You’ve got dessert you got to figure out how to make a meal together and how to get everything right and will hardy is the type and I love this analogy from from Bill Simmons but he’s like you he figured out how to make that meal perfect and have this team play really

Well and I thought it was great and I think and a lot of people Bill Simmons has mentioned it Zack low has mentioned it will Hardy’s looking like coach of the year and I don’t believe J Jerry Sloan ever won which is crazy that he never won rookie or not rookie uh coach

Of the year I think will Hardy’s going to win Coach of the Year this year I really do what he’s done and the turnaround of this team and to make them this competitive and this good and play this well to turn John Collins into what he’s

Become and I know we talked about him being a traffic cone but the Jazz are winning with him at Center and they dang near won this game you know if Keon George has like a good night or or whatever the Jazz win this game that’s

What’s crazy and he has set this team up to succeed at every step of the way he there is no uh um I mean they found the lineups that work finally but he was willing to try all sorts of lineups I mean how many different lineups and

Starting units have has this Jazz team gone through to get to where they are now now that it’s working now that they’re winning he sticks with it and then he adjusts during the game you know if it’s if a certain player’s playing well he plays them if a certain one’s

Not you know Keon George just did not have it tonight and he only played 13 minutes and that’s fine that’s the way it goes Chris Dunn got in foul trouble and wasn’t quite doing all that great against this Oklahoma City Thunder team so he played 13 minutes and that’s fine

Colin ston was having an incredible night so he plays 34 you know Simone had one of his better nights and he hit his goal two threes made so he plays more it’s great and if there’s an injury or if they ever have to make a change will

Hardy is willing to do it but he has the complete Trust of the team he has a complete Trust of the front office and he should have the complete Trust of the Utah Jazz fan base you know I don’t you know when play people were criticizing

And saying is he a good coach is he on the hotzi it was ridiculous it was ridiculous he was trying to figure out the best lineups the best and by the way he was also dealing with injuries I mean Markin missed some games he missed some games from Jordan Clarkson and things

Like that Clarkson goes to the bench as a six-man which M fits him better uh they have Walker Kessler coming off the bench and it’s worked and so you just and then he just adjusts and he does different game plans the defense has gotten much much better he

Just deserves coach of the year he really does if it was today he probably wins it because of what he’s turned this Jazz team into from what they were I mean it’s honestly like one of those cooking websites where you just like hey these are the things I have in my pantry

And I did not make the money this week on my paycheck I thought I would so we just got to figure it out and it’s like going to one of those websites and it’s like will hardy.the wild when you just throw things into the fire and then you come

Up with this crazy uh food and all and then you realize it’s something good it’s like what will hardy does Will Hardy is the breath of the wild of this Jazz team all right it’s freaking amazing all right let’s go through the players uh some fono we mentioned it he

Hit his goal that’s all we got to do is make two threes 12 points five rebounds two assists but the biggest thing with Simone fonio look he’s plus two and a loss uh by the way your comment you were right Dre by the way uh minus 19 for John Collins

Man you think if Taylor Hendricks that’s the thing what’s crazy is the Jazz need like to win this game they needed two years of development for Hendrick and Keon George so that they can be what they are in two years now and it’s just it’s just going to

Take time uh so you know what John Collins is struggling with uh Taylor Hendrick is going to be that’s what’s crazy like think about what Taylor Hendricks is going to be two years from now when he understands the offense he’s got his shot locked in he’s defending

And knowing where to be and all these different things think about how good he’s going to be it’s pretty exciting to think about I mean this is going to be a fun ride I hope you’re subscribed to the Hoops nerd Channel because this is going

To be fun and we are going to enjoy this ride together the Jazz are going to get better and better and better they have a top tier head coach I mean uh B whatever Ben uh Taylor he’s that he’s one of those YouTubers and he gets his videos

Promoted by the NBA he wrote a whole thing and the question was is Will Hardy the best coach in the NBA and that’s not David lock who’s getting you know who’s a team employee trying to tell everyone that Quinn Snider is this you know genius uh Einstein looks up to Quinn Quinn Snyder

Be with his Brilliance type guy and telling you these things and then you find out you know if we’d had will hardy we might have won a few more games because he actually adjust during the game these are guys that aren’t paid to be uh homers about it they’re legit

Looking at what this Jazz team is doing the offense they’re running the shots that this offense creates and they’re saying this might be the best coach in the league I mean guys can I tell you how much of an advantage that is when you’re in the playoffs when you

Have a coach that can adjust things and attack the weaknesses of the other team I mean just think about what happened when uh you know us as Jazz fans watch the Denver Nuggets come back from 3-1 just say this is what Quin Snider’s doing he’s not changing a single thing

We’re just going to attack this week weakness and they destroyed us you know same thing with Dallas Mavericks and I know you know Donovan Mitchell wanted out and got traded you know enjoy Cleveland buddy but uh you know we had a coach that just wasn’t able to adjust

Ever at all and then wouldn’t you know adjust literally lineups or ingame anything and now the Jazz have a coach that it’s not just adjusting it’s like attacking it is seeing the weak of another team and attacking it and the Jazz were doing that tonight they were

Finding ways to do that tonight so it’s incredible this Jazz team has a chance to be special and if they can keep adding top tier talent and maybe just maybe a top 10 guy you know maybe larri marinin becomes that but they need a top

10 guy they just do and if they can get that I think this Jazz team can win a title absolutely if the Jazz get lucky in one of these drafts where where the Cleveland pick or the Minnesota pick just you know Minnesota has an injury or something and just bottoms out and then

The Jazz get lucky and win the lottery something like that happens man watch out this Jazz team has all the components and all the bones and all the infrastructure to be that championship team they really do and they have a GM who doesn’t mess around who has the

Confidence and isn’t like a a wimp or a loser that just like makes trades for the sake of it like we did with our former regime we have a you know just top to bottom we have an owner willing to go for it and say you know what if

You need to tank and you need to be bad so we can get uh Taylor Hendricks and Keon George and by the way we would not have Taylor Hendrick uh if we did not do that and Taylor Hendricks might be the piece that really changes things for

This team he really might uh but the Jazz have to trade they have to trade Kelly oen and Jordan Clarkson they have have to because we need more minutes for keontay George and we need Taylor Hendrick to start developing because if you want to compete for a title they’ve

Got to be a part of it they just do not only for the talent but also for the money because you are going to pay lry marinin a lot of money in fact Ro was talking about it and it sounds like that’s pretty much going to happen they

Are going to renegotiate lari Markin is going to be on this Jazz team for a long time and that is an absolute luxury for this team to have a Allstar player locked in for like 10 years bought into what you’re doing so if the Jazz have to

Make some adjustments you know if things happen next year that they you know decide that we’ve got to be bad because Cooper flag is someone we’re going to go after you know if Larry has some sort of whatever Lowry Markin and’s bought in and whatever this Jazz team does because

Will hardy is such a good coach and so good at adjusting and lineups and and developing and all these different things things whatever decision the Jazz make it’s going to be the right one because you’ve got the right coach and you’ve got the right front office it’s it’s

Awesome uh let’s see so we talked about marinin again I mean he’s just getting better and better and better look at this four assists per night he’s actually to the point now where he’s becoming an assist guy and one of the things I love tonight is I mean this

Oklahoma City Thunder is really they’re a good good team very good there are not weaknesses on this jet this uh uh Thunder team except for what we know Josh giddy has a weakness for but outside of that just not a lot of weaknesses they shoot the lights out

They defend they are long they’re athletic you know they are going to be trouble for years and so lari Markin and knowing that has just been trying to press the advantages when he had case Wallace on him he was calling for the ball and for the most part it was it was

Pretty good case Wallace is that good that he can give lari troubles but marinin did a good job but the other thing that I was seeing from marinin that I really liked is there were like two or three times where he saw he got the ball in transition and instead of

Just giving it to one of the guards he said nope I’m going and he drove and great things happened and so he’s just getting better and better and better and learning how to be that main option where he’s not you know he’s not Shay where he has this handle and the ability

To create space and shoot the ball he does have to play off the ball a lot of times but man he’s able to score in every aspect off the ball transition spot up you know catch and shoot threes cutting to the basket uh getting the ball in the post all these different

Ways that he’s able to get that ball and score is amazing and it’s why the Jazz are going to look for that other star and you hope that Keon can become that elite point guard you hope that uh these picks in 2025 also develop into something Taylor Hendricks becomes a

Nice player I um I have another theory oh this was another theory three theor Series tonight you know if you’re not hear you’re not going to hear them uh I think I figured out what the Jazz well maybe maybe but it definitely jives with what we’ve seen Danny a do in the past

You know this trade deadline I would like to see uh Jordan Clarkson and Kelly Ock moved and the Jazz hopefully can get some sort of good pick from that you know every single swing at the at for the fences in the draft is a good one because you never know when you’re

Going to get that guy we did not know that keontay George would be this good at 16 you know and yes tonight was a tough night but man does he have all of it that you want you just hope you just need to develop him

But there is a world where the Jazz say we’re not going to make any trades we want to convey the pick we think we’re good enough to make the playoffs with this unit and then like Danny a has done in the past he makes trades during draft night because Danny anged understands

Like most people or at least most good GMS is that the best way to build your team is through the draft and if you can use these players in the draft to make some sort of move to get up and get a good player that way or at least a good

Prospect that you can develop that’s something you can do that’s better than nothing and I was thinking about it because a lot of people are talking about this draft that’s not very good there and it really is not very it’s not topheavy at all there is not a clear-cut

Number one I mean a lot of people like uh SAR in fact he’s probably going to go number one but if you watch him play he is not like for sure going to be awesome he you know that’s a scary number one pick to get uh but he could be great there’s a

Lot of things to like about him but let’s say there’s one of these teams in this area that you know like the Grizzlies that they’re like you know we’re not in love with some of these guys we would rather have a for sure player and maybe that jazz can trade a

Player to move up in this draft instead of trading for you know picks later on or maybe they maybe that’s what they do is they just trade for some of these teams players in this draft because maybe they don’t care about this draft and maybe Utah thinks there’s a few guys

They might be happy with I mean honestly jacobe Walter looks pretty darn good uh and Zachary Riser I mean 69 and this guy is shooting the ball man so who knows maybe there’s a team that’s like you know what we would we would like Jordan Clarkson we don’t really care about

Getting the number 11 pick or something and the Jazz go and get that you know some that’s what I think might be that’s kind of my prediction is I think the Jazz might be interested in getting a player in this draft and moving some of these guys getting more time and just

Going really young and then keeping the guys you want you know can is there someone that wants John Collins and you can trade uh John Collins and get someone in this draft and then that opens things up for Walker Kessler to get in that lineup uh you get uh Taylor Hendricks on that

Bench unit he becomes more important there’s a lot of things that the Jazz can do and I think they will be draft related trying to get more picks trying to just get more young players on this team because the more players you bring in the more chances you have to get them

Into your camp and if they’re great then you then you play them and the thing that’s really nice is that they’ll be on Lower contracts you know when you are controlling those players and their contract situation that makes you so much healthier long term you know the fact that the Jazz

Have Keon George minimum seven years you know and at reasonable money for four you know Keon is going to be better next year and then the third year is when you start seeing players take a leap and it’s going to be awesome that 2026 season for Utah is going to be really

Fun from what we’re seeing now so anyways that’s one thing I was thinking about uh Colin ston we mentioned it he might be a big part of this team for a long time you know I put that video up if you haven’t watched it

Um I put the rumor video up I’m going to try to do more of those if there’s a rumor I’m going to do a video about it uh but the Lakers are interested in Colin seon but I don’t think unless they give the Jazz something crazy I mean uh

I know that so Anthony Irwin had a report you know he has some Source inside and I know from some people I know of who some of these sources are that it’s pretty good that legit legit awesome source and I have a I have a I have a guess of who the

Source might be actually which is kind of the one of the funniest sources ever but anyways uh the Lakers are trying to get dejon Murray and they were willing to trade like D’Angelo Russell and that 2029 pick and if they offered that to the Jazz I don’t know if Utah takes that you

Know especially I mean if it’s a 2029 unprotected that’s post LeBron and probably post ad it has a chance to be just an incredible pick I mean how cool would that be if the Lakers gave the Jazz a top five pick but I don’t know if the Jazz do that you

Don’t want D’Angelo Russell on this team he is is not good vibes he is bad vibes and he’s not very good you know Defender and he’s not a big shot maker when it matters most in the playoffs so you’re it’s basically trading Colin seon for a pick that’s the type of thing you’re

Probably looking at because I think Colin seon is inching his way into that caliber of player the way people think about Deonte Murray why wouldn’t you start thinking about Colin sexon in that way and the way he’s playing I mean he is awesome it takes more than that to

Get Colin seon I would say now if they wanted to give that for a mixture of Kelly o linck and Jordan Clarkson and you just you know wave D’Angelo Russell or something I mean that would be hilarious if you waved him it would hurt his feelings uh but

Anyways you might be willing to do something like that and maybe you get a protected first although Kelly ox’s pretty darn good and I think he would fit really nicely with what the Lakers do but I just that’s the type of thing you’re probably looking at for the

Lakers and I just don’t think the Jazz are doing that I don’t think so it’s not good enough uh it would need to be better oh so what he said is something along the lines of DLo jayen hood chaffino and that 2029 pick and apparently the Lakers are willing to

Move that pick and so you know I think the J and we know the Jazz already made a deal with the Lakers so the Jazz have a connection there and they will talk I just don’t know if that gets that and I just think Colin ston is the type of guy

That you want on your team whether he’s starting or coming off the bench or whatever he plays his heart out and he has proven that he is a guy that can play off of uh your point guard and and be awesome if the Jazz find a way to get

Just an absolute star at the wing which is what I personally want Colin seon is kind of the perfect guy to play off of him that’s why he’s the type of guy the Lakers would love to have on their team I mean you have LeBron James that star

Wi and Colin ston playing off of him I mean he would be awesome for them and that’s why Utah’s going to if they’re going to come for him they’re going to have to figure out a way to get the Jazz more than just that because seon is good

Seon’s really good and he defends too uh 31 points tonight seven assists he had a snake dribble tonight A this Chris Paul snake dribble and he’s doing stuff like that pretty amazing the change of of Colin seon from you know pre- December 13 to now is incredible and a big part

Of why this Jazz team is winning uh pretty darn good lights out three-point shooter right now too look at this let’s see what’s he doing 38% I mean the three-point percentage just keeps Rising uh just under 49% just under 50% from the field he’s creeping up to a 50 4090

Season remarkable unbelievable play from Colin seon uh we mentioned it Chris Dunn he got in foul trouble and just didn’t quite have it tonight he did have six assists though uh but he plays just 13 minutes 34 minutes for Jordan Clarkson I you know they seem to lean on him

Windhorse was talking and I’ve heard him say this but he doesn’t he’d be surprised if they trade Jordan Clarks and I I just am not the I don’t know he is pretty good at that sixthman role but man when you go up against these BigTime teams it just never really seems to

Quite do it it just seems to fall short and so I just and I really would like to see more development of keontay George you know more time for oai more time for Keon to develop uh and honestly Bryce sensah sensah is looking so good for the

Uh the Stars I mean the Jazz have a nice player in sensah if they can develop him into a good Defender you know if he can defend then he becomes quite the interesting piece so anyways and then obviously we’ve talked about Taylor Hendricks and what he brings to the table he would be

Great to just get on the floor uh Walker Kessler plays 24 minutes tonight I I felt like he had one of his better games of the Season he really impacted this game and it was nice to see uh seven points for him let’s see 11 rebounds we finally see double- digit rebounds from

Kesler look at that five offensive rebounds he was this was the Walker Kessler I was loving during the rookie season where he’s just d dominating inside both offensively and defensively defensively protecting the rim and offensively just crashing the boards and just being a just an absolute monster on

Offensive rebounds and so when he’s doing this it’s really nice to see and then of course the three block shots that block on chat was amazing so nice to see from um Walker Kessler to really stand out tonight he’s you know he’s had some Duds here lately but you know he’s

Really bounced back and it’s been nice to see oai baji I’d say had a pretty decent night he’s pretty locked into this like 10 to 15 minutes a night and he just comes in and plays defense uh he only took one shot but he made it and it

Looked really good it was that and one he made in the transition and then he just kind of he’s an athlete on the floor that makes plays you know blocks steals assists does a little bit of everything he’s not impacting quite as much as I had hoped for this season but

He’s an athlete and it’s nice to have guys like that on the floor running in transition defending and you know you just hope that he can start getting that three-point shot to fall um finally we mentioned Kelly o linck and is pretty standard Kelly oin knight seven

Points uh four assists two rebounds just nice player to have we really needed his three-point shot to fall he had that one corner three that would have been huge that didn’t fall when the Jazz were kind of on the precipice of taking the lead and they just couldn’t quite get it you

Know turnover from keontay George Kelly alen misses the shot uh Jordan Clarkson missed some shots and so it was just tough the Jazz just couldn’t get over that hump but they’ll get better they’ve already been just getting better and better and better it’s been fun to see so oh

Guys that was a lot of fun tonight it’s just a bummer that they end up losing the game but now that the Jazz let’s see now that the Jazz are at 14 and creeping up out to become out of the lottery in fact it makes me wonder if

They pass Orlando are they out of the lottery yeah maybe they’re one game back wouldn’t that be crazy there’s zero chance to uh to keep their pick that would be amazing amazing um yeah nice to see uh Phoenix has all of a sudden started really figuring it out they’ve won three in a

Row so but you know who scuffling is Sacramento look at this they’ve lost four and a row I really by the way we’ll just end on that before we talk about the allst Stars oh k ko to omay aaji $2 market and wait I’m the finisher ashcore

Thank you uh dwcb thank you so much I appreciate it $2 you guys are so generous uh anyways Sacramento might be that team that scuffling so let’s just do a quick in fact we should probably start doing this every night now that we are in the playoff hunt let’s

See so Utah loses tonight which is a bummer can’t win every game I guess uh but Utah’s sitting at nine Sacramento’s scuffling that’s a team Utah can absolutely overtake uh I think the Jazz can also overtake the Dem the New Orleans Pelicans they’re playing pretty well right now but they’re a team that

You never know this is about where they were last season they fell off a cliff it’s one injury to Zion Williamson one too many cheeseburgers and they will drop you know the only thing that’s not dropping for the New Orleans Pelicans is Zion Williamson’s weight because he is going to eat those

Cheeseburgers but anyways I think those are two teams the Jazz can overtake I it’s going to be tough to get to that six spot it’s just you know but if the Jazz keep winning the games like they’re doing it’s pretty awesome and great chance for that to happen all right well

Guys that was a lot of fun it’s now time to give a shout out to the allstars by the way if you were have not already and you’re a jazz fan make sure that you like and subscribe the video subscribe to the channel and if you want to

Support the channel hit join become a part like Dre a rookie like Keon George with much potential all right let’s see here all right let’s do this let’s a shout out to dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel just buckets JB baby Elliot mans and Christian house money toos The Outlaw

Jesse James Nelson all the Josh you need just Josh in your pod Ryan Perry the legend isly rice the man from Down Under yes Jake C can see you Alexa later built for T Alexander TS Jorge arag Jordan the goat best roll tgd total game domination Tyson price The Price is

Right Austin our gr editor extraordinaire KO to om my abaji Patrick kuo The Connoisseur and Robert Hall of Fame guys it’s like I said if you haven’t already like And subscribe to the channel I will talk to you next time

In a tough one against the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Utah Jazz came up just short against the Thunder who played really well. Collin Sexton and Lauri Markkanen continue to shine as the Utah Jazz continue to show why they’re no joke.

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  1. You should be aware that you release these videos late at night. The white background all video on my 75 inch tv is enough to burn my retinas out. Consider a black themed stats browser please

  2. JC helping Jazz win games! Remember Jazz sucks in 2019 and the team trade Exum for Clarkson!
    Dan The Laker Fan wanted JC out from lakers because he's a ball hog. Now Dan wants JC back!!! Funny…
    James that will happen to you!

    But I don't mind JC move to a Title Contending Team!!!

  3. your culinary paraboles cracks me up… 😀
    while it was nice to see that jazz remains competitive even if plays bad game defensive-wise, i'd hope that we could improve this part. Collins played a bit too long, point guards were not great either (easier said than done if you guard SGA), so i have a big of a grudge toward coach, that he did not try THT.
    we simply cannot play sexton-clarkson duo for a prolonged period of time, even if i disagree with Nerd about clarkson's offensive performance. EFG 50% is a pass. We sucked defensively
    Regarding Hendrix, nobody prohibits our coach to use bench players for a longer period of time if situation requires it. there is a reason nba team roster is the size of what, 17-18?

  4. Couple of bad offence decisions in the end cost the game. Also 17 fts for Shai was too much. He really can get the calls too easy.

  5. Sexton is playing like an all-star, IMO he is not tradeable, even for a pick is a risk, Sexton is getting better! He has 7 assists tonight, and he goes to the free throw line as much as Lauri. His defense is improving. and he is only 25!! He is going to have 30 points games more often, he is way more consistent than Clarkson…He an Lauri are amazing 1-2 punch, and when George become more mature, the same with Taylor, this team is going to be super dangerous..

  6. Nice to see Jazz can really compete with the best teams in a league! You cant win every came, better lose to a good team. I would not sell any key players at this point.

  7. So Jazz play a lot around Lauri, though obviously his involvement sometimes is just being a threat.

    Its one point of attack to try to play Lauri off from the play.

    Though I think Jazz will be able to compensate on it as others get more plays because of it.

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