@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Get Tough Win Over New Look Raptors

Chicago Bulls Get Tough Win Over New Look Raptors

You found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls on today’s episode me and Pat are going to break down the Bulls win over the Toronto Raptors which the team stepped up finally closing the game strong we also talk about Kobe white getting his moment in the fourth

Quarter of that game and Zack LaVine rolls his ankle we’re going to talk about all that and more right after this you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Thank you for tuning in the locked on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 he’s also the man that

Murdered David kaplan’s career I’m hay creator of Chicago Chicago not at all not Chicago be Central Podcast and YouTube Pages today’s episode was brought to you by prospects the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon and use code all lowercase locked

On NBA for first deposit match up to $100 where the hell did Pat Go Pat the Chicago Bulls GNA win over the Toronto Raptors this was a fun game to watch I now I don’t get me wrong I really wanted the Bulls to take care of this the business in this game early when the the way that vots came out in

In that first half I was like hey maybe we got a chance to put them away of course the Toronto Raptors ended up taking over the lead holding on to it for a nice little minute but the Bulls showed up in the fourth quarter of this

Game in a way that we haven’t seen very regularly now some of that coincided with Zack LaVine being out of the game but we’ll talk about that a little bit later but uh how do you feel about this game overall and how the Bulls closed

The game out uh listen I I thought that it was a a strong way to keep to to close the game out going into that second half I thought that you saw Kobe white really take charge yet again um really just seemed like he felt comfortable out there and you got that

Shot falling you needed somebody big to step up and Kobe was actually able to go out there and do it I look at that first half and I think the the one thing was right you see the the evenness of everybody in today’s game you see how

Everybody was a ble to cook in their own right and to me watching how V was going early on in that game establishing V in the post it’s almost like we’ve only been saying that for like four years and uh Billy Donovan’s kind of starting to

Do that a little bit more now um especially I think when when we see Zack LaVine removed from the lineup we do see Vu get a little bit more room down there and and he just kind of goes to work and I I thought that that was really good to

See throughout the game and uh his ability to just uh keep the ball alive allowing second chance buckets allowing Second Chance opportunities was really good to see from the Bulls today I thought that this was a very very balanced game overall uh can’t say enough about the defense of Alis Caruso

In this game as well I mean like where where is he not bro a second half he had two steals uh three assists he only ended up with two points one block shot in there he was pretty much guarding everybody like loved what we saw from the from the Bulls uh offensively and

Defensively in this game and as especially versus a team in the Toronto Raptors that look like they jelled together a lot quicker than I thought they would like that they just traded for Bruce Brown the other day and he came in and made an impact today yeah I

Think they said on the broadcast it was like in the in the closing moments of this game they had three players on the court that that weren’t there like a week ago and they were playing really good and that that show goes to show the points of having role players that

Understand and know the role much like Bruce Brown’s a player that was on an NBA championship team and he and he played like it like he to what the sacrifice was needed to make for for him to be able to fit in on this team and I

Tell you what as a first day first game of these guys being together you got to look at it with some promise because I tell you what they played really really well I got hats off to the Toronto Raptors and considering all the change that they’ve had over that roster you

Got look at it the two biggest trades that happened so far during the NBA season have come from the Toronto Raptors team and they still have been out there but they just beat Miami Heat last night as well so yeah yeah no and it I think it was interesting to kind of

See that it it feels like Toronto and the Bulls both feel like they’re kind of doing similar things at the same time here where you’ve been trying to figure out who’s this young guy that’s going to step up and go out there and play really well for the Bulls it looks like it’s

Going to be Kobe white uh for the Raptors it’s Scotty Barnes like they finally made a decision on allowing Scotty Barnes to be the number one option there that just makes the most sense to me um from the outside looking in right and maybe you don’t feel I know

Shawn Woodley from locked on Raptors he didn’t feel like they basically got anything in this deal for Pascal cakam but when I look at you know the the the finally Toronto picking a decision you see Scotty Barnes flourishing from it like he he’s always looked good but

Today he looked like the leader of this team 31 points on the day for him shot the ball incredibly efficient from the field 61% like he he’s a guy that’s to me now Toronto is going to be able to take the next step because you have multiple role players on that team you

Have multiple pieces you can put in place and I see them and what they’ve done and it makes my mind go to okay now what of the bulls have to do to kind of Follow that now they haven’t won many games since most of these trades have

Gone down but you want to continue right the Bulls have kind of done that the Bulls have started winning some of these games the Bulls have been able to uh uh close out some of these games close when uh Zack LaVine hasn’t been on the floor

When Zack LaVine hasn’t been a part of the team and so you feel a little more confident with the bulls see see that if they make some of these similar trades and bring back some similar pieces you might get a a good result out of it yeah

I mean it’s promising right when you and that that’s why when you hear things like AK and Everly are looking for win now pieces to kind of complement this they’re looking to reshape uh not not uh rebuild it makes sense and this is a this would you say like when you look at

The Ascension that Kobe White’s had and the Ascension that Scotty Barnes have had how how how how much would you compare those the not necessarily the RO very different players themselves but as far as this mention in the way that they’ve stepped up for the for their

Respective team I I think less of a step up for Scotty Scotty’s always just kind of been the other guy on the team right Scotty’s been the uh Demar D rozan for this team where it was just like we kind of want you to be the number one but

Also you’re not the number one because this guy’s the number one talking about Pascal cakam um but you knew who they wanted to be their guy right like you knew the guy that you wanted to see go out there and be the long-term answer you always knew that was going to be

Scotty Barnes and so now you see them kind of go out a little bit more and and put more on Scotty Barn’s shoulders right I think that’s kind of what we’re seeing from Kobe white but to compare him right Kobe was never I mean maybe

Year one and two of Kobe but for the most part a billy Donovan’s tenure here Kobe’s never been that guy where the Bulls were trying to go out there and have him be that main piece the the the focal point of an offense and now we’re

Starting to see him you know take on that role and it’s good to see them both kind of taking the taking the proverbial bull by of horns here uh and and taking on that role and and running with it for sure for sure you got to give them

Credit for what they’ve been able to do as a team and and like I said and over on Central I said it like I want to give a lot of credit to Toronto Raptors for how they played make no mistake about it I’m a bulls fan first I’m glad we we

Were able to beat him but I as a basketball uh fan of just the game of basketball I got to give some respect for the Toronto what the Toronto Raptors have been able to do and you know you know let’s see what their future ends up

Being but uh I love the way that to come back to the Bulls it’s how they play today how do you feel about IO dmu’s game today coming off the bench I thought you got everything you needed man like honestly when you look at io’s game Off the Bench right like this was

What we had been missing for the last couple of games we were trying to figure out especially in that second half right when Zack LaVine ends up going down we were looking for okay who’s going to be the guy outside of the main three you

Knew what Demar was going to do you you you know any game versus Toronto dear’s taking minimum 12 shots a half right so we knew what Demar was going to do here that second half 4 for1 wasn’t able to get the shot to go down Kobe white

Played well B played well in that second half you needed that one other guy that was going to be able to give you something and that was I dumo I thought he did a really good job in the second half of this game uh came out very aggressive um couple of turnovers there

And pushed the pace found uh Patrick Williams on a couple of easy easy buckets and I mean when you start to see guys just it seems like guys worked really well together you saw it at the end of the game when AC and Kobe white were just

Excited about being able to get this win right like that was a win that they had to claw and fight their way back into they get back on top and and took a gut punch in that second half where Kobe had knocked down a three we were up 106 uh

105 I believe or 106 104 and then all of a sudden we come back from break and we’re down 103 105 yeah like what the heck just happened immediately go down and Kobe had the ball the ball was in his hand it was a good call um but they go down

Immediately knock down to three and I I instantly was like well here we go this is where the wheels fall off seeing how the young guys played in the second half of this game really galvanizing themselves around uh uh the defensive AC and and buying in defensively I thought

It was a really good second half for the Bulls exactly and I and I think ultimately to like I’m glad that you mentioned Patrick Williams and Vu I know we haven’t had a really lot of time to talk about them and and where we’ve gone with the conversation but uh you know

Patrick Williams in his first game back looked really good looked decisive um you know and so didn’t get a lot of rebounds block shot steals other things that he was doing but as a first game back I really like what Patrick Williams brought to this game now hey go out

There and build off of it young fell yeah I mean yeah I mean pretty much I think he only had one shot made in the first half uh and so it was kind of like okay he’s getting his feet back under him getting his getting his win back and

All that that second half man you saw him come out aggressive and that’s that listen all we’ve been saying is just be aggressive night in and night out every night you go out there be aggressive if you when Patrick Williams is aggressive there’s not a lot of people that weigh

Enough that can stand in his way results usually come when he’s aggressive so let’s hope that that continues for uh him but uh next up we’re going to be talking about Kobe white getting his opportunity to kind of close a game stronger than what he’s gotten to Clos

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Patrick yeah they’re finishing out the week with a Patrick um how you feel about the way that that that Kobe white was able to step up here down the stretch of this game I mean come on guys how much more we got to see come on I like Zach too come on

Guys we we can’t we can’t we can’t not see it anymore it’s not hate in the second half he got an opportunity to take shots and they went in that’s what I saw yeah I I I saw Kobe white in the second half that had the ball in his hand created for other

People was able to get to the rim and used his speed to kill guys used his ability to to uh facilitate after making shots to create open looks for other people like come on what we doing we still we still having this debate here like I I I love

Zack but Le let’s be real it’s time and I’m not goingon to lie because of the next topic right it’s definitely time for you to start thinking about it to me when I look at Kobe’s game uh when he has free reign of the Court free reign

To do whatever he wants on the court um and nobody else has taking his shots away there’s there’s no question that he’s one of the best players on the court and I never thought that I would say that I never thought that I would say that like he he literally looks like

One of the best players on the court there was nothing that Dennis Dennis Schroeder could do how do you say his name you you always give the German say is it Denny Den Deni Denny Denny Dennis uh uh Denny schroer whenever you see him

Be able to go uh what the heck what you see him be able to go out there and um or when when Kobe was going at him and being able to blow past him it just it looked effortless for Kobe it looked like they couldn’t slow him down

They couldn’t stop him they couldn’t figure out how to get in front of him and the couple of times that they did he created open shots for guys like Vu created open shots for guys like Demar I I loved what I saw from Kobe white in the second half and especially to close

Out this game yeah I mean listen Kobe white we we talked about there’s a few things in the next step of Kobe’s Evolution as a player right uh stepping up in the fourth quarter is absolutely one of them getting to the rim more consistently which he’s he listen Kobe’s

Figured out that change of Direction speed of wi and turn on those after burners and when he does that like even though Kobe white isn’t necessarily I know technically he’s a big point guard he he does he doesn’t outweigh a lot of people there but when you get him going

With a with a with some speed he’s going to body some people he’s going to take that contact and get to the line and so if Kobe can do those things close the fourth quarter get to the rim a little bit more consistently and get to the

Free throw line we know he can convert when he gets there with what he’s already doing otherwise in passing defense things like that you got a complete player there in Kobe yeah and and I I think that’s the I think that’s the one thing about him that you still

Have so much that excites you on when you look at how he’s coming out defensively and being a leader on the defensive end right he’s he’s a plus 23 tonight uh while putting up 23 points and he shot one for six from the field

But when you see him like or one for six from three I should say but when you see him on the defensive end right he’s always being active he’s always rotating he’s always helping he’s doing everything that he can to help his team get a win and it’s why they it’s why

These guys get so excited with him I mean like like I said you saw kuso you saw uh uh uh Caruso and Kobe at the end of that game right coming together and and being excited about the fact that they were able to pull off this one that

They were able to fight back in it after getting down after losing Zack LaVine right you just feel The Vibes around that team when Kobe white is the Catalyst of what’s going on in the second half and it just it I’m sorry guys the team looks different and it’s not a bad

Different what are you trying to say Pat just say it oh no I said it already like we need to hurry up the process of moving on from Zack LaVine we just do we just do I mean like it’s not it’s not hate on Zack I’ve said I think Zach

Is a top 10 shooting guard in the NBA I think he’s a really good player but there’s something about this Dynamic that doesn’t work and when you put him back in the lineup with Kobe the Kobe that we saw was not this Kobe was it still a good version of Kobe a better

Version than we’ve seen yes but it wasn’t this Kobe do you think Kobe that wins you games so are are you over the the trying to see if that if they can if Kobe and Zack can make it work in a back court together if if like

On that do you still there’s a chance that I mean listen I’m over it because I don’t think that they’re going to move on from uh dear okay like if if they were gonna move on from DeMar yeah try and make it work with with Zach I’m fine

With that but I don’t think that they’re gonna move on from DeMar and it’s not I I think what’s interesting is right when it’s Kobe Zack and Vu you get a similar result when it’s Kobe Demar and Vu you get a similar result when it’s Kobe Z

It’s a whole different game yeah like it becomes an ISO game it becomes very one-on-one so you got to move on from one of them personally I would rather move on from the guy that’s much older I would rather try to figure it out with Zack LaVine but there’s something about

Zack LaVine being inserted back into this lineup when everybody’s ready to go that it does not look the same and I’m sorry the second quarter to the third quarter where we started to come back in that game was a completely different team and unfortunately that comes from

Zack LaVine ending up rolling his ankle early in that third and we we’ll we’ll talk about kind of I mean listen that that’s one of the reasons why I was like let’s get this thing done quickly because how long is he gonna be upright yeah pause a pause that feels like a

Pause I mean if you would have just said up I think that would have been a I think might be worse I don’t know how long is he gonna be up that’s that’s worse now I’m saying that’s worse yeah right ain’t that is okay all Paul’s traumatic stress disorder that’s all I

Can say PA traumatic stress disorder um when you when you look at Kobe before we get out of this segment um starting to dip his toe into Kobe white there’s no toe dipping on this podcast sir you do report on people whose toes have been dipped into things so so you’re you’re

You’re say because you were started off with this with Kobe white doubting the validity and and can he keep this going have you seen enough from Kobe now this you believe in this ver of Kobe was I I mean it’s a it’s the most confident version I’ve ever seen of Kobe I think

Kobe believes in this version of Kobe and for me that means that I have to believe in in in what he’s doing he hasn’t had a game even when Zack came back in the second halfs it didn’t look like the same Kobe and there were moments where they would go back to Kobe

And he would do it again right I think about that uh that Charlotte game was it the Charlotte game we went to OT and in the four in the OT it was all pretty much Kobe white he ended up getting three shots in the overtime knock down

All three of them right like the the second we decide to go back to him he’s like I’m still ready to be that guy when I see a player believe in his game that much that tells me that that he’s unlocked something that he’s so confident in that it’s going to be very

Tough for for the guys on the other side to slow him down that Kobe white I can believe in um and and I think that he’s here to stay I completely agree with you on that one completely agree with you um but yeah let’s go ahead and move on get

Your going man I gotta make sure I got prize picks today right I I believe I have prize uh I I clicked on it and then I was like I don’t remember if I hit the right date hey boys we got to tell you guys about prize picks before we tell

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Game goes down goes in the back for a little while ends up coming back playing a handful of minutes yeah but then ends up going back uh again before the end of the game and does not return we look at everything because of the trade talk

Other things like that uh Hey how do you feel about Zack LaVine potentially missing some time with a road ankle as we know that road ankle you can miss anywhere up to about a week with that depending on how long it takes a swell and to go down not necessarily saying

That’s what’s going to happen with Zach he could be out there uh next game on Saturday against uh the the Memphis Grizzlies but how how concerned do you think that this impacts what everything that’s going on with Zack why are you putting them back out there what what are you gonna see that

You don’t know about Zack lvin why are you putting him back out there you know you want to trade him why are you risking him like honestly like I somebody tell me why he’s on the floor if you know you’re getting rid of him because all you’re

Doing where’s it going Pascal sakov just went for three first over first round picks where’s it going like like I the trade value is what it is at this point I mean you’re you’re talking about trying to trade a player who’s been hurt already multiple times this season don’t

Know if this is going to be lengthy um maybe you put him back out there to prove that it’s not that’s crazy uh maybe you put him back out there to prove that this is not going to be a lengthy injury um but no we’re good on that one we’re

Good on that one but okay he plays against Memphis i’ I’d put him out there against Memphis he wouldn’t see the floor again that’ be his last game with a bull as a bull because at this point every game that you play you know the package that you’re trying to trade them for

So you’re either going to get that or you’re not every game that you keep him on the floor you’re risking him being hurt and once he gets hurt again you’re not trading him he’s here you’re here you’re stuck with it like what what what game are we

Trying to win what we’re trying to get the trade value up what a we think people are going to sit there and look at Zack LaVine uh for playing uh what it would be till trade deadlines what February 10th for playing 15 more games and they’re going to go yo wow

Everything we’ve seen in the last four years is a lie this 15 here those 15 games though what are we doing at this point your you’re shooting yourself in the foot also nine games until the trade deadline so dang that’s all it is yeah it’s February 8th is the

Trade deadline we got nine games until the trade deadline that’s a lot of space Oh yeah yeah that makes think about this this team could look completely different in less than 10 games yep that’s crazy I mean honestly bro like am I tweaking like why are they putting him

Out there I mean I think I think they are I think they are trying to get up that trade value where you can I mean yeah yeah him rolling the ankle sucks but I do think that what now that he has basketball injur yeah now that I think

It may be time to start if if they are just focused on trading Z which did come out today shout out to Joe Calli who did report that the Bulls are still focused on reshaping this roster their desire to move Zack LaVine is not been wavered by

This trademark or anything like that if that’s truly if they know whether they want to admit or not that by February 8th that’s the last day Zack LaVine is going to be on the Chicago Bulls I will say at this point now with nine games left you may want to consider it unless

He wakes up and he’s perfectly fine the swelling’s down by Saturday and you’re like all right bet you you’re good to go but uh I I would say that this that roll of that ankle may have made them reconsider whatever that plan was if they still play on moving and and I mean

I’d put him out there against Memphis just to show you that like if he’s healthy to go and he’s good to go I’d put him out there against Memphis to say hey why because you can roll your ankle against three bums it doesn’t matter yeah they’re missing the most of the

Roster but listen Zack LaVine trying to guard GG Jackson and rolling the ankle would be embarrassing well I would I would say just to show you that he’s he’s fine right like just to say he’s he’s good to go but I guess here’s the thing that’s more the outward appearance

Like uh you can I can send you footage of him playing in practice and tell you he’s fine practice it’s just practice it’s practice we talking about practice we talk about practice uh but no I I it’s not that I want to see Zach go I

Would rather see them figure out how to make this all work but they’re not moving on from Billy Donovan there’s beef there they’re not moving on from demard De rosan to me it doesn’t seem like I feel like there I I feel like AK would rather let demard Rosen walk at

The end of the year and trade them that’s very dumb but like I I I fully expect like a contract is not going to be done in nine games they’re not going to be any closer you never know I mean if they’ve been talking this whole time you never know

But I will say this like at this point you got to ask yourself if you guys have been negotiating because if I’m not mistaken didn’t it media day they said that they were going to start talking oh yeah so if you’ve been talking for media day which was in that

Would have been August September and it’s now February almost well middle of January it be February at that point in time if you guys are still far apart on both years and money there’s no deal yeah yeah there’s no deal yeah this I don’t I don’t know if y’all no this or

Not there’s only two things that have to come together for you to sign a contract with people years and money solid I’m just saying like it’s only two things they go into contract extensions the amount of years you’re gonna play here and how much money we’re gonna pay you while you’re here those

Are the only two I don’t know bro it it’s the the Bulls are in an interesting situation with these guys and and Zack LaVine rolling his ankle to me puts you puts even more pressure on the Bulls to to get something going right like you gotta put more pressure on

Actually getting a deal in place and getting a deal done and I I’ll say this hopefully the trade of Pascal cakam starts to get stuff moving around the league because it was very much like everybody was waiting for the Jan 15 date yeah so dates passed everybody’s available let’s get a deal done

Here we’ll see man we’ll see what ends up happening but uh you’ll see us again next week this is the last episode of this week we’ll see you guys Monday yeah I won’t be here Saturday I’ll stay safe out there Chicago before we get up out

Of here got to make sure that we hit that uh oh yeah Oh wrong One big dubs big dubs hey Say who F to catch a face Z po the train it didn’t work as Well oh D it didn’t work as well I didn’t have a good one for this one we we almost we almost got beat by the Raptors bro but the music plays anyway the music plays for everyone oh man that’s that’s one of the best parts of the show there brother

I love it man I love it y’all stay safe oh follow us on everything at path of designer follow me on everything y’all know what I said follow me on everything at path of designer follow us both on everything at lockon boy yall stay safe out there Chicago you can follow me at

CEO Hayes you can uh make sure you guys check us out and thank you for tuning in to another episode of Locked on bulls you can follow uh check out the show and every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube and the

Odyssey app for p the designer I’m Hayes this has been locked on bulls and we’ll see you lovely and beautiful people next week peace y’all peace did you see your boy in the chat said he wait what you didn’t see that I did not No seems like something crack

Haize & Pat The Designer break down the Bulls win over the Raptors. They guys also discuss Coby White getting his moment to close a game and Zach LaVine going down with an ankle injury.
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  1. Bulls fans we gotta stop being so quick to judge and stop changing our judgments after every performance 😂. What’s happening to the world!!

  2. If we can win 1 set of back to back games I’ll be ready to say this team is a slight threat to those lower to mid seeds.

  3. It’s crazy as a day 1 Coby supporter not hearing my boy name being mentioned close to the trade deadline , im really proud of my boy , go back to the second quarter at the 7 min point Coby was out there doing ballet on them ninjas but he did miss the lay up 😂, Zach look like a non factor, he got me questioning my expertise cause I can’t believe I thought he was a number 1 player , it look pitiful

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