@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards joins Inside the NBA, Talks Win vs Grizzlies 🎀

Anthony Edwards joins Inside the NBA, Talks Win vs Grizzlies 🎀

Thank you very much Kevin Harland Inside the NBA presented by Kia comes your way shortly here on TNT Ernie Johnson Shaquille O’Neal Kenny the Smith and Charles Barkley so Minnesota Trails going to the fourth quarter 8681 they win it by 15 118 103 they have the best

Record in the NBA when trailing after three quarters five wins and eight losses uh and Anthony Edwards turns it around he has two points in the first half Kenny and then goes for 26 in the second half not surprised um what what Anthony a was someone asked

Me you know today about how what type of Play It Was when when um there some I watched them play two preseason games the first preseason game Anthony Ed did not play second one he did what he’s able to do is calm everyone down because when you need a basket we’re going to

Give it to him when we need to make a play we’re going to give it to him when we need a defensive stop at times we’re going to put the him on the best player so now the guys who used to be in those positions now they take the secondary

Role and some of them are primary guys like Carl Anthony to’s a primary guy at times who can always take the second role so I’m calm so I I watched them play and I thought they were much calmer and that’s what Anthony which I’m not surprised he had a great second half as

We wait for Anthony Edwards to put on a headset at Target Center uh what’s your okay I would I would ask you a question Chuck but I’m told now that he is ready so let’s welcome Anthony Edwards to the proceedings uh Ernie Johnson here in Atlanta Anthony go dogs and uh yes sir

Let’s let’s talk about the difference between the first half and the second half and what clicked for you um I mean pretty much I just came out slow man I I just wasn’t ready to play ton night and um I saw that if I if

I didn’t bring it in the second half we wasn’t going to be able to win that game so you know I decided to just pick it up I wasn’t ready to play early so I had to find it uh Anthony sha here uh you are

Indeed a great player uh we all know you had a slow first half picked it up second half what did you say to yourself you know you just said that you wern’t ready to play what did you say to yourself at halftime to get yourself

Going um I know nobody on the other side of the Court really could you know stay in front of me or guard me so I knew I was just you know bsing down here so pretty pretty much that’s it I knew nobody could guard me so I just took it

Upon myself to figure it out yeah you know Anthony it it’s interesting when you’re a great player sometimes you kind of go through the motions who’s the one guy on a team can get on your ass cuz I I had Rick Mahorn I had Rick Mahorn and

Dan Marley and Derek Smith but who’s the one guys your man who’s that guy on your team uh Cal Anderson for sure yeah hell yeah yeah slow-mo yeah he told me at Hal time like he told me at Hal time man you got two points you ain’t looking like No

Superstar right now you looking like a scrub so you know I had to figure it out you know after you know the start of this after last year there was a lot of talk that we would always hear you with the confidence how you could no one

Could guard you things could happen now that’s translating into wins difference between translating to individual accolades tell me what TR what how did that move from I’m playing good but I can make us play good I think playing in the USA um the feea World Cup this

Summer um I think that change my perspective about everything uh being able to play with your team um you know play Within the game and not try to just I play isolation ball all day um playing within the system and fi does a great job of making sure I stay within the

System uh Anthony I going to ask you another question about other than you you’re obviously terrific Nas Reed what does he mean what does he what does he mean to y’all team cuz I love that kid yeah I love him too he means everything

To me and to our team I’m pretty sure he means everything to those guys too um to me he’s the x- factor of the team man every night that he brings it we win um so and I told him today like man when you play like this I don’t think we can

Be beat by anybody in the league and you know long as he keep that confidence High we we going to be unstoppable and last thing and then we’ll let you go U got to ask you about the play that’s going to be on every highlight reel on

Every Sports show everywhere so take me through this off the backboard play um I pretty much just did like a double between the legs and when I was I was just trying to get to a spot like a elbow spot and he kind of cut me off and

I didn’t have nobody to pass it to and I pump faked and he jumped so I was just like I might as well try it I seen um I seen somebody doing an allstar game so I was like I might as well try it it worked hey you didn’t look like a scrub

Doing it either for sure 118 103 the final win number 30 for the Minnesota Timberwolves best record in the west an thanks a lot for your time man appreciate man hustle to hustle coming out bab show coming out yes sir Adam lock in lock in Adam you know you you

You’re we going we going to break or we going to talk uh we’re going to go to break and then we’re going to talk because Inside the NBA is our postgame show that’s going to come on next yeah okay we’re going to watch a game like I said all over the voice

Memphis Grizzlies vs Minnesota Timberwolves – Full Game Highlights | January 18, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. Edwards is to inconsistent. He will score 35 and go for 8-25 from the field. and they beat a depleted Grizz. Ja would have went right back at him! And the Pels murder them and will do it again.

  2. I hope someone tells Anthony how much Chuck was admiring his body on the post show. It’ll do wonders for his confidence going forward

  3. Does Edward's ascension say something about Karl Anthony Towns. If he had Edward's mentality his career would be so much better. That's the difference between good and great.

  4. Dat JR Rider, Baby Jordan, 34 jersey doe! Far right corner. Glad Isiah Rider got his ring, even though he was a bench man but still role played the Lakers into earning it.

  5. Edward's Has All The Skills..Too Bad He Needs Somebody too Fire His Ass Up in order too Beat A Celler Dweller Team..

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