@Denver Nuggets

Coach Malone Full Post Game Press Conference vs. Warriors πŸŽ™

Coach Malone Full Post Game Press Conference vs. Warriors πŸŽ™

Michael when when you call timeout there with a couple seconds left what play are you drawing up what’s the conversation in that huddle well yeah we we we got the stop with Jamal steel and I tried to call the timeout right away so we could Advance it the referees obviously didn’t

Give us that so we had to take it out three quarter court and the first look was going to be Jamal Murray up the sideline second look was going to be uh kcp coming off of Nola and then obviously lastly Nola flashing back to the

And then I said I want you to take two dribbles over half court and shoot to three and he he executed the the play to uh to Perfection but great players make great plays and uh you know the cola catching the ball there and then making something happen behind that is just uh

Just incredible that’s our sixth Road win in a row and when you get down to this team it’s very easy to drop your head and this building with that crowd and that’s probably the thing I I was most pleased with tonight is that everybody coaches players we just stayed

The course even after that uh third quarter which they dominated uh but we closed that game I think was a 25 to four run to close and uh you don’t see that happen to that team in this building very often so very proud of our group for staying with it I thought

Aaron Gordon was great being back in the bay 30 and9 Nicole jic uh another sour triple double and uh thought Jamal Murray’s you know a lot of times you’ll see like Jamal’s energy he will he Wills us to a win sometime and I thought his energy got into the

Foul trouble but I thought he was terrific throughout especially in that fourth quarter and the last guy I got to mention is pton Watson you know look at a young kid like Payton who’s basically a rookie this year closing out a game on the road and making some really big

Plays on his way to 19 points and five rebounds you you just rattled off a lot of names and you guys were a well balanced team a very deep team last season but do you feel or how balanced do you feel that your team is right now

Well yeah I think with a starting line lineup you know we have guys in that starting group you know Jamal Pope Michael Aaron Nicole they can all have big nights um you know we play the right way 28 assists only nine turnovers um and then Off the Bench

Obviously Reggie’s capable of having a big game Payton had a big game tonight and you know the reality is we know we’re playing a lot of young guys off of our bench you know so when you play young guys they going to be you know some ups and downs and we’re living with

That because we feel that Christian pton Julian all those guys have very Bright Futures ahead of them so the experiences that they’re getting now is only going to help us as we move forward not just this year but for many years to come hey coach what with uh the three-point def

Defense being what it was tonight what did you guys find uh to close out on a 25 to4 run yeah I mean it was uh the most important thing Bob was just not not giving in not giving up not let go letting go that proverbial rope um and

So there was a belief and we just kept on like chipping away and then I we’ get another stop and we’d score we get to the foul line and the next thing you know it’s a 12-point game it’s an eight-point game it’s a five-point game next thing you

Know we win the game at the buzzer um and then you know just just guys understanding um Steph Curry Klay Thompson pamy who who played really well that kid’s got a bright future um and and locking in you know last year we had the third best clutch defense in the NBA

And and I think tonight down the stretch that showed the third quarter isn’t what we expected me neither yeah so would you think that there’s any way that can be done better executed better for this team yeah I mean it was to your point 44

To 24 so uh we didn’t defend at all they scored 44 points that quarter and then offensively uh we we were just very stagnant you know you look at we won every other quarter aside from the third quarter and unfortunately it was a 20 point deficit in that one quarter so we

Could have been better offensively and to be better offensively that always starts with your defense and your rebounding but uh they came out hot they came out on fire and we did really not didn’t do a whole lot to disrupt their Rhythm and uh we’ll watch the film uh we

Have the toughest back toback in the business tomorrow night at at home going from the West Coast back to Denver uh but you know hopefully our guys are ready for that challenge coach it’s more of a big picture question in terms of you you guys have bigger things in mind

Obviously with what you accomplished last year and where you’d like to be playing at the end of the year how do you you maintain that Focus now and the urgency that you need game to game now knowing that your guys are thinking we want to be playing in May and June yeah

It’s definitely a challenge you know and that was one thing we addressed going into training camp was understanding uh you you’ve gone from being a team that was a hunter to now being hunted by 29 other teams who are trying to dethrown the reigning NBA champions and

Understand that every night you have a Target on your back you’re going to get everybody’s best you know Golden State’s used to that you know they’ve won four and everybody gets up to play the Champs and so I have to remind our guys at

Times I got to jump our guys at times um and and and you have to trust your veteran Core group and our starters um to to bring it and to hold each other accountable you know it can’t always come from me and I I think for the most

Part you know um we’ve won six in a row on the road as I mentioned earlier we’re now I think uh 11- two in our last 13 games I think we’re doing a pretty good job of understanding every single night we’re get going to get the opponent’s

Best and we have to bring it and we have to hold ourselves to that standard that we always talk about and when we’re not living up to that standard it’s a collective accountability we all have to be better you mentioned the the third quarter kind of getting blitzed by the

Worri you also talked about how impressed you were with your guys to be able to to stick with it what did you see change I mean I think you started the fourth on like a 130 run like what did you see change in that quick amount

Of time to push you guys guys to that that yeah I mean uh they came out in the third quarter very very aggressive and we didn’t match that you know they had us on our heels the whole third quarter and there’s that’s why they had scored

Us 44 to 24 and then I felt okay enough’s enough our backs are against the wall like we have to go now and we became the aggressor we became the team that was getting stops pushing attacking we became more physical and uh you know when you have two talented teams like

You have in uh Golden State and us nine times out of 10 the most aggressive team is going to win that’s something I learned from my father many years ago and I felt when the game was on the line we were the more aggressive team we got

Timely stops and uh we just kept onb believing not only in ourselves but in the guy next to us and that’s always a beautiful thing to see she’s dominating the mic tonight coach I might have missed as you might have said this in the beginning can what

Play did you draw yeah well as I was telling uh the people from The Denver Post oh they’re not here tonight I’m sorry um what happened was when Jamal got that steal great great stop at the end of the game I had one timeout left

And I tried to I was calling it right away in hopes of we’d be able to advance the ball sha said that obviously uh it was called after the dribble so we had to take it out three quarter court and the first look was going to be Jamal

Muray up the strong side sideline uh the second look was going to be Pope flying off of nicoa at half court and then obviously Nia was there primary Aaron hitting Nia and then obviously make something happen and um I wish I could tell you mark that I

Told him to take two dribbles to the right and shoot the jump shot but as I mentioned to this group earlier you know that’s just a great player making a great play with the game on the line shot it uh from my vantage point I said that’s going in I think everybody

Not bench like right when he left his hands all the coaches in the back were saying that like it’s that’s online that’s going in and we had a game like that maybe a few years ago similar situation close game and Monte moris h a a buzzer beater in the same area much

Closer than Nicole is but um you know nicool lives for those moments and um you know it’s it’s great and joyful to watch a player of his talent go out there and make the plays that he makes along with Aaron Gordon who is great tonight and uh Jamal Murray pton Watson

Off the Bench like this was a a character win and it was everybody contri I could I could have just played him back the recording yeah it was a similar question of how long does 4 seconds feel in that kind of situation does it feel like it’s going really fast or does

Everything for you as a coach on the sidelines does everything slow down well it slows down because Nicole is slow I mean so when he catches the ball and he’s dribbling to his right you know there’s not a lot of uh burst of energy there but what you have to love and

Appreciate is that there was no Panic on his part because 4 seconds is a long time you can catch take two dribbles and shoot a shot and for the defender obviously you know you want to contest but you don’t want to foul the last thing you want to do is foul somebody at

The end of regulation put them on the free throw line so um yeah man we we we uh we bounced back from a really bad third quarter and somehow someway pulled out a win and we have a hell of a challenge waiting in Denver right now in the Orlando Magic

Hear what Coach Malone had to say after the win in Golden State.

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Coach Malone Full Post Game Press Conference vs. Warriors πŸŽ™


  1. Some folks are deeply interested in how the last game was planned….was it off the glass?!…etc…I feel their racists pain

  2. I feel like Jamal ices out MPJ. MPJ stands there ready shoot, wide open, and never gets the ball from Jamal. I know Jamal is the first or second option but when you’re falling behind, give it to MPJ. Jamal even threw one to Braun of all people who bricked, when MPJ was open.

  3. Why the coaches rock!!!! Push the players to not give up… this game will set the tone for the rest of the season….insane.

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