@Orlando Magic



First off Jay what did you see from your perspective great defense saw amazing defense uh kale slid his feet stayed in front of every everything he tried to do and he hit a tough one contested one hand little midy I know he works on that but there’s done more that you can ask

Out of Kell out of us you know on the defensive possession um you know I don’t think the game balls down to that one play but um there was a much else we could do on that you know sometimes just how the ball rolls how the game goes you

Got to keep it pushing you guys have the glass also forcing them into a lot of turnovers what kind of change May down that gave um I think I got to the free throw line himself I thought we tried to do a good job of of not fouling and play

Solid defense you know without sending them to the line and uh you know sometimes you get a whistle like that down the stretch you can’t do much so um you know just continue to clean things up continue to learn um you know how we can do better ways of of not fouling and

And you know getting out of the way avoiding contact whatever it may be um but uh yeah it’s tough throughout this road trip you’ve been holding opponents scoring obviously at 102 uh what does that say about the team’s defense at this particular point of the halfway

Month I think we’re doing a great job and we’re getting guys back uh in the mix you know and it’s great to have them you know from ji Kell Dell uh you know everybody who kind of came in and played in that second unit who’s been out um

You know been amazing job of impacting the game you know you can’t ask for anything more from you guys uh you know so just excited to get everybody back get everybody healthy uh you know be home for a little bit you know play in front of in front of uh Kia

Center and the crowd uh you know in our city and get some momentum back rolling how how important is it to to kind of learn you know the kind of the markins and little things isn’t the big shot it’s like you know some turnovers and turnovers allow line back in the game or

You know those fouls how point is it to learn that those plays are kind of I mean she said it CH said we were walking down here you know it’s not uh it’s not always that last play um you know what I’m saying it’s a culmination

Of a lot of things you know that put them in position you know to have that shot have that opportunity um so yeah continue to clean things up you know I thought we did a good job today though you know and staying solid I thought we were playing good basketball the ball’s

Popping and moving um you know we a lot of times got really good shots out of good action so um you know just keep cleaning cleans up we missed a lot of good open shots uh you know we knock those down and um you know keep it

Pushing I don’t think you dwell on these too much you know you you learn from them you move on to the next one I know that’s been kind of a frustrating point for the first of the Season you guys are getting good looks but but they’re not

Going down how you kind of kept the defensive energy up I know just kind of natural ination shot doesn’t go you the defense long um shooting it again I think that’s the only thing you can do I you look at C Hughes uh he got seven Great Looks uh you know seven

Tough misses you know sometimes you have nights like that so uh contining to trust the process of things um you know not go away from it you know because we have a night where you know we don’t knock down a couple open ones uh you know keep doing it keep Haring at it

Chopping wood carrying water and good things uh you know are going to come as a result you talked about K the top what has stood out you since he’s come back to he’s just such a great human being man and he just is a cal a calming

Person you know and I know Kell Kel been through the world you know and he has his own things going on but um what he brings to us when he’s out there is just like this it’s like a sense of Peace honestly um you know I look for him and

And we have a lot of conversations we laugh a lot uh you know we talk hoop you know we continue to get better and figure out things as we’re on the court so it’s been great to have back in the fold his defense has been great um you

Know same goes for everybody who made making their way back right now so just very excited to get everyone back um get back on this track uh you know with the whole group and keep it pushing kind of picking up on that point about you kind of getting everybody back and back into

The lineup and everything I is there a little bit of an adjustment period still kind of getting wend Mar everyone acclimated yet again on the court uh a little bit but you continue to play basketball and you know we hang out with each other every day we spend time

Together um you know we we build up a great great chemistry you know and relationships um so that in the moments when we are figuring that out you know when it feels a bit off you know we can talk about it we can fix those things in

The moment you know continue to get better um so I think it’s going to come with time but I mean we look good everyone looked good who’s on the court I thought we played great basketball tonight just couple shots in Fall couple couple fouls that went their way and um

You know they hit a tough one to end it you know and sometimes that’s that’s what it takes to you know to for another team to beat you I think that’s what it was tonight and last thing I want to ask though was at the end of the game I

Think there was about 30 45 seconds left you had a foul on Trey at the perimeter he was already in the bonus as well too though there’s sometimes a little bit of that aggressiveness on the defense can sometimes come back and fight you do you feel like that way sometimes yeah I mean

I I I didn’t try to foul I understood I understood the situation time and score and um you know I don’t don’t want to just play LAX you know and allow him to to drift and be comfortable um you know that comes with also not fing like

You’re talking about but I mean also It’s just sometimes not much you can do about that you know chuma went and had had won as well where I thought he played great defense you know and um you know a lot of respect to Trey you know I

Got a lot of love for him he’s a great player um you know it was just tough whistle down the stretch um so kind got to keep it push and learn from it um you know hopefully uh you know go back talk about it rep it out watch the film and

Uh figure out how we can better defend that without filing in a moment but yeah just got to learn from it good thank thank you guys

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