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Dallas Mavericks + Brooklyn Nets In-Season Deep Dive, Rumors & News | The NBA Show

Dallas Mavericks + Brooklyn Nets In-Season Deep Dive, Rumors & News | The NBA Show

Sorry a little late intro right here it is January 18th it is 8:35 a little early I we’re still figuring out how we’re going to do this with my semester because I originally had signed up that this wasn’t going to be a problem but Murphy’s law professor changes the class

Time and now I am having a morning class which I wasn’t supposed to Plus work and all that stuff but here we are we got a few things that we wanted to talk to you guys about today Henry’s already here let me put my headphones on what we’re specifically going to be

Talking about today is Dallas Mavericks Brooklyn Nets just like kind of like a season Deep dive of what they’ve done this year where they’re at and then besides that we also have I believe just some housekeeping news Henry how are you doing today bud bro I’m Steve Nash

Someone’s gonna have to build me a van one of these days I I told Steve not Steve Nash I told Henry about Steve Nash because Henry said was he has what is it called Scalia Scalia little little sciatica flare sciatica sciatica and from my basketball knowledge Steve Ash ster from

Sciatica it’s where like one of your discs slips basically this is your spine and one of your discs just kind of like slips under like it just bulges basically and from my understanding was Steve Nash had really bad sciatica and by the end of his career they had to

Like create a specialized band so he could be like moved between games cuz he does not sit laying down he sits L he lays down in the car he doesn’t sit straight up so Henry’s over here needing a new mode of transportation do you think your back

Could be from playing outs uh from yesterday playing I mean dude I think it’s it’s posture related and just like get a I have a posture corrector in my room somewhere like I throw all like when I’m working a lot dude um back when I was in college like me and Nikki would

Hit eight 12h hour Library shifts like just to study especially during Co and I bought a posture corrector because I hated the feeling of like being hunched over all day like over my laptop because we’ be in the library for so long so I bought a posture corrector that would

Like keep like pushes your shoulders back and like has like a back thing like to keep your back like pressed forward it’s pretty nice [ __ ] okay maybe I’m down to try it I feel like I I got to find it it’s in a box okay I feel like

I’m capable obviously of correcting my own posture without it and nice well the whole thing with the posture the whole thing with the posture corrector you’re not I used to wear it during car rides you’re not supposed to wear it for more than two hours because what it’s

Supposed to do is train you so you take right then you don’t you don’t want to crutch your body to need help to be in its proper position exactly then you’re not actually training the muscles but yeah that makes sense well what I do is I would wear it like non-stop for two

Days like just 24 like 48 Hours like take it off for Sleep obviously and then I just wouldn’t wear it cuz then I feel like my body got used to for 2 days being there like in the pulled back and then I only would use it when I felt

Like like posture was waning again you know okay because I felt I always use it as kind of like a as like a reminder all right yeah let’s talk because imagine like your hips and like leg upper leg regions just like feeling like they’re falling asleep all night I

Was just tingling bro I was tossing and turning for hours oh damn yeah not that might be nerve you might have a nerve that’s what I’m saying whether or not it’s actually sciatic or not I can feel that it’s like my scia n because it runs

It runs from my neck down to like my through my hamstrings and legs yeah dude if that’s um really the case I would if you keep having that that might be a doctor appointment that you’re going to have to like look into CU anything if it’s starting if you’re starting to feel

Numbness or like kind of like ants in your nerves then that means you’re you might have a disc pressing against your your spinal nerves and that’s um that can cause irritation whole plethora of issues that like it’s I know it’s money that you’d have to spend but it’s

Probably in your best interest to to get it diagnosed and figure out a way to alleviation cuz further complications down the road I mean we saw like that’s we’re seeing like uh Bradley Beal I’m sorry to bring a basketball into this Bradley Beals had nerve irritation for

What like the first three months of the season and then Ben Simmons is struggling with back issues still yeah we’ll see I’d say this happens very occasionally throughout the past eight years so really to see if it La if it lasts more than a few days which it never does then I’ll be

Concerned that’s wild that you’ve had this just regularly happen well very occasionally I’d say over that ban has probably happened easily single digit times damn yeah very did you ever suffer like a a bad accident I once had a scary trampoline incident but that’s the only time I’ve

Ever felt like my back truly did something crazy but even then I was okay yeah no idea no idea that one um cuz uh my friend who has back issues like he my friend Drew that I was telling you about who lives an hour

North of us or two hours north of us he got into a really bad ski accident sophomore year of high school like nothing requiring surgery but to this day like if we play sports do anything physically act active wise we have to get back and not get

Back when we get back he has to get the he has like all these like massage and roll things that like it’s like all a cylinder with bumps on it and he’ll like go on the floor and like roll out his back and like do all these stretches cuz

He’s like his like back will lock up if he doesn’t do it cuz he like I think he jump he did a jump on a skiing and he just you know what I mean his back yeah yeah and yeah I’m so I’m so athletically unencumbered that I think I’m okay and

Like I’m extremely active but I think I do have nerves that are susceptible to flaring up for some reason so I probably will get a check out at some point in my life yeah probably just an you need yeah let’s be honest all right let’s talk these Dallas

Mavericks and the Dallas Mavs currently they lost last night to the Los Angeles Lakers 127 110 no Kyrie who’s been on an absolute tear they are the 11th best offensive rating at 118 their defensive rating is 11 16.9 which is weird because at times Dallas’s defense has been actually like

Something they’ve been really good at this year and then at other times it falls through the cliff they’re 36% from three which is 15th in the league which is insane to think about that shooting 36% as a whole from a team is now middle tier in the league absurd to think about

That as the best teams are shooting just under 40% and the worst teams are shooting just just around 34 so wild the think that our three-point percentage has gone up too they are seventh in the Western Conference currently they are actually tied for the six their game

Behind the fifth seed Luca donic is stat leader for everything except defense stats now this is a team that if you look at here they suck at rebounding the ball they’re not moving the ball they don’t have great primmer D and they’re not protecting the rim is something that

You can check right now and they’re actually not having the best free throw year either so but their calling card is they don’t turn the ball over they freaking put three-point sh shots like at nobody’s business they attempt some of the most F top 10 most field goals

Per game top 10 scoring offense they don’t foul don’t turn over but they can’t protect the rim they can’t rebound on either side of the ball and they don’t move the ball that well so right here you got yourself Luca dones and Kyrie carrying the scoring

Load with Tim Hardway Jr kind of having a resurgent Year Derrick Jones Jr figuring out how to be a three-point shooter Grant basically drik Jones Jr is giving you the stats that Grant Williams was supposed to give you you thought has stolen Grant Williams job yeah basically

Yeah yeah like I I thought about that last night I was like holy [ __ ] what Derrick Jones Jr’s doing is what Grant Williams was supposed to [ __ ] be doing for the M no Grant’s been fine he just not worth the money you’re [ __ ] paying when you’re piring Derrick Jones Jr I

Think the the vet men Josh Green’s also another guy who kind of got pushed out the line he’s playing but his impact has he been hurt his impact hasn’t been what he was hurt extended absence I think he’s ramping up into a pretty normal role by his standards by standards I

Feel like last year was just the like wasn’t a breakout year but it made it feel like this year would have been the breakout year where he but would have been he would become a 15 points per game score see 9.1 like he was just way way better last

Year he’s averaging 104 and three on 43% shooting from Deep over his last six games yeah so then you got yourself Dante exom who’s really been efficient but he’s more of their defensive Maestro than anything and kind of like secondary ball hander you’re not really off asking for much offensive Firepower from him

Besides the occasional catch and shoot and finishing in transition Jaden Hardy’s another guy that if you watched last year you thought maybe this year he could be that he could have stolen some minutes from Tim Hardaway Jr and kind of giv you some sixthman minutes as he’s

Kind of a secondary ball handler with some scory punch but still not there and then you get of course Dwight Powell and it’s crazy to think about Seth Curry’s just not getting any run this year and Dwight pow and then basically Maxi Kel’s washed just know that they’re

Probably shopping Maxi K and ran Holmes and yeah that’s basically it what’s your thoughts when you look at this team yeah I mean they’re bringing the juice offensively they are forcing some turnovers defensively which can can plug some holes they are the second best turnover toam like forcing turnovers in

The league you see that but they get blocked the most do you see that that’s interesting if they’re not getting to the rim at all they have getting to the rim at such a low frequency 12th and free throw attempts and they get the most block shots do you

See this they’re bring oh they get the most block they get the most or they the most blocks okay they average four and a half blocks as a team which is 25th they’re the fifth worst uh Rim protection team in the league according in terms of blocks but their opponents

Are getting are averaging the most blocks per game against them in the league meaning that when a team plays the Mavericks they’re getting at least four blocks as a team a game and the Mavericks are only getting to the free throw line just under 24 times a game

Which is 18th best in I mean not 18 best 12th best in the league eight uh 18th worst in the league do you see what I’m saying yeah so it means that they’re just getting they can’t fin what’s their can you search what their on cleaning glass

Or [ __ ] I’m blanking on Synergy what is the team’s um Rim finishing Rim finishing yeah uh efficiency level or two point fuel percentage Rim finishing is 63.2% which is top top in the league really yeah it’s top their fifth in the league wow how many attempts are they taking most in

The league maybe that’s what what’s wait so I’m so confused then why are teams blocking the [ __ ] out though maybe that’s not I mean that’s you’re talking a pretty small number I’m not sure if that can really correlate to their overall well team’s opponent opponent rank is first in the league for blocks

Per game and then also opponent rate or opponent total blocks opponent rate block rate opponent uh all right so the opponent rank here I’ll just show you look at the screen right now it’s okay so opponent rank is first their Nets plus 0.6 their net ranks 11th well that just means I’m

Interpreting that as they’re being blocked four 3.9 times per game yeah about four uh yeah posing teams basically are having a block party every every game against the maps and I know that doesn’t equate to at The Rim shots because it could just be three-pointers getting blocked you

Know yeah twos whatever but also like if they are going to be towards the top of the league in possessions they’re going to have slightly larg number of everything are they at the top of the league in possessions I’d assume they are what’s their Pace my thought I thought we had talked

About their Pace already it’s kind why I dropped it yeah no we didn’t talk about pace which is interesting though because typically they’ve been one of the slowest teams in the league with Luca and now they are ninth interesting so that’s that’s been a huge change of be

In the offense for a full season it’s weird that they’re running I’m very surprised that they are the second best three-point shooting team in the league when they are so bad at rebounding typically the teams that are the best three-point shooting team you’re talking oh you actually mean three-point shooting we talking about

Rim finishing still well I’m I’m going to circle back on that Rim finishing and this is all going to correlate so basically the way I see this is all you see right here three-point percentage and three-point M just look at three-point maids and three-point TS they’re second the league and typically

A team that’s a top three-point attempting team is a top rebounding team because Second Chance opportunities kick outs and all that you just have like a Stephen Adams Clint compella type guy just [ __ ] absorbing boards which I mean your leading rebounders lupy donic okay and my whole thought process here is

Okay like you said Pace probably leading to more they’re having a higher Paces leading to more three-point possessions but I thought because their rebounding is so terrible that they just weren’t going to have good Rim finishing and you said they’re in the top of the league on how many attempts

They’re taking at The Rim Yeah I mean they’re they’re the most efficient team in the league at shooting at The Rim damn near if you remove garbage time stats they’re hitting 71% of their shots at The Rim which is crazy that is [ __ ] crazy but they’re last in getting

There what’s their um opponent’s Rim through uh field goal percentage I think the problem with this team when I look at it is they don’t have a backup point guard to begin to begin and then their next problem is I think the offense is just or not

The offense on Def Off the Bench I think they could like Daniel Ty or a guy of that vein would help them tremendously like if Christian kog keep going go I’m saying they’re giving a buck they’re giving a bucket to THM the fourth worst at 64 and a half

Per. yeah so they probably they’re probably a God awful every time Mr Derek Lively leaves and they can’t play Derrick Lively old game what would you do to fix this team if you if you had idea yeah a backup big would probably be at the top of the wish list like Daniel

Gafford would be great yeah if they could somehow flip like Maxi kba or ran holes for Daniel Gafford I would do that I mean hit him up and be like hey can you send us Daniel Gafford and tyus Jones or Daniel Gafford and Alon right and we’ll send

You ran Holmes and Maxi kba a first or a couple seconds what do what do you say I right would be slightly duplicative with with Dante exom but I like The Gafford fit and he potenti I don’t know Dante is more of a wing who can guard who guards

Guards he on offense Dante exm is like a Swingman he’s a 23 but how often are you going to play Dante and D Wright together that’s true that’s true true I mean unless you want to go out and get like Monte Morris or tus Jones I’m just saying I think the

Wizards have what the Dallas Mavericks need I’m not I’m not going to sit here and be one of those guys that I think their two-headed dragon of Kyrie and Luca is good enough to win a championship I just think they need a bit more depth on this team to be an

Actual team like yeah the way it’s fascinating looking at The Bigs across the league though I don’t really think Orlando will part with any of theirs IDE wend car is on the Block he’s been on the Block for two weeks now well right but like will I

Don’t know if if Dallas would pay up to do that maybe they would that’s why I think Daniel Gafford would be cheaper right that’s why I was referring to the cheap bigs of John John Isaac Mo Wagner yeah yeah yeah yeah unless they wanted to trade for wend Carter to set

Up like a d a Derek Lively wend Carter Allah the Clint capella Neo hongu situation and there so in you know you keep Derek ly’s value down I mean Derek Livy is so good I think that they their numbers will get better when he is now that he is back

And healthy and he’ll probably step into a larger role as the season goes on which is a lot of pressure to expect of him down the stretch but he’s been a huge huge performer for them no he has and like he’s been one of the best rookies this year for a reason

Now I just think the biggest thing is trying to figure out like how this team can I just think again if they can get a guy like tyus Jones and a guy like Daniel Gafford right there that’s I believe $25 million they have to figure

Out to me that’s J Hardy ran Holmes and Max klea and maybe you give up one first round pick I feel like if you’re Washington how available is tus Jones right now [ __ ] so available because he’s an expiring contract you just want a first round pick and

Return but don’t you need to a certain extent don’t you want to like have you would have to run an offense if you’re Washington like he’s a big part of like developing other people on team I feel like we talked about this last night the most the lineup with the most

Possessions in the league is T Jones Jordan P Kyle kosman Denny AIA and Daniel raford and it is in the 38th percentile well I’m not saying they don’t suck but I’m saying he’s important to them not being like awful it doesn’t matter um genuinely we don’t have anyone

To develop besides then AIA and Johnny Davis is not an NBA player Bal kol ball b b Kali is ogn and Obi 2.0 which like he’s fine the thing is is like I don’t really think this year is going to do much for B development wise even if

He had a point guard or not I I didn’t think it doesn’t matter D Jones is Not resigning with the Washington Wizards he’s going into free agency there are a bunch of teams that need a backup point guard or a starting point guard for that matter and they

Know they can catch on that they don’t want any veterans on that team also yeah they just need to flip that roster and they know that you’re just trying to sell him to the highest bidder but yeah tyus isn’t staying and tus knows he isn’t staying he does want a starting roll somewhere

Though which makes it interesting like he’s a rental to a lot of the teams that could use him down the stretch right now yes and no first off if I’m Dallas I think the easiest move for Dallas is Callen Hayes and Isaiah Stewart that would solve two problems a defensive pass first point

Guard to come off the bench yes it would screw up Dante exom but you would resign him to a midlevel annual exception type deal probably like you can let him walk even I like the stew fit I like yeah and St with Lively as the future but for me the whole thing is

When you look at a guy like tus Jones I think yeah he wants a starting role but if he gets traded to a team that wins an NBA championship and he’s playing like 20 25 minutes a night and he he probably is going to be like yeah you know what I

Wanted to start raw but this ring fits real nice you know yep buy that so I think it’s all that’s all circumstance he still be testing free agency for sure as you mentioned which does effectively make him a rental yes it does make him or rental and it depends on where he’s

Going to end up but yeah I think but yeah if you’re Dallas and you really love Ty Jones You’ certainly be like hey we’ll pay you and we’re gonna be really good and like whatever like hypothetically he would probably accept the vental then exactly and I think Dallas

Is Dallas is one of those teams that I believe doesn’t need much of an upgrade Firepower wise to G you know it’s what do you call G sorry uh Jackson texting threw me off but the the Nets having I thought I switched myself over not the Nets the Mavericks

Having a guy like tus Jones and Daniel Gafford or the other example I gave maybe Monte Morrison Isaiah Stewart or Kelly and ha and Isaiah Stewart I think them being able to get a backup point guard who can facilitate the offense and create for others while also being able

To shoot a little bit would help them and I getting a center who’s equally as good at the same skills or usable skills like d Derrik liely would really put this team over and make them actual true contenders even though they don’t have you know a bunch of star power outside

Of Kyrie and Luca thoughts agreed I don’t know I I agree that those are the only holes really that like are holding it back right now could they use like a star Wing in the future for sure but I also think that they stagger Kyrie and Lucas so much

That they’re okay in the back court they do do a good job of Staggering luuka and Kyrie always one of them’s on the floor which is huge yeah so for I I agree the the the Mavs they’re they’ve got a good thing going I grab something

Real quick before we continue I just got to grab something out the fridge but let me know your thoughts right now what would you do if you’re Dallas you go silent when I ask him to tell me I’m dialing up the Lakers and I am seeking Jackson Hayes

And a second in exchange for set Curry dude I’ve been seeing so many people float around that team should go out and get Jackson Hayes why I am not a Jackson Haye fan but he is just a role man for Luca that can rebound a little yeah but he can’t even

Play they’re not using Seth Curry and I see draft Capital yeah but I don’t even see if he can’t play on the goddamn Los Angeles Lakers what makes you think that he can play on the Dallas Mavericks which just I’m just acquiring I’m just acquiring a body I don’t

Foresee Dallas making a large move okay that that makes sense if that’s how you feel Brooklyn they are 11th in the East 16 and 24 their current standing is two game I mean a game behind being a part of being a part of the Eastern Conference playoffs which they’re

Currently 1624 the Bulls are two games in front of them technically three wins in front of them they are currently on a losing streak of what is it five games now or still what their schedule I think five games it is not been pretty for them they’re one and nine in their last

10 yeah one and nine it’s been freaking awful not been pretty and as a result I was listening to this rant by the athletic so role players are trying to be Stars Kyle kosma and male bridges are examples of this you can be a 20 plus per game 25 Point per game

Score on a plan team or a team that misses the plan and then if you put M Bridges and Kyle kusma on a championship Contender they’re 12 or 14 points per game scores but the thing is is the money that they’ll pay you to be that 20 point

Per game score on a [ __ ] team is way more than the money they’ll pay to be on a championship team and that’s where we’re going that’s why you see a guy like Jeremy Grant being on Portland you know Jeremy Graham when he left for the Pistons he got the

The Nuggets match the Pistons offer he didn’t want to go to the business cuz he wanted to be part of I mean he didn’t want to stay in the N with the Nuggets cuz he wanted to to be his own man now for me when we look at the Brooklyn Nets

I think I like male Bridges but he’s a a three maybe a two on a championship team and Spencer did has the worst field goal percentage in the NBA I think there’s some problems here I don’t think Jack Von’s a bad coach I like Jack Von I know a lot of people

Don’t like Jack Von necessarily but this team is just middle of the pack maybe even below middle of the pack and I know it’s a weird year because the roster makes no sense and I also have this weird fear that D’Angelo Russell is gonna end up a Nets again thoughts

Henry yeah I mean you’re seeing Mel have to do it out of necessity to a certain extent the whole roster has had some shooting regression cam Johnson sucks I thought he was way better I mean he’s just not an advantage Creator in my mind yeah but dude he had

That four game sample size where we thought he was legitimately a 20 point per game scorer he’s never been an advantage Creator though yeah you know I like cam Johnson for what he is he’s he can he can get hot shooting but I guess that’s what he

Brings to the table I mean it goes back to my argument was it with you that I was I was talking about this during the playoffs if the Nuggets replace Michael Porter Jr with Cam Johnson there would be no drop off if anything you’d maybe have a more

Consistent and efficient player at and cheaper probably get a little better Defender yeah you probably it’ probably be an upgrade and it’d be cheaper cuz let’s be honest no no offense to the the Nuggets but they paid for the partially paid potential the potential of Michael Porter Jr you know what I

Mean yeah I will say the one thing about him is he can self-create a little no I think as he gets older we realize it’s not as good as or he’s lost the athleticism to do that yeah but he he’s just slightly more enabled because of his size they’re like

The same height dude no Michael Porter’s like 610 yeah cam Johnson’s 69 maybe on Brooklyn media day I don’t know about that cam 69ine I’m like dead ass I know this cuz without shoes cam Johnson scouting report on Hoops type so 6’8 here combine he came in at with shoes 6

Fo8 and a half 6 fo 10 wingspan he’s an inch and a half shorter it’s moderately comfortable but Porter Porter’s game is slightly more conducive to I’m gonna I’m going to self create in the mid range I can do my own thing yeah but feel like that’s just not

Useful for the like Denver Nuggets at all they don’t want that they rather have Cam Johnson cuz then I guess when someone gets hurt that’s good for the Nuggets that they have Michael Porter Jr do that but sometimes it’s just valuable as as a trait of his player archetype

Yeah well like my whole thing going back is that like as I think okay with with this roster my biggest gripe is when we look at the first off don’t even know what Ben Simmons is we’re just not even to talk about him but Lonnie Walker having

Probably the most underrated six Man of the Year campaign in the league no one’s talking about that he is for sure like no one’s talking about it should win Sixth Man of the Year getting no respect because he’s on this team like look how efficient he is [ __ ] insane basically

Would be a 20 point plus per game score if he was starting I think I don’t know what cam Thomas is I I think he’s just not a winning player or he’s just the six-man that they want to start I don’t know but he wants to be a starter he

Says I don’t know why they keep playing Spencer did he I think Nick Clon is another guy like cam Thomas that like how much do they really impact winning I was looking into that this morning and Claxton is protecting the paint at a pretty high level right now he is yeah

My whole thing is is like okay there’s a lot of guys on this team that are really good next to stars but the problem is there’s no star on this team like I love Roy Royce O’Neal on a team like the Clippers Nuggets even the Cavaliers I would love Royce O’Neal or

Dorian finny Smith on any of those teams but them playing [ __ ] 30 minutes a night almost for the Nets isn’t what it should be um Denis Smith is [ __ ] fantastic Don sharp you know honestly what how about Roy how about Royce O’Neil Dallas love him I like that he’d

Really help the rebounding issue as well he’s a good rebounder all rebounder and people don’t realize how good of a a facilitator and uh ball handler he is he this year is’s averaging three assists at the night but there was with I think Utah he was at one point averaging like

Nine five and four it’s a career high assist rate right now 16.1 yeah but uh isn’t his career high like 4.7 a game though like a year or two ago with uh the Jazz where with the Nets well sure but assist rate is going to tell you on what of no no no

Of course of course but I’m saying I was just saying he’s gone up to like five assists a game for a season before like he’s actually like a secondary facilitator like he can run an offense somewhat ah you’re saying that he here is proof that he has done at volume yes

Yes yeah for a full season’s worth yeah know I love Roy Sony I mean another team is Atlanta that would love Roy but I’ve always been a big Roy Guy the one thing with Roy is is people are always going to look at his field goal percentage but

Then they they realize that he only takes like six and a half shots a game and five and a half of those shots or three-pointers he like takes 90% of his shots from three does not shoot at The Rim ever guards twos threes and fours I [ __ ] love Royce O’Neil I’m like part

Of the I should be the president of the Royce O’Neil fan club long time Roy fan long time like when they hash get to Dallas I do like him to Dallas but I wonder how much the Nets are going to do a deal with Dallas a year

Later yeah just depends could could mean a good business relationship yeah my whole thing with the Nets is there a team that should sell a lot of their guys like I don’t think you should resign CLA and sell him I don’t think you should keep din when he take send

Him to H Atlanta Dorian F Smith Royce and he send him away I think Jaylen Wilson needs to get some minutes insane when he’s doing in the G but what Don sharp is doing is has been really really good this season yeah is he back from injury I don’t think so actually Don

Sharp kind of reminds me of wend Carter without the three-point shot no he’s about a week away do you agree with that donon sharp like has like wend Carter Vibes without the three-point shot I mean Bron sharp is is one of the best rebounders in the

League oh yeah on a per I brought this upis a week or two ago when I told you guys he’s playing 16 minutes a night and averaging like Andre Drummond numbers where I think I told you guys per 36 he’s averaging 15 and 15 some [ __ ] like

That oh sure yeah those two are in those two are in a tier of their own yeah yeah and Omar year seven in there too when he plays that you can’t tell me that I’m wrong with that over year 7even when he was the heat two years ago and 20 minutes the night

Average 7 and seven that was a great fantasy run I remember that insane fantasy run you remember when he started for two weeks and averaged like uh 11 double double yeah yeah he averaged a double double for like the the 11 games he started or whatever it was cuz bam got hurt [ __ ]

Great run and then his ankle right ankle he had like the same ankle problem Zach Collins had last year that’s why the heat moved on from him and I think he’s on the Jazz roster just never playing really yeah he got some brief earlier in the year but they have just too many

People yeah if he doesn’t break into a rotation by next season I don’t even know if he makes the next season he’s probably getting cult from you know ferachi or somebody offering him like five times the money to go to Turkey because like dude that that guy he’ll go

To Turkey and win MVP first season like not even kidding watch for that on the books what om year seven so watch down on the books yeah think Omar you’re seven for MVP yeah first season oh my God yeah I mean Felipe petv [ __ ] won MVP in the

Adriatic I know it’s Adriatic league but I mean Dave McCormack got signed right out of college to to the Turkish League and had success so like I could only imagine a man who played already for ferachi right he was ferachi guy right who you’re talking y yeah before before he went George

Washington I mean Georgetown and I know he’s Turkish I don’t know what team he played for though so I don’t know what what would you do if you’re the general manager of the Brooklyn Nets to fix this roster you thinking about this no I’m just sitting in silence yes

I’m thinking about it I uh I mean I’m definitely trying ah the classing thing is tough he he is available but that is going to mandate a good first in the future what do you mean I would have really really loved to sell Mel Bridges to everything the Pacers have but that’s

Slightly more complicated now yeah I mean I think it’s just uh a matter just time and just I I personally would just get rid of guys you know who aren’t part of the future I mean I agree I think that moving Roy and moving Dorian finy Smith though he’s having a down

Year seeing what you can get for Nick Claxton maybe maybe cam Thomas no you don’t want to do that that would be a Bridges bummer yeah I think those are their only three main trade candidates really get something small for Lonnie perhaps we could also just keep and resign him

Because this is the second year of being an excellent shooter yeah yeah know I agree I agree I agree I I want to say that it’s definitely hard to just know what what to do for the Nets but I trust Shawn marks she’s a good general manager

And he’ll figure it out you know yes very good general manager all right all right all right so one thing I want to talk about before we get out of here is where was I I was looking something on first off [ __ ] everybody and like the reaction to Josh giddy’s case being closed

Yesterday [ __ ] ridiculous and it goes to show how the average person has no idea how how legal [ __ ] Works in our country and also doesn’t like really first off nobody okay what the the court of public opinion decides from Twitter posts isn’t how people’s [ __ ] lives are determined in in the judicial system

There is investigations that have to go through and at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen if the people involved if anything did happen don’t feel like anything wrong happened then there is no reason for them to want to corroborate the story or to be part of an investigation that they have

No you know agreement with or or any involvement or desire to be involved with so for people to just put themselves into somebody’s life and you don’t even know we don’t even know what the story is we don’t know what it is there’s no evidence or anything and then

Just to go oh this is your monthly reminder to know that John Morant served you know a two-month suspension for just flashing a gun on Instagram live which is conduct detrimental to the league while Josh giddy uh banged a minor with no repercussions uh we don’t know if he

Did that that’s what you think that’s what Twitter I again you can have your opinion I can have my opinion I’m not saying disagreeing or or agreeing I’m just saying we don’t know cuz it involves a minor we don’t know the laws nobody’s involved in case Clos who cares

Nobody got hurt so we’re just going to disparage someone for the rest of their lives over the fact that something we can’t confirm or deny that seems pretty like dumb and like I guess radical in the sense that oh I I think I don’t know I just think

It’s dumb and the other thing is I’m gonna say everybody who’s saying this is not white on Twitter it’s a lot of like you know what I mean like or it’s all a chick you know so it’s just funny have you seen it all on Twitter I

Have it’s kind of stupid it’s so stupid absolutely absolutely sickening it’s just dumb sickening Behavior sickening behavior from the general public for Josh giddy to deal with this oh no it’s not even that continuous drama it’s just something because he is a young man in the spotlight it is appalling Behavior the

General American public I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not why because you just have the sarcastic tone no it’s sickening Behavior well the other thing is is like if you see like all of Australian media does not give a [ __ ] all Australia is like free Josh giddy Island prisoners

Okay I forgot I taught you that it is an island of prisoners they’re tough they’re tough they understand that that the Way of the World Isn’t that deep but if people were to put themselves in Josh gidy shoes they would understand that this should not be a radicalized issue and it’s just

Sickening oh yeah oh yeah the other thing is yeah it’s a failure because people want to project other things regardless bro bro you know what the other thing is is this is the situation if he was a High School freshman dating a sophomore junior in college I mean in high school

Would people think it’s a little weird yeah but like nothing would happen he’s suffering from being in the spotlight yeah it’s a small price for fame but yeah sickening all right let’s do the usuge and purle and we’ll wrap this show up Nick no that’s Max stru

Maol pretty lopsided hair it is that’s the only reason I knew that it’s got like the Lop this hair all right Bub I’m going head out go life hope you guys did enjoy cheers till next time a Lot [Applause] Oh Oh [Applause] w

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