@Phoenix Suns

Bickley Blast: Could the Phoenix Suns best trade asset be… patience?

Bickley Blast: Could the Phoenix Suns best trade asset be… patience?

And Mara boings Arizona Sports the local sports leader Bley blast former NBA GM Bobby marks had a Nifty turn a phrase on Thursday he said the sun’s best trade asset is patience and technically he is right but what the standings will not tell you and what you will not hear from

The mouthpieces and the laptop laptop lap dogs is the Damage Done along the way and that is because we expected to fall deeply in love with this basketball team our first super team us against the world just the way we like it in Phoenix Arizona but nearly halfway through the

Season and we’ve had but a couple of good wins and one incredible fourth quarter comeback and the longer the valley cannot trust these Suns the dimmer the fire becomes the Lamer the crowd sounds the further we all Drift from those glorious house parties back in 2021 and that’s the real cost of an

Injury-prone team that perpetually needs more time the energy around them the energy they feel at footprint Center the energy Grayson Allen complained about the other day it’s not it’s just not going to be the same now for proof consider that fourth quarter Hail Mary against the Kings Frank vogle calls it a

Tremendous confidence boost to the team but the best I can tell it feels like most Valley fans missed it entirely having checked out of the TV broadcast long before the fourth quarter so yeah technically there’s plenty of time unless you want a fire breathing basketball team fueled by the community

It represents and in that case the time is right now without another minute to waste all right today’s Bickley blast brought to you by my great friends at Chapman BMW who make luxury attainable find them online at Chapman yeah I mean it was just uh every every every

Every small success throughout the NBA season is a confidence Builder no matter what your your guys have done collectively in their careers uh each group has to has to feel those successes together you know you know this this roster of of players uh our coaching staff all of us working together for the

First time you know um a big success like that like a 22 point for quarter comeback and it was a huge confidence booster for uh you know for what we can what we can do and um but I think it just stacks on top of what we’ve done

Over the last few weeks you know we feel really good about the direction our team is going and you know that just stacks on top of it that’s Frank vogle head coach of the Suns talking yesterday at practice about what a comeback win like what the suns were able to pull off

Against Sacramento on Tuesday night what that can do for the team that remains to be seen we do know this tonight this is the Midway point game 41 of an 82 game schedule patience has been the Mantra as especially especially now that the suns are you know winning some games they are

Eight and four since Christmas seven and three in their last 10 games so they’re kind of figuring things out um you know since Bradley Beal has been in the lineup they’ve turned into a winning basketball team but the the the Mantra is still going to patience and I referenced this piece that Brian

Windhorse put together on and the last line of the article is a quote from Frank vogle that says I trust these guys we have a roster that can win but you heard him talk about it there coaching for the first time together uh players still learning each other

Tonight I think is the official let’s wash our hands of that mentality MH um regardless you every team has had bumps in the road to overcome and Rocky patches and injuries to deal with uh the suns are not unique in that no but you know you can live on that for

About half a season in my opinion and and here we are half a season and and I do think that you can look at the standings and say okay for all for all the ups and downs uh the suns are not in bad position and that is accurate there

Is no doubt about that I think the suns are in a real good position to be a one through six seed and that is really all I want out of this regular season um just stay out of that playin Fiasco don’t don’t expose yourself to any of

That and then then I’ll take my chances with this basketball team but I do think think I do think that the idea of getting this team um I in collaboration with a fan base that is behind its that has its not only has its back but is providing incredible fuel every single

Time they take the basketball court and there’s some teams in the NBA that have that right now the Suns once did have that they do not have it now I think we all know it those who have been to multiple games this year know it those

Who’ve been to every games like you know it uh Grayson Allen even commented on it the other day so the sooner the Suns get into a better Lane and start looking like a dominant team that doesn’t need dramatic desperation fourth quarter comebacks the better it’s going to be

For everybody not just for us but for them because then they’re going to get the the Army behind them that can enrich and Empower a basketball team you mentioned Bobby marks uh former front office guy in the NBA now their front office Insider for ESPN he was on with

Wolf and Luke yesterday and they posed the question to him from Viewpoint and one thing we can say about Bobby because he’s a frequent guest on this radio show this radio station um he tells it like he sees it he’s not pandering to any particular fan base but he was asked hey

Is you think the suns are do they look like a team that’s turning the corner they’re like Milwaukee you know Milwaukee could be 2911 but lose by 50 and you stand be like oh fire the coach you know this team stinks I’m like wait they’re are they are 29 and 11 here I’ve

Said all along um and I’ll continue preaching it like this the best trade asset that Phoenix has is patience like just let this evolve and and see where it goes because there’s no turning back you know it’s not like oh we’re gonna trade Bradley at the deadline in KD and

We’re going to redo it and everything like no like you’ve got to see this through here and they have listen the the game against Sacramento they were dead in water and they it was a terrific comeback but I don’t think you want to be putting yourself in that position

There but you know when you went at 8 out 11 um you what you want to do now is get some separation get out of the from the group of playing team now get into that top six which you I think you definitely can do they have played better basketball you know certainly

Since that that Christmas Day game which was not pretty um so I am expecting things to get to get better I don’t think you you know I would be shocked if we’re taking like three steps back now yeah at the Midway point where we are today that playin group is Sacramento

Phoenix Utah and the Lakers but there’s everybody’s so bunched up yeah I and and I would say the difference in what Bobby Marx is saying it Bobby I if the way I hear it Bobby marks is not saying oh relax Phoenix you’re just like the Bucks don’t overreact this team just needs

Patience what he’s saying is you have no choice but to give this team patience there’s no putting this back in the bottle you have no real significant trade options available to you you might be able to go get a guy that that that suits what you think is a hole in your

Program but at the same time the the guts of a championship team you either got it you don’t and and that’s what I think that’s the perspective of the patients word and and but again and like I said though um I I do think that the

Way this team is now sort of striking people in the valley it it’s you can say all you want that the team and I’m not saying you I’m saying people out there you can say all you want the team is eight and three seven and three they

Don’t feel like a basketball team um getting better at that kind of Rapid Pace they just don’t and had they not had that fourth quarter appearance or uh come back against the Kings we wouldn’t be talking we wouldn’t be citing those numbers so my and this is some I’m still

Somebody who believes that this thing might work but at the same time I I think you got to look this in the face and kind of see what it really is and call it what it really is yeah uh it’s it’s been a weird path to get

Here hasn’t it mhm uh and I think everybody would agree on that regardless of what your belief level is in the Suns thanks for watching Bickley and marada click to see the latest Bickley blast and hit the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

ESPN’s Bobby Marks told Wolf & Luke Thursday that the Phoenix Suns best trade asset could be patience. Dan Bickley ponders the possibility in Friday’s Bickley Blast.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photos: Allen Kee/ESPN Images; Getty Images

Arizona Sports has the permission and the rights to shoot video from the NBA and the Phoenix Suns.

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  1. Minor trades perhaps, but 100% patience. We've barely had a glimpse of what this team will grow into, with a little time and luck. Issues have never been about the team's talent, but moreover, it's chemistry, and it's health. The chemistry has barely started to bloom yet, being a victim to the health.. which unfortunately, is gonna be an issue all season and beyond, whether we like it or not.

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