@National Basketball Association

[Lowe Post] Simmons: “Can we just get rid of all the draft pick rules? We made these rules in the 1980s when half the league was on cocaine and we had crazy owners who owned bowling alleys— if somebody wants to trade 8 first round picks in a row, who cares”

Lowe says the league/team at one point pitched a rule to their committee, maybe we should ban pick swaps (ie trade 2 picks with a pick swap in between) — in the fallout of the Nets/Celtics trade

by sewsgup


  1. jjkiller26

    It’s weird because the only area where the league “protects” teams from stupid decisions is trading draft picks. There’s no protections on drafting Anthony bennet 1st overall for example, or overpaying someone in free agency

  2. Thehelloman0

    I think it’s fine. Imagine if there weren’t any rules, the nets would probably be in an even worse situation than they are right now

  3. LegalEggplants

    It’s for parity and the best interest of the league

  4. Icy-Lime-9760

    Can’t do that, teams would screw themselves for decades.

  5. JimmyWasRight

    It’s to protect the franchise from a possible dumb owner, player, or GM who try to force the issue

    And honestly I don’t mind it. In the end the fans benefit.

  6. bluesandshoes1

    Couldn’t happen with how much control stars have. Say you sell the farm with like 7 first rounders for an all-nba guy, give him the max, and then he can demand a trade the next season.

  7. Bababooey98

    He only wants this because it would cause more chaos and give him more shit to talk about on his podcast. Everyone has an agenda.

  8. BillsBillsBils

    Protecting idiotic owners from themselves helps protect against fanbases just completely giving up on their teams. It also helps preserve, to a certain extent, the sale value when a bad owner fucks everything up and tries to bail, which protects the other 29 owners’ investments as well.

  9. JustWinBabys

    Tell us you want the Lakers to be able to trade more picks without telling us you want the Lakers to be able to trade more picks.

  10. rmacthafact

    “who cares if somebody trades 8 1st rders in a row” uhhh the entire fanbase and ticket purchasers

  11. Honesty I like the rule. It increases the chance a team trading a star for multiple FRP actually gets a pick they doesn’t suck if they have to be spread over several years

  12. sequence_killer

    thats makes the draft a non event for a lot of fans in a whole city

  13. JonTheHobo

    This is pretty dumb, those rules are there so you can’t totally fuck a team’s future and then dip

  14. angel2timez

    I think it helps dumb GM’s not make their team even worse. There has been some bad trades that probably could have been worse with no limitations lol

  15. So-_-It-_-Goes

    I don’t agree. GMs know they are based on current team and will sacrifice well past their tenure to save their job.

  16. drblocktagon

    Bill just being weird for no reason here. Trading 8 of their own first round picks would ruin a franchise

  17. monkeybiziu

    Fans care. The rules exist to keep teams from fucking up too bad and establishing just how bad a franchise can get before it bounces back. Also, it’s keeping franchise value up – every franchise is one draft pick away from contention. Zero out a decade’s worth of draft picks and now you’ve got a franchise fanbase going “Uh, these guys are going to be ass for a decade or more. I’m not watching this shit.”

    Yeah, a lot of these rules came from Ted Stepien and dumb shit the league was doing in the 70s and 80s, but you’ve got guys like Sam Hinkie out there that will tank a franchise for multiple years, stockpile assets, and turn it into nothing except shitty seasons.

  18. KayRay1994

    I think some should be removed, but not all – protection backups and the stepien rule should be removed, but beyond that GMs should probably be prevented from trading every first round pick for a decade to save their own asses then make the next guy’s job 10x harder

  19. Geralt0908

    The rule is designed to protect ownership from itself lol. They’d never agree to it

  20. A blatantly incorrect take just for the sake of podcasting lol.

  21. HerissonG

    Listen to Bill’s horrific Pascal take. He thinks he’s the third best player on a championship team..complete clown. 🤡

  22. AfterPaleontologist2

    I won’t stand for all this slander against cocaine

  23. gustriandos

    It’s not just about crazy owners, it’s bad for the league to have teams on drastically different timelines. If you allow teams to borrow indefinitely from the future, the gap between teams in win-now mode and rebuilding mode would be even more drastic.

    I already think it’s annoying that if you want to compete you are almost obligated to trade a bunch of your picks away.

  24. the_alert

    Bill knows a lot, but this take makes him seem a little simple. The pick rules and the age limit specifically exist so that the league can protect itself against rotating leadership. A gm going off the rails and trading picks devalues 1/30th of the product. Can’t be having that.

  25. MysteriousMoose

    This dude hasn’t had a good take in years he fell off so hard

  26. To be fair teams are still offering picks+swaps which is still risky but hey at least you get a pick even if worse.

  27. Appropriate_Day_6693

    Talking heads and fans talk from a perspective of a viewer who wants their reality TV show to be full of drama. Nothing more dramatic than moves with such weight that can destroy a franchise in 1 trade.

    The NBA needs to understand these people move on to other stuff once the drama destroys the league and will not watch anymore.

  28. BramptonBatallion

    Nah, bad for the League if some owner decides screw it and that they’ll be dead in 20 years so may as well trade 10 years worth of 1sts.

    Simmons sounds like one of those “enlightened present” types with that comment.

  29. explicitreasons

    Get rid of the salary matching for trades too. Who does that help? What’s the point? Also get rid of backcourt violations. Now that we have the shot clock, it’s not needed.

  30. dat_waffle_boi

    I agree. If a team wants to fuck themselves let them

  31. Typhoid007

    I definitely disagree with this. GMs get fired within 5 years, if they start trading every pick for the next 10 years they’re setting future gms up for failure. Having this restriction makes perfect sense.

  32. NotAOneUpper

    Bill was brought on to a basketball podcast to talk real ball. He then shit all over it with his fantasy takes.

  33. beforeitcloy

    What “all these rules” is he talking about? Isn’t it literally one rule – that you have to keep a first round pick in every other draft?

    Honestly one of the dumbest things he has said in a long career.

  34. antartida_

    Wasn’t this rule because of the porkharov era nets?

  35. shingofan

    Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like Simmons wouldn’t feel as strongly about this if he wasn’t a lifelong Celtics fan.

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