@Portland Trail Blazers

The Blazers MUST Trade Jerami Grant

The Blazers MUST Trade Jerami Grant

We need to have a conversation about timelines timelines are extremely important when building out a roster whether you’re rebuilding like the Portland Trail Blazers are or if you’re trying to take that final step towards contention and I want to have this conversation in regards to the Blazer’s upcoming trade deadline which is on

February 8th a little more than 3 weeks away and hopefully this should be a good setup to all the trade talk that we’ll be discussing over the next 3 weeks because the Portland Trailblazers in my opinion are too 3 years away from seriously winning anything if you think

Differently let me know in the comment section below but I think it’s a common thought that the Blazers aren’t anywhere close to contention and it’s going to take numerous moves from this Blazer’s front office in order to get them there what sparked this video is the discourse

Around Jeremy Grant I will have a dedicated video talking about potential Jeremy Grant destinations And Trades but the reports are that the Portland Trailblazers don’t want to trade Jeremy Grant they want to keep him him and a lot of the fan base seems to be in agreement on that however I think the

Blazers should trade Jeremy Grant at this year’s trade deadline whether you agree with me or not this video is intended to truly make you think this video is a thought experiment I’m going to raise some questions within it that I’m curious to hear your thoughts to down in the comment section below Jeremy

Grant turns 30 years old in March he’s on the first year of a 5-year deal paying him $30 million a year I don’t think this deal is as bad as some people might think given that the salary cap is going to rise throughout it and at the

End of this deal Jeremy Grant is probably going to be making less compared to the salary cap than he is right now despite his salary raising throughout his deal however when you look at the Blazers timeline where they’re realistically 3 years away from winning in my opinion Jeremy Grant would

Be 33 years of age during that first playoff push the first playoff push for a rebuilding team normally doesn’t result in contention normally it’s a first round exit or maybe a playin exit at best like we saw last year from the Oklahoma City Thunder there’s a realistic chance that the Blazers are

Four years away from contending at that point Jeremy Grant at 34 years of age I have questions whether he can truly be impactful I expect him to decline between now and then and the best way to explain why I want to trade Jeremy Grant at this year’s trade deadline is to

Raise this hypothetical let’s say hypothetically Jeremy Grant’s value right now is 100% And in 3 to 4 Years it’ll be 65 % of what he is right now now let’s say the Blazers can cash in Jeremy Grant for equal value in terms of future draft picks let’s say the draft

Picks are in 2026 or 2027 somewhere down the line those aren’t depreciating assets but Jeremy Grant is so in 3 to four years those future draft picks that future draft Capital maybe any young players that the Blazers get back for Jeremy Grant should be more valuable

Than Jeremy Grant as a 33 or 34y old now let’s say the Blazers have rebuilt drafted well developed well and have a borderline Contender those picks coupled with the 2029 unprotected first from the Boston Celtics and the Milwaukee Bucks maybe the Bucks suck and the Blazers are

Able to swap their picks in 2028 and 2030 the Blazers would have a lot of draft Capital to put into trades hopefully by then they’d also have all their own future draft picks because either they made the playoffs or they traded for their first round pick back

From the Chicago Bulls that they owe them because of the Larry Nance Jr trade those assets should hypothetically be able to trade for a star or at least least a better player than Jeremy Grant is right now at the very least and I hope this makes sense the Blazers should

Be able to flip what they got back for Jeremy Grant for an equal caliber player 3 to 4 years from now now of course Jeremy Grant at that point has depreciated but what the Blazers hypothetically got back for him at the 2024 trade deadline hasn’t because it’s young players and draft picks that

Allows the Blazers to go out and get a player in 2026 or 2027 that is the caliber of player that Jeremy Grant is right now compared to hanging on to to Jeremy Grant and having a Jeremy Grant that’s maybe 2/3 of what he is right now

If I lost you on this hypothetical I apologize but if it made sense great the bigger picture and the theme from this is the Blazers need to maximize assets with their sight set on contending when they’re ready to hanging on to a player right now when the Blazers are 10 and 29

In order to win a few more games because people are scared of being the Detroit Pistons if that makes it harder to get to contenti in 3 to 5 years then that’s simply not worth it because the whole point of this rebuild for me is the Blazers need to end up becoming

Contenders and actually trying to win a championship the mistake they made with Dame was they were never good enough to seriously contend they didn’t put a good enough roster around him they didn’t have the assets supposedly to trade for any stars and therefore they were just playoff fodder most of the time they

Went on that Western Conference Finals run in 2019 but then get swept by a depleted Golden State Warriors team and that was the culmination of Damen Lillard’s career in Portland I don’t want the Blazers to make those same mistakes again I want them to actually

Get over the hump and at least have a legitimate chance at winning an NBA championship to me Jeremy Grant doesn’t fit into that equation he’s not going to be so good that he’s Irreplaceable when the Blazers are ready to win in 3 to four years but the assets that he could

Be traded for at this year’s trade deadline could be meaningful assets towards getting a very meaningful player to help the Blazers get to contention the assets that the Blazers could get back for Jeremy Grant coupled with assets that they could get back for Malcolm Brogden coupled with the assets

The Blazers got back for Damen Lillard should allow the Blazers to be in a position where they’re in play for any star in the future and the worst case scenario is they have a bunch of shots through the draft to try and draft that star that’s a much better position than

The Blazers ever were in with Damen Lillard that is a much Fuller cupboard of assets than Neil Oe ever produced for himself and earlier I teased fans for being scared of being the Detroit Pistons the Blazers kind of look like the Detroit Pistons when Jeremy Grant plays Jeremy Grant played every game of

A seven game Road Trip the Blazers lost six of those games all by at least 21 points or more including a loss against the Oklahoma City Thunder where the Blazers lost by 62 points and at 10 and 29 with the Blazers as bad as they are it doesn’t matter if they’re any worse

Right now who cares if they’re 10 and 29 or 6 and 33 they suck and that was by Design they’re rebuilding the most important thing right now is developing young players that’s completely fine I don’t understand Blazer fans worrying about being even worse than they are right now

Because Blazers are pretty damn bad the only thing that changes if the Blazers are even worse is they have better odds at getting a better draft pick this year they have a better asset and at the end of the day in order to bridge the gap between where the Blazers are now and

Contention the placers are going to need a bunch of assets and a bunch of shots in the dark in the draft or the ability to trade for a legitimate front Court star and when you look at Jeremy Grant’s inability to rebound his subpar passing as well as the fact that his game has

Become increasingly ISO heavy I don’t think he’s of much benefit to the Blazers right now he belongs on a contender he belongs on a team trying to win that wants a legitimate score in the front court and can cover for Grant’s in ability to rebound I also think Grant’s

Defense might be better on a Contender where he’s more invested in winning and losing games compared to a Blazer team they’re losing every game right now Jeremy Grant hasn’t been all that good defensively in my opinion this year for the Blazers and he should be on a

Winning team and the Blazers don’t need to worry about who they replace Jeremy Grant with at Power Forward once they trade him the Blazers are likely going to tank the last month and a half of the Year anyway where they’re starting who knows at that position and honestly the long-term starting power forward

Probably isn’t on this Blazers roster right now the long-term starting power for isn’t Jeremy Grant either he’s going to decline once the Blazers are ready to win Jeremy Grant’s going to be 33 or 34 years old but flipping him for assets makes it more likely that the Blazers

Can get a legitimate starting power forward for the future whether it’s drafting players or trading those assets lastly I’m a proponent of the Blazers trying to get expiring contracts back in trades for Jeremy Grant Malcolm Brogden and even DeAndre Aon letting those contracts expire in the summer then

Having a bunch of cap space so they can maybe throw some money at Nicholas Claxton in free agency or in the worst case scenario they can simply take on bad contracts and trades that teams are trying to shed and get assets attached to those deals teams often times are

Willing to attach first round picks to get off certain contracts and it’s smart for rebuilding teams to jump at those opportunities to get essentially free first round picks that’s what the Oklahoma City Thunder did for years and that’s why they’re in such a great position right now I think the Blazers

Should be trying to do the same thing because this team does not look good with the veterans right now veteran leadership does matter but you can have veteran leaders that come off the bench or don’t play a whole lot and the final reason why the Blazers need to trade

Jeremy Grant this year’s trade deadline is I think there will be a lot of buyers I think there will be a legitimate market for Jeremy Grant and I think the Blazers could create a bidding war for his Services where they can get back top dollar for him the West seems wide open

Right now you got the Minnesota Timberwolves as the number one seed OKC might be the next best team Denver doesn’t look as unbeatable as they did last year and then the East you got some teams that are close to being able to compete in a series with the Milwaukee

Bucks and Boston Celtics such as the New York Knicks that I could see thinking Jeremy Grant is that final piece to get them into that contention range this Market is shaping up beautifully for the Blazers to get back a ton of value for Jeremy Grant in my opinion and all these

Are reasons why I think the Blazers need to trade Jeremy Grant so let me know if you agree let me know if you disagree and if you do disagree let me know why I’m curious to hear some of your thoughts especially in regards to some of the talking points I just put forward

Anyway leave a like And subscribe on your way out of here we cover the Portland Trailblazers with live postgame shows after every game as well as video content we’ll have a trade deadline stream on trade deadline day with live Twitter feeds and Analysis from myself and Eric Brandt with that being said I’m

Ad here I’ll catch you next time until then as always peace out go Blazers

#portlandtrailblazers #jeramigrant

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  1. If I were GM, I’d take guys with a motor over someone who has potential but lacks the killer instinct. Now if you can get both…that’s ideal. At least the fans would know our team competes. This last road trip was embarrassing!

  2. Put Jerami at the 3 and get a real 4 with Brogdans trade. Jerami’s lack of rebounds won’t be as important at the 3. Getting someone with his ability to get his own shot is not easy to replace and certainly won’t happen with a 19 year old. I think you have a lot of good points and agree that it probably gives us the best chance at a ring…eventually but Life’s too short to have zero chance of winning for a whole year or 3. give us a chance at least. Even if he does drop off some, he’d still make an excellent asset off the bench.

  3. Agreed. Games like tn may feel good as a fan bc we won and he played solid but he takes away from many things on this rebuilding team and he can very easily give us some good value by trading him. Add brogdon in there

  4. They just gave him a massive overpay in the summer. No one is going to want him. He's on superstar money. 120 mill for 4 years with a 36 million player option for a fifth and he's basically 30.

  5. the young guys aren't ready. Jerami has to stick around and coach them up. That was supposed to be Lillard's job, but Dame politely declined, and now he's sticking logo game winners in Milwaukee.

  6. 100% agree here, overpaying on an bad contract that is underdelivering doesnt do anything for the young guys development. Especially when rupert (g-league player) sets more screens and rebounds more in 15minutes off play than jerami in 39 minutes🤯

  7. Here is a very reasonable trade which make sense for both teams. This is what I propose:
    Dallas sends Richaun Holmes (C), Maxi Kleber (PF), Grant Williams (combo Forward) plus Dallas' 2027 First Round Pick in exchange for
    Portland Jerami Grant (PF) and Robert Williams III (PF). The salaries work out on the NBA Trade Machine.

    This trade works for Dallas for the following Reasons:
    1. Portland is a terrible team except for their Power Forwards. They also have a good starting center. This duo will solidify the Power Forward position into top tier status for Power Forwards.
    2. At worst, Jerami Grant is a very good to great Power Forward. He makes the trade worth it by himself. If Robert Williams III recovers from his injuries (a possibility but not this year), the Mavericks will have an Elite Power Forward. This duo can contend for any Western Conference All Star team every year.
    3. Richaun Holmes and Grant Williams have not worked out in Dallas so their salaries are now liabilities. Better to trade them. Dallas is in win now mode. Portland is not.
    4. The 2027 First Round pick is unlikely to fetch us any players that will improve the Mavericks. With Jerami Grant (PF) and Robert Williams III (PF), Dallas finally gets our third and (possibly) fourth star. This trade will make Dallas a contender!

    This trade works for Portland for the following reasons:
    1. Portland needs to get really bad so the team can get franchise players. Trading away those two Power Forwards will do just that. Also, this trade would eliminate the risk of Robert Williams III never working out and becoming one of the long line of players who never amount to anything in Portland. Let Dallas take the risk. Robert Williams III is not playing this year anyway.
    2. Dallas' 2027 can be packaged with players and other picks to move up in the draft. The Dallas players are just salary fillers. If any of them blossom in Portland, that is a bonus for Portland. Please note the following about each of these players –
    *Richaun Holmes (C) averaged a double Points and double rebounds during most of his career in Sacramento. He was relegated to the bench because of a personality conflict with the coach. I believe Richaun really can revive his career with the right situation. He just needs a change of scenery. Even now, Richaun has great stats for a center on a per minute basis.
    *Grant Williams (combo Forward) is not a starter but he would be a great member in a rotation. When he came to Dallas, he was thrown into the starting line-up. Big Mistake. Grant is way better coming off the bench. He can really blossom in Portland. I think he would be a great glue guy. A player who really helps a team to win by doing the little things but it just does not show up in the stats.
    *Maxi Kleber (PF) is a fan favorite. I only put him in the trade to make the money work. Nevertheless, he is a good defender, decent rebounder and a complete professional. Moreover, Maxi is a Positive locker room presence. Team chemistry always starts in the locker room.
    Conclusion – All three players can thrive in Portland. None of them are junk. I would not be surprised if one or two of these players blossom for the Trailblazers especially Richaun.
    3. Jerami Grant (PF) and Robert Williams III (PF) talents are wasting away in Portland and they will likely finish their careers before Portland can achieve contention. These two player do not fit Portland's time line. The Trailblazers are holding a fire sale right now so Dallas needs to help them. This trade would be a win-win for both teams.
    4. One final note: If you trade away your starting center then put Richaun in the starting lineup. One of two things will happen. Either, Richaun blossoms back into his former self in which case, you can trade him also for first rounders or Richaun crumbles. In the latter case, Portland parts company with him at the end of the season thereby opening up cap space. In other words, Portland can follow the Oklahoma City blueprint. It seemed to have worked for the Thunder.

  8. The most frustrating player on the Blazers, I love his personality but the offense dies whenever he gets the ball and takes a long 2.

  9. I think Grant will age well since he didn’t play much in his early years. With that said trade him to the kings

  10. Blazers get : Tobias Harris, Jaden Springer, Robert Covington PHI Unprotected 1st Rd Pick 2024, 2026 HOU Unprotected 1st Rd Pick

    Sixers get: Jeremi Grant, Malcolm Brogdan.

    Blazers get all their cap space back, two future 1st and Jaden Springer

  11. He played well last night but the energy and effort just isn’t there on a nightly basis. Every time Jabari checks in for him our defense and rebounding is so much better

  12. Dame only shine under the greek. He couldn't "save" this team, anymore than he can deliver the Bucks

    Cavs just stomped their guts out. No greek

    Blazers get eaten on the regular, as I see zero half court offense = where gaps are made/big leads are blown.

    Plug in ANY 'superstar' to a shitty broken system, it won't matter. I don't see talent as their biggest problem

    I hear the trade/value/timeline point, but… If you don't fix the 'system', you're only wasting your time moving pieces imo

    For example: Clippers had SGA, Suns had bridges, etc.. rotting on the bench. Exploded in a different system. Same players

  13. But we all know with these clowns in the FO that we'll trade Grant for 16 second round picks over the next 10 years

  14. WRONG… U guys have good takes & perspectives 'sometimes', but your also
    wrong sometimes. & 'want' things short term, that will HURT the team long term,
    IF u actually want to WIN anytime soon!!! ;
    Soon as u post this J.G. & Ant single handedly went out & WON that game against N.J.! ;

    For his 'talent level & age' he's on a friendly contract!!!
    he could' be a $40 – $50m guy on a different team!!!
    We NEED guys like Jeremy,.. Ant,. Reathe,. (Vets) going into next year
    who provide solid leadership & "buckets" in close games, when u need them! ;
    If Shae,.. Scoot,.. Murray,.. Rupert,.. take a HUGE Leap over the summer
    we CAN be a Legit Team again next year!!!
    But if u trade away ALLL the Vets,.. we're going to STINK & not have the BALANCE
    U guys preached we needed in the past! ; )

    Brogden to Lakers for MoBamba & Rui , is the only win win trade I see out there
    that meets teams 'Needs'!!!
    PAINT Protection is what we NEED
    and unless there's P's out there w/ THAT on their skill set,
    trades for "picks" is meaningless,.. when the draft isn't that strong for 2 – 3 yrs out!

  15. the problem is you're only thinking about game performance and forgetting to think about the value grant has in developing jabari walker these young players need players like brogdon and grant. its not showing the dividends right now but it will in the future.

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