@Denver Nuggets



Back to Maxi yeah yeah okay come on back to Maxi he going to put it again Mai here though get it man see how say turn out man listen man we got the 76ers first the Nugget hey man this should be big good game you already know

We going to do the stats at the end of the video make sure you stay tuned for that also you know your boy green M unbiased throughout this whole game we going to enjoy this game together but listen if I got a bet money on the

Team ah I don’t know man going to lie to y’all boys listen bro this going to be a tough game we got two dominant teams we got two dominant players going Head to Head bro that boy Joel MB that boy Nicola yic hey I’m not going to lie um I

Mean the 76ers is home that’s that’s the only reason I’m about to go with the 76ers bro the 76ers is home so I’m going to go with the 76ers but we going to see how it turn out you know what I’m saying that boy yish all back so us come on hey

That boy y getting straight to it then bro hey get straight to it then say last what we doing Maxi right back then hold on go oh why you P faking po that let ride though your well in B come on now straight to it that boy y ride come

On let ride say scorching that boy Yi start off now and and then stolen by UB UB all way to the rim gets it up and in one finish man boy that boy Porter that’s a nice three though it’s a nice three though I’m going give you that that was a nice

Three what we doing with that Joel Joel okay you gotta find some what the heck baton just catch his shoes B boy man didn’t even man just straight caught it he he didn’t even take a dribble he just straight up the shot a porter he said yeah I can do that too

B Dog don’t worry about it say let me answer back real quick I got you hold on them boys going at it right now kcp in the corner that’s a brick rebound by Gordon throws it back up and in with a bit slam though I see you here my boy come on L

Let’s sauce that up let’s sace that up br oh yeah midrange by come on man he’s saucing it right now saing it how many points this man got matxi got it what we doing with that bat then be pop it again that boy Jo how many points this man got already he’s he

He is scorching them boys right now 12 man five for nine bro scorching them boys you got to get some get back yic what’s up joic throw it up there okay all right all right hold on yic he he kind of bull bullied that up over in be though I ain’t going to

Lie Maxi B then be pull up mid-range yep of course come on he get he just getting to his spots bro he ain’t doing nothing too crazy he just getting to his spots you feel me three seconds Found Out Boy Jordan that was a nice alley

That that was a nice alley set up right there I like it listen man we in the second quarter Beverly boy Beverly for the three we in the second quarter man nugget up by two Mur going to take a three I mean a mid-range that was nice come on Ma nice little

Midrange back to Maxi might help that boy Joel out a little bit Maxi ain’t going to lie all way to the rim with a nice little L though okay I’m saying help that man out a little bit but Gordon missed that Yi is going grab it throws back up and gets it

In though but Yi St uh help out on the Miss got five minutes left for half time nuggas up by one 4 seconds left on the shot clock going to give it to Maxi Maxi going to throw it up there and he going to get it in that boy Maxi come

On pass it back kcp could probably I ain’t going to lie but look boy Porter here let’s go boy out the porter you could have probably popped that but it’s all good kcp said I got it all the way to the rim misses yis got the Miss

Throws it back up in in that boy yis getting out of off the back to Maxi yeah yeah okay come on M M Maxi it’s a nice set up back to Joel back to Massie he going to put it again Massie here though he’s there man

Hey Bit Maxi in the building though man stop playing with him bit Maxi in the building Maxi pushing the pace found out boyas Harris nice set up 76 is up by five man with under a minute left before halftime found Gordon underneath for the nice SL slam that was that was a nice

Find Murray all the way throws it up and he going to get it in man boy look Max come on we got 14 seconds left before half time Maxi Jo that’s a mismatch that’s a mismatch come on us you feel me that’s a mismatch you ain’t even got to think

About it man just just you know what I’m saying put that up you got to think about it broy we got 4 seconds left for half time though Murray what we doing with that my boy going pull oh he just GNA pull up though that boy Murray

Goingon to hit that buzzer beater though okay all right all right all right that was a nice way to end off the uh end off the half right there after half time we got a nice little 1.76 lead mie that’s tough come on yall leave that man whyde smack open

Bro they going to start let that man start scorching y’all just like Joel but I’m telling you y is getting active on on that uh on the rebounds though for sure that’s right and O Come on hopp come on do the foul they get it oh he

Gonna get it up in in come on sayra bumped and beat on that too come on now Maxi Joel o ooh oh nice find toas see him opening that corner that man hey that boy a big though bro I ain’t going to lie he he he hey yeah I

Man Gord one off finish but yo that man beat is having a game I Ain really seeing yish do much right now to be honest misses yic throws it back KY for three you know he okay come on now that’s a mismatch J don’t don’t don’t you dare think about

Passing that ball bro that’s a match there you go let’s go there it is come on what I’m saying you better even think about passing that ball bro you be doing that too much bro be having bro be having whole mismatches and and be trying to pass the ball off to somebody

Else like come on now come on we got about about to be 10 seconds left in the third quarter this a mismash once again just bully it up Brody hold up hit out but with with the spin aoo action hey man nuggets up by five Tobias spin move mid-range that’s

Crispy that’s crispy come on Maxi back Tobias spin move come on let’s bully that up my boy mid-range us that’s crispy all right now the let me get some action too Jackson oh yeah left that man wild smack open no bu y’all tweaking y’all boy tweaking out here man

Going to leave that man wi smack open Morris okay then yeah get it three back my boy there one star finish Man fourpoint play get back to him then that’s some get back action yic with a nice little floer though that was nice don’t know what God Jackson yo fan

Word though mat see what we doing with that my boy pass to Joel all the way hold on y that boy I boy hit the Little Euro p y sto I on Joel I see you boy let’s go saing it look at that yep that’s tough us that’s tough D him the

One bro how many points do this man got get back to him again come on saucing up Y come on saucing him up you can’t man man cannot guard him bro man cannot guard him bro get that man in the MVP just give him the MVP Bro Look at that

Us man can’t be guarded real talk just give that man the MVP like he he’s doing way better than yish bro at least from these from these highlights he’s doing way better than yish right now I’m about to look at the stash sheet afterwards but it’s look like it’s

Looking like the 76 is about to win though so that’s definitely a DB oh Batum with a nice block yeah I ain’t gonna lie yeah that’s that that’s basically raps hold on bro let me see go pull up kcp misses oh that’s game okay so listen I ain’t going to lie

That’s one thing inside inside the category for Joel he definitely won against joic and the Nuggets but let’s look at the stash sheet though man CU look I personally think that the uh I person think that man that man Joel had a way better performance bro based off

The highlights but let’s going to look out the stash sheet though we got that boy hold let me let load up real quick we got that boy Joel go hold on Joel 40 points man have 40 points 41 points 10 assists seven rebounds hold on bro man’s

Had almost a 40o triple double bro then we got Maxi 25 points n assists five rebounds we got Harris 24 points five rebounds four assists hey let’s see what that boy yish got 25 yeah Jo had a way better performance all bats 25 points 19 rebound three assists we got Porter

Points five rebounds if we got Murray 17 points 10 assist three rebounds man hey Hope yall boy enjoy this video If you watching this right now appreciate you seeing in that video bro



  1. Embiid has to avoid missing 7 games for the rest of this year to even be eligible for MVP

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