@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz STOMP Pacers 132-105 Recap & Warriors Preview

Utah Jazz STOMP Pacers 132-105 Recap & Warriors Preview

What’s up everybody welcome back to the Jazz Central Podcast I’m your host Sheldon flry thank you so much for joining me today as we discuss the Jazz’s absolute dominance over the Indiana Pacers last night as they defeated them 132 to 105 in Salt Lake City and we’re just going to jump right into

It as the jazz came out with a lot of energy they like they came out with a lot more energy than they did in the previous game against the Lakers they didn’t underestimate their opponent tonight as they probably did against the Lakers we saw that they played a lot

Faster Pace tried to match that pace that the Pacers were trying to bring we saw that just some dominant performances by the Utah Jazz individually says lry marinan and Colin ston who both dropped 30 plus points we saw a very terrific defensive performance by the Jazz as a

Whole as they were able to stop um the transition offense of the Pacers very well compared to the previous game against the Lakers we were able to see um just kind of were able to hang in this game because started off really hot then the Pacers counted back and it was

Kind of neck for a while but then the Jazz just kind of lately put their foot on the gas and did not let the Pacers get back even close in this game they led by 20 plus points throughout the course of this game more than none they

Looked like they knew what they were doing they went into this game knowing that if they could just slow them down that they would have a chance and that they wouldn’t need to hang in there till the end like they did against La the other night but with last last night’s

Win the Jazz moved to but with the Jazz’s win last night the Jazz have now won 12 of their last 14 games which is the best in the NBA and continues to be and the Jazz have won six in a row now which has been very impressive to watch

They remain in the ninth seed have a record of 22 and 20 and they’re right behind it looks like they’re right behind the Phoenix Suns as well as the Dallas Mavericks or excuse me behind the Mavericks but with last night’s win the Jazz have now won 12 of

Their last 14 games and have won six in a row and they remain in the ninth seed while having a 22 and 20 record they have the ability definitely have the potential to move up past the playing spot I believe that they can get in the

Top six as I said in the previous episode especially I think last night was probably their best win out of all of the wins that they’ve had recently in the six game in a row stretch I think that the Jazz are feeling more comfortable playing with one another

They’re feeling more comfortable in the offense the transition especially zone defense as well there were times last night where the Indiana Pacers kind of of the weaknesses that the Jazz have in the zone defense by you know spots that the Jazz don’t cover as as they do other

Spots they were able to get their shots off but obviously not as much as the Jazz could last night against the Indiana Pacers one thing that really impressed me from last night’s performance was Lowry marinan and col seon yes but as if you watch the game

The very first shot that Lowry shot and he made the very first two points for the Utah Jazz last night he shot a mid-range jumper that we usually don’t see him shoot now if you were listening in the previous episode on cast I talked about how low doesn’t shoot mid-range

Shots very very often it’s because he’s not comfortable shooting those shots like a Kevin Durant or any other player like Mel Bridges you know those two-point jumpers that that’s their go-to shot right Lowry has been a three-point threat as well as a driving threat inside the paint but he has not

He’s not really known for shooting the ball in the mid-range especially off of a one or two dribble pull up and which we saw him do on the very first play last night and and if I’m being honest it looked really fluid it looked really comfortable for him and I think it’s

Something that he’s really going to try to implement more in his game I don’t know if that’s something he’s been working on with his trainer or the other Jazz trainers in The Practice Facility or you know training sessions but I think like I said yesterday if Lowry keeps developing that mid-range jumper

He’s going to be even more lethal even more Elite and dangerous for other teams to have to guard and deal with because just like Kevin Durant you don’t know if you’re going to guard him on the three he’s going to take that one dribble pull

Up and he’s 7 feet tall and you can’t stop it and that’s exactly what Lowry is going to do or if you stop it he’s just going to drive and so and it’s not like Lowry doesn’t have a handle either Lowry definitely does have a handle but last

Night Lowry definitely had a very impressive performance individually he shared the ball a lot more than we kind of used to him seeing it looked like he had a lot better vision of where his teammates were especially that they were at open whether it was in the corner or

On the wing when he would drive or when he’d get a double team on the three-point line and he finished the night last night with 32 points and 10 rebounds while having three assists now I know in the Box sare only says three assists but if you wa go back and watch

The game or even the highlights of the game you’ll see that he had an extra pass that you know a score if that makes sense like not assist necessarily but led to a score all of that in 28 minutes while shooting 10 to 15 from the field

And shooting 50% from three while going to4 so very impressive night for lwi marinan he just looked so dominant he he looked like the best player on the floor next to Colin ston and I think that duo is very underrated in that starting lineup Colin seon finished tonight with

30 points five assists three rebounds was four for five from three 11 for 17 from the field and 24 minutes of play that is definitely probably one of the best games statistically that we’ve seen from Colin ston and he just brought so much energy to the team and to the fans

And that Arena was rocking last night but let’s talk about Colin ston what makes Colin seon so good now like what’s the difference between how he was playing before and how he’s playing now like what changed and by how much statistically so I got the numbers for

You guys right here so in Colin seon’s first 22 games coming off the bench he was averaging 12.3 points per game 3.3 assists 1.6 assists turn over ratio 44 33 splits so essentially that means 44% from field 33% from three and 88% from from uh the freezer line and in

These past 20 games when on seon got moved to the starting lineup we saw an absolute explosion from him a def definitely like most player numbers and numbers are in his last 20 games 21.9 points per game so 22 points per game 4.7 assists so basically five if you

Round up three assist to turnover ratio and 52% from the field 41% from three and 90% from the free throw line those numbers they not only I think what people Overlook Colin section has right now is that okay sure it’s just on a hot streak right now but I think there’s a

Lot that is said to him now being thrown in the starting lineup and playing with the players around him that he’s playing with because I think not only does he make the players around him better but the players that are playing around him also make him better and they have been

And it shows I mean it’s a very very impressive Improvement and it’s very rare that we see somebody do that midseason last notable players was Mel Bridges when he was traded from the Suns to the Nets but col seon was on the exact same team he was on the Jazz at

The beginning of the year and is still on the Jazz and we see a lot of improvements with players at times when they go from one team to another but with him doing this on the same exact team team with the same exact roster is very very impressive and I think it’s

Definitely something that is getting overlooked or not even looked at At All by others around the league whether it’s Executives whether it’s front office people fans anybody around the league I think they need to take a better look at con sexon and give him the credit where

His credit is due but we’re going to get into more about con seon during question of the day at the end of this episode but let’s look at the rest of the jazz players and kind of how they played I’m compared to L seon I mean they don’t compare statistically to their

Performance last night but let’s look how they all performed if that makes sense so John Collins in the starting lineup definitely have as good of a game as he did against the Lakers but he finished last night with 10 points six rebounds one assist struggled from the

Three-point line going Z for two and was three for eight from the the field in 20 minutes of play definitely a lot of lobs last night um I two lobs that he caught that were wide open and he looked great I John Collins because he’s that team

Player that will bring you the energy that you need in the time that is needed but he is not selfish I feel like you know a lot of people were giving him a hard time when he was in Atlanta because he was on the trade block for like

Threes in a row but what people don’t give him credit for it is his ability to comply with what coaches you know they put him at what they want him to do and it’s really impressive because that’s why people want a player like John Collins he’s going to do what you ask

Him to do and he’s not going to complain about it now he has a lot of potential that I think has not been touched yet but what he has done so far is what the Jazz have needed him to do so let’s on to fonio fonio had a way better night

Than he did against the Lakers eight points compared to his zero that he had before two of four rebounds was two for three from three three of five from the field so he didn’t shoot the ball a ton four minutes of play so definitely not something that pops out to you a ton

From fono but he’s just going to do the scrappy work he’s going to do like what John Collins does he’s going to do what needs to be done and not complain about it and I love that about those two and you know that speaks out a lot to the

Identity of this Jazz team because they need players that are going to do are going to fill roles that need to be filled and not complain about it and are just going to grit and grind and that they’re just not going to give up they’re going to play like dogs and I to

How the Jazz have been playing lately like take the player for example Chris Dunn right he he’s been as soon as he’s been in the starting lineup he’s been fantastic now obviously statistically he hasn’t popped out in the box scores either or either as fono hasn’t but or

John Collins really but the thing about it is Chris Dunt and I can’t emphasize this enough brings a calming wonderful presence to the starting lineup that can’t be it it just you can’t Overlook it you really can’t I mean that he’s on the and it just doesn’t do a whole lot like

Scoring ball necessarily or having tons of flashy plays he will be really hard defensively right and last night he finished the game with six assists and only four points that was really impressive and two rebounds was Zero for zero he didn’t make or shoot threes was

Two of three from the field and 21 minutes of play Chris Dunn is just happy to be out there he’s good to just do what needs to be done and a lot of people have been wondering what has made this Jazz team turn around and I think

It’s that I think it’s that they’re not focused on okay I got get my shots tonight they’re letting plays come to them they’re letting the game come to them I should say they’re letting they’re having fun you know of teams a lot of players they get caught up in

Okay I have this many points tonight I got to have this many assists I got to shoot this percentage yada y y right but I think that jazs have kind of from that like Jordan Clarkson he’s very well known for playing ISO ball and him just

Wanting to get his own personal stats up but lately even he has been playing more of a team player as more of a team player excuse me and I think that Jordan Clarkson even last night although his numbers in the Box Score didn’t pop out a ton I think

He did a lot to help the jaet has he scored 17 points was two assists three rebounds was 0 for three from three so not very good shooting was six of 13 from the field and 27 minutes of play so he was moving the ball around and he was

Just doing what needed to be done and I noticed on defense a lot he had a lot of tips in the passing Lane CA a lot of disruption right and that’s not something that we saw from Jordan Clarkson at the beginning of the year and so shout out to him

George last night he shot the ball a lot better he had 19 points five assists didn’t have a rebound was 3 for seven from three six of 11 from the field in 24 minutes of play Off the Bench so I definitely think that Jordan Clarkson Keon George Walker those three are like

The F of the bench I’ll throw I’ll even throw Kelly oen in there as well but those guys definitely they play their hearts out and they play unselfish basketball and and I think everybody on the Jazz have been has been playing like that I can’t emphasiz it enough truly

This has been what has been leading the Jazz to success is you can shoot the ball as good as you want you can play the best defense in the league but if you have selfish players around you or in an organization it’s not going to

Turn out well for you it’s really not I me we see players across the like the Lakers they’re a mess right now look at the Warriors they’re a mess right now the Suns they’re a mess right now and so it speaks a lot having unselfish players

Is kind of hard to come by now a days and credit to Will Hardy for surrounding Lowry and the rest of these guys with unselfish players and it’s just been it’s been really fun to watch but last night the Pacers they definitely struggled and have it’s really interesting because I think Tyrese

Halberton he’s super exciting to watch He’s super flashy he’s leading the league in assists but obviously not having somebody of that caliber really it you notice it with the team right we noticed that with the Pacers last night now really what was most impressive about the Pacers was I think their ability to

Get out and just run right fast breaks they were all about fast breaks last night and just tips and stealing the ball and something that was really impressive to me was their ability to just especially I don’t know what it is but TJ McConnell I’m always impressed by the

Way that he plays he is like that Christ done he’s just that calming presence he’s a great facilitator and he’s going to do what needs to get done right and he’s going to Rally those guys around him I mean he’s been in this league for quite some time now he’s definitely a

Veteran and his ability to get this team to Rally around one another even with without Tyree salurn has been really impressive now everybody in the starting lineup last night had 10 plus points so pretty good on pretty efficient shooting like let’s look at these numbers right Smith points three assists six rebounds

Two of five from three 50% from the field and 19 minutes a play pretty decent statline right Miles Turner 12 points 0 S four rebounds one of two from the from three four of eight from the field so 50% from the field end from three in 17 minutes of play so in the

Amount of time that these two guys played that’s that’s not terrible stats right nard points four no rebounds one of three from three 50% from the field and 23 minutes of play but he healed 14 points one assist two rebounds three of five from three five of eight from the

Field in 23 minutes of play so not terrible right and lastly Ben Maan 11 points two assists this one rebound was 0 for one from three 50% from the field and 25 minutes of play so those were the stats that came from all the starters last night for the Pacers now it was

Impressive the efficiency but definitely wasn’t enough to stop the jazz or them to kind of be off if that makes sense throw off their group now the most impressive player off the bench for the Pacers like I said last night was T.J McConnell he finished the night with an impressive but quiet

Eight points five assists and five rebounds on three of six field then shoot a three-pointer in 19 minutes of play so 50% from the field I mean and he did what needed to get done he passed the ball to open guys he had a couple nice throws down the court that were

Really really nice but other than that if Tyrese hurn doesn’t get back soon I think this Indiana Pacers team will continue to struggle I really do so once he gets back though I think he’ll definitely be that person that they rally around like we saw at the

Beginning of the Season as they start off super hot but let’s talk about last night’s player of the game this is a really tough one for me I know it’s going to be between L marketing and Colin seon oh it’s really tough really tough but you know what I’m going to

Give it to Colin seon I’m going to give it to Colin I know that Lowry just won Western Conference player of the week on very efficient shooting and scoring he’s actually the second most efficient player scoring the ball right now in the entire league so shout out to low and an

Impressive 32.1 rebound performance but I’m going to have to give it to Colin ston he just was a dog tonight brought the energy brought the hype and man he was just he was so good now what was most impressive and this is why I think

I’m going to give it to Colin seon last night was his first 30 plus point game since October 22nd of 2021 and he did that against Charlotte now if you think about that obviously he was on the Cavaliers but he that’s a long time I mean we’re

2024 and he did that at the end of 2021 it’s been a long time coming for him because I mean he’s com Off the Bench he’s definitely been overlooked I mean I’m good by the Cavs and I think even the Jazz a little bit right until he has has been inserted into this

Starting lineup this year he has really taken off he’s really shined he’s really shown his potential and I think he’s definitely going to have a lot of GMS calling for him at this trade deadline as well as a lot of other players for the Jazz but I think Colin ston with the

Fact that he’s not only scoring but he’s not focused on scoring he’s scoring on getting the other jazz players open looks and facilit ating the ball the best that he can possibly be or possibly do excuse me which we’ve never really seen Colin or really known him to be a

Facilitator but he’s doing such a great job of that I mean he assists I know five assists doesn’t sound like a lot but for a shooting guard that’s that’s pretty decent right so shout out to Colin seon for getting the player of the game for having 30 points five assists

Three rebounds 11 for 17 from the field and four for five from three so really impressive col seon and you get today’s player of the game now let’s move on to kind of like from last night and kind of look the difference between how well the

Pacers did as a team compared to the Jazz and it looks like as far as scoring percentages it wasn’t anywhere close the Pacers 40% from the field to the jazzes 56% from three Pacers shot 29% from the field to the jazz is 44 so very impressive shooting night for the Jazz

Last night very efficient Pacers definitely last last night the Jazz when it to free throw percentage Pacers shot 80% from the line to the jazzes 89% from the line so very impressive uh free throw shooting from the Jazz last night I know Jordan Clarkson missed a couple

That was kind of weird to see CU he usually doesn’t do that um and I think Larry missed a couple as well so if to you know make both free throw shots I think it would be a different story as the Pacers 46 to 43

The out system 29 to 27 so pretty close as far as rebounds and assist go the Pacers actually stole the ball more than the Jazz last night nine times to Five jazz had double the amount of blocks that they did with eight to the Pacers four Jazz only one more turnover than

The Pacers while having 15 to the Pacers 14 Jazz had more fast break points 17 to 10 and definitely dominated the paint last night more than the Pacers having 60 points in the paint to the Pacers 46 and the largest lead for the Jazz last night was 29 to the Pacers big donut

Zero so pretty solid overall performance as a team for the Jazz last night very efficient shooting the ball very efficient on defense rebounding the ball fast break points getting out getting open just everything and I have been really impressed by the way that this team has been able to play with one

Another I’ve been really impressed with the coaching I’ve been really impressed with the rotations everything everything has just been flowing so great for the Jazz and I know I bring this up every podcast episode but I don’t know what the Jazz are going to do at the trade

Deadline I tell you this though they better not trade Colin seon they trade Colin sexon and I’m going to have a problem seriously con sexon right now I know that he was on the trading block I know that you know thinking about getting rid of most of their players or

Wanting to shop most of them but I think you’re going to have to give a lot up if you’re a team looking to get Colin seon because if the Jazz are smart which I believe in Danny a I believe in zanic I believe in will hardy I believe in in

Ryan Smith but man if they give Colin sex way for nothing I’m going to be really upset definitely not just draft picks that we can get for con sexon so so it’ll be interesting to see what happens come the deadline and it’s approaching quickly if I remember

Correctly it’s at the beginning of uh February February 8th is the trade deadline um but could be obviously on that so that’s going to W wrap up today’s recap of the Jazz Pacers last night so now let’s transition into previewing tomorrow’s game where the Golden State Warriors will come visit

The Utah Jazz in the Delta Center and the Jazz are actually favored to win this game by quite a bit now we know that the Utah Jabs are ahead of the Golden State Warriors in the standings currently um and it’s really this comparison between both teams

Because both teams are kind of lower in the Western Conference standings and you know we know Warriors have had their struggles have had injury problems and whatnot chemistry problems whatever you want to call it but we know how well the Jazz are playing but how hot the

Warriors can get right they just got Draymond back I know that they lost last night to the Grizzlies right but let’s not Overlook the fact that the Warriors have Stephen Curry the best shooter ever Klay Thompson and I know he hasn’t been very efficient this year and I know he’s

Been really cold and kind of hard to find his shot but he’s still Klay Thompson and can still catch fire at any moment Draymond Green who knows how he’s going going to play I know that he’s like the captain of the team and they rally around him he’s very vocal

Especially defensively he’s very underrated and I think those three you just can’t underestimate them ever right they can get hot and they can catch a rhythm at any moment but it’ll be interesting to see how the other Warriors teammates do like Andrew Wiggins is he going to show up we have

No idea is Moody going to be there is Moody going to play good we don’t know it’s really hard to rely on these young Warriors players although a handful of them have been playing pretty well this year right but all I’m saying is we cannot underestimate this Golden State

Warriors team now let’s look at these numbers real quick now it’s really interesting to look at these just the way that they compare to one another the Warriors are 11 and 17 against conference opponents so teams that are in the Western Conference and it’s really interesting the Warriors are

Struggling right we know that they’re struggling I’ve said that quite often so far this episode but yet they’re fifth in the league in scoring so where are their problems obviously defensively they are not very good defensively they’re averaging 17.2 points per game and are shooting 46% from three so that’s excuse me not

Just from three but in general they’re shooting the ball 46% so that’s really good it’s really good but yeah their defense is not very good at all and I wonder how much that has to do with Draymond being out with Chris Ball being out as well but let’s not underestimate

How well the Jazz can score and how well they have been scoring lately the Jazz have averaged 116 excuse me 117 points per game which is only 1.4 points fewer than the Warriors have been averaging so it’ll be pretty even when it comes off percentages between these two teams in the match of

Tomorrow so let’s see how well the Warriors come out defensively I think that’s the one thing to focus on with the Warriors tomorrow is how well they can play defensively and slow down the Jazz because I don’t think people are going to stop this Jazz team as much as

They’ve been shooting the ball well and just playing together and doing things I think that team can slow down the Jazz but I think it’s is very unlikely to stop the Jazz totally especially with their hot Street rank now and the way that they’re playing at the Delta Center

Too I mean their home like game stat right now their win percentage I should say it’s not even close the Jazz we know that they play better at home we definitely know they play better at home it’s really interesting to think about this Warriors team will do tomorrow

Against the Jazz but with that being said let’s look at injuries Jazz still have on the injury report so thank goodness we’re we are very fortunate and blessed to have that and but the Warriors obviously Gary pyton II he’s out with the hamstring Chris Paul’s out

With his hand still and oh Moody is actually day to-day with this calf so he might not even play Moses Moody so we’ll see how how much Firepower Steph curan Klay Thompson and Draymond Green Kim bring as well as the other role players on the Jazz let’s see if Andrew wiggin

Shows up we’ll see if we’ll have a Andrew Wiggins sighting cuz he’s not been playing very well lately and so with that being that’s going to wrap up the preview for tomorrow’s game against the Warriors this will be the Jazz’s first time seeing the Warriors this year

So I think it’ll be a great turnout in the Delta Center tomorrow and that brings us to today’s question of the day so today’s question of the day is really really interesting to think about and I really emphasize the word really but the question of the day is is is col seon

More likely to win most improved player of the year if he continues playing that the way that he does or is it more likely that Lowry marinan is an All-Star which is more likely so let’s start with col seon right let’s look at him so this

Season he is averaging 17 points a game three rebounds a game and four assists while shooting 49% from the field so pretty efficient uh numbers so far con sex oh and how could I forget to mention his 37% from three and 80 or excuse me 90% from the free throw line so very

Efficient for col seon this season definitely improved from last year but he’s definitely going to have competition when it comes to other players in the most improved player category like Tyrese Maxi there’s people that say that he has stolen it like he just away with with it he’s playing so

Good which he has he’s been averaging 20 plus points per game which he wasn’t doing last season and he and the 76ers are playing really good as a team I believe they’re third in the East right now other players are cam Thomas he hasn’t been playing very good as of late

But he definitely can find his Groove again alfran shenon that guy is really fun to watch he kind of reminds of Kelly oen but with more yage in him with more style definitely with more the Kelly linic that’s for sure but the pace that

He plays at I feel like he plays a lot like K linck but those three players alone right now Colin is not to some he’s comparable to them or in the vicinity as them but if K seon keeps this up and the Jazz keep rising in the

Standings I think he’ll definitely get a lot more attention and a lot more credibility to be in this most Pro Player category or race I should say now let’s look at Lowry marinan so Lowry this season is averaging 24 points per game nine rebounds two assists and is

Shooting four or excuse me 50% from three while shooting 44% excuse me 51% from the field and 44% from three sorry about that now those are pretty pretty solid stats for Lowry definitely kind of just he was last year he’s currently 21st in points being averaged right now at 24 he’s 19th in

The league and I think he’s putting up impressive stats right but it’s interesting to think about this year and how many players are playing so good when you look at their numbers especially offensive stats there’s just so many that are averaging 20 plus points per game that used to be such a

Rare thing but now it’s very common right Lowry played super good last year he was an All-Star starter but not very many players are getting injured this year as far as Allstars go or potential all stars as we saw last year and so it’ll be interesting to see who gets in

I think they’ll look at the Jazz kind of as not good as they were last year at the beginning of the season they weren’t getting as much attention or they’re not getting as much attention as they were last year at the beginning of the year and I think because they were last year

That’s kind of how Lowry got that and was noticed but this year with the Jazz kind of being lower standings especially with the slow start a rough start and with now being them being in the ninth seed it’ll be interesting to see what the player vote what what the player and

Coaches vote how they vote for Lowry if they vote for Lowry um because right now fan vote is not very in favor of Lowry and so it’ll be interesting to see um but I think Lowry is an All-Star there’s no question about it he definitely is putting up Allstar numbers he is leading

The Jazz right now to an impressive Ninth Place right now I know it’s only Ninth Place but they’re going to get higher they’re going to rise in the standings and to all the haters out there just watch they really are if lry keeps doing what they’re doing or what

He’s doing the Jazz are going to rise and and they’re going to impress people if they haven’t already if you have not been impressed by this Jazz team so far and this turnaround that they’ve had mid-season you are nuts I’m sorry you’re just you got to be sleeping under a rock or just

Not humble enough to give credit where credit is due so it’ll be interesting to see what happens with that but I think it’s safe to say that Lowry Market if I had to choose one I think Lowry would be an Allstar I think Lowry has a bigger

Chance to be an Allstar that col seon does at most improved player of the year but we’ll see we’ll see what happens but let me let me know what you guys think go ahead and what you guys think about the question of the day or just let me

Know some other feedback that you guys have about the jazzz about how they’re playing maybe about this up game how last night’s performance was what stood out to you what changes You’ like to see happen in the rotation or in the Jazz’s play I would love to hear you guys’

Comments and thoughts so go ahead and comment below don’t forget to like And subscribe and turn on that notification Bell to get notified for reoccurring episodes of the Jazz Central Podcast but that’s going to wrap up today’s episode so thanks again I really appreciate you all for tuning in and listening and as

Always go jazz

Today will be recapping the Jazz’s dominating performance from last night’s win against the Indiana Pacers. We will also be previewing Wednesday’s game vs the Warriors in SLC.

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