@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Oklahoma City Thunder Episode 828

The Oklahoma City Thunder Episode 828

Man here we go the NBA takeover by the Oklahoma City Thunder what else do you want I mean like everybody else is looking at our uh pretty pretty hand right now and saying hey we want some of that it’s it’s kind of similar to having a really nice car or a really hot

Girlfriend where everybody’s like checking it out wondering what it be like to take it for a ride but the girlfriend or car both you know what I mean yeah [Laughter] that’s what it’s like being a thunder fan right now they’re like oh man could you imagine having a team that was that

Good that much talent oh man it’s just not your girl man that’s so I’m sorry that’s our girl that’s right we’ll take it dude we’ll take it yeah for sure all right giddy for MVP Josh is free hell yes guys hell yes uh if you guys didn’t see it news came

Out that Josh has uh been um um exonerated from any crimes that people may have thought he had committed so right um we’re happy that that happened so grateful and now hopefully the rest of everybody can just move the [ __ ] forward all right they won’t because now

They have something to hate about this team and they’re just going to utilize that but all right Josh has been using that fire recently and it’s been I know dude I hear I hear the booze come and then I see him get downhill do you think they

Related I mean when I hear booze I go downhill so I mean I was saying when started happening dude I was like w giddy for a lot of our our listeners they may not know W giddy played on Andrew gaz’s team they were Champions bro and War was hated and

Booed everywhere he went so I Josh would eventually tap into like how do you use this as fuel and I honestly think I I do see that happening I see him Embrace being hated and the level of play playing right now is it’s next level he’s just moving the ball around he

Doesn’t have any pride and when he takes the ball to the hole he’s getting to his shots it’s a really good combination he’s worked really hard to get here because the beginning of the Season he was doing some things differently every year he’s trying to improve a little bit

But this year he came out and was just like his ability to get to the hole was something he wasn’t utilizing his ability to get to the free throw line get down to the block that’s when his size really can make a difference you know against the smaller guards and he’s

Doing it with regularity and he’s been doing it against bigger players so yeah big that’s get matched up against he’s getting matched up against power forwards and centers like those are the guys are having to guard him right now and I think that’s the reason why he’s

Having a lot of success in the beginning of the games is because when he gets that you know big guy to switch off on him he just like just goes round his shots nice too bro and that’s like we got to pick your poison with

Him and I think I think I think with with that being said is that you know his stretch that he had a really rough rough few you know games there it was hard but about a month I’m let’s just be honest I’m I’m glad it’s I’m glad this

Is in a place that we can you know attempt to move on from um and go on from there because this team needs to continue to focus and I think this this January um we’ve lost four games so far in January five games whatever it is so

You know we got to focus we got to get going again because this we got a couple hard games left and this team’s got to figure it out so you know what I need to give you a shout out though because when we looked at the season you circled this

Stretch you said this is this is gonna be really tough and we’ve made a move we’ve been able to hang on to our spot move into the first place spot for a minute but now we’re sitting back around second and we want to make that move

Again but this has been tough I mean the Lakers and the Clippers back to back that we knew it was going to be difficult LeBron plays his best against us because he’s still pissed off that we took that night where he set the record and I don’t blame him he should be

Forever but it took Paul George having his best game of the season to beat us so like that’s just What’s happen so appreciative I was just so grateful that for that game I I know I wanted a win same with the Lakers but when you see someone like Paul George and LeBron

James and Qui Leonard and James Harden play vintage style basketball even that dunk by Westbrook it just made me smile I’m just like tipping my hat like I want to beat you guys but when you have to team up Anthony Davis and LeBron James and all those other guys I mentioned to

On a two teams and those are the only two teams that can really stop your mojo like hey man this is our generation is beating the best of the entire last generation combined and I know that they’re not Peak Performance level and blah blah blah but you know what you can

Only play The Players you’re playing so I’m grateful man I I would I was sad we lost but man that was some of the best basketball I’ve seen in years [ __ ] Years bro what’s up pun um and and I have to say like you know the combining

Two games back to back um if you think that Shay is healthy right now you’re sorely mistaken I mean I’m sorry like I I don’t want anybody to be throwing up in arms or anything else like that but um before the Lakers game I I was watching reports watching you know

Injury reports and Shay’s name popped up said spraying game time decision and he still went out there played against the Lakers and then the next night he went out and played against the Clippers but you could tell he was half a step behind he didn’t have

That Swagger there so I hope that um Jazz game is is is is good enough game where he can get a couple uh extra minutes of breather we’ll see what happens but man I’m telling you guys Shay needs to get healthy jdub stepped up in a big way the last couple of games

Chad stepped up in the Lakers game so you know we’re getting there yeah man and K’s been playing great the bench has been outstanding like what we’ve been able to expect from them has been off the charts and that’s been a big reason you know if you listen to the TNT

Broadcast with Greg Anthony you know they really gave our bench a ton of credit um there are a couple of stretches right now where you can see a little bit of slow like our our team is like having trouble I would say for a little while ago was the first quarter

Um but now it’s kind of like the end of the third quarter you know Shay still in the game the bench players haven’t really come in and started taking over but that beginning of the fourth quarter is a place where the bench has consistently made progress for us you

Get you take that Clippers game and by the time Shay came back in they were handing him a game and yeah it it was it looked like it was on the verge of a blowout is even how the TNT people said it right around 12 points like but we

Knew I mean this team doesn’t give up but what we were able to do down that stretch I was really impressed with those shots that like you said Paul George was making and the way that he just took over the game um you know the

Only way you can learn from this type of stuff is to experience it so now the guys kind of know you know we want to be the western conference champions We want it this year and other people have something to say about it but how about Paul George after the game saying

Oklahoma City won the trade like they got an MVP candidate in Shay and all those picks they won the trade I mean have you ever seen anything like that I’ve never seen it I I I don’t you know what it was about Paul George’s um answer and I’m being honest here is that

There’s two places that Paul George I think plays next year Oklahoma City or Los Angeles Clippers so I think what you saw there was a an answer that was very politically correct answer and that’s what we got out of that you know like that’s that you know like do I think

That Paul George is gonna come play for the Oklahoma City Thunder no but if Paul George had to leave you know that the respect level just by listening to that interview you know the respect level is incredibly High you know that he would come back to Oklahoma City in a

Heartbeat because he knows that Sam would take care of him he knows that coach D is a great coach because he was there when he was there you know like this is he knows the structure he knows the system and he knows that this team is going to be competing for a

Championship over the next three years four years and in his mind he’s like you know what I can the Clippers guarantee that they’re going to compete for every championship in the next three four years no Oklahoma City might be able to though that’s interesting I know he’s

Why else hasn’t even signed a contract man like it doesn’t make sense and then last night you hear him and they’re like did the Oklahoma City Thunder we or the other night did the Oklahoma City Thunder win the uh trade and he pretty much danced around when he could have

Just been like no man look got me Clippers won the trade hands down it doesn’t matter what they got but no he was just like Sam pre is the ban he’s the you know like he’s so sexy maybe he’s just daating what everybody else knows by now maybe but like I’ve never

Heard anything like that before it was almost like he was just letting Sam know hey Sam just in case sexy I’m over here yeah take your sexy beard and bring it over here I mean like we don’t we don’t know but it was just strange bro like I

I sat there and I watched it six times and each time I was just like listening to like like that because Paul George is not an idiot I mean he he’s a methodical speaker you know he thinks about what he says and I was just looking for like one

Reason where Paul George is like nah clippers for life but I mean he said he would like to stay at the clippers but it it’s not like you know like qu signs a contract they’re talking about everybody else signing contracts and Paul George is what holding

Out what are he Holding Out for I mean here’s the thing if you said both players were MVP candidates this year which I I mean Paul George might be but I don’t think he is right like if you were to say both players MVP candidates this year and one’s 20 one’s what 32

Then1 I mean you got say on that premise alone right like you got more years of MVP level basketball but then you throw in the picks and by the way one of those picks has turned into jdub um like like if you’re if you’re a if you’re a superstar of sorts and you

Can call that for Paul George Superstar of sorts right um I think multiple times he’s he’s come in the top 10 of MVP voting throughout his career multiple sorts right so um I I would say this about this is that Paul George came to San pre and said I want to play in

Oklahoma City next year you know I don’t want you to trade for me I want to keep everything the same I want to play in Oklahoma City next year because I know that you guys are going to be able to compete for a championship but I need a

Long-term contract because my last two years I know I’m not going to be as good as I and the first three years right but I want to win a championship here as as a Sam prey fan right like part of me would be like what would we do with Paul

George what we put him in that that you know fifth starter would we like I but if there was one player in the NBA that I would be like you know what that’s possibly free that’s not going to cost us anything but money at this moment Paul George plays both ways

Better than anybody else in the league so all right why not a lot of people wanted to focus on like um would we want like KD back and you’re saying like maybe you want Paul George back listen if any of those guys like KD if Paul George like those guys that still

Have two three four more years want to come back and are willing to take a set slight discount right to win a championship because they recognize what we all recognize all of our fans and us we all recognize that this is a championship caliber team and you’re Sam

Prey and you’re saying KD and Paul George want to come home like why would you say no to that like even one you wouldn’t say no to that but both you would have be like [ __ ] yeah right now we’re the best show on hardwood baby like why would we I I honestly like

Because we use because we used 10 players deep like it doesn’t like that’s unlike any other teams like it like if you’re sitting there and you’re an A A you know getting old player right and you’re like dude I want to play 25 minutes night I just want to play 25 minutes

Night I don’t I hate getting to the 30s which which makes sense for a 30-some year old right where else are you looking there’s nowhere else that you can play 25 minutes to to make your career longer all right so now I’m thinking about it and I’m like say Paul George didn’t

Appreciate the way that they handled his injuries and he’s like I’ve been at a place where I know they don’t handle [ __ ] like this you know coming into the season they were like we’re going to press through the season and they were acting like you know like oh all the

Time they took off during the regular season is why they missed in the playoffs it it was kind of a ridiculous argument it’s we’ll call it the Steve Balmer I’m a billionaire not a um you know personal trainer argument like hey man people need to be in the office you

Know like what are we paying them hundreds of millions of dollars for so Steve Balmer shows up every day why shouldn’t Paul George show up every day and then boom now they’re trying to get guys who have made their entire careers as successful as they have a lot

Part because of load management now they’re trying to get Qui Leonard away from load management at this stage of the career like I don’t get it man like I appreciate teams that take long-term Health seriously and the question is are the Clippers one of those teams all

Right you got me Paul George over look at Shay’s minutes though look at Shay’s minutes all right and you got to look at them and say under 34 minutes a night almost every single night this season I mean there’s sometimes he pops up the 36 or 38 but very very rarely

Right then you look at somebody like Luca and dude’s getting 40 you know like he gets eight minute breaks two minutes a quarters type thing like what the [ __ ] you know like I’m sorry but like those extra six eight minutes a night okay just just do the math on those guys

All right just do the math on that eight minutes a night times let’s just do 60 right he’s playing like 10 extra games than Shay a season yeah you know you add those minutes up and you cannot help and people are saying in the NBA now is

Saying oh load management isn’t a thing don’t worry about load management I’m telling you the NBA players are going to take note of this stuff and the players that are veterans are going to look for teams that are strong teams not like you know going listen KD picked going to

Where he was where he was going because of the strength that they had that he knew that he could play there 35 minutes 33 minutes a game and be good right and then they went out and got on Bradley Beal and just destroyed the bench then

He couldn’t do that anymore now he has to play all those minutes I’m telling you these guys don’t I mean they’ll do it because they don’t mind whatever but they want to play 25 30 minutes at 33 34 35 years old because if they can do that

Then they’re all a sudden looking at being able to have a you know seven-year career left I mean look at LeBron I mean he’s like the most minutes ever pretty much like he’s just killing it right now I’m telling you eventually it’s going to take its toll and he’s going to missed

The last two or three years of basketball that he could have played because of injury just took it everything else away because he played so many minutes and that’s at that point in their lives that’s like a $40 million paycheck per year I mean walking away

From close to $1 million by not being able to play the last two years of your career all right so the Thunder have consistently made that a big part of what they do su Doug love you to man thanks budy reflect when with the guys that you

See from the Thunder who started their career who are still playing in the league at a high level you mentioned KD James hard and Russ like even Stephen Adams um is still in the league although out from injury which you know I’m not going to blame it on any team his back

Was always a problem but like the reality is when you look at what’s happening with this next Generation we have like really high expectations for career longevity and heal maybe none of that will come true with some of these guys but um that’s our expectations you know when we see

What we’re seeing from Chad we can’t help but think about like this isn’t the best chat we’re going to see in some teams you know players Peak the rookie year and a lot of that comes down to how hard they push them right sure that’s it

Like but you see these guys that are hungry there’s a difference between being pushed and being hungry like um the best the best way of of of doing that is is hungry right I look at I look at Shaq and I look at Andrew bham all right and I guys I know you

Guys are gonna give me [ __ ] for doing this right but you got Shaq and Andrew bam okay you got both incredibly talented when they came to the league they’re years right why did Shaq become so much better than Andrew bam is because Shaq was hungry Andrew Biden was just

Talented and there’s a difference like yes you can make a $150 million contract on being talented but guess what Andrew Wiggins he’s talented do you think he’s hungry though I don’t think he’s hungry but he’s made he’s going to end up walking away with close to $500 million in his career in

The NBA by the time he gets contracts and stuff like that so you can be talented and get paid a lot but there’s a difference like I look at chat and you can say this the same thing I would say about this is that Victor right and Chad

Like one’s hungry right and one’s talented and I don’t need to sit here I need to explain anything about who’s hungry and who’s talented because I think everybody [ __ ] knows who’s hungry and who’s talented because JJ reck’s talking about it I mean chony Bops is talking about it I mean you

Could go down the list of everybody that’s talking about who’s talented and who’s hungry and there’s a difference guys if you want to become great you have to be [ __ ] hungry and what is this entire Oklahoma City Thunder team full of hungry [ __ ] bro so Chad I kind of hope that Victor wins

The Rookie of the Year dude you know what I want Victor to do I want him to win the Rookie of the Year and just shove it up his own ass dude and just be like yeah won something I I want him I want Chad to lose because

I want Chad to have like an edge that is beyond anything that can be given to you if you are pampered you know the I am going to go out there and prove every single day that these stupid [ __ ] missed out on the greatest player in the league because you all you

Could see was some you know mesmerizing freak you know what I mean like I get it like things Victor does it’s like they’re incredible but when you look at the way that Chad plays The Game and his Mastery of the game that the way that the NBA is currently played it’s so

Different than anything I’ve seen and people are missing it because they just keep talking about a freak and I’m happy because like go ahead you know what the NBA is gonna do let me tell you what the NBA is gonna do all right the NBA is

Going to allow chat to go to the all-star game they’re GNA get basically put him in the All-Star game but he will not be the Rookie of the Year they will not allow it definitely will not allow chat being Rookie of the Year there is too much

That goes into this this award that it’s a popularity contest it’s it’s so much more than just who’s the best player with the best team and all that other stuff and because of that Chad I he could have an incredible season and they’re still gonna try to shed light on

On Victor and I’m totally cool with that because when push comes to shove like you said chat’s going to utilize a motivation first of all and the second thing chat’s going to do is he’s going to get better and better and better it feeds the Beast bro all right you you

You go out there and you put out couple insane games and insane stuff right and you have what is considered one of the greatest rookie um rookie seasons of all time yet they give it to somebody else right and you’re saying that that’s not going to

Sit there and that’s not going to stir in him all the year be like these [ __ ] think I’m worse I mean these [ __ ] think that I I’m not as good as Victor like what the [ __ ] you know like is Victor doing freakish things yes it goes back to Talent bro

Victor’s talented I mean incredibly talented man but if he doesn’t get that mvp he’ll be like oh that sucks he just be like I’ll work harder right but he come on he’s not hungry it’s a [ __ ] beast you have to have that Beast inside of you man and Shaq had that

Beast Andrew bham didn’t and am I saying it’s like chats like Shack and Andrew bham is like Victor I mean you guys you guys do you man I’m just I’m just using two guys that I’ve watched my career play against each other that I always watched and saw

Andrew bham act like this he could be this incredible player and all sudden just fell on his face after making a [ __ ] ton of money here’s what you have to ignore to convince yourself that Victor is a better player you have to ignore that he shoots below 30% from

Three and he still jacks up five a game I I I know we don’t like to do this often but it reminds me very much of Jordan tford shut up Blake JT Jordan tord stats right there like he flirts with 30% and shoots anyway remember when

Rust did that how people used to treat him but anyway anyway listen Victor is talented he shoots dude he shoots 46% 46% from the field thing right in perspective what 46% 39% from the field bro is the lowest percentage in the NBA right now right and fourth on that list is Jaylen Green

From the Houston Rockets and he’s shooting 41% 42% Victor can’t be much further than that bro worst in the league top 10 worst in the league in shooting has has to be close to that dude and how can San Antonio fans sit there and just trash JJ

Reck when JJ reic brings this [ __ ] up they’re like you’re an idiot JJ and here’s a shout out to Cheno I [ __ ] love you man appreciate you uh throwing that out there and um definitely U making us feel good about that on on um on Twitter so makes X so dude Doug hell

Yes man yes thank you for the $10 bro we appreciate that tip that’s awesome man thank you hell yeah dude Dave what I what I want to say about this is you saw it coming I was like I started watching those highlights of Victor and being better

Than Chad and and what you told me and I think this is great to to keep in perspective right now is that like basically it didn’t matter like Victor was gonna do special things but chat was going to be his own player and you know but we still I still wanted to drag

Everybody into the Victor versus chat debate as much as possible and it’s been hell of a year Dave I mean a a rookie campaign unlike any we’ve ever seen back and forth on who’s gonna be first place I’ve never seen something like this with such Elite Talent and Victor was the

Most hyped rookie since LeBron and a big way he’s lived up to the hype and nobody’s talking about just what that really means that Chad has been able to you know supplant himself into the number one you know for the first half of the Season like what does this mean

Overall and what happens next well first of all it’s it’s about growth because I as much as I love Chad and and if you ask Chad I mean obviously he’s already said it but if you ask Chad like what is he have to prove in this he’d be everything everything has to be

Proven yet still um I I still think that he needs to improve his defensive rebounding I still think that there’s a lot of improvement on his block shots and his um um positioning on block shots I think there’s a lot of improvement on his offensive game even though his

Numbers seem very very high so um to me I’m watching his game and I’m just like improvement improvement improvement which tells me like sometimes you watch a player and you’re like this guy I mean he doesn’t need much more to improve you know like this is like I would watch

That Kristoff porzingis right um and I would watch him and I’d be like man he’s pretty much at the top of his level you know you can tell right and that’s what he did like he never really went past his top of his level as he did in um you

Know prior to Dallas slightly prior to Dallas you know like it was always this you can tell when players are going to reach their level and stop but with with Chad you see these like flashes of like truly like truly greatness like you’re like oh and then he does it four or five

Plays in a row right and then you lose track of him throughout the game and that’s not a diss on him right that’s just a more of a we’re gonna double down on him we’re gonna do this we’re gonna throw him a different type of defense and at this point he’s getting stumped

Because he’s a rookie still right but that’s fine because when he learns how to get get better through those situations and the different Defenders that they throw at him and the double teams that they throw at him and the taking away the LW passes that he throws

At him he learns how to go around those things he’s a better player so for me I look at his game and I was like where how far can he go from here and what are we G to look at next like like you can’t compare Chad and Victor

And this is why is chat’s gonna win championships and MVPs he is he’s going to be defensive player of the year he’s going to win MVPs he might even get a couple scoring titles in there Victor is four drafts away from being able to be um in a place that

They’re no longer rebuilding four four drafts away from no longer rebuilding and if you think about that if they do anything more than four drafts if they try to like fast-pace this and be like we could do this in two drafts right and get some other players here they’re

Going to put put themselves in the same exact position that that Luca’s in hey guys we got Victor it’s really cool over here in San Antonio come play with Victor guys no one’s gonna do it you know and that’s the problem they have to build by

The draft if they try to fast-pace it they try to do anything cut Corners like we we’ve seen a couple teams try to do now it’s not going to work for them it’s just not Victor needs time to develop and he needs guys around him that can

Develop with him in order to be a good position whereas chat is already in a place to compete right now so when it’s all said and done and everybody’s looking back and saying this player is better this player is better this player is better I are we even

Talking about who’s play better between Kobe Bryant and Dwayne Wade are we talking about who’s better between Kobe Bryan and I mean we could down the list guys Allen Iverson we’re not we’re not talking about who’s better because Kobe’s got five you know like we’re going to be in

The same position in in 20 years when we’re looking back and looking at Victor and looking at Chad and we’re going to be like chat’s got the Champions man you know like Mark Mark remember when um we’re in high school and the foster kids right they had the two Fosters right one

Uncle of The Fosters had all the Championships right he got three championship rings from Oklahoma football right and the other Uncle the other Uncle gots All American all Americans for OU but never won a championship you get all the oades but never a championship do you remember in

The who has the breaking rights there the champion the Rings or the guy that was the offensive All Pro or um offensive line All Pro right goes back to it man like that’s what these guys are going to do it’s going to be like well I have five MVPs and I have four

Scoring titles and I have this and I have that and chat’s going to be like and I’ve got these many rings see them see my rings and Victor like I don’t look at all the stuff I did and Victor’s gonna be like and see my rings chat’s gonna be like see my rings

Guys see my rings like it doesn’t matter it’s go all back to the scoreboard man when the team’s kicking your ass you don’t taunt them so wash um what’s up buddy so Dave we were talking about no we weren’t talking about what I wanted to talk

About is this thing they were talking on TNT like they were asking who’s going to step up for the Thunder and be the consistent number two option is it g to be Chad um you have any thoughts on that yeah actually do I’m so glad dug through

This in the the thing because I’ve been really thinking about this um all right so when Shay’s in the game right the Shay the offense runs great he pull Shay out Josh get’s in the game the offense runs great but when Josh comes out and Shay’s out how does the offense

Run recently it’s been running amazing why has it been running amazing why F fine Doug you nailed it on the head misit misit is playing outstanding recently he’s getting more playing time and and and you want to say who’s going to be the second best scorer you can’t

It’s not about being the second best scorer bro what it is is about being the second best playmaker and that’s what misit is able to do man he is bringing something to the table that that I haven’t seen in a long time off a guy off a bench and and

You have to have a second time playmaker and and and here’s the thing about it you got Shay does phenomenal you got jdub does phenomenal right but when you have Shay jdub and Josh giddy in the game I feel like um jdub brings the ball

Up like like 40% of the time right and then 30% each of the other Shay and and Josh right and then when mises comes in the game and and he gets the ball all the time why why does he get the ball in his hands all the time and Josh doesn’t

Or or jayd duub doesn’t or Shay doesn’t it’s because when he’s in the game the offense is the most fluent offense I have ever seen he is a director and if you think about somebody that sits in front of an orchestra and directs the orchestra right and is like the violins right the

Harps like this this this and he’s knowing where to point and where to get the music flow right and you watch M chits and he’s sitting there and he’s talking to the guys and he’s saying hey go here go here go right on dead balls

On you know he has the ball in his hands he’s pointing to people he’s going back door he’s doing all this other stuff it’s a director he does the same thing on defense somebody was trashing his defense the other day when I was uh um

On um X not Twitter um but X and they’re talking about horri horrible as defenses and I’m sitting there watching his defense and it’s not bad what he’s doing is he’s constantly like back door back door left right go this way go this way he’s a director and when you have

Somebody on there in the on the court that not only directs it and does what it takes for the other team but the whole team sees what he’s doing and then on the other side he’s passing the ball and getting to the hole making the shots that he’s doing it’s

Effortless and so when you say who needs to be that second best player on that team I I bring it back to is that Mich has got to get his game better if we’re going to have a chance to win this Championship we have a chance to get to

The Western Conference Finals M just got to be that sixth player Off the Bench he’s got to be that guy and if he is that guy then I’m telling you right now we’re the best versions of ourselves because if we have Shay Jay duub Josh giddy Chad out there and misit out there

At one time throw Dort out there throw a combination of this player Isaiah Joe misic I’m telling you guys Wiggins Wiggins back Mr backdoor himself like these these guys are going to change everything but misic is the key to it all and when people are saying we need

To make a trade we need to do this right here guess what Mis hasn’t played very much this season he’s like a trade that we just got that knows our offense that’s been playing with the guys knows where they’re going he’s a piece that we just added that’s been playing

Outstanding and that’s how I look at this trade is which of these guys that aren’t playing right now a lot are going to step up and start playing better and more because then we don’t have to worry about any trades we don’t have to do anything else like that we just have to

Stand Pat and not do anything else enjoy it as Doug says enjoy the ride it’s a marathon this is not a Sprint guys this is not a [ __ ] Sprint sit back enjoy the show and recognize that two losses in a row three losses in a row is part of the Season

There’s no panicking there’s no like we got to get this player we got to get this player there no there’s no none of that there’s going to be ups and downs and that’s just part of the game thank you Doug I promise you that your $10

Will be used to party our asses off thank you hell yeah

The Last Storm

#thunderup #okcthunder #oklahomacitythunder #shaigilgeousalexander #chetholmgren #jalenwilliams #joshgiddey #ludort


  1. Gday guys🇦🇺 wow love the take on bringing back awesome ex OKC player.
    As soon as you said PG or KD back it hit me that is exactly what we need, or what about Lebron?
    How good if it actually happened.
    Nice work guys🍻

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