@San Antonio Spurs

Coach Pop Deserves MORE BLAME For The Spurs Struggles

Coach Pop Deserves MORE BLAME For The Spurs Struggles

Trey young saying wimy has all the intangibles to be the best player ever facts or cap facts the dude is 7 fo5 I don’t even know what the wingspan is I’ve never even seen anybody bother to measure that [ __ ] right like it doesn’t matter it’s like how what’s the

Temperature of the Sun this shit’s really hot right he 7 fo 5 he can do all that stuff and he got it in him like I was in Vegas um for the first game in summer league and I know everybody on Twitter had jokes nobody in the building

Did we was like we watching the future right here directly in front of us my only question is I can’t understand why they so sorry like as bad as they are is it the Pistons and the Spurs have both been sorry for so long that you’re not

Supposed to still be this sorry after you go get a dude that good somebody somebody not as good as they say who who who is the who is it the is it the jigsaw killer I will simply make the point that GRE PO is not like

Billa killer we don’t seen 10 of these shits we’ve seen 10 of these movies every time everything we said about Bill bichen football this year mhm applies to gra Pap real sh bro i’ been saying single you’re not supposed to be sorry for four years in a row and still be all

Time sorry they as sorry as the Pistons you look at the point differential on them is the same as with the Pistons somebody got to explain something guys explaining to D do we do we have any San antonians who care to defend I’m just saying they got dudes

They signed the big extension they’ve been getting decent draft picks and they still one of the three worst teams in the league and and Vic looks as good as we thought he was supposed to look right and they looking him off well that’s that that is the next part right all

Them dudes they all like it’s a team full of Ricky Davis’s right Tricky Ricky I thought big fella was here to help me right like everybody looking at him to say here to help me damn funny but here’s the thing people talk about it like it’s slander I’m just

Asking you who else could have four straight years like this and never have to answer for them and every year people make the same argument well they just getting worse to get better when they did that in Philadelphia we wasn’t tolerating it we called it you know we

And I and I definitely did it I was not here for none of that Sam hinky [ __ ] or what they were pulling are they trying to be good if they haven’t been trying to be good for four years then somebody got an answer for that the Pistons we

Know they trying to be good that’s what makes it worse so like how do we get here [ __ ] I mean just drop SM show me just show me the lie that’s all I’m asking for but he ain’t going to fire himself no he ain’t going to fire

Himself he knows what he hey he knows what he’s doing yeah nobody going to fire him either but if it’s a matter of some of these dudes they got now got to get out of there they got to have some hard talking toes to people you got to

Actually get a real life point guard M do y’all feel like Po is Untouchable though like how many how many consecutive years can he do this and still as many as he got a five years tension this what he do hey Jesus here we go

How look but you know what I think it is man and it’s hard to sayz mreg Pap guy you look up there and this guy look like your grandfather it’s hard to tune in to that yes and to buy into what he’s saying like I understand you got five but this

[ __ ] ancient that you talking to us dog like you can’t relate to us like you ain’t no like you got to get somebody in there that can relate to them young boys man let me ask you is he still kicking it like he used to kick it cuz

Absolutely okay the point read books and all that those a listen video G but is he out here talking crazy to him like he used to talk crazy to like Tim and him know cuz that was the thing he can get away with that stuff with Tim cuz Tim would take

It the same thing with bich you could get away with that when Tom Brady was taking it up passing out books and [ __ ] them dudes doing that [ __ ] in the back of fortnite at man where [ __ ] goam where [ __ ] Call of Duty kids ain’t trying to hear that [ __ ] man that

Kumbaya [ __ ] man it’s it’s a different type of kid not they’re not trying to hear that [ __ ] man cuz K you see at the the lower L girl you see it too it’s a different they’re not built and you got and you got foreign kids on your like

Dude they ain’t they not the tradition is gone they not trying to hear that I’m just I hate to say they not trying to hear that [ __ ] dog that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] like Charlie Brown’s [ __ ] in that [ __ ] man like you play for Bob Huggins and unfazed I’m just saying you

Play for a guy like Huggins unfazed I don’t know if that [ __ ] flies even the petino style that stuff doesn’t fly change cuz I can get you fir now one wrong it don’t like you can’t just don’t register these days but Gino was just talking about ARA was talking about

Their Yukon like two days ago about how it’s hard to coach these people cuz they don’t respect you at all they can literally go to a different school every other year get your coach and he’s like well there’s no respect for me telling them or critiquing them now cuz they not

Even looking at me like I’m somebody that can do that well they go to difference and they go to like different type schools now cuz like you went to with Lincoln in Dallas right no I went to Brian Adams Brian Adam yeah but but like Anthony Ed was the thing that’s

Interested me when I saw what school he went to I was like oh you went to th like this is a actual High School right with like actual High School Dynamics and the people that arounded people who known you forever and they deal with you

In that way it don’t work that way when you bounce right like you have the power at every turn every body is trying to keep you in every place and we are this is like broad Society stuff but not everybody went to the military right like all this stuff starts with all all

The coaching in America starts with the military yes and everybody their coach in high school was some dude had gone off the fight in whatever War whatever it is but that was like the intellectual Center of coaching started with the military and then trickled on down and

It don’t work like that no more right so they talk to you like they talk to people in the military everything worked around that it ain’t that world no more no nowadays we talk to you crazy now is everything going to be okay yeah yeah yeah yeah you you want a trophy okay

Momma buy you one no like I play for like I wasn’t no stra basketball player nothing but I remember I played in Middle School the first time I came home I told my dad I was like yo man you know it’s a white man too like

Yo man ain’t here talking crazy to us and all of this I expected my dad to have my back and he was like nah that’s just how this works if you going to do this this is how they going to talk to you and you going to have to decide if

This is not could believe that they talk to me like this at work son the but that was the thing my dad isn’t that tight right like they wasn’t talking to him like that at work but he was like if this is what you going to do this is the

Environment this is how it works and it didn’t mean they didn’t like you like think about Huggin Huggins talk all that crazy [ __ ] but everybody knew that Bob loved him absolutely do work the other way in this stuff that was the reason I clashed cuz I wasn’t having that [ __ ]

With Roy he was like hey hey hey my daddy don’t my daddy don’t talk to me like that you not about to talk to me like that but the dude before Roy was worse right he tried to be until I said the same [ __ ] too hey hey heyy we not

Having that I don’t know who you think you is you not daddy you don’t want me call Daddy up here Daddy come up here set a straight on his own so but Rashad Trey Trey young saying wimy has all thebly the best player ever you saying that’s facts or cap facts facts facts

Two facts collusion collusion get what you think Trey try to Trey smart he getting traded over there yeah you think it’s gonna happen hell yeah cuz he if think about it if you pop oh Trey young says this is going to be the future that means he’s going to be he’s already

Bought in y to who this guys is so he’s going to be looking to get him the ball I’m trading for that guy can you imagine pop trying to coach Trey young I’m asking you that like look at look at the how it’s going with the

Dudes they got now pop trying to coach Trey young somebody gonna have to go I think saying he already bought in you already said this is the guy so you’re coming in already saying he is the best player ever so that means you’re going to be looking to get him the ball again

Hey look Trey willing to throw it up there but that ain’t why Trey come to he ain’t come he don’t come to work every day to throw the ball to people man get some I mean if he pass but he not having trouble with Quinn right now he was having trouble with

Nate yeah Nate was the old school fil Quinn is the new school I get it I know that meeting going to be that meeting going to be funny hey oh that’s young I’m going to do just like this I think so let’s make it happen girl I I need get a fact okay

Thank you just but we facts with the asri with collusion for TR okay K Trey young saying wimy has Alli int Handa be the best player ever facts or cap best player ever yeah that’s see that’s where and that’s where I he could be is he going to be yeah I don’t know

Yeah that’s that’s my but the intangible sh yeah I give him that we ain’t see nothing like when you see that walk gy and it’s hitting this in war month I get but I need it’s it’s one year right now but one leged threes I’m just saying

Just one year right it ain’t even the fourth season yet like I just give me give me as you as you watch I don’t know as you watching how LeBron LeBron before we talked about when came in the league we didn’t know you know the best play he has the tangibles to be

The best ever because he has all the will he be poti yeah there’s difference can and will that’s yeah I’m calling cap cuz cuz that key word in that phrase but back to what we was just saying right old school way of coaching right [ __ ] Nate McMillan them dudes ain’t trying to get

Off the bus and go to [ __ ] shoot around man like they just not like they you can’t talk to them and treat them like no like man hey they ain’t going for it and they make more money than you so I mean we always made more money than coaches

So but they making way more money than they coach now let me tell that’s changing the dudes at the top of the roster are but we are now out of that point with the midle level exception is making more than the coaches somebody pay mty Williams how much money now you

Know like they somebody somebody got win to that and was like okay we need to flip this up need to flip it up but what’s that feeling like for you guys when you’re making more money than the dude who’s supposed to be telling you what to do that’s like it ain’t even about

Telling dudes what to do man like at especially at that level said but you still respect the you still respect the coaches based on their coaching acument or is it like you’re a broke boy dog a buy no money what is your your job is to put us in the best position

Successful team so if you’re not doing that then that’s when you get questioned okay well let me ask you this how long does it take you to like to sniff out whether or not this dude got it or not cuz I’ve heard stories about a team figured it out in one practice dude

Ain’t it training camp training camp just like what we doing in training camp how’s this flowing in training camp what we not working on what we working on What’s Missing who they cut who they keep like all that [ __ ] Bro strategies like you look I’m like damn going through all the

Different we ain’t worked on [ __ ] side out of bounds yet got game we post a red this on the side we black we doing people always talk about like when basketball players wind up in a coach killer situation but I make a different argument no nobody knows when it’s time

For a coach to get fired faster than the basketball team basketball team figures that out they talk about it among themselves somebody gets appointed to be like hey me and the Fellas we was over here talking and we think it’s about time for some changes and you can look

At it as a mutiny but that is not what has happened this is there’s been researched that has been done by a focus group and they decided that this show is over something else on the 730a Minnesota the one thing that I seen and new Dwayne Casey was up out of there

Drawing up a [ __ ] play and everybody was looking and we didn’t know what the [ __ ] he was saying and kg was so mad he just took the clip give me this [ __ ] [ __ ] look man throw the ball to me you go here you go here boom

Boom boom boom let’s go one 2 three team and when that happened it’s over yeah he was like oh yeah he’s Doney are y’all used to bring it in after the timeout y’all used to say one two three yeah like that [ __ ] remember not not necessarily not all the time we

All just got up we all just got up and just you know not every time [ __ ] team what y’all do y just yeah all right I see y out there know I don’t even know if I would have participated to be honest with you [ __ ] weak don’t remember yeah I don’t

Remember like I get it when we little kids you trying to build one two three team two three wizard yeah maybe I’m trying to do one two three maybe maybe when it comes to Trey young saying wimy has all the intangibles to be the best player ever

We got a majority crew that says facts we got great sound effects on the show

Coach Popovich Deserves MORE BLAME For The San Antonio Spurs Struggles This Season As Gilbert Arenas, Bomani Jones and The Rest of The Gil’s Arena Crew examine why the Spurs continue to struggle despite a talented team led by Victor Wembanyama and question if Coach Pop’s militaristic style of coaching is lost on the new era of the NBA.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

Join Us For Gil’s Shootout at: The Dstrkt, 19840 Nordhoff Pl, Chatsworth, CA 91311 – 1pm PT on 1/20 (Saturday) or follow along the action LIVE on YouTube and in the Underdog Fantasy App

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  1. Lebron didn’t even make playoffs first 2 seasons give it some time everyone wants rookie straight to championship give it time

  2. The Spurs are not trying to win. Pop knows more than anyone that you need multiple stars to win championships. They think Pop moved by regular season wins and playoff berths😂. Thank god for Pop! New NBA crying about ring culture while praising their incompetent franchises. Losers!

  3. How is it “ancient stuff” the things pop says to young players??? Makes 0 sense whatsoever

  4. The Spurs have not been bad as everyone think or as these mfs make it think lmaoo weird af

    2018: Playoffs
    2019: Playoffs
    2020: Fought for playoffs
    2021: Play-In
    2022: Tank
    2023-current: Rebuild

  5. These guys are the biggest morons I’ve ever heard! Spurs are not struggling, they are developing a 19 year old and acclimating him to the NBA after coming out of high school. Jokic was drafted in 2014 and took this long to become the best player in the NBA.. Giannis was 2013 draft and won in 2021 with Finals MVP. It take time and patience! Hell even MJ took 8 years! SA is organized and will develop their players. We won’t have another Greg Oden situation and have a career ending injury. Wemby is in good hands!

  6. Don’t know what’s going on but sounds like pop is quiet quitting like don nelson with those last couple warrior teams

  7. I have always loved Bomani Jones because he talks about sports with a certain insight you don't typically get in sports media. The Morning Jones IYKYK

  8. Rashad has been saying this! Interesting how Kenyon Martin was cosigning for the troublemaker chick against McCants before, now he flipped😂

  9. Who is there decent draft picks outside of Wemby?

    Spurs should 100% keep tanking for the next few seasons, outside of Wemby they have nobody.

  10. Spurs owner ain’t gonna fire him. Pop was gonna retire years ago but his wife passed away, so the owner prob seeing that coaching is the only thing keeping pop alive. Imagine you’re an owner and pop brought you those chips.
    You’d let him go till the wheels fall off too.
    Loyalty over all with them

  11. There were set backs for the Spurs. The Kahwaii debacle, then the Josh Primo situation where set back. What is Detroits excuse? Not the same.

  12. Coach Pop is no dummy. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's studying who to build around Wemby. I'm sure they'll catch up next season. If they tank, they'll add another 1st draft pick to their roster.

  13. Kenyon … Gilbert …. Yawl should show Rashad McCants more love! He was right about Pop! Yawl only agreed with him NOW when Bo said it! He tried telling yawl this when Grimes was on the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. pops is a true winner if he still makin luuv while coachin a nba teem thats trill pimpyn after a boo croak

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