@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Nuggets Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Nuggets Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch P steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I pull the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do you laughing at I know everybody do matter I know I know everybody’s in a bad mood welcome to the Garden report yeah I know everybody’s bummed out and is ready to Boomer rage their way through the next hour or so but Jimmy and I just to lift

Our Spirits just watch the Bobby watch the Bobby video yeah we came on here so upset John just like here this will help and helps so maybe in the middle of our show if we’re going off the rails we’ll just we’ll just play we’ll just hit play

The hits we used to have the com read now we’ve got Bobby playing basketball so much better the second time it’s like so much better than second it’s like the episode of I think you should leave like you got to watch like two or three more times i’ really

Appreciate it oh man people are angry right now I’m not angry let the room fill up while we yeah let the f for a second you’re not angry you’re not angry yet not yet but I you know how I get yeah you’ll get there I I’ll get

There it’s Friday it’s Friday you know we’ve all we’ve all had a long week I’ll use this one I’m gonna I’m gonna use this comment right here you know not angry disappointed I actually con while I was watching the Celtics like brick all of these threes and and stop

Attacking the basket and like watching yok and and Murray hit everything and guys getting cooked they got them down I actually still thought they were going to pull it out um I I really did I thought Tatum would have like two heroic moments late and I I actually thought

The back to back there where Tatum had the um the the floater in the lane which was a tough shot that was like the one good shot that he took tonight and and then white white uh gets it into Brown in the post and he and he just bullies

His way there um yeah I’m like here we go now they’re going work brown head Mur I was ready I was ready to just like Zone in on that play and say that was like that summed up the game if they won but instead uh you had

Like Tatum discomobile I don’t know what happened to that guy in the last few minutes of the game is like uh it was like he was never walked before um I don’t know what happened I mean that shot selection tonight was Port gone finish it you know what you

Know what it was it was a it was so with with these Jimmy it always comes back back to not like Tatum had a bad game I’m so mad Brown had a bad game I’m so mad guys are going to not guys are going to have off shooting nights it’s the old

Habits creeping in that always freaks everybody out which you don’t like to see and that’s you know shot chucking uh over Reliance on threes stop you know not attacking the basketball standing around it was weird because you had some they had sequences where they have eight offensive rebounds and others where they

Would just be standing around and let Denver grab an offense of rebound on on their end oh my God that was so frustrating and then point Tatum you know the too much the walking it up and and I I all of that stuff credit to Joe Joe watched when

Holiday was in the bench yeah Joe watched them twice like setting up he’s like this is terrible what are we doing just no semblance of offense just kind of trying to get it to somebody and get out of the way um but I’m not like going

To overreact or freak out at all this isn’t a freakout game uh it was just annoying it was just an annoying game you know like Tatum T Tatum was either foul hunting or shot chucking we just you know I thought we were past that and I I don’t you know it’s it’s

Frustrating that’s why I mean you can be you can be angry and not freak out I think I think we can try to find some Middle Ground I’m not even angry just I’m I’m a little angry and I’ll tell you why are you all right go ahead because

These are the games that you want them to win John I don’t care if they blow out the Raptors I don’t give a [ __ ] sorry I care about the big ones I care about the Nuggets I care about the Timberwolves I care about uh you know whatever the Bucks I care about those

Games I care about the teams that theoretically the Celtics should see when it matters the most and so you want them to pull it off they’re at home they have an undefeated record at home I wanted them to go 41 and0 at home this year and I thought that was a realistic

Uh expectation at the way the way that they started so I I am annoyed I am frustrated I’m not freaking out everybody can just chill I’m not I’m not saying saying I’m pressing the panic button but if you’re a Celtics fan and you’re not annoyed and you’re not angry

That a team that you’re supposed to be better than came into your building and beat you then I don’t know what to tell you you’re in denial or you’re just like everything’s just rainbows and butterflies I guess you’re one of those people that like I can’t stand a be

Around because everything’s just always like the best ever like I don’t want shut up Jimmy look at their record I like that about you but need to be able to be mad that matter so yeah that’s why I’m a little frustrated and again it’s a little bit of what you said John it’s

The way they lost they didn’t have to lose this game they didn’t they fell into some of those old bad habits they missed so many shots and yes some of them were open and you gota just shake your head and say it it would have went in on another night

But I thought some of them were forced I thought step back fadeaways that occurred didn’t need to occur C and I’m talking about Tatum and I’m talking about Brown both guys combined one for 17 from three John yeah you can just again oh whatever it’s one game but that

Just can’t happen it can’t happen I know demver is a great team they play strong defensively they force the celic into some tough shots but you have to figure out a way to score easier and find get to the who I know they’re gonna say oh they weren’t getting the calls tonight

They were frustrated whatever the last shot selections some of the shot selections that they had in the last let’s call it five minutes that game I hated I absolutely hated so that’s where my frustration liines it’s not I’m not saying that they didn’t try or that it

Wasn’t an entertaining game it was a great game there was a back and forth sub went on their runs nuggets went on their runs but when it came down to it in crunch time everything we all knew what was gonna happen and it happened they were gonna

Force the ball to Tatum and he was gonna take a contested shot exactly that happened and his shot was even worse than I thought it was going to be uh really and I and again credit for Missoula for taking the timeout I thought if he was going to take a

Timeout he took it too late the play beforehand had been broken up probably four or five seconds prior to that timeout being taken and they only had like I think less than five seconds to get their final playoff so they didn’t really have an opportunity to move the

Ball around once the inbounded it was just gonna go to Tatum and whatever happened happened but Denver knew that was going to be the case too they were prepared for it and they defended it and they won the game because of it so that frustrated some capital B bricks um you

Know in this one including that last shot by Tatum oh my god um yeah got some ugly ones on their end can’t let them off the hook completely either but they’re two dogs yeah and and Murray they got the final they got the final say shad’s here yeah I know

That but he wasn’t for a second he was and then he wasn’t just noticed that’s all I just all right just chill oh jeez Louise this my there it is see what happens ah okay now I he’s having technical teal difficulties difficulties yeah um but yeah Point don’t get me

Started on point Tatum and point Brown and point this guy and point this guy you have two great guy you have two great guards that can play point on your team they should be in the game and I know they went big celix went big because they thought that that was more

Effective having Allen there but then they went back to Holiday later late in the game so I don’t know I agree though those guy I mean white was hot tonight but he bricked one bad from the corner wide open too and that was off after was that the same play sequence that brown

Missed both free throws porzingis gets the offensive rebound and then they miss again so many misses in this one I mean the missed free throws by Brown how many times are a lot of hero ball lot of hero ball you know it was all night long uh it was happening throughout that that

Sequence where they had like six offensive rebounds the final shot ended up being Tatum with a pull up three from 30 feet like there was just too much of that just too much of like let me let me you know Celtics had opportunities to take this game put it into double digits

And then run away and they didn’t um just bad shot selection uh most of the night I thought I mean I’ll say this also um Caldwell Pope is you know an all defensive candidate for sure uh on Denver and um he did a pretty damn good job on Tatum

When he was matched up against him and he’s the one who forced him into that tough shot there um and that happens and when that does happen you see you know Tatum has to fight for it even where he does get where he wants to go the shot

And the degree of difficulty is a little bit higher than you want it to be it was just kind of one of those nights and when he knows that’s happening I think that’s when he settles into those um let me see if the step backs work

Hard because he did have a couple he had a couple drives you know uh he shook Gordon obviously for that big Jam what um so uh you know he did it wasn’t that he wasn’t trying I just think there are certain times he didn’t feel like it was

There and he was hoping the fa he was hoping the the the pull-up would be and it wasn’t uh really at any point in the night he didn’t have it going all night not only didn’t have it going I mean these were just horrible bricks um you

Know all night long so he was he was really really off on those shots and uh he just tried to wait tried to shoot his way out they playing on like a boat tonight iel like the shots were outrageously off in in half half of this yeah everything was offline but um

Sherro how are are you mad or disappointed uh both but if I had to put my my ship in one of the or put my boat on one side or the other disappointed is more uh just because I I I thought there were opportunities frustrated yeah they could have had this game there’s

Absolutely no doubt about it I thought late game not just late game execution but late game decision making I mean they took some really bad shots when you look at score time and potential impact and and John you you guys have have known I’ve been feeling this way for a

Long time and I haven’t tried to least bit hide the fact that I think Derek white needs to be the guy to go to down the stretch the ball in his he’s gotta have the ball in his hands and and having the ball in his hands does not mean throwing

The damn ball in bounds no he needs to actually be on the floor as one of the potential recipients of the ball either him or porus they have shown even if you are you know Mr analytics and you look at the numbers Derek white and Chris as porzingis are their best players in

Clutch moments they’ve been that way all season uh and to it’s I’m I’m sick and tired of seeing them screw this up uh you when you look at the games they’ve had games that have gone to overtime when they probably could have won them uh if they would have gone with the guys

Who consistently get the job done down the stretch in clutch moments uh and that’s no shade on J Tatum is just that you play with two guys who are better at that particular aspect of the game than you are yeah that’s and that’s not that’s not a disc that’s just that’s

Hardcore facts Derek white down a stretch he’s better than you Chris as porzingis down a stretch close games he’s better than you take porzingis didn’t shoot enough tonight I me I know he had yic on him and that was obviously at times difficult but shirro when the

Shots aren’t falling for Tatum and brown like they weren’t tonight again one of 17 combined from three I don’t know why we’re all dead set on forcing the ball to them in those situations we’ve talked about this last week we’ve talked about it in in past shows but specifically I

Think it was last week we had mentioned it and you had brought up the the Derek white point at that at that point in time where you no longer have to go to these guys right you have other options out there D I mean I will say Derek

White did miss a wide open Corner three that should have went down remember when Chris porzingis started the night scoring the first 11 points yes exactly what and he’s still involved but it’s like he became Casper the Friendly Ghost after the first quarter it’s almost where the hell did he go then what

Happened he had 17 points and then he had then then he then nothing I mean because it feels like he needs to be the recipient of like a hockey assist in order to get a shot off because it’s sometimes it gets in that situation where just T brown T brown even again

When their shots are so God awful where it looks like they’re playing on on like the end of a cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean I thought yeah I thought Chris house was a little too selfless after the first quarter because they were moments but they would get him

The ball in the middle of the paint with a guy that’s 6768 on him and he look around where who am I going to pass to who am I going to pass to here’s a here’s a clue don’t just shoot the damn ball over the little guy on

You they there were just so there were so many moments where I you know they they they sometimes struggle with when to be assertive aggressive and when to just look for your teammates uh Chris STS I thought after the first quarter was that way he wanted to he didn’t want

To be a ball hog which again there’s a lot of positives about that but when they’re when you’re running your office and you’re winding up with you know you know you know kcp or or your or Aaron Gordon someone who’s significantly shorter than you by like four five six

Inches shoot over them particularly if you’re in a spot where you can make that shot this was disapp it was disappointing and John damn it you’re starting to trigger me be pissed off uh I wanted to stay in the disappointed Lan but the more I’m thinking I’m starting

To get little on my side sh oh God not it’s not where you want to be it’s not you want to be no but sh my take is this I think you can be angry about this game and not freak out and hit the panic button and all this stuff but I think

You should be upset if you’re a Celtics fan and this was a game again CH I go back to the fact that these are the games I care about I don’t care about wins over the Raptors or whoever that isn’t going to matter when I care about

Like eight games a year that I have cirle that I really think matter and this is obviously one of them you’re playing at home supposedly gonna be a team that um you end up uh possibly seeing in the in the NBA Finals so these are these are statement games these are these are

Games that you can you know figure out where where you stack up against the best you know again a great another great example was against Minnesota great games Celtics pulled that one off and it was a win that we’re going to be talking about off and on for the rest of

The Year this would have been one of those too we’ll still probably mention it because of the way it went in the opposite direction the Celtics need to win these games to show to prove to themselves to really just to themselves that their record isn’t they aren’t fraudulent This Record means what it

Means because they’re the best team in the league not because they tried harder uh in games that didn’t matter so you’re muted sorry shot I I muted you I was hearing a lot of background behind you glasses Still Still hearing it I’m I’m going to get

Back to you in a minute shod um the uh you gonna fax my dog me or you gonna comment no no no I I I was gonna let I was waiting for sherro to jump in there uh and I was looking at some of the comments here I’m not gonna F I’m not

Gonna fax I’m not gonna fax my dog you is it fax your dog you fact my dog fact my dog my dog you yeah no I I don’t disagree with I don’t want to miss it if we didn’t I don’t disagree uh with any of it I I don’t

Think I I’ll ask this question because I don’t know like I I don’t know man like I I I I don’t like overreacting to the one game you know when they’re playing the way they’re like overreacting I don’t overreact i i h i when I feel one

Thing no I don’t do that but there’s certain things that I think are things and sometimes I get to Point those out because that’s what the tape shows I don’t think this is a night I don’t think there’s anything about this overacting I’m reacting I’m just reacting they they just sucked a little

Bit but I’ll ask like you watch the other two stars on the other side going bananas you think Tatum and brown are like oh I gotta go bananas too you know like I I wonder if they’re thinking like I gotta match this um you know I don’t

Know but this is one of the first games I’ve seen them kind of puke all over themselves in crunch time um you know and we’ve talked about how well they’ve played down the stretch relative to past seasons and how they’ve been this really did have an old Celtics vibe to it and

Every time that comes out I think everybody kind of has that visceral reaction and a little bit of PTSD their bums this is like Wiggins locking up Tatum all over again you know Joe and his threes and all the greatest hits come out all at once and I think that’s

What’s happening a little bit tonight um but it was weird to watch them just kind of yeah just walk it up the point Tatum stuff uh ISO ball wait till late in the shot clock you know just settling for the first three that they looked and

Then on top of that just being just horribly woefully uh off and uh shro is uh back so we’ll unmute him and let him kind of chime in there too yeah they um the The Vibes as far as like this being like the Celtics scene that we

Used to loath and hate for losing these games you did get those Vibes but again I I I just wish they did a better job of just reading the room uh all season long Derek white Chris as porzingis have been your most impactful scorers down a

Stretch and time and time and time again what are those guys doing late in the game they’re decoys why why the hell are your best players in certain that this is this is why you add talent that has different strengths that they bring to the game so that you can utilize ize

Those strengths when you need them most they needed a shot at The Rim or a wide open look or someone who could get to the cup and and potentially finish and Derek white was their best player I thought tonight at getting beating his man off the dribble and getting some

Action at The Rim that ends with a bucket and if you don’t get that use him to free use Tatum to help you free Derek white up so that Derrik can get a wide lightly contested a wide open look uh it just it’s frustrating that it’s it’s

Like watching team with that has all the pieces to win damn near every game and for some reason they’re just like no we don’t want to do what makes sense we’re going to want to do what we feel comfortable doing because leaning on Tatum to take your game-winning shot or

Game time shot is a comfortable thing to do but that doesn’t make us the right thing to do uh it doesn’t but they did it yeah kept happening um yeah it’s you know I don’t know I I like I said I don’t want to keep banging on it um just

A little bit frustrating the way it went down what do you think of the nuggets on I mean are they they the were I forget if you had the Nuggets coming out of the West I forget what the predictions were but they’re legit they’re they’re they’re so legit and I also think these

Two team I know I think these two teams again even the Celtics didn’t play a great game tonight I think these two teams are still a class Above the Rest of the competition uh even if it was even it was a sneaky you know not great second half certainly offensively from

Both sides you can see the both sides can play defense and both sides can can really run a highlevel offense uh as well but you know I I think they are I think they like I wouldn’t say Head and Shoulders but I think there’s separation between them and and the rest of the

Pack in both conferences yeah I mean I I I think that if if you’re looking at who’s going to come out of their respective conferences based upon what we’ve seen up to this point in the season I think you got to go with with uh them coming out of the West not only

Because they’re the defending Champions but they know when wi to they’re they’re a smart basketball team uh you look at the numbers and and joic you know and Murray carry them down a stretch but they were able to get little this little that from guys through the first three

Quarters but when it was game-winning time they leaned on their two their two best players and the Celtics are built differently than that they don’t need to lean on their two best players for the first three quarters to win a game they lean on they need to lean on their best

Fourth quarter guys guys who have consistently shown the ability to make plays for themselves or for teammates when the game is on the line and right now it’s Derek white Chris singz that’s their big two down the stretch at least those are the two guys

I want to see the ball in their hands more than anyone else late in games I me it’s the big twoo because you’re going to get matchups with those guys much more so than you’re going to get uh when Tatum and brown are getting attention or they have stronger Defenders on them um

But yeah no doubt about it I just want to see I just want to see I want to see the offense run through white consistently um he’s much better at moving the ball you know and keeping the ball movement it doesn’t stick um and he’s very good

At finding the matchup um you know as he did late late there on that when Jimmy and I were talking about it those back-to-back possessions where Tatum hit the floater and then the next one white holds holds holds waits for brown to really get to his spot gives it to him

In a place where he can do damage that wa waiting waiting that long and then making the entry the way he did makes that play as much as brown just using his physicality to get up and over Murray because he’s he’s he earned his he earned his position he got to where

He could could do damage and white recognized that and waited for it um and stuff like that those are little things you know that he did he did so many little things too in addition to hitting shots um but that’s the stuff that he’s doing with that kind of level of

Composure late in the game and he’s not necessarily thinking like I gotta set my guy up and take a shot and do this he really just kind of takes what the game gives it uh there so I agree I agree on the white stuff with the ball in his

Hands I want to say Jimmy what’s your Denver Take well no real quick this this guy is saying that I I’m suggesting that this Al for frul my point is by beating these teams you disprove that theory that like last year a lot of a lot of

Teams would say that the S are fraudulent because they ended up with the record that they had and then they bowed out in the second round so some people would say they were Front Runners and that they just piled up wins in the regular season well I’m saying they

Might still pile up wins in the regular season but when you beat teams like Denver and Indie and Milwaukee and Philly and those teams that you’re gonna see in the playoffs when you beat them consistently and they have to their credit they have beaten those teams

They’ve lost to them as well though so that’s where you start to say okay how much better are they than those team yeah they’re better than the rest of the pack so is but so is Milwaukee Indie Denver Minnesota those are the teams that I want to stack them up against if

They’re floating around 500 against those teams then I’m less confident in them than I think their record would show that’s not to say that they’re fraudulent it’s just to say that these are the games that matter to me what I think about Denver they look like the

Defending champs John they look like a team that knows how to play on both sides of the ball um they clamped down absolutely when they needed to they they they made Tatum kind of look like a fool out there at certain points and that’s hard to do and that’s not a knock on

Tatum I mean he was off tonight but you got to give Denver credit for the way that they played on both to the court and they have an all-time player in joic obviously he’s going to go down as that as as an all-time great he’s a contender

For MVP this year with with MB again and that’s not going to change anytime soon so as long as he’s doing his thing and Murray is a dog we saw it last year um but I think he’s a lot more main known on the mainstream now I

Think he was um like bit of bit of an unheralded player always a tough player I mean always a tough guy and he’s got and he’s been had riffs with the Celtics all the way back to the Jay Crowder days they they were going at it

So you remember that I do that’s why I’m laughing man those are some good times great he’s proven to be you know where he is you know he’s there for a reason he’s a tough ass player to guard against and he hits big shots he’s got the

Stones to do it and um with those two guys leading the way they didn’t even you know what’s crazy is Denver didn’t get a lot of help from their from their like their secondary stars tonight like um Porter didn’t do a whole lot I mean he had some nice he created some nice

Second Chance where was Aaron Gordon tonight I mean late in the game maybe he showed himself but he was nothing most playing some defense doing some of the doing some of the dirty stuff but he didn’t you know you know nothing nothing as far as scoring he’s grabbing boards

But I mean man could play betterday too I exactly so like they’re they’re they are not a team to mess with absolutely and if if it ends up being Celtics nuggets in the NBA Finals that could go any any way any which way that one could go that that’d

Be a great match up real quick uh just yes or no uh who um who like the Celtics uh uh crunch time offense raise your hand anyone no nobody of course you know who did Joe Joe I thought we got at The Rim at will uh I thought we had some

Kickout threes uh probably get KP a couple more post-ups um you know but they put a small on them and uh you know they had both bigs behind and so they were able to crowd the paint a little bit but I’ll have to go back and watch

It but I thought in real time I liked uh the shots that we got I like the spacing that we got yeah that shot when you called the timeout and came out after 4.9 seconds left and Tatum takes a yeah that was yeah I like that shot too Joe I like

That one too I don’t disagree they got a couple to they got a couple going to the basket they did get some threes but it’s that whole you know but you know and but then again you’re right coming out of the timeout a mess Tatum Tatum in the

Biggest possession of the game you know going one on Three losing control of the ball and then shooting it over his head like just throwing it up he’s trying to get a foul every time I I don’t know how you can call that a good possession that’s just bad that’s bad decision you

You pull that out you you pull that one out when you when you realize you don’t have it you know I was I was so ready to come on here and just absolutely give Joe maula so much love because he c those two timeouts he called late in the

Game were great they were great that was maybe the one if I had to put together the Joe Missoula highlight reel those two plays those two timeouts would be on it uh because it was just it was great coaching but for him to say that they

Got great looks the one thing he did say that I did agree with was that they probably should have got porus a couple more touches on the block your s foot three big man who is rolling along got 15 points in the first like seven eight nine minutes of the game down the

Stretch he’s been one of your best clut one of your top two clutch players all season yeah I might want to get him a couple more touches in a one possession game I might want to do that I might want to do that as opposed to taking

Contested threes or Fade Away twos with two Defenders on me I might want to do that yeah this guy Frank this guy Frank is making this an American thing you ever like followed the European soccer team they’ll literally murder they’ll murder the player never mind complain

About the guy so I think it’s an American thing ask Christian pic how he felt about uh the treatment he got right exactly go to any country under achieving for Chelsea yeah you know there right you know Columbian soccer players are legitimately getting murdered but yeah it’s fine um it’s fine

It’s fine we’re we’re actually pretty T here people I don’t think people are raging here I do think it’s a little bit loud the uh the the I think I I’m gonna defend I I you know I’m critical of Tatum because I just want to see more

Yeah you want to see the stuff that you want to see him get away from the stuff he doesn’t do as well um and and lean into the stuff that he does and like you see the stretch of games he’s been playing when he’s kind of doing a little

Bit of everything which is the difficult shot making the pullup threes but seemingly in Rhythm you know they don’t seem as forced and you know there’s times when they do seem forced this just felt one of those where he couldn’t get himself into a rhythm to decide when he

Was going to take a guy down and when he was going to go I don’t think it was his worst game ever I I just don’t think he ever got into a great offensive Rhythm I do think he tried to attack some and he was actually fairly successful um he

Just couldn’t hit threes and I think he was taking making some bad choices um in that regard but like I think everyone’s really quick to do the whole he’s not that guy thing he might not be that guy but but that’s going to be determined in a year or two years

When you have a team as Talent was that guy on the last show you’re we’re gonna figure out whether Tatum is that guy or enough of the guy that you need at the end of the year or at the end of next year or after this window closes with

This core and if you’re not able to win it with these guys and if you know Tatum Andor Brown come up short those questions are going to come back up again they come up every year when they do fall short and everyone says Supporting Cast this blah blah that you

Know so I’m not going to do it after one game but there’s still going to be question marks until they win it right and until you see them do it and until you see them do it against the better teams and the more challenging situations the teams that know how to

Make life hard for you to frustrate you and whether you can bounce back uh and and and and and you know fight through some of these games where it isn’t necessarily going for you and still make the big plays when you need to but they’ve been doing it and he’s been

Doing it uh lately and it’s really hard to argue with the results overall so I’m not taking this one game and kind of jumping to those conclusions off of it as much as some people might expect me to uh to uh to do that so that’s that’s

My that’s my that’s my overall take on I said I hated his I hated it tonight I hated it but I’m not I’m not in freakout mode over it like Jimmy is Jimmy’s losing his mind I’m just kidding oh look at me he’s not he’s not real quick real

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No that’s not fair Marcus Smart no that’s not the one these are old John these are old they can’t be old holidays on it no they’re old like they’re for other losses they’re from other losses speci Marcus Marcus isn’t even in a damn damn time zone and he’s still getting

Blamed for stuff come on I’ll I’ll tell you Nick Nick doesn’t matter what is picking silver every time that’s true Nick jelo picking that’s fair um yeah you’re right Marcus Smart actually could deserve it maybe maybe a little bit of that point no go to the other one for a [Laughter]

Second no you can stick with this one it’s Tatum I mean it’s Tatum regardless of which one you use T him on a night when he doesn’t turn the ball over once that’s crazy sh sh who who I mean are you disagreeing or are you just saying it’s

Crazy that he’s still getting the blame no no it’s it’s just it’s he does the one he does one he turn the ball over once but he took some shots that were just as damn well bad as man but but that’s theall this was a game where he

Did he excelled in the one area that he probably get gets criticized for more than anything else which is turning the ball over and yet he still did so many other things that were just cringeworthy uh shot selection um you know the fact that it’s this was not a good Tatum game

Thanks James no it wasn’t it’s a bad Tatum game and it’s a frustrating game it’s annoying I hate watching him play that way I don’t like I I hate those shots I hate the hero ball shots I hate feel I hate the if it’s if it’s not

Going for me I’m just G to keep you know bombing away uh and see if maybe you know a couple of these fall you know it’s it wasn’t great I like the idea of him still looking to be aggressive offensively but if the three is not

Going find a way to get on a block call some sets where the way that they were having um porzingis matched up like right in the middle of the paint how about’s flipping out a little bit and have Tatum uh wind up in that position where he’s

Got a guy like Reggie Jackson on him uh try to create some action to get him easier shots and that that was the one thing that was disappointing I didn’t think Joe did a good job of putting him in positions to get easy shots uh you’re

Not going to get a ton of those against a team like Den but they just didn’t seem to be sets that they were running where that was a goal um where that was something that they were able to execute effectively uh so you know disappoint yeah disappointing definitely uh

Borderline pissed off is where I’m I’m heading I’m trying not to go there I’m trying not to go there I’ll you I just want to I just want to embrace this as they played the defending champs it was a one possession game but watching it it really shouldn’t have been that way they

Should have won this game they they should have won this game I actually think they should have won this game comfortably because as you said the the turnovers are low you know there’s a lot of there’s there a lot of things that went in their favor why should they went

It comfortably I’m confused it was just bad execution they overall bad execution just bad execution they played a pretty clean they played with a good energy I thought um I thought Murray and yic were out of their minds it wasn’t like these were all freebies they were hitting shot

Tough shots everywhere um you know so they were but I mean when you look at the production that they got from everybody else John they didn’t really get a lot so that’s what I’m saying everything you say about the Celtics you can say about the Nuggets it’s like okay

I know but they they they can expect to have more Point more than two points from Aaron Gordon on most nights two turnovers as a team you know I mean it’s just yeah that’s crazy but they but they shot like [ __ ] so they didn’t they didn’t maximize those extra possessions

That they didn’t give up nuggets shot horribly from three also you know what I mean nuggets shot worse they didn’t have a great game like that’s the point is like I thought the Celtics had a couple of moments I thought Celtics had a couple of moments tonight where they

Could have pushed this game into double digits and then had the Nuggets chase him had the Nuggets chase them and they and they squandered it I’m gonna ask this now because I I hate doing this also I hate the Joe game and Joe amen

How you how do you make a blame pie and not put Joe on it I mean I told him to put Joe he put Marcus on instead how do you not put Joe on it not because I want to give Joe a slice of it but like how

Don’t you think the fans want to give Joe a heaping slice of blame pie I’ll ask you this cornette that’s all I’m going to say no corette talking cornette next that’s talking cornette uh and no and no brassette tonight I I don’t know I don’t know um I

I well first all iin is putting Marcus Smart in there to trigger me clearly because he wants me to he wants me to be on the Jimmy side he’s getting you mad exactly that’s what he’s doing and I I I get that but no this was a again I’m

There were so many little and Johnny goes back to what you’re saying about the little things there were so many little things that they just did not do that they just didn’t seem to understand this is what we need to do to win this game and Jo Brown gets give

Some give give Brown some of that I’m giving it like you what I’m giv Mar remains I’m giving like 60 301 I’m giving 60 to Tatum 30 to Brown and I’m giv 10 to Joe 10 to Joe but I think Joe might might need more I was going to say

I’m going 60 2020 okay that’s fair that’s fair Tatum Tatum 60 Jaylen 20 Joe I might go 50 30 20 Noah no I’m going I’m 60 is I think that’s what about what about this 50 25 25 no okay you can give out your own final offer that’s my final pie offer

That’s my that’s my pie 50 I’m going 60 2020 60 2020 feels right okay go on because I I just think that at the end of the day Tatum’s basketball SS were greater than Jaylen and Joe’s that’s fair shiran what were you saying though you were talking about you

About to is this is this this John’s pie it’s not no it’s not the X’s and O’s it’s the jayen and Joe’s that’s what they always say oh that’s they I like that that’s they it’s the J I like that that’s funny how can we find a way

To get that into the bracket Jaylen and Joe’s the jaylen’s and Joe’s I gotta start thinking about the bracket I’m gonna I’m gonna have to solicit stuff in one of these shows and let the we’ll bring it back I had one ready we were just you know what it was FanDuel killed

Us last year because we were we were we were starting off with them and we were just too busy and we were on boarding a bunch of different things and we just ran out of gas we couldn’t do it it’s okay we’ll take it and I only had one

Omit you still only have one omit I know but I got a joey this year and he’s phenomenal also I gotta meet Joey I gotta meet Joey yeah I got a Joey Joey Joey Capon he’s a celebrity Joey caponi yeah he’s a celebrity he’s got an awesome he’s got an awesome Red Sox

Podcast really does he doesn’t have an awesome team to podcast about they suck oh my God if I can have a minute later I oh my God I’ll give you a minute I’ll give you a minute at the end of the show for we’ll do a Red Sox minute I will

Tell you I will do a Red Sox minute I will tell you this might be the darkest this might be the most Grim thing I’ve ever heard anybody say from the the the breslo comments the other day was about this and then and then you got to hear like Warner tonight oh my

God I didn’t hear it I read I read like oh it’s so bad they’re like they’re are they broke they might be broke they said Tom Warner today said they’re not even wor they’re not worried about part of what it is they’re they’re asked about ticket prices and when they’re not

Spending money they’re going to spend less money this year and they recognize winning might not be the thing but what they’re selling to fans is the Fenway experience they’re basically telling you just come in here and just look around take some pictures freaking it’s a museum no it’s it’s it’s not about the

Product anymore it’s just about the experience they’re trying to distract you from what’s going on from Bad baseball that’s don’t take the medication people spit it out they’re trying to drug you they’re trying to make you be a zombie at these games don’t do it the product on the field is

Garbage don’t be looking all around at the don’t do it spit it out don’t do it spit it out don’t do it that’s what they want you to do take your pillows and shut up don’t do do it don’t do it um but we’ll get we we we’ll we’ll hit that

A little bit later here um other thoughts from tonight I know here’s what’s so funny I this like this is like the my full circle Garden report life constantly talk told to talk about jayen when he’s having a a good game and we’re not giving him enough love the chat is

Freaking out for us to start blaming Jaylen for this game as well I can’t figure you guys out I I cannot figure you guys out it’s it’s overshadowed it’s overshadow shadowed uh but again he shot practically just as poorly as I mean I I don’t have the numbers right in front of

Me but I know they both were abysmal from three and from the field in general um yeah they shot about the same Jaylen was Jaylen was like six for 19 one for nine on threes 13 points Tatum took tat yeah percentage wise they’re right they’re pretty close to each other and

Like Jaylen or like Jason he didn’t have any turnovers either which again the fact that those two guys can have a zero turnover game combined and you don’t win what you know what we we should probably give not this might not be pie talk but if we’re gonna if we’re gonna it’s

Always it’s not P talk if we’re gonna criticize players holiday could be on that blame Pie by the way the pie graphic omit needs like a picture of me like this with oven mitts on yeah with oven mitts and a has chef’s hat holiday needs

To be on that blame pie and I’ll tell you why okay he was playing poorly enough where they didn’t go to him in the fourth for a stretch of time there and that that’s not the first time it’s happened I never thought that holiday was gonna be a matchup type guy I

Thought that he would just be in the game because whoever’s out there he’s going to lock down and it’s it’s not the case as often as I thought it’s still the case often but it’s not the case every single time which is kind of what I thought his shot tonight was off again

Like everybody else is John’s just giggling up I’m making a point here I’m adding a player the blame pie John this a my dog I’m not it’s I’m giggling at this comment we’ll play that we might play that a little bit if things get really angry we’ll

That sherro that’s how we started we didn’t play it for the audience Jimmy and I before we went on so we wouldn’t be all pissy and sour we played the Bobby video we’re just howling and it went the opposite direction John was cracking up to start the show and I

Think that everyone’s like what’s wrong with John’s baked got mad oh that that that that video is is just a classic yeah my game kind of like Brandon Bass and whoever else he said we need to find a way to get that into the bracket too we need to get Brandon Bass

To watch that and be like dude what I hope hope to God I look nothing like you out there we need also the we need the Stanley clip John we need the Stanley clip bad yeah yeah it’s all I could think of it’s perfect the vet it’s perfect any

Good anywh who they lost to the nuggets and now they’re off to reunite with Grant and eay oh yeah road we didn’t we didn’t talk I didn’t get a chance to talk about this was there anything less climactic than the eme Oka reunion no because everyone’s a freaking

Wuss I will say this I heard more booze than cheers but I didn’t hear it loud enough of either one which I guess speaks to your point Johnny yeah yeah I I wasn’t at the game so I I don’t know but um everything I heard from folks who

Were there it sounds as though it was just a big nothing Burger big nothing yeah Big M it was it was mixed but muted it was nothing but you know what here’s but here’s the thing how how much you know vital did we really expect with him

Being a coach it’s not like when Kyrie comes back and every time he touches the ball you can boo him and let him know you don’t want him there what the hell you going to do with a coach when he’s introduced you’ll boo him and that’s

Pretty much the only time the coach has any type of that’s all I thought happen I just thought it would be louder and it wasn’t so yeah hand up I thought it I thought we had tougher Celtics fans at the games but we don’t they just don’t

Care roll the red carpet for everybody who comes through there they cheer for yic tonight too I wasn’t there shot did they give Jamal Murray a standing o after he hit his big shot um a lot of people mad at the refs is the refs do anything to the Celtics

Tonight you know what I I you go there were yeah I was going to say there were a couple of of questionable calls yeah there there were there’s no doubt about that but that that happens every game at the end of the day make open shots at the end of the

Day get offensive rebounds and end those offensive rebounds by scoring they had a stretch where they had like like four three or four consecutive offensive rebounds and they didn’t score and once Denver got the ball back what does Jamal Murray do he literally goes coast to

Coast and finishes for layup um it was a pretty emphatic Fu Celtics moment right there you got four cracks to get one basket you fail I get one shot at The Rim Deuce two points um the the the ref they weren’t great rest of the refs i i

I i I’d pull all my hair out if I had to talk about the refs because something to complain about sh but the one that I just hated and again I know I know which one you’re talking about but go say it yeah yeah it’s the tech on on Tatum for

Hanging DK yeah did he hang on the rim yeah he did he did a little bit extra with the pullup there were there players underneath him yeah I think I think there were there was a player that make that case but listen that Tech is like get that Tech

Out of the game that’s not the point of the tech to me the tech is to keep the game like from getting too chippy correct like if there’s a tech because players are pushing and shoving and it’s getting like out of control throw the tech slow things down that was a moment

That’s a momentum that’s part of home court like you you run the court you throw down the dunk you show off a little bit it’s a show at the end of the day we want them to be Superstars that was the issue of I think for most fans

With that it was a momentum killer that play it wasn’t it wasn’t so much the point itself it was just the fact that they were starting to put a little bit of separation between them get the crowd into the game and then got real dead

Real quick tum doing what he did did not affect anything on the Nuggets end at all so so again it’s one of those things where like it’s not it’s a tech but it shouldn’t be so that’s the problem is people are arguing that it’s [ __ ] it’s not that’s a tech that’s they they

Problem that’s why Adam Sil Phil silver is on the blame pie get him in that blame pie it’s Absol 5% absolutely tech for excessive celebration it shouldn’t be a tech just let them excessively celebrate there were players underneath n he the player was clear and it was all

It was emphatic for effect and it was cool and fans like it and it should have a place in the game so don’t make that a tech but it is a tech so yeah if you know it’s a tech don’t do it and then don’t get mad when they call it it just

Is what it is but it shouldn’t be a tech it’s stupid them it’s like you’re fired up you know like yes it’s good for momentum carrying you like actual momentum like those things are good let them have it just suck let it ref refs refs suck man they really do they blow

It yeah yeah that the end of this game though this is a good thing so I like this call it a delay not a tech right it’s same thing as batting the ball away you know what I mean it’s it’s not a tech it’s it shouldn’t be a tech te yeah

Get away you get away with one you know like somebody yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a that’s a good idea that’s a good idea I like that one I like that because it’s a stupid Tech it’s a stupid Tech it sucks the it just sucks the

Momentum out of what’s going on you know and the fans yeah they’re gonna boo just as loud as they were cheering so it’s not like the place shut up after but it just it’s like the noise meter shro you know that’s when the noise meter goes up

And everybody gets Lou and you know the place gets crazy they they took that from us tonight the refs did Adam Silver did that’s why he’s on the plane guys he wasn’t protecting himself it was he was celebrating it was cool we liked it it was a celebration that wasn’t a

Protection Tatum’s not roaring pulling himself on from the rim to be safe he was he was e excited excitement is good enough enough with the he was protecting himself he wasn’t but they you can let it go or just not have it be a tech just

Don’t have it be a tech it’s dumbb yeah it’s dumb he did a pullup on the rim it was it was celebration all right Bobby’s coming so we got to play this once before now I don’t really know what to expect from J K I mean I know he likes

To talk a big game I know a lot of people on Twitter gave me their scouting reports but I get to get a nice feel from early on I don’t think he’s ready for me I take a lot of pride in my narrator he was ready of Tyler Zeller

And Brandon Bass somewhere between so you know I’m really going to be bringing it on the offensive board he better box me out real good oh God a lot of people pick this guy but I don’t think they know what to expect we’ll see Tyler Zeller and Brandon Bass definitely Boston Tyler Z

Andame we go this could take an hour I might be only about 10 minutes all that getting into the body game that’s game right there this is where it gets good here you’re Stanley from the [Laughter] office look like Tatum tonight ah oh boy what is that it went

In it went in are we here he froze Bobby Bobby just shot the show off oh oh oh I don’t want that I want that sorry I kind of like that I like it thing about Bobby was like it was like every time he dribbled the ball it was like he’s surprised that

It it would bounce back up to him was like he had never combination of Tyler Zeller and Brandon Bass hey Bobby there’s Zeller uh Bobby Brandon Bass just caught a stray Bobby coming out of the locker room what’s the vibe uh oh Bobby is this angry Bobby May

Bobby maybe that’s a he’s mad that he’s mad that Jimmy played the clip I didn’t play the clip but I did enjoy clip you made me play the clip I didn’t make you you have producer control you made me play the CLI I think he I think he’s got he’s got an internet

What sherro had a Wi-Fi issue to start Bobby’s got a Wi-Fi issue to start it’s all good Joe sway there tonight that means his Wi-Fi is gonna be going berserk there was a Joe sway sighting okay okay briefly I don’t know if he’s still here I don’t

Know yeah who knows um any good commentary coming out of the game I haven’t even looked I’ve been zoned in as you guys can see totally zoned in right welcome in Bobby Bobby what’s uh what’s the what’s the rumpus what are the there he is what are the

Kids say what are the kids saying after the game no I don’t have you oh hold on you’re muted go ahead no still muted tell nothing no volume no no audio from you yeah I know all right Jo is talking to Tatum right now so we’ll get some Tatum info

From Jo S I think we’ll work it out we’ll work it out Bobby we we need to hear your voice I know we need the insights we need the insights from well in the meantime we’ll play the clip one more time and then Jimmy you are such an ass sometimes God

Oh try it now Bob all right there we go there he is what uh what’s what’s what’s going on what’s up not ton of concern out of this one uh from the Celtics side I think they’re looking at this as just that game where it went down the wire at

Least in Joe missou was terms they get a shot to tie the game there and go to overtime and uh they miss it obviously some crunch time concerns out of this one Denver really flattened them out with the small lineup with the switching they even went to some switching with

Joic late so certainly some offensive things to clean out of this one I thought you know defensively you’re gonna look at the numbers from yic you’re gonna look at the numbers from Murray and just be blown away but I mean they held go into nothing kyp to nothing

All these other guys essentially did nothing so you knew that was the approach going in you know you were GNA let those guys get there you saw from the opening possessions John when he was going right at porzingis and the Celtics really weren’t bringing help they tried

To double at times against Murray in the second half didn’t look like anything was really going to work against him and his shot making in this one and as we’ve talked about when we’ve rank those Duos John maray and yic just levels above T brown and that was the story of this

Tonight tonight they were that’s that’s tonight they were tonight they’re tonight those guys hit everything um and and the other guys hit nothing I mean especially down the stretch I mean it’s just all missed shots from Tatum and brown was a story of crunch time and I

Don’t feel like they produced bad shots late they certainly got to the free throw line brown had those couple that he missed the one thing I didn’t love was brown and white launching threes on the offensive rebounds after that and certainly I think the Celtics got a

Little three-point happy in this one so they had to find a balance here and then nuggets you know this isn’t known as a defensive team I thought they did some really effective stuff on that end of the floor especially adjusting after halftime putting small guys on porzingis

And the one thing Joe did admit after the game was that they should have posted up porzingis more yes yes look yeah sh’s getting angry shots you just made shro Angry Bobby how did they get porzingis more involved Jimmy we need to run a video

Again we need to run a video again to make me happy no I’m just messing Bobby it honestly feels like unless porzingis is getting like the hockey assist pass he’s not involved enough he get a hot start tonight and then it just becomes the Tatum and brown show which by the

Way was a horror show it’s up to The Playmakers to get it to him and I don’t think the ball is in White’s hands enough in this one I think he’s a guy who looks for the centers more do can we that’s the thing is like

Why so explain that like why I know when holiday went out you know and you went double big up until the four three four minute Mark whenever holiday came back in you know they you you were running some point Tatum stuff there um but why

Why is it out of White’s hands what what are we not what’s the hesitation to just let him let him let him kind of run it I think it goes back to them running a free flowing style I mean they’re gonna throw the ball to Tatum they’re going to

Throw the ball to Brown in a lot of those sets and there’s obviously not too much coming from the sideline to change that as they try to you know run offense here through the players so you know it probably does come down to some interjection especially in a game like

This John where this is a bit of a playoff preview where obviously both teams are scheming and running their rotations at that level uh you probably do want to start to prepare for putting your finger more on the offense with some play calls with some just interjection to get a guy a ball

Especially if you’re coming out of the game saying that that was a problem is that that guy didn’t get the ball enough and I do feel like that’s probably this offense’s biggest issue is getting the ball where it needs to go uh if there’s a hot start if there’s you know a guy

Who has a matchup outside of Tatum and brown right because those guys guys are getting set up for a lot of different mismatches but porzingis certainly I think at times this year has gone a little underutilized and I know you know they’re trying to use him to draw more

Attention right and that could free up Tatum and brown too um I think there was one play Early in this game where porzingis had the ball at the elbow and Brown went cutting downhill I can’t remember if he bait it or he got blocked he got blocked a couple times on those

Plays but that’s what you’re looking for Right this is what you’re looking for yes ABS porzingis was the guy Jimmy in this game who’s going to put the most pressure on the Nuggets they have Wing Defenders for T they’re good enough to be able to contain holiday and white as they showed white really got going in the second

Half but early he wasn’t a big factor porzingis was the guy who was just driving everything early it was like every time down the floor early in this game he was hitting a three or you know going right by Murray whenever he got Murray on him it was just like no one

Was on him so that’s certainly something they lost on the I mean did he shoot in the last five minutes I don’t think he did no I don’t think he did either no Tatum point he had a great and he played again the the block that he had on jic late in

That game was awesome it went out of bounds there but um he was active as hell tonight and I just feel like I don’t know how you forget that you have this guy on your team to the point where he’s just completely out of the offense

And I I do know why because you you explained it perfectly when it becomes Point Tatum and point Brown the the blinders go on yeah and and the ball doesn’t move around as much and it was moving around earlier in the game they were they were making the

Extra C they were getting open looks they weren’t hitting them but they were getting open looks yeah but the second half was like that too jimy yeah but late in that four Jo way is like when it seemed to it seemed to change and they fell into some old habits yeah it certainly

Adjusted of course as any Championship caliber team would but it feels like like Joe called two timeouts and it was the first one was to Brown which got blown up and I thought he called the timeout too a little bit too late once it did and then the second play was just

The one everyone knew was gonna happen inbound to Tatum you know um turn around you know and and force it Joe sway I think you were there for Tatum is that accurate after the game yeah yeah it’s accurate he says um he was he blamed himself for um anticipating the foul

Wasn’t sure if they were going to do it and then he just didn’t give himself enough time but he said he rushed it yeah he rushed it yeah that’s just that that’s always been the the the plan and I know it’s frustrating for sub fans because it’s been a while since we’ve

Seen Tatum uh drain one of those shots you know in the clutch but that’s just that’s just what they do and I thought he got a clean look in this one but the the layup is what crushed me more I mean that’s one of those where I felt like um

He Rush that one as well you know and I get it yic was on his hip you got two guys in front of you maybe he’s anticipating the foul but it just seemed like the rim all he looked up it was right there and he just just the timing

Of it was completely off and that really killed him when the margin of of error is that then that raiser thin in the subs what but outside of that dunk that he he converted they didn’t score a field goal in those last what four minutes so I me that’s crazy that was

Crazy yeah it was man and you wonder uh intense of their execution yeah I mean they do have blers on Jimmy you’re right they looked at they looked at Jaylen they looked at Tatum of course and um not a whole lot of porzingis for and I

Thought this is one of those games you know with Derek white the way he was playing the second half I was like man he’s going to make one of those those huge shots here got a really good look in the corner for three and he just

Missed it and look that was the right play you know a lot of those uh play yeah thetics made the right play but in that in that final minute minute in a half is just it was anyone’s ball game it seemed like essentially the the way

That that uh jump ball went Center Court and for a regain possession It’s just tough obviously didn’t fall their way yeah and I was screaming at you Jo s out of that play cu the came in so late Tatum was fuming the ball around along the sideline and you know the two

Timeouts in that final play John are interesting there because Joe’s explanation was that he called them to prevent a foul H so if he didn’t see a foul coming there was he just gonna let that play out and then as Tatum mentioned Joe Su just said it there he

Was anticipating a foul inside the arc and I talked to you know Aaron Gordon he said they weren’t fing after the timeout so you know he was anticipating something that wasn’t coming there and did that throw off his shot did that kind of screw up his timing there you

Know it was certainly a decent look not a great one why wouldn’t they fou there though I don’t get it feel like they always would fou a lot of teams always he was he was in the mid-range he wasn’t shooting at three so they said you know he they had a fou a

Give but he said if he makes the shot there you just go to overtime you don’t lose so they were gonna foul before the timeout which is why Joe called timeout but they weren’t gonna foul after and Tatum wasting one coming after yeah they lost a lot of time right the time way

Too late yeah so you know you couldn’t run a play there and you know both plays were pretty bad I don’t really know exactly what they were looking for in the first one it was brown going downhill right and then poor zingis got it he said he

Really didn’t have a great look so he didn’t put it up and then he just kind of threw it to Holiday who had nowhere to go so pretty rough play to end the game there you know two ones in a row the second one was a little better but

Overall and there’s a team that’s been pretty good in crunch time this year this looked more like past versions of the Celtics in crunch time despite having holiday out there despite having porzingis out there I mean the whole difference with the team they didn’t utilize him was even out there till like

Later in yeah they went double big too which you know was shades of we hit that earlier Bobby that’s the only difference tonight is it like it it was leaning into like the weird old habits and the old look of some of Celtics teams you know the ghosts of Celtics past um and

That’s what it resembled and I think that’s why everybody had kind of the reaction that they had off of it it’s like it’s a same old Celtics vibe but the reality is they haven’t been that like that all year they’ve actually been pretty good in the clutch um and uh

They’ve battled and we’ve seen them actually played better in the last three four minutes of the game um than you know the the you know the five six seven minutes that preceded it uh a lot of times where it would be completely the opposite they’d go into lock down

Slowdown Death Mode with a lead at F with five minutes to go and they haven’t done that this year so this was just bad execution uh kind of night John I have to ask them since we already answered it but I got to toss the gra the graphic up

Lame Pie Guys oh wait wait not this one this one what’s Adam Silver doing there that’s for that’s that’s for Nick that’s for Nick hold that is that he’s blaming the league or just it’s personal like it’s all Nick always blames him that’s the one not that’s not can you let me do

This I know which one it is it’s oh you were doing it oh I yeah I got it I got it I’m telling you joh away from changing the password Jimmy you better chill wait wait time out John how is this the one this is the one because the other

Ones are the one we didn’t like Tatum and Joe there’s another one to the right a lot of Joe’s there that’s the one you want Joe pie well no you know what’s funny I think holiday should be on the pie too but Joe deserves probably more

Maybe more I don’t know let these guys answer it I like do with Sil has to be on there because this is who’s the score 102 101 uh 100 so not a huge difference but the the technical I mean it’s so ridiculous and then on top of it the double lane

Violation I mean how many times are we going to see them just kind of make stuff up can I can I quibble about that one a little bit what the hell was that first off they they got to change that rule that was the dumbest thing I’ve

Ever seen you’re better if you’re the Celtics you’re just taking the free throw because losing the jump ball game over Miss free it’s a you’re giving you’re gifting the team the possibility of a whole possession right up up two and making it a two- possession game if they

Win the T versus just it’s a worst penalty than just awarding them another free throw it’s not at all fair the the only fair thing is offsetting penalties and have him shoot the free throw again but you can’t do that either because that’s the penalty for just lane

Violation yeah to be yeah right there’s no resolution there you have to pick you if the only thing to do is if both of them had Lane violations just let the thing play out you know what I mean either call it on one or just call it a

Missed free throw there’s no fair resolution by doing a jump ball at midc court I couldn’t believe that that’s right but John that’s the thing though once you stop the game there’s no going back you can’t just be like oh my bad guys like confir on it and say Celtics ball

They got the rebound it’s a double lane violation it was a miss the play the the play stands like the other one does not make sense they show the replay on I don’t think they went to replay on that though I think they just had to make

Yeah they just huddled up there was no replay it’s such a dumb Rule and my thing is if you’re huddled up and you’re going to make it ision like that in such a crucial spot of the game look at the tape I mean I don’t I don’t understand

That whole like okay you so you you both have Lane violations all right then then then it’s settled like you gota some tape has to back that up I was really surprised was I thought they were going to the tape I was like good Lord I know a lot of people don’t like

It because it stopped the game I don’t care about the tape if you’re gonna stop the game like that you gotta make you got to make sure you get that right and a double Lan violation like Bobby said I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen that

Called in that moment of a game any it was pretty by the way brilliant goddamn brilliant play by joic I mean that’s what I’m saying baiting people into it they have to go jump all there because I think they didn’t they didn’t know who was at fault I think one ref maybe saw

Something different but if anything the Celtics were at fault there because joic didn’t even he didn’t cross the line it was just two Celtics players that yic got a FSE start and the and and he got a false start penalty and then the Celtics got the offside get it I think Jimmy

Saying that he did that on purpose to trigger the Celtics players no we know that I’m saying Jimmy’s saying he didn’t even get in the lane but he got penalized for just starting and gotten them getting J he got he got penalized because they didn’t know who actually caused crossed in a

Live setting if they went to the tape if they went to the I thought they got him for like Intent no no I don’t think no I don’t think so I mean unless I’m wrong I don’t think so that would be wild I think you can do whatever

Can do the Macarena on the freaking Sidelines if you want as long as you don’t cross that line right cross that line see he crossed I watched the replay 100 times I mean his toe I mean what do we mean by crossed I think his toe crossed but like

He didn’t he didn’t jump over like like brown and um I forget who the other one was a terrible the ball hit the rim because yes number one you wouldn’t have known if he crossed if it was that close and then number two as John said it does

A lot more damage to Boston right to go to the jump ball it’s the resolution that drove me nuts I I think that was uh what’s your blame pie Bobby who’s your pick now that we got that out that’s a good question it’s gonna be Tatum and brown

At the top it always is I mean you missed those shots that he missed that was John that wasn’t me I’m just around John when he said Tatum and brown I put up the Joe pie yeah po I mean it’s always those three right I mean who it’s

Always those three kind of but it’s still fun to play yeah I mean the shots Tay missed I turned the Jo way after the transition run and was like do you call time out there because it was it was a tough Miss but you’re always looking there and

Saying you gota you got a good look so you’re not gonna call I don’t know where the echo’s coming from but what when he got a good look where the one where he like lost control of it yeah yeah yeah with the Lefty there yeah it was a horrible it was a horrible

Attempt after he lost it M but at that point it was too late you know yeah right what are you gonna do but he did drive into three people he wasn’t getting calls tonight either at the line neither team really went to line much tonight free throws were not a part of

This game that’s why I iesit IES Boston right I hesitate to really blame the rest too much because of that reason but it’s just like some of the calls they made were just bogus there were a lot of physical plays inside even that the last great basket I thought Boston made well

Tatum dunk was great but but right before crunch time Brown spun right around Murray and again they could get anything they wanted against Murray in this game he seemed to be some contact on that play Brown wasn’t happy about before that you know final nuggets timeout that set them up for the crunch

Time run there so an interesting game you know you saw some Gordon at center for the Nuggets which was super effective um you know yic played a bunch of different coverages they were dropping them early he started going into some switching late uh Celtics tried a little Zone at the beginning of

The fourth it didn’t go all that well and then you know there was some three-point shooting issues I thought in this one in terms of settling so it’s a tough one right you know you want to win this kind of game given the finals preview but you know you’re gonna

Lose some of these it’s just way do you go from here so is that like a is that like a flaw in the in the rules that now that they’ve like exposed the fact that if two guys cross the free throw line it goes to a jump ball so you can maybe

Like kind of force a guy you can’t because if you if you go over your free throw gets negated yeah but you get the jump ball instead and you can get the ball back no but the other guy has to go you just go and your guy makes the throw you got to

Figure out a way to get both the guys to go like maybe nudge him a little bit I don’t think it was even know if he wi Jimmy Jimmy would 100% be that assistant coach be like listen guys I gotta play I’m being told that what yic did was illegal too so if

He can like master that trick Jimmy was like the kid in Little League trying to pull the hidden ball trick oh yeah got couple guys out that way the first day the first day someone showed him that he was like that’s amazing oh you could do

That give me the ball give me the ball give me the ball every time second basement keep going to the picture give it to me give it to me give it to me I’m gonna get him this time yeah I got it we’re just we’re gonna pretend I’m going

To pretend like I’m talking to you and I’m just going to walk back yeah yeah give me the ball give me the ball all right we’re going to play real as as if no one saw him practicing it like here here’s Jason Tatum on the final

Shot now I don’t really know what to expect from J K I mean I know we’re not GNA do that we’re not gonna do that here here actually is Jason Tatum specifically if you can walk me through that final shot on kcp sort of what were you looking for when you got

The ball and then what did you think of the look when you got it yeah I think I I kind of rushed it and that’s on me uh in the back of my mind I wasn’t sure if they were going to foul they had a foul

To give uh but you know um I had more time than I gave myself so uh you know I I should have took some more time but you know can’t go back so you know something I can learn from okay there it is something I can learn from something

I can learn from well again how long another lesson shro another lesson yeah hey he’s not taking the Joe Joe Approach at least saying Oh I thought it was a great shot thought we had great looks tonight that’s what Joe said right guys you got you guys he also mentioned he

Also mentioned Gary and layups again for like the on team time first off do you guys realize do you not realize the rest are deliberately screwing the Celtics I’m not gonna I hadn’t realized it but now that you mention it I can get on board get should talk about

That hey what did what what did perk say what what did what did um what did perk say about Joe oh no he I’ll read it I’m sent it earlier he said um Perkins on Missoula after the Celtics first home l of the season if you take his brain and put it

In a bird the bird is gonna start flying back that was a while ago I remember that must have just happened today too because H sent it he use the same line again he said that before he must it would walk backwards right something like that he must have got a couple

Chuckles the first time soed it I’m guilty of the same thing but there you go I’m I’m for the second time I’m still not quite sure what it means but I think it means this game n really a case of he thinks backwards or something and Tatum said this tonight is

True every loss is going to feel like the end of the world with this team I just don’t think this is one of them you know like Charlotte early in the year that felt that way I hated the Orlando loss Indiana W the tournament was a little frustrating but this you know

Like if if they hit that shot and went on to win overtime like the Nuggets would be extremely frustrated to I’m sure this was a physical game there were probably calls on both sides that both teams didn’t like I especially early right there was some foul calls on the

Nuggets that had guys going crazy in that first quarter if you go back and watch so I think it went both ways probably relatively evened out and even though like what’re concerned to John I think despite this amazing start you look at these losses and

You’re like oh like a shades of the old Celtics popping back in and that’s always that’s the only reason I know you guys all said I think all four of you guys think they’re gonna win this year right they’ll get to the finals this the team I’m worried about this the one team

I’m worried about right that’s definitely a very valid point josee but I also think it’s like do some of those shades of the old Celtics creep back in and we haven’t seen it often this year but tonight you did see a little of that in the final five minutes so that’s something that

Concerns you and as I said I think the nuggets are a little better than these Celtics just because of that yic effect I mean it’s just like me and Joe S were just sitting up there at level nine like like our heads were spinning at the

Stuff he was doing it’s just it’s a different game he’s playing out there it’s just ridiculous and porzingis said it like it’s true he’ll like low you to sleep thinking he’s just kind of standing there doing nothing and then he’ll make a quick move and boom the ball’s in the

Net so I mean this is kind of always the case joh I don’t know how much you feel this way is it just gonna come down to Tatum and joic and who’s better assuming it’s be hard for t to match I just think it’s again you know I

I do think these are the two best teams in each respective conference and I think that like if you’re a betting man yes I would say that they’re going to meet in the finals just like I just don’t see the point of doing any finals preview stuff and like worrying about

How they’re going to match up there I think no matter where you go it’s so I think just about this team in general Bobby you’re gonna point to every single thing our fans will about what might prevent them from winning the title this year and that’s going to include um you

Know the bench it’s going to include Missoula and a bunch of other little ancillary things you know and I’m not saying the coach is a as a little thing but it it’s all going to come down to Tatum and brown they’re either going to play at their Alpha level at the best of

Their game and along with the other complimentary pieces on this team the level of basketball that this team’s going to be able to achieve if those guys are doing that is better than everyone else or they’re gonna kind of play that inconsistent you know sometimes you seen you know in the late

Stages late rounds of the playoffs in the last couple of years and then it’s going to be a grind again and you’re not going to know what’s going to happen from night to night it’s it’s it’s always going to be those guys it’s always gonna be those guys it they can

Win in the regular season with bad Tatum Games bad Brown games right because they have enough talent and they can even beat some good teams occasionally they cannot win a seven game series if Tatum and brown are inconsistent or have Bad series they can’t and so that’s the

Thing is if that happens they’re doomed and that’s why I was saying earli I’m not going to freak out about Tatum now because judgments coming one way or the other at the end of this year the end of next year they win the title then you st people can stop saying I don’t

Think he’s the guy and I don’t know he has it uh and all of that stuff but until they do you’re gonna have those question marks the question marks for me are always going to be are Tatum and brown gonna show up when it counts and

That’s it so you know you see them in these games and you see some of these Superstar matchups that they’ve lost this year um and you know I think fans heads kind of go in that direction like well he got outplayed by Edwards he got outplayed here in a seven game series against

These better teams late in the playoffs those guys are stars or studs consistently and play at the highest level they’ve played this year they’re not going to win that’s it yeah but don’t you feel like it’s got to be a little bit more I don’t know team oriented if you will like especially

Down the stretch like we don’t yeah but they could sneak out a first round matchup maybe whatever when you get to when you’re playing the best teams Conference Finals and finals those guys show show up and they give you their best doesn’t mean they hit does they’re

Going to have nights where they’re not falling but if you just have those like what is wrong with this guy tonight games every other game I I it’s gonna they’re not they’re not gonna win yeah and then the series go longer injuries might creep in it’s exactly what

Happened last year yeah exactly what happened that’s it’s always going to come down to those guys you we can point to all of the little things Jimmy’s always said this from the get-go um like it’s like you’re yeah you can start paying attention now I said your name uh

Back my dog that’s my dog oh shoot wait hold on hold on not a drill someone that was hilarious spot on something Jimmy Jimmy’s always said this it’s like you know Celtics fans is like Tatum and brown are their children and you’re gonna find every excuse for why

Not them right um and okay well let me ask you this John it’s like it’s like with the kids it’s the teacher it’s the coach it’s the other kids on the playground who won’t if the teammates won’t pass to them it’s the wrong soccer club I got to change

Clubs all of that garbage it’s everybody’s fault and that’s what it is here but it’s not it’s always gonna come down to those guys all right well let me ask you this thing John is is porzingis one of those guys but porzingis on this team he they

Don’t he doesn’t get the ball enough to that’s what I mean like maybe that’s an is I don’t I don’t know if tonight’s one of those examples where you’re like how do you not get poring the ball and all that maybe you know the yish thing or whatever tatman Brown they they did

Their best in trying to counteract that counter that that matchup but in other instances I mean I just feel like it’s it’s rare down the stretch in a close game that you’ll see you know Pingas make a play or something will be designed for porzingis to attack so you

Know maybe that’s something that should happen more often but then again how many times this season have you seen the stics in these situations you know it’s one of those uh either they’re up big or you know they they pull it off in the end but most of the time it’s they

Usually they us have a nice cushion going into the last couple of minutes games that result to to you know convert into wins yeah they were com from behind this one which Jay’s gonna Jay it’s a little bit of a different situation but obviously they were they

Were up 12 early in this game so you know you’re GNA squandered those leads sometimes but they did have the cushion they did play better for the longer stretches in this game I felt like and you know you got that 20 and 0 record at

Home so it’s tough in a lot of Senses to give this one up but you know on that point getm Jason Romo yeah I know Jen that’s what I’m cringing about oh that’s tough right all right closing thoughts guys we’re gonna wrap it not say no to Jason Romo that’s

All Jason Prescott Dak is the new Romo hate to say it on to the next on to the next man uh we got a back toback in Texas the second half of that back toback I’m assuming Luca’s probably gonna be back to that one so um on to the next have to uh

Carry into that you know like they like they’ve done this year a lot when coming off of losses you know chip on your shoulder into Houston and and uh just forget everything that happened tonight we’ll see what happens but I I’m not I’m not too concerned honestly I’m more uh

Again I’m thinking about that Dallas Mavis match up for sure I think that’ll be fun they’re gonna take it out on eay again oh go he may he’s gonna make sure this will be way closer than it was here in Boston for sure I’ll tell you that much that

Rockets game I’ll go after Jo just because I’m a little bit on the opposite side like I don’t really care what they do to the Rockets I don’t care right I just don’t care about those games I want to go next cuz I’m not going to listen

To what everybody else says and then I might repeat it yeah t my dog no I want to go first that way you can’t accuse me of of stuff jy’s having a rough show I’m gonna respectfully disagree with Joe I don’t say on to the next because we’ve seen

Them go on to the next and yeah they might beat the rockets by 30 who effing cares it’s a freaking Rock it’s your doormat team doesn’t matter what you do yeah we won’t Lear we won’t learn a damn thing I I care about the Nuggets I care

About the Bucks I care about Dallas is I mean I’ll be my inten is will be up for that one but my point is I have a right to be annoyed after this one I’m not panicking I don’t think I’m overreacting this is the game at home against a team

That you might see uh in the NBA finals and I think you I think it would have been uh it would have gone a lot further for them to to figure out a way to close out in this you only need 103 points to win yeah that’s it every night I mean

You’ve been scoring 140 like it’s nothing and again as good as Denver play they they struggled on the they had guys struggling tonight offensively too so I don’t think you they had two guys their necessarily their best either so um as good as this game was I think both teams

Can play better and I think we’ll see that um and maybe you got to give credit to their defenses as well it was it was a high-intensity game but once again lack of execution down the stretch for Boston that’s what’s that’s what I’m G to remember and that’s what I have a

Sour taste in my mouth at the end of this one certainly all right we we’ve said it all I think um Houston everyone want everyone want a shot go ahead we’re done just say we’ve said it all ask my dog done done yeah we’re done just another example that

Celtics gonna have to do it as a team and they tried too late in different ways but where’s the ball need to go what are you running at in the final possession you know those are spots where you know you don’t want I think they just gave away too many plays in

This game and then a good point different SPS gave away G they didn’t value possessions they they gave away a lot of players if they don’t there was one play like it sticks out in my mind there was one play that sticks out in my mind where they just left jic wide

Open above the three-point line white was standing in the paint porzingis was stuck behind the screen and he just shot a practice shot that’s three points and a twoo game so like every little thing you do like that you’re not just going to sit here after a Finals game as Jimmy

Said and be like oh man tough one on the next no but you are going to say like we didn’t we just didn’t have it tonight you know like we we didn’t make shots but they didn’t but so it’s the stuff that worries you it reminds you of

The P they hit shots Bobby but they also didn’t realized that the shots weren’t falling and try to find other ways to score they got to the line what 12 times tonight whatever it was they they just it’s one of the biggest issues with this

Team they can’t get to the line and they chose not to they chose the fadeaway they chose the step backs they chose to they don’t seem interested in figuring out how they’re do you ever hear Joe say we need more free throws I don’t I I just I like I said I

Just don’t think he wants to tell you that you know like not you like the media I believe when he goes in and he’s looking at tap he’s gonna point out opportunities where they could have done something different and maybe you know we should we shouldn’t have settled here

I I I just think in those postgame press conferences it’s all going to be nothing to see here in defense of my team the philosophy is sound I don’t feel like being questioned no we didn’t take too many threes I don’t care about the other team’s player everything is just swatted

Away swatted away swatted away but it has nothing to do with what he actually thinks or feels it’s just weird defensive I just whatever you say I’m going to say it didn’t matter that’s all it is that didn’t matter that didn’t matter not interested in talking about

That move on to the next thing players are fine nothing when they play bad we laugh about it move on that’s it’s he says it after every game so I put no stock in any Joe moula post no none none zero in anything that he says sometimes he’ll say thoughtful things and those

That that’s good when he does but all of the stuff that he when we want him to be like yeah it sucked we lost our aggression we didn’t take it that he kind of half admitted it we didn’t get it him saying we could have gotten it to

Christs a couple times is a massive admission in his book because normally he’s not going to tell you they did anything wrong but I think these postgame things are totally worthless by Missoula worthless total bunk man yeah it’s worthless intentionally he just doesn’t want to talk about it so he just

He just swats it away it’s kind of bell I mean not quite bichan but in the same vein but he just wants to let you know that what you’re what you think is happening isn’t actually happening that’s his number one thing yeah and that’s it he’s way more like well

Actually than um than belich ever was belich was just more like fu yeah trying to kill narratives I feel like Joe tries to kill narratives Joe’s trying to kill every Nar balichek’s just not giving you anything to talk about yeah we’ll look at the tape we don’t know just done it’s

Almost a no comment Joe’s telling you you’re wrong and you don’t know what you’re talking about and move on to the next thing I covered the pths I wouldn’t even go to Bill most most veteran reporters stopped going to Bill a long time ago until late where you’re actually like well we’re

Going to grill them a little bit now too but when you actually wanted information that the people would just not bother reporter stop going into Pat’s locker rooms too there’s you you there’s nothing to be gained from it yeah you know so anyway all right Celtics John you want to do a Red

Sox minute these guys can go I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t do it on your own Tire I did I did but I I don’t have it in me I don’t have it in me all right well I’m not going was devastated I don’t have it in

Me because it’ll go on and on it’ll go too long I don’t all right what about this what about G give me your give me your your big uh football game presented by FanDuel what’s the game that you who’s your team tomorrow what’s the one you’re I don’t even know I don’t even

Know who’s playing all right I’m taking bucks plus six and a half that’s my that’s my Jimmy Tuscano stamp it bet against the against the Lions I know everyone’s darling is the Lions that’s why I’m going with the bad boy bucks nobody thinks the Bucks have a chance

But Baker Mayfield’s out there to Pro that he should not be uh counted out so I’m I’m taking I’ll go Chief’s money line Chief’s money line that is okay bills bills are bills are favored but Chiefs are gonna win that game on the road Chiefs on the really

Bills are kind of playing well though Chiefs are gonna win that game okay but I also don’t know anything anything I don’t either by the way don’t follow what I say but yeah I am going bu if you if you if you follow my advice you’re you’re an idiot but that’s what I

Think I am if you say anything with enough confidence people will be like oh gez but then I don’t want anyone to get mad at me so I want to disclaimer no this is purely for entertainment purposes I I I I I haven’t thought about it more than the three seconds before it

Came out of my mouth so yeah I don’t trust the Chiefs I would actually go bills I don’t trust the bills either I probably I probably just watch that game and enjoy it but um yeah facts everyone wants to see this is what everyone wants

To see so give the people what they want you want a lions bills Super Bowl the tortured for the tortured fans of the world to have some something to that day you know that would end in a tie though it would end in a tie no find a way it really would it’s

Yeah it totally would it’s going to be tough to beat the ners I think they’re the team that’s GNA all right watch some football join us late uh 7 o’cl 7 o’clock start on Sunday night and we’ll uh we’ll bring you some uh Celtics post game we’ll see you guys

Tune in to The Garden Report live after the Celtics face off against the Nuggets. Don’t miss the Celtics Postgame Show with Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, Jimmy Toscano, A. Sherrod Blakely, and John Zannis, where they’ll provide detailed insights and analysis of Boston’s clash with Denver. In this intense game, the Denver Nuggets ended the Boston Celtics’ notable home winning streak with a close 102-100 win. Jamal Murray led the charge with 35 points, and Nikola Jokic contributed significantly with 34 points, 12 rebounds, and nine assists. The game reached a dramatic peak when Jayson Tatum, closely guarded by Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, missed a one-legged fadeaway that could have tied the game. Tatum finished with 22 points and eight rebounds, marking the end of Boston’s impressive run at home.

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  1. Nuggets were great, Celtics were awful at times, and there was only a 2 point difference.

    If the Celtics can hold their nerve in the playoffs, they’ll win everything. Got a horrible feeling they won’t.

  2. They weren't going 41-0 at home. I know this isn't about the record. But I didn't have an issue with how the team approached this game. The 3 pt attempts got egregious in the 2nd half but this was not a 22' Celtics loss .

  3. Celtics just need to stay consistent in tight situations. Tatum tries to play hero a little too much. Smart had the same issue (smart’s a much worse shooter)

  4. What perk said. It means these Celtics aren't winning anything with a mazzulla telling them how it's done. Another issue besides 3s. After almost every loss he says they played well. Which doesn't make them better after losing. Shame all this Talent will be wasted.

  5. Brown and Tatum just couldn't shoot tonight. It was amazing how this game was even close. The Celtics literally win this game if Tatum and Brown instead of 2/17 from 3 they go 4/17. Incredible 😂

  6. They shot better from 3 by like 17% and the nuggets were only better by 4% from 2. How do you lose like that?

  7. (Brown & Holiday) got Stock! On the Ground? While Murray! Beating Out the Ground? This is a Bad Loss? 😢😢😢

  8. Celtic fan's are so dramatic 😂😂😂 you lose one game to a good team and now all of their bad habits are back and it's a reason for concern 😂😂 they just had an off shooting night, it's that simple. That wasn't even a bad lost.

  9. The team got better coming limiting the number of games coming iout flat but will struggle In close games. Still go back to the 5 out twister offense where the players have their feet in shackles and must stand in the designated spot. We turned the nuggets into the Miami Heat / golden state warriors. The book is out there to read.

  10. It’s impressive how inefficient Tatum and Brown are… , but 0 turnovers for both… that’s unusual

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