@Charlotte Hornets

Hornets vs Spurs: Coach Clifford Postgame Media Availability | 1/19/2024

Hornets vs Spurs: Coach Clifford Postgame Media Availability | 1/19/2024

Know one of the points the offense want to play more inside out right now I know the pain scoring has been a little bit of a struggle during this losing streak given the injuries in the front court right now what can you do to kind of get

That area proding a little bit more SC yeah well I think you know having melow back will be a big part of that too hopefully you know we were um I think right now we’re 14th and ball hitting the paint before shot but through the first uh I want to say 12

Games or 11 games in there you know we were first in the league um in ball hitting the pain that was playing without miles so um Melo obviously puts a lot of pressure on the defense he’s playing downhill and his picking roles and hopefully that’ll be a big part of

It too I know that among the things you can’t control would be your top of your frustration list would be the injuries but what is the source of your greatest frustration in terms of things that you guys can’t control with the players you yeah it’s really been you know

Different things different nights you know in in in the game in San Antonio and then the game in New Orleans it was our three-point defense you know they both I think they both made 18 threes both nights you know these guys hurt us with you know mcdermit four for six and

Then a bunch of other guys made three and two but um we’d had a stretch where our individual defense we were we were uh creating more turnovers we were much more active with our hands and we were contain the ball a lot better you know

And on that trip you know Miami we did the other two games we did not with uh I guess just Brandon Miller right now I guess Waring up um if he’s able to go and play um what have you guys missed these last couple of games

Even one of the few play actually able to kind of bounce back and forth once he come back and play for guys yeah I mean I mean you know with him I mean you know we really miss him in All Phases of the game you know he guards primary scorers

Um you know he scores whatever he is 146 a night uh high IQ and he’s got positional size you know so he can guard twos he can guard threes he’s guarded some point guards um and uh you know he’s obviously he’s a valuable player for us so it’s

It’s I think whenever you lose a you know you lose one of your four or five best players you know hurts your depth and and uh for him we need those points right now too you know you mentioned the three-point defense what’s happening do you think what you seeing on fil when you

Got little more technique to me technique um you know being detailed alert you know like the other night and this happens a lot uh you know when you get into game 40 to 60 is it’s it’s uh the other night was we played with really good offensive

Energy but we didn’t have the you know the defensive mentality disposition however you want to phrase it that we needed to and uh so Ingram got going early um you know and they too they made 18 you know they were 18 for 39 from three you’re not going to win so it’s

Not just about playing hard I mean for for all the things that our guys have had to handle um I really believe you know our effort has been good it wasn’t great in San Antonio but for the most part it’s been good but you have to do all of it you know and

Um we’ve got you know we got to be able to hang in there and keep getting better you know we practice well actually for an NBA team our practices are good they have a good attitude they work hard the older guys are good um but we’ve got to

Find a way to put a full 48 minutes together and then with Mark I know he’s doing some longor like pregame and whatnot just he’s been out for a while now just are you concerned he’s been you would be Weir you see him at right now

As yeah I don’t think he’s very close um you know I don’t again you know i r i really you know they obviously come I talk to him all the time about it um he’s had a couple setbacks it’s back so it’s not something that that you really

Want to mess around with um and um you know he does a little bit on the court but he you know he’s not doing as much now as he was doing say three and a half four weeks ago so uh uh you know again

What we have to do is we’ve got to you know we’ve got to do the best we can with the players that are available and and um you know that’s what this trip uh you know again offensively the other night we were good energetic ball hit

The paint more um but we’re going to have to play both ends of the floor


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1 Comment

  1. I never agreed to bring this guy back to the team. I never like him as a coach. We need to bring a new coach as soon as possible. The franchise has to react quick or soon Lamelo will require to leave the team.

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