@Indiana Pacers



Hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog didn’t expect to make two of these today but I I really haven’t talked about what I think about Pascal SE yakum joining the Indiana Pacers and what it means for the team um you know the last

Time I made a video was pretty just much like my initial reaction like the the trade video itself was like my initial reaction cuz I really can’t believe that we got past skel yakum for what we gave up um a lot of people say it’s like it’s

It’s an a it’s a B minor it’s this it’s that everybody has different takes on it this was a home run I I’m going to call it what it is like it’s a home run we gave up three first round picks that we simply don’t give a about

Okay the 2024 draft class is supposedly anyway so give give those two 2024 first round picks to Toronto let them pick the the useless soul that they want give them Bruce Brown okay and Jordan war and call it a day and turn up yeah okay they got Carol Lewis

Jr big whoop I mean it’s just the idea Toronto got what they could and when it comes to Bruce Brown I don’t really understand why Pacers fans are so bent out of shape about him because the fact of the matter is when we signed him to the contract that we signed him to

One year and the second year was a team option it was very obvious that he was a rental like I don’t know why Pacers fans seem to think we were keeping Bruce Brown long term but it was very obvious that we weren’t from the day that we signed him to the contract that

We gave him you know $25 million for a guy who shoots a three at 32% like he does a lot of good but it just you know like it’s not really anything we really needed you know what I’m saying it was very obvious that he was brought

On for like something bigger than than what was going on because even I when I saw that TR I’m like okay he’s a good player we overpaid for him but like you he’s he’s not like a guy that’s going to move the needle for us which which was

Why I didn’t didn’t understand why they gave him that much money but I also in the back of my mind was like yeah they they they probably brought him in for as just temporary for salary filler for a trade or or something like that and the

Team option is there if they can’t land Pascal sakam that the team option is there if they want to chase after somebody different and you know maybe get try to get their hands on it um but we did get Pascal yakum and I have so many thoughts about this

Because the fact of the matter is I haven’t met a lot of Pacers fans that aren’t happy with this but I have met a few and everybody keeps saying the same oh he’s too old he doesn’t fit our timeline he can’t shoot a three-pointer yada yada yada and I’m just like you

Know Pacers fans and I think NBA fans as a whole need to understand that there are very few players in the NBA that are an absolute perfect fit for what what you do okay for whatever it is your team is good at there are very few players in

The league that are a perfect fit and on top of it it’s very rare that they’re even available in fact the idea of like a perfect player and the perfect timing to ever be in existence at the same time almost never happens okay like yeah the

Pacers would love to get Mel Bridges but is is he available according to the Nets no so it’s just the idea you you had the opportunity here to get a guy in Pascal sakam who’s 29 years of age okay people are losing their minds over that I mean we have two

Guys on our team who are over the age of 30 buddy heeld and TJ McConnell and they’re both 31 okay we don’t need the draft picks we don’t need Jordan wara we don’t need Bruce Brown okay yeah we’re going to miss maybe what Bruce Brown brings defensively but that’s about it

Okay like everybody is acting like you know uh like age like we need to to always trade for like the perfect player with the perfect contract with the perfect age with the perfect skill set it’s just the longer you spend doing that okay the less likely you are to be a

Winner okay not every situation needs to be ideal okay like you can do that you can try to run an organization that way where everybody is just old enough to barely get their working papers or buy a buy a beer in a bar okay and you know they they’re a perennial

Allstar you can you can try and find that player but most teams who have those players are not giving them up so you know that’s that’s why Pacers fans are like so hellbent on ogn and Obi and that’s why I can’t stand about this is like you know somebody commented on my

Video uh the other day when I was talking about the Pascal SE yakum trade rumors it was like two or three days ago that somebody left a comment on that video saying like if this was OG anobi and not Pascal yakam if it was OG anobi they would have gladly hand handed over

Four future first round picks and and gamebridge Fieldhouse just to get him and I was like yeah you know what he’s right because Pacers fans loved OG anobi and the only reason they loved him is because he played at Indiana State University he was young he

Could do a little bit of everything but Pascal zakum is legitimately a better player than OG anobi and people are bent out of shape because of his age I mean I don’t think people understand that 22 and 7 and four doesn’t grow on trees okay okay

He can’t shoot a three-pointer big whoop okay I’ve seen in the past 10 or 15 games he shooting the three at like I think 43% or some crazy like that so he’s capable of shooting threes okay maybe not on a consistent basis he’s not going to be Stephan Curry but

You know you get him in the corner and he’s open he’s probably going to knock that down that’s all I’m saying so you know I I I think this is a huge pickup for the Pacers not only is he a perfect fit but it’s just the idea like

There’s so many things that this like like H Burton can play off ball now like has has anybody thought about that like why do people love Stephen Curry so much because what he can do off ball is Elite you know now we have somebody else in Pascal cakam who’s capable of bringing

The ball up the floor he’s a pretty damn good ball handler for his size I mean is it Kyrie Irving esque no is it Jamal Crawford level no but it’s serviceable I will say that like it’s it’s Draymond Green level okay so the idea that we can add a guy like

That to our roster with our uptempo offense he’s a guy who can rebound the basketball he’s a guy that does a lot of his damage in the mid-range he’s got a good postup game he’s got a post fade away that’s that’s like water I mean he’s a great finisher around the

Basket he he he gets out and runs in transition I mean I really don’t know what more you want out of a power forward okay considering that it’s probably one of the most scarce positions in the NBA okay like the guys who play power forward are usually

Centers who play power forward as a secondary position okay like there’s not a lot of power forwards in the league that are like true power forwards okay like Kevin Durant okay ESPN lists him as a power forward but is he really a power forward no he’s a small forward okay

He’s a 6 foot 10 guy that can shoot 40 foot threes okay so I just think people need to like calm down a little bit uh when it comes to trading players I will say this like it would be cool to have Paul George come back to the Pacers

But I do think the one guy who’s going to benefit the most from this trade is going to be a guy like Benedict Maan a guy who’s going to get a a ton of open looks now on the three-point line because you got Tyrese halberton and you

Have Pascal cakam and Pascal sakam is a very underrated passer okay like he’s he’s got a little bit of a bag when it comes to passing and so I like I like the idea that’s like while while the defense is focused on what siakam’s doing and what Halle Burton’s doing okay

Ben matlin’s going to be getting open jump shots okay and if we don’t trade buddy heeld buddy heal’s gonna be getting open jump shots okay Aaron n Smith Aaron n Smith is going to benefit a lot from this um you know granted I don’t know what’s going to happen with

Obi toppen because we kind of got a log Jam now at the power forward spot you know jerus Walker’s a guy who is probably I don’t know what’s going to happen with him but like this is going to be good for his development you know what I’m saying like there’s so many

Positives to this that like it kind of kills me that people focus on the negatives of it you know because Pascal cakam is a guy who’s going to be probably a perennial Allstar playing with Tyrese Halbert like I’m going to call it what it is Pascal zakum is going

To get better as a player playing with Tyrese halber like everybody’s like oh he only scores 22 a game and he can’t shoot at three and he only grabs seven boards and he only dishes four assists yada yada yada like if if if if Tyreek tton could turn Miles Turner into a 17

And seven guy okay I’m pretty positive he can turn Pascal cakam into like a 28-7 guy okay or a 28-6 guy or a 28 and8 guy like we’re talking about a guy that we just acquired who could be an all NBA talent and a perennial Allstar for

Easily the next three to four years okay or the five years that we’re probably going to extend him to for 247 million bands okay so it’s just the idea I think this is a big move for the Pacers um it makes more a lot of sense for them

Because like now you know this will help the development of Ben Maan it’ll help the development of everybody on the roster you know what I’m saying anybody who gets to play with Tyrese Halbert and Pascal SE yakum is going to become a better basketball player so I think everybody needs to just chill

Out um I I think as far as where this puts the the Pacers I definitely think we’re a top five team in the East now like I’m going to call it what it is we went from being the East Coast Sacramento Kings to now the East Coast Dallas Mavericks okay that’s that’s

Basically what we did with this and I think we’re a team that honestly if the stars align properly we could go back to an Eastern Conference Finals like with this roster like granted Ben mathon would have to play his ass off but you know he’s been going off in in the past

Couple games he scored 25 one of the I think last night or the night before or some and then he had 26 uh the uh I think a game or two before that so it’s just a matter of getting Ben Maan into a rhythm and getting him to a point where

He’s scoring consistently like you know like just making him a certified bucket and if we can do that and then resign Ben mathine which is goingon to his his contract comes doing I think another two years or so if we can do that we’re going to be sitting pretty in the next

Two or three years you know I but in four years okay four years minimum okay in four years we’re going to be like a legitimate Championship Contender okay if we just keep this squad together and keep keep it going the way that it is um

Jaylen Smith’s a guy that I I would like to bring back um miles is pretty much going to be relegated to the three-point line now so like everybody who like like I hate to break it to you but miles numbers are probably actually going to dip because he’s not going to get

Anywhere near as many touches as Pascal cakam is you know he might get you know he’s I it really depends miles is shooting 33% from three this year so hopefully that improves with this as well because miles is going to get a lot of open jump shots out of this from the

Corner uh but it’s just the idea people should be excited about this okay like I there’s a lot of people out there who are trying to say like well we shouldn’t have traded for him uh you know his his C his salary cap hit is going to be

Ridiculous okay that’s fine but the fact of the matter is we’re not a hot free agent destination anyway I mean yeah maybe now we are you know I mean the allstar game is in Indie this year and now we have Pascal sakam you know you never know people could come to Indie

And love it for the All-Star game and we have Tyrese halberton and Pascal SE yakum now you never know you know like Paul like I said Paul George is going to be an unrestricted free agent at the end of the season if he doesn’t sign an extension with the

Clippers or doesn’t get traded and for all we know Paul George could be like you know what maybe I feel like around with the Pacers again and going back on a like a vet minimum deal for one year just to see you know just just to try some out just to see what

It’s like you know like I I hate it when people like complet like it irritates me that people simply don’t want Paul George because of what happened in the past but I’m like bro how many of you have given somebody who’s like cheated on you another chance you know what I’m

Saying like I know some of you have given your like your your significant other who’s cheated on you probably seven times an eighth chance but won’t give Paul George a second chance like that that that’s mind-blowing to me okay like there are people out there who will consistently

Continue to date people who have done nothing but cheat on them and and but when it comes to Paul George it’s like that’s where we draw the line nope sorry nope can’t have him back I’m just like like all I’m saying is like is just the

Idea this is going to be great for our team and I think not only is this going to like make us a perennial playoff team and a high seated solid playoff team like a hard out once we get into the playoffs I think this is going to do

Wonders for halberton it’s going to do wonders for seak it’s going to do wonders for everybody on the team because everybody’s everybody’s lives just got a whole lot easier you know you can’t just double Tyrese halberton anymore and get away with it you know and that’s that was the thing with the

Inseason tournament you know that’s how the Lakers beat us they just double team the out of Tyrese Halbert it was like you know let’s make somebody else beat us and now now that we have cakam right now now we have that other guy that can beat a team you know and that’s

I said that immediately I said that right after we lost the inseason tournament final game like my my inseason tournaments thoughts video first thing I said was that and I’ve been preaching it all year the Pacers need to get um the Pacers need to get Tyrese halberton a secondary star

And they’ve done it so you know sometimes I know what I’m talking about I know people think like I’m a nerd who just sits in my room and has never played a uh never played basketball a day in his life but I understand when a team needs another

Player okay like this isn’t rocket science okay like people like to pretend it is but it’s really not you know what I’m saying it’s very easy to watch a team for a week and and and just say okay like this is this is the problem with this basketball team that’s what

Most of your favorite content creators do to be honest with you they watch one team once a week and then they say okay the these are the problems with it like this is what needs to be fixed okay do do you think they watch every single game no they don’t

So I don’t know man you know what I like it I’m happy with it I kind of really don’t give a what the Pacers sign Pascal SE yakum to as far as a contract extension but all I know is I’m really excited for tonight Pascal sakam supposed to make his debut tonight

Rumors are Tyrese halberton might make an appearance he’s he’s been upgraded to questionable for tonight’s game um but it’s just the idea like they’re saying it’s it’s I don’t know they they’ve given us a glimmer a hope that that tyres halberton could play tonight with

Pascal yakum but all I know is B the Pacers are going to be a what like a top five team that’s going to be fun to watch this year especially with Obi toppen also like Obi toppen is a guy that I really don’t know what we’re

Doing with now uh because it’s like okay like you know buddy like honestly the Pacers could trade buddy and Obie for uh a guy anywhere in the 25 to $30 million range who could help this team immediately uh but I really don’t know if they’re going to do that so we’ll

Have to wait and see but anyway tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment section below I like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more I’m the fast break report and I’m out of this peace guys

So the Indiana Pacers traded for Pascal Siakam and in this video we will be talking about what he provides to the team and how he will make the Indiana Pacers a much better basketball team.

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  1. Jarace Walker will be the biggest beneficiary of the Pascal trade. He will be ready to contribute full time within next 2-3 years. As Pascal gets towards 34 and may need less playing time Walker should eventually become the starter if Pascal starts slipping towards middle 30s

  2. I’m just wondering what defense there is for Halli, Siak, Miles, Mathurin, and Heild/Smith/Toppin based on opponent. Good luck eastern conference. You’re fucked!😂

  3. i like myles on the pacers more after the trade than before, hes not good enough to be our 2nd best player… pascal is. GO PACERSSSS

  4. Tough loss tonight bench was tired from gutting that game out last night Aaron Nesmith would be better coming off the bench bring in vet Gordon Hayward and that makes our bench that much more lethal and we get a 6/8 small forward he can play D Gordon Heyward still has alot left

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