@Toronto Raptors

[Koreen] It is hard to imagine the Raptors getting much in return for Trent, a pending unrestricted free agent, if they put him on the market before the trade deadline.

[Koreen] It is hard to imagine the Raptors getting much in return for Trent, a pending unrestricted free agent, if they put him on the market before the trade deadline.

by EarthWarping


  1. ZoroChopper10

    Koreen so weird for that tampering with a 13 year old comment

    I don’t disagree here tho, an expering and 2 seconds is what I expected last year and I’ll expect same this year

    Prob can get first if we take on longer term salary

  2. blueseeka

    First time, I agree with Koreen.

    I dropped Athletic when Blake left with only Koreen coverage on the Raptors

  3. Beneficial-Luck-5078

    GTJ is MLE player rn he agrees to sign a team friendly otherwise he can go wherever

  4. Trent is fine where he is, I think.

    The thing is, relying on Gary as the main shooter was spelling disaster. He’s completely fine on this team where there are multiple shooters so in case he goes cold, they can play around it.

    I know people think he’s useless if his three doesn’t land, but some things stick out:

    – His defense is okay to mediocre. He doesn’t do anything that’s stupidly awful on defense besides go for risky steals, but at least he’s not biting on pump fakes like crazy.
    – He has a serviceable middy. He has certain spots on the sides of the paint where he’s pretty effective. Teams scout for it, but having outside shooting really allows Gary to get these shots in.
    – He’s been trying to do more floaters, I noticed. That’s a good sign that he’s trying to improve his game. His floaters are still pretty poor, but he really is making an effort to push into the paint. Once the floater gets to a good level, he can really congest the paint.
    – He passes. He used to be iso heavy, but he’s been much more willing to pass this season instead of taking off-balance shots or shots where he isn’t set.

    Overall, I think he’s fine. I feel like he now understands his role and definitely doesn’t try to overstep his lane. Consummate professional too. He’s worth keeping a bit longer.

  5. They’re gonna trade Boucher and one of BB or GTJ

  6. rollsoftape

    It is hard to imagine readers getting much in an article from Koreen.

  7. beefJeRKy-LB

    I would ask Orlando if they’d trade GTJ for someone there. Fultz/Harris would be a like for like swap for expirings but if we could get Wendell perhaps, would be nice.

  8. Ok_Jellyfish_1696

    I would resign him to a reasonable 2-3 year deal, he’s young enough that he either can prove that he can be part of the core around Scottie or he gets moved since he is on a value contract

  9. StingyJack21

    Am I the only one thinking they should extend him?

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