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PRESS CONFERENCE: Kristaps Porzingis on first home loss of the season

PRESS CONFERENCE: Kristaps Porzingis on first home loss of the season

You look good just if I have anything from the Smoothie or anything the seeds are I don’t think I’m fine we talked about getting scratched up by yic before earlier today how did that go today uh me scratched up by Y how did bang it with Y

Yeah as I said before he the best player in the world and he’s just so crafty he’s so like just kind of almost makes you fall asleep like he’s not doing anything and just just slides by you and he’s he’s you know he has so many tricks

And so many things that he can do and then all you know making so many tough shots that are not really tough for him because I guess they’re not because he’s just been making them for a long time and uh and and you have to live with

Those know when he makes these you know off the right foot jumpers and things like that um and that’s why he is who he is so I think we did a job could have been better but a lot of those buckets that he did get was you know hats off to

Him and and those were tough ones were you expecting it to be such a one-on-one battle between the two of you especially start yeah yeah uh that was the game plan um because he’s so good at at at you know um making the right read whenever you overh help even a couple of

That I was when I was on Gordon you know I just I’m eager to kind of help uh Al but then as soon as you overh help a little bit he just finds the right pass or the guys know when to cut and things like that so they’re really good they’re

Really effective and and he’s The Mastermind behind all that so again great to him Jo said you probably should have gotten you more post UPS especially when they went small against you what kind of prevented that happening I think uh we didn’t force it uh I had like two

Or three opportunities two I think two post UPS I had missed both um that are you know good looks for me you know and and it’s probably different if I make e just one one of those you know we maybe we go back to it more times um but uh

I’m I’m I’m there ready if you know uh I love like punishing these guys because you know we create some mismatch if Joker’s guarding me then you know I get those pops and I shoot Threes And if they rotate then we just make the next

Play but if they put a guard on me I want to make them pay I want to make them pay and and rebound and and and post up and get those fouls and so probably We There were situations where I could have done a better job finding

That you know moment to duck in and just be aggressive and uh but uh but yeah I’m ready if if if that’s what we need as a team was they showing you extra pressure after you had hit those early 30s of theame yeah they were just uh they

Change the coverage um um Gordon started guarding me and um and there were also Whenever there were some some little bit Advantage they just fully rotated and took that away uh but then I think we did a pretty good job of just swinging the ball around and making Joker close

Out again one of our guards you know um but yeah if if if you know we see them in the postseason then um it’s going to be a big chess match what do you see in those final possessions there um like leading it into Joe call that time out 5

Seconds left when you know you you guys might had an edge but obviously he was worried about what did I see there yeah what did you see in that like yeah we we we went to our play um JB I think made the right pass out to me I didn’t want

To rush it I didn’t want to leave any like didn’t wasn’t like a per great look um and there was some still time on the clock so we just kept going and then we got another timeout which I think was the right call and went to another play

And we got the ball to JT um and then we just you know live or die and and and we trust him and and U that was it tonight tonight uh it didn’t go our way but um but uh but I think we did the the right

Thing and and and that’s all we can ask for yeah have valuable are tests like this and what are the takeaways yeah I mean I loved it even though we lost it’s it’s a great game for us um and and and there are many things

I think that we’re going to look at and we can you know kind of um study study those things um because this is this is a real team this is you know last year’s Champs and that’s that’s what we want to be so there’s there’s um there’s

Definitely um I think from our side their side fans everybody just kind of knew it was a big matchup and um and U there’s definitely things to take away from this oh question John what what kind of test does how does yic test your defensive discipline knowing that if

You’re even a little bit out of position he has the potential to piit you apart what kind of pressure does that put on you guys definitely definitely it’s uh it’s not an easy task believe me you know it’s not easy task he’s he’s the main focus obviously and he still gets

His numbers pretty much every every night um he’s just that good he’s just that good and um he’s not fast he’s not anything but just pure basketball talent and pure basketball like Mastermind and uh all we need to do is is what we did tonight we kept try to you know put him

In actions on defense to try to you know make him as as tired as we could towards the end of the game and those are the you know things you have to try to do against a guy like that otherwise if you just let him rest on defense then then

You’re in trouble on the other hand presented by your New England Ford dealers built for America built Ford proud

Kristaps Porzingis speaks following the Celtics’ 102-100 loss to the Denver Nuggets

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  1. Tough loss. Celtucs must learn to ho downhill. At crunch time.. tatum especially. They havevto learn to win. When the shots are not falling way to many tgrees .

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