@Los Angeles Lakers

I am sorry but no trade will save our team and make us championship contenders immediately. Because this guy is our coach. It’s as simple as that.

I am sorry but no trade will save our team and make us championship contenders immediately. Because this guy is our coach. It’s as simple as that.

by DrSK_Phoenix


  1. DrSK_Phoenix

    He has lost the locker room. Never calls Timeouts when opponents go on a run. Sticks with the SAME defensive scheme when we are getting burnt every single game!!

    Doesn’t call a TO when we stop running offense and revert to ISO ball. I don’t know what goes through his head.

  2. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    Our problems start there. Zero adjustments, refuses to defend the 3 pt line, but i doubt he even knows how, poor player rotation, no offense.

  3. thesonicvision

    No, OP, it’s the other way around.

    Historically, a coaching change or a lineup change don’t have nearly the same impact as getting better (or more suitable) players.


    **A trade is exactly what we need. We’ve tried a million different lineups, and a coaching change won’t magically turn us into a contender with the same players.**

  4. lakersLA_MBS

    Lakers up by 6 going into second half and Ham decides to double team/over help and Nets start making every open shot yup superb coaching….

  5. antics815

    Cam Thomas was on fire and this guy decides to let him cook. At least put your best defender to stop the fire from spreading.

  6. Willxzero

    There was no fight in this team tonight. After 5 mins into the 3rd, it was obvious they needed to change it up and he left that lineup in until the 4 min mark. You could see the momentum shifting late in the 2nd quarter. Dang watching this team play is hard this season.

  7. I’m almost certain the ‘95-96 Bulls team would be a 2nd round exit with this man as the coach.

  8. DarkPalkion

    I don’t get why he religiously sticks with his scheduled rotations regardless of the circumstances in the game. AD should have started the 4th but for some apparent reason, he sat him down bc it was his scheduled rest period.

    Also, what is he saving his challenges and timeouts for? Shit doesn’t make sense.

    Lastly, this man has no idea about zone. He can’t break it offensively and uses it defensively when the Nets are making 40% from 3.

  9. Fr a trade is a moot point. This team has 0% of winning a chip as long as this guy’s the coach. I’ve tuned out of the season already unless there’s a coaching change.

  10. beasttyme

    Same cycle

    He has no game control.

    I’m so sick of the long drawn out lineups. Leads building against the Lakers. Leads dropping by the Lakers, no change is made.

    Sick of him playing with missing positions.

    All of this weakens the team and burns players out. This guy is a clown coach. Don’t see how the front office can’t see it.

  11. As long as he is cheap, poor Jeanie is happy with him. The team can go to hell.

  12. NumerousStranger1

    Only trade that will make a difference is if the Lakers are able to get someone like Jokic or Giannis while only giving up role players or draft picks. No fringe star like Zach Lavine, who’s essentially just Russell or Reaves with a slightly better scoring average is going to completely transform a team by themselves.

  13. Cultural-Link-1617

    And no real player worth a trade will come here because of Ham.

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