@Houston Rockets

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Rockets come-from-behind in Detroit and beat Pistons

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Rockets come-from-behind in Detroit and beat Pistons

Good evening good evening good evening welcome to this edition of the Houston round ball review presents Les’s talk to Rockets sponsored by Byron Riley CPA just heard coach udoka say the rocket stole one from the etroit pist 112 110 down the stretch you saw one team have a veteran point guard and

Another team not have veteran point guard and you see how Fred came through and Mr Ivy didn’t Rockets were down five or three minutes ago Fred will them to that Victory and Detroit if I look at the box score correct had three turnovers in the fourth quarter

All three of them were in the last two minutes solo how you doing thank you the DU when is a win Rocky fance win is a win hey coach said it we stole one he said Detroit played well enough to win but Justin says it right here that’s

Why why they paid fored yep new name welcome I don’t want to insult you by Mis pronouncing what is that b b thank you for your your com thank you for joining us on L talk Houston Rockets but hey a win is a win another new name welcome welcome

Welcome I like this this is co appreciate it when you steal a game from the Pistons it’s fun times because these days ain’t nobody trying to lose to the Pistons Jon honestly if you’re new to these shows these L talk Houston Rocket shows first things first I cover the Rockets I

Am not a fan of the Rockets I am a fan of the Pistons I was waiting for Detroit to blo this game waiting for them to lose it find a way to lose and they did so no surprise that was surprise at all no surprise I was just waiting for it to

Happen and they did Miss free throws throwing the ball people’s ankles playing crap defense on on High screens all that stuff but you see why TR 3 and 36 but uh sleep art how you doing x-ray how are you oh hello from Hello to Germany all right this is great this is

Outstanding welcome welcome welcome thank you for joining us y see this we got fans in Europe watching this show how about that excellent let’s talk Houston Rocket the global how about excellent I can give a man Terry from New Zealand we have Europe and New Zealand man all right let’s

See Stephen says yeah it was ugly ugly win Tony got jokes salute to Detroit etroit Tony you know it’s etroit because the defense as you saw on stretch was non-existent um solo I heard the Rockets are looking to get a starting caliber player via trade Detroit is like the Rockets were last

Year x-ray that last shot took the win out of some folk last three minutes I’m waiting for the NBA or the Pistons whoever to update final stats hey finally they finally put the the fourth quarter stats up but fourth fourth quarter play byplay 107 102 Detroit for roughly a

Minute Jay Navi two Miss free throws young F can’t can handle pressure I’m sorry he just does not do well under pressure D iy miss the 7 foot floater Isaiah Stewart passed up one three and then passed up first look at a three missed Alie missed a six foot

Hook and Ivy missed two free throws for two minutes ago they had a bad pass then Duran I don’t know what jayen dur was doing in that drive that uh Jabar Smith blocked I have no idea what Jay was doing with that and then J Navi turned

Over lost ball off his foot then Isaiah Stewart out of bounds bad pass mean meanwhile Fred pull up three Fred pull up shot 110 107 hey then pick and roll Fred passed Ali slam dump Rockets had Fred Detroit didn’t there there you go so and it’s it’s funny solo you say

This because and this is an indictment on the Pistons players as well as their coaches Alec Burks was destroying the rockets in the first half four threes four threes pullup threes in your- face threes I’m trying to get let’s see his first half numbers he was rolling rolling Alec Burke’s first

Half four for five from three second half one for four from three the last three attempt was rush but there was way too many times Detroit went away from Alec Burks who was cooking the Rockets you should not need a coach to tell you what’s working to stick with it that’s common

Sense Terry there you go Terry chiming in from New Zealand so we got Germany New Zealand this is great excellent but you see and again Fred knows veterans know if it’s working we’re gonna stick with it we don’t need the coach to tell us what’s working Detroit you’re looking at no help on

Shinon against Duran Duran pick and roll drop coverage what are you doing but it’s it’s I mean it’s just that’s why they’re three and 36 I mean I there’s nothing really I can say about it I don’t know if you’re trying to get fired he’s collecting those checks I

Mean he’s still getting paid 12 million a year for the next three more three more years but y’all saw it y’all rocket fans you you endured to see the Rockets come from behind to win that game but in a nutshell you saw what Detroit fans have seen all season flashes of prom promise

And then way too many what the hell moments that inbounds in the first half first quarter was it between Kean Hayes and Isaiah Stewart is a meme now it’s embarrassing man it’s embarrassing it really is there their basketball IQ is lower than than my sisters and she is not a basketball fan

Yeah it’s embarrassing it’s disgraceful how how but anyway this is about the Rockets finding a way to win now I gotta say rocket fans what are your thoughts on it because Jabari played 41 minutes Alp play played 37 Jaylen played 39 Fred played 42 the Rockets play Amar in Boston

That’s a lot of minutes to play when you got a back toback against a much better team coming off and embarrassing effort against the Bucks that’s a lot of minutes to play for your starters and you got a game in less than 24 hours so so what are your thoughts on it

You know it basketball fans are welcome so come to this show to talk hoops I mean it’s it’s yep they didn’t play hard they didn’t play smarter sometimes but fortunately they played an opponent that was less smart cam tonight yeah Rock cam cam lovers cam did not have it tonight one

For seven 15 minutes one for five from three two fouls in those 15 minutes and one of those fouls was before the ball was inbounded so and then Uncle Jeff got injured and that’s another example of the Pistons lack of basketball IQ Jeff Green is on the cour

Lying on the court in pain after banging after Marvin Bagley knee Just Knee or lower thigh or whatever Jeff’s on the court in pain Detroit has a five on four five on four and a half court and they launched three threes didn’t attack the basket didn’t go take the advantage no let’s just

Stand around on shoot threes young bull welcome welcome welcome looks like okas finally fed up with holidays ball hogging a on holiday’s goal is his job is to score apparently and that’s it to score jayen was not efficient and down the stretch I got to say it too some of

His decision making I’m like oh no Jaylen what are you trying to do man what are you doing oh no he was trying to help Detroit come on y’all can hang around come on come on yeah some of his stuff down the stretch like o Jaylen nine for 25 overall for Jaylen

Green two for nine from three he was cooking early 20 points in the first half cooled off in second half he was seven seven for 13 in the first half woo my goodness seven for 13 in the first half so that means in the second half Jaylen green was two

For2 but Alp was seven for 10 in the second half and Fred was 6 for 10 in the second half and that combo that Sensational Duo combined for 22 of the Rockets 24 points in the fourth quarter yep that one play by Jaylen right here

He was in midair and he couldn’t P back so he put up some wild layup and missed yep Terry says we we need a bench score that can just go out there and Get Buckets well isn’t that what rocket van believe cam Willmore will be come off the bench and get Buckets trade

Rumors stuff in Twitter and I say this stuff you see in Twitter all that stuff doesn’t happen the deals that get done are stuff we don’t hear about the deals that are leaked in social media platforms more times than not are leaked by the agents you know leaking up to their

Buddies and media like woes and Sams and then they trickle down and then fan sites make up stuff and those rumors start gaining legs and so Rockets are in discussion to get improve the roster yes one my friends talks about this the Buddy heill stuff and I I was going right there with

The X-ray why would you do that why would you trade Target for Buddy Hill any deal involving buddy heel if the Pacers want [ __ ] e huh what no thank you click AJ Griffin linked to a few teams no no no but all right everybody keep it warm out there Terry how is it

In New Zealand how what’s the templ and and converted to uh Fahrenheit for us people here and even my people in Germany how cold is it over there in Germany but and man we’re talking about the Rockets come from behind 112 110 win over the etroit pist Terry says it’s really hot really

Because it’s really cold here oh so my buddy said for Buddy heill x-ray says it’s for Benedict ma oh hell no t e for Benedict math please no no click in fact y’all know what I’m gonna do let me see if I can find real quick if they’re talking about Benedict ma for

Tares that deserves a gas face and if you’re new to this show this is the gas face please hell no Trey Taron for Benedict mathan good grief no goodness no nick one more time for that heck no pril to that man shame on him please but yeah

I’m convinced Rafel will do something by the deadline but I sure as he’ll hope it a’t nothing like that man no but let’s see Bo says T Sor bar Alp canot go for any reason yeah I noticed you didn’t say Jaylen green I noticed that ring leader welcome welcome welcome

Thank you for joining us me got these new members to the lthr family appreciate the comments not sure you’re going to have a show tomorrow gonna be a full day tomorrow on the channel because we got Texans yes we’ll talk some football and then some college basketball as well around the same time

Tomorrow of the Boston rocket game so going to be a full full evening on the Houston RAR view on YouTube Saturday night so getting it in tonight I was way wrong I thought the Rockets would just wax the Pistons today just just thump them all over the place

Nope Pistons played well shot well first half Alec Burks the Pistons decided to go away from Alec Burke second half and start to cool off and got had guys attempting threes that can’t make threes very well J iy Ki Haze but anyway Rockets better had won this game

Because the next game is going to be a challenge Boston Philly and the Knicks Marvin Bagley you saw Marvin he can get Buckets and he can give up a lot ofets too but at least he’s better than James wisman who can do neither well he can he cannot score but he gives a

Buckets so it was like M Williams actually tried to use some common sense with his rotation this evening he made some smart moves and he still lost ring leader says when team three balls falling it’s hard for us to beat them why should I be he should not play for Detroit ever

Again ever again he his his defense is worse than everybody else’s on team it’s embarrassing how bad his defense is and see that’s what I I mentioned it Fred played so much Alie played so much again Jabari played 41 Alie played 37 minutes 19 seconds Jaylen played 39 Fred 42 and a

Half and Rockets play Saturday night in Boston in I think Boston will play better more focused than that trash they put on display Thursday night against the Bucks I think but heck who knows with Boston Boston I mean the Seas have not lost yet at home this

Season so we’ll see if they put forth A Better Effort we’ll see if the Rockets Reserves when give you more minutes tomorrow come through deliver help the the starters oh Justin it’s not it’s not worse than wisman but it’s not good and his pick a roll it’s it’s gone down because regie

Bullock used to be a very good 3 andd guy used to be no more used to be nothing new onari eastn Dylan Brooks hopefully plays maybe Monday but probably by Wednesday he’s back nothing new onari uh yeah Reggie is a a rhythm shooter and he has not been in Rhythm a

Lot this season so his shot has been off most of the season oh ring leader is in the jayen green must go group you got some company in that group I don’t know if it’s 50/50 or not but you got some you’re not alone in that why is Tate still on the team

Because prior to the injuries to Dylan and tar coach respected he he trusted Jan because of his glue guy what he brings to the team his toughness his hustle plays things like that but with Cam playing better especially offensively Jon T me it’s going down but now with with Dylan and T

Out Jon still get those guys are healthy Jason won’t be here I think he’ll be traded now for what package I don’t know but he’s GNA be traded Terry says Jaylen might be that bench score we need how about that ring leader how about that moving Jaylen to the bench at

Six-man would that make you happy rather than trading him once Prill to make a move he’s gonna make a move I believe that for sure tape is an eme guy yes but when Rockets are healthy hopefully soon not sure when soon Jon I’m not gonna play with Dylan

Brooks T healthy and still give minut to Cam Jason not gonna play now if Cam has more nights like he did tonight then he might see his minut reduce and Jon gets those minutes but yeah but first things first Rockets got to get healthy and Dylan Brooks is getting

Closer than sounds like maybe he’s closer to returning than tar is Justin says well like I said Justin Terry said it from New Zealand maybe Jaylen is the rocket six-man that scoring punts Off the Bench don’t think that would happen especially contract wise Aaron holiday had Aaron had a

Rle before amen Thompson you when amen was out with the ank ankle injury and Asthma up a little bit as well Aaron had a roll it was more of a score he wasn’t really the the point guard Off the Bench that the Rockets probably needed and wanted

Because when Fred sat even for a little bit the Rockets offense just bogged down with Fred on the bench with amen back kind of move Fred off the ball amen runs the offense a little bit but tonight man Fred played 42 minutes because the Rockets did not want to lose

This game to Detroit and that’s a lot of minutes am man played 749 Aaron only played three Reggie played 20 because you weren’t gonna play jock or Oban but Reggie played 20 because Uncle Jeff got injured so that injury did kind of mess up the rotation and change things a bit

And Fred I think is up to 14 double doubles points and assist double doubles this season already and he hadn’t had I believe the Rockets PR put it out he had not had more than 10 with Toronto at this point or maybe something like that something really

Amazing ring leader with a man he’s already starting with the question about phase three who gonna be on the team at phase three hope not jayen man man I see where you are all right Tony M rockets need a shooter and the big y’all don’t believe in Jac

Landelle I kid I kid I know better but you know when y’all okay who was it jaymond I believe anyone other than jmon and me have doubts that the Rockets would win I mean Craig akman during the broadcast was kind of like almost waving the W flag and then Fred got that three-point

Play against Kevin Knox good move by Fred good drive more bad defense by by Detroit but you know Justin says he does not see the star potential yet well the rocket star is outp he’s a star he is a rocket star jabbar’s defense was good uh J Ivy

Quickness he blew pass Reggie Bullock yeah you know who who doesn’t I mean you know but when Jabari was on Jen Ivy ivy made a poor decision got stuck offense bog down you know Obby was cooking till he did dumb things that’s what he that’s what he does has done this season

Why one no one talking about cam Bas solo We Are Tonight cam had a bad game one for seven two fouls in 15 minutes we talking about him he was just off tonight solo you know scored 20 in the first half when his teammates were struggling Detroit was

Leading by double figures in the first half finished the second quarter I think finished the second quarter and third quarter with 12 four runs and they finished the fourth quarter with a 10-3 run you see why one team is above 500 and why one team is now 33 games below 500 oh

Boy uh let’s see where was it Terry asks would anyone be open to Jaylen in this year net pick for Bridges all the Nets want to do that Justin G I talking about Reggie’s hair solo wonders what Rafel will do with the net pick I said Tony what was what was it uh

I kicked the around on Thursday show on the on the lunch break what was it um J sha Tate I was being funny oh J sha Tate Jack landelle Victor’s contract Aaron holiday and a pick to the Warriors since they’re cleaning house apparently oh yeah and let’s see that Warriors Bulls

Game was roller coaster okay that’s a strange game right there Bulls were up on the Warriors Bulls scored 75 on the Warriors in the first half were up by what is it 13 and then the Warriors dropped 48 on them in the third quarter and I scored a

48 to 20 in the third quarter NBA something man X wants to keep the pick Bello can Larry Markin be a target for us sure but who would you be willing to give up that you think Utah would want it can’t be the Rockets garbage for

Someone like baring you know so let give me a realistic offer Rockets to Utah for L marketing ring leader J percentage is horrible let finished under the rim is awful we’ve all we’ P we’ve all talked about it like I said You are not alone

In the wanting jayen to be gone from the Rockets group you are not by yourself Utah wants picks yep Jaylen plus Tate wow wow okay Jaylen plus Tate you want or Victor or and Victor contract and two first rounders for lar marketing and is Utah winning now playing much better ball

Last month or so thank you KDC see Lor is nice but he’s not worth the five picks Andy’s asking for yeah that’s negotiating you know he’s haggling trying to get that but no not five picks hell no no no no Rael is gonna do something I’m don’t believe it’s gonna

Be major like y’all are looking for right now ring leader Tony M says he’s a gambler he does not want to trade Jaylen whoa different answers here asleep art say marking is worth two at the most but jmon jmon prepared to go as high as three first round picks and and Jabari for

Marketing woo whoa that’s a lot man Justin said well not not happening boy Rockets had hero on the squad deick how you doing thank you for chiming in Detroit still needs development they need higher basketball IQ that’s that’s a start right there and some confidence but first

Things first just keep it simple I mean some of the stuff y’all don’t basketball this is what Rockets is well in any team basketball at times is not that difficult when you have a an advantage you have a matchup to your advantage you need to waste all this

Time one wonder what to call you maximize that Advantage until the other stops it this ain’t hard k k k C says keep jaar give them am men BG says I still see jayen as a big Prospect and the pick from Nets this year is pretty high plus another first

Round pick plus Tate that’s a good package asleep whoops asleep art says nope wouldn’t trade any our young guys for him give me a come on man only picks not too much not much yeah Justin that’s that’s that’s fact too right there the Miami lifestyle is is better than the Houston

Lifestyle Houston does have a so I remember in my youth does have a nice lifestyle but it’s not like Miami I recall those days those good old days young bull says someone needs to tell Alp to start jumping rebounds he’s not a leaper I mean he’s just he’s just not

You know Jabar is a leaper but Alp still manages to get boards and double doubles you know he’s not explosive but he can still dunk and still get Buckets he does have deficiencies we know it teams know it smart teams know it smart smarter teams will maximize it exploit it more than

Low IQ teams like the Pistons another new name to the show to the family welcome welcome welcome and where are you from are you from htown are you from a foreign country because we got folks from Germany the European continent New Zealand Global tonight so where are you

If you’re htown welcome appreciate that you know how cold is it where you are or how hot is it where you are okay ring leader has given up on Jaylen green he’s given up okay well he said LP can’t jump to the three-point line the effing back

Court has to that’s Jaylen green I think you’re talking about right there specifically Alp can can get up when he’s got a running start yeah he he’s not a a standstill explosive leaper no R leader talking about dalen Green here again hopefully his stock goes up so we can get something for

Him all right Tony M I think you’re alone here tonight anyway wanting to with the minority wanting to keep jayen green here uh I heard Detroit feel the same way about Cade Kade turnovers have been issued for him this season nice injured um he missed most of all last

Season so toss that out but Jaylen dur had ankle problems this year Jay Navy let me say this just for a moment how can you how can a player I’m talking about Jayy how can you be so explosive on offense and be so bad on defense his Jon iy defense his pick and

Roll defense he can’t he struggles keeping the ball handling in front of him it’s awful he is so explosive but his defense is just awful Kade was playing better then got hurt and then of course the game against the Rockets here in htown he couldn’t

Make a shot but he had 10 assists but his defense in that game was bad too Detroit has young players with some potential but they have bad habits and they have low basketball IQs I mean that that’s a bad combination it’s a bad mix Terry with Avi is rust on offense and

Harden on defense you’re not you’re not wrong you’re not wrong Justin with who do they compare Jaden iy to on draft night uh well quickness wise it comparing to Russ you know offensively but his defense is just awful oh it’s awful and the decision making is bad too

Oh no question no doubt Alp and Fred 22 Rockets 24 points in the fourth quarter but no one’s complaining about Alp you’re n picking out about Alp he scored 29 he’s just not an explosive leaper he’s not an elite athlete so there are deficiencies to his game especially on defense

But there are a whole lot of NBA teams who would take 29 Points from their starting five you know I mean hey going 12 for 19 from the floor he’s he’s been there Rocky’s best player this season Jabar played great defense he yeah yeah but you know when Jay Navy doesn’t

Know what to do with the ball when someone with length is on him I mean how good defense is that you know I mean so hey Terry not talking about jabbar’s jumper let’s see Jabar was uh seven for 15 from the floor tonight rocking starters you know Jaylen green was n for 25

Everybody else was above 50% or right around it Jabari and Fred were 7 for 15 each Jabari had 19 and 11 fre had 12 dimes no turnovers must be nice to have a point guard does that must be nice must be nice and and know folks saw folks on

Twitter talking about debar Detroit putting Alp in pick and roll for the switches well part of that I mean was to get regie bulock involved too I mean so it wasn’t all alp’s fault let’s see oh agree Joker is not a great athlete not an explosive leaper but he still gets it

Done and it’s not the same position but in terms of explosive athlete Jay na’vi is way more explosive than Alp who has better game who has better offive game more complete Game more fundamentally sound game LP all day being an explosive athlete is great if you have fundamentals if you have

Skills to match your athleticism because if you play too fast turn it over make poor decisions then what good is being explosive you know you’re out of position don’t box out don’t play smart all these different things Rockets welcome welcome welcome thank you for timeing

In what I think we I brought it up what do you think the start four of the five rocket starters because you know taan Tate only played 20 minutes toar 41 minutes Alp 37 Jaylen 39 Fred 42 and a half the Rockets play tomorrow against a much better team than

The Pistons in the Boston Celtics the Celtics were embarrassed Thursday night by the Bucks their starters did not play the second half at all so the starter should be pissed off and arrested for the Rockets starters who will not be rested but who knows which Boston team’s going to show

Up if Boston plays their AME they’re gonna wax the Rockets but will that happen jaylor defense is is not very good he’s indecisive his post defense is indecisive Cas shot blocking is is not it’s not good as it should have been for somebody as athletic as he is his help

Defense he’s too indecisive it’s the coaching is messing him up too drop coverage why he’s quick enough that he can keep up with some perimeter players at least use angles to help him improve the chance to challenge the shot they don’t do that in Detroit I don’t know what that Detroit I don’t

Know but ring leader Taran Tate Aaron jock Bullock ban need to all be gone let’s see two was that two three five I can see three of those five being gone not all five who hold up where let me get this comment where is it young bull says Jaylen green is

Another Prime Jason Jason Richardson wow yeah back-to-backs are rough the Rockets should should have been wrestling the starters tonight but they played around yeah you know it has happened where teams who played their starters a lot in the first game of the back-to-back find a way to win on the

Second game of the back toback it’s rare it’s not I wouldn’t bet on it especially if if Uncle Jeff in that knee thigh injury keeps him out tomorrow so he can’t go and Dylan probably won’t play tomorrow I think he’s going to play in it maybe Monday or Wednesday gonna get

Tougher space AG how are you we got folks timing in from Germany so welcome uh see there you go so yeah it can be done but weren’t those both those games are at home though right solo I think that was Minnesota and Milwaukee that was coming off a bad a bad loss to

Minnesota Friday and of course the Bucks defense is awful too Boston on paper should be better about defensively but who knows what they’re going to do their pride the Celtics Pride alone should have them locked in from the opening jump ball but will that happen you know E’s first game back as

Head coach of an opponent you know after what happened in Boston let’s see uh space a says no comments about at all about this game you don’t want to talk about how Fred saved the Rockets how Fred and Alp saved the rockets in in the fourth quarter how Detroit in the last two

Minutes how their youth and lack of IQ cost them the game and Fred said thank you very much I’ll take over from here Rockets propaganda says need a big game by random rocket against the Celtics watch me J shant t i be a surprise Tony says hope it is tap to

Bring up his trade value it’s the same story yep yeah it is I’ve seen it a lot this year both teams these are the two teams I watch the most the most Rockets because are cover cover them and Detroit because that’s my favorite team but yeah coach Oka said in press in

Game the rocket stole this one they did not start playing defense until the fourth quarter he even said that this that Detroit probably should have won this game but the Rockets will take it and hey they should there have been a few games this season where where the Rockets played

Well and lost tonight they did not play well until the last few minutes and they won that’s part of it good good for that at the bhead night in Detroit was a hit also they got to figure out what they want him to do because eight rebounds in 18 minutes no

Assists one turnover his decision making could be better as well gotta figure that out Marcus Sasser had seven assists in the first half but when he cut in the game in the third quarter offense bogged down and didn’t play much after that third or fourth early fourth quarter whatever offense is bogged down

With Marcus in the second half and that that helped the Rockets hang around and get back in it which was disappointing but I mean Detroit’s starting Detroit’s point guard tandem of kilan Hayes and Marcus Sasser combined for 15 turnovers excuse me 15 assists and two turnovers and they still

Lost and kilan Hayes took two three-pointers that’s two too many Jay na’vi took six that’s three too many yeah and Justin that that’s my point mon know also roll on the team that’s a problem figure this out man his handles aren’t good enough to have him run the offense fulltime yet

Off the Bench but his role he can play defense he can do other things to help the team win C Cuts how are you doing thank you for joining final moments of this edition of Les talks let’s talk Houston Rockets sponsored by Byron Riley CPA

Gotta do it gotta put up the banner as I almost forgot Byron Riley’s been kind enough to support this show for December and I think two more times in January so thank you and support him it’s important looking for more guys like Byron to come through and be a

Sponsor of the show visit that website Byron Riley or call him 832 303 3995 once again call him because the audio podcast with this got to say it 832 303 3995 or visit website Byron Riley that’s it Justin you are correct Monty is known as a great coach

But he’s not good for young teams he needs vets he’s some of his coaching moves this season have been baffling to the beat writers to some folks with in the organization I know that because they told me when they were here on the first some of the moves that’s like what is he

Doing why is he playing wisman so much why is he doing hey they’re on Pace to win seven games this year I don’t see them getting to seven but with the Right Moves next in offseason which are going to do they could be better and it’s funny you mention this

This young man because I have a feeling he might end up in Detroit Quinn Grimes just putting it out there thought about it for a while oh some of the stuff I said to my buddies on the 1 I can’t say here I won’t say I could say but I won’t

Say about money money in that contract yep Tom Gore is overpaid for Monty yep and Monty already said that he didn’t want the job said he want to sit out this season Tom said no and gave him more money and this is what you’re getting no scoop on Quinn Grimes I

Just his role in in is fading away and I think he he he would have a role in Detroit because hey he plays defense and he can score he’s he could be a younger more defensive minded Alec Burks could be Alec Burks just gets buckets and he gives up

Buckets Quinn Grimes plays better defense and can’t heat up to get Buckets that’ll wrap it up this has been good thank you to my my new audience in Germany of course Terry my rock from New Zealand and everybody else KDC jmon tonym correct Cuts denick

Solo gotta get Mike Will on here again I miss Mike Will where’s he been for a while Justin of course Space Age Rockets propaganda you’re new do not be a stranger X-ray and everyone if you are new let me be clear okay the Houston roundbar review YouTube channel does cover the Rockets

Has a lot of Rocket content but it is not the only content provided on this channel I also cover college hoops the cougs also cover women’s basketball as well we also discussed the Houston Texans hint hint the Texans are in the playoffs Saturday they’re playing the Browns

We’ll have a postgame show after that game just like we have a postgame show after the cougs game at TCU going to be a full day on this channel so do not be a stranger do not roll your eyes when you don’t see rocket related content

Because it’s coming it’ll be here I just have so much more content to provide here on this channel because the Houston round bar view is now a Media Group so it’s more than just the Rockets Nick s been going and being replaced it was this time to go surprised that he

He he stepped down so quickly I kind of thought he’d do it next year but uh good enjoy retirement Bill bich retired well stepped down from the Patriots boy not go to Washington I hope not even though the commanders made a smart move in their hire of general manager so that’s to

Start in the right direction but yes so it’s all good we talk basketball here here on this show obviously because it’s called let’s talk Houston Rockets but other shows by Sports show folks talking Sports Talk More Than That Talk other sports football college football pro football a lot more here on

This Houston round ball review Channel subscribe to this channel hit the like hit the Bell on the channel so you receive notifications when new shows pop up but but I’ve enjoyed it I’ve been to a couple of cougar games and some Rocket Games and I’ve had fans approach

Me because they recognize me and they thank me for the content for these shows so that is a great feeling appreciate that support I appreciate the recognition thank you to everyone who watches this show watches these shows who spreads the word about these shows it’s I enjoy it I really enjoy talking

With you guys Tak a Time spending time with you talking Hoops talking Rockets So spread the love we’re going to be better in 2024 so hit the like button subscribe to the channel spread the word I do things a little bit differently here on this show gotta be

Different gotta stand out for my colleagues and other folks who discuss the Rockets so it’s all good I appreciate that and reminder just one more time and then you know I’m going to end the show my new way to end it go to Barn Ry give him a call 832 303

3995 he’ll be advertising a couple more times on shows this month and then hope he renews but if not and someone else wants to take his place and advertise then email me at karder T for rates and info how to do that and sponsor let’s talks let’s talk Houston Rockets

This is the most popular show on the Houston roundball riew YouTube Channel video version and the audio version so two different ways to reach the audience so two different ways for you to maximize your value in supporting the Houston round ball review going to close it out y’all know

It the Houston round bar review since 1994 the Houston round review local name global Perspective game over peace

Houston Rockets’ fans! Join me — Kris Gardner (KG) owner of The Houston Roundball Review — “Local name, global Perspective — discusses the Rockets road game against the etroit Pistons — with the fans.

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1 Comment

  1. THE ANOINTED ONE- Superstar, cornerstone, franchise or generational type players are born ready!
    *Such a talent must bolster the following attributes, (High BBIQ, leadership, a skill-set, two-way talent, work ethic & tha dogg mentality).
    *Michael Jordan (the savant), explained his knowledge of every facet of the game allowed him to beat anybody in basketball. 
    *M.J. had a remarkable work ethic and a skill set that made him unbelievable and his high BBIQ allowed him to dominate!
    *Presently, Jalen Green has proved 'BORN READY' is not in his DNA.
    *Unfortunately, he's not that GUY.
    *NOTE: The BALL doesn't LIE!

    hlf uwon2

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