@Los Angeles Clippers

Miami HEAT vs Los Angeles CLIPPERS – NBA 2K24

Miami HEAT vs Los Angeles CLIPPERS – NBA 2K24

And Leonard are the forwards then it’s Harden then it’s plumbley and it’s man in at the two hey Brent what an exciting day we have for us here day one of the regular season is upon us and we are ready to go Kevin really stoked to be

With you here tonight you could not ask for a better matchup the energy is palpable and it’s fair to expect both of these teams are going to bring it hip off goes to Miami Hardon against low pass to Butler Butler is screen on Leonard AO with the ball the pass to

Butler and it’s sent back by George always been a tight Defender George not slowing down paage passes it to man lock at six kicks it out to hard and here’s Leonard for three it’s called in by bam iio not quite enough defense that time around just lucky he was

Off Lowry has the open look gets the three-pointer to fall Lowry’s got the first bucket of the night three-pointer for Miami here’s man he’s covered by Hero man can’t hit that’s not going to make you a favorite Target of your teammates they’ll think twice about feeding you you’re going to keep missing

Layups chich passes to Hero here’s AO another shot a strong finish under heavy pressure all over bam grabs the board and then bam knows what to do Harden outside pulls it from the elbow and he hits a jump shot and he’s not going to miss many of those especially that wide open

No he’s automatic from the mid-range and the defense knows that it’s a mistake to give up a shot like that now hero on with 29 Points last game Harden against flower pass to man now here’s Leonard from the ark it’s haed in by bam otobo aio’s got four rebounds in this

Game pass to Lowry here’s yic good ball movement here by the heat hero from long range second CH shot and the call on the shot that sends in the line bio is by no means an ordinary big in this league he’s just one of the few players in the the NBA who can

Legitimately guard one through five true defensive anchor fre throw good out of B so we’re talking about team identities uh Greg what would you say is the Miami Heat identity tough-nosed aggressive and hardworking That’s What attracted guys like Jimmy Butler here in the first place and that’s the style of ball they

Want to continue playing that’s also good so he hits both free throws and taking a look at the LA Clippers Brent a team that just keeps coming up short unfortunately well the Clippers have definitely been more competitive lately and it’s kind of like phase two for them with this group they

Still haven’t been able to get over the hump and they have some work to do really no defense for that Paul George A Gifted scorer that right now is locked in now the pass to Auto it’s all in by George and here’s George he’ll bring it up for the Clippers it’s a three-point

Game and Butler sends it back and Butler he’s a two-way ter I mean that’s the only way to say it sending that one back balls knocked loose kicks to Hero here’s yic at three Off the Mark La gone 0 of two from Deep here Gorge with the ball now defended BYO here’s

Harden it’s all in by the heat Butler deciding where to go with it over Harden and that one’s good by Butler defense had the right idea there but maybe not enough time in the weight room Butler right through that George passes to hun down the three

Ball and they don’t want to get in a habit of giving him open looks from three first quarter still it not who you want to leave over now hero nothing on the board to the middle here’s Lenard whistle blows basket is good so a chance here for a three-point

Play man he’s got that touch working tonight shooting the ball very well to start this one a two-time finals MVP Kawai Leonard Bren he’s shown he can dominate at the highest of levels and when he dominates he dominates every facet of the game at his Peak Kawai is

One of the most impactful players this game has ever seen and that drops so they now lead by one well it doesn’t seem to matter Brent who they bring in everyone seemed to fit in this system in Miami well their identification process and there they do

A fantastic job of putting guys in here who are hungry to go about their business so it’s a nice mix you have young guys have veterans and then have the right start to follow shots good by Butler oh great Focus there Defender with some contact and Butler able to

Glance around it through it and score inside de tck on the Alley and what an alley those two read each other so well it’s a play I’m sure they love to run pass to aobo bio with a scream for Butler here’s yic pass to aay an amazing finish with a hand right

In his face Auto’s got six we’ll see if they can finally hold on to a lead it’s been back and forth all night well you can tell they really want to increase this lead they can’t keep letting them take it for it and the pass ability of

James Harden Elite last Ting for the Clippers they won that game against Oklahoma City now hero still yet to score to the inside count the bucket and he’s got a free throw coming up as well and they’re beginning to just flat out fall apart defensively right now especially on the

Interior and the importance of adabo to this team cannot be overstated well what they rely on most Greg we know is the defensive impact he’s going to make so selfless down there to throw his body around block shots get out and guard pick and rolls and he does it so

Consistently for this squad it gives them a chance to win every night because Bam’s willing to do the Dirty Work and the Clippers one of the more efficient three-point shooting teams Greg in the NBA and Kevin really over the last decade that’s been one of their most consistent traits and

It’s not just because of talent they’re smart about the shots they take well you have to like their work on the boards Kevin particularly here to start the the game hero kicks to Butler pass to autobio now here’s Butler defended by George and it’s sent back by

George and he gets it back count it he has six that basket must be widening out right now and he’s making almost every shot he’s putting up this quarter now here is Harden releases and there’s Paul George and the assist by hard George has got his second bucket that’s a reliable offensive

Option right there shooting with consistency Paul George can get you from a number of spots and Miami calls their first time out of the game now let’s give a look now at the 2K leaderboard to see who led the league in assist last year James Harden number one

And it was the kind of season that he’d like to repeat over and over no nobody was better at creating easy baskets for their teammates outside hero that’s tipped and it’s out of bounds they say it was last Touch by Hero let’s take a second look at that fantastic

Block and in a close game blocks like that are so clutch and that could be a real Difference Maker here tonight and it’s Harden with the ball for Los Angeles they Trail by one outside George the three rebound by the heat outo got his seventh rebound here

Tonight the pass to her the dish Richardson passes to Butler over George and it’s Butler missing and on glass so far it hadn’t even been close Fires for three and James Harden with the three hard got his second Buck of the night the assist totals Kevin just continue to

Grow they’re way ahead in that category ball movement has been Flawless bio with a screen super hero that’s 10 for the first pass of the game after three attempts and then a six sense back from hero using that pick and roll with it and Richardson picking him

Up Leonard with a screen on Butler George that’s a two-pointer can’t nail the jumper oh can’t punish the defense for leaving him open that time that’s a frustrating Miss for a really stead jump shooter Butler is screen on the eight-footer and the nice pocket inside from Richardson and the Heat lead

By two they are just killing him on the interior pass to man now here’s Leonard fades the shot’s good Leonard’s got eight points outside heroo out of with a screen for hero the three-pointer Off the Mark maybe a time to rest him right now just

Give him a bit of a breather try to help him get back on track ball movement here by the heat here’s Butler rebound kawhai leard La is gone three and6 50% from Deep so far tonight pass to harden and here’s George puts up a deep three it’s haed in by bam otobo otobo

Got his eighth rebound here tonight Richardson outside and the pitch to a bay stolen by Harden Leonard with the bar and it’s Richardson picking him up oh in the jam by Leonard and we love it when Kaw takes it over into his own hands what special player timeout called The Heat all

A different look for the Clippers pal he’s backed in for George and Russell Westbrook is subbed in for Terence man Miami’s gone just one4 from three-point range here in the first here’s heis guarded by Powell hero from long range the Clippers grabed the Miss and that one gives them a plus five

Rebound Advantage Kevin and it’s out of bounds the heat will take it the other way right had a chance to check out that for Richardson how he did last season last season put up about 10 points a game two assists and two rebounds and he’s also a bit of a stopper defensively

They put him in and their defense really tightens up this is his special lead it’s on the bench he gauges what’s happening offensively and he comes in and seeks the opponent’s top scorer to freeze him out and looks like the illegal pick was set yep that’s right there’ll get their just careless no

Other way to rbe it to start the game that’s already his third misc the Clippers in the lead Harden with it he has five from deep and Westbrook gets it to go on the assist from Harden the ball movement on this run has been fantastic and a big

Part of why they’ve been able to get these good looks her with the screen on W Richardson good and I like the back and forth here showing Confidence from range it seems like they’re going to find out who can make the deepest threes right now shoot up now here’s Harden his

Last outing 16 points for him and he gets contact and the whistle on Shot Two Shots coming up and there’s the call Miami with the foul and what’s remarkable how complete Harden’s game is making shots or making passes he can create points in a number of ways and

Let’s take a moment guys get your take on the spring so far for Los Angeles so far they moved the ball well leading to open high percentage looks lots of assists in this one well I like that they’ve also emphasized the three-point line they’ve drained a good number from Beyond The Arc

Here the first free throw is good and load management a turn Greg that’s been associated with the Clippers and Kawai rightfully managing his return from ACL injury with care it’s harder to build chemistry when guys are out but it’s all about staying healthy for the postseason catching up on the changes for Los

Angeles PJ Tucker comes in for Kawhi Leonard and Georgia subbed in for Russell West G three-point shooting for Miami has been the story sometimes they run cold like a lot of teams man when they’re hot they are fun to watch a couple years back Kevin they led a

League in percentage from long distance last season one of the worst in that category until the playoffs where they rediscovered that shooting touch that free throw no good and after being one of the worst teams Brent in the NBA for so long long the Clippers have really turned things around haven’t

They no doubt I mean a season ticket to the seller for many many seasons but moving into this building getting a little bit of juice getting some stars in here they become a competitive Contender over the past few seasons and it all has to do with the ownership and

That shift has been fruitful for Los Angeles Clippers and he can’t hit the second Caleb Martin is a classic High effort player using that athleticism BL pass through defenses taking that first step with no hesitation drills the three-pointer George is at his third bucket of the night what a great option

He give them on every possession with a screen Robinson pointer it’s h in by the Clippers George has got his fifth Rebound in this one the three from Harden it’s autobo with the rebound otobo got double digit rebounds now in the game over Harden the shot by

Alio no good looking at Miami they took their win in their last game against the Nets in Brooklyn the three from George it’s hauled in by bam AIO the heat trail by six we’ve got a 9sec difference between the shot clock in the game clock Robinson dishes to

Richardson Martin with the skink for Richardson shoots from 12 and that’s good for two Richardson’s got seven D’s got to pay better attention to Richardson one of the better Shooters on the roster this time he gets it done from the mid-range outside Westbrook Los Angeles with an Miss Kawai

Leonard has been on display for Los Angeles he got to double digits for the quarter with 10 points total we’ll get right back to the action when we return and hope you’ve enjoyed the broadcast so far halfway through the first half in this one and before we move on what do

You guys think about what we’ve seen so far from the clipp well this is The Edge that great Rim protection can give you yeah you can’t be careless with your shot selection out there because some of them are getting thrown back Clippers leading by four out on the wings for him pow and

George round out there with Daniel Ty and it’s Westbrook in a point so that’s the L up on the floor for the Clippers DRS it from outside how’s got the opening basket here in the second quarter for Clippers hero passes to Martin six to shoot and finished off by Martin and how about

Martin just getting up and on the slam’s gone past the three-point line for 13 of their shots six of 13 left side George passes it to Ty and TI he sends it right off the glass there’s hero with a three kicks out to Richardson right with a screen on West

Richardson the pass to Bryant goes back up Buck it is good Bryant got his first points for the game and Bri being down there around the rebound area it’s where he has to stay active with his hand now here is George he’s covered closely and the bask is

Good and here’s hero he’ll bring it up for the heat pass to heith here’s Martin and finished off by Martin going into the rack with energy and the D afraid to cut him off yeah got to Chuck that one up to some shaky defending there’s some ways to get your

Coach’s attention and that draws the coaching staff higher and are the Clippers now the heat getting the but here’s George offt Target on the 15-footer the heat tra by three you know Brent when watching Thomas Bryant I can’t help but notice the potential to be great offensively there’s certainly flashes of

Bryant offensively a skilled big man that can shoot the basketball you have a bit of a breakout season the athleticism and skill there yeah this story in the second quarter much different than the one in the first we’re finally see some aggression T finds Westbrook launches a three and again Los

Angeles the triple they’ve been outstanding from Beyond The Arc this quarter their percentage has been climbing steady and let’s over to the sideline and catch up with David aldri thank you Kevin now e culture seem to be a cliche but it’s not Jimmy Butler says we never lost confidence in group in

Ourselves we know what we’re capable of we just have to go out and prove it we’re not worried about anybody else just the guys in our locker room in coaching staff ownership management back to you guys boy David aren’t they locked in there’s something else thank you and

The Clippers decide to take their first time out here and Los Angeles some changes plumy comes in for Daniel D and James Harden subbed in for brown bio is checked in for Miami rowry comes in for Richardson heat on D Westbrook kicks to harden pass to PO

Just under three and A2 minutes played here in the second quartery with a screen on hero Harden pass to plumbley and Brent an interesting aspect of M plumley’s game is his passing yeah good coaches Greg have found a way to put Mason plumbley in positions to succeed as a passer you

Don’t see that much with big men in the NBA but he’s capable Shu free throw is good when it comes to the essential components of a winning team G how much much importance do you place on veteran leadership Kevin I think it’s important you want a few guys

In the locker room who seen it all players who can keep the ship steady if the team kind of goes AR or or has a tough stretch plumbley hits them both and here in the second quarter of action as we approach foures played there’s the pass to high

Smith bio down low working Onley Oto with the bucket well he’s got to score around the basket that’s where bam aob bio does most of his dmage in traffic Harden hero b line Jay on the way Harden great positioning on the put back and folks he did not lock into that

One he knew just where he wanted to be to grab that backb while rck kicks to by out with a screen on power outside Martin ball movement here by the Heat and it’s sent back by plumbley big athletic guys like plumbley hard to get your shot over them before they can get

Their hands up Second Chances are a great measure of what a team is doing in terms of their effort on a nightly basis and that was some serious effort there now here’s Westbrook six points for him pow no one around him and that comes off the assist by by Russell Westbrook HS

Got a couple of three-pointers in the second for Los Angeles passes it to Auto tries again up and in on the layup bios got four points this quarter the bile not allowing the defense to slow him down plumbley with the screen Westbrook passes to plumbley and it’s slammed in by

Plumbley what elevation he’s a smaller but still determined big man and he likes mixing it up with his impressive vert hero finds bio with the floer and that’s two points on the layup outo got 15 points and the coaching staff continues to impress upon bam keep exploring all of his offensive

Talents his confidence Sky High now here’s Plumley last game out had 14 plumbley sets the pick for George the gray it’s onio with the rebound bios got 14 yep 14 rebounds for him tonight good job on the glass there working hard to establish position and

Put himself in a great spot to come away with that rebound and here’s hero he’ll bring it up for the Miami Heat pass to Ile and the foul called on Russell W that is his first foul the G timeout called The Heat B kawi leonardy checked in for the

Clippers man comes in for Russell West Butler he’s checked in for the heat Josh Richardson comes in for Tyler hero Butler a screen on Harden B passes to Butler does five on the clock Richardson for three rebound by the Clippers their next game playing at home as Nets coming to

Town and that’ll be the third of the four straighted home and the three ball is good and the D’s gotten a little bit relaxed here defending the triple now here is Lowry he’s got five Butler sets a screen for Lowry Miami no good on that time either flippers leading by

Four Leonard the best to man from De Hardon second shot opportunity man gets the bucket man’s got seven points in the game and without looking at the scoreboard you think they were the team Trail and trying to fight their way back Harden to alio and alio throws down oh great feed

By Lowry he’d rather pick up an assist than score a bucket Los Angeles has gone four six from long range in the second quarter solid shooting Leonard against Martin Leonard dishes to hard this one for three that’s good it’s Leonard with the assist hard’s got the lead up to seven outs for Los

Angeles cour Vision on display from Leonard sharing the ball big part of his game pass to otobo he watches it go through the hoop for his eighth make now eight for 14 and they’re forcing the ball inside and it’s working like a charm tipped away stolen by Lowry and

Now Lowry running here we go all the way if he can kicks to Butler Richardson for three trains the three-pointer and now just a two-point Los Angeles lead they’re having more success from three-point range here in the second after a rough first quarter from Harden outside he’s looking for Leonard and

Finds him over Mar and it’s Leonard missing and boy have they been hitting the backboard in this game or what kind of surprising it’s such a tight game it’s good on the fo back Mart got nine points now on the quarter they’re finding Lanes the hoop now with consistency five buckets in a

Row from the paint there’s the pass to man here’s Leonard covered by Martin and Leonard gets it to go 15 points for Co Leonard D has been just completely helpless and turned around he’s so dangerous when he’s in this kind of Rhythm Richards at the screen on George

And it’s good two points Butler’s got eight and so Harden will bring it up for Los Angeles and the Clippers call time here and he could tell his guys were dragging a little bit calling time out to kind of let him catch their breath for Russell Westbrooks checked in for George

Also changing up yic is checked in and hero subbed in for Josh Richardson here’s Leonard he’s got 15 Clippers moving the ball around here’s Harden two free throws coming up and they call the shooting foul now let’s take a look at the most efficient scores in the NBA from last

Year’s campaign second is Mason CL put the ball in the bucket I mean that’s the name of the game right I mean just ask him he’ll have the answer for you take a break two shots and the first one drops and both he throws good for James Harden Miami

Trailer outside hero Butler screen on har now hero d right on him they get it back here’s Butler and he gets the whistle two free throws coming up it’s going to be on J Mar there are trouble makers out in the court and Jimmy Butler

Is one of them and I mean that as a compliment but he have made three of five free throw attempts and one of the highlights last year for this group was the fact that they were so efficient from the T strike that’s a huge Factor the free throw drops for Butler

And Brent the thing you respect about Jimmy Butler here’s a guy with an old school mentality well I love that he competes against the other team Greg but there’s a part of Jimmy Butler and we saw a lot in the last two seasons how much of a protector he is of

Culture so he makes one of two as the second misses Jimmy Butler and his energy is something that is infectious for his team he gets his Squad so energized to work through the toughest moment of the game my goodness save that one I want to see that again me too just absolutely

Beautiful the he Trail by three he’s set the pick kicks it out to Hero that’s in coming off an assist from Lowry Heroes got got eight yeah he couldn’t connect on anything from outside in the first quarter but now he did two threes in the second quarter and

He looks much better now here’s Westbrook he has six they get a hand on it and the latest now from our sideline reporter David Aldridge David it’s all yours take it away thank you Kevin Trey Butler made some headlines a while back in this he wish the NBA would allow more

Of the scrapping saw in decade’s t so would I he says that would shoot his game Jimmy said I want to run into and see who falls down first who’s going to quit first that’s the style of basketball I like to play Kevin ah yep you’re right and it shows da it shows

Thank you so much and this is his third trip to the line tonight and converted more than four out every five fre throw attempts last year so just solid at the line now first one at the line is good Daniel dice is checked in for the Clippers got this got this

Both good from the line that time well he’s come through for them at the line today and you love having a big fell who’s so capable on his free throws t with a screen on but man passes to harden over hero Harden shot is off and it’s out of Bio with the ball

For the Miami Heat outside Lowry outside hero back to Lowry oh such a crappy player Lowry excels it using his body to draw contact this is his first trip to the line tonight and the free throw is good now leading by one the thing that makes Kyle

Lowry so exceptional and and special for the role that he plays is he could create offense for himself he can create offense for his teammates and he winds those in so seamlessly and he mix both free throws 27 seconds left to play here in the half and here’s Westbrook 11-point game is

Outing Harden outside it’s stolen in transition Here Comes Miami here’s hero it’s h in by the Clippers I don’t think the defense does enough out there to bother him I think that one’s all on him just flat out Miss well looking into the gaps of the defense there he’s not

Going to miss many of those when he gets to that range coai Leonard has been on display for the LA Clippers for moments during that quarter it felt like a Onan Wrecking Crew it seemed he was doing everything out there and a chance now to sends it over to David Aldridge standing

By Courtside David thanks very much Eric spoler here with us a lot of three-pointers in the first half how do you limit that going forward there been some airspace issues I mean there are a couple easy ones where we didn’t rotate over on the we side but we’re just not making that

Extra effort to get to those Shooters and we know multiple effort is a big part of what you do thanks coach back to you guys all right David thank you we’ll be back after halftime for the start of the third quarter hey folks Let’s Get Right right

To it how about James Harden he’s having himself a game when you have a first half as good as this one how do you keep that Focus going into the second half well I would go sit and Silent half time keep that body temp up then I do some yoga stay

Loose yoga huh wait can you get on the floor right now and show us hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey no my pants are too tight nobody needs to see that and guys let’s take a look now at that first half from James Harden he’s

Done a great job orchestrating this offense I really like how he’s playing so far Shaq I mean he’s being selective in his approach kind of the opposite of you big fella at the food table oh come on Kitty I’ve seen you scarfing down those vegan snacks what is a vegan snack

Anyway there’s no such thing as scoffing down and vegan in the same sentence and there’s always plenty available that’ll do it for our show tonight thanks for joining us and we’ll send you back to Kevin harand for more Hoops action and if you’re just joining us

We’ve played through the first half in a game that’s been fairly even so far you look at B bio in this game guys he has been everywhere well didn’t take him long to get that double double already has it halfway through the game yeah guys like him love

To stuff the stat sheet he’s doing it here on the flo for Miami the wingman it’s hero and Butler then it’s bam outo then there’s Lowry and it’s Jo in at the four out ofio with the bucket around the rim bam bio makes so many things happen because he’s so atic

And here’s George for three it’s rebounded by yic well the D really getting away with one there no one on it that’s going to be good nine out of 10 times B kicks to Hero misses the three well defended that time he’s a shooter that the D has to

Close down on quickly when he’s ready to pull the trigger now here is Harden Leonard inside defended by Butler Leonard with the bucket Leonard’s got 21 oh defense is pinballing off of the frame of Kai Leonard determin the score and that’ll be two free throws coming up

Officials on the call with the foul that one George and it’ll be his fourth time going to the free throw line in the game shooting to two first one Falls for and that one goes in two from the W time and his work at the free throw line has

Been terrific tonight making the most of his chances passes it to man outside for George Leonard sets a screen for George Miami grabs the Miss that’s one for their first four to start the second and foul on the shot he’ll shoot two at the free throw line and when you

Talk about Tyler hero this is a guy that looks to get better every single season well his focus should be just on improving his percentages you know how versatile he is if he’s able to become more efficient wow look out take a break take break and he knocks down the first one and

Since entering the league Tyler Hero has had higher expectations for himself than anybody else with that kind of size as a guard and his shooting ability he very much will realize it and hero dropped him both probably as close to a sure thing as you can have at the free throw

Line Butler against geord and contact down the shot so he’ll be shooting free throws here one thing you Marvel at the consistency of Paul George year in and year out I wonder when Paul George Greg goes into the off season if it’s more tinkering and and sharpening all those skills or if he’s

Trying to add something cuz I don’t know how you add anything to how versatile a player he is that free throw good from George you look at the massive Halls that have been received in the trades with Paul George that should tell you how valuable PG is

And both free throws good for Paul George and here’s Lowry he’ll bring it up for the heat the lead is two pass to Butler and we’re just about two minutes into the second half now and it’s sent back by George and that kind of stifling effort on defense need needs another look and

Guys that is lock down defense at its finest going right at the shot and enable to knock it away open your eyes outside hero five to shoot gets to go from Beyond The Ark here got the lead up to five now for the heat producing from behind the arc that is

Huge stuff from Tyler hero and right’s shot by George and it’s 13 points for George and boy he’s really in a Groove dominant performance last game same thing this time out seems to be nobody standing in his way no road blocks for him to get to his spot capitalize and

Continue to be aggressive and it’s sent back by trumbley to the paint that’s good and the Heat lead is cut to just one point on the basket Le kaai just so ripped exceptional at powering through the contact timeout called the Heat and while we have a chance let’s

Take a look at the best free throw shooters in the league from last season number one Tyler hero and no doubt he finished the season right where he should have on that list he was Far and Away the best free throw shooter in the league the heed have gone two of six

From the field here in the third pass to Butler to the left side wing out of Bio against plumbley outside Lowry with this screen on hard four on the shot clock they get it back and the foul call kaai Leonard that is his first foul of the game and still early in the

Period and they’re only one foul away from being over the limit here’s Lowry he’s got seven it’s good for long range Low’s got 10 points in the game can’t let Lowry get comfortable from Beyond The Arc because he’s more than capable of hurting you there and Clippers call time here

And a moment now to see some numbers for Leonard he’s coming off an excellent season checking in at about 24 points per six rebounds and four assists and guys he can just explode for points anytime he steps on the court well he looks to score and he looks to score often Harden against

Lry the pass to man plumbley with a screen on hero here’s man Miami grabs the mess Hero’s got his fourth rebound that last one here tonight yeah that’s the third bucket in a row from pay this defense needs to clog those Lanes in the middle he’s got

His first chance at the line here and a look back at his numbers from the free throw line last year 78% so not too bad and the free throw no good and so out of who will bring it up for the a two-point game that one’s good

By Butler and that’s how you share the ball they got what they wanted and Butler put the finishing touches on it Lowry against H passes it through it’s titim now out of B 25 points in the game Paul George with the Ste 14 ft away P it George has got six

Here in his quarter know let’s talk about the first two steps in transition and Paul George out quick and decisively that time and it’s Butler with the jam that is all timing right there just led him perfectly pass to Man Down Low here’s Leonard and to much time in the lane

They called for the 3 second violation and here’s the upcoming schedule for the heat on Wednesday they’re off to Toronto to face the Raptors then on Friday they’ll be taken on Clint capella and the Atlanta Haw well he leading by five now here’s lry he’s got 10 pass to

AIO and the rejection by Harden now the pass to man he’s looking for leard and finds him Fades away it’s good L got 25 points in the game perfecting that shot early on in his career kawhai loves to get to that one outside hero the kick outside to

Butler over George and it goes out of bounds that one off Butler Lo Los Angeles making a switch here Brooks checked in Clippers Trail by three Harden with it 15 points in the game outside Westbrook and foul on the shot so he’ll get a chance at the

Line Kyle wry pick one up there well you give Rell Westbrook any kind of Runway like that he can explode what a terror on the inside and some stats here guys the spring breakdown for the heat great game for them offensively I mean coaches love seeing multiple shots per

Possession and then converting those Second Chance opportunities and I feel like another part of tonight’s game has been the hustle the hustle points getting up and down getting Second Chances getting transition opportunities in fantastic in that area both shots good from a strike for Westbrook talk about playing with a

Controlled intensity and when he does that he’s Unstoppable outside hero kick out side to Butler lets fly here’s yic off Target with his three Lo Angeles they’ve done a solid six of 11 when shooting here in the third quarter Hardon outside for the lead and it’s Miami with the

Rebound got a piece of it Westbrook with it Howry picks him up the shot by George wide open that fall nice Fe that time from Leonard Leonard’s got his third assist on the night and a moment here to take a look at some hustle stats for the Clippers I like their defense tonight

And we don’t talk about that side of the ball you can really change a game when you get a bunch of steals in D in transition and not to mention they’re playing with great great activity a lot of block shots good hands active hands nothing easy for the opposition now

Here’s Leonard he’s got 25 it’s blocked it’s going to be out of bounds Los Angeles will retain possession Richardson is checked in for Miami outside Westbrook spins over Richardson can’t convert on the spin you know really just tried to do a little too much there he shouldn’t be afraid to

Kick that one back out and it’s Butler missing Los Angeles has gone one to three downtown since halftime Le finds Harden and again no good by the Clippers and so adio will bring it up for the Miami Heat hero passes to Richardson here’s yic hasn’t made one

Yet and there’s a whistle that’s going to go on James Harden it’ll be his second foul the game over to the wing and here’s Richardson he’s got 10 five on the clock pass to jovic Miami needs to get a shot off shots good by Hero well the shortest three in the game

Is making use of that corner spot and hero in the right spot that time George against Butler Leonard with the screen on but in the corner Harden be on the yard drops in the Train’s got it all TI up now for the Clippers and you know if you score on

Hard this guy’s going to take it personal answers back Butler has a screen for hero yes and the foul that one on Jordan and that play never gets old the pick and roll will still be an offenses staple 100 years from now trust me this is his third free throw attempt game and

And over the course of last year he was up over 90% And with a stroke like that you see why Daniel T is checked in for the Clippers Lan Norman B comes in for George shot and that one misses La is on two of five with three-point shot since com out of the

Break the shot by pow no good I’m shocked that didn’t turn into three points I he makes you pay on those nearly every time Richardson against Westy and two free throws coming up unable to get that one to go with all contact I’m on here to see the stats for

Butler last season he played outstanding he was around 23 points a game last year five assists and six rebounds and you love how he facilitates her offense just a terrific decision maker so many times it’s with the extra pass man he’s delivering and he makes the first so

Much inside of Josh Richardson is yet to be tapped into an athletic shooting guard who can play both ends of the floor he perfect from the lionstee Clippers Trail by four Harden outside he kick it to Westbrook Brook and there’s feed to Leonard shooting foul as the whistle blows he’ll shoot two free

Throws you can’t be Reckless guarding Kawhi Leonard he feels out Defenders so well and exploits them when they overc commit he made the only free throw attempt he had earlier in the game and he was dialed in at the line season to go 87% from the line

The first one Falls in terms of two-way players Kawai has to be one of the guys that you would consider as one of the elites Defensive Player of the Year calber guy on the wing and he can also carry you offensively Amir Coffey checked in for Los Angeles Leonard hits him

Both the heat with the lead now Richardson 12 points for him it’s deflected here’s cord defended by Butler kicks it to Westbrook Los Angeles with other Miss Miami’s gone downtown to loton time they missed five of their nine attempts out there and wrestling for it there but

No one has possession we’ll have a jump ball how with it and it’s Martin picking him up fast break here they come here’s Westbrook money from the wing Westbrook’s got 10 points in the game the effort from Russell just tremendous there and that’s what he’s known for just keeps making tough shots against

Good defense Butler is screen up West the kick outside to Butler barries the long range jumper Butler’s got 10 points here in the second half flat out taking the game over and there’s no way he’s going to give it up and that comes off the assist by Russell

Westbrook Westbrook’s got six assists in the game and here zero he’ll bring it up for the heat they lead by one a minute 42 left in the third quarter that time from Leonard teammates right now covering up for the type of off performance he’s having terms of

Scoring this has not been his best now here’s Westbrook 10 points for him fou for three hits it from point range he’s got 11 and Russell right now playing heads up looking for guys Hero on the wing guarded by po pass to Butler six on the shot clock here’s

Martin and a lot of contact on that one so he’ll shoot two here it’s on kawh Leonard they are making it look easy at the free throw line here in the second half he’s o of at the line in this one take a break take a break two

Shots he makes the first and the heat with some changes he is checked in and Kyle Lowry subed in for Jos Richardson second free throw no good the Clippers in the lead in the corner it’s Westbrook offt Target in three-point range well he got off to a terrific

Start from the perimeter but in second half he can’t seem the build on that early success and that is a big time shot and a really D foul don’t give him the and one on a three-pointer first trip to the free throw line for him

Tonight and not the guy you want to see at the line too often season numbers has him in the bottom tier of the league one J 43 seconds left in the third outside w and oh boy a lot of contact there but he gets the call and will shoot two and

Westbrook scoring it comes in bunches but such a key to it all is for him to get himself to the free throw line he’s top 40 all time in free throw attempts no good on the free throw and the second free throw good the felt like he was a little hesitant in

The first half but really he’s amping himself up here and battering around to get himself to the free thr line now hero he’s got 18 shot clock at six Bryant a screen on Power and Bryant slams it in good job by Tyler just finding the open teammate and showing some good awareness

The points come in bunches as we wrap up third quarter it’s been a good one heat up front leading by four and we’re coming back in just a moment get ready for the fourth quarter of action when we return while we have the chance now folks let’s

Go to our State Farm assist of the game yeah an easy choice tonight look at the Precision on this pass put on a form well there’s a way to break down the defense with the handle but you can do it with a pass prime example of that right

There and with three quarters behind us we start the fourth quarter what is still anybody’s ball game so with Leonard on the bench here’s ton L going with out of the wings for him po inj Daniel T out there with PJ and it’s Westbrook in at the one spot now here is

Martin pass to autobio shot up two there 27 points for bam out ofio and won’t find many more games as entertaining as this one no this is about as high octe in a game as you’re going to find here’s George the pass to P good ball Mo here by the Clippers and

George with the stop well PG can get in the zone and those zones can stretch for a long time Heat leading by four with the screen on L passes to UT and the shot goes down guys all about hard work from this point on they’ve worked hard to create that high quality

Shot and then able to knock it down find the lanes find the lanes one shot fre throw good out of B 60 seconds off the clock here in the fourth now here’s West outside George fires away from outside and they hold a huge advantage on the backboards out of Bio finds

Lowry passes to Martin Martin with a screen on George pass to utome just five shoot here’s heis from Deep Richardson and it’s the Clippers with the rebound George has got his seventh rebound of the game with that last one at the top of the key Ty back to

George T sets a screen George runs it from downtown George has got five points in the quarter that gives him his second three of the half three total for the game now against Richardson out of by the screen on pal here’s Richardson again the Miss by the Heat Clippers Trail by

Four Westbrook dishes to George fourth quarter of playing we’re up two and half minutes it right now no good on the three the heed have gone to a four from the field since we started the final quarter of play out of Bio outo with a screen on

George Smith shot is good Smith got the lead to 7 up for Miami that’s a high percentage look when the D doesn’t fight over the screen coach over there just ask for one simple thing and that’s some effort got burned on that one now here’s George off the left rim and out that’s

Pretty much the only way to keep him from taking advantage of you down low you got to play tough physical defense Richardson against P Richardson pass to Oto and Oto throws it down nice use by Richardson on the pick and roll whether he’s passing or shooting his decision making in this one

Has been superb George looking over the floor good work there as a c George has got 16 here in the second half fourth quarter of play and over three and A2 minutes have gone by outside Lowry pass to utob it’s stolen by T the three epic goes in and the Miami

Lead is down to just four points in the bucket from Tucker and making the most of his three-point chances that’s Tucker just spotted up and ready to go mry KS to Martin in the corner it’s Richardson shot on the way it’s haed in by Los Angeles Pow with it now defended by AIO

From 18 ft Away George no good Le Heat leading by four Lowry passes to Martin again the Miss by the heat that’s the only way to take him out of his comfort zone from that range get right up in the Jersey force him off the spot outside George the kick out to

Westbrook and it’s off from three-point range here’s Mt at in coming off an assist from AO out’s got his third assist on the night and here’s West Brookie he’ll bring up for Los Angeles they Trail by six outside George fires from Deep bangs home the trifecta George has got a pair of Threes

Here in the fourth quarter for the Clippers now he’s starting to get it going four three-pointer in the game for him and three have come in this half and he’ll shoot free throws here clearly fouled on that shot that time the whistle blowing and Martin doesn’t fear anybody he loves challenging the defense

On the inside and drawing F take a break take a break Two Shots first one Falls for and right now at about 85% from the line that up from where it was in that first half for Clippers plumbley is checked in for Daniel Ty under comes in for PJ Tucker

And James Harden has subbed in for pal then the heat yic is checked in and it’s Jimmy Butler in for Richardson and so he hit both George with the ball Hy with a screen on Martin inside is stolen by adabo and here comes the break pulls up and there’s Martin that’s

Good on the assist by AIO otob bio’s got four assist now tonight Clippers Trail by seven George with the ball now defended by AO and Oto sends it back and P with the emphatic block hero against wook three-pointer the rebound by Harden Los Angeles has gotten three of their six

Three-pointers to fall here in the fourth here’s Westbrook there’s the three rebound by theat Heroes got five rebounds tonight to the paint and out of throws it down watch out when adabo gets vertical that’s a big bam outside Westbrook and it’s Leonard the elbow and that comes off the assist

By Russell Westbrook Leonard’s got 29 in the game Heat leading by seven and there’s the pass to Butler Butler is screen on Leonard now here’s aabo po loose passes it to Butler down to five on the shot clock good ball movement here by the heat three-pointer Martin

It’s good again and an excellent seven for eight shooting night so far first three of the half second of the game can he heat up Hardon scanning the four there’s the triple crams it from Beyond The Ark one points a game nice answer back there love to see the competitors

Yeah both teams finding ways to the three-point line and trying to take advantage from distance you know no good and even though he did get a piece of that shot you love the pressure he puts on the shooter yeah that’s the kind of energy that you want to see on every

Possession throughout the game and it’s Westbrook missing there are ways to contribute that don’t involve shooting the basketball that’s the best way that maybe he can help them out trying to win this game a terrific break right there great strength to finish through the contact mans checked in for James Harden

Kyle Lowry he’s checked in for Miami that one misses for Westbrook Heat leading by five out with the ball now guarded byley Westbrook against hero from Deep three-point land it’s h in by Los Angeles and he didn’t punish him for the weak coverage there but they can’t count on him to

Continue missing and he’s easily been their best rebounder tonight well he’s been everywhere and collecting those rebounds that hends any kind of offensive possession and gets them started re find hero the middle here’s R blows bucket is good and he’ll have a chance at the L to make it a three-point

Play James Harden he’s checked in for the Clippers and one difference this half is that when they get to the line they’re converting enter on the wing it’s good the assist that time for Harden Harden’s got his seventh assist of the game with that last one Miami leading by

Six the kick outside to Butler right through the knee for the L 21 points for Jimmy Butler that is a tough two right there from Butler really his calling card red play and 100% effort and the baset is good got to go through on the contact so a free throw

Coming up a great opportunity for three-point play and so here is Miami it’s a five-point game now a timeout called by Miami and Kevin he saw his his guys just a little sluggish out there often times a timeout like this allows you to kind of just reset

It’s time now to hear from our Hall of Fame reporter David Aldrich what the way to D well guys during the last break the listen to Eric spoler address the team now he reminded his team keep looking for the Deep ball if the three is there

Take it you’ve done a good job getting those looks so keep taking them back to you guys thank you David Martin from outside and it’s by Leonard one of the most versatile defenders in the NBA why Leonard getting all of that one George against Butler Harden left

Side it’s h in by bam out of Heat leading by five he dishes it to Butler out to the right wing 14 feet away aobo with a bucket bio’s got 39 just a lot of force coming from bam that time he takes the hit and still focused enough to score to the right

Side and he’s fell pretty hard on that shot but he’s got the chance to pick up the points in the line so the first one drops and that turns the lead to six Leonard hits him B boy they need those throws to go down they’re definitely been Striking

Distance L passes to Butler and that one clearly a foul gets the whist and two shots come up that one on George well the last thing Jimmy Butler’s afraid of is a little contact Sho he drops the first one and that increases their lead to six

And so both free throws is good and it’s a seven-point game and the lead getting safer and safer as these throws from the stripe go in Butler against George pass to man Le with a screen on hero man passes to Leonard and two shots coming up at

The line as he gets fouled on the shot and there’s the call Miami with the foul first free throw is is good and that trims the lead to six Leonard hits in both 112 left in the fourth quarter here’s Lowry and it’s up the back rim no

Good and so George will bring it up for the Los Angeles Clippers over B and again no good by the Clippers Iam’s G disappointing two ass six and three-point attempts here in the fourth to the inside that’s in coming off an assist from Lowry time we in total

Command of this game the time starting to run out yeah looking for a miracle worker out there is the opposing coaching staff I don’t know that they have one this game seems to be well in Hand Los Angeles calls timeout they Trail by seven there’s 47 seconds left in the fourth

Quarter gge against Butler the shot by George no good and here’s Miami they lead by seven Butler against pley lets the three fly the rebound by Harden and I think they realize any hope of a comeback is on well realistic at this stage of the game they’re going to

Lose this one but will they take something from the loss fires the three rebound by the h and here is hero and so it’s Miami winning this one they seem to relish their role as the bad guy here tonight you know I sense that as well I mean they really did feed

Off all of that negative energy this crowd was directing at them I mean they turned it around and used it as motivation to close out a significant win and now let’s catch up with David alge you standing by from the sideline all right Dave thanks very much Jimmy

Three-point shooting was at a premium how big was it tonight much appreciated David and that’ll wrap it up folks for Greg Anthony Brent Barry and David Aldridge this is Kevin Harland thanks for watching the NBA presented by 2K sports we’ll see you next time the f


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