@Minnesota Timberwolves

“Naz Is A Starting Caliber Player.” | Mike Conley Shootaround Sound | 01.20.24

“Naz Is A Starting Caliber Player.” | Mike Conley Shootaround Sound | 01.20.24

Okay Mike as the team is looking for your fifth win in a row what would you say is rolling right now with the way your ball Club is playing um I think collectively um you know we’re really just finding ways to win different nights defensively we’ve had you know

Some really good nights some nights we’ve we’ve um kind of started out slow but at some point during the game we’ve kind of figured things out as a team and that’s allowed us to um you know be able to get some of these wins and you know

On the road and last last game against Memphis and um so I think we’re just you know we’re finding ways right now and it’s that time of the year too where you just you know teams are throwing different things at you and you got to

Figure out how to do how to how to manage them and um and just got to keep adjusting as it goes we’ve saw some special play from your teammates um let’s talk about um naasri he started off with when he came into the game just really impacting the game what what how

Much more can this guy do when he comes out on the court when you see Nazis potential uh Nas I think in a lot of our eyes he’s a starting caliber player you know he’s a guy that can come in any night and um change the game win you

Games um he can get hot I mean he he’s a veral player he can do a lot of things on both ends of the floor um handling the ball moving the ball shooting the ball posting up so uh he’s a he’s a real mismatch and a threat at all times so

Having a guy like that a tool um for us to use you know every game is is a a luck and Anthony Edwards obviously getting some national love from everybody else but someone you day in and day out see what he can do on the court um what you

Know you’ve talked about it before but what are some of those special traits when you’re with him day in and day out uh I mean I think it’s just his passion you know number one the way you I mean everybody hears him talking he’s really loud he’s very excited about coming into

The gym he wants to work he wants to get better and um that kind of infectious attitude is what sets him apart from a lot of different guys um outside of his ability on the court we know what he does on the court he can uh defend he

Can take over the game defensively offensively he can take over the game so um it’s just been fun to just see him be himself and uh get recognized for that uh in a positive light and in this U match up tonight with OKC would you say that this matchup might be kind of

Becoming a rivalry and what are some of the things you see the challenges in this battle yeah um it’s going to be a fight you know OKC is a a well coached team uh a lot of great talent over there and they’re young and they’re hungry and

Um and so far this year they’ve they’ve you know beat down the whole league they’re just doing what they do so we got to be ready to go um you know last time we played in LKC they really you know had our number and um so we got to

Be locked in and ready to to you know make our adjustments when we need to and um and and try to implement our game plan a little bit better than we did in OKC uh it’s not going to be easy at all we’re a very good defensive team uh I said very

Well coached offensively where they got a lot of good guys who get in the paint and make plays and uh very unselfish team so you know we just got to be ready to go you’ve seen a lot of talented scorers in the league throughout your career what is there almost a throwback

Element to to Shay’s game or maybe what makes him unique he’s still comfortable in the mid-range not always Topline speed but can always get to the rim what what do you kind of see in his game um I love his game he’s one of my favorite players uh actually to watch and you

Know I think the pace in which he plays with this is so different um he’s not just going 100 milph he’s playing at a a relaxed pace at his Pace he kind of turns it up turns it off and um and can score at all three levels at an

Efficient High rate and that doesn’t happen very often in our league today too so you know I think bottle that up in one player you got a guy who you know probably is in the MVP category right now so he’s um he’s a he’s a fun young

Talent and he’s seems like he’s just getting better and better Mike how does your role continue to evolve but when you’re C cool Collective but yet you’re kind of the glue holding this offense together how does your role keep a ball um you know it’s always been since I got

Here is try to figure this thing out for you know all the guys on the court and make the game easy on everybody and uh you know every every game can be different some games I got to score some games I’m trying to facilitate uh play

Defense whatever it may be so um I’m just trying to you be that chameleon adjust to the game see what the game throws at us and uh make sure that our team’s ready to go and um and that we’re confident and moving at a at a high rate y yep thank you

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  1. I don’t think people realize around the NBA how special Mike Conley is to an organization until you have him on your team. This man has help changed the culture for the Timberwolves. If you have watched almost every game since the 03 and 04 season when KG was MVP and the wolves had Sam Cassell. This is the best TruePoint guard we have had since him. You can tell Conley is having fun and enjoying his time with us. This man truly is like a chameleon on the court! off the court, He is even a better person. We appreciate you in Minnesota Mike! It would be truly special to win our first NBA championship as an organization with you at the helm. It would also be special for yourself I’m sure to win your first after being in this NBA and getting so close. This is the most talented roster you have ever been part of, you are so close Mike. One day at a time we truly have a chance this year! 🏆🐺🙏

    No one is going to beat this Timberwolves team in a seven game series!

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