@Brooklyn Nets

James Worthy Disappointed LeBron and Lakers embarrassing loss to Nets 130-112

James Worthy Disappointed LeBron and Lakers embarrassing loss to Nets 130-112

Hello and welcome to ACC sportset Lakers driv by your Southern California Honda dealers Chris McGee big game James Worthy metal World piece a brutal loss for the Lakers versus the Nets who came into this game losers of nine of 10 14 of 17 and guys the Lakers were up 12

With 2 minutes and 24 seconds left in the first half and get blown out by the net 6844 in the second half the Nets hit 19 threes and they got 59 points from their bench and those good feelings we all had in the pregame show not really with us

Right now big game no I mean uh we talked about pregame about the danger of a game like this uh about you know Ben Simmons being out which I really think made a big difference anyway but we said that these guys are professional athletes and you have to respect them

And I think the L did for a portion of the game and then at some point they just stopped playing defense and Brooklyn started to play defense and and they gave up a lot of Threes which they started to hit uh you you can’t count on a team that’s trending in the wrong

Direction not bouncing back especially in La they want to beat the Lakers uh disappointed loss disappointing loss um I I I just thought that they were going to come home and take care of business and this one loss it just it just makes everything that they’ve done the last

Week just kind of disappear because they needed to win this game and they needed to Trend in the right direction uh you know Brooklyn shot 53% from the field 41 from three and there were a lot of open threes they got 10 steals they all played the Lakers they all played they

All played them and the Lakers disrespecting them they didn’t take them they didn’t take them seriously and uh they got their asses handed to them yeah and it was embarrassing I’m glad you brought that up with shooting big game James 53 54% you know the last 10 games

They’ve been shooting close to 40% at 42 11 threes made per game they make 19 three-point percentage 30 it was 40 tonight they’ve only been scoring meta 107 per game The Last 1030 tonight yeah you know offense is sometimes the best defense you you move the ball you move

The defense and it takes their legs away on offense and tonight we was a little bit stagnant so they had you know a lot of a lot of energy to go to go attack the Lakers and you know and get Buckets they’re moving the ball but we were not

Moving the ball as much so put us in a bad spot let me ask you guys were you sensed this game changed I felt watching that first half Lakers came out with pretty good injury they’re still riding off that highve the last two wins and they were playing well offensively but

To me it reminded me of like you go into a fight and the Lakers just thought they were going to win this through the first punch but they weren’t expecting Brooklyn to fight back and they were up 12 and I think that’s the importance you’re always teaching youngsters too B

Like closing quarters and halves is important CU all of a sudden Brooklyn starts hitting threes and they’re right back in it and they come out and win that third quarter 38 to 22 embarrassing and and that’s this is a team that you know it’s not like they want to lose

They just haven’t had the been equipped with the Personnel but when when you feel like you’re being disrespected and and and they sensed that the Lakers were uh just taking them for granted and that they weren’t you know really pounding down I think the Lakers Lakers had

Continued to pound them they would have given up but they sensed that they were being disrespected a little bit uh Claxton uh who this guy come off the bench cam it just Thomas you know you can’t allow that to happen I mean you know we we have a big man that that

That’s plays very hard but Claxton came in and you know just musle muscled us around and you know around somewhere in that second quarter I think we were up 12 I think they got it to five or something like that um I think that’s when they sense it like like look we’re

In La you know this is LeBron ad they think they’re all that and so let’s go out and show them and and they did and and and they sensed it and when when a team senses that and they started to get hot and they started to play hard and

You haven’t been you can’t just FIP that switch they got you they had them yeah I you know not enough driving and kicks you know up 12 and you get excited like you’re you’re in Los Angeles and sometimes that could be a gift and a cur

You know you got to make sure you you finished the job you know when you’re when you’re on that Court you got to kind of take out Los Angeles take the Lakers off you know in front of your shirt and just act like you back home

And back in the park because it can be a little distracting you get excited you up all the celebrities are out there and you just take your foot off the gas cam Thomas guys he went off for 33 he was 13 of 18 four of seven from three Clon went

For 22 and 14 so you got to give those guys guys credit and you saw that highlight a moments ago big game James where they threw that alleyoop claxon there there was no one in the pain even near him and and here you see these two

Right here B what they did to the Lakers yeah I mean no one was really talking about these two guys until tonight now they’re going to be talk I just think the Lakers really need to have a team meeting and stop this nonsense of beating good teams you know

Uh Oklahoma beat the Clippers you know a while back you be Dallas stop this nonsense of losing at home it’s embarrassed and it’s indicative that you’re not taking your home court seriously and you’re taking teams for granted you can’t do that in this league

Cuz if you do they sense it and and they you know the one thing teams don’t like to be is disrespected especially by an elite team like Los Angeles so you know you you you you started well and you did not finish somewhere somewhere along the

Way you said okay we got them and when you do that it it it turned around yeah I mean 68 points in the first half and then the lack of defensive energy in that third quarter really puts them behind and then the fourth quarter it’s the Nets doing whatever they want um you

Got to put this loss up there with with one of the worst ones of the season right considering where they are 2121 how they kind of climbed out of that hole uh for that month after the inseason tournament and and just the feeling of how you know winning four out

Of six meta uh back to another low point for you or no I mean yeah it’s definitely a low point considering that the planing is looking like you’ll be out of it and not going towards number six going towards number 11 so you know they got to figure out a

Few things it seemed like the Nets came in here and said let’s get a win let’s go out and party tonight you know you really know you got to protect your home floor and this is a big opportunity it was a little bit too much stagnant like

I said not not a lot of ball movement me which and also I can see Guy guys need to work on the game a little bit more got to get in the gym you got to be able to you know work on your game and and

Not rely on Davis and LeBron you know all game yeah I mean listen in the first half though the ball 20 assists put up 68 points it’s just a tail of two halves there and it kind of started the last two which is what I don’t which is just

Hard for me to understand how you start a game playing the way you’re supposed today and they want what happens you they just quit for some reason uh is my addition correctly did they have 70 points Off the Bench they had 59 59 points 59 points Off the Bench three

Guys with double figures Lonnie 15 big game Dennis Smith Jr 11 and 33 from cam Thomas they had seven guys okay the starters the starters had 70 that’s what it is with 59 From the Bench with Cam I’m not surpris he is a score I can’t really you know you can’t really stop

That kid but the rest I can’t V for well you know we had our our bench you know I picked ruy for and he had zero points tonight yeah ruy struggled over happen LeBron struggled a little bit Yeah was over for six from three so it’s uh it’s

Hard to it’s hard to to figure out what it is with this team’s mental state that allows them to get into this type of play at home against a team that’s trending downward in a lot of categories not shooting the ball well losing small and today the Lakers made it look like they

Were a playoff team yeah just a bummer because you were thinking won four out of six you won two in a row got Portland on Sunday now you’re on a four- game win streak heading into that Clipper game I was looking for five in a row I was

Looking I was looking to run off four or five games in a row at home yeah the record is you know it would yield that to us but when you come out and you don’t take care of a game in 48 minutes and you allow Brooklyn to come in and

Totally embarrass you in front of your home crowd and it’s not the first time we’ve seen it so I don’t like it I’m sure they don’t like it but it’s not Laker basketball that they played tonight yeah all right let’s get you to the uh highlights Lakers taking on the Brooklyn Nets ad

James Worthy Disappointed LeBron and Lakers embarrassing loss to Nets 130-112


  1. All these players should be eligible for trade. Lakers should be ashamed of themselves by allowing a common Nets to beat them at home. You guys are embarrassed to the lakers organization, fans and their opponents. This should never happens when you quit playing good basketball, no defense mentality and no ball movement. Shame on you guys!!

  2. Lakers fans at the game are non passionate. At The Forum fans would boo terrible play. Now since Dr. Buss passed owners don't care so fans don't care. Losing is acceptable it seems with the Buss children. But since ticket prices are so high it's mainly celebs and faux fans are at the game. They cheer if everyone else cheers but don't care if we're losing. I hate this teams effort and it's been this way before LeBron got here even in Kobe's last years. So different players same results. That's leadership.

  3. What kind of defense, what the HELL!!! 19 3rs com on man! No structure. Trade everyone, fire everyone! What a joke

  4. Time to get rid of the bum known as leflop lames, this is what happens when you allow lebron to make all the decisions, lebron is mad cause the refs didn't kiss Lebron's a$$

  5. Well at least the Lakers won the mickey mouse title and are mid season Champs. Was fun watching the team celebrate that! 😂

  6. James Worthy will always come out with some hilarious excuse but this time beat the stupidity meter by a mile! What is this disrespect he's talking about when comparing two teams that are almost identically ranked within their conferences? It's not like the Lakers are fighting for the top spot in the west or even top 5. Disrespect my a**. Even so they had a full quarter to sober up and fix things not make it even worse

  7. Reeves got paid now we see why nobody drafted him he got cooked and what happened to Rui n vando they trash stop putting them on tv they are a g-league team

  8. No one talking about cam thomas wow James you are embarrassing you really didn't know about cam thomas lol

  9. Don't worry, Lebron is not going to the finals. That's cause i've ride him so much he's not going to the finals

  10. funny thing is LeBron went 9-22 with 4 tos…thats horrible play…but I'm sure its not lefrauds fault its everyone else right? ..this is laughable

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