@Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors REFUSE To Accept Reality…

The Golden State Warriors REFUSE To Accept Reality…

I just think that with Wiggins the fact that he came into the season averaging 12 points he was one of the worst Corner Shooters at one point he had like a 41% true shooting because he’s already like a guy that if his three-point shot isn’t falling defenses aren’t going to respect

If his defense isn’t there either the main value he brought is okay I’m going to be a wing that can get my buckets and I can play defense and that’s my values to the team he’s not like a playmaker he’s just solely a play finisher so when you’re not finishing play and your

Defense also looks compromised to where I can say B is a better Defender than you the value that he’s adding to lineups on a night and night basis isn’t there our best lineups on the season have not featured Andrew Wiggins so like I get trying to raise up his value but

When you already move him to the bench at that point it gets kind of tough because it’s like you’ve already lowered his value as much as it could be and it’s like kuminga at this point should be the number one player that you Embrace so it’s like a tough happy

Medium that I think Kerr’s trying to F with that cuz CU I do believe the Warriors are trying to trade Andrew Wiggins I do believe that yeah so to put in perspective when he is on the floor we’re a minus 9 almost 10 we have a 115 offensive rating and a 125 defensive

Rating with him off the floor we’re a much better offense and we’re a plus six net rating or plus seven if I round up 119 offensive rating 112 defensive rating so with him off the floor we are legitimately like a completely different team we go from I didn’t know it was

That bad we go from a b feeder to like a midlevel above average team with him off the floor I know you just brought up the uh the onoff numbers but I I just took a look at the uh the cumulative cumulative plus minus Andrew Wiggins is on the season is a minus

189 which is good for 497th in the league everybody else around him is Pistons Blazers uh Spurs Grizzlies oh wow so a bunch of Bottom Feeders yeah that’s how bad he’s been man and it’s hard to he doesn’t have that much crazy value man I don’t know

Why he keeps getting run I don’t know what he has on Steve CER I get like the trade reasoning but you need to close with kaminga bro like you close with kaminga in that game against Milwaukee you probably win I’m not going to lie I know yeah I don’t think you have to

Close with Andrew Wiggins like if you just have him starting to raise up his value then that’s fine do that but he doesn’t have to close every game especially when Kur says well I keep it fluid it like you know whoever’s playing the best even though it’s not really

That but you know on paper he says whoever is playing best so he doesn’t have to do both if you’re going to bring Andrew wickins into the starting lineup to try to raise his value then do that but if there’s a game that is there for the taking taking kuminga out for Looney

Who who by the way has also looked like a shell of himself this season just doesn’t make sense when kuming has been outplaying in pretty much every game for the most part now I I feel like the difficult part about the whole wiggin trade situation is that I have no idea

What his value even is like I don’t know what team I don’t know think about him right now I know he was linked to like the Cavs and the Pacers so I think the Warriors are kind of looking for a big yeah I don’t know his value was neither I’m confused

I know it’s low I just don’t know what we’re getting in return for someone like Wiggins time at a time at a time wiggin has made sacrifices for the team that should be known he took less money uh he moved the birth of his child uh I think

Up just to play basketball for us which is great barely Miss reg season game yeah like not even a playoff game no like he he gave a lot to this franchise and to this team SO trading him is tough obviously but I do think that’s the move we have

To make I still have like the tiniest of belief that he could turn it around but I think it’s just a little too late because the more he plays better now the higher the trade value and the quicker he’s probably going to get traded I feel

Like the issue with it right is even if he plays better my problem is with Wiggins on this team I think there’s a ceiling to what you can get out of kuminga because C’s gonna be play playing Wiggs over him mhm I agree I think that’s true um because of Steve

C’s inability to coach I think we just have to trade him and and so yeah that’s that’s primarily it bro I don’t know if we’re going to get in return we’ve been linked to Jared Allen I think we’ve been linked to some of the bigs in Indiana I don’t know what

The hell you’re going to get in return I have to look at J first of I gen have to look at wiggin’s Contract cuz I don’t know what it is exactly in 20 in 2026 2027 he has a year he could potentially make 30 million that’s insane we lowkey

Overpaid this guy so he’s making 24 now and 26 and to put in reference with other I think Jared Allen’s contract so he sign by the way the Cavs like I I don’t see it because it’s like why are you trading your most because they don’t

Want to run they don’t they don’t want to run two bigs anymore they they the two big thing that they don’t want to do and they’re actually I’m not gonna lie the Cavs are team that I made a video on them a year ago they’re in desperate

Need of like I used to I use Mel Bridges and Andrew wigz as an example they win when when I said this at the time Wiggins was playing really good so that’s why I compare the two together but um yeah so I said Andrew Wiggins Mel Bridges you need someone who’s a wing

Who can score the basketball shoot the three while also playing high level defense and they that’s the caliber of player Wiggins can be for them and I think they’re their believer of like EV mob’s ability to hold the defense down by himself so every all the signs to me

Are looking towards trade the the guys who have helped you win so much because if you look at it from this perspective Moody bods kaminga tjd and I’ll include Steph because he’s still our best player I know he’s playing completely terrible but I know who he is I know he can still

A tribute to a winning friend a team that wants to win during this entirety of the Season these have been your consistent guys who have been able to give you something from a game to game basis and you continue to go to guys like Looney who’s been hit or miss

Wiggins Hit or Miss Kay been having a better stretch but he’ll still give you games where it’s like he’s hitting or missing his shots and that’ll really hurt you because defensively he’s not the same guy he used to be a lot of the veteran guys are just not giving you

What they should be doing and you should be relying on some of the younger guys like bods like yesterday when we’re mad at obviously Steve Kord not playing kaminga but another issue was that you played Wiggins and that took away from bod’s onbl reps because we’ve seen what

He looked like in that Milwaukee game getting pretty much essentially getting it Al the mud where he would get grenades crazy step back threes and he would just have to create out of nothing and he was still scoring like like efficiently as well so I’m just thinking

To myself imagine you give him a flare screen imagine you give him a high screen ball like a high screen ball uh pick and roll as well right and someone like Brook Lopez is playing drop he can shoot pullup threes he’s a good pull up pullup three-point shooter as well so

It’s like you should be able to maximize him because he’s should be the one to looked at to be that backup point guard to be the um someone who can lead like a team Off the Bench in terms of scoring output as well along with kaminga maybe

If kaminga has a or starting right and you didn’t look to that you put in Wiggins it took away his reps and then you seen how the fourth quarter went extremely stagnant you’re relying on Clay who had a good fourth quarter in that game to make a lot of his tougher

Jump shots when you have another good shooter in be who’s capable of playing on ball and those those are the type of things to me that just hurt your team is when you don’t go to guys who’ve been a playing well all night and B need the

Rep and this guy has been one of your better players to start the season Steve ker pointed it out that’s why you said he’s essential for these team for the these lineups because defensively he’s a positive offensively he’s a positive and you can get a lot more out of him even

With him playing this limited role so that’s another mistake I think Steve Cur is doing is just Mis utilizing guys on this team and they’re still thriving that’s the funny part to me as well so it’s like he sees them thriving so he doesn’t think it’s a problem but to me

It’s like they could be so much more if you play them a certain way like I understand he’s young he’s going to have turnovers he’s going to make mist mistakes but I need those mistakes to happen for him to get better like it’s better that they make the mistakes right

Now rather than making them in a a critical situation you know because they never got got the chance to learn from them when you come into the season where your best players are the the younger guys compared to the veteran players with B trace and kuminga you need to

Maximize those guys because those guys are basically the foundational pieces of your team as it is now and to not like use their SK says accurately hurt the team like bod can literally do the same thing Chris Paul was doing with Dario sarage as a shooter as a movement guy

Fine but use him on the ball more like seeing him pass the ball up so Andrew Wiggins can self-create out of the corner on on a mismatch or whatever it is like that’s not the best way to use him on and on when bods plays aggressive

He’s a different player but I feel like oftentimes because he’s a first year player he’s trying to you know I’ll take the backseat to Chris Paul right like I’ll do all the things they want me to do I run off the ball but that’s not really maximizing what he could be on

This team which effectively lowers the ceiling of how good we can be I just think all these things are just indicators for him to be a much better score than you think what he should be like he shouldn’t be play like you have BOS playing like gp2 but he can shoot

That’s that’s how I see him right now that’s exactly how I see him and I just don’t think he’s that caliber of player I think he’s way more than this now go going back to cuz I feel like uh I had something to say like way back like 15

Minutes ago when you were talking about like it’s almost like he accidentally finds out who’s good and who isn’t there was a point during 2021 the the season when clay was out where vancano Anderson was a very clear positive and he was also getting dnps and I was like yo what

The hell he’s like a clear positive he’s been a great defender great rebounder whenever he’s gotten run and then we had a game against the Boston Celtics late in the season that was a game where Steph dropped like 47 I think wano Anderson had a play where there was a

Loose ball I’m sure I remember that loose ball yeah a loose ball he Dives over the scores table saves the ball step three 37 or something something like that 37 Stitches or he gave his life up for something like that and I I think I had a tweet when that happened I was

Like how did he have to split his head open for you to realize that he’s been a viable player for this team I think that’s the most frustra part right because the funny part is like what’s gonna happen is Kerr’s gonna make all these bad decisions and then when he

Gets like super late he like oh I got it and they’re gonna win more games it’s like well we could have won a lot more had you made some of these shifts in December January November right and and back to that 20 21 season when they went

On that crazy run to end the year they were like 15 and five in their in their last 20 games and the main adjustment that they made was fixing the lineups and running Steph on ball way more pick a roll then you end up Lally and they literally just decided we’re gonna Steph

And Draymond pick and roll every single team to death and see what happens only missed the playoffs because yeah only missed the playoffs because Steph missed like I think his last five games or some you know like something like that cuz all I’m pretty sure all five of the

Games they lost he wasn’t playing Derrick Rose Desmond Bay jiren Jackson Jake L rivy and Santio D are all game time decisions for tomorrow and Marcus Smart is out until at least February 23rd godam very tough I have no I’m not goingon to lie that game should most

Definitely be a win like if we don’t win tomorrow forfeit the season game the next day yeah okay how the did we lose to Memphis bro you man it’s like it’s this is the worst part about everything is like I know we’re not that good of a team but we’re

Not this bad you dead ass cannot pencin wins anymore with this team bro there’s just some teams that I expect a win out of and I can’t even say that anymore I know I know

Today is a podcast clip from our recent show in which we talk about the Golden State Warriors recent stretch of games including their loss against the Milwaukee Bucks. Andrew Wiggins has clearly regressed from the 2nd option role he had during the 2022 NBA Playoffs, often taking on the tough defensive assignments in Luka Doncic and Jayson Tatum, which led to them winning the 2022 NBA Championship. That player is clearly gone and the team has been in need of contributing players, and they’ve gotten them in Moses Moody, Jonathan Kuminga, Brandin Podziemski, however, they have all still been struggling to get minutes even though they have been clear positives, leaving fans to question if the team will ever truly put full trust in the younger guys over the veterans. If you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to hit the like button and slap the sub button with your nose (also the bell).

Recorded from the Gold Blooded Podcast, Live every Sunday at 4pm EST


Klay Thompson Documentary:

Warriors Redemption Documentary:

Follow pls I need to feed my dolphins:

Outro Song:


  1. Offense, defense, team chemistry, coaching — it’s all a Dumpster fire. Klay Dray, Looney, and Wiggs are in sunset. Kerr’s efforts to preserve the former glory have proven to be futile. The suffering will continue until there is a paradigm shift… Joe, Steph, Kerr.

  2. This will be insane to many… I would rather see Lester Q getting MORE minutes than Klay. Build for the future — Don’t live in the past.

  3. This season is far gone, I don't wanna hear "Oh we still got half the season left" It's over. Fans just need to accept the core just got old and it's time to start building around the young guys.

  4. It's really sad and depressing how little help Steph is getting from his teammates. There's him, a bona fide superstar, and then there are 'decent basketball players' at best around him. There's no high-level/star player who is a secondary CONSISTENT 20-25+ scorer. It completely wears him out and it provokes less decent shots/more mistakes.

    I truly hope Warriors organisation won't let Steph's final prime years go to waste.

    I really hope Warriors will still make some BLOCKBUSTER MOVES come trade deadline.

    Here's to hoping. 🙏🙏😌😌

  5. I'm glad the game vs. Jazz AND the game vs. Mavs has been postponed.

    I'm glad Warriors get a week/multiple days to process this a little before they have to think about getting out there again.

    I've no doubt the tribute at Chase will be memorable.

    R.I.P. Dejan, heartbreaking loss 😢❤

  6. 12:04 Amen, we're definitely not 'this bad' (i'e. Losing to a depleted Memphis team).

    But we're nowhere near as good as we NEED to be if we wanna go ANYWHERE this season. 'Not this bad' is definitely not good enough!

    Hope Warriors organisation makes the necessary moves in the coming weeks. 😊🙏

  7. First of all the Death of their Coach, just says, We never know in life when our Ticket is up, SO SAD.
    Now if they Don't make it, they still have 4 Rings,
    My issue is with the owner. Each time tbey became a winning team, after, most of the players were traded, each time.
    I have to say these young warrior players are playing better then the star players.
    To me its time for a whole new Coaching team, yes Kerr needs to go.
    But I'm also a believer that it ain't over Until tbe Fat lady sings.

  8. Just saying whoever the warriors start trading for woukd still take away minutes from kuminga but maybe people trust kerr lol

  9. pods WHO😮😅! Wiggins does not want to be there anymore! When they traded Jordan instead of #23 Wiggs was done then. I bet he would accept a trade to the Wizards! Friendship means something to some people?!?

  10. What pisses me off is that me (16 years old) knew that this team would struggle this because of a lack of rim protector, and the Warriors staff can’t figure it out

  11. Klay is washed…theyre all tradeable except curry…or maybe you pay curry the respect of trading him to a championship quality team

  12. Yo DoubleD your videos are amazing but bruh we gotta move on and become bucks fans now bro 💀. Yes this is one of the AJs

  13. Cleveland is finding that Jarrett Allen is useful, especially with Mobely being hurt. If they trade Allen, whos going to play center then, Wiggins?

  14. They tried starting wiggins instead and they end up down like 15 points and the warriors spend the rest of the game trying to play catch up. They need to just trade him for nothing just to release the cap space. Even if its some old player that doesnt play and contract ends this year. Anybody that will relieve that cap space by the end of this year. Just get rid of him. These rookies need to also play alot more and the vets need to be only playing around 20-25 minutes a game win or lose. Let the young players build some chemistry and save the vets energy and health for the playoffs. Its honestly just some bad coaching as well, the rotations are horrible and the defensive coaching is non existent.

  15. There’s nothing wrong with the team they just need 2 big man that can score and protect the rim that should be the assignment look for those to guys and i guaranty things will turn around green need help down there

  16. What reality? EVERYONE knows we have mediocre D without Gp2 and Dray. Bucks have a full squad and are getting torched. People are tripping.

  17. They should trade Curry while the media is still in denile and he still has a facade of value. Fans just regurgitate the narrative. Trade curry before everyone stops the endless b. J. and realizes he's the one holding us back now. Before everyone realizes he can't pass or shoot or play team basketball anymore. Ignore the 30 ppg. That's not reality thats stat garbage. Watch every game and analyze his performance. From shot selection,team chemistry, losing clutch games all by himself, horrific passes and hysterical turnovers. Get rid of Curry so we can get back on track. Everything else. Wiggins kerr klay dray, all that, is secondary to the main issue. The endless Curry b. J. That plagues this team like an ST double D…

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