@National Basketball Association

[Hine] Asked Anthony Edwards what’s the key to slowing down OKC: “It’s hard to with the calls that Shai gets. It’s hard to shut them down. You can’t touch him any time of the game. It’s super hard to beat. That team is a good team, especially when they’re getting calls like that.”

[Hine] Asked Anthony Edwards what’s the key to slowing down OKC: “It’s hard to with the calls that Shai gets. It’s hard to shut them down. You can’t touch him any time of the game. It’s super hard to beat. That team is a good team, especially when they’re getting calls like that.”

by theglicky


  1. 065Alakazam

    I mean, I hate Edwards but he’s not wrong. Shai does get some extremely favorable calls.

  2. ForneauCosmique

    Tbf Ant gets some pretty favorable calls as well, but I get what he’s saying. Stars get the star treatment. Been that way a long, long time

  3. While Shai does foul bait with the best of them. Well second best of them, Embiid and Giannis stand alone


  4. Excellent-Cod-3430

    Lol cry more

    Dude choked in the 4th quarter and he’s blaming the refs. Could have fooled me for a redditor

  5. Street-Common-4023

    He ain’t wrong but Shai be cooking them either way. That step back was nasty

  6. Fluctuating_Skills

    Isn’t this the dude that shrieks on every drive to the basket?

  7. Excluding intentional fouls the thunder shot 31 free throws and Minnesota shot 29, refs missed calls on both ends and gave softer calls on both ends that’s how every game goes. I’d say that the wolves biggest problem tonight were the 21 turnovers and a 4th quarter meltdown, your best player chocking also doesn’t help though

  8. Right-Worth-6327

    LOL I’m sorry but for a guy that screams out “AYYY” EVERY SINGLE possession, this is a hilarious quote.

  9. I-Am-A-Nice-Cool-Kid

    Calls don’t matter if you can’t hit free throws

  10. malowry0124

    Free throw attempts in the three Thunder-Wolves games so far

    Shai Gilgeous-Alexander: 26

    Anthony Edwards: 29

    Team totals

    Oklahoma City Thunder: 74

    Minnesota Timberwolves: 93

    Literally what are you complaining about, my guy?

  11. Damn, even Wolves players be crying about all the fouls their frontcourt commits now. Guess the league just has it out for Karl-Anthony Towns.

  12. Bouldershoulders12

    You can’t say that after missing 3 crucial free throws lmfao that’s like Shakespearean irony

  13. Ant is screaming on every drive so this is hilarious.

  14. Guy yells like an obnoxious baby every time he drives, man has no standing to say that.

  15. WonderingCashew

    The Wolves this year do pretty well on FTs. Think the Shai FT stuff gets a tad bit overblown

  16. old_balance992

    shall this day go down in history.

    1/21/24 – when r/nba finally turned on anthony edwards.

  17. burnerbabyburns

    Man he does NOT like Shai for some reason lol

  18. HypeeMe_Up

    I love ant but he got the opportunity to send the game to ot but cant handle them bright lights.

  19. foogeyzi69

    Bro you had the best call the entire game. you missed all 3 free throws (last one intentional). Calm down.

  20. Fresh_Ostrich4034

    Bitch response. dude needs to just take the L and work on his FTs

  21. TopImagination7112

    Maybe hit the 3 FT you were given to tie the game? But instead you brick 2 of them and don’t even hit the rim last shot 🤣🤣

  22. Reinhardtisawesom

    Just saying Lamelo gets so many non calls but he never complains about it

  23. The funniest part about this quote is that Ant has 29 fts to sgas 26 in the games they played against eachother this year.

  24. Strange1130

    Not that it’s a perfect stat but Edwards gets a lot more free throws per drive taken than Shai (.49 vs .39)

  25. TiggleBitMoney

    Yeah this guy is on my piece of shit radar big time.

  26. Draymond4Prez

    OKC is so damn good, and the best part is they have so many assets that they can move if they don’t win it all this year. I think they’re WCF minimum unless they get an unfavorable early match up

  27. Commercial_Lecture20

    Free throw number 29:26 after three games they played each other. Ant stfu

  28. I think the key is to hit free throws or even just hit the rim when you need to.

  29. WazuufTheKrusher

    Either Shai or Ant is gonna be the next hate boner of this sub it’s hard to tell which it’s gonna be.

  30. NetworkVegetable7075

    Bro don’t be telling any lies lol

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