@Atlanta Hawks

[Quin Snyder] “I have so much belief in Saddiq… He’s a rock.”

Pray for AJ Yall

by Shade_Raven


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    Sucks for AJ but I don’t think he’d help either. I bet it hurt real bad when he saw Seth get minutes a couple months ago.

  2. SheepherderFit69

    Don’t need coaches when ChatGPT can do a better job with rotations lol

  3. ahend1999

    A rock yes…if a rock was a bright orange cone

  4. Chessh2036

    Bey is the opposite of a rock, which according to Google, is soft.

  5. PrinceKarmaa

    throw ur belief out the window quin he’s not that guy

  6. Atl-Fan_FTS

    Saddiqs “rock”


  7. The_Truth_Hurts_Yu

    Snyder sneak dissed Bey with a triple entendre. Let’s break down the bar.

    First line: I have so much belief in Bey- this is a reference to faith. More specifically, Jesus

    Second line: He’s a rock – everyone knows that Jesus is the Rock of Ages. In fact, he is the chief cornerstone. This further builds on his belief in Bey.

    But then he does it again because what do rocks do? They break glass. As in Bey is shattering our dreams.

    Wow, Snyder the OG.

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