@Miami Heat

Piss poor Paul Pierce and his loser ass take

Piss poor Paul Pierce and his loser ass take

by ladiesshowmetiddies


  1. recollectionsmayvary

    Wait, is this an insult!? I thought he was “it was a given that Miami would retire his jersey; no doubt about it.”

  2. Whenever Paul pierces name, face, or even a mention pops up on the feed, negative feelings start popping up, he’s the definition of a vibe kill. He’s a sad miserable human with everything a man could want and he chooses to Wallow and hate every day he wakes up. He’s always hating on somebody in the league or who used to be in the league almost every day it seems. He’s annoying. Fuck Paul Pierce. He’s sooo hurt by being dominated by the Heat, even left to the nets to try and he was useless and washed and still took that L. His feelings will remain hurt.

  3. GreekGodofStats

    And this is not unique. The Thunder retired Nick Collison’s jersey.

  4. wallabeedan

    anything dudes says is null and void. he shit his pants at work.

  5. GrogRhodes

    Little PP who got carried to a ring by KG and Ray stays mad all the time because he knows he’s gonna be forgetting it’s kinda funny how irrelevant he already is outside of being just a drunk.

  6. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    Anytime I see Pierce, whether it’s here on 2k etc I always slander him. Or throw shade at him, he got me to always hate him after he attacked Dwade and insulted him. Dwade was never carried, like that scum Pierce was, KG and Ray Ray was everything to Boston.

  7. DickBenson

    He just mad that no one loves him like that. Draymond said it best and he keep proving him right

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