@National Basketball Association

[Bondy] RJ Barrett answer to Carmelo Anthony’s “bland player” shot: “I think it was funny. Because the next day I had four points. The game before I had 24, so he was almost right.”

Seems like RJ is taking the comments by Carmelo Anthony in stride. He’s always had an iron will and deep confidence in himself, but I can’t help but wonder if his personal feelings differ from this media statement.


by SwellandDecay


  1. Equivalent_Bet1519

    Melo’s all about flash. It doesn’t matter if he’s on a shitty team as long as he gets his 30 points on 20 shots and max contract he’s content

  2. Melo is one of the most overrated stars ever lmao. He shouldn’t be talking shit to nobody. Guy brought zero leadership, zero defense, zero hustle, zero off-ball skills, zero playmaking and zero work ethic to every team he went to. Dude was an elite offensive talent with the ball, and historic garbage without the ball.

  3. Bobby_Webster

    RJ can be a pretty damn exciting player to watch when he’s on

  4. FallenLemur

    Great answer by RJ, doesn’t feed into the drama, and doesn’t give any soundbites for media to run with.

  5. PluvioPurple

    Whatever criticisms I have of RJ’s ability on the court aside, he’s always been very mature and professional. No drama with this dude.

  6. MidnightPresent1

    Id rather have RJ than Zion at this point tbh

  7. HokageEzio

    RJ is nothing if not consistently inconsistent and professional.

  8. Raybomber_

    I feel like Carmelo Anthony is digging his own grave lately.

    For me he was always overrated, the true meaning of the word. People would put him with the best ever, when I believe that he’s at the low end of the superstars in the NBA. And now he’s spilling nonsense left and right, not a good way to maintain an already delicate status.

  9. MyNameIsAMeme

    RJ just needs a go-to move and to keep developing. He already looks better on a team that isn’t iso heavy.

  10. Winter_Purpose8695

    Melo just want to set himself up as the next ex basketball player talking heads we see in TV. I love RJ being one of the new core of the Raptors. Rj just fits like a glove.

  11. Commercial_F

    Melo plz don’t go down the wade route and tarnish your own legacy

  12. Barrett needs to add something cool to his bag, like doing 9 jab steps into a step back jumper.

  13. Ok-Background-502

    If you don’t know whether a player has 4 or 24 after watching him, that’s your problem. Why would a pro baller care?

    Melo is just retired and not in that game mindset (maybe he never was in that mindset though…)

  14. MoreLikeFartSchool

    Carmelo is a fantastic basketball player and a total assclown in pretty much every other aspect of life

  15. nothingmeansnothing_

    Carmelo Anthony is nothing more than 2000s Adrian Dantley

  16. james64128

    Melo is slowly realizing he left no impact on the game. Number 15 is jokics now and forever in Denver. In New York Jalen Brunson has done more in a year than he ever did on the knicks

  17. I’m a Syracuse fan. I will forever love Carmelo Anthony. The guy made it out of round one…what…twice in his career?

  18. i_am_four_eels

    Rooting for RJ!  Excited to watch through the ups and downs of this raps team, just like the early DeMar and Kyle days

  19. awesometown3000

    Melo as a post-career hater when every other retired pro podcasting is relatively good-natured is a weird and deliberate choice that I’ll never understand.

  20. ForneauCosmique

    RJ will never be the guy leading his team to a championship (neither did Melo) and RJ may never be the number 2 guy on a championship team but I think he can be a decent 3rd option on a championship caliber team and Melo never could do that either. Melo may have been the better individual player, but it’s a team game, and RJ is more willing to accept a lesser role and is a better team player

  21. n0th1ng10

    Rj isn’t even bad if he was in Boston he’d be doing the same thing brown is doing and they’d be just as good.

  22. That’s exactly the answer I would expect from him. He’s not the type to feed in to a bunch of nonsense drama.

  23. I still don’t get why everyone was up in arms about melo’s comment

  24. Typical_Ease5407

    Carmelo is just Pippen without any rings or defense.

  25. StrikingBake321

    Bland like cheerios. Only the truly special ones have that honey nut flavoring

  26. NBAStuffAsUsual

    I’m sure his personal feelings differ. Melo could have easily just big upp’ed the rookies and moved on but he made his feelings clear about RJ.

    And honestly I didn’t watch the whole ep so I don’t know if he mentioned anyone else on the knicks but if he only singled out RJ than yeah dude is gonna feel a way.

  27. He knows to every critique there is a shred of truth and he has enough perspective to take it with a grain of salt. Dude was a Knick and had to do NYC media. He knows how to dealt with based comments.

  28. porterbrown

    Best answer you can have.

    Go gettem RJ, sorry you aren’t Jimmy Butler.

  29. PanthalassaRo

    RJ has been one of the most interview savvy young players I have seen recently, the dude never takes the bait

  30. BigBoyPoster

    He’s a better man than me. I would’ve pointed out how the Nuggets hate him so much and that’s why Jokic wears the number 15 in Denver

  31. Willing-Career3349

    RJ’s older than Melo when it comes to emotional maturity. Melo in his feeling cause of analytics and even made it seem as if a 2nd round pick was given his number cause they knew he was gonna be a hall of famer xD

  32. IllRefrigerator560

    Something about Melo being the critic podcaster doesn’t sit well. Mostly because Melo was an underachiever compared to his skillset and HOF talents, which sort of makes it easy to shrug your shoulders when he provides feedback. At least for Barkley – who critics as a legend without championships – a humor and understanding is added, whereas Melo has always carried an arrogance despite his misfortunes.

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