@Sacramento Kings

Kings Take On the Pacers Tonight – January 18: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Kings Take On the Pacers Tonight – January 18: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Good morning chatty house so gang Ramy got the belt all right I need to move this and this and I need to take that and I need to oh son of a I messed up today James oh no yeah I did not finish uh I did

Not get all my pre-show stuff done like I thought I did well I’m sure we’re gonna have a good show either way Kyle I hope so hey Pro Football Hall of Famer joining us today guys get excited hey we’re going to talk about expectations actually Shane this is a

Good good segue by you expectations up oh no where is yeah cutting it real close here we go hey good morning everybody and welcome to the best day of the week happy Thursday to you to you listening on the radio to you listening on the free Odyssey app to you listening

Via ESPN 1320 TV ESPN 1320 that’s ESPN 1320 what do you got we got some exciting stuff oh what what’s up what’s Allstar voting was just released oh hang on hang on hang on don’t wait hang on let me do my let me do my this is why it’s hard to

Produce a show and host it at the same time we have allar numbers in in James H the third fan returns domus sabonis has entered the conversation everybody he is number 10 look at him go in Western Conference front Court players uh and dearon foxes moved up to

Number seven I’m so I’m so proud of Kings fans and NBA fans in general for starting to get the voting right yeah sorry to bamboozle or opening no it’s there it was we love it congratulations to Dear Fox and demonus sabonis for getting into the top 10 in

Fan voting I think they’re gonna be all stars because fan voting is only part of it yeah I think the fan voting matters for starters and like coaches and players pick the rest I think so I think coaches I think coaches pick the rest just coaches no players yeah just got all the

Players voting for [Laughter] themselves um all right yeah good good start to the show yes happy Thursday thank you everybody for for watching thank you everybody for listening we’ll we’ll talk about Kings Pacers there’s a couple different things I want to I want to get into with that

Uh the Suns obviously beat the Kings by going small at the end we’ll talk about how the Kings might adjust to that what they can do to get back on a winning track against the Pacers but I want to start in the NFL today yes because news broke last night from ESPN’s Adam

Schfer that Mike McCarthy’s job in Dallas is safe so more breaking news here the Cowboys have been eliminated from Super Bowl contention for next season by way of Mike McCarthy sticking around as their head coach that’s you know that’s tough for Cowboys fans maybe year after next

But I I this is fascinating to me because Mike McCarthy gets to stick around round again they’ve won 12 games three years in a row they’ve won one playoff game in those three years and they’ve had a roster that has been capable for to to me anyway and I think

To Jerry Jones of going to the Super Bowl each of those years and they’ve not and they’ve they’ve faced planted spectacularly a couple of times in that stretch so this brings the question to me of I don’t want to talk about the Cowboys I don’t care that much about the Dallas

Cowboys to spend a lot of time talking about them no the only reason I watch the Cowboys at all is because CD lamb is on my fantasy or they’re playing the 49ers yeah yeah outside of that no like I don’t want to watch them yeah just don’t

Don’t care that much they’re in the NFC and they’re a good NFC team and they might play the Niners in the playoffs but as far as that goes and they’re on prime time all the time but anyways I don’t care that much about them I think the idea though of like expectations in

Sports is so fascinating because I sit here on the radio and I go Mike McCarthy stinks Mike McCarthy should be fired by the Dallas Cowboys but if Mike Brown of the Sacramento Kings just for example won the equivalent of 12 games in so what is

That I don’t I should have done the math beforehand if he won 50 plus games yeah it’s like a 700 win percentage 12 divided by 7 17 times 82 that’s a 58 Game season 58 win season in the NBA okay to go 12 and five in the NFL that’s what Mike

McCarthy’s done the last three years if Mike Brown won 58 games three years in a row and the Kings won one playoff series in those three years I don’t think there’s any chance we would be getting on the radio going you know what the Kings just need to make a change ah head

Coach no I mean that if you got to that point but like you’re not there right but expectations have still changed right expectations have changed for the Kings just this year oh yeah like there were people on in the chatty house yesterday on Twitter yesterday after

They lost to the sun’s like I’m not watching basketball for two weeks I need a break I’m done I’m done with this team I’m done with this done until they make a trade like dang and that’s not bad like F this is not to criticize anybody

Who thinks that like fan how you fan I don’t I support you no matter what fan how you fan yes but from an expectation standpoint two years ago the the same people would have killed for the Kings to be six over on January 18th oh yeah would have

Killed for it yeah and now it’s now the expectations have reached a point of well I’m not what after they blew that lead they’ve lost three in a row I I need a week off those same people they literally would paint like half their face purple and half of it black and go

To work they would go to work if this wearing face paint right now this was last SE like five years ago and the kings were six game six games over so I get it I get it but expectations change and you know I think that that’s it’s such a difficult thing and and

Especially this season specifically the way the Kings have lost so brutally like the big losses like that matters like I can imagine like the game the other night where they they blow a 22-point lead or where Damen Lillard hits a three I would imagine that that ruined a

Couple of people nights like people like they got done with that and they’re like okay I like I that really really just ruined my evening yeah yeah for sure that’s that’s a bad way to lose especially up 18 with five and a half minutes left you’re sitting on your

Couch and you’re going great gonna Cru you probably maybe you’re up washing dishes or doing whatever you do to start getting ready for bed start your nighttime routine you’re going okay the Kings will be on in the background but hey they’re cruising yeah and all of a

Sudden you go to bed with a loss like that sucks undeniably and again like I said I’m not blaming criti anybody that that is like he I’m done because most likely those people are going to be there tonight yeah they’re gonna be watching tonight just frustrated in the moment but it’s I

I I find the the Mike McCarthy thing specifically so interesting because like the Cowboys there’s this expectation of Super Bowl success but that’s not been the case since 1995 it’s like like 30 years maybe they’re okay with just competing and being in the playoffs I guess maybe

That’s fine for them because if if that is then Mike McCarthy’s your guy he will get you there like for sure he’s got you if you got a good enough roster Mike McCarthy will get you there but I look at the 49ers in same thing but J Jed York goes we we hang

Super Bowl banners here we don’t hang division banners we hang Super Bowl banners you Super Bowl Banner since 1994 he technically it was 95 is January 95 but the 94 season was he I mean even an owner then like was he in high school in 94 yeah probably probably high schoolish

I’m just I’m just saying yeah his Uncle Eddie to Bardo on the team yeah yeah of course of course so so so no he wasn’t he wasn’t involved with the franchise the way he is now then but he says we hang Super Bowl banners not division banners and yet they sit here and

They’ve extended Kyle Shanahan even though he’s not won anything because the expectation changed they went from Jim Harbaugh 2011 2014 tons of success save for the 2014 season and after that season that’s when Jed said we don’t hang division banners we hang Super Bowl banners trying to justify why he got rid

Of Jim Harbaugh but then he saw how bad it was with Jim tomsula okay that that that was a mistake he’s defensive line coach promoted him too early let’s get a real Coach in here Chip Kelly had some success with Philly let’s get him in here turn the culture around wrong won

Two games beat the Rams twice go two and 14 get the number two picking the draft and then he went okay the expectation now is let’s just some stability we’ll take stability and that’s why Kyle Shanahan despite the fact that he has not won a Super Bowl

That they’ve only been to one Super Bowl under Kyle Shanahan but they’ve been in the playoffs in every year since 2019 save for 2020 so all about one year since 2019 they’ve been in the NFC championship game three times and they’ve been in a super Super Bowl once

If you’re Jed York are going this is great like this is A+ but when does it get to a point where you have to have a coach that can get you over the top because that’s that’s typical like they’re they’re you get to a certain point with a coach Kyle Shanahan isn’t

In the Super Bowl and if Kyle Shanahan maybe doesn’t win the Super Bowl like this same conversation might be seeping in because expectations here now are like look like always a Brides made never a bride man like at what point do you have it in you to get your team over

The hump and you can say well maybe he didn’t have this or no this is an All-Star team yeah like you’re running out there with like with a team that was made on on Madden yeah like this is a team with spectacular players at almost every position like at what point does

It become finger pointing if you don’t get there and I guess for the Cowboys it’s never because we saw the Jason Garrett situation play out over like 10 years yeah yeah I mean that thing could almost drive and you’re just waiting like I mean it’s going through puberty

And you’re like what is happening yeah um yeah just just horrible so I guess you know I don’t Jerry Jones must think he gets to live forever because he’s he’s acting that way and he’s just he’s gonna squander another year yeah I don’t know that’s tough yeah I think I I think

With with the 49ers specifically with Kyle shanan I produced radio in the Bay Area for for the 2019 2020 and 2021 Seasons so been and I guess 2022 so like four football seasons I was I was there and that would come up like the 2020 season when the Niners

Went four and what they go four and 12 that year yeah something like that what whatever they they ended up going that no that that year they went like six and 10 but still they were sub 00 not good there were all the injuries the talk was like man Kyle Shanahan just

Can’t get it if he can’t get it done I mean and they had just gone to a Super Bowl they had a bunch of guys get hurt and next year they’re in the NFC title game they fall short next year in the NFC title game their quarterback gets

Hurt their third quarterback of the year gets hurt and even then it was like well Kyle Shan gets his quarterbacks hurt that’s W they used to be the claim about his running backs right yeah and I think it still probably is except for somehow Christi cff one of the most

Injury riddled running backs in history uh figured it out figures out a way to stay healthy every year yeah even though is on occasion is coach runs him 19 times in the first half that’s fine fine 19 touches in the first he’s all good he’s fine he’s fine now he’s ready for

The playoffs no and so I I I’m I that’s the question I have is because right now I sit here and I go they have a loaded roster that he has final say over by the way there are other people in the building helping construct this roster

But he’s built a good roster he’s hired a ton of good coaches who have gone on to get head coaching jobs who have gone on to have successful head coaching stints yeah and I think that speaks for something but like you said at some point you got to get over that hump

Because at some point you have a loaded roster and even if it’s not on the coach even if it is oh man there’s a bad call here and a fumble there and you know what that they just didn’t get this bounce and and they just keep falling

Short like at some point you go all right tear it up got to do something different and I I when that is for the 49ers I have no idea they just keep it’ll be Vibes for me yeah it’ll be Vibes for me now I thought Mike Mike

Smith who was the Falcons coach uh from 2008 through 2014 he took them to uh the playoffs four out of his seven years and they went to a conference Championship Game in there they went to a divisional game they were they were a good team in that stretch I thought he

Got fired right after they lost that conference Championship game but he had two years after that where they went 10 and 22 in those two years and at that point it’s like okay that coach had success his message is lost and that’s I think with with kle Shanahan and the

49ers I think right now they go hey we have a damn good football coach and if the message ever gets lost then they’ll move on yeah I mean I we’re getting we’re getting close to that yeah no doubt all right let’s switch gears let’s talk some Kings on the uh

Coming up next they face the Pacers tonight and uh obviously we got to get to the Halbert and sabonis conversation because that’s what we do on the radio that’s right yeah buckle up everybody uh plenty coming up though and at 11 o’clock we’ll have uh Packers Legend

Inventor of the lambo leap and Pro Football Hall of Famer LeRoy Butler is going to join us at 11 o’clock that’s going to be a ton of fun love talking football with him stay locked in to The Insider sponsored by JY right here on ESPN 1320 what’s going on

Everybody remember I got out on time yesterday yeah yeah no dice today I wanted to make sure you saw that no I did I was on it yeah yeah H spectacular spectacular I do you know I might the I was gonna Loop the Kings back in there yep we did for a moment

But no but like at the end but I genuinely like I said with Kyle Shanahan I have at least a little bit of an idea but with like Mike Brown specifically I can’t wrap my head around what this looks like like in four years like if they continue being 50ish

Wins they’re in the playoffs every year and they just first second round exit maybe they go to the Conference Finals once but they’re out in the first or second round like a like I think there’s so it’s so dependent on it what it looks like very

Specifically yeah no I’m with you I want to take a question uh from the audience yeah please uh scoter 916 uh as an Insider are you worried about being on a show and missing anything especially during trade time oh um this is a great question it’s a very good question uh I

Would say this first of all this is a major platform for us if there is something that I can break I can break it right here and I can tell Kyle hey Kyle go ahead and talk for a minute and I’m gonna make sure that I tweet this

Out as we’re breaking it here on the show yeah so if I have something that pops up I you know like my phone is attached to it’s an appendage like it is attached to me at all times um I thought I was bad about being on my phone during

Conversations you are far worse than me yeah yeah yeah yeah well I’ve told you my brain like Works overtime a lot of the time and I multitask a lot but no I’m not really worried about that um that you were better at than me I cannot pay attention to a conversation and be

On my phone oh yeah yeah um they’re yeah I would say like this is a good spot though for for us to be where like we have an Engaged Kings audience all the time and if you guys get the news first you get the news first and if it gets

Broken some like but we instantly get to discuss so if Shams or or WJ drops a bomb while we’re on the show we just switch gears we trash our entire rundown it just goes in the trash and we just instantly start breaking down the trade and that’s fine because that’s what fans

Want like there’s there’s part of me that’s a newsbreaker but part of me who’s also an analyst who helps people understand the the why and the how and all that of of a complex trade uh and if James Breaks news on the show and you want to tweet it make sure

To credit James ndn 1320 there it is okay we’re back yeah if James Breaks news on the show which could very well happen the trade deadlines coming February 8th yeah if James Breaks news is on the show and you want to tweet about it credit James Hammond Kyle Madson of ESPN

1320 I’m riding coattails no um that’s funny no I think that’s interesting the the idea of like somebody if if you were not watching on the on the stream or maybe you you mute the stream it breaks which would be nuts but whatever um if you’re watching on the stream somebody

Asked James in the in our YouTube chat in the chatty house they asked him you know hey do you ever wonder you know being an Insider a newsbreaker do you ever wonder that you’re gon to miss something during a show and I thought your answer was really good like no

Because I’ve locked in I’m multitasking I’m doing aill things and if news breaks then I’ll break it right here and we’ll talk about it and I think that’s such a fun like aspect of especially doing radio from 10:00 to noon because there’s a lot of news that’ll that’ll happen in this

Window especially because East Coast time it’s 1:20 pm right now so I I I I love that aspect of this and I’m telling you every single time you look down at your phone or you pick up your phone I notice because it might always be something a little interesting well like

This morning sometimes it’s not like I I I I haven’t been able to fully confirm but I will tell you that I’ve heard a rumor that the Oakland A’s are in Sacramento right now looking at Suter uh what is it Sutter Sutter healthfield Sutter healthfield Sutter Health Park

Yeah Sutter Health Park um so like I I don’t have multiple confirmations on that but my source on that is is really solid and I’m going to say hey there’s a good chance that the Oakland A’s are in Sacramento trying to look at uh the possibility of playing at the rivercats

Stadium which is owned by V ronad gross yep I’m out you will not catch me at a Sacramento a game yeah I mean it’s tough it’s tough um like that we talked about this a little bit yesterday Kyle I mean like the only way that I’m doing this if

I’m VC is if it comes with the opportunity to possibly get an expansion team down the down the road if you’re if you’re the city of Sacramento if you’re ownership and maybe that makes sense sure where you can prove up that you’re a legitimate uh you know baseball Market

I wonder if ml I wonder if they would do that without some kind of confirmation from MLB that MLB would even consider it I guess I I mean like I think the fallback would be that you’re going to give up your Giants affiliation right in

Order to that move yeah and I think it would have to come with the understanding that at worst case scenario the aviators would move up from Las Vegas and become your triple A team again if if ba if MLB put a major league team here well you mean no no if they

Did not like because if the A’s like welcome in I mean if if uh the rivercats welcome in the Oakland A’s that that basically you can’t have two teams playing in one Stadium like you can’t have the rivercats and the a like the A’s would come up they would

Play at rivercat Park at uh you know again I mean why not field they’re talking about the possibly playing games at Oracle Park the Giants play I I just don’t know that that’s possible though like to have because there’s so many games yeah and and again I don’t the

Giants have basically said no like or at least that’s what what the word was initially like they didn’t have interest in that I wonder how many people would go to an a game in San Francisco oh yeah that’s weird well I mean I wonder how

Many people would go to an ace game in in Sacramento it’s not that far like if I’m an ace fan which I am I would much prefer that the A’s move to Sacramento than move to Las Vegas if they go to Las Vegas Don donzo gone bye-bye see you if

They move to Sacramento but you can still if you’re an ace fan you can still get to Sacramento you can take the train you can take you can you can be here and see games right down the street read you know no I I I I I understand that but I

Mean let me let me make sure that I’m being abundantly clear here yeah when I say I’m out on the Sacramento A’s I mean in in that scope of hey they’re gonna play here for a couple of years while they build the ballpark in Vegas oh got

It and then that means that I’m out on now if they scrap the ballpark and V buys the team from John fiser and they build a major league park in s in Sacramento and that’s what it is that I that I would be able to live with much easier than than displacing them

Entirely from Northern California yeah for me personally I I have friends who who punted on the Warriors when they left Oakland okay for San Francisco and that is those are dieh hard like from Oakland if you’re not with Oakland you’re not with any okay like that’s

That I’m just not that’s not me yeah I I mean basically the way this thing looks like it’s playing out is it the 2024 season will be the last season at the Coliseum and it may not even be that like we don’t know there there’s a possibility they could find something

For right now and kind of move on here’s here’s what is that’s a great point and I think it’s worth laying out here is what here is what is certain the A’s lease at the Coliseum is up after 2024 yeah they have no home for 2025

Yeah or 2026 or 20 27 or maybe even 2028 that’s when their Vegas ballpark is supposed to be done but yeah they don’t have renderings yet so I I I I’m I’m assuming that they’ll smash whatever bill or whatever funding or whatever they need to get through to get

The ballpark up by 2028 yeah but they don’t they don’t have a home field Beyond 2024 no it’s AB that is the only certainty right now yeah and whether they’re going to negotiate with the city of Oakland or vice versa that is that that is not a good relationship at the

Moment no TBD the a are obviously looking here in Sacramento I know that their Triple A Park in Vegas with the aviators is a is a possibility which is out in BFE by the way yeah I don’t know if you’ve ever been no but me and some

Friends went to Vegas not to brag we went to Vegas a couple summers ago and middle of July had sucked but we hey we all love baseball let’s go to an aviator’s game like hell yeah let’s go we call call a taxi because that’s what

You do in Vegas you call a taxi not an Uber because like the taxi Union there is so strong that ubber are like 150 bucks nuts but we call this taxi and we seen it’s like miles out we thought we were going on the street like no man you

Gotta you gotta take a highway you got to get away from the strip you gotta get way the hell out there is it in Henderson maybe yeah I think that’s I think that’s the name of the town okay that is a town in Nevada I think I think that it is just

Crazy not it’s not like an hour and a half away but it was a good like 15 20 minutes yeah it was not close it was an expensive taxi and it’s hot oh no it’s hot seven o’clock s o’clock first pitch is like 110 you tall Bud Light you got to like

Smash it like super fast or it gets warm you need one of those little sleeves dude I learned that the hard way so I bought so I bought a Big Bud Light and I just I I’m not a like I’m gonna chug this 30 ounce Bud Light like I’m

Just not that’s that’s not the kind of Beer Drinker I am sorry um and I’m so I’m I’m working my way through this beer and I’m like halfway through it and it’s warm now a legit like room temp Bud Light and and this guy sits in front of

Me I’m wearing a Hawaiian shirt dude’s wearing the exact same Hawaiian shirt oh no so like oh this is funny twinsies right this is funny so i’ got it so I go buy him a beer I bring it down to him he gets up and buys me a beer so now I have

This second beer that’s getting warm while I have my half warm one already was a tough experience for your boy because I’m not wasting it you’re not gonna do that that’s crazy yeah a stranger bought this for me I’m gonna you needed one of those hats yeah just double straws just go

To yeah that was that was my my that was my Vegas baseball story and did not have a good time yeah anyway I’m okay if this is a prove it type situation I’m not okay if this is just a lifeline and you’re helping somebody out who at the

End of the day is a bad person yeah and that’s who John Fischer is he’s he’s a bad owner and I I don’t want his stink all over Sacramento um but again even if you had to say goodbye to the giant affiliate to make this happen I think it

Would come with the understanding that you would when the a did go to Vegas you would get their triple A team back in Sacramento which is what the A’s uh which is what the rivercats were originally I think for the first 12 years they were the A’s affiliate not

The Giants affiliate which it would be Peak Oakland Athletics to move their team to Vegas where they already have a triaa team which would make things like call-ups and options and things like that super easy only to supplant the team the triaa team and move them up to

Sacramento yeah but you don’t have enough of a fan base there to support two baseball teams Kyle tripa and no you don’t have the fan base to do that wonder how many aviators fans are going to become a fans maybe I mean like look it’s a

Baseball town like I I’ve had cousins I have cousins in no Vegas they they love it used to be the uh the Vegas Stars they love baseball there yeah so but I you just don’t have enough people and enough of a fan base I don’t yeah to

Support it no I totally agree um we should we talk about the Kings next because that’s what we’re going to do here and then we got sidetracked so uh let’s get into Kings Pacers next on the Insiders on ESPN 1320 I would definitely like if they

Decided to the 501’s had great ATS to build a f field here I mean I that would be really cool yeah I would rock with the major league team in Sacramento for sure yeah uh they were and then the A’s walked away from the negotiating table um ah good question good

Question agent from [Laughter] Marvel I love that uh I don’t know if you guys can see him just in case from the eagle back there uh my man wears shorts every single day he is so cold that he is wearing a jean jacket a fleece lined denim jacket and shorts

Every guy who works it 969 looks like a dude who would work at 969 hey when you do this to or you can just Google it real quick you know Justin who does mornings at 969 go look at the Eagle logo and tell me the Eagle logo doesn’t just look like

Justin I’m telling you all right that’s just in case all right just in case that’s amazing morning on the eagle I know dude I know well my I asked that because my head was blocking him so I was trying to make sure that uh don’t know is SE yakum playing has

That been officially announced uh the trade has been officially announced I believe but he was listed us out trade pending last night I can look right now let me look right because uh to be honest I not looked oh we got what we got two minutes uh two

Minutes the A’s had not put I mean like now A’s um yeah if you if you win the $100 gift certificate you are still entered to win a Kings jersey yes uh Bruce Brown is listed as out trade pending uh Kyra Lewis which I don’t know

How they picked up Kyra Lewis in that deal but he is out trade pending uh Jordan noira is out trade pending which I probably called David Noir like eight times yesterday uh Obie toppen is questionable Benedict Maan is questionable with a left ankle sprain Tyrese halberton has been upgraded to

Questionable with a left hamstring um he went from uh very close to to uh dead to back playing very quickly um and Aaron n Smith is questionable he has a left tibialis anterior strain oh that’s not a good one that sounds tough uh Kyra Lewis went to the Raptors

Probably a salary match thing no I think Kyro Lewis ended up in well well he wasn’t there before he wasn’t in Indiana he was in New Orleans so no he made his way there I don’t I don’t know how I I need to look at the

What oh Pelicans trade Cyro Lewis to the Pacers got it yeah I’m not sure what they got in that deal oh it’s a second round pick I think wait so did they trade for Kyra Lewis to send him to Toronto I don’t oh boy all right we’re coming back all

Right so k Lewis was sent by the Pelicans to the Pacers in exchange for cash consideration um Kyro Lewis and a 2024 second round pick sent to the Pacers in exchange for cash considerations Lewis was then as part of the SE yakum deal flipped to Toronto okay well that’s

Weird because he’s still listed on the the Pelicans I mean the the Pacers injury report so right so that Deal’s done so he’s on the Pacers but he will be traded to Toronto before he plays for the Pacers okay I I did see that uh that was a lot this hard

Caps him at the apron so that’s why you might be able to make a deal beforehand and then New Orleans was over the the cap was over the luxury tax and so they were just looking to to shave a little bit of cash off so they could save some

Money and that makes sense yeah money-saving moves all right yeah complicated when do you think we’ll ever get to the point that the sabonis halberton trade gets looked at as like a win for everybody at least outside of Sacramento and Indiana because I think everybody in Sacramento kind of use it

That way already that’s a good question I don’t know I mean these I do believe that these two players will will be attached in every conversation forever right so and I don’t know how you shake that and to be honest I I think that it’s part of the reason why people look

At sabonis a different way than they should espe from the outside like people who watch the bonus every night have an appreciation for who he is and what he does people who don’t I I don’t think understand just how good he is how efficient he is how he stuffs a statute

Like nobody’s business right how he doesn’t even try to stuff the stat sheet and Stuffs the stat sheet he’s not a guy who’s out there looking hunting for a triple double he’s just not so I think a lot of people Miss who and what he is

But I think it’s it’s almost like you you downgrade him because halberton looks like you know the next well he looks like Steve Nash yeah you know like he is the next Steve Nash or whatever and um so at the end of the day I I

Think that like I consider the trade not just a a win win I I consider it a huge win for Sacramento like the kings were spent 16 years in not mediocrity in like basketball hell yeah and this guy walks in the door and you make the playoffs and you make the playoffs but

You know again dearen Fox because becomes a star playing alongside him so you don’t just have one star he instantly helped create a second star not that fox hadn’t already raised his game to a certain plate say I’m not giving sabonis that much credit man

Sorry no no you you have to like he he wasn’t wasn’t considered a star before I’ll tell you what no he’s he’s considered a star now because the team is good I don’t think deonis sabonis is arrival made dearn Fox suddenly like oh hey dearn Fox is good now I think he was

Trending that way regardless it’s just now they’re a playoff team so the stats matter no I get what you’re saying there but I would tell you that you know dearen Fox two years ago two like three seasons ago had better stats than he did last yearh just better stats MH but he

Wasn’t considered a star then right because they weren’t winning yeah but sabonis walks in the door and he helps create that second star that just in my opinion like I don’t think dearon Fox gets mentioned in the same ballpark if it wasn’t for the fact that they

Start winning and I don’t think they start winning without without Deon sabonis no I buy that I think we’re saying a little bit the same thing I’m just misinterpreting what you’re saying I think yeah I’m not saying that the only reason that thearon St Fox is a

Star is because of sabonis but he helped create a second star here he would not have been an allar if it wasn’t for deamon simonis walking in the door I you know it doesn’t matter what his stats say he wasn’t going to be there until they started winning and they weren’t

Gonna start winning until damont simonis walked in the door right like if you made all the same moves if you if you had halberton with uh and you went out and you got Malik Monk and you went out and got Kevin herder and did all the same moves that’s not a playoff team

That’s so many guards yeah it is but it’s a lot of guards you know it’s not a playoff team no no it’s not it’s like it’s definitely not yeah um unless they fall backwards into I don’t know I don’t even Walker Kessler or something well that I think

We should also like there is this moment where they trade for sabonis but then they really that season falls apart and fox sits out the last I don’t know six or eight games barn sat out a bunch of games sabonis uh his wife had a baby and

He missed a couple of games anyway they kind of shut that season down and I it it’ll be like an asterisk way off in the distance and people forget but because that happened the Kings fell to like number eight and then they actually moved up in the lottery to number four

And that’s where you get Keegan Murray who could become the third piece without all of those things happening at that one time it’s just kind of you know it’s kisman how it all comes together yeah and so it’s yeah I I I think that they’re they’re on a good path Kyle but

I don’t think that we’re ever going to be able to separate sabonis and and hurn and I think we should just appreciate that both are really really really good players and both of them have a legitimate shot at making the Hall of Fame and you know you just hope that uh

Sabonis continues on the pace that he’s kind of set as his standard for the last five years yeah I think I think anybody who pays attention knows but it wouldn’t surprise me if if 10 15 20 years down the road there’s some like there’s some like prevailing uh opinion that like oh man

The Kings traded Tyrese Albert no boy and that’s just gonna because like there just needs to be a hard take on everything and going yeah hey the Kings got better and they the the Pacers got better and that’s just kind of what it

Is I I I just don’t know how you look at if if you’re being objective and you look at the direction both teams have gone since then mhm I just don’t know how you’re trying to figure out one way or the other like oh well the this team

Benefited more from from the trade than this team did or whatever like Tyreek Sal Burton wouldn’t be the player he is without the move yeah and I think same thing like de sabonis was was good in in Indiana and a really really good player

And like a oh hey he might go for a triple double but the he took a step forward in Sacramento and the Kings followed so I I think it’s okay the the one deciding thing would be if one of them makes a Hall of Fame and the other one doesn’t

And like everyone can say like instantly oh sabonis is you know that that uh that halbert’s a Hall of Famer yeah Hal bur’s got a long ways to go to be a Hall of Famer yeah he’s on his he’s on a path but injuries and everything else can

Derail a career very quickly and so like we don’t know for sure but I will say that like sabon is well on his way and so it just I think that might be like the defining thing but it’s okay for both teams to win a trade it is and I I

Don’t understand why that that that’s how most trades are designed to go by the way yeah but very rarely does it happen no doubt like no doubt but the idea that both teams want to trade shouldn’t be a foreign idea it’s just oh that trade worked yeah it’s like

Sometimes a team gets fleeced and there are there are definitely exceptions where there’s a trade and what on the surface immediately it’s like oh my God what are they doing the the Pal Gasol trade to the Lakers like that right away was like like uh and then they get marasol didn’t the

Grizzlies get marasol in that that’s what happens they got marcol backward right they fell backwards into marasol there but on the surface it’s like uh this is ugly yeah but I think all trades have to be looked at like you have to have some distance from it yeah you know

Look at look at like the Hershel Walker trade right to where Dallas trades him to Minnesota they get Jack Del Rio and then they got like a boatload of pics and and some other players but it ends up being like the biggest like swing in two franchises ever you basically built

A dynasty off of one trade Dallas did and they successfully built a dynasty and so yeah that trade like in hindsight is crazy at the time it was like okay that’s crazy but hersel walk is a star and like he’s going to Minnesota like like the way it was viewed the day it

Happened versus like three years later was like stunning and then the fact that Dallas just went on to win and win and win it became like wow okay this is pretty intense and Minnesota’s never won a title no yeah it’s so th those are always fun like sliding doors Moments in

Sports like we know Dallas is like the team one of the team of the 90s they were how about them Cowboys and it’s troan it’s Michael Irvin it’s em Smith oh my God but what what does the NFL landscape look like if the hers Walker trade just never happens because the

Vikings don’t just automatically with the draft picks they dra draft all the same players the Cowboys did no of course not like the everything everything works out different that’s so that’s so weird yeah and and I mean I think even in the NBA you can go back through history and see like crazy

Trades that happen I mean Robert tractor trailer rip was uh the number six pick and three picks later was Dirk and they traded n for six and got other stuff to move down to take Dirk dang I mean that happened uh Olden pollones was selected and traded for Scotty Pippen

And like that swap happened like they they uh again Olden PA I believe was a higher pick than Scotty Pippen and Seattle traded uh Scotti Pippen to the Bulls on draft night like there’s a lot of things that happen in the league even you know Vince Carter and uh Antoine

James draft night uh what were they four and five and Antoine Jameson was number four and he was number five and you know one goes on to be like a Surefire Hall of Famer and the other one was a decent player but you know there’s a lot of

Trades that go on in the history of of sports that just end up looking way different than you thought they would have at the time the Warriors almost traded Steph to Phoenix for Amari star yeah that’s I mean crazy and their Dynasty would have never happened never

Never ever uh and then Klay Thompson almost got traded for Kevin Love and I think it was Jerry West Nicks to that idea yeah and I mean like we talk about this with the Kings all the time I mean the Kings drafted Thomas Robinson and the next pick was Damen Lillard the

Kings drafted Jimmer for de number 10 uh and then Klay Thompson Stephen Adams go kawh Leonard uh well and the the C.J McCollum deal CJ mcallum oh yeah that was Ben McLemore and the number 15 16 pick in that draft uh Jeff Petri according to lore had a dossier on

Giannis an tumbo and kept telling Pete dallesandro and his staff to to draft all right hang on yeah I’m gonna you may or may not know this and this may or may not be public info this may or may not be private info I don’t

Know do you believe that or is this a Danny a thing where Danny a was about to draft or trade for whatever every good player ever no because it was right afterwards we started hearing and you know I don’t know if you remember how that whole thing happened I have no

Recollection but two weeks before the draft Jeff Petri and his staff living in California when that happened yeah so that’s when VC buys a team right and Jeff Petri and his staff had stayed on and were helping Pete dallesandro Chris Mullen go through the draft process right and this is in

2013 at the last second like uh maybe it was a week before the draft maybe two weeks before the draft they fired Jeff and his staff and just said goodbye so I it was a bad day I went into Paul Martin’s down the street yeah to have a

Drink after a bad day of craziness and sure enough there Wayne Cooper and and Jeff Petri sitting there and I sent over a glass of wine God bless rip Wayne Cooper uh he drank expensive wine that cost me a lot uh Jeff Petri was much

More the happy hour huh uh no no uh but uh it was like a moment Frozen in time and then on the way out the door people forget that heat dandro absconded with uh all the kings iPads and took the uh all their draft strategy a week before the

Draft dang like life comes at you fast here in Sacramento boy does it in case you missed it uh but yeah there’s like maybe maybe it’s a little bit of lore but I do know that that Jeff Petri had scouted Giannis and tumbo he knew exactly who Giannis was he did not know

Exactly who Giannis would become right buted take a fly he who he he was like heading towards um but yeah do you know who got taken one pick ahead of Yannis anmo oh I don’t because that’s one of the worst drafts yeah Bennett one yep utto Porter Jr love him but third

Overall that’s nuts what do we got the only guy who hand out at all was uh was Oladipo and even that he his career ended quickly because I mean he still plays but it his career like petered out because of injury or Alex Len was five yep Cody

Zeller still in the league uh nland noell is number seven six six and then Ben M seven yeah canavi is calwell Pope eight cas’s out a nice little career yeah carved out a nice little career for himself Trey Burke n Michigan Legend uh C Jim m 10 yeah uh and Steven Adams 11

Nope 12 Rookie of the Year oh Michael Carter Williams was 11 yep yep Stephen Adams 12 yep Kelly oen 13 really good career that’s a nice pick by the uh by the Celtics well Mavericks traded the Celtics number 14 one pick ahead of Yannis Anto DMO Stockton Kings Legend shabaz

Muhammad let’s go come on let’s go yeah yeah Dennis shudder 17 it’s so funny how there are just some drafts where like every team is freaked out about getting lottery picks oh lottery picks lottery picks but then there’s some drafts like this one where outside the lottery you have Dennis

Shuder yep um Mason plumbley Tim Hardaway Jr Reggie bulck Rudy goar oh yeah goar was 27 I remember Rudy Gober coming in for his workout and he he was one of those dudes likes to take his shirt off and he literally looked like he had just like pumped iron and he was

He was sitting on the floor leaning back like kind of like looking over at the media like oh I’m buff and then he goes to stand up and his legs are this big around his legs like they’re the SES of a boulder marble like and you’re like oh

No is he gonna fall over like what is happening uh yeah he’s he’s grown up a lot yeah has he uh maybe not I you know I I will say this like I it’s one of the joys of of being in Sacramento is that for years you got to cover the draft and

You got to see these guys before they were anything right they might have been like really good college players sure but even the really good college players most of the time did not show up for media so like we can get I mean I remember Stephen Adams coming in first

Pre-draft workout and you know calling all of us mate a bunch of times and like you it was just like oh man you got to draft this guy like he’s spectacular like even then just pick him I don’t know if he’s good but then but then clay

Walked in and we interviewed clay and and my friend Sean Cunningham I believe it was Shan uh asked clay about he had just had a marijuana possession issue in Clay did after college what I’m almost yes and Clay smokes weed clay got very very uptight and not not at all

Comfortable with what was happening and it we became a very awkward situation and I said this story the other day Michael Carter Williams walked in oh yeah yeah I’m I’m like the I’m like Jason kid but but not like the bad old Jason kid that you see now it’s like man

Jason kid is still really Jason kid might be better now but like but like Jason kid in his prime and it’s like okay bro we just heard that you miss like 99 of your shots of your 100 shots yeah so they like that’s why I love the

Draft man the draft is really cool because you do you get to see these kids you know kawh Leonard just not saying a word uh like long before they they anything and it’s kind of fun can I confess something uh oh while we’re talking about this nobody this is just

Between you and me nobody listen um I miss when the 49ers had like early picks oh yeah like just for from the content perspective oh yeah like writing about a top 10 pick is so much more fun than writing about the 27th pick yeah I told you I’m planning a vacation for the

Last week of June this year I can do free agency from remotely like I did last year and you know I’m breaking stories from my hotel room and and PV uh but yeah but this year like I’m looking at the Kings don’t have a draft pick

They don’t have a first round pick and I don’t know if they’ll have a second round pick when it’s all said it’s so much more fun to cover a good team like no like without question un undeniably it is more fun to cover a team that is winning and making

The playoffs yes no doubt 1,00% and if you’re a fan who loves the draft you feel the same way about your favorite team like you would way rather they be good and have the last pick in the draft because they won the title than have the first pick in the draft because they

Sucked like that is unequivocal however however it’s more fun to cover the draft when like the last couple years the 49ers haven’t even had their first round pick because the Tre Lance trade yeah but that 2021 draft is electric right M Jones Trey Lance what what if

What if oh hey maybe they traded up for Kyle pittz or whatever like it was just a whirlwind of and then two years in a row with no first- round pick oh such a bummer late second round in 2022 and then this pass R didn’t pick until uh

What they trade up to like 88 to get gy brown it’s like ah yeah wait till late on day two for it’s just kind of I know like like draft Knight that’s I do like draft Knight is so much better when you have a a high pick uh even this last

Year we get all the way up to right before the pick and the Kings Trade the 24 to Dallas with rashan Holmes and it’s like oh man and then even I think they traded their early second round pick uh and kept the one with Colby Jones they

Moved back or something and so yeah there’s a lot of times where the draft means everything to a franchise like and I know this because I covered years and years I mean I think two years in a row the Kings had three first round picks so yorgos uh Malachi and scowl and then

They brought over bogdon that year um and then the next year is dearon uh Justin Jackson Harry Giles Frank bason in the second round like that’s a lot of draft coverage yeah it’s a lot I mean I for NBC the during the lockout I mean during the uh the pandemic I wrote 23

Mock drafts oh my God yeah so many mock drafts 23 mock drafts I feel like I’m really cranking out of mock drafts when I’m doing like eight yeah 23 so the only thing I wish Kyle is that they would have put those under King’s numbers not Warriors numbers because then you know

Maybe it would have looked better for my employment status the next year yeah sorry yeah um I mentioned JY Brown Tyler Jennings asking if he’s starting at safety this week yeah he is back in practice taan Gibson also back in practice the only member of the 49ers

Defense the only member of the 49ers who looks like gonna be out this week is cleand furl think everybody else is gonna be back yeah and guys I know Clay smokes that was the bit Yeah because being sarcastic Kyle Kyle I thought I was R sorry that’s my

Fault you know what that’s my fault I shouldn’t have tried to make jokes oh that’s funny it’s fun it doesn’t always work on the radio I don’t know Kyle no you know I always say that about Twitter I’m like ah you know what my sarcasm doesn’t really work I thought for sure

The inflection of the voice and the facial expression would really give it away but no it’s my fault uh you know who else was taken in this draft Ray mcallum oh yeah Ray McCallum big Ray mcallum guy uh I was there when um yeah great great summer league when uh

Michael Malone said hey can you please get me a point guard I Isaiah Thomas was hurt everyone was hurt at the end of the season and uh they were running Ray mcallum out there for 47 minutes a game and you know what how how Pete dallesandro responded he signed Royce

White oh my God isn’t that the guy who wouldn’t fly yes oh I think he was running for congress this last year yeah on on I think that’s right yeah yeah yeah uh on the ban PLS ticket yeah yeah on the slightly unstable ticket I don’t think Royce White ever

Scored a point in the NBA uh and I think he was a 10th pick in the draft you could tell me anything about rice white and I believe you okay is huanga available no taleno huanga just getting back to the Niners injury stuff real quick taleno huanga is out for the year

Tor ACL you’re done done yeah yeah so no the only one I ever on and won’t be coming back remember Jerry Rice came back from ACL in in season and then broke his kneecap in the first game yeah uh was it Adrien Peterson also it wasn’t the same season but he came

Back from atoran ACL in like four months yeah and then cam Acres the Rams running back recently blew out his Achilles in the preseason and came back during the season oh like that’s that’s wild do modern medicine man Royce White was the 16th pick overall in the 2012

NBA draft he never scored an NBA point played three games total uh nine minutes total all with this Iowa State um yeah I think he was a cyclone yeah Iowa State yeah wonder if Brock P knows him there you go all right anyways um speaking of Brock py speaking of the

49ers we have a Pro Football Hall of Famer joining us next he invented the lambo leap he is a Green Bay Packers Legend he is looy Butler uh a thorn in the side of the 49ers through the mid to late 90s when the Packers were just knocking the ners out of the playoffs

Every single year one of my favorite people to talk football with he will be joining us next on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports Leader yeah Terrell sugs came back from a Tor AC uh Tor Achilles in approximately four weeks you know what I read yesterday I did not know this Terrence Davis popped as Achilles uh ly is going to join us on the stream oh yeah so um Terrence Davis who has

Been playing in the g-league towardes Achilles and so he is not available for anyone out there who was and that’s a difficult one right there that sucks hate that for TD man yep yeah we did a ton of stuff with uh odyssey’s Milwaukee station

Rip when um when I was in 957 we do a ton of simal cast with ly show oh there he is yeah I was G BR I wasn’t gonna let y’all down and be late no of course not I I knew you wouldn’t how you doing man Hey listen sometime these players man

They they are divas you got to call them email them they tell you the dog ate their homework I’m a grown man we had someone tell us they couldn’t make it because they got covid right yeah yeah yeah we won’t say who that was like I’m sick I’m

Sick we didn’t ask stud need I need you to sneeze on me man need you to talk for a little bit you can have whatever you want to have just get these answers that’s right what what you been up to man it’ll take too long to tell you but I’m going

Tell you this I grew up a Cowboys fan my whole life and it’s been wonderful [Laughter] lately I’m serious and now that is awesome I can’t I can’t believe they’re doing that man yeah tell you what I I’mma tell you what I heard I think I know Jerry Jones too cheap to pay

Somebody just to sit he ain’t doing it he a gonna just pay you remember make Jason Garrett and let him play it out yeah multiple times yeah he’s not no he’s not doing that no that’s wild that’s wild all right we got about one minute to her back guys yeah

And I don’t think he would I don’t think he was gonna hire bellich either I mean no bellich need 15 wins and he wants to have somewhat some control would Jones two old guys yelling that’ll never work it’ll be like grumpy old that’s awesome I was going through I

Did this piece for the side ey R for I was going through all the Niners Packers playoff games and just kind of writing about each one and dude I gotta tell you the looy butler name kept coming up and you know what can’t stand that guy yeah like Tackle by ly Butler those

Were man thank you so much I like I like your uh quarter zip congratulations yeah that’s right sorry your quarter yeah your quarter zip oh oh sometime I do forget like 371 guys or something in it but thank you so much it’s kind of embarrassing to talk about sometimes

Because some okay I’m asking about it right away by the way first thing I’m gonna ask I got a good answer all right here we go we’re coming back in 10 seconds here we go guys okay all right let’s Dive Right In Packers Legend inventor of the lambo leap and

The first time I’ve gotten to say this I haven’t talked to you since then Pro Football Hall of Famer looy Butler joining us now uh looy congratulations man that’s so so cool and you pull up in your in your Pro Football Hall of Fame

Quarter zip I I I love it for you man congrats well first of all it’s 14 degrees here in and outside it don’t matter because my wife only let me tick it up so much me and my son full disclosure we like it about 68 heat but

My wife daughters like it like they like it 80 degrees so I don’t get it but so we have to always dress a quarterly indoors oh brutal that’s wild uh but let’s be honest you have a gold jacket to keep you warm now right like

How does yes and shout out to Hagar at Men’s Warehouse because I was a little a little like perplex how it worked and I didn’t know you gonna have all these people around you like you a wedding and they size you up and and then you get a

Chance to wear it on a special occasion then I really didn’t know that you get a ring and somebody asked me how does it feel to get into the Hall of Fame and I said it’s like a wedding think about you thinking every year some guy’s goingon

To propose to you and he doesn’t and you wait around and you’re Wai around for 16 years like I did and you just give up CU all your girlfriends girl he should marry you those are the fans are saying you should be in before Lynch you should

Be in before this guy but you just listen to it and said girl I done giv up and then you think about it you give up and Charles Woodson is knocking at your door with the ring I said yes by the way so I know it to all those women for guys

That haven’t stepped up to manhood because we keep putting it off for whatever reason but when you go through that cycle though because every guy you know well every finalist think he should get in but once you’re in you forget about all those 16 years that he was

Supposed to propose in front of your family at your favorite restaurant you forget about all that let’s plan this wedding so but I also represent some of the guys like my teammates if it wasn’t for my teammates um there’s no way I could be wearing this on my chest

Because one thing com in mind is Desmond Howard shout out to Michigan for Woodson and Desmond we played San Francisco in the rain because it may rain Saturday Des Howard took the game over y took it over and that’s what it feels like I mean you need people like this in

Certain elements to step up so I just love my teammates yeah he had a touchdown in that game and then he had a long return that set up a short touchdown he was a heck of a player man um what do you do with the gold jacket

Is it hanging up somewhere do you wear it uh that’s a good question because I normally don’t wear it to like uh speaking engagements because there’s a cost to it because you know you can like build your brand and then you can say you want me to the jacket well yeah that’ll cost

You x amount more and some of the che companies are like no but the good ones are like yeah it’s worth for every one of our guys and girls to take a picture with you I don’t wear it to church every Sunday and stuff like that around the house in my underwear

I’m like I’m like eating a ham sandwich in in that thing I’m just like hey you like my gold slippers I got gold slippers with my gold jacket and I got gold boxers there you go that’s a good idea I my wife will approve but like risky business right

Tom I’m sliding in everywhere just like oh you see me jacket yeah it’s pretty amazing but for me I had a few people uh like my kids tried it on and I thought it was great um my good friend Charlie Baron a good comedian in the state of

Wisconsin he’s touring now all over I talked to him another day was in Fargo I said I didn’t know people in Fargo had comedy is so cold up there but he’s there sold out from the yeah I mean come on man it’s a long way and they and sold

Out so thank you to people in Fargo for supporting my friend but I wanted people just to see it when I go to schools I had a mental health event and I had it hanging up with my bus and I told a story about my bus and

I had the jacket hanging up and kids were taking pictures with it that makes me feel good that’s awesome that’s really really cool talking with ly Butler Green Bay Packers Legend Pro Football Hall of Famer class of 2022 um now who am I talking to tell the

People who I’m talking to y’all the Stars I’m well people listen hopefully no I’m Kyle that’s James we don’t have gold jackets though around here and and you notice that ly is not wearing the gold jacket afford that we couldn’t afford that saidar the quarter for free like all right thank

Well um did did Packers fans view this matchup with San Francisco as a rivalry because Green Bay dominated the this postseason matchup for so long but the 49ers have won the last four this is the 10th time they met in the postseason since 96 the Packers fans view this as any kind of

Rivalry uh not quite but hear me out the Rivalry really is the Bears it’s the oldest rivalry right in all the sports but when it’s one-sided is it really a rivalry but yes it is because I’m as we’re doing this I live in Oak Creek Wisconsin which is near like

Racine kosia that’s not far from Chicago so it’s a lot of Bears fans live in the city or in the state really but to your point I think that team has cost Matt Le Floyd two trips to the Super Bowl so it’s a team that want to beat you know

You have your brother KY Shanahan I mean he knows all these guys I mean so you know but the difference is this is a profound statement because I want you to really have an open mind with this so we’re in therapy okay perfect this is the best

Team that Matt laf Flor will take to play them and I know people say well wait a minute they had a Hall of Fame quarterback they had Devonte Adams they had all these great players he won 39 games in his first three years broke sea record

Fine that was a band with a lead singer this is Orchestra with Matt laflor up there that little white thing I need everybody from the percussion section to the guy over there with the triangle like I used to play in the band to be on the same Accord yeah that’s how

We won the last what seven or nine games or whatever because in the playoffs you need a Orchestra nobody picked these last eight teams Baker Mayfield Brock pie Jordan love wait a minute he’s playing nobody picked these teams right but that’s why it’s a rivalry in a sense

But it’s the team that really has cost you a Super Bowl trip rohim moard still running and he’s with the dolphins right yeah yeah so yeah all right um we watched the Cowboys uh they imploded but your Packers were right there for you know on the scene to cause

That implosion um just how much you weigh that it was the Cowboys falling apart versus this is a a team that’s on a roll the Packers and that they’re growing into who they might be excellent question I thought I had my um L Koozie thing here because I have a

Saying two things can be true they succumb to the pressure and this young team they’re not scared of anything around the corner because they don’t know what’s around the corner they’ve never been to AT&T Stadium most of these guys either right now be you know at probably the roller rink or

Something but play Arcade games or driving around in um Gokarts because they may not even can have driver’s license I mean these some young guys so they’re not scared to go in there to play and they believe in each other for example jayen Reed’s been our guy 793

Yards he’s our number one guy he’s missed a few games he’s been banged up Bo Melton caught one pass reeding against Dallas they didn’t turn over the water they didn’t go knock the kicking net down they didn’t scream to the me they don’t throw me the ball they just

Wait it ain’t our week it’s for wicks okay Musgrave just got back it’s for Romeo do Romeo oh Romeo what for th that was off the cuff by the way that’s why they winning guys we don’t have a number one do we have to force the ball

To early on when Jordan La was doing that to Watson who also didn’t I think he caught maybe one ball five of his nine interceptions came or his 11 interception trying to force a the Watson so they went back and now they run the system who’s ever open it’s

So unselfish these guys love each other that’s why they won yeah that ton of good ton of Talent on that team all kind of uh feels like you said Wix Jaden Reed Luke Musgrave they all just kind of they all meshed at the same time and you get Jordan love

Playing really really well as we talked to LeRoy Butler Pro Football Hall of Famer former uh defensive back for the Green Bay Packers uh what has Jordan love specifically improved on throughout the course of the year in your eyes man you guys are a platinum show that’s another good question because great he’s

The same guy but look at his demeanor you don’t know whether he threw for 300 or 200 same guy go back and look at his interviews when he was two and five same guy so now when he blows up 21 touchdowns to one turnover same guy but here’s where it really hits

You when you say to yourself self don’t turn the ball over don’t throw interceptions we can beat anybody because guess what yes I the straw that stir the drink but the flavor is Aaron Jones yeah if Aaron Jones is running the ball not only does my play action work

My misdirection work it confuses defenses that’s why you see guys so wide open but Rogers really didn’t like motion he said it I don’t really like motion I don’t like that I like to go to the line and check and do my own thing fine lefl loves motion so does Jaden Reed so

Do Bo Melton everybody’s moving around and then you got tight ends next thing know 33 is out the door that’s just a good system and that’s why Jo love say you know what maybe this game is not as hard as people think if I do exactly

What my coaches tell me to do and then sometime sometime it’s not mean the Wicks touchdown I see oh they bring Casino Blitz okay Tucker craft come in who’s a rookie come in I need you Taylor come in too I need Max protection because I got

The coverage I want and Wick you know what to run you know what to run eight because you’re gonna have good leverage and with one second left on the clock he told Jaylen Reed to go in motion that was a DOT too a lot of moving parts that your quarterback has

Learned for these three years and I’m I’m proud of him because he wants the smoke to become a great quarterback yep you know when you look at this uh this Niners team I mean you’re a defensive back yeah you’re looking across and you see their weapons and and again you talk

About unselfish like very unselfish this team takes turns they you know whether it’s KD or it’s Debo whether it’s auk or you know it’s mcaffrey out of the back field they seem to really take turns when you if you were to line up against that team what would be your biggest

Concern because man they can really put up points in a hurry and they get on top of you quick well K Shanahan is a genius um two things I’m upset with him because his dad beat me in Super Bowl 32 as am I with mcaffrey don’t like him either

Because his dad beat me in Super Bowl 32 here’s when you’re a genius because sometime people throw that around a lot here’s when you you know you have a genius people know what he’s running it’s his system yeah can’t stop and let’s be fair to everybody on the

West coast and the East Coast where Philly is if Brock pery don’t get hurt last year they’re in the Super Bowl you think so yes they didn’t they didn’t have a a they didn’t have a passing game yeah I mean once he gets hurt it’s a wrap but

To the people who say well Trey Lance was a bus and they three first rounders yeah they messed that up no they didn’t because they took Brock pery with the last pick John lych did whatever GM should do cover your back now Mr relevant should get what Justin Herbert

And all those guys get I hate to say that John I’m sorry but these are two quarterbacks that listen to their coaches and run the system yep because you just got to make sure every see Debo is like jayen re he’s the move guy okay Brandon UK or however you say

His name we wanted him in the draft in 20120 but we got love so we know the talent and then when John went way across the United States and got mcaffrey like oh this guy trying to go to a Super Bowl so we know the weapons but everybody in the league knows that

System but nobody can defend it if it’s always moving and that’s the reason why these two offense they Mir each other yeah what did what did um as we talked with ly Butler Pro Football Hall of Famer Green Bay Packers Legend uh inventor of the lambo Elite obviously um

What did the what because when I was following and watching the Packers going into the postseason it was like man this defense is really struggling like they’re going to have a little bit of trouble with Dallas with CD lamb and and all the weapons they have over there but

They kind of locked them up until you know the end of the game when he was out of hand and Dallas started moving the ball what did they do differently against Dallas that they weren’t doing toward the end of the year I think they confused Dallas because they thought

That we were gonna put Jer Alexander who was questionable before the game game time decision we gonna put every on CD lamb in the slot they didn’t do that kept it the Integrity of the defense and by the time they figured out what they were doing it was too late because McCarthy

Was the smartest guy in the room he threw the ball 60 times what he should have did is ran the ball 60 times see CD lamb gotta be unselfish and say you know what this ain’t my week I may get three or four targets because Pard is gonna

Get 260 like rohee moster did or like the five times during the year that teenss ran over 200 yards but no they got to get the ball to CD lamb and that was the pick six from Savage like we talked about and now you gotta Force the

Ball so this defense wants you to throw the ball that’s how they get after you the weakness is stopping the run and they’re and I’m to be honest with you they played pretty good with that as well but it’s something that you have to stick to and that’s something K

Shan in this weather he’s going to run the ball so the Packers must stack the stack the box and make Brock pie have a career day in the rain if it rains y I agree but who do you think’s gonna win this game I mean I I think this is a

Really good matchup but it’s a team that maybe is a year or two ahead of of the Packers in the 49ers um but like what what’s your feeling on this one probably three years ahead let’s be honest because it’s all KD and all these guys

Who I think is the best tight end I mean George KD’s the best tight end I’ve Taylor Swift’s boyfriend yes and shout out to Taylor Swift you saved the NFL you saved the NFL because without your fan base the numbers would have been like in the middle thank you thank you

Thank you that aside Kelsey has not had the year that he normally has has nothing to do with her by the way it’s just funny George K Blocks he’s unselfish he’s smart he doesn’t drop passes and he has nice hair all those things are great things so no doubt but

With that being said I’m looking for the upset and I’m not just saying that because I have a packer Jersey over my shoulder I think the Packer young guys looks forward to the challenge of going in and shocking the world again because it was fun doing it to Dallas yeah and

Whenever the weather changes it levels the playing field so I’m looking for the Packers to win 30 to 17 and you say wait a minute Butler they’re not going to score 17 points they got all these weapons wait the three games they lost in a row they

Scor 17 points yep we score 30 we usually win so that’s what I’m think laori you have been fantastic as always you’ve been super generous with your time we appreciate you so much um you got you got anything to to to plug before we get out of here yes any

Anywhere you download uh podcast just go to the leap 36 podcast me and my former uh teammate player Gary Ellison I love the guy we have one of the best podcast want listen to Packers and amongst other topics but yeah just download the leap 36 podcast yeah we’ll definitely do that

You guys are both super entertaining can’t wait to listen uh thank you so much for joining us today man we really appreciate you absolutely thank you so much I really appreciate it and out of all the interviews I’ve done this the best questions I’ve had since 2024 we’re cutting that and saving it

That’s a drop okay that’s a drop no doubt ly thank you so for your time buddy thank you yeah ly Butler Green Bay Packers Legend inventor of the lambo leap and Pro Football Hall of Famer class of 2022 nice enough to spend uh 20 minutes with us man he is just the very

Best absolutely amazing so much yeah that’s uh thanks for setting that up Kyle to be honest like it’s not often you get to talk to somebody who not only is a Hall of Famer but who’s hilarious and yeah like took us all over the place he’s one of those he’s one of those

People that and I know you’ve you’ve come across him where where it’s you go you know what I don’t want to take too much of their time but so like okay 20 I told him like 15 took 20 like okay thank but I could talk to him for three hours

Oh yeah yeah I have so many questions he has so much fun yeah yeah uh so here’s his here’s the thing with his with his prediction the 30 to 17 one I don’t I I don’t agree I I don’t think that’s how the the game is going to go okay but in

A scenario if the Packers score first and if it is rain Brock P’s having trouble throwing the ball they’re stacking eight man boxes they’re slowing down the run and all of a sudden they get up 10 nothing or 14 nothing and they’re forcing the 49ers to try and come back I could see

It getting out of hand okay like that I mean there there’s a there’s a path to it I’m like I said I wouldn’t I wouldn’t bet on that but I don’t think it’s for I don’t think that’s a completely outrageous especially if you’re you know in the Packers Hall of Fame yeah and

You’re going to make a prediction I don’t think it’s crazy yeah I don’t think so either I mean I expect the 49ers to win I do too um I just number one I they’re a better team but he did There’s Something about not knowing what you don’t know right and and that’s kind

Of what he was alluding to with the young players like they don’t know what’s around the corner they don’t know what they don’t know and so you’re walking into a game and you don’t have any history where you know the 49ers have history of walking into the NFC

Championship game last year and watching quarterback get his yeah his elbow trash in the first you know few minutes of the game and and like there’s some history there of like frustration and you know like getting to a certain point and not losing and and losing it and you know I

Think there is something about a team that just walks in with a with a clean slate a bunch of young guys and like all right let’s do this well I think the whole knowing don’t you don’t know what you don’t know thing gets to a limit like there’s a there’s a reason that

Young and exper teams don’t often make deep runs in the playoffs in any sport like we talk about that with the Kings last year it’s a thing with OKC this year like Oklahoma City like okay they’re they’re a really good regular season team but I don’t think I’d bet on

Them to win a title because they just haven’t done they they haven’t gone through the rigors of a postseason yeah and okay you don’t know which okay maybe that gets him a first round series but eventually The Experience takes over and maybe that’s this round maybe it’s next

Round but eventually the whole like hey they’re just not afraid of the moment thing eventually runs out well I mean it’s like game seven of the Kings Warrior series yeah there comes a point where the other team just has been there so many times and they understand they

They get it they they they understand to sit down and relax during long timeouts they understand to how to make adjustments on the Fly what’s working what’s not how to keep feeding something that’s working yeah um how to get under someone’s skin like they just do and you

Know the kings are on their path to that that now and even like year two year three like where do they go but I kind of it’s it’s very similar like there is a pathway to get great in in every sport and it doesn’t usually just happen in

One year where you just go from you know okay or a mediocre or like you got a new quarterback to all of a sudden you’re great it doesn’t usually work that way especially with a young a bunch of young players yeah Jordan love is playing so well right now though yeah he’s

Oner I I like I said I’m not I I am expecting the 49ers to win but I’m not taking any result off the table I I just with what they did to Dallas last week and if defensively they’re as good as they were last week yeah what you’re hoping is that

They don’t have a why not us mentality and and I think they probably do but like they walk in there why not us okay yeah get I think I think we’re GNA learn a lot about how the game goes in the first probably like I think in the first quarter

MH I think the longer it stays close I think the more it benefits the 49ers oh but again if the Packers jump out to a quick lead if they’re up seven nothing 10 nothing after the first quarter and the Niners got to come from behind now now now they can get behind

Aaron Jones now they can run their play action stuff everything Lori Butler said on on that I I couldn’t agree more with Jordan love was really good this year but in play action specifically when you go look at his splits between play action and non-play action non-play

Action he’s very good when play action is working when they’re in a spot where they’re second and short and they can bring linebackers up to the line on on play fakes and maybe get a safety to crash down or get out of position where you guys get running free down the field

Like that’s when he has been really really good this year like Elite so if they can keep Green Bay from being in a spot where they can rely on their run game where it is just straight drop back and pass it just gives him a better chance or a better opportunity to shut

Down a quarterback that’s playing really well that’s right so anyways that was fun yeah I think that was fun Kyle all right we got to hit a break well More Kings coming up we got some Pacers coming up and some keys to a king’s Victory that’s

Coming up as well all in the last half hour on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports leater be right back what’s going on everybody uh we do have it confirmed that the Oakland A’s are in Sacramento right now uh looking at rivercats Setter health field rivercats River Cats hey Charlie’s back um

Uh you know I’m going to pull the Patrick Keller um I think you need to kick the tires on brull as well but I also I’m not sure anyone’s told that that Jim horah is going to do what it is that you think he’s gonna do like there it’s too wide

Open hi Charlie how are you good how are you good talk to you after the show yep um uh let me see somebody asked do I think a lot of deals get done before the deadline I mean I don’t know we already have two sizable deals right there isn’t there

More than one um yeah I mean like look the kings are going to push to make a deal and I think if there’s a team that’s going to make a deal it’s like the kings are really high on that list um just because I I think everyone can

Kind of see that things aren’t going 100% the way you’d hope that they would go uh and you you have holes um but the trade deadline is weird you just never know sometimes there’s like this wild like fireworks show at the end of the at the end of a uh the trade

Deadline session where you know like eight deals get done or 12 deals get done I don’t think the Kings can play on the peripheral I don’t think that’s where they’re at right now because I think their peripheral players are actually pretty solid they have to they

Have to either in in uh improve the the core or they need to improve the starting lineup or they need to improve something like it it’s got to be in their top six their top five six seven players um anyway that’s just my opinion yeah I don’t think a smaller

Deal I I just don’t think it moves the needle like where are you going to to do a a smaller deal I know uh like Gilbert brings up like what smaller deal how can you fit a player in on a smaller deal into the rotation because I don’t see a lot of

Room to fit someone in you got Fox you got monk you’ve got herder uh Barnes Murray you know like if the Kings aren’t going to bring someone in to steal minutes from that that’s on equal footing is like Sasha venkov that just doesn’t make any sense because you you’ve invested you know 18

Million bucks over three years whatever but maybe I’m maybe I’m off David that’s a good question is Sasha uh on the table to be traded I don’t I don’t think so but like I like look you got to do what you got to do to make a

Deal and I at a certain point you have to look at some players um for not just who they are as as players but also for who they are as salary contracts I think Kyle’s coming back come back oh you’re not back oh there you go I am here we go

Any trades break while I was gone no but I did get confirmation that the Oakland A’s are actually in Sacramento checking out Setter healthfield H confirmation temporary home of the Oakland Athletics a triple a stadium in Sacramento I’m just glad the A’s are on top of this I’m glad that they have

Their lives figured out for Life Beyond Oakland good for them yeah yeah [Laughter] yeah I I I hope I mean I I hope that this isn’t VC doing his H home a solid which it might be yeah um I would way prefer it being VC like yeah hey let’s

Soft launch the MLB in Sacramento idea and see how it goes so hopefully maybe VC has talked to baseb and going hey here’s what we’re going to do we’ll see how it goes and maybe we’ll get an expansion team here someday or something like that that’d be great yeah I’d be here for

That anyways no trades though no fine no trades that I’ve seen I mean it’s possible Kenny’s here hey Kenny have we seen any trades in the last five minutes uh hang on good your mic’s on he just he can’t hear me oh yeah he just left all

Right that’s fine um if you want to go back and listen to our interview with ly Butler you can do so on YouTube and twitch just rewinded a little bit a super fun conversation at the top of last hour um just really really enjoyed talking with him we’ll dive further into

49ers and Packers uh tomorrow as we get you ready for the divisional round of the NFL playoffs yeah we’ll break again by the way like 403 okay yeah just FYI uh I have an idea for the Kings I have an idea how in case a team goes small against them again which I’m

Guessing is something teams will try and do I don’t know how much it’ll happen in the regular season necessarily because I don’t know how much teams like Scout opponents during the regular season as much as they like self Scout and try and get their own stuff down

But I think the move you brought this up yesterday and I didn’t necessarily agree with it yesterday in putting Kevin herder in instead of Malik monk when a team goes small I think having a bigger player that can play small is more beneficial than having a player like Malik Monk on

The court okay and I don’t know because we we talked a lot about D Manas sabonis and how he offensively was like trying to run the offense instead of going and taking advantage of a smaller team and the fact that there wasn’t a true Center in the

Game who could guard him yeah um I think you can fix that by when a team goes small just spread out Murray and herder and Barnes and just do picks and pick and rolls until the the lights turn off yeah I mean I think it’s it’s interesting because you don’t know when

A team’s gonna go small on you right yeah no doubt and and every team when they do go small it’s different so like when the Kings go small they’re not run running Kevin Durant out there at Center they’re running Trey lyes so right a better play yeah well I’m just saying I’m just

Saying like there are different ways that these things happen right where like every team is unique every situation is unique sometimes the teams go small you’re like okay we’ll just drop Alex Len in and any shot that we miss we’ll grab the rebound and you’re

Done yeah so I mean like there are a lot of different ways that this thing works out and and I think like in the moment if you would have plan for them to go small then you probably should have because that’s a team that doesn’t have

A like a great backup center that can do anything against deonis sabonis but yeah I mean like look every situation is different and and it also it depends like my opinion in that game is that Malik monk was having like a a bad moment and sometimes you do have to make

A tough decision as a head coach and say look I’m gonna go to somebody else I mean he ended up having what three turnovers in the fourth quarter he had uh he had a couple of shots that were blocked in the fourth quarter and like it wasn’t working right then

And sometimes swapping somebody out and and giving someone else a shot like can can work and sometimes it doesn’t sometimes like it it’s possible like their fate was sealed early on when they let go of that yeah and the Suns got rolling it’s possible that their fate

Was Fe their fate was sealed sure and it didn’t matter who you had on the court you had a team that was going to keep hitting shots yeah the thing with Malik monk specifically and I know we talked about this a little bit yesterday that’s

Such a hard line for Mike Brown to walk because you call you use the term mistake player which means monk is going to make some mistakes here and there yeah whether it’s a turnover a bad shot or or whatever whatever it may be but for every one of those you’re going to get

Two or three plays that are in spectacular like yeah different like next level energizing plays they stop a run whatever whatever it is like there’s not a lot of guys on the team that you trust more than Malik monk in a big spot to hit a shot right and they ran the

Last shot for him the other night against Phoenix so understanding all that it’s really really hard when he’s having a rough go in the fourth quarter it’s really really hard to know when that leashes and when it’s time to to use that hook like look

Because he might be in the middle of a of a okay he’s made a couple mistakes but he also might hit a couple of huge shots down the stretch yeah and I love a good mistake player like that’s like when I say mistake player like look at I’ll just say like

Harrison Barnes when you go look at his prize pick every night there’s a more or less on 0 five turnovers that is not a mistake player right that’s a dude who if he makes mistake which he had to in that game he had the offensive foul late in the game

That the yeah right so but a good like it’s a chaos they’re I maybe that’s a better way to to describe them he’s a chaos player can I give you two mistake chaos players yep Josh Allen quarterback of the Buffalo Bills oh yeah chaos player chaos uh Stephen Curry chaos

Player yes he turns the ball over so damn much yep but you live with it because of all the good that comes with it Malik Monk’s in the same category for yeah that and I also think that like separating like buddy heeld was a mistake player and there there needs to

Be a clear separation because some well no but some of those mistakes but like buddy averaged over 20 a game here buddy is like one of the great three-point Shooters we’ve ever seen But when a player pulls up with 21 seconds left on a shot clock when you’re up by six with

90 seconds left in a game and he pulls up from 32 feet yeah I’m done yeah a losing play I don’t want the coach to call a timeout and put the guy on the bench I want the coach to call a timeout have a small cannon to load him into and

Literally shoot him into the upper bowl like that’s where you’re you’re just so frustrated like understand the moment understand the moment and I think more often than not Malik understands the moment and he’s really good in the moment and what he brings again I don’t

Like it’s not a bad thing and you need those players on your team you do because those players cause they’re disruptive they play outside of the offense they play outside of the flow they give you something different they break up the whole game and you you have

To have a guy like that but you when you see it happening in a game and you think oh no we’ve gone down the path of a player that is like realistically he’s going to keep hurting you because sometimes that happens you have to be able to say okay it’s not

Your night and I I don’t want to hurt your feelings but it’s not your night but also like what what’s that point of delineation like at what point do you say okay it’s not Malik Monk’s night is it three turn RS is it two is it one particularly egregious

Turnover is a bad shot like that’s that’s what’s tough for me because wait you brought up yesterday you said and maybe they give Kevin herder more of a more run in the fourth quarter you got like three minutes and Malik had 10 yeah and my initial reaction was no chance

Like I know Kevin herder’s been better right now over the last couple days better in the scope of what what he has been this year not better than Malik but yeah like over the course of the Year struggling yes and he looked more like him self the last couple games and maybe

He could have used that and used his size and my initial reaction was well no because mik might hit back-to-back threes and put that game away yeah and we’ve seen him do that times this year no I totally get that and the fact that that hurler’s track record at this point

In this season is not to do that but over the last couple of games it is to do that and over last season it was it was him yeah I mean you got to remember he finished third on the team in scoring last year 15.2 points per game and Malik

Finished it like 13 and a half there there was a difference in in what you were getting and there’s a gravitational pull they both have a pull but it’s different yeah like again the draw and kick capabilities the pick and roll capabilities with uh with Malik are off

The chart although herder’s a good like he’s good at hitting the the role man as well yeah good decision maker yeah but you know on occasion there are moments where it’s like Hey Kevin herder like should just be out of the rotation in the final six minutes of a game yeah I

Mean how many times even this year while he’s had a bad year have we seen him go in and grab three rebounds that mattered in the final minute of a game I feel like maybe half a dozen times we’ve been like yeah herur or shot it terribly but

But as but those three rebounds in the fourth quarter were big yeah yeah anyway um before we hit the break real quick did you hear about the Chiefs fans that were hospitalized due to hypothermia and Frostbite no many I think it was 13 fans from who went to the game the other

Night yep I’ve always wanted to go to a game in the cold I’ve always wanted to experience that just to just to say I did it right yeah I’m 33 now I turned 34 in August I don’t think I could do it anymore like when I was 25 I was like

Yeah are you looking at the age of the players now yeah a little bit you like looking at the ages no I’m just looking like as a fan I I love sports and there are not that many conditions I wouldn’t go hang out to watch great players like

Tyreek Hill and Patrick Mahomes watching that Chris Jones watching those guys in person yeah I got right like I I love that that’s one of my favorite parts of sports two teams I couldn’t give a rip about but if you give me like Prime outstanding talent I I’ll I’ll go and

I’ll watch and I’ll have a great time I don’t think I’m braving a negative 27 windchill to do it anymore I just I can’t I know there’s long johns and I know there’s you know the B clavas and you can wear a big jacket and you

Can layer up I’m just not no I’m not doing it either I don’t want to have to wear Snow goggles to protect my eyeballs from the air no like that’s too cold for me no I’m not doing it uh we do have word that Tyrese helbert uh according to

Reports will not play tonight well he came into the day questionable he was upgraded to questionable he will not play and Pascal SE yakum has not joined the pack uh the Pacers yet um it does not look like he will be uh in for tonight well that changes my keys to

Victory a little bit but luckily oh I wrote it in a way that accounted for this very thing we’ll do that next we’ll talk to uh KC for the handoff next we’re taking you to noon on ESPN 1320 hey I’ve got to take a call can you uh can you mute meing by

Oh dang James just did the I have to take a call thing let’s see if he walks out the back hang on everybody nope oh sorry everybody can hear that my bad 15 fans I said 13 and 16 just danced all around it what do we

Got yeah like that’s the thing is I don’t if somebody was like Hey the A’s are playing in game seven of the World Series but it’s in I don’t know where is it cold in the National League Chicago I’m playing the Cubs and it is super

Cold like I don’t even know if I’d do baseball weather cold much less negative 27 facts Alberton Alberton doesn’t want that smoke with the Aon hey Kenny can you hear me right now oh okay hang on let’s let’s get you in here here’s that let’s get that let me unmute your mic I

Mute your microphone in there when you like come in to get ready oh no worries no worries I don’t know if you heard me and Jesse talking about it a little bit yesterday I’m not sure what you just said either as far as like how they got on that but me and Jesse

Propose every NFL stadium needs at least a retractable roof um that that was ridiculous in Kansas City and it happens like at least once a year somewhere Kansas City Green Bay Buffalo people got to sit negative 15 weather like are you yeah kidding me see I love the thing is though is is

What’s the do you have a line where they have to close the roof like negative n negative n is yeah I got the windchill it’s halfway through the first quarter they’re like oh nope just dropped to negative 10 the crazy thing is uh Buffalo you know Builder new stadium it’s open

Air yeah like they wanted it that way they did that on purpose and that’s fine that that’s fine but it should be retractable that’s what we came down to like not straight out Dome because we want some element games or whatever but when it’s unhealthy for everybody

Involved like you should be a close did you hear what the city said when they they built the open stadium and and the the NFL’s like yo you won’t be able to host a Super Bowl because we’re not doing buffalo in February like that’s crazy and then the

City was like yeah we don’t have the infrastructure for it anyways oh my God it’s probably true but all right hey no pressure here James well I know he came out of here and I was like yeah what’s going on oh what’s going on I I’m asking you

Oh nothing yeah we’re no okay hang on hang on hang on just for the chatty offs no snitch it nothing is in literally nothing or nothing is in like I can’t say anything nothing no no no nothing nothing is in that wasn’t even a basketball call it was not a basketball

Call well I mean maybe but not like a a a trade call no not that no not a transaction lie to us James lie to us all right hang on here we go coming back welcome back into the Insiders Kenny carway is here for the handoff we typically do this mid segment

Because we got off track with ly Butler and we had to move some clocks around Kenny’s just going to start segment with us disappointed in my man James Hand you got to work this thing out you be like come back you know because he left during the break or whatever you got to

Come back like yo it’s going down I wouldn’t change your dial from ESPN 1320 for the rest of the day it’s going down now he didn’t say what’s going down he just said it’s going down so you know that’s how you got to work it I always

Talk about this I have I have uh like two people three people I talk to on a regular basis who if I’m hanging out with them and they’re like oh I need to take this call or oh I just got a text I’m like you said what like let’s talk

About it and James went he walked past my window and he goes just like this chatty house he goes I have to take this call I do I did and I was like oh let go let’s go I probably should have just taken the call after the show I need

Hand signals though I need like need to call not basketball like I need something well I didn’t know uh before but w yeah that once again like I said you didn’t say well you wouldn’t have been saying anything you like yo it’s going down don’t stop listening to 1320

You didn’t say what was going on you didn’t say a trade you didn’t say a transaction we could be talking about a uh the the new uni tracker is out you could have been talking about that you didn’t have to say specifically well we

Left him on the we we know James a big uniform guy no I don’t know how they do that did you see that they uh they have all the uniform combinations out for the rest of the season I I used to always think they they did that like day of or

The night before this is not baseball isn’t that crazy in baseball the starting pitcher picks the uniforms I didn’t know that like I’m feeling green today guys yeah I had no idea that’s the thing well it’s just like it in basketball people don’t know that the opposing team gets to choose what which

End of the Court they W up on that is always bizarre because you’ll watch games and one day the Kings will be finished on one side of the Court the other day they’ll be finish I’m like yo what’s going on here it’s like in football just which way is the wind

Going and you want to make sure you’re shooting to end the game on the better side typically the team wants defense in front of their bench right oh maybe that’s just me I want I want I think I want defense in front of my at the end of the game at the

End of the game so you can be more communicative yeah and play there’s an argument for offense too but a weird thing that goes on during pregame every game which I don’t know if a lot of people know that the whistle is it has a chip in it and it’s tied to the

Clock and they go and they check the whistles in pregame and make sure it stops the clock so as soon as they blow the whistle it stops the clock that’s pretty that’s pretty cool that’s amazing yeah and so all all three of the officials have their whistle attached to

The clock and boom boom boom like as soon as they so one guy will test out everyone’s whistle before the game which is kind of strange yeah why yeah why put some Clorox on that whistle afterwards sir I always thought it was that little thing on their hip right don’t they

Control the clock by that too uh it’s possible that they can also control the clock by that but because they do that when like somebody’s rolling the ball so like it maybe they have control of it or whatever but they’re always got their hand on their because you’re not blowing

The whistle right exactly so that’s why you would have it in that situation where you’re starting the clock and the the the moment the ball is touched but you don’t want to blow the whistle and stop the clock and stop always wondered his Sports and I’m learning them all

Right now this is amazing I would love to have like an hour to just sit down with an official from each league I just have questions a they’d be mad at me like why are y’all so dumb no no but that’s just no but that’s the thing is I

Would D I like obviously if you ask that they’re not going to answer you right right but if you go if you know going in you can take notes on like all right I want to get to the bottom of why X Y and Z happen you can frame your questions

Around why do these things happen yeah no yeah I’m just joking I wouldn’t be disrespectful but like you talk about the Dame Lillard play the other day that Mike Brown was upset yeah like Okay dear’s Hand was on his hip number one did it affect the shot I would say no

And number two what’s the difference between dear’s hand beond Lillard’s hip then and then if dearon was four feet away from the basket and Lillard had a hand on his hip you probably wouldn’t get a foul call right like what’s the difference between the two I you know I

I that’s I would ask them you know those type of questions because it doesn’t make any sense I would ask in football do they ever blindly throw Flags it feels like there’s a lot of calls where they’re just like ah yeah that’s a flag like that that just looks

Like a penalty so I’m going to throw specifically like late hits pass interference the one that there’s a there’s a million examples but one that sticks out of my mind is is like Niners Browns taan Gibson goes shoulder to chest on a Browns receiver no contact of

The helmet from either player and they throw a flag is that just did they see helmet to helmet or did they go oh that’s a big hit over the middle of the field that’s just flag I wish they would just be take the two seconds to look at those plays I

Agree it takes it’s one Replay by the time you get everything settled it’s taking no extra time off the game and and I say all the time man they are human and the thing that bothers me the most is they don’t talk and if they

Would just say after the game I got that wrong I could live with that you’re a human being you’re gonna mess calls up like I don’t expect to be perfect but don’t tell me I saw something I didn’t see got it like just be like y I was

Wrong you know everybody forgave Jim Joyce who blew Armando Gaga’s perfect game do you know why because after the game Jim Joyce very remorseful was like I blew it if officials did that and just like hey you know what yeah I thought I saw a foul went back and looked there

Wasn’t one that’s on me I think on a player on occasion you do see them go over and talk to the team and say hey like look we missed that it are bad for sure there we can’t go back but we missed it uh can we do keys to the game

In 50 seconds rapid fire okay go number one don’t get in track me yeah no you can’t do that with the Pacers they will they will run you out of the gym uh number one expose them they can’t play defense expose them number two uh oh shoot don’t let don’t forget Buddy heeld

And don’t let Buddy heeld beat you it says don’t let Buddy heal and I agree with that you just can’t let him buddy heal but also if he wants to buddy heeld I you gotta let him if he wants to Buddy healed go ahead go ahead uh number two

For me you got to get switchable against this team they are athletic and long and they got a lot of guys that can do the same stuff than you for trying to run around screens and stuff they will uh they will hurt you number three uh get

Right after a tough couple of games you got to get right here you got to figure out a way to atone for what happened the last couple of days uh tyres halbert’s out can’t get complacent go uh go beat them down don’t let TJ McConnell beat

You if all of those things happen the Kings will win tonight uh KC thank you so much DLo and KC coming up next on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports later we’re out here boys good work there we go my rambling messed your guys’ thing up no no no no we I I should

Have done it at the top that’s my fault that’s bad producing by me oh you can kill the mics for a sec oh God but then I can’t um okay you got to come in and tell me after oh you can’t hear no no no no not if I kill the

Mics but just tell okay yeah yeah it’s fine Thursday January 18th edition of D KC I’m Daman B the ultimate needle mover in god mode himself he’s kyare way yes sir I’m in god mode acknowledge me yeah I like actually like that I like that I like that too yeah um yeah this

This whole damn room smells like coffee I knocked over James’s coffee uh during the during now I’m getting messages from Kenny Kenny’s really playing up this this someone just got traded bit because now he’s he he’s he’s he’s he’s uh he’s texting me privately what the hell is

Going on here yeah yeah good but one thing you don’t have to worry about it ladies and gentlemen don’t have to worry at all the kings will win tonight I handled business yesterday it’s all good you don’t have to worry about it kings are winning tonight you want to explain

Well well had a a little conversation with uh Lloyd Pierce yeah um assistant coach for the Indiana Pacers yeah and we agreed that the Pacers will lay down and let the Kings win tonight and um he saw it my way the so don’t worry guys King’s winning ton night the only thing true

About what Kenny just said is he did in fact talked to Lloyd Pierce yesterday uh and he hit him with the Shawn Michaels the Indiana Pacers don’t lay down for nobody uh Tyrese Alberton was less listed as questionable uh entering tonight’s game he went through shoot

Around uh but Rick Carlile said he will not play tonight I would have clowned Tyrese so bad if he played basketball tonight the way he left the floor like a week ago like like like when uh uh uh They Carried Kane into the hospital after he got shot on men to

Society that that was Tyrese on the basketball cour towel over his head and everything and he that’s a weak injury boy you need to you left the court in such a dramatic fashion you need to miss at minimum two weeks I hate I hate to be

Like this because this was a very sad part of the movie but They Carried him in like They Carried Ricky in into the house exactly yeah for how we talk about Paul Pierce we better talk about Tyrese the same way Paul Paul was wor because you know why Paul was worse because he

Came back and played five minutes yeah like on a sprained MCL that’s what he said dude didn’t even have a stub toe he’s just being dramatic they brought a wheelchair out for that man cuz you’re not going to let the finals MVP walk to the locker room Stone

Cold Steve Austin broke his neck at SummerSlam 97 and walked to the back it’s the rattlesnake what you want me to do about that Paul Pierce got a wheelchair and came walking back out to the to the to the floor and destroyed the Lakers after that and then

Was just fine just fine after that you know he had the little limp for a little bit and then no I’m good I’m back you know that’s the most annoying basketball team in NBA history I see why I’m not gonna fight you guys on it I’m F I’m

Cool with one of the most annoying players who Paul Pierce H he does talk a little crazy uh hey why not okay Lake Show what shout out to the Lakers beat the Mavericks yesterday and now the kings are back in the top six I mean you could

Have said that yourself well no I needed I needed to okay Lake Show make sure we were I’m prot what do you okay that’ll that’ll get you far Jesse’s Jesse’s the he’s the Roger Goodell in there goad throw a challenge flag P we’ll do it in

Like two seconds go ahead do that uh but the Lakers beating the Mavericks last night put the Kings back into the top six so we’re in the playoffs hey we made it we’re back in there uh let’s hope let’s hope yesterday uh when they were in the playing conversation is similar

To uh that time last year where they moved to the two spot and it lasted for a day and then they went back to the three let’s hope moving to the seven last for a day and now they’re back up to you know six and five and hopefully

They start to handle business uh beginning tonight uh no Tyrese Alberton over there that is by far that team’s best player Bruce Brown obviously isn’t there Pascal siakam’s not there yet so this is the shyano game and you don’t lose you can’t lose to Buddy hee you

Want bad you want bad to go like worse lose to Buddy tonight can’t lose to Buddy Hill can’t lose to Buddy Hill man you know he you know he gonna be trying to trying to take his team to another level tonight he said I got this guys he

Said I got this what do you think Rick car what do you think your boy your buddy Lloyd Pierce said when shyano walks into the locker room and says I got this one tonight guys sit down buddy sit down buddy I’m giving you two ill-advised shots before I take you out

So but look buddy getting a shot up four seconds into the game if the Pacers win the jump ball definitely getting it up four uh seconds into the game I’ll say this though Buddy’s not a scrub absolutely not AB you need to pay attention to him you need to defend

Him like somebody you’re worried about getting hot can’t let him get comfortable see the ball going in the basket um he is him and Miles Turner are really going to be their their top scores so we joke about it but Buddy’s gonna he’s gonna have his shot opportunity

Tonight crow that space make sure he doesn’t get comfortable also make him work on the defensive [Laughter] end it took a second to register what you just said make buddy work on the defense make him work on the defensive how you that just run oh just move

That’s all you got to do make him think he has to work on the defensive end yeah he’s if you just move you Ain even got to get the ball you move and it’ll be working buddy is a buddy is a good player he just thinks he’s Kobe and

That’s that’s where we part ways part of the problem that’s what we F ways good ball player and uh yeah he he takes it to another level in a bad way yeah definitely not a good way for sure and so Kings fans are left with the question you know what version of

The kings are we going to get tonight uh are we going to get the first three quarters of the pace uh Suns game or the last quarter or are we going to get the the the the final seconds of the the Bucks game are we going to get the

Philadelphia team which version of the Sacramento Kings are we going to get tonight and man understandably this fan bases on edge yeah yeah I mean I mean four four losses happened once last year and it was the first four games of the Season it hasn’t happened yet this year

And you’ve gota you you’ve got you’ve got a Pacers team that you’re gonna see again in like the was it two weeks from tomorrow something like that um you pretty much have to get this one you’re going to be facing a completely different team on February 2nd in

Indiana you got to get this one it’s going to be a long weekend if you lose to the Pacers tonight because they don’t play again till Monday and there’s been a lot of and you’ve heard guys talk about this before there’s a lot of hey this went

Bad but you know what we play tomorrow night hey this went bad uh but we got to get right back on the floor two days later and that’s not the case with this one you got Friday Saturday Sunday you got a stew over you got Atlanta Atlanta

And I I got home in enough time to catch the last maybe three four minutes of Atlanta Orlando last night and they was out there hooping yeah de jonte Murray did the hell of a job Palo I mean no wonder you’re having nightmares about Pao van Carol Van boy an assassin yeah

Man he’s a hell of a ball player hey but but it goes back to what I feel about this league I know people feel like you you know like you say you have to do this you have to do that somebody’s out all this other stuff hey man the league

Is talented man the league is talented Indiana Pacers they got they got guys that fill up the the the basket over there buddy can score uh matth can score Miles Turner can score I like um the the guy coming off the bench the big man uh jayen Smith TJ McConnell’s a good ball

Player so oh TJ you know we’ve seen that story before yeah we’ve seen the TJ mcconell movie before yeah guys guys can play man and it’s not even about necessarily taking somebody for granted it’s just being ready to play you know what I mean like if you you got to be

Ready to play Because all these guys in the league the you can see it by the scores but you see you see by the the the final scores in these games in the league putting up 120 everybody putting up 120 you know what I mean now you’re

Talking about one of the the highest scor scoring team in the league teams can play so got to be ready to play no Matter who’s out there um no matter what the roster says the injury report say say got to be ready to go I think the Kings will come out ready to

Play I think they’ll have a good game tonight um but I’m also kind of assuming a certain level of focus from them right now that’s that’s what I’m expecting them to have you think that’s a fair assumption yeah you say you’re assuming a certain level of focus is that is it

Fair for to you you to assume and and and I figured you say yes and I’m I’m thinking you’re hanging your hat on their response to the Philadelphia game and response to the I mean truthfully the response to the Milwaukee game too to to be honest with you they they’ve

Responded all year long they responded two years yeah the the problem is having something to respond to you know what I mean like the problem is like damn you got your ass beat by 30 how are you going to respond they they really respond every time but what we want to

Eliminate is something to respond to like getting beat by 30 or giving up a 22-point lead like we want to eliminate that and just have you show up every time see I think again these these these moments spread out through the season it’s the story of the season it’s not a

Big deal like the Bucks the the the Bucks lost by 40 last night it’s it’s just it’s just part of the story a bigger story is if the Bucks lose tonight by 40 or tomorrow by 40 or if they lose whenever their next game by

40 that that that’s like hold up wait a minute what what are we doing here the fact that you have the a blowout law and then two heartbreaking losses back to back that you point to late game execution happening all in a row like that’s where the tough part is if if the

Milwaukee game plays out exactly the same and the Phoenix game plays out exactly the same but it happens in March it’s a different feeling right but I mean of course what happened was happening around that game matters but the fact that it’s one after the other after the other that’s different yeah

It’s different it creates that sense of panic uh or or angst or frustration or uh whatever it is uh that Kings have and you brought this up yesterday with hammer in the 3:00 hour is this a is this a a turning point or a breaking point for Sacramento or is

It just another point in the season we’ll talk about that and uh the latest trade rumors out there that aren’t actually trade rumors but because W said it I guess we’ll talk about it we’re just getting started we’re so happy you’re here with us phone lines will be

Available for you 91699 1320 see the KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 Jesse thank you there’s Tyrese sound floating out there we’ll wait for somebody else’s video to come up what what’s out there tyes was speaking today I said we’ll wait for

Somebody else’s video to post yeah got you are we going to ask Tyrese about playing in Sacramento every time he comes to play in Sacramento probably hey LeBron your first game was here in Sacramento n team Glenn don’t worry man I talked to talked to the people

Involved and we got this one it’s good it’s good you ain’t got to worry about nothing uh just enjoy the Game no no it was never it was never approached again I was like wait what yeah remember that story I had an opportunity to bring it up and I didn’t I’m mad at myself for it Uh better okay we’ll bring this to the air I’ll answer this on the air well that’s good news commanders interviewing Raheem Morris he deserves another opportunity Raheem Morris the Rams defensive coordinator he used to coach Tampa Bay right I feel like he got one year he

Might have got two I think he coached one year with jamus that sounds about right and then it was Dirk cutter after that I think yep never heard of that guy since nope from that guy I guess but he’s uh busy day uh will Z gonna join us in

About an hour we’ll preview tonight’s game against the Indiana Pacers uh we got Rob Brooks set to join us NBC Sports Yay Area he’ll be with us to talk 49ers and Packers and then that just taed on me I haven’t text Matt George I fully expect Matt George to be with us coming

Up at 3:20 if he’s not that’s my fault uh I just kind of take that for granted we’ll there yeah we we’ll we’ll we’ll shoot Matt’s with us every Thursday but he’s still one of those guys where it’s like hey everything good for today uh because he’s got a a schedule that

Fluctuates quite a bit and of course the Sacramento Kings do play basketball tonight you want to bring that question up that came up in the chat I thought that was a good one from I think that was Rory who had that one so Rory in the

Chat ask who has a better roster long term the Kings or the Pacers and that is a good question TBD TBD well because there’s going to be a lot of change in the I mean least four guys three or four guys from the Pacers probably won’t be back next

Year one guy really I don’t think that’s possible because Buddy’s gone but like well maybe the maybe the other guys on the roster don’t matter maybe Buddy’s the only one who matter Buddy’s the one that’s gone they signed Turner they’re going to sign pakum will be there Benedict Maan will be

There and the other guys not you know no disrespect but they’re filler like yeah that’s that’s that’s those are probably the guys who are going yeah so I think it I think the Pacers got a got a hell of a foundation like I I I think they do

Um have a nice future and they set up some things honestly and I I’m people can say I’m biased I don’t think I’m being biased i’ give the edge slightly to the Sacramento Kings and here’s why I think the Kings have two Allstars two all-nba players and a potential third

Allstar I don’t think the the Pacers have that I think the Patriots got one All-Star one all NBA guy I don’t think Miles Turner miles Turner’s a borderline All-Star guy I don’t think p is ever going to make an All-Star team or an all NBA so because of that

Um I give the nod to the Kings yeah that’s a good question but it’s it’s close and and I’m sure I think it’s the Kings Pacers M would say differently you know that’s a good roster like like the Pacers got a got a Pacers got a really really good roster

You know what the Pacers actually have like they’ve got a a younger roster so a lot of it could be one of those things where yeah right now maybe the kings are like that much better but you talk about matthan and some of those other guys on rookie deals yeah that that conversation

Could change pretty quick yeah um but I’d argue herder can find his Groove somewhere and you get a consistent version to Kevin herder that’s great and and not not that um not that Indiana doesn’t but I think the Kings have a move to make right so like if yeah the

Pacers just made it exactly exactly so might have one left though they might they might have one they might they’ll have they’ll have some money you know to give up to but at the end at the same time now now you’re feel like okay what

What who am I what position am I go go after yeah but they might have a move but I think the um you need a like yeah need like a Malik monk equivalent exactly unless you’re saying mat like say you go get a shooting guard and make

Mathine a Malik monk type you know maybe maybe that’s the move but I I think um I think the Kings have an opportunity to go get a player like a LaVine like a Kyle kosma and add to that group Pacers do too but I think the Kings got another

Move to make herold’s in the chat saying Pascal’s a two-time Allstar and two-time all NBA already that that’s nobody’s disputing accomplishment yeah I don’t I don’t think he’s ever reaching those levels again and it’s not that he’s going to be bad I just don’t think he’s reaching those levels now Harold or

Someone else may May counter argue he’s going to be better with Tyrese halberton and he he might be um I just don’t think so yeah I just don’t I think the the Insiders uh talked about it yesterday M have talked about it before they’re like over

Under a half All-Star game for the rest of siakam’s career I think Kyle went under I would go under too I don’t I don’t see him being an Allstar again I just don’t I could be wrong though he’s a good ball player but I I don’t see that happen

I mean he’s benefited he that that almost sounded like derogatory like he’s he’s very good he’s benefited from being around really good players too and that that as as as dearen Fox knows as deont more specifically Dar Fox dear Fox knows when you’re around good players

And your team wins you can get some of those accolades uh this is obviously a really good Pacers team maybe maybe there are more accolades all NBA seems like a stretch um but yeah I get anyone who I I I completely get anyone who disagrees with that

Pacers got a got a hell of a setup right now hell of a setup shoot I can’t even get them past Philly yet maybe next year you know like what happens with Milwaukee legally rumors around that what happens with the Bucks like what what like like I thought Philly would

Fall back a little bit this year that’s been that’s been dead wrong what moves do they have to make of course they’re getting the 76ers will be active at the deadline you know treatment from the Insiders and it’s like not our insiders but the NBA insiders it’s like okay I

Don’t know what that looks like all find out together good question Rory good J yeah very good question H very good questions because these two teams are going to be linked together for eternity these two teams are going to be be linked together until in five

Years or 10 years every Insider can say see we told you we told you this was stupid who cares that the Kings won three champion chips look what they did that’s how it would go down too I had the I I got I got suckered in I

Think it was the athletic because it was Fred cats and and someone else but they had like that they were doing a draft of like the best trades of the last decade or two decades or something all right that does let’s see where it’s at yeah and it was second the Tyrese halber

What was the what was the art what it the paragraph or whatever say do you remember uh uh no not off the top of my head but it was but it was it was complimentary towards sabonis it won’t take me long to to find this it was I

Think it was a a marquee article today we we joke about it and ranking the 15 best NBA in season okay sorry I I I did this wrong ranking the F best 15 best NBA inseason trades over the last five years got you well I mean we joke about

It a lot or whatever but it really is you know you know not being a smart ass for a second uh it’s a great trade for both franchises yeah number one out great for both franchises number one was uh Golden State the D’Angelo Russell Andrew Wiggins deal because they say

That led to a championship um uh Wiggins was more than solid during the 2022 season he was technically an All-Star but his performance in the Warriors 42 series wi over Boston to capture the championship was where the deal was won that’s just the line I’d probably go sabonis alberg what

So here’s what they said about that deal there’s something about training for trading for sabonis that leaves everyone happy in 2017 the Thunder flipped him and Victor all the depot to the Pacers for Paul George in a deal that both teams would do a 100 times over part of

The reason why is because what Indiana received back for sabonis in 2020 when they dealt him to the Kings for halberton a 20s something on his way to becoming the face of the league I don’t I don’t mean to do that to Tyrese but come on man there ain’t no

Way in hell he’s becoming the face of the league come on the deal was big for dearon Fox who became an Allstar for the first time in 2023 and catapulted Sacramento back to the playoffs for the first time in 16 years meanwhile Indiana’s future is bright with halberton part of it it’s

The greatest win-win trade of the past half decade man I didn’t mean to laugh like that at hlee because that’s my boy he’s gonna be he’s gonna be one of you know the faces of the league but damn they said the fa this is the thing that

Always gets me it’s almost like Draymond Green right why can’t it just be like hey one of the budding superstars in the league why we always gotta go to the max why we got to go there let me ask you this why can’t he be the face of the league because

There’s better players like right Anthony Edwards is better that doesn’t Luca’s better Luca’s not gonna be Mama’s probably G to be better Tatum’s better yeah you I don’t think you the face of the league doesn’t always have to be the best player in the league does it more

Times than not it is yeah more times than not it is I don’t see Luka donic ever being the face of the NBA they’ve tried to force that on us since he got in the league and he’s not they’re not gonna stop trying and part but but well

Maybe not but you know what the Maybe the biggest differences what I really like about Anthony Edwards is his personality I find Anthony Edwards like engaging I find him very funny um he’s enjoyable to listen to like that’s like Luca’s always gonna fall short in that category he’s also a baby there’s a

Large contingent of people that absolutely hate watching LCA donic it’s none of the writers but it’s a lot of fans what’s Tyrese what’s Tyrese’s thing you got a podcast Tyrese will go on it like Tyrese gets out there he talks he he’s he’s everyone’s number one interview request and he appears to not

Say no to anything the the one thing I’ll say about Anthony Edwards being the face of the league is and I I I think this is wrong but we’re we’re we’re talking real that’s what we do on DLo and Casey I think Tyrese is probably a little bit more digestible than Anthony

Edwards can be from time to time as far as how he speaks the way he goes about things and I think that matters to people send the video ain’t gonna help send the video but even even like even did you see the the latest Legends

NBA um I don’t know if you really like follow them like that but they’re the ones always get the sound yeah I got it okay they had Anthony Edwards and um kawh loner talking and I’ll retweet it so you guys can see it I ain’t even G I

Ain’t gonna say it or allude to it on here but I mean that’s I can’t see Tyrese saying something like that and speaking like that so there is that um but let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s stay down this rabbit hole for just a second was Giannis the is Giannis isn’t the

Face of the league Giannis is who’s the face of the league right now isn’t the face of the league because the faces haven’t left who is okay thank you so as long as they’re here they got a strangle hold on it so okay fair enough enough like so it

Can’t be Yiannis can’t be Joe can’t be joic yic don’t want that and I think there’s a thread between those three players I think I think Tatum is above Tyrese because he plays for the Celtics number one if Tatum gets a ring this year I think that’s when he gets that

Push like if he gets that ring he’s gonna be everywhere Tatum there you go I mean tat Tatum’s Tatum’s the Tatum’s the one right now I think like out outside of those one who could become the face of the league Tatum Tatum is I mean he’s got the shoe he’s got the commercials

And Tyrese can have all of that but Ty Tyrese not the the face of the league and then you know then you got the W Yama aspect mayama seems to be but that’s where I was going though he seems to be as charismatic as we want any face

Of the league to be but that’s where I was going I don’t know that a foreign player is ever going to be the face of the league that’s what that’s the point I was trying to make him like you I looked why not Giannis right now today

Is having the best season of his career that man’s won two MVPs he’s having the best season of his career right now he’s funny he’s engaging he’s never been in trouble and it still feels like it’s LeBron and stuff because it’s because they they are

The ones like they are the ones so I think if they weren’t here I think jannis Giannis has everything that I’m talking about he’s got the story behind him he’s got the shoe he’s charismatic um he’s had moments like the ball incident you know what I mean like I

Think Giannis probably would be the face of the league if he’s won a championship if those two weren’t there but I don’t care who it is as long as they’re still around they’re gonna be the faces LeBron and Steph are we sure they’re still the

Faces or is the NBA have no face of the league right now no they do it’s it’s still LeBron to me it’s not Steph like it’s LeBron James I think Steph is still there yeah Steph is Steph is second if there’s two faces I I don’t know face off but like

It’s it’s LeBron hell isn’t isn’t LeBron and Giannis aren’t they the top vote Getters in the in the All-Star Game yeah I think Giannis would have it if they weren’t around was there a face in the league after Jordan uh cuz I don’t know that there was after Jord like immediately after

Jordan first time or the second time after the Jordan first time the 98 time second time um 9 like what are you talking about the first time are you talking about 98 no I was talking about 94 okay no I’m not talking about 94 I’m talking about 98 I mean you’re looking

At Kobe and AI were lurking they were still a little young yeah yeah yeah but they were but it never felt like there there was never a focus on Shaq like Kobe’s came later I was going to throw on Shaq right now to me yeah like I felt like there

Was never a true focus on Shaq until after he actually got until him and Kobe got together right then it but I I don’t know that there was ever a true face of the league well until LeBron it and Kobe got Kobe got Amplified during that time it’s what I talked

About with Anthony Edwards if if you if you’re asking if they had NBA Twitter back then it was alen Iverson but the NBA was not sometimes yeah sometimes I think you focus on a specific group too hard like like Allen Ivers Allen Iverson is one of the most

Impactful players in history he was not he he wouldn’t he wouldn’t have been pushed as the face of the franchise or the face of the league I mean he would have never been pushed as that yeah because because he they wouldn’t but that’s the conversation that’s the conversation we’re having but but that’s

Also two different conversations right who the NBA would push and who basketball consumers are telling you this is the guy I don’t think consumers as a whole would have made Allen Iris in the face of the league well then that’s another qu the ticket buyers or like see that’s what

I’m saying sometimes you focus too much on one specific group BEC because and the reason why is because this is almost this is almost like the pop hip hop conversation true it’s almost the sameers push moved the needle like they moved their money so doubt so while the

NBA may not push them at the time alen Iverson was selling more shoes than anybody in the league yeah but was he selling the the NBA brought to you by KIA no but that’s my point the PE the people are saying we love this guy the

Most because we want to go get his shoes we want to get his jersey we I don’t care what the NBA’s telling the NBA is telling me we should like Grant Hill I don’t care we love this guy the most we’re buying his shoes the most were

Buying his uh Jersey the most like that’s I think your sentiment about Grant Hill is also dead wrong I don’t know if you were just using that as an ex I’m just using him as an example just using him an example I mean they tried to they they probably tried to push Kobe

But the people were telling you well no something else happened that well no I’m in 98 that hadn’t happened yet I don’t feel like that put I don’t think a Kobe push happened for years I didn’t think I don’t think that started till 2000 but like you said earlier it was hard to

Decipher I just don’t feel like there was one like that’s that’s what I get stuck on like I don’t feel it’s like the um we draw everything back to wrestling like it’s like there’s Hulk Hogan right and then you can have like you can have your Brett Harts and your Shawn Michaels

And all of that stuff but really it was Austin that was next so you you had years in between but it was Hogan and then it was Austin like that was that that was the company right it feels like there’s Jordan and there’s Iverson Kobe Grant Hill whoever you want like

Whatever you want to do and then there’s LeBron and then I feel like it was around that same time that Kobe elevated a little bit and but it was still I think Co well well this once again this is a this another conversation because the people were telling you

Kobe they loved Kobe at what was it second year in the league he got voted as a starter the people were telling you that’s the guy we want to watch that’s the guy and maybe the NBA was uncertain but he was the guy he was the next

Michael he had the shoes he it was that’s why I say it was him and Iverson that the people were telling you this is why we watch the NB or these these are two of the guys why we watch the NBA the NBA might have been saying David Robinson Story is

Phenomenal nobody cares MH you know what I mean the people are telling you by where they put their money who they want to see and who the faces we call it transition face of the league transition champion of the WWE that’s like uh that’s like D’s belt

That’s that’s tough why why my belt because we just my belt’s never been vacant is CJ St still have it in football no who has it who has it I think Brock does I yeah it to Brock a long time ago I thought I thought I

Thought I gave it to Brock when CJ got the concussion Lamar’s got are you sure Lamar don’t have it wait Lamar doesn’t have mine nobody has no no no no Lamar has it Lamar has since huh couple weeks ago yeah he gave it to Lamar thank you

Dowlo no I remember that thank you Ring of Honor over here taking shots at me I think you gave it to Lamar on the same day I gave it to to Brock we we did have a debacle with the Fatal four-way that did not work out I gave it to Lamar yeah

That was you I had your organization old TNA Tapia over there we had the what the six-sided ring ring whatever he had the six-sided ring over there with the with the belt hanging in the middle a little messy for a bit I had uh yeah when CJ

Got the concussion it was like ah probably gonna have to go a different direction as long as CJ was performing he was gonna get I ain’t got no transitional I had one bad moment as a organization and it was I think I think I gave Tatum the belt and it was like GE

Had to almost take it right back every time Tatum has gotten the belt he’s lost it a week after yeah not good Tatum got one of those Cody rhod aw stipulations where he isn’t gonna be able to compete for the title for I’m not putting the

Belt on Tatum until he wins the ring fox fox still has has the title for me yeah Fox still has mine too still has a title for me are we sure about that he still has that’s a little Peola probably going on under the table money going on here

For my maybe maybe he’s the heavyweight champ he’s not the the he’s the Seth Rollins champ yeah he uh yeah he should have lost it after that three-point performance is really where he should have lost the title damn I think embiid’s got mine yeah yeah embiid embiid probably yeah he should

Have should have mine as well um hell Giannis should have mine after these stats I was looking up yesterday there’s no number that’s not that’s not establishing that Giannis is having the best season of his career is points assists rebounds shooting percentage like everything he’s going crazy he’s

Absolutely going and it’s almost and and I and and we talk about it it’s three guys all at the same position who have won the last two for five MV MVP awards and that muddle that muddies down each of their performances yeah sucks for him hey I got a question Joe about to

Eliminate himself Jo Joe’s about to be bushwhacker Luke and just jump over to top rope top rope yeah there a shelf life with his belt yeah he he he’s he’s about to eliminate himself from MVP consideration here in a couple weeks if he keeps missing games hey we talk about

Uh the face of the league and all this other stuff um did LeBron have it from day one yeah felt like it yeah I think so felt like LeBron LeBron LeBron was a one of one at least in our gener in my lifetime LeBron was a

One of one because this wasn’t Mike like Jordan the I mean I was not I was four I wasn’t following the game the same way but Jordan I’ve watched come fly with me enough to know he except like he he ascended yeah they put LeBron at the top

And were like all right if he falls he falls but this is where he’s starting right and he never fell right like and all these other guys that were talking about the yices the giannis’s like they climbed climbed climbed climb there were people who thought embiid wasn’t gonna

Be able to play jic was a second round pick yeah yeah Giannis was what was he 9th 10th 11 12 something like that Expectations first three years they didn’t even know how to say his name no he averag nine points again well nobody thinking about him but now it’s it’s

It’s you know they kind of dug their way out but it’s still it’s still LeBron up there you know was step right next to him you know so we we getting we getting into the weeds I like this conversation we’re we’re deep I like I like this conversation because you know who the

Face of the league was but between like when Jordan left and they were trying to figure some stuff out it’s the Kings it was the Kings they sent to Japan it was Jason Williams and all that stuff with the kings that was their first oh let’s push these guys as far as we

Can it was the Kings for six months nine months there was there was nothing there was nothing more exciting the year after Jordan retired than the Sacramento Kings they were they were not the best team by far that was the Spurs and they were boring as hell even back

Then so they weren’t pushing the Spurs Shaq and Kobe was up there but other than that I mean think about that finals yeah they kind of push free well on the Knicks but you didn’t know that in the season they were they were an AC that

Got steam but when they got that the whiff of Jason Williams doing what he was doing they were like oh snap oh snap greatest show on court I think that was a little later because K yeah you but you you’re telling the truth I think that’s a reach though but

It’s I mean it’s fair to ask because I don’t have a better no it’s not it was and insert name I don’t I don’t and the first thing they did was you guys are going to Japan yeah that was was a big deal the Japan the Japan trip that

Was right after maybe that’s why the Kings had such a bad fourth quarter was that trip to Japan no they haven’t recovered I mean if the if the India if the India trip is still getting them hell maybe the Japan trip is still getting them see they were about to get

Over the Japan trip and then they went to India and they had that’s what happened that’s what happened man they’re calling for pocket Watchers on Allen Iverson that’s that be an interesting I’m I’m say if if you lose alen Iverson that’s a bad loss that’s your guy wow

Wow okay all right it’s different time the pressure pressure’s on you today pal hell yeah when we come back good pocket watching Allan Iverson uh we’ll talk more Kings basketball as well when de with Casey return here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 thanks Rory hey who told us oh no

The athletic yeah uh hang on hang on oh shoot I thought I had it ready I didn’t give me a second guys I want to uh debut Young zel’s new video here hey hey shout out to our man lezy he’s disappeared from the chat but he put this joint

Together shout out to our boy young zel Hey Bruce in my element I ain’t perfect see the development pushing this Peace Love I’mma settle it0 make them feel like they relevant they mindless never Standing Tall like where your spine is rapping with this watch making sure this thing is timeless IE for sure man I

Swear a little of metaphors I’m from a city where the bodies Dro like credit scores cling that they with you but they ain’t really there for sure I’m fancy on this m that’s not editor it’s editor got to stay even kill like never less but never more we don’t celebrate the score

We act like we’ve been there before I’ve been the man spinning at the top just like a ceiling fan hospice with the flow cuz they know that I’m the illst man you kitten man y’all see dogs I see a kitten man better watch y girls they Park hopping like it’s Disneyland raap for

Higher stop crying get you a pacifier run to the smoke but all you doing is pass the Fire cast the Liars straight acting like we ain’t Mastermind as gold diggers I swear they were some Mastermind this going to get a page full of men I feel like Trent Williams He

Blocking in the Tren throwing bombs with every line this ain’t your ordinary pitching I was taught you go for it when your life is for and inches it’s a family Crown never responded but oh they at me now I’m just trying to get it where the money is to hand me down

Savage like I’m Randy now swim move if you jam me now always been a Deo in a worm but there’s a Stanley now feeling like PE CU I’m pushing with no limit they can’t see the vision they living with soul got it in been struggling now I Make that boy bad come on man man young Z right there shout out to that boy young zel man that is spectacular brother well done shout out to Young zel shout out to Ley he ain’t gonna see this ain’t seen or heard from Ley in a month

But shout out to zel and we uh Ley on that Ley I you know I don’t know where you at before but I I I would give you a week I would give you a week after no he’s leeling till he shows up give him a

Week I mean if I was Ley and the ners lost in the Wild Card round I don’t know if I’d be watching the show for a week you show up though well who says he didn’t show up yo you got to tap in at this point hey fellas

I’m here yeah at least at least let us not yo your name is in these streets bro your name is in these streets hey zel you killed that bro you killed that young zel that was that’s that’s man zel is nasty yeah man he is

Nasty he hit us with one of them 20 2024 joins too minute and a half minute and a half record put that on ksfm fit right in all of that to say I think Tyrese can be in the conversation for face of the league that’s that’s that’s I I don’t think

It’s outrageous to yeah he could be in the conversation out said he’s going to be the face of the league I I to to be able to definitively say that with Victor wiama in league is is pretty wild but I also have reservations about Victor whama being

The face of the league there’s a lot about Vic that I like are they gonna push it um that’s a that’s a it’s like it’s like the All-Star vote right there’s there’s the coaching percentage there’s the fan vote percentage there’s the players percentage what we want that’s a percentage what the NBA wants

Is a percentage those might be equal percentages who who does Chase want who does Kia want who do their big sponsors want that’s the biggest percentage because if they start screaming we want Tyrese to do this commercial for us we want Tyrese uh front and center on this

And there’s probably other thing you know you asked a great question I thought with LeBron was LeBron the face from day one and it was yes he absolutely was so Cleveland wasn’t a factor right you think back to Magic and Larry that’s Boston and LA Mike that’s shy toown Cleveland is an

Outlier Indiana’s GNA have to be an outlier I think we’re past that though you think so yeah with social media and the NBA and all this other stuff and I think I think we’re past that I think you can have a face of the league

In any NBA City because we you know we see them I agree I I agree with that but I also think the lore of other cities for Indiana means nothing to you and me we’re in Sacramento it does I don’t think it means anything to the NBA but again you

Go to the chase you go to kia you go to you know these big big money sponsors oh man we could have him at our corporate party in Los Angeles which you could do anyways but if they’re stationed in Los Angeles they’re stationed in New York or they’re

Stationed in a massive City that’s different understand agree with or not which I don’t I think more along the lines of you and I think a percentage of you know when you talk about breaking down the faces of the league we should have a lot more say in it but that’s not

How business Works tyres uh getting a shoe at some point is is gonna be a major stepping stone for him as well most definitely I think that still that still holds weight um because because you got the kids and the kids ask their kids to as their

Parents to buy something you know what I mean my my son he want tatums right now like he he watches the game and everything he likes Tatum but oh he got the shoes I want them tatums those is fresh it’s all part of the culture right

It’s it’s part of it’s a part of the NBA that the other leagues don’t really have like Patrick Mahomes don’t need to have a shoe to be the face um nobody’s really clamoring for Mahomes Adidas shoes or nothing like that if he has them right but the NBA that’s that’s part of the

The presentation presentation and the the total package of what they use to you know be that next Echelon star I think Shay is one of the best players in the league we didn’t even mention him I think Shay is one of the best players in

The league but and it there’s no butt to that Shay is one of the best players in the league part of what accelerates his star status though it’s not the shoe stuff it’s the fashion stuff so it’s the fact and Tyrese does this a little bit too is that he Malik

Does this he uses you know his his Walkin is a is a Runway and what’s that do that gets him on the cover of GQ magazine that that that’s that’s stuff the league loves yeah hey we want to do something with with this kid in Oklahoma

City uh we want to do a photo shoot with him the league eats that stuff up absolutely is Tes doing any of that stuff right now though like I feel like Tyrese is Tyrese is almost kind of forced like I’m not trying to discredit who is as a player he’s a great player

Going to be one of the top stuff but I feel like he’s kind of forced like they didn’t stop start talking about him until he got out of Sacramento like he went on that media tour and all that I feel like it’s more National Riders

Rather than like NBA fac of Le you get what I’m saying well National writers are are that’s that’s who dictates the NBA’s message isn’t it I guess but I feels kind of forced like like like almost what Ken was talking about earlier like kind of like they’re

Telling us it’s this guy but it’s like no oh I don’t think anyone is telling us it’s Tyreek well except Fred Catz Fred Catz is the only one or I think it was Fred Katz uh was telling us it’s but it’s uh we’ll see on time will tell the

Streets will tell because I think the NBA streets are if you if you ask the NBA who watch watch this the sport and lock in be like who’s next it probably say an Edwards because yeah there’s a line and Tyrese he’s not near the front I don’t

Think nah I think you’re wrong I think there are people in front of them I think Shay’s in front of them Shay is in front of them but we’re talking about a like a third year player or fourth year player in tyres tyres yeah yeah I mean like he’s not done no

No he’s not I and he and he he could be that he could be look where he’s at in All-Star voting now yeah that’s a good point top of the guards uh let’s do this though this was a call right here talk about the streets calling for something streets was calling for pocket

Watching Allan Iverson let’s go 14 years in the National Basketball Association the former number one overall pick in 1996 greatest draft of all out of Georgetown University his highest grossing single season was 20 8 2009 where he earned $2.8 million with the Detroit Piston 14 NBA Seasons that began in

1996 and ended in 2010 Allen Iverson career earnings any carway what’s the highest highest he made again 2008 2009 with the Detroit Pistons 20.8 million is brief brief partnership with our beloved Chris Weber playing at home today so you better get this right I’m gonna say Allan Iverson $165

Million6 $5 million Kenny carway this is his man’s by the way let’s hit this little dramatic post right here on pocket watching Jesse Tapia you’re up we’ll go with $145 million $145 million is Jesse tapia’s guess Casey loses again what the hell let’s go what the hell the number is $4.7

Million for Allen I what did he say he said 145 that actually might be a tie I’m about to say how the hell you just give it to him well partly because stop yelling at me I’m pissed off that Ramsay spoiled it and I’m two seconds away from

Blocking Ramsey stupid ass again for putting it in the chat luckily I didn’t see it I’m gonna go it’s actually it might be a split that’s me 1547 145 160 me I’m closer it’s Jess no I think it’s Jesse that’s right we’re gonna have to do actual math on this if

It’s 150 would you say 54 154 why don’t you do the math on this since you got it so I’m asking no I’m gon let you do the math it’s you guess okay I’ll do the math I’ll do the math right now boom carry the two Kenny wins boom that’s the

Math thank you actually I’m making I’m making an official ruling uh Casey loses and he’s now one and four CU accusing me cheating too I’ll take the steroid test anytime and I’ll pass this is getting damn ridiculous this is getting ridiculous I need to see this man search history

Ramsay I swear to God you’re two seconds bro two seconds for another little talk outside the ice rink talking about talking about Jesse was closer and didn’t go over I’m going to explain this to you and P again going over isn’t part of the game it should be it’s not you

Only say that because you’re always wrong to the number because when we talk closest to the number it’s not the Price Is Right you invented that after losing like four out of five I didn’t invent the Price Is Right the price made before me and that’s you invented that rule for

Pocket watching I think I said that when it happened say me going second isn’t fair either champ go second is what it is you know look it it’s always it’s always stacked against if it’s always stack KC wins around he goes first get your wins up hey it’s always stacked against

Your boy but you know I’m gonna continue to persevere I’m gonna continue to keep fighting I’m tank you’re Ryan stop don’t do that don’t do that Ryan say he gonna fight Oscar Del I’ll pay for that I won’t stream that I’ll pay hoscar De La Hoya why is he still fighting he’s not

But Ryan wants to fight him basically jokingly and for real you’re one and four in 2024 this is getting really disrespectful uh the way there stacking against that’s your boy stacking everything up against your boy man it’s tough back then I didn’t look at salaries Did It For the Love of the

Game you guys see who we got on the line no Le’s here wow wow Le lazy lazy what’s good de hey I mean h I’m sure you’re not very happy is it is it m MadAss Ley P pissed ass Ley which one is it I’ve just been I’ve been busy you

Know cutting my grass you my taxes you know I just bus got your taxes done in January good for you good for you what up Kim folk what’s up Kim folk hey go Packer JK JK JK man uh yeah you know you know congrats with the the Bucks and all that

It’s whatever but hey it’s bigger fish and Fry y’all focus on the Packers man hey in the words of two pop they got the juice now so watch out for them shout out 32 years ago yesterday yeah DLo Casey hey I just wanted to say guys I was enjoying the conversation about the

Face of the league uh my question was I got two quick questions I’ll be fast let me cook Jesse um do you guys think if Zion ever gets healthy and he goes to a bigger Market he could be it or do you think my guy lamelo who’s already been

Really popular in pop culture all that stuff do you think if he ever gets healthy he could do it well there there’s a there’s thank you Ley it’s good to hear from you and you were slick getting out of there without a football question being asked glad he’s okay I

Was wondering there for a minute it’s okay I’m gonna let that slide today I’m gon let that slide but he brings up a name that I was trying to find it but um my lovely wife was saying in the chat as well and I don’t know if it’s

Necessarily about health I think if you get him out of that market combined with health what do you think about lamelo I think look so when you talk this now once again this is another conversation though this is another split right yeah maybe the NBA will I

Don’t know I know the the streets and the kids love lamelo they love lamelo uh so it could be an Iverson situation there but I see it I feel like lamelo got that push but he lost like that that um how do you say that heat not heat but that excitement

That he had like it’s not there anymore I don’t think because he had been on the floor but I feel like even when he comes back Charlotte and he been in Charlotte that’s tough too and not even Charlotte the city just they’re they’re not good

They’re not good I mean I oh no no no yeah no no I’m sorry that was not about the city no that about the Hornets that was about the basetball they not good I mean that’s the other thing that is in a favor of someone like Tyrese Indiana

Looks to be in a line light and be good for years to come yeah yeah so you got you got to be on a good team his injuries um him thing off the court like he got passed up I think is what it is he got passed up there’s a bunch of guys

Now who came in and now are tearing it up and he’s still not playing so now while he’s out like these other guys are here we’ll focus on these guys I think he got passed up as the thing so so he’s he’s defin we all agree he’s definitely

Not there but um Le’s question was if can he I think he can I don’t think so like he’s gonna pass Shay he’s gotta leave yeah yeah yeah he’ll pass sh he can pass sh I mean they’ve got to the the parameters are there he’s got to win

He’s got to stay healthy but if he wins and he stay healthy he’ll absolutely pass Shay because he’s more charismatic he talks more Shay doesn’t talk yeah if you leave charlot he’ll talk and he’ll be on League fits and he’ll have a top s where’s lamelo talk though Instagram post

Game uh in the offseason I’m sure he’ll have a lot he’ll be outside he was doing commercials for a bit too not not really anymore but lamelo’s a superstar he’s a superstar I think you just don’t have the platform right now because number one he ain’t playing and

He has super he he has the capability of being a superstar I don’t think lelo’s a superstar right now I feel like he’s got to leave now and like go like go to he’s got to win he’s got to win CU Char he’s not gonna win in Charlotte that’s not

Gonna happen yeah he has to get out that organization oh the last changes everything he goes home that changes everything he he’s straight to the front of line after that yeah that changes everything instantly biggest thing for him is he’s got to win and he’s got to

Stay healthy it don’t matter it really kind of don’t matter where he’s at if those two things don’t happen you know you know who the the uh but let’s play the third part of this you see an Advertiser buying into him yeah I think he’s charismatic enough

I said eight advertisers what I really meant was like 10 I think I think he’s okay all right I think he’s he’s got a you know but it’s not always Charisma charisma’s a big part of it like like Blake Griffin didn’t I don’t feel like Blake Griffin has a ton of

Charisma no he’s not he’s not a dull boring dude right but he also like the amount of like corporate backing that Blake had doesn’t balance with who I see Blake as like even then certainly not talking about today but like even at Peak Blake Lob City Blake like I didn’t

I never felt like that I think this it’s almost like this like you were talking about earlier they’re really forcing this one on us yeah they were everything that you said I I agree they were Roman Reigns but Blake Griffin was Roman Reigns before the heel turned Roman yeah yeah it was really

Trying it was really trying to make us like own Roman getting booed in Philadelphia Roman I understand what you’re saying I think lamelo has all that I think he I think he’s he’s he’s charismatic enough to appeal to Kia he’s he’s got Charis commerci already he was doing Hulu has live

Sports for a bit right he got commercials already yeah those were great spot they were it was their form didn’t he do those with Blake was Blake wasn’t there two players in that commercial maybe it wasn’t but maybe maybe I’m thinking of something else with Blake and he’s he’s got the kids

Like nobody else and if you’re a good if you’re a good salesperson or appetizer you’ll look at that and be like well if he got the kids we gotta hop on that because they’ll they’ll ask the parents to go buy his stuff well it depends on what you’re talking about though the shoes

Yes the car no but Prime Yes Prime absolutely so you get the shoes and PR which which I’m glad you said that because it made me I was thinking about lamelo was lamelo a star because of that show the like this Level of Star because of that show that that got something to

Do with it because I mean Prime that’s obviously Logan and he’s a YouTube Star yeah Lavar built him up like Triple H builds up Stars well he always said he was the best right Lavar was always like he’s he’s the one like this is this is the

One I was looking and I forgot lamelo had AT&T he had a AT&T I don’t remember that but okay March Madness I mean that’s one of them on yeah yeah absolutely so absolutely because I I couldn’t remember where else I saw him and it was it was

On 18 get him out of Charlotte yeah you’re Jesse you might be right get him out of Charlotte and then what you said stay healthy he might well no the other thing you said if he went home he goes straight to the front of the line

There’s a rocket it’s over for Shay and Antman and Tyrese and anyone else who wants that n to be in the face of the they’re on national TV 82 times in the season there’s a rocket in his back if goes home that’s that’s that’s it he’s

Triple H in the early 2000s that’s what he is he’s beating everyone’s ass I’m not we got to get this Adam Silver we gotta we got a money-making deal for you here um who we got Phil let’s get Phil in here 91699 1320 what’s up Phil hey

What’s up bro how y’all doing good baby do all right so y’all talking about face in the league I don’t really see anyone being face of the league because this in face of the league like the players that hit buzzer beaters that go off every night like LeBron the Kobes the Jordan

You know players like that the only player close not even really close is Luca know no that the game obviously you you’ve got to be an upper echelon player no doubt I don’t know about the buzzer beater I don’t know about that like plays more the clutch Player of the

Year isn’t the face in the league like like Steph doesn’t even hit buzzer beaters right like isn’t that like the Steph Curry stat that he doesn’t hit shots in the final seconds um which is wild but whatever uh but no one’s going to go oh no Steph is in the face of the

League because of that the G your game is a component of it like Steph is a Steph’s got a lot of things going for him right um I think lamelo does too lamelo one’s interesting yeah Tyrese too and there and and and so this is where the the the argument between what

They’re going to do and what the NBA streets want to happen like what they’re telling you is I don’t think they’re ever gonna stop trying to make Luca number one they’re they’re NBA not gonna stop that they just gonna keep pushing it until it works and I think that’s the

Guy they’re going to push as the face the NBA Twitter and NBA streets may tell you it’s lamelo Ant-Man Rees yanis the NBA if you asked Adam Silva right now he’d probably tell you Luca wow they wanted to be Luca he just hadn’t won enough yet why

Do you think they wanted to be Luca so bad we speak handly here on Don say it it’s fine is because he’s the closest thing to a white American and that’s not his fault or anything else like that that’s just the way those things go

I if you got a guy that Talent I’m trying to figure out if I want to lump him in with like a white player or like the the the overseas players because I feel like part of what hinders him is the same thing that I think keeps the

Ultimate thing that keeps all of them away we establish is LeBron James and Steph Curry but it I I think there’s also the I don’t know I don’t know maybe you’re right and once again that’s no fault of his own by any mean the guy can

Flat out play like he he he’s for me yeah it’s not like he’s not deserving right for me he’s up on that list because of his game and how talented he is but I also understand how these things work sometimes and they look at that as something that maybe something

That they can promote a little easier to you know to some of their fan base than Anthony Edwards at this point bowan is the face of ban got more he got more commercials than everybody all of them ban is doing movies it’s boban’s League that’s pretty

Much what it is there isn’t a corporate sponsor that doesn’t love Boba is he on a team he was yeah on is it Houston he was on someone who beat the crap out of the Kings and played that was the Houston I was it Houston yeah yeah that man played man played

Back-to-back games for the Rockets one time this year and it was against Sacramento now so David we’ve talked about this longer than I ever thought we would yeah this was not planned by way completely David in the chat said could Fox be the face of the league

No and I and so so here’s what I’ll say here’s what I will say about that I don’t think he wants to be the I think that’s the bigger issue yeah I think the NBA would like him to enter himself into the discussion absolutely he has every characteristic that would that would

Work as the face of the league I think the NBA would love for that to happen yeah think he could never be the face of the league dude was 30 and six not getting any hype already this year yeah like but not it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen

To a Sacramento player won it’s not Sacramento I don’t think it’s Sacramento distinction though right them little silly writers aren’t paying attention but it’s not every commercial the NBA has had promoting the NBA going up into this year they fox has been a part of but think about what you just said

Though Shay’s in Oklahoma City it’s I a Sacramento thing I think I think it’s like just purely a sacral thing I don’t I don’t think it’s a small market and that’s fine and I don’t think I don’t think that plays into this if dearen was in to get to this level we’re talking

About I don’t care that dear doesn’t do any of this this has nothing to do with what I do every single day for a living but if dear was on social media if dear was doing JJ reck’s podcast if dearon was doing W’s podcast if dearon was all

Over the place if dearon was posting stories if dearon was getting you know his Essentials sweatsuits uh photographed every time he walked in if he was standing next to you know Jerry Lorenzo that changes things that’s not Fox though right Fox’s game fits everything we’re talking about Fox’s

Look fits everything we’re talking about he’s perceived as a smaller guy he has a unique trait in that he’s lightning fast he’s a good-looking dude he’s got a million things going for him and his game is A+ he’s explosive all the he can dunk yeah right right now that the

Strike’s over like he can go but all of those other com components that lamelo has that Shay has dear don’t care nothing about that stuff he’s just not dearen I think is far closer to Nicole yic like he wants to go home he wants to

Be with his wife he wants to be with his kids and he wants to play basketball and then that’s it maybe he doesn’t want to go you know pet hisse right but I think he’s far closer to Nico yic than to to anyone else yeah and

And I in in the whole point of that as well is I think that like if dearen sat with Adam Sila whoever is you know in charge of that stuff like dear we got a whole roll out we want a half like I think they want at the very least they

Want dear to be part of the conversation oh I I 100% because they they tell you that in every commercial abolutely in every commercial yeah there’s no doubt the league L not he’s not really interested to that level to be the face of the league he fits almost every single

Criteria like yeah I mean Ramsey I’ve seen this godamn commercial so many times but the the the Kaiser Permanente commercial that airs four four million times on at least at least at least on a YouTube stream he’s got it worked on his acting chops because it’s not the it’s not the

Natural Del but it’s like yeah like hey Fox could Fox could do that for Kia he could do it for AT&T he could do it for I think he did do it for Hulu he did it for somebody um but yeah he’s he’s got all of it he has all the

Tools except I think he wants to I don’t well that I don’t think they would let him in the club I think you’re wrong I think I think you’re wrong because like the 30 like he said he was 30 and six at some point the season like even the NBA

The MV laders like he was nowhere like no hype at ever like whatever from the league at all you’re right about that you’re no you’re right but they don’t have control over the commercials like the league said yo but you do need the league to push you as

Well right and and and what would really happen I think is the league would sit down with Kia and say all right which happens who should who should we have in this whole thing and illeagal man SGA think about why Blake was picked for that yeah he had a very unique trait to

His game so and they don’t care about them writers the the MVP ladder that’s the writers yep because like my thing is too we probably need to go to break right now too but fox has the the Under Armor the shoes like he has he has everything that everyone else has but

Just no hype I guess I can’t believe this conversation is gone an hour right he about to get that step rub too we’ll see what happens with that yeah yeah yeah sure the the Under Armour thing yeah absolutely and what happened when he did that him and Steph side by side doing

Interviews together you know before game one of the playoffs you got rich Paul say it again and he got rich Paul we’ll come back uh will Z joins us here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 is Mahomes still the face of the NFL yes

What oh what he said I told Bruce so I was going to bust his ass on Valentine’s Day I got that from Chris so I knew he said something crazy so I’m guessing uh the Raptors and Pacers play that was Tyrese oh that’s a Sean Cunningham cut from Tyrese’s

Conversation court side so the conversation was about Fox like that’s the whole thing they’re not pushing Fox and sabonis will never be the face of League either so like that’s kind of ties into it too I understand what Jesse saying I just don’t think those people have any

Control over like like fox has had commercials he’s had he’s got the shoe stuff he has everything but they’re not pushing him like he has it all he has everything else but I think what you’re mentioning like the league does push him yeah those people yeah you’re talking

About wrer don’t really matter yeah you’re talking about a single writer who writes the the the MVP ladder and I don’t think you’re not wrong in your s in what you’re saying there my thing is like nobody’s like talking about him like he has like he’s on the like like

You guys are everything you’re saying is right but no one’s like talking as if he could be the face of the league no one talks about that he has everything is what I’m saying but no one even still no one talks about it is this our girl that is our girl

N what up though what’s up Nikki D buy oh who’s bringing will sorry will what’s up man it’s all good what’s up guys Nikki D in here y’all show some love for our girl Nicki D that’s our people people there’s well there’s well guys think that the Pacers trade takes

The spotlight off of Kings Pacers for the next few years because it seems like everyone was talking about the Pacers and Kings do you think people will be more excited Raptors no it amplifies it it’ll never no the Raptors the Raptor deal was just a deal that was just an

Expiring contract and a that was a that was a run-of-the-mill NBA deal the the the Kings traded uh the face of the league future face of the league for a nobody apparently yeah should the league have stepped in no I’m being serious no it’s true never forget that clip so the

League have stepped in I just I just saw a tweet I just wanted shout out to all my Sacramento 49er fans uh Capital Corridor has listed the trains that will be going to the game I’ve done that one time that’s the way to go yeah hop on that train it’s downtown it’s downtown

Just ride and enjoy ride it back hopefully after a win that’s the move the capital and it drops right there outside right behind the stadium that’s the that’s pretty dope yeah so go go check out the times and all that other stuff if you if you’re going out there I

Wish they did that more they just don’t have later trains on Sundays they’re making in a oh but Saturday Saturday yeah so they got later trains on Saturdays but not on Sundays which they should I couldn’t afford them but everybody had them joints AI I had I had them every

Year that was my shoe man I wonder you got they were recently priced though they weren’t they weren’t Jordans in that in that in in those years I had hand me- Downs all right we’re back here with our man will Z we’ll shift gears from booking the NBA here for the foreseeable future booking the NBA laying out The League like we’re Vincent Kennedy McMahon bringing our buddy that was the case real quick real quick if we were

Vince McMahon who would be the face of the Bon oh yeah Bon love it too singon I’m not gonna lie I’m figuring out a way to send L metal to to the Lakers it probably be Yanni jannis is the big Adonis or it could be Joe he’s

Not buff enough Joe’s not buff yeah it would be Giannis yeah Giannis is let’s be honest if it’s Vince McMahon it’s still LeBron James it’s vah LeBron James is hitting you with the five moves of Doom at this point dropping it you can’t see it’s definitely Nicole yic or LCA well stop

It that’s I 100% no what it is is Giannis has the belt and then Nicole yic comes out and beats the crap out of him in 13 seconds shed Homen if it’s shed hren that’s fact Walker Kesler we bringing our man will z uh who previews every single King Kings game

Over at will Z stats will it’s been a it’s been a rough couple of games here uh for Sacramento but they’re headed into their first of two matchups against the Pacers over the course of the next couple of weeks this is kind of a tough one to talk about because Bruce

Brown is gone tyes isn’t playing and siakam’s not there yet what does this game look like for sacrament like what are you specifically watching for with this game tonight against the Pacers yeah I think if seeing obviously the Pacers are so good on offense but we all know very similar

To the Kings last year great on offense terrible on defense so to me it’ll be kind of a lit Miss test of how the Kings whose defense looked really good against the Suns and I don’t think they’re getting enough credit for it for those first three plus

Quarters how they can defend a Pacers team who moves the ball they lead the league in assists they generate the most wideopen threes like they get good looks through their movement on offense and the Kings when they’re locked in on defense they’re hitting their rotations

Um so I’ll be kind of watching that on how that side of the defense for the Kings looks against the potent offense and then obviously can you take advantage of a Pacers team that leaves a lot to be desired on defense well well you kind of touched on

It just now a little bit I’m I’m a little curious um because we haven’t talked about it much but how how are the Kings at defending the three this year are they uh good average bad I can’t can’t imagine they’re like top of the league because they shouldn’t be in top

Of the league in anything on the defensive end yeah but are they at least average at defending the three they I think are unlucky opponent shoot so 39.2% um against them that’s the second highest in the league but if you look at again we always break it down to the

Wideopen looks the Kings only give up 18 White open threes per game that’s tied for 16th most in the league which is a good number it’s just that teams are hitting those at a 42.2% clip so I think it’s just a bit of luck teams just always seem to shoot well

Against the Kings we saw it last year it continues over to this year I don’t know it’s not not like they’re leaving it’s I don’t think it’s something where it’s like they’re leaving the wrong people open too over and over and over again it’s you’re seeing role players like Grayson Allen

Hit nine threes against us and it’s just kind of that happens more than it does against other teams it feels like I you don’t have to give me like a analytical numbers breakdown on this but you watch this team painstakingly like we all do how do you what’s your opinion

On how they’re playing right now I think they’re playing really good again it’s hard with the results not being there Kenny I think like you were saying the last few days it looks better than it did when they were winning I think they’ve played some hard opponents but like the Suns

Game Hannah and I were just talking about it while we were watching every facet of it looked good they were getting inside they were hitting their threes they were defending well and it’s not like the Suns even did that well on offense to come back it was the Kings

Turnovers that bit them in the butt they just got the easy looks in transition and I don’t know it feels like they’re playing really good but those bad moments are sneaking in still more than they should the Suns game was an epitome of a whole season condensed in the one

Game we saw really really good and really really bad just in that shorter time span yeah I I I’m frustrated as anybody else with giving up you know 22-point lead let alone like losing the game but just giving up a 22-point lead in seven minutes is is extremely frustrating but

Yeah you know like you said there’s encouraging signs the question that everybody has though is can they build on those encouraging signs and can they convert that into winds and that’s something that we’ve all wondered because they haven’t really been able to build on anything this year like it’s

Been you know okay you’re doing good for a couple games and then you slide back and without the results of the win the the W can they stay from getting discouraged that they didn’t get the win and still recognize hey these are things that we’re doing well let’s build on

Those things and then turn it into wins and it’s just something that it’s hard to tell with this particular uh team this year yeah just so many ups and downs where where you never feel confident but you never feel completely out of it either which I don’t know I

Guess that’s I’ll take that I gu yeah I don’t know what it is something better than feeling like you’re gonna lose every night yeah there’s also that and I didn’t think about this until will said it to start the conversation there’s also like this uneasiness where you

Almost expect the Kings to score 140 tonight and not only because of what they can do and for the most part baring that disastrous fin seven minutes have been doing scoring a bunch of points but they’re going against the Pacers who really like to give up a lot of points

And it’s a short-handed Pacers team and short-handed for other franchises is like okay all right yeah go take care of business you know stay up Kings fans are scared to death right now yeah we don’t like that all he getting messages earlier I got tickets to tonight’s game

I’m not sure if I want to go you know this got got bad vibes written all over it yeah uh and Daman you’ve been pointing out the last few games where one of the reasons I think this is a good matchup for the Kings is the Pacers

Give up the most points in the paint in the league and they give up 31.3 field goals in the restricted area that’s most per game one of the reasons that they have that high total of points in the paint and the kings in the last six games are shooting 71.4% in the

Restricted area which is uh right behind the Bucs lead the league at 7 1.6 just for some context and a big part of that is sabonis during that six game stretch he’s 40 of 48 at the rim for 83.3% so he we talked about it earlier

In the year if you guys remember I was on like sabonis doesn’t have that touch around the rim he found it it’s back and it looks like it’s here to stay and I think it should be a big game for him tonight kind of getting going inside

Based on what the numbers are saying and obviously now that I said that he’s gonna Score Four Points yeah you do this you do this pretty regularly well careful um hey man sabonis unfortunately we haven’t been able to talk enough about him because of somebody these losses but he’s got a

Double double streak going on it’s ridiculous star to get a triple double streak going on do we know how many straight games he’s had a triple double for like like four or five I think it’s just two I’m pulling it up now but it’s just been

A bunch yeah had two in a row but he had two then two off one one off two on So it’s just like constant two out of every four games or so for the last like month and a half man yeah since the last month since December 18th it’s kind of when it

Started just ridiculous what he’s doing will you got a swing stat before we let you go to for tonight yeah just making it points in the paint uh something again that the Pacers are good at themselves but also that they give up a lot and that the king’s been doing

Well so I’ll be looking at that for the swing St of the game uh this doesn’t happen very often but we have to let will go unfortunately will we appreciate you buddy thanks for carving out a few minutes for us thanks guys have a good one all right that’s our man will Z

Right there uh he’s exing out of us and going into a meeting so we appreciate got do what you got to do it’s what it is uh these numbers don’t pay the bills for will I don’t even know what will does he’s got to do something with numbers

He’s probably like a CEO I think you said he’s an IT guy he probably is a CEO he’s a CEO of it that’s that’s what he is how are everyone’s Vibes headed into I about to ask you are you nervous not nervous but are you um lacking

Confidence in the game tonight uh no I’m not I didn’t feel good headed into the Phoenix game not for the reasons that wound up playing out I was very uh excited watching the game Thinking yeah Phoenix did not execute at all as I expected um and then they did and it was like

Well okay don’t have to bring that up I don’t have those vibes tonight I’m kind of with you in the sense of I have a there have been a couple of things running through my mind the last two days as it pertains to this game you something you said earlier

Today is they respond and we’ve talked about that a million times dating back to last year because we could really kind of lump those two teams together it’s the same team like they they respond one long season it kind of feels like it like 50 Cent albums just one

Long album well it it it they they respond right when when tough losses happen when blowout losses happen they generally do a good job of responding at think back to man correct me if I’m wrong I could probably pull this up real quick last year Pacers coming to the

Golden one Center For the First Time didn’t the Kings lose three in a row yeah I think they lost two in a row and they were trying not to make it three and I think so I thought the line was uh we couldn’t make it four in a row which

Why uh I could pull it up here real quick because we all remember when that game was except in fact I actually can’t remember when that game was I thought it was November oh it was November 30th yeah they had lost to the Hawks the Celtics and the Suns they had lost three

In a row and I it stands out because you had repeated one time I think it was domas who said we we just couldn’t let three become four y y and the Kings have lost three in a row the last one to the Suns just like last year you got the

Indiana Pacers coming into the golden one Center just like last year what a coinky the difference obviously Tyrese isn’t here here uh that emotion won’t be a part of it fans can use all of their energy to boo buddy heeld just as they did last year but they responded it was

A back and forth game to start and then Sacramento got going about Midway through the first quarter and they wound up winning that one going away um the team’s ability to respond has me confident the other side to that though is at some point are they going to be

Able to are they going to stop responding yeah they you know they keep painting themselves you know painting themselves into a corner and then fighting out right they just so we just they just gonna keep doing that huh right okay it’s a tough ask but okay and and even with

That like it’s like anything else it’s like the the 30 assist stat right like pretty much every time they’re going to win the game that doesn’t mean they’re gonna go 38 and0 like they may be 36 and two yeah you know what I mean and when you talk about responding pretty much

Every time they respond maybe one time they won’t respond that doesn’t mean they don’t respond typically that means they have to respond against Atlanta right the the response just becomes more and more urgent where it’s like okay they respond for well now they gonna respond versus Atlanta like we’re just

We’re used the we it’s like we use the term respond interchangeably with win are they going to snap the three- game losing stre the four game losing streak the five game losing streak and so on and so on yeah so yeah that that’s a concern as well the the other thing that

I think about with this particular team in this situation is um I think you know they’ve been playing good basketball you know and I’ve said that I think they’re playing good but the question is do they have uh I don’t know if mental toughness is

The right word for it but do they have the ability to look past the results and understand that they have been playing well you know what I’m saying and not get down how tough is that for some teams it it is how tough was it for you

Uh like could you could you could you walk out of a game that you lost in be it well was obviously playing well close game tough game heartbreaking fashion whatever and feel like going into the room and tell your guys hey we’re okay or the ne or maybe you don’t

Do it that night maybe you do it the next day uh yeah it probably be the next day I I’d be pretty frust one one of the times I can think about it I was pretty pissed off broke the Blackboard just like Michael Jordan did oh well Michael almost cussed on his own

Home video I was I was pretty I was pretty upset in the locker room so it probably happen the next day but you know a lot a lot of those times you try to um we stay stay focused on the moment I think NBA teams are probably better at that than

College kids or high school kids right because they the season is so long so they can look at you know a game that happened on Tuesday game 41 of 82 and say they don’t one what happened in one doesn’t dictate the other you know that they I

Think they have a better sense of focusing on stuff like how they’re playing and I I it’s not easy for everybody um but I I think it’s it’s a little easier than than we probably think it is right like to just say hey that’s done think

About the good things that you did out there and keep playing that way my concern is are you able to do that multiple times in a row right because it’s what we talked about with Philly what what do you guys we stunk today versus Philly that’s not how we play we

Can’t do that you come out you respond you play a certain way against Milwaukee and then you lose that game the way that you did and then you play really well against Phoenix and then you lose that game the way you did can you regroup the next day and

Go hey guys we’ve been playing really well the last two games just the results haven’t been there and and I and I and I point that out because we know they did it last year because Malik told us straight out he told we’re playing well we need to do a couple of things

Differently but we’re playing really well right what we got uh the night of the Phoenix game whatever night that was was a lot of frustration Daren not talking he’s upset you know Jason Anderson reading reading the room he being a little angry Malik was you know I got to be better there

Are things that I have to do better you know you you’re you’re trying to just kind of state the obvious but I think it’s a tough thing I don’t think it’s too tough to ask a group to regroup I think it’s tougher to ask them to regroup multiple times in a row 100%

I mean I I think about that and I feel like I deal with that right now like dealing with kids like I tell them to play a certain way don’t worry about the results but at some point you got to see results right know they’re going to get

Discouraged and just be like something’s not working or give up on the message um but the with this king’s situation and what they’re doing right now I think I believe the after the Phoenix loss and the end of the road trip was the first time you were reflective like that I don’t think

You were reflective like that after Milwaukee I think look after the Phoenix game that’s when you take a step back and say all right well look at the last five games look at the road trip we just finished up play some good basketball aside from Philly we play some good

Basketball we keep doing those things I think we can turn those into wins so to to that point I don’t think you had that conversation after Milwaukee about playing good basketball keep playing good basketball and we’ll turn it into wins and then you have another situation

In Phoenix where you play good and you lose and now it’s the second time you’re saying hey just keep doing what you’re doing I don’t think that conversation was had after Milwaukee I think after Phoenix that was the first time you got reflective about how you’ve been playing

Recently and said ah we’re not that far off so I I think it’s still relatively fresh okay uh 91699 1320 let’s get Brandon in here Brandon appreciate the call what’s going on man what’s going on guys I want to uh preference this real quick by saying that I do a little

Sports gambling and the kings are by far the most frustrating team to do any type of gambling fantasy wise or or otherwise anyways tonight I’m gonna risk my money again because I really think the Kings have the Pacers number they have the total for the game at 245 and a half do

You guys feel safe of me taking the over and they also have the Kings winning by eight and a half I’m taking both of those what do you guys 245 and a half do some quick math that’s like 125 to 17 I don’t know something close that

Right 120 okay um you know what my first thought is man it feels like that’d be a lot of points for a short-handed Pacers yeah I I would go under I feel under yeah I do too I do too but I don’t Gamble and this is why theing Kings can

Hit 140 maybe today that’ll do a lot of the work well they did it against the bucks right so it was 14 4 3 to 142 I think it’s a short-handed Pacers team that plays no defense Kings might to score today they don’t play defense buts are scoring right now but’s see the

Pacers will score though let’s not let’s not do this the Pacers will score uh their last three games without Tyrese 10 because they’ve got um Andrew nart is questionable too n Smith is questionable as well and then Matan too four games without tyres I won’t count the Celtics

Game where he got hurt in the middle of that one 112 and a win against the Wizards 126 and a win against the Hawks 109 against the nuggets and 105 against the jazs can you give me the Celtics just for fun because I feel like 133 Jesse correct me if I’m wrong didn’t

He get hurt pretty early in that game yeah it wasn’t late I don’t think like I feel like he got hurt I thought it was first quarter but first quarter is the first half so we’re semantics here you said that was 133 133 how many of those did they win uh

They’re two and two oh if you count the Celtics game they’re three and two okay well here’s what it Go boils down to Brandon I wouldn’t do it I wouldn’t bet on anything but hey it’s your money my man think and the kings are in eight and a

Half Point what’s the uh this this popped up in the chat and I’m curious what what’s the over under on Buddy’s three-point attempts tonight Riley says I got it at 11 and a half and buddy I’m going over I’m going over over on 11 and a half three-point attempts for Buddy Hill

Tonight um yeah I’m going over I’m going over Jesse you in on this 13 up I’ll go I’ll go I’ll go over okay yeah what scares me is that bened Benedict ma might play and that dude get likes to get his shots up too so I don’t know if

They’re gonna be taken away from each other they might fight each other like Carlton and Will yeah I’ll take the over though I’ll take the over I’m saying 13 you think you think the Pacers at all like in a in their way you said there were like four guys

Questionable for this one yeah one of them well three questionable Tyrese has been ruled out yeah Rick Carl said Tyrese is out uh obviously Bruce Brown is gone siakam’s not here does does does carile just go H sit some of these guys tonight that’s what I tried to tell Lor

Pierce last night I was like you guys get yourself together don’t worry about this game work on it moving forward and his response was what no yeah um to your point though maybe maybe but I don’t know that they’ve done that before by the way I’m not trying to like

I’m just I’m look looking at like all of these guys questionable this is clearly a team and TR this team is transitioning right now well you do need guys to dress though so you got yeah I’m not saying all of them you’d have you’d have uh NIMH har TJ

McConnell well TJ’s going for Jay Smith um they’re probably gonna play this will be a game that that that young dude I guess that everybody in Indiana wants to play what’s his name uh uh the Walker kid I think yeah Walker how you say his first name you know I don’t know

How to pronounce it he’s probably gonna it’s like Jas or something like that um he’s probably gonna get some get some minutes so you know he he probably used that as an opportunity to play that young guy so you got realistically you got buddy you got Miles Turner you got Benedict

Mathine maybe Obi toppen Jaylen Smith TJ McConnell n Hart and Walker those are your guys you’re you’re probably going about seven maybe eight deep then try and run those guys at the building is what the Kings should do yeah they should try but them boys are going to be

Able to score unless Sacramento’s doing something defensively different they’re gonna be able to score yeah shout out to miss P who says she just popped in the chat to say I’m praying for a lot of Buddy heill turnovers well you don’t ever have to worry about if someone’s

Miss uh is in in uh impersonating Miss P like that’s 100% who who hates Miss P more Miss P or nobody hates Miss Brian Cruz you mean who hates buddy hee more who would I say Miss nobody hat nobody hates Miss P who hates buddy Hill Tai it’s a

Tie I mean Brian Cruz Brian did go like maybe a year and a half firing off buddy heel jokes his name too in the chat was chavano slander wasn’t it he changed it I think that’s true I think that’s true I think that’s true neither one of them

Miss a chance to take a shot at buddy Hill yeah yeah yeah well and then just a just a very respectful I don’t like buddy heeld coming think I think when we come back well after we talked to Rob Brooks um we should have the top five buddy moments

Of all time I’m down for that I’m 100% down for that uh we’ll come back we’ll talk with our man rob Brooks we had such a great time the last time we talked to him we’ll have some more fun as we get ready for the San Francisco 49ers and

The Green Bay Packers that’s next here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 ra what up baby you we got you on mute Rod you muted yeah there we go how yall doing Parliament Funkadelic I see you you know how you know what it is old school have

You ever have you seen them recently I have not seen them and that’s they’re on my list I need to it’s it’s a fascinating thing to see I saw them at the Blue Note jazz festival uh and it’s a bunch of young people right so it’s like clearly not and then there’s George

Clinton yeah who’s you know probably what 80 years old probably I think his birthday was yesterday sitting in a chair just and he’s full he’s full uh uh uh doing his thing yeah yeah he he’s having a blast but it’s it’s not a boring show at all the the fact that

He’s still with us is amazing when you really think about it right yeah yeah for sure I mean you know you you know how it is you know with us gint here exactly yeah that’s just that’s crazy that he made it to 80 82 I think he is

Yeah why you know that’s what I think sometimes about uh uh about Mike Tyson like the fact that Mike is still with us I’m happy he is but he’s with us he’s you know functioning he’s doing stuff like you think about the things that he went through probably like number one

Growing up but from like 16 to 30 yeah probably should be he made it he made it you know I mean it’s not the 360 but it’s like a full circle you know he goes from everybody loves him to everybody hates him back to he’s Uncle Mike Tyson

Everybody loves him it’s why just just one little Phil Collins breakdown in The Hangover and that’s all it took man’s doing a one man’s doing a oneman show on Broadway hey what what what happened this was a couple months ago he was on his podcast and he had the the little

Guy that’s a grown man on the I forgot his name the hasula yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he picked them up and they’re like I don’t think Mike realized that’s a grown and he’s tickling them and look at this little baby because who’s going to tell him

Right it’s like you know what let that let that ride dog like he was a little toddler because he looks like a toddler and he was playing with him like a toddler like Let It Ride what was the last show you went to uh

R um last show I went to I saw the Foo Fighters in Tahoe so that was last August I believe it was I was gonna go see Anita Baker oh a couple of days before Christmas in Oakland but Christmas you know you got kids and stuff Christmas you got was this Anita

Baker before or after the Babyface controversy it was it was the show after she was in Houston my hometown right and she was throwing people out and she wasn’t cussing them out but she was doing the whole ATI like she sing Sweet Love and pointing to people and tell

Them to put their cameras down and put them and and and uh and get them out the front row I’m like Anita Baker she Ain messing around you better be on your best behavior when you go see her not playing hey R you need to come up here

To sack man see Janet Jackson when she come up here man oh when she coming we’ll be here in June I’m sure yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I could do that yeah man yeah absolutely I never seen J I gotta go see we gotta go see these Legends man cause you know time

Wastes for nobody dog what y’all think about this wa we coming back uh felt like it but I think we probably got a less than a minute Jesse what y’all think about this weekend I think it’s going to be they gonna take care of business we’re coming back right here

Ry back here deal with KC along with our man rob Brooks NBC Sports Bay Area always a pleasure when this brother joins us man mostly for the conversations we have before we actually start the conversation of why Rod is here uh Rod joined the stream with a Parliament

Funkadelic shirt and of course that set the conversation off the way it was supposed to be we going down memory lane with all that but we we’re gonna we’re gonna talk a lot of 49ers with Rod but I just you know I’m gonna I’m gonna put

Something out there and then I’m G step away and let rod do his thing like like uh like only Rob Brooks can Cowboys lose again and they’re bringing back Mike McCarthy go ahead R hold up hold up you know I got a visual for you can you read this license

Plate frame can you can you see that I will always will always I’m not listen I’m I’m from Houston Texas shout out htown uh so this is not performative I hate the Cowboys on a molecular level always have always will and I’m not making this up my first

Real football moment is when Jackie Smith dropped that touchdown pass in the Super Bowl and like it was a single digit Super Bowl I was a little kid and I remember cackling about that I love the Cowboys losing more than I love my team’s winning I’m a Texans fan right

Yeah they won a playoff game they gonna play Baltimore I enjoyed that thoroughly watching the Cowboys self-destruct in front of 40 million people gave me more joy than watching the Texans win so we got all of that right we got the Cowboys just absolutely just throwing up all

Over themselves and I think that’s the worst Cowboy loss out of all of them the catch is always gonna stand up because it’s historical moment but this is better than Romo fumbling an extra point in Seattle this is better than Dez not catching it this is even better than

What the niners have done to them over the last couple of seasons for pure entertainment value the Cowboys and the way they lost to the Packers was the best in the world and my only thing was if they lose too bad Mike McCarthy got to get fired because if you hate the

Cowboys as I assume we all do you want him to stick around dog when I opened up Twitter yesterday and I saw that statement from Jerry Jones which he clearly didn’t right that he was keeping Mike McCarthy I’m like we couldn’t ask for anything you have Jim Harbaugh a

Very desirable head coach and the greatest coach of all time in Bill bich available at the exact same time after you endure another embarrassing playoff loss and what does Johnny Walker Blue Label Jerry Jones decide to do you stay with a guy that is a chronic overachiever I just I could not be

Happier about the current situation for the Cowboys now now I will say this Ron I’m with you 100% D’s kind of with you because he is a a reformed former Cowboys fan he has since been delivered but the Romo the Romo fumble that kind of hit him that

Kind of hit him just now I ain’t gonna lie I saw face here’s the thing and DLo you know this as a reformed Cowboy fan and and and kudos to you for seeing the light and getting out of that Tony Romo had been holding extra points yeah I

Don’t know why we’re bringing this up I mean hey man I’m just pointing out he had been holding operate out of the same Playbook did you and field goals the whole year without fumbling one but when it came down to crunch time all of a sudden old Butterfinger showed up and

Then he tried to run for the first down and got caught from behind he did not run after that right I told you these ain’t jokes baby I hate the Cowboys I give you everything you want about the Cowboys messing up Dez did catch it by the way no he

Didn’t no he didn’t oh so now we just ain’t gonna pay attention to the rules we just a lawless Society hey hey Rod I want to ask you one other thing um n on Cowboys it was funny before you leave the Cowboys how many fan bases were celebrating the Mike

McCarthy it’s like every fanan base except Dallas and Dallas fans were gone they’re like I’m done with the Cowboys I’m out of here it’s amazing how they’re doing things um but I wanted to ask you something about Houston real quick because I was always the belief in the

Belief that the Texans just just the first thing I thought was like that’s still an expansion franchise they don’t have fans that’s still Cowboys territory or if they the Oilers left like how some people I know in Baltimore they don’t rock with the Colts no more they’re just

Done right but then I sat and thought about a little bit and it’s been a while since the Texans have been there they probably have garnered a generation now like a generation of of kids who grew up with the Texans there are now adults and

I was like and and it was rocking on Saturday so I was like maybe I should get a Texans a little more credit for having like a a thorough fan base now in Houston as opposed to what I originally thought well they you know they’ve been

Around for I think it’s 22 years on the dot and and that’s a small amount of time but that’s enough time for you to cultivate um a fan base and you’re right in terms of the generations you know old school cast like me who remember the

Oilers and then the Oilers leaving to go to Tennessee we weren’t gonna become Cowboy fans we we were you know I moved out here in 1997 and I’m like okay hey man I’m rocking with the bay you know again understanding that I’m not a fan but I’m always gonna pull for what’s

Good in the bay and what’s good in Northern California then when the Texas showed up I’m like okay now I got a footb team back but if you a houstonian if you’re from htown you’re not rocking with the Cowboys at all now there’s a lot of cowboy fans in Houston don’t get

Me wrong uh for obvious reasons you know the Cowboys being the Cowboys for what it’s worth but if you from htown you don’t rock with the Cowboys just because you got nothing there so the Texans show up and they’ve had some success you know the JJ wat years where they went to a

Couple a divisional playoff games but for the most part it’s been kind of an mid I think what they got right now with CJ St and that’s the thing in the NFL and we you know we all know this get yourself a good young rookie quarterback

And you could go far because of what it does just for your team what it does for your salary cap to be able to build around him so you know CJ strad and this this Texans team now the younger fans you know now this is gonna give them

Something to get behind because that kid right there you know along with Brock pie along with Jordan love that kid is absolutely special man yeah yeah and your coach too yeah yeah coach yeah baby Hey Demo Ryan absolutely you know usually rock with them Bama cats but hey

You know if you can make my squad I kick it with you yeah we say before we get to the 49ers and the Packers that Rob Brooks saw the Mike Brown press conference the other day the exact same way we did when Mike started talking about cancelling the trip to the Ritz

Carlton and very specifically naming what Ritz Carlton oh he knew he was he got a call the second he got off that Podium hey Mike come through we got you Big Dog hey hey what’s what’s that old Ser the Entertainer joke and I will assume he didn’t steal this one

From who joke is it we don’t know I think I’m pretty sure is here he’s like you know man we always looking for the hookup our people always looking for the hookup you say we gonna get to the Pearly Gates G be like is uh is Jesus

Here can we can I speak to him for a bit I need I need to get that hook I love Mike Brown as like yes I am handsomely compensated for the job I do but I always appreciate the good hookup so RIT Carlton holla at your boy I’m like yeah Mike absolutely

Pocket anytime you get that specific about where you’re going and where you’re staying you had a motive and he went for the gust too he didn’t say double yeah he didn’t be around to Bush it all uh let’s get into this game a little bit you started to ask during the

Commercial break um about how we’re feeling about this Packers 49ers game this I asked my partner Die Hard 49ers fan what’s you know who’s your ideal opponent this week without hesitation the Packers I want to play the Packers this at least on paper this is a mismatch that that wasn’t a question I

Guess that was just that was just a statement this is this is this is a mismatch for a playoff game it feels like it is with respect to the Packers um you know they had to fight to get into the playoffs to win these games but who did they beat to eventually beat

Dallas and credit to them for doing that had to be Carolina Minnesota and Chicago and those three teams are not exactly what you would call a murderer rope now again for the Packers those are must-win games they tightened up they needed to do that and they did it and kudos to

Them also being a young team and having to to having that pressure on them and then um not falling to that pressure again Jordan love very very good Young quarterback you like what they do offensively but for the ners it’s real simple if they’re able to stop the run

And put it on Jordan L’s shoulders they’re perfectly fine with that and for the ners we’re going to see the benefit of the byee and all we got to do is just go back to when the Niners got the buy during the middle of the season they

Were leaking oil and not playing well especially defensively they got that bye and then they ripped off a bunch of wins 34 to3 against Jacksonville uh what was it 2714 beating the Bucks went to Seattle beat them 3113 and eventually that big game in Philadelphia Adelphia beating the Eagles and taking them

Apart go ahead give me that score I want to hear that score again go ahead 42-19 ners beating the Eagles in Philadelphia and they haven’t been right s since absolutely ended them so my point is is that you know the ners the the bye is of extreme importance just

Because it gets them healthy and it gets them rested and for me I think you’re going to see the same outcome as you saw in the regular season the ners go to Jacksonville TI them apart and from that point Jacksonville wasn’t right had been right since I think it’s going to be the

Same thing for the ners they’re the better team they’re the healthier team because we don’t know if Jer Brown is going to play uh for the Packers he didn’t practice once again today AJ Dylan we don’t know if he’s going to be around for uh the Packers and that was

You know even though it was fairly easy for them to beat the Cowboys that took a lot of effort for them to do that on a short week with the travel this thing is set up for the ners too I I honestly think it’s going to be the biggest uh

Biggest score of the weekend I I do too and I I know you know I like the 49 but I try to the the biggest thing with me Rod is as confident and cocky as I may come off when I’m talking my talk I am just as nervous because it’s football

It’s one game Anything Could Happen turnovers weather somebody turns an ankle all this other stuff and everything that you’re trying to get could go go away in a in a heartbeat but I’m looking at this game and there’s there’s two spots that I see I just don’t see how the Packers

Overcome number one their defense the Packers defense against the run it’s nasty you know it’s it’s nasty and then if you’re gonna try and beat Kyle Shanahan the first thing you need to do is is stop that run and I don’t think they can do that second on the Packers

Offense side I look at what they did against the Cowboys and I looked at the Cowboys and the Eagles the same way during the season especially when the Niners would go up against them I said they are destructive up front destructive on the line getting to the quarterback doing those things both the

Eagles and the quarter and the Cowboys but I would say if you can hold up there is a bunch of holes behind that front line sir the linebackers the secondary for both teams were good and I thought that’s what the Packers did a good job

Of on Sunday is they held up and then they just picked apart what they were doing in the secondary and the linebackers that’s not what the case with the 49ers they are proficient at the linebacker spot and in the secondary and I don’t think they’ll be able to

Pick apart that defense the way they did Dallas it’s so it I’m going to start with the Niners defensively dealing with the Packers offensively Eric Armstead coming back is huge because we could clearly see the Niners run defense without Eric Armstead was not Championship worthy Eric Armstead coming

Back as far as I’m concerned that is absolutely going to shut down what Green Bay wants to do with uh with their running game and then on the back end as long as the Niners are able to stop the they’re going to rush for they’ll maybe

Bring an extra guy if they feel it but they’re going to rush for and then cover on the back end and I think make Jordan love try to figure out things from a Zone perspective with the back half of that defense now to switch to Green Bay

Uh dealing with the Niners Run game you’re dead on about what Green Bay does not do in terms of stopping the Run they’re 29th in rush yards allowed after contact 96 yards they’ve allowed after contact and they’re 23rd in yards allowed per Rush that Green Bay defense

At about four and a half per clip and the ners they got 74 runs of 10 yards or more and that’s the most in the league so to me this sets up for Christian mcaffrey game right and that’s obvious but I want to talk about what Green Bay

Does not do as far as their linebackers are concerned know this as I’m sure you guys do Kyle Shanahan is the best in the business at identifying linebackers who are not very good in coverage and exploiting them and exploiting the middle of that defense with those weak coverage linebackers all game long he’s

Vicious at it he plays with his food as uh as our Man Mark Jones likes to say Quay Walker and uh who’s the other guy I had it written down here Quay Walker and dandre Campbell are two of the they’re good I’m I’m I’m not trying to throw

Shade on them but the tape don’t lie and the numbers don’t lie KY Walker and deantre Campbell are two of the worst linebackers when it comes to pass coverage we like to call this a George KD game where George KD and and others but specifically George KD is just gonna

Have anything he wants in the middle of that Green Bay defense and Kyle Shanahan he will continue to attack it attack it attack it he absolutely will not back off so my thing is this credit to Green Bay they did America a solid in beating the Cowboys last week and they are

Professional Squad they are to be respected but I don’t see anything where they have an advantage over the Niners if weather gets involved and turnovers get B that’s a problem but you can’t control that things that happen on the football field that the Niners can’t control they are in control in my

Estimation in both phases of the game so if you can’t stop the run game and you cannot cover the middle of the field and jier brown doesn’t play and you would think he would be on Brandon iuk mostly what are they gonna do yeah I’m glad you brought up Kyle

Shanahan in in in your explanation of everything because numbers in in like the way you just laid out those are pretty difficult to deny and I think one of the big reasons that the Packers beat the Cowboys was a matchup that we talked about the Friday prior it was the Matt

Laflor versus Mike McCarthy matchup I think Matt laflor is a significantly better Coach than Mike McCarthy with that said I think Kyle Shanahan is a really really good coach who strangely enough doesn’t get any credit for it why do you think that is why do you think when these Coach of the Year

Conversations come around it’s always about the coach that underachieved with less and not about the fact that Kyle got the most out of his guys with the last pick in the draft as a starting quarterback well there is an expectation that Kyle Shanahan is supposed to be as

Good as he is and well he’s supposed to win with these guys and he’s supposed to win a Super Bowl um I think when it comes to the rest of the team not Brock py and and I understand your point where you would think a guy who you know last

Year in an emergency situation inserted the the last pick in the draft and all of a sudden they’re on their way to the NFC Championship Game on their way back to the NFC Championship Game this year you would think the coach would get some credit for that I think a lot of people

Look at this Niner team and go Trent Williams walking directly into the Hall of Fame Christian mcaffrey a couple more seasons like this he’s going to the Hall of Fame allpro type player in Brandon iuk uh pro bowler all protype player and Debo Samuel George KD you know same

Thing look on the defense all Pros or All Pro type players there’s this idea that this Niner team last year and especially this year they’re stacked well he should win with them and if he doesn’t win well then that’s on him but if they’re winning they’re not necessarily winning in spite of him

Because we all know that’s not the case but yeah that’s what K Shanahan is supposed to do I I think he’s a victim of his prior successes and his prior failures in terms of not winning a Super Bowl and I think he’s a victim of having

Which I’m sure if you ask Shanahan he likes to be victimized in this way he’s a victim of having so much talent on both sides of the ball any coach would like to like to me and I get it people talk about Coach of the Year

And this that and the third to me the coach of the year is the coach that wins the Super Bowl right to me the the the MVP is the quarterback or the guy who who you know helps his team win a Super Bowl and wins a Super Bowl MVP all that other

Stuff I’m I’m All About what happens with the team the individual Awards I understand it’s important to the indiv idual But ultimately it just boils down the marketing just so people can say on the first Tia golf tournament 2014 NFC Rookie of the Year blah and blah like

Who care I don’t care I shouldn’t say who cares I don’t care I don’t know man I just sorry one one last thing on KY last week two of his assistants were in the playoffs one of them still is yeah yeah yeah now look forward to what black

Assistant Kyle’s gonna hire next hey Steve wils right now is what what y’all gonna do for me yeah man I mean and that’s not even talking about um the coaching tree that includes Matt laflor or Shawn MC they didn’t come directly from him but they

All were in the in the in the same staple and Rod you you’ve seen this team all year every weekend every Sunday and damn man this seems like the year man it seems like the team I’ve said since August this is the best year that this

Organization has had in 30 years oh to Wi the Super Bowl this is the team and while that may sound like bravado and cocky is a 49er fan in actuality it makes me nervous as hell because it’s like damn if they don’t get it with this

Team how are they ever gonna get it done and one of the things that you just laid out like you said for yourself I think the team has gone about this season the entire the exact same way whereas they don’t care about Brock birie MVP they don’t care about Kyle Shanahan coach of

The year they don’t care about this and that they as a group have won singular focus and that’s to win the Super Bowl and it’s all even when they beat up Philly when they beat up Dallas it’s cool but that doesn’t get us what our

Ultimate goal is and I think they are so locked in as a unit right now on that goal at hand and and that’s why you know to boil it down to this game against the Packers you know people talk about well they should have played more guys more

Time in the last game against the Rams what about Russ they haven’t played Green Bay is hot they’re young you know you got to go like they ain’t tripping on that like we we need to to look at the ners as the ners look at themselves we are

Good we know we’re good all we have to do is go out there and take care of buses as we have and again I’m speaking as the Niners which I’m not but as we have what a dozen times with the exception of when sha McVey kicked that

Field goal to go from a 10-point deficit to I believe a to a seven-point deficit every game the ners have won has been by double digits every single game that’s how you know they’re cooking with gas they know how good they are it’s they’re confident you could call it cocky

Whatever and you still got to go out there and prove it and get it done they know that most assuredly but if they know that as fans and I get because as a fan you really you have zero control over the situation and so you just you you’re kind of gripping you’re nervous

Or whatever that’s this isn’t Fun Rod this is no no I listen I I completely get it but here’s the deal know that those guys in that locker room they are prepared they are focused and they are very confident and very sure of themselves and who they are and what

They can do please know that and with all that said as unbearable as my partner is going to be for the next handful of weeks I’m in agreement this is absolutely the San Francisco 49ers best chance to win a Super Bowl but what I’m not sold on is that this is somehow

The 49ers last chance to win the Super Bowl because if the 49ers win they’re going to be favored going into next year if they lose why would that change why wouldn’t they still be favored going in well they they they will be favored but here’s the deal it is my estimation

Other than winning a championship which is the hardest thing to do in sports but we know that right let’s put that aside in my estimation the hardest thing to do in sports is to lose a championship and then get back there next year to try and avenge that loss you

Know that’s exactly what I’m talking about right that’s like it’s and and they’re they are one of a handful of those cautionary type Tales it it takes you know there’s a lot of luck that that goes into it injury luck mostly um there’s a lot of physical effort clearly

That goes into playing this game playing it at a high level and playing enough games to where you can play for a championship and there’s a there’s a mental toll as uh as well to lose a championship and then to have to push that rock up the hill and then have that

Rock roll back down the hill for you to go chase it turn around and push that bad boy up the hill again that takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of work from a lot of individuals and a lot has to go right and if one thing just one

Thing doesn’t go right that that rock is rolling back down the hill so no I’m I’m in complete agreement with you if for whatever reason the Niners don’t win this year they will be favored at least one of the top two or three favorites to

Get back to the Super Bowl but that kind of really doesn’t mean anything because you know how how how healthy are they going to be um you know who who they going to lose who are they going to keep so I I think if they understand even

Though the Niners are I believe the second oldest team uh in the NFL they they they know that they can still do this thing at a high level for at least a couple of more years but they also know man they clicking right now they’re absolutely clicking right now and if you

Don’t do it now can you do it again yeah but clearly everyone can see that this is their best opportunity yeah R you got down like we talked earlier man come champagne and campaign with us yeah man Golden One let’s make this happen hey let’s get right out to Soul Bloom oh

Hell yeah get you out here for we can’t tell you who’s headlining so we’ll text it to you okay oh yeah you might you might want to come down for the biggest uh R&B Festival in the country that’s happening here in May yeah and listen man don’t threaten me with a good time

Seriously he you know but what I am going to do because I have not done it yet I have to come and see a game at the golden one Center I have not yet done it I was G to go last time the Warriors played um um last time the Warriors

Played you guys but I didn’t get a chance to next time that happens if it works with my schedule I’m coming up I’ll let you guys know if uh if I do it and we’ll hook up about ity to our people at the Sawyer Rod was gonna come

Man but he got F by NBC Sports Bay Area so that Sawyer in downtown like I don’t know the wife is gonna make him cancel the trip so got work that’s how we got to work it hey if uh if um the Niners make it to the Super Bowl you guys gonna

Be in Vegas well I mean I want I don’t know that one of us has been trying to make that happen for a while but I mean we we could always ask R what are they gonna do say no no I understand trust me I understand where am I gonna stay at

The easy8 motel no hotels $2500 a night man what you talking about sleep for stay well talk yeah Aldren Jay says we can go to Radio row and interview the guy who did the you know who wants to lose weight with a millionaire show or whatever man

Radio they send out there it’s like that line from from Star Wars you will you will never see a more wretched Hive of scum and villainy than radio row about their milkshake that they’re trying to say exactly or players that are there pushing like brute cologne or

Whatever they really don’t want to talk to you anyway don’t play football who are like third string tight ends right right good you’re exactly who my audience wants to hear right now exactly fantastic the third string tight end for the Panthers cool uh Rod we appreciate you man thank you as always brother

Thank you oh man it’s always a blast anytime y’all let me know yes sir man rob Brooks right there NBC Sports Bay Area we’re going to get our man out here to Sacramento for sure for concerts for games for all of that good stuff yeah I do have a

Question um you know we’ll get back to the Kings for sure Matt George is going to join us in an hour uh Kings play basketball tonight Pacers are in town we’ll do all of that I was thinking as we were talking to Rod about the conference the Super Bowl what’s

Ahead I got a question for you and and I and and I know you always answer honestly but I do have a question for you that we’ll touch on when D when KC brought to you by Sky River Casino where we will be live February 2nd for a live

Show and the next time the Kings Pacers play you can watch it with us at 32 Brew Street make your plans now Friday yeah February 2nd uh come hang out with us at Sky River Casino here on ESPN 1320 Ramsey knowth round today I think I’m a Ryan Garcia fan

Now because he wants to fight uh yeah right this dude Oscar De La Hoya I’ll talk about it more in depth tomorrow too but Oscar Deo was like yeah looks like we’re pretty close to Ryan Garcia versus Jose Ramirez and Ryan says Jose Ramirez is not gonna be my

Next Oscar is a scam artist bro he really is he’s only out there for himself does not work for his Fighters where you trying to go Miss P you know you can go anywhere you got a private jet you can go wherever you trying to go come on man

Come on man come on now we out here man oh what I do want to tell I wanna I wanna I want to shout out real quick I want to shout out my people over at Choose Fitness uh I went over there yesterday uh to check out the the

Facility they got on floring road it’s phenomenal It’s pretty dope It’s pretty dope um they got something that I really need to try they got the the the hydro massage chair I need that I need that so I’m going be I’m going check out the hydro masage chair and then I don’t know

The exact um term for it or the name for it but they got the thing where where you put your legs in a cast basically like the the massaging cast and the leg goes all the way up up your leg or up to your thigh to your hipbone I need that

So I’ll definitely heading over to choose Fitness uh probably sometime this weekend and I’m g go get the hydro massage and then I’m going to get the little leg hyp bear chamber thing cuz that’s official so they got all that plus all the weights you could ask for

Um all the ellipticals and and treadmills and all this other they got it all there and then they have an area where you can be on an elliptical ride a bike or be on the treadmill and watch a movie they got a theater in there it’s

Fire it’s fire man so shout out Choose Fitness uh go check that one out I I went to the one on FL Road so um check out I think they got a few locations out here uh check them out man Choose Fitness Big Ups oh yeah Miss PE pull on up man come

On now get on that PJ you know what I mean you’ll be here in no time and pull on up yo Sean big man shout out to my man G funky he was telling me about this too anytime you guys know that there’s fights going I won’t be able to make it

This Saturday but anytime there’s fights out here please let me know because I don’t know where to find them like I don’t I don’t be getting the email or nothing like that I don’t know when the fights happen and people come and tell me afterwards like yo they have fights

At the Double Tree I would have loved to gone so let me know back here DLo and casy Thursday afternoon the Indiana Pacers are in town Jesse I’ll ask you is there a little uh a little juice loss because yeah Tyrese ain’t playing yeah yeah yeah

Yeah it’s not it’s not the same anymore I think so too if Tyrese that’s always GNA be a thing it is Tyrese coming back to Sacramento um but I don’t think there’s a lot of juice loss because I still think Kings fans I mean obviously Kings

Fans want to get this one buddy Hill to be be there too I guess that’s it they W going to boot tyes that’s right no no they was gonna cheer Tyrese they’re G I think they’re gonna cheer are they gonna cheer Tyrese till the end of time yeah I don’t see why

Not all right see why not unless he does another podcast I was the only one that wanted to be here then he says that one more time he says that one more time we’ll be a little pissed off but he hasn’t said that since no I’m just

Saying if he says that one more time it’s gonna piss us off so if he don’t say that we’ll always true are we booing buddy at his next stop too yeah he’s a lifer like like if Buddy had gotten traded to Toronto would we have booed buddy when he came back with the

Raptors probably okay and I don’t know why I don’t know why I wanna so we have the top five buddy Hill moments coming up um and I want to get in this was not playing it wasn’t I just it’s a shoot I just thought about it 30 minutes ago but

Um I I don’t know why people hate I the one clip aside I don’t know why people liking tweets about like wanting to get out of like come on like yes we know why come on wasn’t there a Photoshop Jer Philadelphia buddy heel thing that he

Was no yeah he did do that too he did do that I mean and then and I think like forgets he’s in his burner account this yeah shout out 242 boss this fan base is like a they’re like a really smart wrestling crowd where they like read the newsletters and

They get caught up on everything you know they listen to you know podcast and you know read all The Insider stuff listen to us because we’re a podcast and like they read that stuff about Buddy about how he was disruptive and again it seems like the his teammates

Liked him but I think there was also a sense of relief when he was traded yeah like talk about I’m getting out of here get me out of here all of that stuff like nobody wants to deal with that at work every day no and there there was a

Bit of you know what it’s like when there’s a ad you know an annoying ass personality at work like yo you don’t even yo you don’t fit you’re not a part of the team it’s a relief when those people are on around I don’t know why he’s laughing so

Hard well just I just know I’ve been there I’ve been there I know uh uh you mentioned it and we’ll get back to the Kings the Buddy heel moments I there there’s one more football thing I want to ask you and we could leave it we talk more about it tomorrow

Um but it ties into the conversation we were having with Rob Brooks because you just talked about this is the year I completely agree with you this is the year for the San Francisco 49ers to win the Super Bowl um you know how I feel about Detroit I I just I haven’t been

Into that Team all year I love my bucks but I I think this is probably the end for them uh it’s not really my bucks I just like this Renaissance for Baker Mayfield I like what’s going on with him and I hope at least something positive go ahead get your Baker that’s fine

Um but started looking at the other conference and you got Kansas City over there I think you put those two teams back in the Super Bowl I I I feel like of the three teams I’m thinking of I could comfortably pick San Francisco to win that game Patrick Mahomes Andy re

Aside I I think I could do that Baltimore Baltimore beat the hell out of San Francisco that’s part of the thing that leads me to believe that ain’t going to happen again what would the game look like it won’t look like it looked last time right what will it look

Like this time well I trust Kyle Shan John John Harbaugh hell of a coach trust Kyle Shanahan enough to figure it out man for the first time all year though I’m starting to look at the Buffalo Bills a little bit like don’t like them didn’t like him to

Start the year didn’t like him last year but this is the first time I it’s like yeah I could actually see them winning this thing they’re that team that got hot at the right time they’re that team that’s got a lot of things going for them of those three

Teams which one concerns you the most the Ravens okay because that’s the best team or because of what they did last time or those what they I mean I can’t erase what I saw on Christmas night so I’m that that has something to do with it and some of he knows that because

He’s tried yeah tried tried some of it was circumstantial like I don’t expect the ners to turn the ball over five times and if they don’t turn the ball over five times I still think they win but Lamar Jackson is just so special so special and I know

Josh Allen is I know Patrick Mahomes is but it kind of feels like it kind kind of feels like you can you can defend those guys a little a little easier than Lamar Jackson that’s just the feeling I get and maybe I’m biased because I like Lamar but I I

Think you can you can scheme up a way to confuse those guys a little easier than Lamar Lamar is just he’s something else he is something else so he he worries me the most and I think I think they are the closest to the 49ers um on both sides of the ball the

Bills I don’t they have the defense to stop the 49ers enough to to beat him and the chief’s offense I think without the dynamic weapons I think the Niners can can nullify uh what they’re able to do the the Ravens are the more complete team I think of the three and that’s why

They worry me the most okay all right I was just wondering that was just sticking in my head as we were talking Rob Brooks and it’s really Buffalo that’s standing out in my head um Buffalo’s playing they they fit the profile of a team that is playing their

Best football that’s the thing at the most important time I don’t think Buffalo is the best team in the AFC Buffalo might be playing the best football in the AFC though Baltimore can absolutely make that same claim as well given what they did to your boys on

Christmas night I mean we I already talked about it once we don’t have to bring that up don’t dude season’s over don’t do this don’t do this what did to another Well double digit win team yeah I tried to get over it and you guys

Just pull me back well no it’s well I mean this our job what we we got to talk about the game Sacramento okay we don’t even talking about the Miami Dolphins all right sorry I brought it up I we’ll see uh still hurts I get it I

Know I Get It Go Celtics you saw the look on my face when Rob brought up Tony Romo’s fumble I don’t even like that team anymore yeah you were kind of just sitting there like we get it no we get it that’s fine we already established

That and R was like oh we were all so happy and D well I was kind of sitting here like DJ academics oh everybody’s funny all right y’all wonder why I don’t have favorite sports teams because of stuff like this we all go through it and speaking of

Speaking of hold on yeah look who’s back oh no now he’s calling he’s back in the chat welcome back lazyy Le in the our team suck disappointment CL Rob W Drew down too I always forget I always forget Drew down as a Cowboys fan yeah Drew Down

Cowboy fan Rob dub for sure Rob W wasn’t his snarky self this week he just kind of hey guys hey Rob W Was Defeated he was defeated if he’s a Cowboy fan that’s all you can be is defeated he was like guy back they brought him

Back boy oh boy hey I got three sto stories for you okay as long as we don’t forget about Buddy hee’s top do you have the top five moments I got I got I got number one I know what number one is number one is the easiest thing in the

World I need the chat put your suggestions in the chatty house for your favorite buddy Hill moments now you guys don’t have to be jerks he had some good moments no you can be jerks too no you can be jerks put the good moments in there as well but your fivey if you

Insist on good moments I got number one well they don’t have to all be good no that’s what I said I got number one and two now I know what number one is and I know what number two is okay so I got I got three this was funny too this this

Guy who got the Texas coach who got he get Texas out of here and if I’m the UCF coach if I’m the UCF coach I’m like hey make that get your punk ass away from our players I’m looking at him like shut your it’s all cuz they did the horns

Down ex that’s exactly what is they did horns down don’t do that be CL Texas coaches that’s a whole that’s not even like the Texas basketball coach problem that’s a whole Texas thing they all get so their feeling sort if you do horns down so stupid it is ridiculous

One of the reasons why I hate Texas um so three things and then we you know maybe it’s rapid fire maybe we’re here for a little while number one we if this is so weird because we just got done talking like a week ago like yo our boys doing this

Thing over there see what the hell’s going on with TCU women’s basketball they’re having open tryouts now for people to come on the team wait weren’t they just like yeah they so the story go I was trying to figure out they’ve had injuries they’ve had players sick or whatever the case

May be they started off where was it at they started off buzzing right yeah um matter of fact they started off 14 and0 I was I thought I thought yeah I was going to say I thought it was 14-1 or 15-1 they’re now one and four in the Big 12 well

That’s people have gotten sick um people have gotten injured they don’t have enough players they’re holding open tryouts for Walk-Ons like this morning crazy we were just talking about how he’s killing it shout out Coach Campbell good luck bro I ain’t never heard that before yeah they don’t have

Enough players they had to Forfeit two games that’s crazy that’s absolutely nuts yeah I ain’t never heard of that so that caught my eye um the other thing is did you see the the bill that they’re trying to pass to ban football here in California tackle football yeah for kids under 12 I

Did I don’t think well Gavin Newsome already said he’s not he’s would veto it but that’s this is I remember Mark Cuban talking about this few years ago about like hey pigs get fat to get slaughtered or something like that and now the NFL was just walking around like they

Couldn’t be touched I’m interested to see what’s going to happen in this next Generation because there I think they’re while the I don’t think the game’s going away or nothing like that as long as Florida and Texas are around and Louisiana they’re gonna play football forever but there’s a generation of parents like

Myself who are like my son he not even playing flash football like we’re not even giving him that little taste of what football’s like he a playing football and I wonder what football looks like in 15 years so my I feel like it looks the same and the

Reason is participation is down down down for sure some schools can’t even f teams anymore like I said I don’t think it’s going to go away but it’s is it down in Texas no I doubt like like yeah is it down in like the you know the the the middle

Part of the country No like is it down in California sure like could it be down in other stat like sure but I don’t I don’t think it’s down enough to be on the verge of Extinction no and I don’t think I don’t think they’re on the verge

But what massive reform what does the talent B look like what is the what is it doesn’t matter like if you’re if you’re the the it’ll be we won’t know for like a generation what the talent pool is like that’s what I’m saying like what does it look like in 15

20 years well no it’ll be more than that like it’ll it’ll be 50 years because you’ll have to have like a sample size of those guys who go into the league you know if if if football drastically changes in 10 years in in like participation in it

Changes and then you start getting those players who are playing in this this this more subdued form of football and they’re in five years later 10 10 years later you’re not going to have any idea what that looks like in terms of the NFL and what you’re watching for from today

For like 30 or 40 years yeah by then Roger and them will be they were already collected I wouldn’t count on it I’m expecting Roger Goodell and Jerry Jones to be here in 40 years no but I’m not saying they’d be gone they have some serum that’s going

To keep them alive and they’re going to run the league forever well they might be uh I ain’t saying they’d be gone I said they would have already collected at that point oh for sure yeah yeah yeah would have already cashed in everything but I just I I do wonder what it looks

Like because I I mean football’s not going anywhere they’re still going to be great players but you’re still like what if hypothetically what if Reese would have been a Hall of Famer we’ll never know like I’ve taken a Hall of Famer yeah out of like the the

The pool of football players and what if 50,000 other people have done the same I mean but that’s that probably happens now like I mean you there there are some people who could be great at football who don’t have the drive to do it they’re I

Mean I know one family where one girl went on to be a professional basketball player an Olympic gold medalist a WNBA Champion you’ll never guess who I’m talking about everyone to a te to a te says her younger sister was better but didn’t have the drive didn’t didn’t have the same desire

Right that’s that’s just but that’s that’s different that’s different than like the younger sister was not barred from playing no like from by her family yeah but it’s still it’s still the same thing of you’re talking about so of the 50,000 maybe only 5,000 have the drive but you’ve eliminated the

5 ,000 yeah because they’re not playing Reese is not playing and I think that’s the right decision and I just I I just want like I said I don’t think it’ll go anywhere at all I don’t think the NFL’s going anywhere or football or nothing like that but I mean we’re already

Seeing some type of impact where high school teams can’t even they’re having a hard time feeling the schedule in in some places they’ll adapt because it’s football like I feel like they’ll always adapt like gu died last year on the field and nothing changed that’s what I always thought would change

Football is if a player died on the field like a player literally was dead on a football field on National Television he was out he was done it was over but that’s that’s my point it has changed like numbers are decreasing they’re not they’re not going away but

It has changed so but okay fine but what’s changed in the NFL well we hadn’t got there yet they haven’t got to the impact and and maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying because I think that point is far far far away yeah and you could be right

You’re probably right but it see that way it’s coming like there there’s gonna be I just wonder what it looks like it’s I think it will change certain things I just wonder what it looks like because the change is happening yeah no idea in of it last thing um hey

Since we’re doing random stuff can I throw one out did you see the DeAndre Aon story or deand how Wild is that or DeAndre Aiden couldn’t get to the game last night they said they tried to go get him too and they couldn’t even get him there so so this is one that

Happen that I didn’t research is this like something I’m I’m guessing like Portland isn’t equipped for stuff like this is this like a a rare type weather event in Portland I don’t know because everybody else got to the game well yeah but a lot of this stuff depends on like

Where you live true and how quick like we should ask trist we should ask Trista but I don’t know but like he was the one where he said I can’t leave reportedly they got people to like go help him they’re like yeah can’t leave see my thing was like deandrew can’t walk a

Couple blocks down we’ll pick you up down the street bro yeah I don’t what do they mean he couldn’t leave they they said he couldn’t get through the was it the Sleep the the the ice yeah it was like the ice like the roads were frozen so like he’s just it

Just wouldn’t have worked I guess for him to get out of where he lives they hadn’t they hadn’t they hadn’t taken like I don’t know how you deal with a a frozen road but they hadn’t gotten to that area or something I guess like Jesse said walk to the end of the block

Exactly pick you up well maybe it’s not that simple maybe it was like walk a mile looking I have no idea all I know is I’ve driven on a frozen Road and that said no that is a hard hard no yeah I I don’t that’s terrifying I am not I’m not getting at

Him for not wanting to driver not being able to drive not being comfortable to drive I remember having to move my car just out of the garage onto the driveway and the car just starts moving on its own no it’s terrifying so so Kenny kind of said it like they sent people over

There I need to know how close they were like was DeAndre able to walk to those people and cing their cars because obviously they were able to drive down like like where was the where was the dividing point maybe they said we can’t get to him let’s see um I’m try I’m

Trying to find some there’s got to be something in like The Oregonian or something like that I’m just confused DeAndre well dead spin says DeAndre aton’s icecapades the latest embarrassment in Portland’s rebuild well I don’t feel like that’s a very partial article that is not fair

Kin I don’t know if that was well that absolutely sounds like a title he would write but let’s see um no it was wasn’t kin kin would white white people are responsible for DeAndre missing the game um and Deion Sanders needs to answer for this and Mike Brown can’t

Coach uh the big man was ruled out to him not being able to get to the arena uh important details came later from Blazers in-house reporter who disclosed that Aon was trapped in his home due to a recent ice storm Aon reportedly tried for hours to get past the sheet of ice

And the Blazers sent people out to help him with no luck uh he got a DeAndre Aon out because of ice um the fact that this effort apparently lasted for hours is what really makes this situation bizarre eight S feet tall one of the most athletic people on the planet with the

Full resources of a billion dollar NBA team behind him a full day plus of warning and hours to get stuff done and they couldn’t get him on the road that’s the thing I don’t think DeAndre walked out oh wow the round is Frozen like I’m sure we knew ahead of

Time few days like you could have stopped at the hotel next to the arena for a week or something and what is this like a like a Marvel Series where uh somebody blew ice up on his door and blocked his like when he’s only got one

Door he couldn’t get out the house like what’s going on here Frozone from the incredible DeAndre W I think you guys are being terribly unfair to DeAndre Aon let me see none of this is none of this is feeling like it’s just incapable of

Of uh getting to the game I feel like we could have planned ahead for this the people that went to go help him left we knew a week ahead that you were gonna get frostbite at the Chiefs game people were able to plan for that like we could

Have plan for this people the people went to go save DeAndre aidon and they got there dang couldn’t do it all right guys we’re out of here we’ll see you later wait a minute why not just take DeAndre with you well maybe that’s not what happened maybe

His house was frozen shut I don’t know that is a bit confusing I need to see the Google Maps tracker see how far this car got Aon tried the the part I’m just hung up on aan tried for hours to combat the sheet of ice leading out of his neighborhood

And the team sent people out to help as well but to no avail you imagine DeAndre just running out of his house with a pot of boiling water just trying to throw it on the street oh man hey little did I know I almost destroyed my mom’s car numerous mornings

When there’ be frost on the windshield like oh let me let me just warm up some water and pour on the Wind no didn’t know till the qu in life so the quotes are coming from the the Blazers reporter so shout out to Twitter user Ryan mcke

He says I’m confused if if those guys could make it out to his house why couldn’t he go with one of them to the arena that’s what I’m asking the reporter responds I’m not sure they actually made it to his place now that makes sense although they said they went

To his out that’s what they told us no they said they went to help him the uh okay the team sent people out to help as well but to no avail Fair Point Fair Point now that that makes more sense that they couldn’t get to him understandable I mean I don’t think I’m

Just looking at the replies I don’t think anything nefarious is happening here it was just a bizarre story I so so a a couple of people keep asking that same question why couldn’t he go back with the people I don’t think those people made it to his house is what his

His consistent resp reply is makes I would like to know so he just couldn’t walk out of his neighborhood like you like like Heckle and Jackal over here say well that is that is an OP walk to where the people were on a massive sheet of ice no he cannot how

Soon do we know that the roads are going to be frozen too I want to see the road so that’s different like that’s that’s a that’s that’s a very fair you could went to a hotel so having lived in a climate like this before ESPN would send out

Notices if you’re scheduled to work this weekend will book you at the residence in if you live in Connecticut we’ll book you at the residence in or if you’re flying into Connecticut you have to fly the residence in is a half a mile away

Cuz that day or you have to fly in a day early to combat this storm cuz that day you can’t get out that’s fine whatever it’s frozen you can’t drive out that’s fine that’s just life that’s life right there but if you knew before that the Tre you’re professional basketball team

So I’m sure they planned for this if you knew before that like we could have avoided this guys you guys are being I well look guys are being a b DeAndre hey no no no issue with DeAndre you’re fine DeAndre I’m not I’m not trying to talk

About yeah I have no beef with DeAndre I’m just baffled that’s all someone someone tweeted a photo of his house that’s not a photo of his house but it’s very funny it’s worth putting up on the screen I’ll find that it’s very funny do live at the castle

From Frozen oh somebody called him DeAndre skating that’s funny and it’s got this guy on ice this is what Kenny looked like at the ice rink earlier this year Well no I would have looked fine I just didn’t get on Ice R it’s too cold poor DeAndre Sor it would have been so

Much clue of DeAndre and skates down his street to get to the Portland Trail that would be fire that would be absolutely fire DeAndre I hope we can get to the didn’t the Blazers win last night no I don’t think so oh no they played I think they lost to Brooklyn for

I’m sorry I think they beat Brooklyn for the second time in like two weeks yeah because they beat him in Brooklyn things AR going for the Nets right now yeah I ain’t gonna laugh at anybody who gets beat by the Blazers um no not at all all right I was hoping to

Get this up on the screen quick enough but I’m not going to we’ll come back we’ll have our top five buddy healed moments of all time who knows what that’s going to look like and we’ll um have Matt George said to join us as well

Steo and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 here’s DeAndre here’s what they said deandre’s house was and then my man hit us with DeAndre skating and this made me laugh that’s funny that is funny DeAndre Skating Co world uh ghost yeah I’m a Kings fan most definitely most definitely most definitely it’s the only team I’m really a fan of yeah I was a Cowboys fan for a while was never really I was a Cowboys fan for a long time I was never really a um a baseball Fan sorry guys I’m just responding to James real quick for the Kings fans well you guys are all Kings fans I guess is there like a cap on what you would offer for mow Bridges like as far as first round picks like four would be too much three would be too much

Uh because to me he’s the guy that checks every so the tough part is for at least is like I don’t View seum and bridges as the same tier I don’t either like I I mean Bridges is younger I think he has a Skyhigh ceiling SE yakum got

Three that’s what concerns me like SE yakum got three so if Bridges if if there’s a Bridges conversation that’s real you’re starting to with Kevin Durant territory would you give up four first round rounders for him probably so what I yeah probably cuz what you’re going to be

Drafting late 20s all next four years yeah yeah with him in this squad as a western com finals team at least yeah absolutely he he he he makes like the most impact out of everyone I think we’ve discussed I trade more for Bridges than seak yeah yeah yep me too me

Too I thought it was good I thought it was really good actually I enjoyed it uh Matt George set to join us coming up in about 30 minutes or so the Sacramento Kings take on the Indiana Pacers uh tonight at the golden one Center uh we’ve got basketball here on our air

Uh tonight it’s Memphis and Minnesota if you want to tap in for that the national games aren’t particularly sexy so you won’t really be missing anything uh as we’re watching Sacramento Kings basketball the Warriors in Maverick’s game uh tomorrow night unfortunately has been canceled for very obvious reasons

As the Warriors now have had to cancel two games because of the tragic circumstances involving their coaching staff and that’s that you know it’s not important right now from a basketball perspective uh that’s probably going to be a little it’s going to be tough for

Them to to get those two uh two games uh back in here and now the Mavericks and Jazz both have games that they have to work in uh as well again completely understandable not even a concern here at this point uh but it is something

That will come into play a little bit uh we had just mentioned uh as you guys were I just want I just want to apologize for being late I guess I don’t work here anymore keop didn’t work well well they’re trying to tell us something because thank you Joe for Ken

You out here they’re getting us out of here too I guess Joe came that’s that’s how I got back to the studio I ain’t even supposed to be here well shout out Joe you imagine security walks in right now so we need you to leave bro what security who Joe I don’t

Know did you go along with a bit Joe Joe gonna walk in here I want to see that Joe gonna walk in here hey hey Kenny Aaron and Stacy want to see you okay I saw complex in in Aaron and Stacy’s office like oh wait a minute what’s

Going on here what’s going on here um um Portland we had just kind of casually mentioned as you two were getting your jokes off about DeAndre Aon that um oh sorry my bad I interrupted a story you said you had three stories you did two and I and I said hey if we’re

Doing random stories can we talk about DeAndre Aton real quick that took us to commercial you had one more story the other one can wait I mean if we get to it we get to if not then it could go tomorrow okay it’s not gonna leave okay

I just want to make sure yeah yeah uh it’s seeing as it’s apparently your last day or I guess it’s our last day I guess it won’t I guess we don’t have tomorrow it’s to be clear to anyone’s listening if it’s his last day it’s our last day

Facts um turn this into this is your live episode comes yo happy birthday casy my birthday’s July 22nd Rock’s birthday is May 2nd you stupid son of a mck Foley’s the goat man Rock was such a jerk too like think about that Mankind’s trying to throw him this big party The Rock calls

Him stupid and the crowd pops for it and he goes I know rock it just feels like every day is your birthday I know this isn’t popular that segment was stupid I’m not a fan of it I didn’t think that seg too long it was

Way too long but isn’t a lot of that stuff back then stupid well so the Attitude Era and the Attitude Era was low-key trash yeah like we walked um looked back like you laugh was not good yeah it was was good some of that stuff was some of that stuff ages very well

Some of it does not but the that segment is only I think the rock said a word I don’t think we can even say it on the radio when was talking to his ex-girlfriend I’ll hit the dump if you say the pie p yeah I wouldn’t say that exact that’s garbage it’s absolute

Garbage say that is it is it looked out like so fondly just because it was the first of its kind of what they were doing kind of like the this is your life not this is your life but the attitude I think I think it’s look so fun because

The highs were so high well thees were like all time moments th this is your life has looked at so finally because for so long it was like the highest rated segment in history and it’s like okay that just means a bunch of people tuned into it because Nitro sucked that night yeah

That’s all it means but but he was saying Attitude Era in general yeah Attitude Era in general the highs it was different so high we just went from we went from like cartoons to like Duke the dumpster and Isaac yankum the dentist yeah then we got like oh Stone Cold oh

Okay then we got the rock then you got you know $500 shirts and beer drinking and then we leave this part out but at the time we’re 18 1920 and Along Comes sunny and Sable and Jackie and you know that group of performers Deus yeah that helps absolutely that helps don’t ever forget

Marena too she gets under oh Marina yeah Terry Reynolds was fired remember that the the the first first Hardy Boys EDG and Christian Ladder Match was the Terry Invitational Tournament I I don’t Jesse the Terry Invitational Tournament I’ve never seen that or heard about but I have a good

Idea what that consist of this boy crazy some of y’all might not have figured it out yet but you’ll figure it out later boy’s crazy I like me some Marlena though all right so hindsight what’s the best ER of the WWE attitude oh it was that it was

Yeah it was still that I mean I’ll always look at the hul Mania era finally because I was a kid like and like that was my comfort yeah but it it was that like I had the blue weights I thought I was listing lifting like 50 pounds I had

Two 25 pound weights about buff as ho until my sister was like no idiot that says 2.5 you’re lifting five pounds get out of my face all right all right came with a tape and Hulk Hogan’s motivating Hulk hog headband and wristbands yeah I was definitely about to turn up

Um you guys were getting your jokes off about Portland a minute ago Portland’s beat Brooklyn twice in the last week Brooklyn well so I you you’re you’re you’re very kind in pointing out how I was right about the Pacers and I’ve been high on the Pacers for you know dating back to

Last off I was wrong about Brooklyn I saw Brooklyn in a different position that they than they are they’ve lost nine of their last 10 in 14 of their last 17 that obviously has sparked discussion about the Brooklyn Nets roster in the upcoming trade deadline of

Course Mel Bridge’s name is going to be thrown out there I don’t think that makes any sense though as we were discussing during the commercial break the hall for Mel Bridges would likely in my opinion be greater than Pascal SE yakum and could flirt with Kevin Durant territory because of his age yeah

And it’s a price to pay man but what you’re getting in return you pay a lot for Louis Vuitton as you are well aware you pay a lot for Louis Vuitton and but what you get back is the nicest highest of quality yeah Mel Bridges is the Louis

Vuitton bag that’s out there is someone willing to pay that price I would be willing to I mean especially when you talk about like I mean we’re talking probably five picks that’s probably the conversation starter I’d be willing to take I think I would too I think I would I don’t look

At um I don’t again to be clear to be clear I don’t think this is happening if they continue to lose conversation about it’s worth paying they’re in a spot right now where they’re not like good enough to even be a playing team and they’re not bad

Enough to even be like a top Lottery team so they do kind of need those picks just to help themselves out the that’s that’s a good point I I don’t that is a good point I don’t look at him exactly the same way you do like you

Said Paul George I don’t I don’t think he’ll be Paul George but I’m not far off from where you see him and if you can get Mike El Bridges if you can get him and you keep everybody in attack far as Fox sabonis Keegan and Malik Monk and

It’s just picks and players and stuff like that I do it in a heartbeat well it’s like looking at the playoffs last year the Kings didn’t have anyone else to go to like if like if they were guarding fox or sa bonis now you got that that third guy that official Third

Man the Bucky get or whatever create his own shot like that’s gonna open up everything for the Kings I won’t I won’t picking the first round for the next eight years I don’t care yeah it do bother me a bit you get to the finals was all worth it that’s it okay now

Now Michel probably not GNA happen would you do anything for cam Johnson yep I think I feel like cam Johnson like if Monty made a phone call feel like cam might be getable well you got another player on that roster that you like brought him up to me yesterday or two

Days ago on 1025 uh FY Smith well not on the air because that would be weird but while we were playing sexy red or whatever we were playing haven’t played Sex You R in a wild well she’s on uh God Rich baby daddy yeah Rich baby daddy

Even she too busy even that’s starting to fade she about to be a mom this no it could be over well probably it could finally be over it definitely it’s been a tumultuous like five or six months but 2023 was our year it could finally be

Over are we sure Mikel is g to be like tough tough to get because if you look at it like they’re already talking like the Nets are going to be sellers what you producer getting us back on track what you what are you going to do the next couple years with Michael you’re

Not going to win I I don’t so okay so I guess that’s the other question I think it’s more I don’t know if it’s realistic but I don’t think it’s a pipe dream either I don’t so go to to to your first statement that’s that’s where everything

Starts for Brooklyn what are we moving forward are are we a acquisition away is this combination of players not working does jacqu vaugh not work are we sold that the issue is the roster because one of the reasons I liked Portland going into this potentially battling for a six

To to be in the top six what battling with Indiana was I actually like the roster I liked Mel Bridges cam Johnson I lik Dorian finy Smith like I it’s like I I see it but it’s it’s it’s just way way off I was wrong one of the things that I

Think about when I think about the roster is it’s it’s kind of expensive for where they’re at too so not that you would get rid of everybody but if you can get rid of a couple of those pizzas and I think Ben Simmons comes off your

Books this off season or maybe next I can’t remember but say you you hold out say it’s this off season and you wait till Ben gets off your books and you trade cam now you get some picks back and you got money to go get somebody to go with

Mikel and uh and and my other boy uh the center Claxton Clon Nick Claxton yeah Ben Simmons has one more year after this by I actually like Nick Claxton too I like Nick Clon too I like I really like this roster like I don’t feel like they

Should be this bad um they’re throwing it in the chat do they have a number one type player Michael Bridges is Michael Bridges a leader like a top lead of Team he can be the guy on the team oh I think he can be I think two three he’s to okay

I I think he’s at worst of two but I think he could be a one you can come here he can come here and be three we’re seeing it though like we’re seeing that’s so so this is a can’t be the one on a on a good team

We’re seeing it he can’t be the one on all right and and just because it’s not far off this the one I always come back to I hate to always bring it up but Paul George right so we saw Paul George is in one on Indiana and he was able to they were

Good they got to the to the playoffs they were well coached had some other pieces too but Michel I could see Michel being a number two I think the ideal spot for him is number three but number one I just think that’s not getting on board with that I

Think that’s a little too much for him I’m not getting on board with number three I don’t know that feels disrespectful he come he comes Sacramento you think he’s the second best player oh man third yeah that’s perfect like you’re going to the finals he’s your third best player the other two

Guys are all pro all NBA guys he’s your third best player you’re going to the finals who is he the third best player in Phoenix it was Chris Paul Booker and then himmer third he he could play defense too like it’s everything yeah maybe a guy a guy like

The way I look at a guy like Bridges is you want to make sure you don’t put too much on his plate so he can excel at everything if you’re asking him to be like yo be our best scorer and our best defender that’s that’s tough and that’s what he was for

His 27 games with Brooklyn last year which is part of the reason I think I was so enamored with them but they also didn’t play well they were like I think a game or two I don’t think anyone cared at that point it was just get

Through the just get through the rest of this year I could be wrong but then what did they do they got but they sign they they they no no I’m sorry offseason yeah um they kept Claxton they kept uh Claxton they kept cam they kept the last they kept ja

Have no money I’m not gonna take that from jacqu vaugh James ham would say it’s an alltime right there yeah that that was absolutely is Maybe I’m Wrong about Mel maybe that’s all it is maybe M isn’t wrong I have to point this out because it’s

Funny to me Auden J says no Mel ain’t Louis V level more like St laon or B Balenciaga okay Auden Jay I want you to look up St lauron right now and then get back to me is there a difference some cases in some cases St laurant is more

Yeah not really in certain cases you might be spending a little bit more for some Al J big baller in the chat apparently apparently goodness gracious um Mel going on 27 yeah maybe might said or not going on 27 he is 27 I like Mel a lot man I like

Him a lot that guy and and more I more importantly he’s a winning ball player you get him in in the in the perfect situation he makes winning plays on both sides I think he needs a perfect situation I think he needs a better situation yeah better better get him in

A perfect situation that’s that’s where that stuff we talking about a minute that the Paul George stuff comes into play and maybe that was to farm to get my C yeah I I don’t know if Godfather offer is like the right term because like that’s exactly what it is you make them

An offer they can’t refuse that yeah that’s exactly I’m thinking like I’m not giving them Keegan or anything like that far as like that but like anything else is whatever take it what is there a flag on me no we looked right at each other thinking the

Same exact thing I ain’t saying it though so go ahead no no let’s warm it up go Ahad let’s warm it up you tra ke are we radio showing today are you what were what were you just thinking they asked me for ke Keegan I’d have a discussion the brain TR we’d have

A discussion exactly they say you could you could have Michael y ver some PX and Keegan yeah you listen you have the conversation it doesn’t mean you do it but you have the conversation and you ask yourself difficult questions again we we’re radio showing it’s just a conversation full fled we’re full

Fledged Matt George at 320 you doing um Keegan and like herder Barnes because you have to make the money work still they can’t get all those players yeah you can’t get you can’t get notna Kean Keegan’s not gonna I don’t think Keegan’s contract makes the money work

Right yeah no well yo so so Mel’s on his second deal so it’s probably not an outrageous contract if I’m if I’m giving you Keegan you can’t have all the rest of my players like I gotta be able to keep something like you throw Davon in there and

Um Mel is do for what do you have it in front of you he signed a four and a he’s 21 then 23 and then 25 this this probably Harrison you can do that with you could do that with Harrison and herder right probably do that with just Harrison probably do it

With just Harrison and and but what’s Keegan and Davon put together they’re like they’re probably like 16 17 so here’s what you have to ask yourself I’m going to head to the trade machine I’ll be back here’s here’s what here here’s what you have to to ask yourself again just

Ping can keeg like hey hey that’s why we’re number one too the chemistry is unmatched what you said it and we looked right at each other like oh wait a second Ken Keegan get to 20 points per game K Keegan get to 21 points per game and if you’re really buying

Who Mel Bridges is can Keegan get to 26 points per game so you have that then you start to measure what you’ve seen from both of them defensively can Keegan muray be your number one Defender can Mel Bridges be your number one Defender I so I think Jesse’s got

Something Jesse just popped so so we hit the trade deadline or the trade machine or whatever Davon and um doesn’t work but we just need to shed 700 more Grand from the king’s roster to make it work 700 Grand 727 th000 yeah we already got

Run to get rid of uh GTA JTA we already got rid of him huh no he’s back or is he gone again yeah he’s a 10 day yeah Walker yeah just about to say Kessler all right you doing Keegan Davon and Kessler and however many picks for

Mel K they going back to Brooklyn oh poor guy so but look so here but here’s the five picks ke Murray in like five picks here’s the discussion though Keegan here’s what I would ask if I was we’re having this conversation can Keegan be what Mikel was in Phoenix not

What he is in Brooklyn what he is in Phoenix because I think that’s what you’re gonna ask Mel tobr You’re Not Gon to ask him to be the 26 Point per game scorer you’re going to ask him to do the things he did in Phoenix on both sides of the ball and

Now you ask yourself can Keegan do what Mikel did in Phoenix can you do it within the next two years I think the answer to both of those questions might be yes I think so too I do think so too because I believe in Keegan but it’s

Also like I’m focused on Fox and sabonis right here maximizing them that was the perfect way of putting it though that maximizes them is Keegan playing at that level and I think he can call it off I just said we only said we were going to have a discussion shut the trade machine

Had a discussion we came to the conclusion if they need a wiely old veteran who could you know help these young guys along help the young guys man you know we we do Harrison does Harrison like Brooklyn you think he likes Brooklyn we’ll call Jeff Schwarz and

Find out how Harrison Barnes feels about Brooklyn I just want Harrison to be happy that’s all that’s all we want I want Jeff Schwarz to be happy Jeff Schwarz you’re a guy wasn’t he uh wasn’t he hates this team he was bagley’s wasn’t he yeah that was a statement

Right that was the statement yeah yeah by the way bagley’s on his second team since leaving Sacramento and didn’t play for a team that had four wins not a shot at baggley it was a shot at Jeff Jeff Schwarz what the hell is your problem with Sacramento it’s literally a whole

New regime well maybe maybe maybe he doesn’t have a problem with Sacramento maybe he had a problem with Old Sacramento though I could be wrong and I understand he’s back with the team and all I swear that and part of me said rewind it rewind it rewind it but like

Rewinding on streaming can get a little messy I swear I saw vlady like in the tunnel on the road like no I understand vlady is back with the Kings doing whatever but he’s traveling now I could be wrong maybe it wasn’t but I was like that’s flatty where what game was this

Uh give me a second I I’ll let me let me look at the schedule it wasn’t Philly it was either Charlotte or Detroit it was one of those two well vlah did draft the Aaron yeah but maybe it’s vlat that Jeff Schwarz doesn’t like oh there you go

Maybe maybe that’s who it is but it was who it was Luke that didn’t play Marvin it wasn’t Mike yeah it it was luk who didn’t play and then uh he had a problem with joerger too well how’s he feel about Mike the dad did Harrison just signed

Here he should love Mike Mike’s been keeping him in the lineup all year Mike ain’t said a bad thing about Harrison Barnes this year no he’s actually protected him the only player he’s protected this year just wor man come on DLo Casey let’s talk this thing out that

Would be incredible let’s talk this thing out bro absolutely incredible because I I don’t know what for those wondering why we want to keep Jeff Schwarz happy look at Jeff schwarz’s Client List that’s why we want to keep him happy shouldn’t be I like the way you

Take to the R&B brunch with you I think I I like the way I like the way that you you you put that Mel Keegan thing that that puts it into really good I I think I think Mel has a a Skyhigh ceiling but that ceiling might be a

Little bit different with dearon and in domas and framing it as can Keegan be what Mel was in Phoenix I think is brilliant because I do think that he can I think he can too no deal no deal Magic Johnson at the summer league we talk through it nope it’s over he’s done

You’re gonna have Harrison Barnes and H though oh yeah for sure for sure I mean I love those guys he’s join I feel I feel like he might have something to say on this because he’s joining us a few minutes early like he you’ve got something you want to say go ahead I’ve

I came running in from my car to yell at all of you for trying to include Keegan Murray in this freaking deal well we didn’t I heard I heard Jessie y’all had your turn shut up I heard Jesse say Keegan Murray Davon Mitchell and picks on top of that are

You insane no we were negotiating you include the pck so that Keegan Murray doesn’t have to be involved I just did a whole podcast on this with lockon Nets three first round picks is is what you put on the table so that Keegan doesn’t have to be available three doesn’t get

It done wellum just went for three three doesn’t get it done and three then then the deal doesn’t get done because I’m not somebody’s gonna do it settle down let’s not walk away from the let’s not hang up the phone see see you’re negotiating with a motion Matt you can’t

Negotiate with right I am that’s why that’s why you have to work through Keegan Murray is off the table and go from there that’s all we’re doing see came in at the wrong time that’s what Happ yeah and did did you hear the final conclusion no no we weren’t doing it oh

Well good I’m glad you I’m glad there was some sense before I came on the air because I was literally screaming at my dashboard like no you don’t have to include Keegan and three first round picks that’s horrendous Matt yeah I didn’t I didn’t see this uh Matt’s trading Kevin herder

Colby Jones and three first round picks and we discussed that deal on net unlocked on Nets and locked on net said they think he thinks they heavily consider that deal because three first rounders that F that far out in the future for the Sacramento Kings has a tremendous amount of value because of

The history of this organization and how long you think this window is Plus on top of that the Brooklyn Nets do not have control over their picks right now so the I and they’re losing basketball like you guys talked about earlier on in the segment so the idea that you could

Potentially pick up three first rounders right now for for Bridges alone from an organization that may or may not convey those picks in a positive way to you down the road that might not be a bad idea so that was the discussion around that trade but I think I think you’re

Getting fleeced and I love Bridges I think you’re getting fleeced if you’re doing three or more first rounders and Keegan Murray on top of that you’re giving them I think you’re getting fleeced if you do that deal that that you said I think we’re getting fleeced by continuing to use that word past

2020 I have no other term what’s another ter all right that’s fine okay we’ll come back let’s folks don’t you dare go anywhere we’ve got to take our last commercial break we’ll come back we’ll go to the top of the hour with Matt George we’ll get you ready for Kings

Basketball he’ll probably yell at us all through the commercial break and we’ll talk more stea and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 uh Ramsay if you’re watching it’s my fault we we we’ll probably miss you today but get us tomorrow uh and I got

You or you can let him know on the phone that’s my bad if Monty was able to get that lock on Kings deal done like he’s got to do the press conference and a p Icey mask or something for real that oh yeah that crazy yeah do that in a

Heartbeat how did your Brooklyn guy feel about it so we we disc discussed it at length because I reached out to him initially because I was trying to do an exercise I reached out to a bunch of different podcast hosts about some of their top players that I think the Kings

Would be interested in and I say if the kings make a phone call are you is is it is a conversation happen or is it a laugh and no thank you and hang up and Brooklyn was one of the first ones to get back to me that goes no I I think

There is a legitimate conversation to be had about bridges and I said okay I’m I’m starting right now with three first rounders on the table Plus either herder or Barnes whichever you want out of the two of them where are we at and and that said I think we’re at the we’re we’re

Pretty good into a conversation there now he thinks and I’m I agree with him I think if Monty went to the the the board today or went to the table today and said exact same trade that I proposed that package I think because initially I tried to include Lonnie Walker in there

As well he’s an expiring deal but I like Lonnie Walker um I I I think the Nets are are pushing back and going uh what about a fourth first and then I think that might be where I think it’s gonna be fourth first or Keegan Murray I think

That’s where they they would keep pushing for more and the kings are gonna stick to their guns of not giving up Keegan Murray because I don’t think you have to give up Keegan Murray to get Bridges I know he’s a really really good player and exactly what this team needs

But I’m giving up Keegan Murray and three firsts for I see I guess you guys were talking about him like a Jaylen brown type character or player or better and maybe Bridges can be that but he hasn’t been so I’m I’m giving I’m not giving that up for Bridges because I

Don’t think I have to ultimately to get that deal done and I don’t know if another team is going to beat a three first round pick plus a starting caliber player for Bridges right now I just don’t I don’t know who it is and if they

Do good on them I just don’t I don’t see it do you want to take your jacket off and get comfortable now that you came in hot from the car I broke my armrest too I sat down and snapped my armrest hey at least you have

Armrest oh we don’t even have them we just right our arms just sit here on our sides we have adjusted though Stephanie did ask me one time why don’t you just switch the chairs what chairs they got arm the sales people got uh a armrest Go and Jack theirs the chairs

Ain’t High I don’t think they are yeah I don’t think they well those yeah I don’t think they are uh we haven’t forgot the Buddy heeled moments we’ll do that with Matt the uh the baby giraffe put out some fascinating numbers well the baby giraff is a fascinating individual he is should

I say him now or on the show you could say him on the show it’s really I don’t know what’s make it’s normally Doom and Gloom with the baby giraffe it normally is but this I don’t know I don’t know what this is saying I don’t know if he’s trying to say

Anything well he did say something but God I don’t know if I can come up with five buddy healed moments I can only got two of them I can really only two Ken Kenny insisted that we have to I got I got one and I don’t think you have

It so I think we’re up to three okay and where’s the chatty house chatty house you’re supposed to give us your your suggestion this was be supposed to be a collaborative effort this is a collection of moments does buddy Hill calling for a review in the first minute of the game

Count that’s a good one that’s a good one C that yeah because that that could be a variety of different moments all right we’re coming back Matt Janet Jackson tickets coming up on 1025 for those that are interested um I’m a little confused I don’t know where I was at this is my

Fault uh Cliff kingsberry was the head coach of USC he was working for USC maybe Oklahoma he was the head coach at Oklahoma well they got him with the SC something behind was he because I’m because I’m like I thought he was completely gone but who’s the guy

Oh Lincoln Riley is the guy that was head coach I was about to say but they got Cliff kingsberry as with an sc background as if he was there they show him on the um Cliff was a senior offensive analyst for the USC okay for us yeah and I think the

Tie-in is the Caleb Williams thing got you but they showed him on the sideline oh you showed him on the sideline of USC yeah oh okay I thought he was like completely gone I didn’t know he he did he went to Thailand yeah I I didn’t know he did work with USC

Dispatch yeah he joined the staff in April okay got straight off the plane and went to gotta went to that’s only timely because he’s interviewing for the Bears offensive coordinator yeah which is very very interesting with the draft approaching uh as we welcome back our friend Matt George who ran from his card

To yell at us not knowing uh we were working through a trade proposal that in fact does not include Keegan Murray uh despite the fact that Kenny and I were insistent on working through uh that deal but to talk about it the new episode of Locked on is out or on its

Way out it’s it’s out it dropped yesterday uh talking with the Brooklyn Nets about this exact exact scenario mybridges discussion we got the Indiana Pacers uh at the golden one center tonight of course Tyrese halberton Holden court court side uh won’t play Rick Carlow despite the fact

He was upgraded uh to questionable last night he was in fact rolled out by Rick Carlile at that very same shoot round um obviously no se yakum yet Bruce Brown is gone but shyano is here buddy heeld is back and that that sparked Kenny to out

The blue say what are the top five buddy healed moments of all time and no matter what the first four are I know what number one is and I think you know what number one is so let’s just throw out a couple of others Jesse has a collection

Of moments where buddy hee calls for reviews one minute into the game those are always good but you said say something nice about Buddy so here’s it the the the Kobe night the the the the 40 was it 40 oh yeah 41 41 yeah yeah that was I I know you

Know unfortunately buddy thinks he’s Kobe um but that was obviously you don’t believe nobody else would that was an emotional uh night for everyone who part of the NBA and loves the NBA and emotional night for Kobe fans and buddy had himself a night that night

Yeah so there was a good one that was a good one um I have a I have a good one but I have a not so good one so we’ll start with the not so good one um since I’m the only one that’s always nice to buddy I’m only the one sure

Um when he broke jer’s play in Golden State and shot at three and made it jger still yelled at yeah yeah that was the game where Kevin Durant spoke on it right uh Dame Lillard dard Dame Lillard was like he made it like there was one too where Kevin

Durant like got caught looking at joerger and then looking back might think K went over and and talked to Buddy like why is he tripping Dame Lillard tweeted about it yeah KD KD was but yeah Kevin Durant said something yeah yeah yeah Kevin yeah that might be number two I forgot about

That one that might number two Jagger spends all this time drawing up a play but he says Ah I’m gonna take this 29f footer and what happened right after that and then he drew up another play and Buddy was afraid to shoot yep and and the King

Lost was it was it buddy who took that shot with like three seconds left to go on the clock and tyres is like like what is he doing see you ruined it you ruined it I knew that’s where that was the number one that was that’s that’s the

Greatest buddy heel play of all time and it wasn’t three seconds it was like eight and Buddy shoots the ball from half court and it hits the backboard or whatever it does Tyrese gets it lays it in Tyrese turns around looks directly at Harrison Barnes and says what the f was

That and Harrison just shakes his head that is the greatest buddy heel play of all time oh man Matt do you have a favorite buddy moment you’ve named all the ones that popped into my head but uh I I remember this game so I just looked

It up when buddy went for 42 in Minnesota in an overtime win over the Timberwolves he had a 42o night I don’t remember that was the Kobe game wasn’t it was that the no I thought the 40 No 41 was against the Celtics the Kobe game

Was against the Celtics well Co the the no the Kobe game was Kobe had just passed away oh so it was Minnesota they played Minnesota yeah okay 42 so then he had a 41-point game against Boston and a loss against Boston too I I I got those

Mixed up as the Kobe that being the Kobe game so that was a big one too when he went off for 41 yeah he went off yeah he went off he he had a bunch of threes and everything he went he went 11 of 21 from three-point range in that game do you

Remember the Tyrese play that we’re talking about shoots it from like half the camera caught Tyrese perfectly oh and we all were saying the same thing 100% did you find it on Twitter it was on YouTube oh okay but they I think we could find

It on Twitter knew it Dr David Dr David knows Jaylen and jacobe might be my favorite buddy oh man that’s a classic buddy heeled flamethrower classic let’s play a quick game really quick here because I’m looking at this box score from the 41o night in Boston the starting lineup for

The kings that night was Buddy heel Cory Joseph neia beita Harrison Barnes and ran Holmes that was the starting five for the Kings in that game oh so buddy heeld scores buddy scores 41 Harrison Bard said 20 by the way but for uh or buddy heeld scores 41 points how many

Shots total do you think he took 28 20 I’m GNA give him the benefit of the doubt I’m 24 you guys are both very very close it was 26 but that’s not the game so he he he scored 41 points on 26 shots right Harrison Barnes had 20

Points he’s he’s the SEC or he’s the next highest amount of uh field goal attempts in that starting lineup how many field goal attempts you think Harrison Barnes had eight yeah that’s what I was gonna go with nine nine so buddy Hill had 26 you even lose at this

Game buddy buddy Hill took 26 shots next closest starter was Harrison with nine I love it bogy took 20 shots Off the Bench it wasn’t in Sacramento but buddy shooting a shot three seconds into a game is phenomenal that that was pretty cool I’ll say that’s that’s pretty cool

That that buddy did that um another buddy moment a positive one was in Detroit was gamewinner in Detroit that was Buddy ball call game still don’t know what the hell that means but Mark Jones said it so no no no that was Denver he did but Mark

Said that oh that’s right he hit that oh I remember that Detroit game was trash they stole the game they stole the game that’s right that’s when he jumped over a cord like he jumped over a cord of a camera on the sidelines and everybody thought it was gonna clip his ankle and

Just take him out boy yeah Budd he had two game winners was that Mark’s first game as a Kings broadcaster I think soy first game of the season Kings nuggets oh another another great buddy Hill moment was oh how did this go and I believe buddy was involved but wasn’t it the Raptor

Game the Kings tried to fight back this was 20 it was before before the pandemic so I’ll say 2019 or so matter of fact you’ll remember this Dame Dame did one of those hting live watching the game and Luke didn’t call Buddy was cooking or something and he didn’t call the play

For Buddy and they they missed it and some guy can hear Luke you idiot give Buddy the ball or something yeah I I remember that game because that game was quickly after a moment that I’m surprised none of us mentioned which was him winning the Three-Point Contest oh

That’s a good one that’s a nice wholesome I I remember because a few game it might not have been that moment but I remember being at a game like two or three games after the All-Star break and Luke Walton decided not to play buddy in a certain and there’s a fan

That just screams during a dead ball during a quiet moment in the golden one set are just screams why would we have the three-point champion in the game down three Luke poor Luke he couldn’t he couldn’t buy a break around here in Sacramento just something we got to put

This on the screen this is is this when Alvin I think this is when Alvin threw his hands up this is that’s 100% be my next next moment Buddy’s going for 50 tonight by the way shyano gets the three there’s where’s uh Alvin he’s about right there he

Is there’s Alvin right there look at the shot clock there’s 20 seconds left on the shot clock there’s Alvin okay all right yeah that’s a good one that’s a good one look at Fox Fox is already at the top of your screen turning around and getting back on defense look [Laughter]

Him that shot went up and fox is like all right shout out buddy do we have any other good I mean buddy did break the single season three-point record here uh yeah and for like ever he was the second greatest three-point shooter next to Steph Curry NBC would just manipulate the date to

Make sure that the stat still worked shout out to that very creative stats Department um okay let’s let’s let’s get serious we got Matt George here Matt George is a serious reporter we know that because we was on his his show this weekend can I think this would help getting serious

Can I give you those numbers that baby giraffe put out okay wow that’ll be the first time ever get serious because a baby giraffe um so this this was interesting yeah I I don’t know what to make of this Matt you can tell me what you make of it

Whatever the case may be he says the Kings at 40 games last year versus the Kings this year after 40 games might be a game off might be 41 doesn’t matter though um the record last year 22 and 18 that was the ninth best record in the league the record this

Year 23 and 17 it’s the 12th best record in the league offensive rating last year at this time 116.3 was good enough for third this year 116.3 good enough for 14th defensive rating 114.4 24th in the leag this year 11 15.9 17th in the league and net rating

Was plus 1.9 good enough for ninth this year 0.5 good enough for 16th he says they are the nearly exact same roster is performing at nearly the exact same level but teams got better that’s that’s probably what that says and that’s what we talked about a couple days ago right

Like the Oklahoma cities and Minnesota and they got better but they didn’t get better on defense because weren we always say if the Kings will be well no everyone just caught up with hey the Kings got this right let’s not play defense anymore hell the Pacers stole

Our whole style bar for bar our whole style Matt I think Matt’s doing math no it’s it’s funny because this was before the the Sacramento Kings decided to to forget how to play basketball at the end of that game in Phoenix I had done a deep dive into the numbers and I still

Had it as a segment on that postgame pod um because I was like offensively the it test says and it just feels like offensively this team is not as good or just is not playing the same I wonder what’s really different looking at the numbers and I found out the two things

That are the biggest difference from last year to this year offensively which I’ll I’ll point out here in a second because Kenny I agreed a 100% with what you said the the the following day which was was it Tuesday or whatever the the whatever day it was after that

Game Phoenix game yeah yeah the what you said was you feel like this team is playing better basketball and I felt the exact same way like watching them I thought the the the Suns game with the exception of those final few minutes and the the uh Bucks game is the most the

Kings have looked like themselves offensively since very early in the season when Fox first returned from that injury right like that’s they just looked like themselves they lost both of those games with in an incredibly frustrating fashion but they looked offensively like themselves and I was trying to figure out what looks so

Different and I and I was doing a deeper dive into those numbers that that you were just reading out with Tim because it’s that’s exactly it this king’s team offensively statistically is almost the same across the board it’s just everybody else is playing better like for example it feels like this year how

Many times have we talked about man the kings are over reliant on the three-point shot right it just feels like they’re shooting way more threes this year and they’re not getting to the basket as much well the Kings 42% of the shots that the Kings shot last season

Were from three-point range this or per game this year 44% so it’s only a 2% increase and that’s from fifth last season to third most this season so it’s a a very minor increase there’s just an example there pace is another thing like this Kings team doesn’t feel like

They’re playing as fast their pace is actually higher this season in terms of ranking than it was last season which is crazy to think about but the biggest numbers that are different to me and this is what jumped off the page when I was looking at it and this said other

Than free throw shooting this was the biggest difference to me fast break points and points off turnovers the Kings have dropped from 14.9 Fast Break points per game to 10.7 that’s seventh in the league to 25th and then points off turnovers they’ve dropped from 17.6 per game to 15.4 that’s 11th to

27 so even though the Kings have this emphasis on the defensive end they’re not getting stops and creating opportunities off of turnovers and they’re not creating fast break opportunities this season as much as they were last season that to me is the biggest difference between these teams yeah there’s it goes back To it goes back to a point we made a long time ago expectations change the way you see things and when you have I I I think you combine that with the expect you know combine the the expectations you have for this team with the fact that I don’t

Know that a team in their position has lost as many double digit games as they have I don’t know how many have been beaten by 20 and 30 this team got beat by 30 twice by the same team like how you do that and so that that that puts that

Puts the microscope on the bad where in reality it’s it’s it’s probably it’s what these numbers bear out it’s prob pretty damn close to the same and we knew 48 wins probably wouldn’t get you the third seat again and I saw RP up here saying you

Know 48 wins was the eighth seed in 2019 bro you Cherry Picked you went back like five years we went through year after year 48 wins got the Kings the third spot you could find 48 wins getting a team a fourth spot a fifth spot a six

Spot you can go back to the year 48 wins you didn’t make the playoffs like those are outliers literally no rule to just kind of whatever happens that year 48 wins at two might be an outlier but 48 wins an out is an outlier also um the

Fact is the team didn’t make a ton of changes during the the the off season and they’re playing like it and we’re frustrated about it when we should have all expected it we’ve got the same basketball team we did last year yeah with with a really but with somehow and

I don’t know how this is possible a better dearon fox and a better damont sabonis but there’s two positions that aren’t very good right now and real quick Matt the other thing because you mentioned they went through the offseason didn’t make any moves they they really didn’t make any changes but

I don’t know if people look at it this way because they didn’t make any changes to make any moves they still have moves to make like essentially the Kings I don’t think they didn’t make any moves in the summer and like we’re happy with this team forever okay they’re like ah there’s

Nothing right here to change up we’ll go into the season we’ll assess some stuff and it still leaves us open to be able to make moves at the trade deadline or next summer if that happens like they they’re they’re not incapable of making moves just because they didn’t make

Moves this past summer I would actually argue the the opposite if they would have done something in the summer they probably that would have been it now would that be a better team same team worse team we don’t know but they still have a move to make essentially my point

I think there’s two ways to look at it too the first way to look at it is the same way we were discussing during the offseason which is time was on the king’s side at that point they didn’t have to make a move at that point because just like we’re talking about we

Projected if at the trade deadline this year the the things weren’t going as well the Kings can make the same exact move today now I understand some people go going yeah but you resigned Harrison Barnes you didn’t have to do that I understand that aspect to some extent

But to me the the concerning part is or maybe concerning isn’t the right word but like the kings came into this season bringing everybody back making it very known that they were betting on internal growth they were betting on this team being better by a second year together

Not being the same that’s the problem is them being the same offensively as they were last Year and that just oh that they’re the same but this is just not a historic offense anymore because other teams are doing better well then other teams are improving and you’re you’re

Not keeping up with them like you still have a core you’re not an established veteran team that you can just say we’re the same team that we’re running out there every single year that we are who we are which is I think one of the terms that Kenny used yesterday like I

Understand maybe this roster is what it is but that is not good enough for Mike Brown and this coaching staff and that shouldn’t be good enough for Monty McNair and the front office for a rock ER that made it to the playoffs for the first time and was a first round exit

That being said what Kenny’s saying is absolutely right you didn’t have to make a move then you still don’t really have to make a move right now but clearly they’re open to it and they want to make a move and it makes more sense now to

Make that big swing that was out there or could be out there compared to last off season when it was like well that was a fun year now what how do you feel with all you laid out there about the roster the fact that over the last couple of games where with

The exception of a stretch the Kings have played well against Phoenix and Milwaukee one really noticeable thing for Kings fans is Mike has seemingly really tightened up his rotation um where are you with that are do are you are do you do you do you like

The fact that he tightened it up do you like the guys that he’s playing are you left with questions about who is and who isn’t playing I think when it comes to Mike’s rotations outside of like six top six top seven guys I’m just confused it’s I don’t know who is gonna

Be playing on any given night and I can’t tell you why they’re playing like sometimes it’s matchup base but sometimes it’s based off of how they played the night before or him them doing the right things in practice or how they played in garbage time like it

Just seems to change and that what that says to me is that Mike on the back end of this roster doesn’t have enough talent that He either trusts or believes can help get the job done and it goes back to the comments that he said after I asked him about Sasha venkov

Before a game a home game a couple weeks ago and I asked him and he said nobody has separated themselves from the pack I think the Kings have the back half of this roster is one big pack of players that Mike if he’s not directly going up

To Mon and saying I I can’t do it with these guys I don’t have enough then he’s showing by his inconsistent rotations and his desire to play Juan Tuscano Anderson as much as he was playing or his his sticking with Harrison Barnes no matter what HB does like I think he’s

Sending a message to the front office that I don’t have guys that I trust to make the moves that I need to be making consistently with this rotation I don’t have the guys to fill out a consistent eight nine 10 spot on this rotation on a nightly basis I think Mike is searching

We’re all confused and I think It ultimately points to the same result which is roster upgrades need to be made is there is there something that should be said for Mike Brown needing to not to say that he’s he’s not I’m just I’m just talking we’re just having a

Conversation but try to empower these guys you know what I mean like instead of looking around and like not trusting them you got to figure out a way to get get the best out of these guys and by inconsistent minutes or you know playing a guy like JTA or you know something

Like that just constantly reminding them like you guys aren’t good enough I don’t have nobody that could trust guys all this other stuff that’s not that doesn’t seem to be helping at this point so why don’t you give Sasha a real chance and be like look man I’m G throw you out

There you may not always make the right play but I need you to work hard and be ready to go and I’m going give you five to seven games to to show me like find find a different way to get the most out of these guys because what if nobody

Comes what if what if what if nobody is is is traded or anything like that you’re gonna have to deal with these guys for another 30 Games look I I I hear what you’re saying completely I think like Mike Brown is certainly not blameless in this situation at all

Because he definitely could be doing more to empower certain people and I’ve said on this show I’ve said on the podcast like I don’t understand how the Kings can’t get something something consistent out of a Euroleague MVP I know the NBA game is different but Sasha

Is a sharpshooter on a roster in a league where shooting is at a premium and on a roster where floor spacing is is good so like there are questions that I have about certain guys on this roster like every time javil m McGee plays over Alex Len which hasn’t been happening

Much recently but there were games where every other night it would be one of the it would be a different one of the two and I’m sitting here going why like it’s clearly Len is the better guy Len is the more reliable guy the more established guy so Mike has made decisions that

Certainly have all of us scratching our heads that being said I think to like it’s kind of a matter of perspective I I would argue that Mike has empowered certain guys on this roster by showing that if you play hard and do things the right way you’re going

To get an opportunity and if anything he shown his entire roster that you will get a chance at some point it’s what you do with that chance now you might be frustrated when you’re sacrificing your chance for somebody else’s or when you take that chance like Keon Ellis play

Really well and then suddenly fall out of the rotation again which I don’t know if that has anything to do with his two-way status and the certain amount of games that he has no idea I’m I’m still a little perplexed as to why Keon Ellis is completely out of the rotation when I

Thought he was playing really really well I know why daveon Mitchell’s out of the rotation I’ve SE I think I have an answer to the Keon Ellis thing okay because we asked ourselves we we were kind of looking at the rotations and it and it dawned on me it we follow following

The Orlando game the the massive game for Malik monk I don’t remember if it was Orlando or Toronto uh after the Orlando game we started talking about like Malik needs if you’re not going to start Malik it’s fine but Malik needs to be in the the 30 plus minute range now

Malik has essentially just become at first he was kind of like the deao second point guard now he actually is the secondo guard behind dearon Fox and those extra minutes might be coming at the EXP spense of either Keon Ellis or Davon Mitchell because those guys

Haven’t been in the rotation and you see Malik’s monks minutes now in that 30 plus range yeah that’s that’s a good point too and I talked a lot about that and maybe that’s the sacrifice that needs to be made which in the grand scheme of things I think this goes to

The final point that I want to say to what you said Kenny is like Mike’s number one job is to win basketball games that’s his number one job he’s on a team that is is not a playoff drought that’s just trying to make it to the playoffs anymore it’s trying to get back

To the playoffs in a western conference that’s only gotten better affirm yourself as an established playoff team and then build enough good habits during the regular season that when you get to the postseason you’ll be better than what you did last season when you were eliminated like M that’s what Mike’s

Ultimate job is and his ultimate goal is and if he has to leave behind four to six guys on his roster in order to get that done because they aren’t cutting it I think he’s willing to make that move and he I think he has enough of respect

In the locker room to for people to know that that’s not like he and javil McGee are very very close I don’t think javil McGee is probably too happy with the fact that he’s fallen out of the rotation completely but I think both are man enough to have a conversation where

Mike can look at jail and go Len’s doing it and you’re not so that’s that’s where I’m I’m questioning this king’s approach to this trade deadline I wonder if the trade deadline approach should be different as fun it is as it is to have the bridges conversation or the uh

Jeremy Grant conversation or the Kyle kosma conversation that that big piece to add I wonder if the focus should be shifted to if you’re calling the Nets you’re calling about finy Smith or Royce O’Neal or you’re calling about these other pieces these side pieces that give Mike a seventh eighth ninth and

Sometimes 10th option consistently to play the T type of way that he thinks this King team can play at least in the short term I think that might be the approach to the trade deadline now Jesse tweet out Matt’s looking for side pieces we get that out there to the

I hate Brit’s not on Twitter is she I hate it here okay no you don’t you love it I also think javelle George came on D KC and said he want side pieces that’s what he said we all heard it every single one of us heard it

Um I also think javelle is chilling jelle’s 35 years old I don’t think he’s too worked up about anything um though I think you guys are a little hard on javelle jelle’s fun I enjoy javelle Alex Lynn feels more like a Mike Brown what he feels a lot more like a Monty McNair

Player but like what Mike Brown is looking for javelle can be an adventure and sometimes Malik can be an adventure you don’t really need two Adventures on the the same time you gota just go with one and on top of that it feels like Alex has never played bad like I’ve

Never watched it except for that first game he came back last year like never never happen he’s either like been okay or damn he was really good but he’s never played bad I I I I like him in the lineup I like him in the rotation

Um the the thing with that I always talk about with the trade though map in all seriousness is it kind of depends on what’s being asked like if if you can go get finny Smith and you’re just giving up some picks like some second round picks all right cool but when it comes

To Davon herder and Barnes I I don’t feel like I can give up any of those guys unless it’s a guy that I feel is a is a is an impact like super impact player you know part of a part of my new core here because that’s your

Move like that’s that’s it and once you give up one of those pieces or most of them or something like that you don’t really have any more moves to play for a couple Seasons it feels like well it turns out side pieces is not a good and understandable basketball term for what

I was trying to convey believe it or not um I think Matt just Googled side pieces no I I’ve been on Urban Dictionary I know what I know what it is I know what it is leave me alone okay all right leave me alone uh anyway like I’m

Thinking like you can I think the Kings have two starters on this starting lineup that are role players and I don’t mean that in a degrading way I they have a specific role to play as part of this starting lineup it the the fox Keegan and sabonis that is your big three Kevin

Herder if he’s starting his roles to SP space the floor take those outside shots and hopefully grab rebounds Harrison barnes’s rol is to do something more than what he’s doing but kind of along the same lines to space the floor and then have a presence on the defensive end against opposing team’s

Wings so when I say like the those I don’t even know what to say other than side pieces is damn it when they when they hey that’s all right that’s all right talk that talk when the when the kings are looking for a side chick and they’re oh that’s

Not gonna make it better they’re looking for players that can if they’re trading Kevin herder or Harrison Barnes for it they don’t have to get a Kyle kman necessarily another big name to to fill that role but if they can get a starter or two or a role player that can play

That starting two spot or fill that seventh man role behind Malik mon or whoever it is that can come in and play the way that wants to play and and and help on the defensive end and continue to help space the floor and provide some some lengthen athleticism at 67 to 69

Which is what this team overall lacks like I’m thinking you can Target those guys without a big name being attached to that that’s what I mean Fair okay man saw nothing wrong with you asking for a side piece live on the radio I didn’t think that was anything wrong with that

Um are you one of those are you focused maybe hyperfocused on the next 10 games I keep hearing the next 10 games brought up obviously it’s it’s Indiana tonight it’s uh uh Atlanta on Monday There’s a little stretch there I looked at those 10 games I’m not sure what people are

Talking yeah like James brought it up like I started to see it on Twitter and it’s like oh that’s a fight those games I don’t know which I I thought I was alone I’m glad I got my partner with me no it’s the first I’ve heard it what is

The context like these 10 games are getable and you have to go get them well no more more I mean I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll say what uh James said to us yesterday is he said the next 10 games could Define this season and I think part of

Part of the reason that James said that is you have you’re you’re at games 40 through 50 like there’s no question about who you are at this point and by the time these 10 games are over you’re really really close to the trade deadline you also you’ve got a limited amount of

Games at home I think three of those 10 are at home the rest are on the road but yeah on the road you’ve got like the Chicago you got Memphis but you’ve got a team that you could put in a tough spot in the Warriors you got a team who’s not

Playing well in Memphis who has just been decimated all year um I didn’t I’m I’m I’m assuming your answer is no yeah the first time I had heard the next 10 games was from James and then I started to see it on Twitter and looked at the

Schedule and thought I I I’m missing out I don’t I don’t get it yeah I’m I’m I haven’t thought I’m gonna use a coaching cliche here I’m honestly I haven’t thought Beyond tonight’s game because of the circumstances of how your home stand ended how this road trip just ended

Because remember the home stand ended with was it was the Pelicans lost right and and kings literally booing that team at times at the end of that game before heading out on the road and they started it out with a rocky win in Detroit but at least they went two and0 over the

Start of that road trip and it’s a good thing that they did because the other three games went the way they did they should be coming home four- one instead they’re two and three should have would have could have doesn’t matter now you’re playing an Indiana Pacers team

That not only is missing their star in Tyrese Halbert and they’re missing other pieces because they just made that Pascal seak trade you have just gotten beat bad twice the second game being a complete collapse on your part that every body was laughing at you for

Everybody because it was one of the the biggest collapse since the bubble since 2020 in the fourth quarter you blew a 22-point lead in seven and a half minutes for God’s sake so that paired with the situation and the circumstance of the Pacers right now means my only

Expectations for tonight are I expect the Kings to look dominant tonight that doesn’t mean that they beat the Pacers by 30 if they do great I don’t a win by any means is all I really care about if they win by one point or win by 10

Points it’s still a win it that aspect doesn’t really matter but I want to see a Sacramento Kings team that is focused tonight if I see a Kings team that takes the floor and says oh the Pacers are missing halberton and they’re they’re short-handed because of this trade okay

We can take them lightly and they have a bad first quarter maybe buddy hee and the Pacers play kind of well to start the game like they start the game shooting the ball really well because they have energy and excitement in this new Pascal SE yakum era soon to be or

Buddy is hyped to play in front of all of his haters in Sacramento whatever like maybe they have a good quarter or something like that but if we watch this game and in the end can go God yeah the Kings still didn’t look like they were

Giving a 100% or they were they were playing at their best that’s what’s going to upset me more than anything so I’m looking at tonight’s game and I have very specific expectations for how the Kings look and play tonight I want the Pacers to be that team I want the end of

The night for us to be able to say it doesn’t matter who the Kings played tonight they were going to do what they did to any team because of what happened in those final two games of the road trip real quick Matt before you get out of

Here like 45 seconds yeah you’re going to the 49ers game I the plan is yes to be there on Saturday okay all right should win right absolutely absolutely can’t wait it’s gonna be a great great time great atmosphere yeah if they win it’ll be awesome it be great if they lose be

Worse than when the beam is well I don’t want to be in that locker room if they lose buddy well I’ll be there regardless by the way you will tonight is a drake bars game buddy Hills back it is a drake bars game tonight you know you know Matt

That we’ve never ever ever lost a drake bars game great Matt Matt really is sick of us he meant it this time Matt said he’s sick of us before I think this was the first time he actually meant it y’all started the show trying to tr or started no you’re you’re you’re into

Twitter that’s not what happened we had a discussion about what it would take to land Mel Bridges and after a lengthy discussion we work through Kegan Murray’s not a part of that conversation this just needed to be worked through we I I’m I’m behind on the lock on Kings

Podcast I didn’t know otherwise I would have thrown out Kevin herder and Kobe Jones now Matt’s not GNA talk to us for the next week we’re never getting back on Sports extra with Matt and Kevin one and done unbelievable grand opening Grand closing make sure you check out uh

The latest episode on the lock on Kings podcast so you don’t fall behind like I did and to get promptly yelled at by Matt George two minutes into the show uh check that out wherever you get Podcast from or uh check it out on YouTube man really really good stuff uh on YouTube

We’re gonna head over to 1025 we got a code word that we’re going to throw out for jod toy tickets coming up here literally in minutes we also got Janet Jackson tickets to give away if you want more Kings coverage more Sports Talk don’t go anywhere we’ll run it back

Excellent Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 bamos Kings light the beam yeah I emailed Gabby back about like to go like I we can’t we don’t have time to go through these commercials and pull the copy points like send us what you need us to say right so I I didn’t

Real I just replied to her individually sorry Matt and chatty house I know you don’t give a about anything I just said but that’s what I was reply Ling back because hey Matt you love this we hey I need you guys to get this spot

Done here are the two spots can you just copy these no tell me what you need me to say yep I don’t have time to listen to this commercial and figure out what I’m supposed to say my my favorite is when like when they would do endorsements for talent they’ give you

Bullet points and just say oh fill in the blanks as a talent okay I kind of that’s where I can tie my personality but when I was the production director you know whereare or assistant production director you know where where I’m supposed to read a script for btim

As basically a robotic voice to sell this product with no Talent attached to it they would give me bullet points and I look at them I go what do you want me to do how I’m not taking creative Liberty on a product that I have no idea

About that has nothing to do with me like tell me what I’m supposed to say thank you John bull John John bull cares thank you John thanks thanks John and then there’s Drew down we really don’t care but carry on that’s those are the personalities of those two

Individuals right there uh we’re going to shut it down we’ve got a code word to throw out in like three minutes so uh head over to 1025 for jodessy tickets uh and we’ll see you guys tomorrow you is all that I

Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and hit the thumbs up.

0:00 Stream starts
15:30 break
20:30 A’s coming to Sacramento?
30:30 break
35:00 Kings-Pacers
58:40 break
1:03:45 LeRoy Butler
1:29:10 break
1:36:00 more on the Kings
1:45:45 break
1:50:00 The Handoff with KC
2:03:00 D-Lo & KC begins
2:16:30 break
2:20:20 who’s got a brighter future the Kings or Pacers?
2:30:00 who’s the face of the league?
2:45:30 break
2:50:30 Face of the league conversation
3:15:40 break
3:21:00 Will Zimmerle
3:44:50 break
3:49:00 Rod Brooks
4:15:45 break
4:20:30 who’s the toughest team in the AFC for the 49ers?
4:30:00 3 quick stories from KC
4:45:30 break
4:50:00 what would it take for the Kings to get Mikal Bridges?
5:15:45 break
5:20:30 Matt George
5:58:00 Show is over

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ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

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