@Indiana Pacers

How far does PASCAL SIAKAM take the INDIANA PACERS? | CBS Sports

How far does PASCAL SIAKAM take the INDIANA PACERS? | CBS Sports

All right welcome in alongside Ashley Nicole moss and Bill Ryder I’m John Gonzalez we’re back gang great to see both of you uh can you believe it we’re almost halfway this this is basically the halfway point of the Season we’ve we’ve done half of it listen I don’t

Know if you guys know this but that’s because the Earth is spinning faster on its access so Time by byproduct is faster just want to put that out there no that’s that that’s not this kind of show but if you want to make it that

Show we can I have the information I was told there’d be no sign certainly no Matt I I can’t handle that but I basetball what about the aliens in the UFOs are we going to hit that too is that different if you believe if you believe Twitter they already visited

Miami a few weeks ago so I mean I’ve Liv in Miami they’re residents I know I remember we’ll have to hit that on the uh the adjunct show to this one uh we’ll get into aliens and Earth spinning at another time but we do have basketball

And and I wanted to revisit the Pascal seak trade because the last show that we did together it was breaking news in the middle of the show we didn’t totally get to break it down so you had to leave to do H uh but so we’re going to talk about

That and how it may or may not uh realign the Eastern Conference but let’s just start with the trade itself I’ve had a couple days to think about this okay I’m in I’m on board with this trade for the Pacers uh I think it’s great for

Indiana I was looking at the draft picks like initially we saw three first round draft picks but uh two of them are 2024 and a lot of people are down on this draft and one of those picks will be the lesser of Houston Utah uh clips and OKC

So it’s GNA be pretty late in the 20s then the other one is Indy’s own pick so that should be like you know in the 20s somewhere uh yeah they had to give up Bruce brown but I love this because I I think he’s gonna be a really good fit he

Loves to run they love to run I’m in and let me add we didn’t know we presumed that he was going to stick around that kind of made sense right you’re not going to give what you’re going to give away he’s not going to stay but now he’s

I mean that’s the thing he’s he’s going to be there and so they added context of the Pacers aren’t going to recruit a guy like that in free agency but if you recruit him through the trade and he’s willing to take the money because now he’s there that’s just an added reason

You do it I I I love it I’m not sure that they’re they’re not top tier they’re not top like I think it’s in some order it’s it’s probably Boston for me then it’s bucks whatever then it’s Philly somewhere in there but Ash I don’t know I don’t like those Knicks may

Not be knocking on the door they might be be might be in line now knocking on the door maybe I I feel like for me I feel like for me I’m I’m not 100% sold on halberton Miles Turner and seak right now as the big three and I use that term

Loosely because I feel like it’s overused in the NBA but I think I’m a little bit I still have to see how the three of them play together how this works I don’t think it’s going to be atrocious I don’t think it’s going to be something that’s going to take them a

Lot of time to get acclimated but again my bigger question is is going back to the report the things that they had said the sources and and Executives anonymously they believe the time is now the window is now but the window for what exactly because when we had this

Conversation last show the top three teams in the East I think we all collectively agreed the Pacers aren’t getting through them so exactly what’s the ceiling for the Indiana Pacers like what do they think that the window is is is a second round exit is it a conference Championship like what are we

Talking here I think it’s a longer window now right because if siakam’s going to be there it’s a young team look there’s I think there’s like a Miles Turner question how he fits with SE yakum and what that looks like it I think the better comp is almost is

Almost the I know we’re gonna talk about some other time is the Timberwolves like the Timberwolves are supposedly really good right now over in the western conference right now why’ you say supposedly I but come on I meanly down on the Timberwolves well because they’re this here’s what they’re this team in

Reverse right Timberwolves they’re like a mirror Beach Timberwolves amazing defensively not great offensively have a young star I’m not sure every piece fits together including cat different conversation or maybe it’s the same conversation this team is amazing offensively they are not very good defensively you’ve got to be both to be

An NBA champion maybe seakan proves that true but just like looking at like okay are do let me do we buy halberton a long-term star like are we all sold on Ty absolutely I think I I mean I was a big halberton guy when he was in

Sacramento to see what he did last year when he came in the team wasn’t very good last year this year though they really surprised me in taking a step forward and I you know that those concerns that you well those concerns that you guys had about like the fed and

Integrating SE yakum over these last couple days the more that I’ve thought about it the more that I think that it’s the perfect team for him because so Indiana as we all know loves to run they’re second in the league in Pace somehow the Wizards are ahead of them

Just slightly The Wiz should be ver anything whenever they’re first in the wizard doesn’t count you can TOS actually when they played the Knicks last night actually mind blown me mind blew me a little bit that they’re play they play a faster Pace than the Knicks

They just seem like they don’t play at all like but whatever exactly the Pacers the Pacers pace is legit I mean we’ve seen them use their offense to win games so they like to get out and run guess who’s third in the league in transition points oh bring those stats Pascal cakam

He’s gonna fit perfectly he they like to run he likes to run and the more I thought about the Turner thing he really does I mean he shoots a ton of Threes he’s going to space the floor think he’s yeah it’s not like a goar situation where he’s just parking himself in the

Paint so I that’s why I think it’s going to be good and I also like the fact that they didn’t really like uh handicap themselves with those picks for the future they still can control uh bringing people in moving people out maybe they there’s another deal for them

To be made they were talking about Buddy hee on an expiring contract that’s potential but this whole idea of pre- agency where we all know I mean like Indianapolis is a nice city right I mean nobody’s going there as a free agent it is nice if you can get SE yakum now you

Do that but do you think that one of them will have to give a little bit on how they play their game will seum have to reduce how fast he plays the game in order for Miles Turner to continue his three-point percentage and vice versa

Because I feel like that for me is the biggest question is if they can both remain in the percentile that they like to exist in as part of their game will that have to falter a little bit now that you’re adding that additional piece that’s my question and if you do that

Then that does that by byproduct affect success of the Pacers at least when we’re talking about that big three I don’t think so and let’s just say that it does I’d rather have SE yakum than Turner anyway and there’s some value in Turner you can you can go out I mean

That’s that’s down the road I John I’m with you and that I love it free agency I love what they’re building big two two great players whatever halberton and seaka and that is let’s build something they’re not going to win the whole thing this year they’re probably not going to

Make a Conference Finals can right so can the Knick so can the heat but that’s not a likelihood but I think that there maybe I have to see it you never know when these guys integrate you you don’t know like new players playing together takes a while it’s still taking a while

The Suns even though you know they haven’t played together a ton took back in the day I mean window the next three or four years they’re building a consistent winner in a market where that’s hard to do this year they can be the fourth best team in the Eastern

Conference so three or four years is this a championship team over they’re much more likely a championship team than they is if you had to pick if you had to put your money on either they are or they AR I’m might put my money on anybody that

Doesn’t have the you know Giannis or embiid let’s let’s go through this because we’re finally gonna let’s let’s go through this we’re gonna finally we’re gonna get to see both Halton uh and SE yakum with the Pacers tonight both of them are active uh halton’s coming off that hamstring injury SE

Yakum missed that first game with sacko or against sacko after he got traded so we get to see what this is going to look like tonight but as as we record this prior to them playing in Portland this evening uh they’re 24 and 17 they’re seventh in the Eastern Conference uh

They’re in that play and they’ve won seven of their last 10 though so I’m going to go through these teams that are just ahead of them and we’ll decide does this move move them ahead of the team that’s already had all right so just ahead of them is the heat the Heat’s a

Weird regular season team we’ve seen them we’ve seen them like not like kind of flounder during the regular season and then like kick into high gear in the postseason does this move them ahead of the Heat yes I can tell I can tell you this the heat don’t think so the heat

Still think that they’re one of the best teams literally in the NBA and that the whole model last year culture I’m with you Ashley I look I think it’s close and I want to see it but yes they’re in that mix and I would rather be the Pacers in

A playoff series right now than the heat I think if this was if you were asking me this last year and this trade was transpiring last year and against last year’s Miami Heat team I would say no but this Heat team is not nearly as deep they lost a lot of their outside

Shooting when those guys gave Vincent and whatnot you know went ahead and and dispersed across the league so stru right maxu as well so for me it puts them ahead of them and I hear what you’re saying bill they flipped that switch I’ve seen it first up close in

Personal but I just I don’t feel like there’s enough there right now for them to do that this year I still think that this is a team that you don’t want to have to face speaking about the heat in a playin scenario because they are Scrappy and

They do figure out a way to win but if I’m talking standings and we’re going number by number the Pacers are definitely ahead of them right now for sure I I’m with you guys I i’ I’d put the Pacers ahead of the heat right now now playoffs is different if you’re

Talking about a playoff series then I’m going to go I’m probably taking the heat because of the muscle memory all what about the Knicks uh Brunson went for 41 in the W versus The Whiz last night here’s something I wanted to run P just as a quick aside tibs is already running

OG into the ground it’s that was his third straight game last night with 43 minutes or more like there’s only 48 minutes in a in a non-overtime game somehow I think tibs is gonna figure out a way to squeeze 49 minutes out of him yeah he’s probably making him run 10

Miles after the game too we’re just not we’re just not see or something yeah right um but do we like the Pacers better than the Knicks now I mean similar range right like like I’ll go short and let Ashley go because this a you’re you’re you’re a Knicks person you

Watch every single yes I would rather be the Pacers than the Knicks I agree to a degree so for me I feel like the Pacers are better at playing their entire roster I think that they play Not only their starters they also play their bench my biggest concern

About the Knicks is very much what we’re talking about tibs likes to run his guys ragged he doesn’t really like to go to the bench some may say he doesn’t go to the bench because right now the Knicks don’t have much of a bench that’s also

An issue is you know how reliable are the guys on your bench bench to relieve your starters to relieve you know what they’re exerting but will they be able to hold on to a lead if you have one will they be able to go ahead and Bridge

A gap if that’s necessary I don’t know if tibs trusts those guys enough and if he doesn’t trust them he’s not going to play them there’s also reports that Quinton grindes may be on the Move they’re still trying to move Evan fornier he got on the court yesterday

And it was just like are you trying to sink whatever draft stock you have or whatever stock you have to be traded cuz he looked atrocious I mean he looked like someone who hasn’t seen a court like eight months it’s actually insane so in that regard I would go Pacers by a

Small margin as well let me ask you let me rephrase it here I think this is a fun way to do it too who’s the best player on those two teams Jaylen Brunson on the Knicks no no I’m saying between if you had a pick like you’re gonna have a dra is it

Jaylen Brunson is he better than is he better than halberton and anything ask Wally he is I don’t because I think it’s probably how Burton but not by that much Brunson yeah I don’t think not I don’t think by that much and then and then you got and then

You’re wondering you know I think I’d rather have seak than Julius Randall but yeah to Ashley’s point the first five might be better for the Knicks but they have five guys right I mean like the bench they really it’s a thin team and it’s a

Thin team not only by virtue of How It’s constructed but also just by how tibs coaches he gets his five guys six guys and that’s it yeah here’s the question are does this addition make them marketly better defensively like what is the Improvement to add SE yakum into the

Mix because that’s their they’re poor defensively they don’t rebound particularly well the guy’s obviously long athletic we know he can score so at the four I mean you’ve got a lot of stuff I like I I think it’s a I think it’s a noticeable addition to what they

Need as well as being another star-level guy who obviously takes a lot of scoring burden away from the other guy I I just I like the fit I actually I think it it’s a fit offensively but if we’re talking defense I mean I wouldn’t put them defensively ahead of the Miami Heat

Right now even I just mean how much they improve with SE yakum defensively which is their weakness right I don’t drastically improve well where are they right now I’m looking at the I’m looking at the uh the stats right now the defensive rating they’re 27 so and and

They’re bad poor in term of they’re they’re a bad defensive team if they are when you’re 27th there’s there’s only three teams below you right um but I would say like if like if they could somehow get into the high 20s with SE yakum that would be a net win I mean

That’d be huge because they’re already one of the best offensive teams in the league it’s clearly an improvement do you not feel that that right now with seak they’re not already in the top 20 would you say top 25 now I I mean they’re 27th defensively so I would say

I would with seaka I would say they’re closer to being in top 20 than they are outside of the 20 if that makes sense here we’re we’re ni it’s a degree it’s a matter of degrees though they’re not marketly better than the they they’re better and and they’re not I don’t think

On the level of the three teams above them but they did something bold and there’s still time for that to be to for us to find out like we’ve got to see what the what these guys look like together how he hot take would you say that they’re

Better than the Caps well that was going to be my next one that’s where I think the rubber kind of hits the road here because six straight wins for the Cavs Donovan Mitchell has been playing excellent and the Cavs are ascendant right now despite the fact that they

Haven’t had Evan Moy and Darius Garland for like large chunks of the season and even when Garin was there and even when Moy was there neither of them were having the same season that they had last year so Donovan Mitchell is I mean Jared Allen’s playing out of his head

Right now and Donovan Mitchell is is sort of bootstrapping this team I wonder like like how what’s the Cav ceiling once the other two guys come back and the team is fully healthy like is that is that all last year were finals yeah I thought they Conference Finals level

Team yeah I mean like kind of like sneaker you’re you know you’re kind of betting the LA yeah but but right now they’re fourth do you think they when it’s all said and done do you think that they’re a fourth seed team in the East or you think they they

Drop off a little bit I mean over we talking just regular season yeah they can be the WEA they playing is incredible and they’re missing two of their most important guys sure this is this is why are we talking regular season or playoffs because it to me you

Have to com you have to combo that thing you’ve got to be able to translate to the playoffs this is why when I’m when I was saying on our last show wouldn’t surprise me if right the the Celtics I think are quite clearly the best team in the Eastern Conference yes the buck

Despite their struggles I would still put two after that put put the Sixers in there too the Sixers the Cavs the Knicks heat the Pacers are class above those guys no no no I I disagree that’s because you’re emotionally damaged by the Sixers that’s true okay fine six if you want but if

You if you put the other teams into a grab bag and you pulled one out and said that’s the team that’s gonna fine finish fourth behind the Sixers that wouldn’t surprise me I do think though right now obviously the Pacers you know are seven so they’re outside of the playoffs I do

Think when it’s all said and done they’re going to knock out right if Miami remains at six or I do think they creep into that last playoff spot if not go a little bit higher I don’t think this is a playin team I think this is by

Definition good enough to be a playoff team I think one of those teams currently in those last three spots won’t be there when it’s all said and done my money would be on Miami you’ve got Miami bill you pick a pick a team that’s not Boston and uh and

Milwaukee in the East pick any team that’s not are you still trying to keep the Sixers out of the mix the Sixers I mean you could they’re the same level the Sixers will be there they’ll be the Sixers still playing the East right that’s that’s a pretty good basketball

Team if you if you mean by by being there the second round I agree all right let’s go to the Western Conference real quick uh because Bill you you clearly hate the good people of Minnesota uh they you their good name I’m glad it’s cold there my best friend lives in

Minneapolis don’t talk to him anymore they beat a deaded Grizzlies team last night but they did win they did win again they keep finding ways to win they’re two games up on the Thunder they’re two and a half up on the defending Champion nuggets they’re three

And a half up on the clips that everybody is like sure Anthony Edwards threw down a monster the other night that was amazing that was amazing yeah yeah so why do you hate the Timberwolves because I hate the I hate the entire State as you noted

Look are we talk I’m just kidding I’m from Iowa I love you Minnesota um are we what are we talking about are we talking about do I think Minnesota can be a top four team in the Western Conference but when it’s all said and done and make it

To the second round of the of the playoffs is that is that like I should respect them because if so then I just gave that exact I just gave that exact same respect to the Pacers they’re the Pacers I just where they occupy space in the standings I do not think signifies

Where they occupy space in the actual power of the NBA this is drastically this is drastically different we’re talking about a Pacers team that right now is the seven seed and that will more than likely creep into a playoff spot whether it’s four through six they’re going to be there we’re talking about

The Wolves who in the Western Conference there’s a lot of talent I mean we’re talking Thunder Nuggets Clippers Mavs Pelicans are playing Welling they’re they’re number one and they have been number one they’re on a four game Denver Nuggets were number one years ago and Flame was number one year

Ago who was one number one year a year ago W the pelic the P there were some injuries there but like look being number one I’m not saying I’m not saying they’re going to hoist a trophy in Minnesota anytime soon but you don’t think that this is impressive that right

Now January 19th 30 and 11 for a young team in the west very impressive it was cool my son hit a shot the other day too but he’s not G play professional Hoops my point is my he’s short like I am my my point is look what’s we’re assessing

I think this conversation the Timberwolves on the idea of holy cow as you said they’re first in a in a western conference Lo was Talent 21 conference I don’t think that they’re contenders I think that if you bet on them to win an NBA championship you’re setting your

Money on fire I think Anthony Edwards is an absolute star and they’re going to get somewhere but they are not good offensively this year they’re amazing defensively I just think when you take all the other teams you just and look I’m a broken record but it is what it is

You want to be an actual Contender being the top 10 in offense being the top 10 in defense have an absolute Superstar maybe probably have a really good coach they’ve got some of that they they are just they are not a balanced basketball team and they’re not going to be in a

Conference Finals when it’s all said and done so that disr I don’t think as long time viewers and listeners of our show no I’m A standings guy you know we what do Bill parcel Bill parcel say you are what your record what your record says you are and they are first

In the Western Conference we’re halfway through the season at some point bill you have to start believing you’re lying eyes I I was with you before this season I looked at this the Timberwolves and I was like this start’s not gonna This Is Not Gonna Last I I was completely out

But at some point I look at the competition that Ashley just rattled off and they’re not only right there they’re first now we’re only halfway through the season still by my math still have another half of a season to go but still pretty good I I believe granted I’m frantically pulling up historical

Standings right now I don’t think that this is I agree with you Bill in the sense that I don’t think this is a team that’s going to win a championship I believe all roads lead through Denver and that’s a team that you have to beat

In the west if you want to go ahead and win a championship if you want to go ahead and and hoist that trophy of all roads lead through that team right there I don’t worry about the fact that they’re three I I think that that’s a really really good basketball team even

With losing some of the names they had last season when they won so for me I’m not thinking that far ahead but I got to give credit where credit is due we’re talking about a team that’s 21 and six in the western conference with the reigning Champs in the same conference

At them and they’re 30 and 11 this is a young basketball team yes they have their issues but they’ve been holding steady at number one for a few weeks right now I can’t I can’t just you know go ahead and ignore that Lakers last year made a conference finals were not a

Standings Champion Heat last year made it even further we not a standings champion this time last year because I just I just looked it up in the top four right which is sort of the standard we’re talking about in the west you had the Kings and you had the Pelicans they

Were not post season Champions I just there is a long history if you’re not one of like the the true teams of the playoffs I think being a little misleading sometimes I think it’s misleading right now and I’m not trying to disres look I’ll move on but I’m not

Trying to disrespect this team I just don’t think that they’re good enough for me to be like yeah that’s one of the even if I had to pick two or three teams that come out of the West and put real money on it or Pride it’s not one of the

Teams I picking all right I I Ashley and I our mileage a little bit more on on the timber WS but if you are watching or listening to us in Minnesota when we put Bill’s name up right underneath Bill’s name handle rer you could just directly there it is

Just curious I would actually be curious before I move on if you’re not obvious viously the nuggets are a team who are the other two so the nuggets are going to come out of the West barring massive injuries give me let’s say give me yeah give me the Thunder is like a really

Deep Run I don’t think they I think they’re too young to win the whole thing we talked about this the other day Okay and give me the Clippers to be a team that can make a really really Deep Run and I don’t think either of the two are

Gonna happen but if the Warriors or the Lakers get right enough and the Lakers are there right now but are playing with a lot of momentum going into the play if they’re in the playin one of those teams will beat a team like the Timberwolves in the seven game series potentially for

The reasons that they’ve succeeded in the past you’re not an I love you Minnesota you’re not an aeges you just hate Minnesota yeah no I hate that state no I’m just kidding I love not aide by the juicy lucies uh I think this is actually great for basketball because if

You took out if you if you take out the Boston Celtics and the Denver Nuggets both conferences are as wide open I think as they’ve been quite some time so it’s it’s been really fun I want to run two more teams past you guys in the Western Conference uh before we wrap

This thing up here you mentioned the Lakers the there’s been some rumors about maybe the Lakers are interested in Colin seon I talked about this on HQ yesterday yeah I think if the question is would Colin ston help the Los Angeles Lakers from my for me the answer is

Unquestionably yes the better question I think though is what are the Jazz doing right now and are they even going to sell because look they lost last night finally snapped their six game win streak but they’re still 15 and five over over the last 20 and seon has been

A huge huge part of that and there’s been this kind of like build from the middle for these for these Middle Market teams uh approach we just talked about the Pacers they’re doing it the Jazz certainly seem like they’re doing it Marin’s only 26 seon’s only 25 they

Don’t have to rush here they don’t have to sell anybody would you move let me ask you guys let me ask you guys a question just as a Tome would you rather have Markin and sexon than say halberton and seum I mean is that like are those two guys

Right so I think right so you have I think you do move those one of those two dudes it’s not gonna be the Lakers I mean they don’t what do the Lakers even have to offer I mean like there are more buyers than sellers Austin Reeves in in

What is the 29 pick yeah I mean it’s limited I mean but they’re they’ve been so hotly attached to Deonte Murray because for salary matching purposes so I think like there’s a move for the Lakers to make and like maybe May the Lakers can trade either their 29 or 30

Pick obviously not both because you can’t do it in consecutive years y but I think that they’re anticipating waiting for 29 or 31 for reasons that have to yeah Lakers can trade either 2 or 30 right not both right look here’s the and you already brought it up I think that

If you’re Danny a despite this the spot you occupy in the plan right now you have to evaluate we’re probably gonna fall off yeah if I’m him I’m I’m I’m being a seller it also depends like how much do you value for this young core

Being in the playin having a game or two maybe get into a seven game series as just a building block and I think the answer is I wouldn’t value it as much as just moving on from those guys in a market where a lot of teams are more

Teams are going to be buying than selling and maybe you can drive the price up on on whichever these guys you want to move on from yeah I agree I mean real I mean realistically like the Jazz don’t have to do anything because like let’s look at right now they’re sitting

At Ninth let’s say you get the piece that you really really want is it going to move the needle enough for you to climb out of the hole that you’re currently in right now no also Utah is a very hard place to get people to want to

Go to I mean I don’t know if any of you guys have been to Utah but you know things clo like now allow me yeah Bill you’ve already taken out Minnesota allow me to to besch Salt Lake City uh wait what’s wrong with Salt Lake City I mean aside

From the fact like from the fact that it’s tough to get a beer over 4% you know like it’s I mean you have to go to a place with food and the whole look it’s beautiful it’s beautiful why do you guys hate the people of Utah though I don’t

Understand I’m with Ashley that that’s not Salt Lake City right I mean it’s not it’s not some place people go imagine imagine I’m sign there imagine playing in Utah and you have like a great game you’re a 40-point game and you got your homies in town your family’s in town you’re from the

East Coast originally you’re like you know what let’s go out and celebrate every restaurant is closed it’s 8:30 at night on a Friday have you been have you been to Oklahoma City how come I’m catching this anti- Minnesota slander but you guys can roll up be like oh yeah Utah sucks I mean

They tried to poison Michael Jordan do you not remember that story The Pizza yeah probably or maybe allegedly know allegedly tried to poison bills WR about Oklahoma City as well although I love the Thunder League Pass thumbs up on the Thunder uh the city itself could take it

Or leave it if Micky Manel is closed there’s nowhere to eat when a game comes to an end I used to go into Mickey man back it’s like and Durant would be there like cuz he had nowhere to eat either yeah he needs to eat right he’s like he

Had the what am I doing here look on his face and hey what’s up man maybe like don’t talk to me no it’s like you put the menu you put the menu in front of you’re like yeah okay yeah no it’s not it’s not I I’m I’m

Selling let me ask let me ask this though so because we’re kind of lumping these two teams together they’re actually right next to each other in the standings in that nine10 spot pick a team to go farther jazz or Lakers who gonna have the better season Lakers I

Mean obviously when you have when you have LeBron on your team I I think you always have to give them the benefit of the doubt over whatever team that they may be somewhat similar in record with right LeBron’s the ex Factor um I do think though I would not be surprised

Given that LeBron is 39 39 years old and his windows getting smaller and smaller every single year they also call him what Lee GM um they have to make a move to keep him happy and he’s going to make sure that that move is made whether it’s

The move that everyone thinks it’s going to be or it’s going to be a smaller move but it it’s going to move the needle in some way shape or form a move will be made and this team’s not going to be you know below the Jazz the entire season

For sure let me just say this when the Lakers beat the Timberwolves in a seven game series and it’s not the Jazz you guys owe me I don’t know a water down beer or whatever you’re we’ll go to Salt Lake City we’ll have a water down beer

All right look Ashley’s right that the best players on either of those two teams play for the Lakers but I’d take both Anthony Davis and LeBron James over anybody else we talking about the best team I think the Jazz are the better team I mean they just like because like

Okay look L marinin is a very good player but they just they also have a bunch of people around him who just know their role they act as a team like it’s the inverse series you’re taking the Jazz over the Lakers in a seven game series you’re taking the Jazz over the

Lakers because that’s what a better team is it’s not how many good players are there how many be Ian he’s not taking them series it becomes this is not a better team it becomes a different equation I’m saying you know I wouldn’t surprise me here we are again if the

Jazz finish ahead of the Lakers during the regular season now once we get into the playoffs we’ll see what happens no no Adam Silva give me a direct answer are you taking him or you’re not taking him you know what I’m take because everybody knows like this regular season

Crutch you’ve got because everybody knows that I am big on Utah so I’m gonna ride with my people of Utah love that state and I’m gonna go with I’m gonna go with the Jazz I just think that they look Danny a has this pronatural ability to assemble a team that’s always bigger

Than the sum of its parts individually Lori Markin is the best player on that team Colin seon has some trade value Jordan Clarkson has some trade value I like konay George he came out of nowhere right he ends up being what like I think the 16th pick in the draft or something

Like that and all of a sudden they might have a guy there but none of those guys you’d look at aside from marketing and go man every team in the league would want them and yet which is why they’re they’re like a playing team I mean what do it’s an

Over they’re a playing team right now because they had a slow start 15 and five over the last 20 is not nothing are they a play team though because right now if we’re looking at the playin the it’s 7 through 10 right so it’s Phoenix Jazz Lakers Rockets right now that means

Are we completely ignoring the fact that the Warriors could make a push equation all completely so part of the reason I’m I’m selling if I’m Danny anges I think the Warriors are probably likely to make a push and I’m gonna fall back and part of the reasons what John

You just said Danny a always makes a better a better Fe Feast than the ingredients that he worked with but he can go out and get better ingredients and I trust him to do that right he he doesn’t he doesn’t he’s not on on a

Clock he’s not like oh my god get it done by 2025 or a here they’re going to be good down the line because of him I just don’t think it’s this mixed and by the way if sales is watching can we get the Utah and Minnesota chambers of commer in the respective cities

SP brought to you by three people who hate us we’re gonna don’t put me and John in the Minnesota we didn’t no no Utah you’re not no no you’re going to make the sales Utah chamber of I just I’m just bringing awareness to the fact

That you can’t eat after 830 I like it now I I like to eat after 8:30 too we’re going to go on a road trip uh to all of these different cities and and it it’s going to be NBA Outreach through the three of us but for now uh I think we’ll

Leave it there we got another show another couple shows coming up next week everybody can check us out right here you can find us at those Twitter handles below our names right there this was fun gang uh I’m looking forward to seeing some basketball tonight as we mentioned

Pascal cakam is going to make his debut halberton is healthy it’s going to be fun yeah just GNA fun don’t go all right for Ashley Nicole M think about Minnesota sorry and Bill Ryder I am John Gonzalez everybody thank you so much for watching bye guys

John Gonzalez, Bill Reiter and Ashley Nicole Moss break down the latest NBA breaking news and storylines.

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