@Indiana Pacers

Knicks Fans Suck

What a toxic fan base. The comments on this post are unbearable.

by ObligationUsed3938


  1. Argenfarce

    Ignore it, and the difference is Thibs and Carlisle. Ricky’s not only 10x the coach but he allocates minutes fairly. Thibs runs his starters ragged.

  2. Mrbones711

    He’s been a big part of the Pacers efficiency and success this season. He doesn’t seem to mind playing his role or coming off the bench. Because of his style of play, he does much better when he’s on the court with certain players, which could be an issue eventually.

  3. WaxMuseumPodcast

    I think Obi’s time in Indy has been a lot better for him, but there’s a little bit of truth to that post at the same time. I’m sure he didn’t plan on coming here to finish the season with 12mpg off the bench.

  4. Obi isn’t dumb he knew there was a possibility this would happen.

  5. WooPigEsquire

    Obi is one of my favorite guys on the team. He’s also having a career year that will likely get him paid well somewhere else if he so chooses. He seems to be having fun and gelling with the guys too.

    Nobody needs to feel bad for him.

  6. MileHighHoosier

    And he’s having a career year in Indiana, so it seems like he made a great decision.

  7. jphollaaa

    What’s weird is that by every measure Obi seems like a really really good dude. Why shit on him? And if you were to ask him I’m sure he would say Indiana is better ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  8. Not sure how that is toxic or even incorrect, its just facts. I think Obi enjoys playing for Rick instead of Tom Thibodeau his time as a Knick sounds like it was stressful. As for his career wise though..Obi went from starting to bench behind Jalen / Bruce now Siakam so yeah the Knick fan is right his playing time situation isn’t any better.

  9. CohenCaveWaits

    Whatever. He has played pretty well. I do think we need to find a way to get Jarace Walker on the court though. Dude needs more nba reps. So I’d be ok with sending sloppy Toppin to the end of the bench for a bit.

  10. SpinJitsu259

    I mean, they’re trying to feel better about themselves, which all fan bases do from time to time, but it’s not necessarily wrong. Obi’s in a tough spot. Don’t think he’s good enough to start on a good team, which stinks for him because he wants to play and get paid. Weirdly, the best thing for him individually would probably be for the Pacers to trade him to a bad or mediocre team where he can get a ton of mins/production in time for free agency.

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