@New Orleans Pelicans

Larry Nance Jr. on practice time, brother’s NBA debut | New Orleans Pelicans Practice 1/21/24

Larry Nance Jr. on practice time, brother’s NBA debut | New Orleans Pelicans Practice 1/21/24

Days in between games and then two days in between games like how does this change things for you if at all as as a player as a team um in in season especially this time of year it’s so rare that you get practice time and practice is where you get to work on

Your stuff and Implement new things so um I’m actually really excited about this I know I know the coaching staff is too that we get to you know work on some of the things that we’ve been wanting to put in or put in you know put in here or

There throughout the games but you know these few days are going to be big time for us especially with the upcoming schedule do feel like it’s part of the NBA that like people don’t realize it’s like there’s so many games that it’s sometimes hard when you get into it just

Like find that practice time yeah I mean you know it’s always it’s always talking about you know adjustments this adjustments that you know change of this change of that and it’s like you need to understand we play a game every other day so as soon as you’re done breaking

Down film from the last game you got to break down film to the next scene so it’s you know it’s it’s a never- ending cycle so like I said these three days and these two days in between these games are just like going to be huge for

Us going forward in terms of things that we can instill um in the middle of the Season Larry a lot of the stats look good overall right defensively and offensively it seems like they’re showing that there’s a bit of a drop off right especially defensively in the

Second halves and even with the starting lineup what have you been in pinpoint to where you know the guys come out strong everything looks good to where it just drops off there in the second half um that’s what that’s what um that’s what a lot of these you know season playoff

Teams do you know obviously we saw it with the Clippers you know they they make their adjustments and and their their second halves are played harder than their first halfes and you know same thing with the Suns and and uh you know obviously the Warriors are

Notorious for that so like you know the better we get and the more we play these experienced teams that have that um that playoffs with a playoff mentality which is what the Suns did you know they they match up hunted all game which is what we’re going to see all playoffs when we

When we make it um but you know I think it’s I think it’s uh you know just an area of improvement for us you obviously obviously you know that uh that starting group has so much Firepower on it just getting it to mesh is is is is the

Challenge and that’s um you know that again that’s something that these we just talked about these three days these two days can be huge in terms of just making you know connecting some of those some of those uh issues or errors there your brother his debut last night thank

You thank you for asking thank you for asking yeah thank you for asking you kind of walk me through what it’s like know your brother made his NBA debut did you watch live uh so yes I I did watch live um um so he’s seven years younger than

Me so like I it’s just crazy like he’s just the baby you know Pete’s always just been the baby of the family you know he’s um you know always you know giving advice you know talking to him like he’s my little brother little brother little brother but um you know

Seeing him this what I was telling my wife last night is like we’re co-workers like how crazy is that like I just I I’ve never gotten the chance to and obviously it’s you know he got his 10 days so I won’t get to in this but hopefully it turns into something longer

You end of the season or something but you know I just can’t imagine the feeling of like he’s on the other bench you know it’s it’s just again I can’t even really put the words just how proud of proud of him I am the whole family is it’s it’s something that

Um it’s something that’s just a really really cool moment um and and I hope he cherishes that but at the same time I hope he just stays hungry for more and and and wants to prove that he belongs cuz I I know he does is the age Gap like

Is it so big that you guys like play against each other like one on one like you do that or too big no we never did because as soon as as like as soon as he got semi big enough to play against me I was playing against Pros so it just you

Know it never really balanced out and so um this summer will be interesting this summer will be interesting because now I’m playing against pros and he is one so um like I said I’m just I’m just super excited for him I think the biggest thing now is you know it’s time

To charge him rent it’s time to charge him rent yeah and there there’s a lot of good Shooters on this team right but I don’t know if anybody knows that you’re shooting over 46% from deep and you’ve been really good since coming back from injury what do you what can you point to

For that Improvement um you know we talked about it earlier this season I I had a uh I I had a rough summer physically you know moving wise so um you had some pokes and prods but you know in that time I did get a chance to

Settle down and just work on my catch and shoot stand still shooting and so um you know it’s it’s starting to pay off I work on it every single day um you know the coaching staff has been you know great in in encouraging me and and

Wanting me to take those shots but um you know that’s something that I definitely have in my Arsenal I don’t want to overdo it but at the same time uh uh those Corner threes I’ll continue to take and hopefully continue to make the ability for everybody to hit threes

Corner whatever um the ability of everybody to share how much fun does that make it out te it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun and that’s you know again you see our key pillars behind us is you know mindfulness compassion and you know one of the most important ones

Is Joy so um this team is at its best when we’re having fun and we’re having fun when the ball is moving um equal opportunity offense and guys are obviously everything starts with b and z and C but um you know when when when the ball’s moving hopping we’re getting

Stops and running that’s that’s fun that’s joy and and you know these guys catching and shooting threes with confidence is is what should is what should be done you know we see all the work that’s done done in here and and uh you know even our quote-unquote non-shooters are

Better Shooters than you ever you you’ve ever seen so um you know we’re just we’re happy guys are making shots we just got to keep confidence High you guys have seen the Jazz a few times this year but they’re playing probably their best ball right now what maybe have you

Seen or noticed from them that’s allowing them to play better right now um I know they uh Collins’s been awesome since he got in the starting starting lineup he’s someone that I spent a lot of years with in Cleveland and just uh root for a lot obviously not two days

From now but um you know he’s been a huge spark plug for them JC Jordan Clarkson’s doing doing what JC does um and then obviously Lowry you know Lowry being fully healthy back is is is such a weapon you know a seven-footer that can move and shoot threes like that so um

We’re defin we definitely got our work cut out for us they’ve there’re they’re a team that has had our number over the past few years and and uh you know we just got to defend home that’s that’s that’s the plan I’m curious not to dwell

In the past but what did pops had have to say about the the game uh against against his sons the yesterday or two days ago what do you have to say to you guys uh I mean you know one of the biggest things look when a guy gets that

Hot sometimes all you can do is good shot good game you know and he book was book was uh he went Inferno on us and and never looked back but you know for him he’s just he was just excited to see his old friends you know Eddie Johnson

That he played with and you know seeing all those guys there so um but for me it always does mean a little B more whenever I play you know the Cavs with the Suns because those are his team his two teams so um but no it was good

Having him in the building um he actually got he actually drove to Atlanta last night to watch Pete uh so he got in the game so it was it was very cool and uh but you anytime I can have him down here it’s a lot of fun

New Orleans Pelicans forward-center Larry Nance Jr’s post-practice interview on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024 at the Ochsner Sports Performance Center.
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New Orleans Pelicans Roster
Jose Alvarado #15 Guard
Dyson Daniels #11 Guard
Jordan Hawkins #24 Guard
Brandon Ingram #14 Forward
Herbert Jones #5 Forward
E.J. Liddell #32 Forward
Naji Marshall #8 Forward
CJ McCollum #3 Guard
Trey Murphy III #25 Guard
Larry Nance Jr. #22 Forward
Jeremiah Robinson-Earl #50 Forward
Matt Ryan #37 Forward
Dereon Seabron #0 Guard
Jonas Valanciunas #17 Center
Zion Williamson #1 Forward
Cody Zeller #44 Forward-Center

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