@Minnesota Timberwolves



Did we just watch a man fly Edwards the explosion to the rim who’s it eyes hey you can’t grab that man I can’t you sure about that N I can’t you see these shoes they saying Kane Ain’t Even in my vocabulary Anthony Edwards might be one

Of the only humans on Earth that can say that because when it comes to Flying there’s not many like him look at the moves by Edwards swash and slamming Anthony Edwards and when you combine this kind of generational athleticism with the ability to score from every spot on the floor will you

Get Michael Jordan I mean Anthony Edwards just ask Kawai Leonard what your’s ant isolates against Kawai before driving hard right and rising up for a soft jump shot and that’s probably the most basic and highlight you’ll see all season because when I say this man has an entire arsenal of moves from that

Same Clippers game he did this Euro and the flip in Edwards headed to the line I don’t even need to explain how nasty that move was because he does things like that on a nightly basis just look at him on this play against Jaden Hardy where he backs him down in the post

Before looking as though he’s going to step through then pivoting away and hitting glass over his opposite shoulder well how about against the Knicks the ball comes out to him at the three point line he drives hard right and look at the nasty crossover before faking the

Pass and stepping through for the layup and that’s not even the only time he’s pulled off a move like that against the Knicks this year look at him absolutely cook Josh har pivoting as though he’s going to hit the fadeaway before stepping through for the bucket it’s

This kind of bag which has led to the Wolves taking the number one spot in the West on the back of Anthony Edwards averaging 26 5 and five and the thing that’s so scary about andt is so far in his career we’ve already seen him Elevate his performance in both of his

Playoff runs look no further than what he did against the Champs last year averaging 35 six and five to go along with four stocks over his last four games just watch him on this play with Aaron Gordon in front of him he sizes him up before crossing right and having

The strength to absorb the contact from Gordon for the bucket what kind of guard has straight line speed like dearon Fox but can also put Aaron Gordon in the wait room the answer is not a single one and it didn’t matter if it was AG or kcp

They had no answer sizes up Codwell P spins Fades he buries it Gordon defends on a switch cross over three he got it hold up that right there is an elite Defender at Aaron Gordon look where he ends up after this crossover from Ant which clearly left some kind of

Impression on AG because he went on to say ant was the second toughest matchup he faced all Playoffs today will probably be an Edwards young boys nice yeah that man really nice even tougher than the likes of LeBron KD and Booker just to name a

Few and just to give you an idea of how much of a playoff Riser ant was last season this is a list of the top scorers from last year’s regular season and then the difference in points per game during the playoffs yeah pretty impressive and for what it’s worth there was also a

Significant jump in production the year prior verse Memphis the scary part is he’s now playing at a significantly higher level in this regular season than last so if that trend of playoff Rising continues those numbers are going to start looking pretty wild and I’m not exactly sure how you’re supposed to

Guard him because these combination of skill and physicality is just so unique earlier in this video I even said ant was a a generational athlete and some people think the word generational gets thrown around a little too often so don’t just take my word for it take his former strength and conditioning coach

From George’s word for it coach sha Hayes who has spent nearly three decades in professional sports and you know what he said he said he’s seen two athletes with comparable athleticism to ant Terrell Owens and Jason Peters saying ant would wrap up a 3-hour practice by throwing down a 360 dump that’s

Something I’ll never understand I’m looking at him doing Aly ooops off the backboard windmills and Tomahawk dunks most people are dragging themselves off the court after an intense practice and he’s over there smiling and having a dunk contest with himself and this is something that can’t be measured through

Numbers but even the highest level athletes and coaches all seem to be in awe of what ant can do on a consistent basis even one of the best players in the NBA said this just a couple of months ago is amazing like the stuff that he does on the floor is ridiculous

That first game against Germany where he just took over the whole second half that was like the greatest performance I’ve ever seen in person I was like almost in awe I was like this is ridiculous like I was like bro you look like the bean right now shot the

Baseline fade and double pumped over Schroeder I was like No just the fact you had a team with the likes of Brandon Ingram tyr halber and Jaylen Brunson Macau Bridges and so forth yet the unanimous Alpha ands number one on that USA team was Anthony Edwards I think

That says all you need to know about both his skill set and his mentality and speaking of his skill set everyone knows what he can do as a scorer but ant has also taken a very clear leap as a playmaker and in particular in the pick

And roll look at this play where gobear sets the screen out top and probably over dribbles a little bit but it’s his ability to elevate and make a perfect time over the top of the defense to the rolling goar and it’s this ability to see over the defense defense with his

Added size that gives him an advantage like here where the king send two Defenders at him and he then forces sabonis to commit before making the dime importantly he’s also capable of making the skip pass to the corner shooter if the defense slides over to prevent the

Lob to Rudy like here where he throws an absolute dime to cats in the corner but the reason we love to watch Ant is because there’s just a level of improvisation That You Don’t See from many other players like this play which is just flat out cruel it’s really cruel

And has Nance out top spins Nance around with the fake back door before then pump faking drawing every damn Pelicans defender on the floor and having the composure to kick it toar for the wide open three any time a player can break someone’s ankles without even touching

The ball they have a fan in me and it’s this level of improvisation which makes me believe we haven’t seen the best of him as a playmaker just look at him on this play he initially backs down house and B comes with a double but he doesn’t panic spinning Baseline before then

Finding goar in between two Defenders and all of these clips show you how special he is offensively but what stands out is how good he can be defensively just think back to a game earlier in the season against the Boston Celtics and with five fouls to his name

Ant got the switch on to Tatum and put the clamps on him staying in front of him the entire way before forcing the brick and that’s just one of many big defensive plays and has made this season look at him on this play strip Kyrie Irving clean I don’t need to tell you

How uncommon it is to make a play like that against Kyrie Irving of all people or how about against the bigger Brandon Ingram this time fighting around a screen to take the ball from Ingram before striding down the other end for the bucket I can’t help but feel come

Playoff time an is going to turn into an even bigger monster on the defensive end we’ve already seen the playoff jump he makes offensively but if you can channel that same Improvement on defense he’s going to be at a level very few other players can match



  1. People don’t realize that ant can actually play defense, like REALLY good defense. But they always put Fox and Hali over him for some reason.

  2. Getting to practice against Gobert every single day is going to do wonders for a developing player's confidence and creativity. While that trade is roundly mocked – and perhaps in the end it will have deserved to be – I think it was a risk worth taking.

  3. No other player can match. He will be hailed as the Best Player On Earth after they smash Denver this year but the reality is he already is the best.

  4. It’s just something about multi sport athletes that brings that extra something that I can’t explain and it always benefits them in basketball because it’s one of the few sports you are using almost every part of your body and athletic ability through the game.

  5. Edwards is awesome. When I saw that dunk where he tossed the ball off of the backboard, I could barely believe my eyes. Question though…did he travel? Just curious because it immediately popped into my head. Thanks for the video.

  6. sucks that we are a small market team, any other team and he would easily be an All-Star starter this year especially since hes the best player on the best team in the West.

  7. Imagine if Ant can play at the elite level of 80-100% every single game. I watch most of his games because I live in Minnesota. Some nights he does play at a lower standard, but he’s able to turn the switch at any given time. But if he actually played at the high level we want him to from start to finish, his numbers would be even better and it’ll come with more wins. 🐜🐺 SEND DA VIDEO 🎥💰

  8. I've been a Timberwolves fan my whole life and I've watched every game since jimmy Butler was traded there and I'll say that it feels so good to see Edwards getting the love and respect he deserves. The way he plays the game or basketball is just different. You can put the best defender in the league on him and he'll still go get a bucket. Then if you need him to lock in on defense he'll lock your best player up. I never want to miss any Timberwolves game because you never know what he's going to do next. Bro is a star and he's ready for that leap to superstar.

  9. Right now I’d argue Ant has taken the mantle of Captain America, especially with the World Cup. Instead of some of the older guys who are more famous, for the Olympics, The USA should play Ant

  10. Oof, the timing of this and then he misses the clutch freethrows at the end of the OKC game. 🤣 All of you people calling him Jordan Jr., but Jordan wouldn't have missed those.

    I don't think anyone is afraid of him 🤣

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