@Philadelphia 76ers

This is HISTORIC for the Sixers… – MASSIVE All Star game UPDATE

This is HISTORIC for the Sixers… – MASSIVE All Star game UPDATE

So with the fan vote which accounts for 50% of the total voting all accounted for say hello to your two Philadelphia 76er Allstars Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi so before we get into it I just wanted to say welcome to Sixers digest make sure you’re subscribing if you’re

Not so according to ESPN and Tim bont’s report beside the two Lakers Stars this combo of be and Maxi was actually the highest combination of allstar game vote Getters from one team this year yeah they even beat out the Boston Jays you know uh it was a really impressive

Showing from Sixers fans letting the people know why they think Maxi truly deserves this and I I thought that was great to see so welcome to the big time Maxi and welcome back once again to the All-Star Game Joel embiid now I wanted to talk about a little bit about what it

Means for a two 76ers players to be on the All-Star game and for the team in general what it all means so this is the six straight All-Star game for Joel embiid right and that should be no surprise to anyone but I think it’s also another moment to be really proud as a

Sixers fan for how we’ve moved on from that awful slow hardened team and into the much more quick Maxi era now let’s look at our past Allstars right it’s been Joel of course for the last six years you have James the one time in 22 but other than that it’s been just

Simmons and embiid for the last decade yeah you heard me right a decade it was 2012 and 2013 respectively we had Drew holiday and Iggy but before that you got to go all the way into the AI era to to get another second Allstar on the team

Whether it’s with dmbe Matumbo or Theo Ratliff and hey you guys remember when the Ratliff made an All-Star game that was cool uh let’s let’s not think about what happened after his selection you guys you guys can look that up on your own if you’re so curious you know I

Think there might be some younger 76ers fans who weren’t quite around for the 2001 season but hey there’s certain things about that season that I think we would all love to see happen again this time so here’s the thing if you want to make an argument against why tyes Maxi

Deserves it you’d be looking at his shooting percentages being down from the last couple years but if you know anything about Maxi’s game and the Sixers this season you’ll realize that his jump in volume made a downturn in efficiency become almost inevitable you know he’s still shooting 44% from the

Field and 37% on threes but his volume is way up I mean he’s up to taking eight threes a game this season and here’s the really important differential so he’s 26- six on the season right and he’s 25 and5 in the games without embiid now I’ve talked about some of those games

You know maybe we need a 30 piece from Maxi to stay competitive but when you think about his role when embiid is on the court versus when he’s off the court it’s very different and Maxi is still something of a spacer when the offense is running through embiid and in the

Last couple years that was really his one role on the floor was his pace and shooting ability spacing the floor but now when embiid’s not on the floor and sometimes when he is even Maxi has been charged with the responsibility of leading the offense and finding the

Passes and really just making all the playmaking on his own outside of embiid’s you know we’ve talked about it a lot but embiid’s absolutely Elite level playmaking for a big man so I want to talk about what Maxi does for our team on the whole though because last

Season look we had James Harden having one of his most surprisingly efficient late career Seasons he was he was like you know back to being a normal point guard and I think Sixers fans were really happy to see that but then you look at the comparison this year and the

Pace is up it’s small but the pace is up from 96 to 99 possessions per game and I think just those three possessions can be accredited to the way Maxi runs the offense when he’s out there as the focal point versus wi Harden would you know

For Maxi to be the lead guard on a team without embiid and uh and even with embiid when embiid’s running an MVP campaign and for that offensive rating also to stay the same as it was last year is a true accomplishment I mean look we might be a little sour at harden

But he did some incredible things on offense last year and he’s he’s an all-time great offensive player in the regular season so when you get a somewhat lackluster return from him you know anyone who is just calculating odds based on stats would say that the Sixers

Are going to lose a few points per game and lose quite a few in the win column this year but I think Max stepping into the role as that number two is the reason they haven’t and that even above his impressive scoring stats is why Maxi

Is your second All-Star here in the 2023 2024 season and hopefully more to come too right so are we looking for a third All-Star that’s been the whole thing lately is the the trade rumors who are how are they looking to upgrade the perimeters you know look a lot of people

Forget Tobias Harris was playing out at All-Star level when we got to him that’s just for Sixers fans to get a little mad at me there because I know we’re all a little upset with him from day to day but I don’t think a third Allstar is

Really what the Sixers need right now when you’re looking at the other guys getting selected to the all-star game they’re all going to hamstring your cap room especially with the new CBA you know I feel like with that new CBA we’re going to see a very different Mory than

We have in the last 15 years so I think if we can stick with this core of Maxi and embiid you know we can see a lot lot more Allstar games out of them too and as long as our role players are good enough that is that is a core of two

Allstars leading a team that I will follow into the darkest pits of the NBA playoffs I I really think that’s a great thing coming up for the Sixers is this potential Trend I mean looking back again as we said that that chart with our previous All-Star selections was

Ridiculous when you just look at the last 10 years and Simmons embiid Simmons embiid Simmons embiid we all knew Simmons wasn’t going to be a real player you know and I keep flashing that Theo Ratliff Theo Ratliff was getting 4.4 blocks a game one season did you guys know that but

Regardless I think that having two All Stars like this in rotation every single year is what a dynasty is made of frankly all the great dynasties had that and I I just think that if the Sixers are serious about moving forward and winning a championship and then they

Don’t want one champion ship they they they have embiid for his Prime and they’ll have Maxi for his prime they got to lock these guys up as tight as they can they got to make these guys and they already feel at home in Philly but I’m

Just saying we have a really great thing right now much better than we did with Simmons and embiid even if they had a handful of a All-Star Game appearances in a row and I think the future is so much brighter than it was coming out of

The process era and I think that really says something about Mor’s upper management style um so anyway thank you so much for watching uh thank you for allowing me to take over this channel here and there and uh I hope you’re enjoying the videos keep subscribing go Sixers see you bye

0:00 Philadelphia 76ers News
0:14 All Star Game voting breakdown
1:00 History of Sixers All Stars

With the fan vote clued up for NBA All Stars, Eddie Averill breaks down how the Sixers fared and how they will almost certainly have Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey representing them at the All Star Game making this the first time in a LONG time that the Sixers could have 2 representatives.

#sixers #76ers #embiid #maxey #joelembiid #nba #nbahighlights #nbaallstar


  1. Congratulations Embiid and Maxey all stars, Embiid MVP❤❤ Good Luck, Let's go Sixers, Win Win Win 🌹💪❤️

  2. A third all star is there for injuries and when the other 2 are struggling
    If you can afford it, take the 3rd all star

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