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Can the Miami Heat Fix Their Offense and Will They Trade Kyle Lowry? | Miami Heat Podcast

Can the Miami Heat Fix Their Offense and Will They Trade Kyle Lowry? | Miami Heat Podcast

The heat continued their abysmal stretch struggling in every facet of the game versus the Orlando Magic on their way to a blowout loss they look small slow and discombobulated and there’s no easy answer to what went wrong but we’ll break down the game the decision to send

Kyle Lowry to the bench and answer your questions on possible trades all that and more on today’s episode of Locked on heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right welcome locked on heat your

Daily podcast on the Miami Heat I’m West Goldberg editor at all joining me as always it’s longtime NBA reporter David rill however you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks so much for making lockdown heat your first listen every day today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn

Jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at / lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply the heat might need to use LinkedIn uh jobs

To find some point guard help here David maybe just some offensive help in general recording this Sunday night after the heat loss to the magic 105 to 87 in Orlando Miami is now lost three straight uh they have failed to crack 100 points in four of their last six

Games the offense is just struggling we’ll get to Kyle L’s move to the bench and what it means for his future and what it means for the heat ahead of the trade deadline in a minute but we’ll start with this game David what went wrong everything W everything went wrong

I don’t think there’s again an easy answer to this they look small you pointed that out as we were watching the game and they just obviously the Orlando Magic a good defensive team they welcome back fron Wagner who was not in the lineup when Miami faced the same magic

Te a couple weeks ago and he made an incredible difference just by virtue of his size he was able to pull down rebounds of everybody get to his easy spots made bam bio look tiny in comparison when he was guarding him on defense and it it was just player after

Player getting easy opportunities they were able to get to the paint with ease they outscored Miami by 18 points uh in the painted area but Miami just couldn’t shoot uh Tyler herro struggled with his shot but he couldn’t get any easy looks either Jaylen sus did a really good job

Of defending him but I think the magic team in general did a pretty good job of limiting open looks for Miami Shooters they struggled from the field they struggled on defense they struggled on offense they struggled with size they struggled with speed again almost every aspect of this game was a horrendous one

For Miami and I don’t think that there’s any one thing that you can point to as the reason why so we could Target each one and look at why they struggled so badly tonight but I think there’s just a lot going on with this team and again I

Don’t think there’s an easy answer for it they stunk to this game Orlando has one of the best five defenses in the NBA for a reason they’re enormous they make everything difficult for for every team Miami has one of the bottom 10 offenses in the league for a reason they make

Everything for themselves very difficult nothing for them comes easy on that end so you put those two things together and this night should not be surprising even a little bit right the Orlando Magic this is not this is not your dad’s Orlando Magic team anymore right this is

A good team this team is GNA make the playoffs this is not a team where Miami has their number like they have uh in the past you mentioned the points in the paint Orlando had 54 Miami had 36 they got crushed in the paint I look at one

Thing in this game and we can even zoom out on this point if we want the heat went 11 for 20 at The Rim I’m not talking about in the paint I’m not talking about like on two-pointers I’m talking about point blank shots at the basket 11 for 20 some of those were

Unforced misses but a lot of it was forced misses because Orlando is so big but even if you the unforced misses are the ones that I have a problem with 11 for 20 at The Rim that’s just a that’s a smidge better than 50% that’s awful that’s a terrible rate compared to

Orlando they went 21 of 27 at the bat at The Rim that it’s untenable what’s going on with this Miami Heat team from three-point range we can do this if we want to do it the we some people pointed about to the to the lack of three-point shooting uh after that loss against

Toronto Miami 12 of 37 overall from three-point range 32% but to me look the three-point shot is going to come and go that’s just the nature of the NBA for most of the Season that three-point shot has been there for Miami I think they’re closer to the 38 39% from distance that

They’ve been to most of the season for versus the the the 32s to 35s and they’ve been during this tough stretch I think the three-point shooting will come back but the rim thing has been non-existent all season for Miami they get absolutely no Rim pressure they do

Not get to the basket they are over relying on mid-range shots and floaters and post-ups and all that funky Jimmy Butler haime hakz who wasn’t involved in this game bam out of Bio like they when they want to get to their sweet spots but their sweet spots are all mid-range

Shots and so it’s just this to me is the the revealing of what my the and what I’m talking about now is these last few games again four of their last six games Miami has failed to crack 100 points it is the it is the revealing of what this

Heat offense really is there’s no more smoke and mirrors there’s no more just kind of getting lucky defenses are keying in on them we’ve seen a lot more early doubles on Jimmy early doubles on bam in the shot clock which is kind of throwing off the rhythm of their offense

T Hero has done his best in terms of trying to make some shots Duncan Robinson has done his best in terms of making shots but at the end of the day you just need your your athletic strong Superstars to get to the basket and that’s not happening right now for Miami

And it’s grinded the gears of their offense to a halt I’m very concerned about Miami’s offense right now yeah I with good point I I think it’s a a good reason for you to be concerned they they are struggling and I don’t know again I I look at this game

And I don’t see anything specific that Miami could do better or has done differently uh you pointed this out right before we started recording you think it might be as a result of other teams figuring out the Heat and sending that double early and I’m trying to look

Even a bigger picture and trying to wonder what’s happened over the last couple weeks and I don’t want to look at anyone player because I know we did this when well maybe not us necessarily but fans did this when you were waiting for Caleb Martin or for Jimmy or for Tyler

Or whoever was injured over the last month or so of the Heat season to come back and say once this team is healthy then we’ll see this team fully unlocked and I don’t I don’t know what’s changed over the last couple weeks the loss of H

Haakas I think is a lot bigger and than it should be but I also think it’s having an impact because there are no fast break opportunities there’s no large athletic Wing player who can get to the rim with relative ease you can’t dump it down to a posting up Hae and

Watch him go to work with his good footwork and and and see him you know score over bigger or smaller players because of that combin ation of speed and size no fast break opportunities no three-point outlet that he provides and I think the return of Jimmy Butler has

Muddled things to a certain degree on offense and I’m not blaming Jimmy necessarily because we know what Jimmy Butler can do when he’s fully engaged at his very best but we have not seen that from him no of late and I think despite the fact that he shot well from

Three-point range those were mostly desperation shots as the shot clock was winding down I like oh I’ve still got he was left open and he was left open and I haven’t I haven’t been able to create anything off defensively I’ve got the ball open from three-point range might

As well let it fly and see what happens and he did go three of five to his credit but that’s not good offense and I think things have changed a little bit with the loss of haime and the return of Jimmy it’s changed the pace and the way

In which this team attacks and they’re settling for those easily contestable mid-range shots and when those aren’t falling and their three-point shot isn’t falling with much regularity either they’re not going generate point if you’re not getting to the rim and you’re not making the mid-range shots and you’re not making the three-pointers at

An elite clip like a league High rate then you’re not doing anything you’re literally not scoring on offense and that’s what’s happened with this team they are not scoring on offense I want to stick on the Jimmy Butler Point there he came back from the foot injury and

Erupted for 31 points in Brooklyn and we’re like oh my God Jimmy Butler I can’t believe he even missed any time he looks amazing it was one of the best games he’s had all season points per game game score all that kind of stuff it was one of his best games of the

Season but since then 16 points against Toronto 25 points against against Atlanta he had uh what was it tonight did he finish with uh 15 points tonight against the magic like that shine came off real quick he kind of exploded back onto the scene and then he’s kind of

Settled in and he took 10 shots tonight he took 10 shots again against Atlanta 11 against Toronto and only 12 against Brooklyn the difference against Brooklyn is he got to the line 16 times and some and that throws off his free his field goal attempt numbers right it’s because

How much he gets to the to the free throw line and those don’t go into the field goal attempt numbers even though he’s getting a shot up but just getting fouled and going to the free throw line but just five free throws against Toronto 10 against Atlanta and then uh

In this one two true and so now he’s not even getting to the line as much Miami has a problem with Jimmy Butler and it’s not nobody’s doubting what he does in the postseason what he’s capable of doing and and how he can carry this team Jimmy Butler is a postseason Superstar

He is not a regular season Superstar and what the heat are missing is a regular season Superstar they don’t have it they do not have superstar in the regular season and every team in the East that is a playoff team has a superstar palan Carol is a better regular season player

Than Jimmy Butler and that’s not even like I’m not even saying that as a hot take I don’t think that’s it’s even debatable at this point right like I agree fron Vagner is arguably a better regular season player than Jimmy Butler and that’s sort of what Miami is dealing

With is we have this postseason guy but we are absent of a regular season Superstar and we’re trying to overcompensate for that stuff and we’re trying to figure out ways to be that like Jimmy Butler can be a regular season superstar once every week and a

Half but that’s about it that’s all or at least that’s all he’s willing to give him right right now and I don’t know how Miami figures that out because he’s your best player and sometimes you just need your best player to be your best player

And if it’s not him and if it’s not bam then I don’t really know who it’s going to be on this team anymore because guys like Tyler hero and and Caleb Martin and Duncan Robinson and high I hakz can only do so much they can only do so much none

Of them are top 20 players and you need top guys to be your top guys but uh we’ll get into more more of this we’ll continue zooming out we’ll talk about the new starting lineup and whether or not we think that that is going to be the case going forward plus are Kyle

Larry’s days in Miami numbered we’re gonna talk about all of that next here on lock on heat today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn it’s the start of the new year and every small business owners is asking themselves the same questions what’s the one move I can make that’ll

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League go to locked on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel Kyle lry came off the bench for the second straight game in this one it’s starting to feel like that situation is becoming untenable we’ll talk about that

In a second here uh but Miami going with the for the second straight game a starting lineup of Tyler hero Caleb Martin Jimmy Butler Nikola yovic and Bam at a bio before we get to the Larry part of that I understand the idea of n ioic but he’s also sort of quietly turned

Into a frog over these last couple of games he’s not given him the transition stuff that he was uh seems like he’s hitting a little bit of like that seconde wall almost like a rookie wall at this point at 20 years old I don’t know what it is but he’s just uh

Defensively like he’s doing the right things I see it on the court I’m trying he’s trying to stay vertical you could see him sort of thinking through defensively and I mean that in a good way like he knows what he’s supposed to be doing he knows the spots he’s

Definitely improving but the jumper is very Hit or Miss I think surprisingly so like that catch and shoot shot he’s streaky as a shooter I think we kind of expected that to be a little bit better he had an airball in this one um they’re trying to get him involved but if

They’re not getting him involved he’s got a nose for the basketball in general but it just does it hasn’t really been there you know the last couple of games I don’t know how much of a worry I have about that because I do think he’s sort

Of a ball hockey is kind of player like he gets he finds a way to get the ball but again like if he’s not doing those things he’s not really providing much of anything still a good passer couple of nice entry passes into cutting players

Or Jimmy when he was trying to post up so overall I think there’s still some potential there as far as a running game though like nobody’s keeping pace and nobody’s bothering to ignite that fast break that we saw and again maybe that’s the loss of himman maybe that’s the

Return of Caleb and Jimmy a lot of different factors there nobody willing to push the pace really and so there was one play where he pulled down the rebound and we saw this when he was playing his best maybe two two and a half three weeks ago he would just take

The ball go right into over drive and ignite the fast break this time he got the rebound held it for a second or two then just dished it calmly to Jimmy to watch him walk the ball up it’s like well what the hell is that for like

What’s the point sort of what you’re talking about before is how Jimmy’s inclusion kind of slows the pace down for everybody else because everybody’s goingon to play like the best player right they’re going to go as the leader goes and Jimmy goes slowly and and I I’m

I’m with you on it look Jimmy Butler is not the issue with this team but I do think the issue is when Jimmy Butler is dictating the pace but not leading the he’s dictating the pace but not pacing the game and scoring and that’s the problem and that works in the playoffs

When games slow down and defenses intensify and you get yes and he’s willing to shoot and ignite things Etc and he is the the offensive engine that can drive your team during the regular season it’s more kind of like a sputtering running out of gas sort of engine and it takes its time

It’s like let me just get to the gas station even though we’re running on empty here I I’ll do my best you know but I’m not really the next year and a lot of side to side passing with no real intent you know and I I use that word

Because I know Eric spoler is probably going to say it we’re not listening to the postgame press conference before we recorded this but you could he’s going to be asked about the offense and he’s goingon to say we need to do something we do need we need to do more more

Intent we got to be more intentional all these things and I’ve always want he’s been using that word for a couple of years now and I’ve always kind of wondered like what he really means by it and I think he does mean uh just get to the basket move north south hard Cuts

Hard yeah hard screens and they’ve also sort of they’ve sort of keyed on the the referees have sort of keyed in on bam M bio’s moving screens last week and that’s been a problem for him um but look I offensively it’s a problem Miami tried to fix it uh by moving Kyle Lowry

To the bench because he’s a non-factor offensively and he’s still sort of a non-factor even coming off the bench these last couple of games I mention that that situation is starting to feel a little untenable um and I only and I don’t say that look I think you and I generally

Like what Kyle lry brings but I’m also of the same mind that you don’t necessarily need what he brings in that starting lineup and I think it was the right move to take him out of that starting lineup I like the idea of Tyler Caleb Jimmy and Bam in that starting

Lineup I’m still I’m still like on the fence about nikovic and I don’t think that that’s where you go in a playoff setting but I I I’m fine in the middle of January experimenting with it and seeing what you got there I’m okay with

I’m okay with it for now but I do think that they need to figure out what the answer is going to be going forward with that but still I think they’ll bring Haywood heith into the starting lineup I think that’s do you think that’s going to fix things I mean offensively he made

Threes tonight but that’s the problem I don’t but I mean Nico’s defensive issues magnify things and when things are struggling so bad offensively at the very least you can lean on the defensive issue and with I know with that’s fair Nico’s defense being what it is it’s a

Problem if you’re not going to get his best offensive version of him out on the floor because of the current Pace because of Jimmy’s return what ever then you might as well lean defensively and I think that’s partly why that lineup works so well during that seven game win

Streak earlier this season so I I think that’s probably the next change that we’ll see as for kle crazy about that with Nico before we move off of him yeah is if he’s out of the starting lineup he might go back to not playing because hae’s got to come back and take

Somebody’s minutes and so if he moves out of the starting lineup I don’t know where you put him right and so I’d be okay like I I’m here for the because I I’ve made this point before like could change the rotations all the time you

Can move Kyle L out to the bench you can keep him as a starter all these things but like I’ve made the joke well Kevin Durant’s not on the bench so we could talk about all these different lineup and rotation changes that you want but it’s still the same players that you got

At the end of the day right yeah um I do Wonder like even if you just put Hood High Smith in the starting lineup or whatever you do the starting lineup you’re never going to be elite offensively like this team’s just not going to be elite offensively the way

That it’s currently constructed unless they make some sort of trade before the deadline we’ll talk about that here in a little bit but if you can’t be elite offensively maybe you ought to just try to be elite defensively because they’re not they’re top 10 defensively but that’s not Elite that’s that’s very good

But this team’s only had one year in the Jimmy Butler era where they’ve been top five in defensive rating where they finished the year top five in defensive rating and I think they have the Personnel to do that if they wanted to but then again in today’s NBA does that

Really matter because you need to hit some sort of threshold if the goal is a championship and for the Orlando Magic who are winning games and it’s a good story for them their goal isn’t like realistically to win a championship ship this year and they probably know that

Miami is it’s sort of Championship or bust for the heat at this stage of of the of this version of the team they need to hit some sort of Watermark offensively and I don’t know how they do it I’d make a double switch too now that I’m even thinking about it maybe go

Duncan and Haywood alongside Tyler Jimmy and Bam and I think that could provide that spark that you might be yeah take Caleb out I’m very much here for starting Duncan and Tyler just to create some spacing and what Duncan does off the ball and the fact that these teams

Doubling Jimmy and Bam so early in the clock like if you have Duncan one pass away that makes it a lot harder when they when they made their run at the end of that Hawks game on Friday night that was the lineup it was well no no the lineup was uh Tyler

Duncan uh Jimmy Caleb and Bam so whether it’s Caleb or Haywood in that spot I’m fine with either version of that but maybe that’s maybe you do lean that way defensively I think there’s concerns but they’re not they don’t hide Tyler hero defensively anymore right they hide Nico

But they’re just letting Tyler go out there and play defense hey guard your man do your best and and he’s done I thought he was Miami’s second best defender maybe third best defender tonight behind Heywood and Bam I really did I thought he was a better Defender

Than Jimmy Butler in this game so yes um which is not good right like it’s a compliment to Tyler hero but it’s also a problem if you’re thinking uh about where you’re going with the Miami Heat but um look we I don’t know I guess we’re kind of we could talk about

Different starting lineups but I in general I do think that Kyle lry I think his days of being a starter are over do we agree on that I think so uh I’d go so far as to say his days with a team are probably pretty numbered too so I I I

Think this is the beginning of the end although we’ve said this before I I’ve never bought into that I remember when he was hurt last year and a lot of people said oh that’s a fake injury he’s being benched and it’s just a matter of just making sure that they clear uh the

Space already because they’re preparing to trade them I I do think it’s things have just kind of run their course and I know that you have something to say about the benching as well as to why the reason for it’s taking place I don’t know that necessarily the entire reason

For his benching but I think it’s still a valid point to make well I’ll do it now before we go to break but yeah I mean this this has I think it’s been reported elsewhere I don’t I think it has but if not whatever uh no Kyle Lowry

Missed the plane back from the team playing back from Toronto and that was an issue internally uh I don’t know that it led to his benching Eric spoler was asked Point Blank about it after the Hawks game the first game that Tyler that that KY came off the bench for and

He said it wasn’t an ad issue but I I think it had something to do with it and I think Eric spoler was looking for a reason to make the change and it was a good enough reason and look the thing about Kyle Lowry and I’ve said this even

Back to last year he’s never bowed at the altar to heat culture I don’t know that he’s ever fully bought in to like the whole heat culture thing and that’s okay I don’t think they ever really needed him to either PJ Tucker by the way didn’t really buy into it either he

Was like I’m My Own culture I got PJ Tucker culture and that’s all the culture I need and he had a great one year for Miami and then he left and got paid for him right so so I don’t think you necessarily need to buy in and but

So I’m just saying like I don’t think that Kyle Larry and Eric spoler have ever really looked at the same things in the same way for whatever reason there’s been a little bit of a disconnect mostly they’ve been able to work through it because kyar has been helpful and

Productive but he hasn’t been helpful and productive for most of the Season especially this last month basically month and a half and so I think point the it just got to the point where where Eric sper was looking for a reason to make a change and and that was a good

Enough reason as any hey you missed the you weren’t around for the game plan I think he was planning to move Kyle to the bench ahead of that Hawks game because he wanted to move Caleb into that starting lineup so that they had somebody to guard Trey young one-on-one

But then Trey young was a late scratch before the Hawks game so he didn’t even play but by then it was too late to make your own last minute change and move Larry back into that starting lineup after Friday’s game Kyle Larry was asked

About it he said I hope this is just a one game thing and that I’ll be back in the starting unit for the game in Orlando and obviously that did not happen so I think that this has basically gotten to a point where Eric spoler said you’re coming off the bench

If if you’re playing for us at all and I don’t again I don’t think they’re they’re like arguing I don’t think it’s like a no it’s not a bitterness right but it’s also a point where hey this guy’s 37 years old he’s not as helpful

As he was when we first traded for him he’s an expiring contract and so I think the heat my educated guess I think Kyle lry will be traded by February 8th I think they’re gonna find a way to trade him again not reporting it’s an educated guess based on the

Reporting that I do have and and the things that we’ve talked about with Jake fiser last week and all those things they are looking to trade him shopping him it doesn’t mean something’s going to get done they don’t know if something’s going to get done nobody does right but

I think they’re actively looking for it and I think they’ll find something so that they can get something back for the expiring contract but I think it’s it’s the expiring it’s the fact that he’s 37 it’s the fact that they need to figure out something to do with the salary cap

Spot all these reasons that we talked those are bigger factors into why they are going to trade him more than just like his attitude I don’t think they really care about the attitude as much as these other like Excel spreadsheet very real things that they have to deal

With so we’ll talk about what a trade could look like and and what’s next for Kyle L here in a minute we’ll talk about that next year on lockdown heat today’s episode is brought to you by better help better help look it’s right trespassing Years everybody wants to make resolutions right changing

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Would it actually for the front office to make a trade we got a bunch of different questions about trading Kyle Lowry and all these things and what we were just talking about before David is I do think the heat are going to actively look to trade Kyle Lowry for

Something and I don’t know if it’s Terry Rosier I think they’re exploring all their options if look if it was going to be Terry Rosier it would have been Terry Rosier already I think there’s a couple other things at play here that maybe some other options um one option here

That’s sort of been building steam in terms of what insiders are reporting is the Washington Wizards option you send Larry’s contract to the Wizards get a tyus Jones and maybe like uh another player back like a Landry shamut or Daniel gaffard or or uh um Delon Wright

Kind of contract back to kind of match those salaries yeah maybe I don’t know but um and I don’t know that any of it fixes Miami’s biggest problems offensively but it does kind of separate you it divorces you from the whole Kyle Lowry situation that’s just starting to get a little

Awkward yeah I I also I just want to say this you know because we’re talking about Lowry and Lowry has been a scapegoat for Heat fans for years now like ever since he signed a contract with a team it’s just never worked out I I don’t know exactly why that’s the case

Maybe because he’s an older player maybe because he’s commanding a high salary and I’ll remind everybody as I have a lot of times you know he was the coveted free agent of that class when he signed with the Miami Heat and he was seen at that time for all the grumbling that

Some Heat fans make about oh they never make trades they never make signings you know they don’t do anything to change your roster they viewed Kyle Lowry and PJ Tucker’s addition which both came in the same year as filling in the gaps to continue to compete the year after the

Bucks had won the championship because they saw something in that bubble run the year before and they saw something fall flat with their point of attack defense particularly and their ability to create from the point guard swap because Goran dragic was a much older player in 2021 and they said you know

What we’ve got to upgrade this roster they signed Kyle swords and shields right that’s what Pat Riley called them swords and shields that’s right it just hasn’t worked out that way and I will say also Kyle go I’m sorry go ahead go ahead no you know with with Kyle I just

Think I get the sense from him despite everything that he’s said that he doesn’t really have feel like he has anything left to prove and I know he came here from day one saying I want to win I came here to win but wanting to win and your body being able to

Contribute to winning right are two very different things and I think that’s unfortunately where Kyle is right now he’s in a hard place that happens to every player as father time goes undefeated and continues to catch up he’s 37 years old he’s 37 years old and

I can tell you this I don’t think that he’ ever expected him to be awesome at 37 years old they took him on knowing that maybe for the first couple years of that contract he would be helpful and that last year of the contract he would be expiring and tradeable and guess what

That’s kind of what has happened I don’t think the two years that he was here the first two years were as awesome as maybe they had expected or maybe even Heat fans expected but he was helpful for those two years and now he’s 37 and he’s

A six- foot point guard and those guys don’t age well I don’t think any of this should be surprising at all to anybody he’s not a starting point guard in the NBA he shouldn’t be at 37 years old like there’s no reason why he should be a

Starting point guard in the NBA or anybody should even expect him to be a starting point guard in the NBA right now he ranks last in the in the among points among starting point guards in the NBA he ranks last in points field goal attempts and assists he’s not a

Starting point guard but if you brought him off the bench I think he would be a helpful player and now obviously erased the $30 million contract whatever I think just in terms terms of his on court production he would be helpful but for Miami he’s more helpful as a $30

Million expiring contract which I think was sort of the plan all along so what do you move him for is the question and it’s what they need to figure out uh here going forward and and it’s not going to be easy so to go to the question what does it actually take for

The front office to make a trade I think they’re already there I think they’re ready to make a trade it just has to be the the has to be a deal that makes sense I think what you’re what you talked about about like the bub that

Trade that they that sent them on that bubble on the Andre guala uh J Crowder deal I think that’s something we’re going to look at I I think that’s a similar kind of thing that Miami would want to get back it’s nothing that sacrifices our long-term flexibility our

Ability to make a big addition this summer but maybe some swords and shields to use Pat Riley’s phrase in the also Clearing House I don’t mean to interrupt but that was also clearing house because you had to get rid of Dion you had to get rid of James Johnson who had fallen

Out of fa and Justice W winow it’s a little bit like that right you’re getting rid of Kyle lry who’s fallen out of favor it’s it’s a little bit like that yeah with a lot more salary in the movement I I I I will reiterate what I

Said last week I’m at a point I still think this team has enough even if they don’t pull off a trade I think they can still go on a nice run in the playoffs but I think if you want to push yourself over the edge as you see other teams

Continuing to improve like Orlando’s better Indiana’s better New York is better Miami is the only team that you can make an argument has gotten a little bit worse despite the additions of gaffer I’m sorry the was a despite Edition no I’m not this fite the edition

Of hakz uh I think you just need to make a trade you need to do something to because something you have to capiz on this window with jmy Butler yeah well you could you I think I don’t think that this team is as bad as they’ve been

These last three games you’re gonna get Hae back they’re deeper than they were last year they just need a little something they just need a little more juice they just need a little more juice and if you could turn Lowry into some juice you could squeeze that Larry asset

And turn some some juice into it out of it there’s no I think that’s no buy out Kevin Love that’s going to bring that’s going to bring the Good Vibes you Kevin Love limited on the buyout Market anyway because the new tax rules and blah blah

Blah but if you could just turn Kyle expiring into something that juices your offense a little bit more I think if you’re the heat you could feel good about what you accomplished at the deadline and you’re not going to be scared of anybody when the playoffs roll

On because this he team isn’t right I just you got to do a little something here thanks for making lock down heat your first listen every day every day we’re gonna be talking about the trade deadline at length all week long we’ll have Recaps of every game during the

Week as well hit that subscribe button on YouTube and follow us on your favorite podcast out

The Miami Heat dropped their third straight game in Sunday night’s loss to the Orlando Magic and even Kyle Lowry’s move to the bench hasn’t solved their scoring issues. What can the Heat do to fix their offense?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down what went wrong in Orlando and why the Lowry situation has become untenable.

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  1. Make the damn TRADE Front Office, More like the OFF OFFICE since you don't seem to be working as hard as what you expect from the players

  2. You can make these trade Lowry posts all you want. But if you don't supply with someone who scores like Kylo Wick, point gaurd or not, you'll still get kryptonited by Detroit.

  3. YOU CANT WIN BY THINKING YOU CAN SHOOT THIS OUT AND LUCK FROM OPPOSSING MISSES. These teams aren't that stupid anymore to know this

  4. Isn't UD now with the front office? Get him to damn work with them. I so wanted him to chew us during the Atlanta game

  5. 11/20 rim point blank shots. Get us back to being paint monsters instead of stupid splash bros knock-offs. GET TO THE DAMN BASKET and stop these over confident jumpers!!!!!!

  6. For as great as we are as an organization, we also give out trash contracts constantly that prevent us from making critical moves at the trade deadline every year. There's a reason we rely on undrafted role players so much–it's because we pay 37 year old point guards top dollar.

  7. If the front office does nothing, you might as well trade butler. This offense is terrible lately. You can't be a superstar in the playoffs if you can't get there first

  8. Idk if they can see this live, but @wcgoldberg , you're best player is JAIME "KYLO WICK JAQUEZ" JR. At what extent is his injury? I respect injuries but this transparency sometimes drives me crazy. If he doesn't play Wednesday, no way you don't experiment with Orlando/Bryant/Swider/Cain

  9. Pretty simple Jimmy and Bam need 3 point shooters around them to work ,they have no one on the roster including Tyler and Duncan can do that consistently, did we not want Dame for the 3 point shooting ,rim attack and get to the line , because there was a need for that ,no one on the roster is filling that need including Tyler

  10. This edition of Miami Heat too small, no point guard, no size , also Miami don’t like to spend money.. possible first round playoff. Hard to watch. Need a trade and spend some money!!

  11. Bam is not a center!!!we need size ! So Bam can play Power forward.. No championship opportunity with this small, point guard less team .

  12. Why are Heat fans pissed with Lowry you say? They traded him for Dragic who, aside from duncan, was the only one to feed bam consistently. Remember those easy oops for bam looking juicy and plenty like fruit picking season at an orchard? Ah those were the days.

  13. Trend this season: Bam leading scorer = loss

    If you think they are small now… trading Caleb or Duncan will make them minuscule.

    What is going on with Bam’s defense and turnovers?

    Other odd trend… the Heat beat this Orlando Magic team without Jimmy twice! Once with Franz & once without

  14. Kyle Lowry and Josh Richardson minutes are just hard to watch .. if Kyle isn’t traded I’m not expecting any type of run out the play in

  15. Aren’t Bam & Jimmy supposed to create rim pressure?

    If they aren’t going to do it then clear out of that space & let Jovic, Caleb, and Jaquez attack the rim. Simple

  16. Heat think hard work is more important than talent. You need both to win. There’s 2 or 3 players on the roster that have actual talent.

  17. To clarify… Kyle didn’t miss the plane, he flew home separately from Toronto (which the team knew about), but his flight home was delayed so he missed shoot around

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