@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs Trade Rumors: Kyle Kuzma & Daniel Gafford? Is Herb Jones the Best More for the Dallas Mavericks

Mavs Trade Rumors: Kyle Kuzma & Daniel Gafford? Is Herb Jones the Best More for the Dallas Mavericks

On today’s show rumor has it the Dallas Mavericks are in trade rumors all over the place Kyle kozma Daniel Gafford miles Bridges all kinds of players we’ll talk about that who should the maps be interested in should they try to get in on herb Jones dejonte Murray we’re

Playing a game of what about this guy on today’s locked on Mavs I’m lukic and this is locked on Mavericks Mavericks NBA champions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game thank you for if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to

The Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member to NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lock on maps your first listen every day the first and best way you can help us grow

The show is to listen every day leave a five star review like the video comment anything below let me know in the comment section which one player do you want the Mavericks to trade for I want to know that LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want

To talk to faster post your job for free at loock innba that’s loock innba to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and joining me from 1053 The Fan what you got for me red jat Tula it’s cold trying to stay warm it is cold man

That’s really it I I can’t wait until it’s warm again I don’t know what it is about the cold it’s a small thing in life that somehow it ends up being a bigger thing in my life and so I just life is better when it’s warm you know

What I hate is getting out of the shower and it’s cold oh that’s just the worst like getting out of bed touching your feet to the floor it’s like a all that that bathrobe the bathrobe does does wonders for that getting out you got to get to the bathrobe that’s that’s that’s

Why the bathrobe hangs right outside the shower for me you know maybe I should turn into a robe guy that’s right you should great going to do that I’ll get it in Monograms oo I like that that’s a classy touch that’s a classy touch L right there I see it

Yeah I’ll do it with the show not with not anything my life that was not the intention is that not what you meant okay today’s show we’re going to get into all kinds of trade rumors uh rumors about players that have been brought up so later in the show we’ll talk about

Dejonte Murray herb Jones that’s a real interesting name to me Bruce Brown talk about some of those guys but first we’ll get into some of the like the players that Mavericks have been connected with over the weekend there’s many how many do I got four five six seven eight nine

Players the maps have been connected to you can turn over the whole roster that way Reggie and I are gonna yeah right Chuck them all out and bring a whole bunch of new ones in re and I will get into a bunch of those so let’s start

With the one that’s maybe the most interesting to me is the Washington Wizards the maps have already made a trade with them with uh Chris porzingis yeah and sending him there and so they already got a connection with that team Kyle kozma according to Mark Stein the

Mavericks are among a group of teams with interest in Wizards forward Kyle kosma later Stein reported in his great substack M literally must subscribe for all Mavs fans the cost Washington the Wizards are are oh The Wiz the Washington Wizards are reportedly looking for a better quality draft picks

In exchange for Kyle kozma than the ones Toronto receiver Pascal yakum I find that really funny they ALS he also said the wizard sources say won at least two first round picks for kozma and the implication they would be seeking higher quality blah blah blah because they

Didn’t think that the picks that the that the Raptors got for seak were very good at all reg first thoughts on Kyle kosma the fit and the player and then let’s get into the cost I I have to caution myself because my initial thought whenever I see Kyle kozman is

Like he’s just out there getting cardio like all the time that’s my thought when I see him playing basketball um the whole Wizards team to be honest that’s the and that’s the thing is like there’s there’s so much Wizards on them right like cardio occasional buckets that’s

The diagnosis for the it is just aaou basketball at a professional level and so I have to try and hearken back to when he played for the Lakers and I mean he he’s a he can be a really good player within the context of a good team um I

Don’t know there’s a lot of guys that fit this very particular mode that you’re looking for right that kind of that big combo big that can play the four um in that spot that you’re looking for right now but the thing about it is

And I’m I’m trying to there’s a lot of I want and it’s like what’s realistic and I want a guy who could shoot right and I want a guy who could play defense in those places and Kyle kosman is like in both of those regards plus like I feel

Like he’s best suited when you can get him on the back basketball you don’t need you don’t really need any more of those on this team you need like a tertiary player to do that but then that can’t like be their main skill that’s been kind of one of the problems with

Finding a player to fit the Luca Kyrie Collective right is that those guys both are amazing with the ball in their hands so you need somebody that doesn’t need the ball in their hands as the third guy and is also amazing defensively they’re not going to get that with kozma now do

I think he could help yes with size for sure he’s he’s 69ine he’s bigger than pretty much every player the Mavericks play except for Derrik livey and so that it would be helpful he has played on a championship team he played on that Lakers team and when he did he played

Good defense he hit a decent number of Threes he’s never really been a great three-point shooter right but we just saw Derrik Jones Jr come into the Mavericks and make a ton of Threes so right it feels like what you should do with all these players is not just go

And look at the basic three-point shooting percentage but look at what their Corner shooting percentage especially if you can get that like kind of the the unguarded catch and shoot yes absolutely and when you start seeing those numbers and I think when you do that when you did that with DAR Jones Jr

Coming in you’re like oh okay there’s something here and so if you go look at that number it makes you it makes you feel a lot better about these players because yeah that’s those are the shots that you’re gonna get in theory I listened to Simmons and and low this

Weekend and one thing that Bill Simmons said I found interesting I want your take on he said I I get nervous about these players that like have these these Championship runs they’re a part of this playoff team they go on like a Deep Run in some way and learn these learn all

These skills and then they go play for like the effing Wizards for for three years do you lose some of that stuff like do you do you lose some of those intangibles do you lose the the ability to like sit up in your chair like when you’re when you’re playing or do you

Just become like Jordan pool the fastest from going going from Championship level to just completely falling off on the Wizards because the habits and the things just aren’t there when you play like the discipline I guess I don’t know man I I don’t know if Jordan p is the

Example we wanted especially if we’re using the word discipline we saw some of the shots that Jordan paol took like dude do you think that’s what he went from like at least a little on the Warriors to like zero on the Wizards and it’s not gone well but I

Mean I think that’s that’s some of the idea here is like I I I I don’t think you lose it entirely but I think it’s an indication of what the right circumstance does for certain players and so yeah I think that you would have to assume or you’d have to hope that if

You have indeed put together a championship level culture right that that you can slide in and do that I think that that’s why places like Miami when they start talk about heat culture as annoying as it can be like there’s something to that guys have to get in

There and they understand that they have to fit in and then that helps them straighten up and sit up straight or whatever as the lockdown Mavs podcast have to disagree there’s nothing there’s nothing to that fair enough you know what I again he culture is garbage I

Can’t I gotta use my head wrong wrong example to use my bad um but no I think the concept still pops up I look kma especially in lining up with that Jordan P thing like kozma was one of those guys that looked a little silly even in that

Context of a championship run so like it makes me wonder if he leans more towards what you’re seeing now where it’s like oh he’s out here getting cardio as opposed to like the oh he can be a championship player within that structure especially because the Grant Williams uh acquisition has demonstrated

Something to me at least I feel like I’ve taken something from it which is okay I was expecting Grant Williams to like come intrinsically motivated and not just like motivations is wrong where but intrinsically defensively acclimated right he was motivated there’s right I thought that okay like the defense is

Going to come from within there he has that within him right and those types of things and it’s like oh no like that’s more of a contextual aspect and I feel like kma is more of a context player as opposed to he’s bringing this as a foundation and I think that that’s

Probably that’s probably the distinction that you’re trying to make when you’re looking at who you who you bring in here the cost for him the two firsts you can squint and like like Maps do have one first they can trade and then maybe they count omx maybe they count well they

Have yeah they could have some swaps too they also you could squint an omx just was drafted first first round maybe they think Hardy is a first round value so like you can make it work I don’t know that those are the quality first round picks that the Wizards are asking for in

This the other one that’s interesting with the Wizards is Daniel Gafford this is a name that gets brought up to me literally anytime we ever do a conversation about trades ever there’s a comment about Daniel Gafford he’s 25 he’s a center on the Wizards he’s like

Not really a rim protector but he can not really like a big rebounder but he can he’s not really a low post scorer but he can you know it’s like all those things where he’s just as like just good enough the lockdown Wizards guys Brandon

Scott and and them like to to say he’s probably a backup like he’s probably a really he’s probably Isaiah hartstein right where you’re like he’s just a really good backup and you can just plug him in and that’s where he should be and the problem is they paid him last year

You know his contract’s not going to be he not that crazy um he’s making 12 million this year 13 million next year and 14 next year that’s like kind of lot for a backup center but the Mavs backup the maps starting center is making like five million six seven something million

Right now and so the Gafford one is really interesting to me because if you think he can come in and fix that problem with the backup center position which I think he could if the Mavs could send two seconds and get him for you know like the rashan Holmes contract and

Two seconds if that would get it done dang like do that the problem is he’s starting for them right now you have to you have like I don’t know what would they want like some kind of replacement in return and then could you get both of them that’s the other thing look it

Seems like Nick you you host podcasts by yourself a lot you you’ve covered the points like down to the name that I was going to bring up when in Isaiah hardenstein I mean literally like those are all the things that I was thinking about he absolutely profiles as a backup

Big that does all you know a little bit of everything exactly what you need in certain circumstances um and I think that the one thing that you maybe say when it comes to him in general as like fitting into something is he playing with the Wizards right now I imagine

That being in a situ where you have an opportunity to win in a really constructive way would be appealing and yeah I I I imagine that especially because we’re seeing the inflated asking price in the market I feel like what we’re going to see is the deadline make

Deals effect of this where we start getting closer to the deadline and people get a little bit more reasonable on some of their asks and so no I think that that would be absolutely a place I’d be very happy to hear if you know if we come up in early February and it’s

Like hey the Mavs are you know finalizing a deal I’d be like yeah fantastic because that seems like absolutely a player that would work to me it seems like the kozma one is is a is far-fetched as far as value because I don’t think the Mavericks have what the

Wizards are going to want unless they want omx or Hardy The Gafford one is definitely viable I don’t think you could get them both together unless you give up a bunch of stuff but I do think I do think both would help I think Gafford would help for sure and so I’m

Interested in what you guys think about that let me know in the comment section about either of those guys coming up bunch of other names should the Mavs consider miles Bridges out rumor has it that they are but should they be considering him what about qu Quinton

Grimes what about some other names we’ll talk about all those guys coming up today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn it’s the start of the new year and every small business owner is asking themselves the same question how can we integrate Taylor Swift content into our

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Your job for free terms and conditions they do apply uhoh guess what day it is thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we appreciate each and every one of you for listening we have a 247

Stream on lockon Sports Dallas to try all the other Dallas shows uh we also got um the subtext if you want to get some these rumors sent straight to your phone get Mavs news straight to your phone and all kinds of stuff I send Game

Day updates I do all kinds of stuff on that so subscribe and text with me that’s kind of the whole point uh all right re according to our friend Matt Moore from lock on NBA lockdown nuggets as well as the Action Network he reports that Miles Bridges who put his wife in

The hospital two years ago is a popular trade Target Sacramento Detroit and Dallas are mentioned as teams who have showed interest to me it’s a non-starter i from what this team has gone through in the past on the business side with the harassment with the allegations there’s been domestic violence in the Mavericks

Organization as well that wasn’t as like it was It was obviously reported and it was out there but it wasn’t like the biggest story but they have had that you know they just went through hiring Jason kid and so I I I I can understand why the Mavs are interested in Miles Bridges

As a player to me though would not even I don’t even consider him as a player like as a Target for the Mavericks because it’s just a non-starter for me the level that it was what happened and if you want to bring that person in and

Then make that person part of your team culture I just I think that you’re playing a rough game now if you look to corporations for your morals you’re not necessarily going to find it in the best way but I’m I’m somebody that tries to look at it positively and say hey like

We’ve we’ve got to take a turn here with this with this franchise because they’ve been through a lot they’ve tolerated a lot and I don’t think this is something that should be tolerated no I I don’t think it should and I think you mentioned one of the things that kind of

I don’t know concern maybe is that not the right word but you mentioned the idea that you know they hir Jason kid and I mean it felt like it was relatively swatted away I don’t know how you felt on that and so I don’t know how

I don’t want to gloss over that on the Jason kid on the Jason kid front that was something that I was very vocal about because of all the other reasons and his you know when he had the domestic violence situation it’s a long time ago and he sat down with s Marshall

They talked through his journey to coming back I think people should get a second chance I I don’t know that I don’t know I don’t know what miles Bridges has gone through so maybe I don’t I don’t have enough uh knowledge to know that it just seems like it’s so

Recent and I don’t know what he’s gone through as far as change and what he’s done as a person like that’s that’s all things you have to consider and do the Mavericks have that Intel do they know do they know those things do they have

That I don’t have it so with the with I know this is my opinion on it yeah and I think that now we’re delving into like a whole different level of conversation but I think one thing that you have to consider as an organization that is a

Forward- facing one that you are selling to a a public audience not everybody will have that and so there is something to be said for your history your past as an organization and how it is not it is not shining in this regard and so adding another another character that has had

These these issues and that’s just put it like very lightly and very mildly because I know there’s people that would like hey call it what it is um I think that that’s that’s real cautionary ground to To Tread upon but like you mentioned right corporations are going

To act in their best interest especially when there’s incenta and basketball is a really weird place because hey man you already need a elite level of talent and skills and then we’ve also like paired down the population in such a big way because you can’t be five five doing

Those Elite skills right like there’s there’s a small level of population that lives up to the size of this so the incentive structure is such that they’re going to lean to these things and ultimately like I I don’t I don’t think I have a good answer in regard to that

Portion of this because like we are again looking to in this instance particularly the team but then even the NBA that had that has allowed him to continue playing um to to meet out uh the level of morality that we want to see in this world when in all reality

And in a perfect situation that should be handled by like our our government Str structures our legal legal uh you know legal structures and those types of things and they’re not very good at this and so ultimately we end up you know twisting ourselves in pretzels trying to

Pick up the slack for a A system that is not that is broken that does not work properly and so yeah it ends up being a really tough circumstance to be in having to have these conversations all the way around but yeah to Circle back

To like the basketball of it all I also like I I have found it very hard to view him as a just like as a player uh since we found out about um you know the the things that happened with his wife and the ways in which she was in the

Hospital at his hand right I I don’t I don’t I have not thought about him in that such way and so I do Wonder like if if he even fits in the way that you really want him to I know that he’s putting up points um and I think one

Thing you mentioned that’s really interesting is culture that I to be fair I had not given enough of a consideration for because one thing about this organization is that you know the culture culture matters and it seems like they’re starting to really you know coales around they’ve been touting it

Recently a lot too yeah where they’ve been like pointing it out saying hey we we have a bunch of good guys Cuban’s been saying it on every podcast and show he’s been on oh we just have such bunch of just really good guys and like I

Don’t know can you still do that if you have miles bridges on your team and would that still be of you know value you’re point about that we have to discuss this and talk about this because he shouldn’t like he shouldn’t be in the workforce like right now with what he’s

Done but because of the the systems in place again in our country sometimes it just doesn’t it’s left up to the leagues and it’s left up to the employer which is very strange all right that’s it that that’s what I got on Miles Bridges and so I I won’t

Bring it up again unless he gets traded here and then we’ll you know we’ll see what happens then couple other players that Mavs have been connected to Quinton Grimes reportedly is frustrated in New York and the Knicks are actively trying to trade him enter the Dallas Mavericks

Who always enter when a Knicks player is going to be traded in some way uh this is from Stefon Bondi from New York Post the Dallas Mavericks are a team with interest in Grimes Mark Steiner reported that they want a scoring guard to replace Emanuel

Quickley I got I got a trade for you okay I’m going for the future I do Tim Hardway Jr and Seth Curry they replace that scoring they get the Knicks replace that scoring in a way that they wanted maybe not exactly the right way that

They want it but they get it they get they get him hard way back the Mavs get sent Quinton Grimes and they get Evan for8 get M48 contract oh never Google okay yeah it’s a move for the future cuz qu Grimes is Young he’s you know a 65

Wing that’s a real good shooter I mean you throw him out there with LCA it would be it would be amazing and so you’re betting on the talent going forward and say all right we’re gonna basically take our Tim Hardway piece make him younger and better at certain

Things and we’ll try that are you interested in that I’m I’m somewhat interested in that but that also that still kind of feels like hey what do you not want I’ll trade you the things that I don’t want you know and of course that’s that’s a little bit harsh when

You especially the way the way that Tim hard Junior’s played and of course the level stability that Seth or like comfortability that Seth has when it comes to this organization particularly Jason kid uh but yeah I don’t know that this is these are the waters that you necessarily need these are moves around

The edges right like these are not Waters that are like moving the big pieces of foundation that you’re trying to work on at least I think that you should be working on this year but yeah no I mean I’d be interested in that I also be interested in hearing what uh

What the Nicks organization says to that right as a response um maybe they feel so confidently in the Pull-Ups scoring of Tim Hardway Jr and I guess that’s ability that Seth Curry can bring but and I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how they respond to that but I’m I’m

Interested in like the youth movement of it all and I guess especially if you feel very comfortable in Dante X and being that other ball handler for you yeah that’s tough well I I I wouldn’t consider Tim or Seth a ball handler for you so the Mavs are limited in that

Front too coming up though let’s talk about AJ Griffin let’s talk about some of the other wings that Mavericks could be interested in and some of the players that are being shopped around the league right now man flying by we’ll get into all that coming up today’s episode brought to you by

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49ers I’m bringing reg back in Lions seven-point Underdog to the 49ers seven points I feel like I would take that because are they going to cover the seven points even if the 49ers win uh I’m not inclined to believe that espe uh I know I I gave some friends

Some level of advice that I probably shouldn’t have now I think about it about the Packers but I I do believe in the Packers ability to play a closed game in a way that I’m not sure I feel like the Niners might be able to open

That thing up um especially if you start getting after uh jarro go but hey now again I’m not the perfect at this if you believe in the Super Bowl logo colors Theory have you seen this where colors of the Super Bowl logo are what like purple and and red then it’s 49ers

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Got a bunch of names to still get to I want to talk about AJ Griffin the Mavs are listed with the Knicks the Rockets and the Bulls is another team believed to be interested in the byow second-year man AJ Griffin who has fallen out of the rotation that’s according to Matt

Moore what are you what are your thoughts on the Mavs interested in some of these guys Quinton Grimes AJ Griffin these shooters 65 Wings it feels like the Mavs already have those feels like shouldn’t they just invest in the ones they have thoughts on their interest in

Those guys you know what my response there of the immediate thought oh the Mavs have a type like that’s that’s what this is right you have a type that’s what happened here um like especially because again say 65 and you shoot a little bit and you

Could shoot you want he got money let’s talk a little bit popcorn right I do I do wonder and I feel like we talked about this before like it felt like this year you were G to try and you know answer some questions on some question marks on your

Roster it’s like well let’s get different question marks is what some of these are because Quinton Grimes also like somewhat of a question mark AJ Griffin like sh Atlanta right shot really well and then all of a sudden like this year you have and I’m not exactly even sure what

Happened with him this year where you know the numbers have gone down he’s fallen out of favor right like I’m not exactly sure what that is and so maybe you know they have done the basketball scouting to be like we know what that is and in this circumstance that had come

Around cool I guess right but I I don’t know what are you giving up what are you doing in these situations and I guess if it’s a sell I mean it is a cell low situation so maybe that’s cool but I I don’t know that necessarily you’re like

Hey let’s get more question marks in this circumstance it feels like the Mavs don’t have enough guaranteed shooting is that isn’t that weird that that they’re one of the best three-point shooting teams in the league and they don’t have enough guaranteed shooting because you’ve got a shaky Derrick Jones Jr at

Times you got a shaky Dante exm at times a non-shooting Derek Lively a non-sh shooting Dwight Powell a shaky shooting now Maxi kleo we’ve got to maybe admit that this point a a streaky hot and cold Tim Hardway Jr you’ve got Curry who’s not hitting well and that hasn’t really

Worked you’ve got Hardy who’s up like you’ve just got bunch of question marks there and so it feels like they’re looking for a guarantee in that spot I I want to talk about some of these bigger names though Deonte Murray according to Adrian wowski Atlanta’s ready to trade jonay Murray

They’re engaged with a lot of teams they gave up a lot for him two of their own first round picks a pick swap a third first round pick they want to get some value back for him and according to KOC from the ringer from people I’ve spoken

With the Hawks are asking for two first in return for Murray who had prefer to join a team with a Chance of making an immediate playoff run your thoughts on Deonte Murray the type of player that he is on the maps why I thought that like

We I thought we pretty much like ball dominant guards no thank you like that’s just not something that you have the space for right this he’s also 65 that’s type count it um no it’s just like look man I thought that that was an understanding is that the guard room is

Like at least at the high end right like the the high end of your guard rotation that that is where we get into like the basketball truism there’s only there’s only one basketball like there’s we can’t make this go with all of these various people and I just I don’t know

That I like that as an addition at all it’s not working with Trey young so would would it work with Luca I don’t I don’t see that I mean Luka is better than Trey young we do know this definitely but like the like the Styles

Like to have the ball a lot in their hand you know like he also made an all defensive team in 2018 and his defense has really fallen off since then it just really it really has not been the same level and so you’re not going to get

That I I don’t think think that all Defense level player on the maps maybe he goes to a different location and all of a sudden it’s you know change of scenery and he’s he’s much better could be but to me the cost wouldn’t be worth

What he would bring to the team as far as far as I’m as far as I’m concerned yeah I mean you would be limiting his son in that way you I don’t think he could reach the heights that you would even be able to want him to reach in

This context herb Jones according to Matt Moore the Pelicans are thought to be open to moving herb Jones they’re high on Jones but it’ll be difficult for teams to pay their for the team to pay their star they’ve got Zion Ingram CJ McCollum they’re going to have to pay Trey Murphy

The third they’re have to pay herb Jones 2 and it’s just did also just feels like it doesn’t fit sometimes but herb Jones is amazing and this is the one player of all these players that we’ve mentioned so far that I would look at and say what’s the price pay it because this

Would be an investment in your future herb Jones is the exact type of player the Mavericks need where it’s the how can we up update or upgrade the Derrick Jones Jr spot how about put an all a literal all defensive player in that spot he’s 25 he’s 68 he’s an amazing

Defender you’ve seen it four times this year if you’ve watched Maverick all the Mavericks games like this is one where you’d go all right I’m going into the tank and I I’ll I’ll pay anything basically because he is he is somebody that would give the Mavericks something

That they really need and that’s Elite Wing defense and you would never have to hear Jason kid mention his name when it comes to effort crazy good effort dude right like all all those things like he is the perfect up you mentioned he’s young mentioned these shoots also like

Not context context dependent on his game right he is an isolation Defender right he is a who is your best player we will put him on him they do that so bad so badly sign me like the name popped up and I was like sign me up immediately

And so yeah I’m I’m in the same place as you herb Jones would be fantastic get if you could get him if they’re asking two first for like kozma and dejonte Murray wouldn’t that be like the same price for herb Jones but I but maybe like less

Could they get him for a first and and like the first in Josh Green package the first and maybe omx pack would you do first in omx and let’s do first omx and Hardy give we’ll give him a guard too I’m leaning towards yes because I mean like isn’t theide

Guarantee not the guarantee for you no no no I’ll I’ll take the guarantee I’m with you like I’ll I’ll take the I’ll take the guarantee because I’m like the idea is like hey this draft like omx could even turn into herb Jones right like that’s the basically what you’re

Doing right yeah maybe he’ll even be her Jones you got him right like put that in it even be a boat right EXA there you go and so like I think the the situation is also I think I imagine that that makes Luca smile right like we were pushing

The window a little bit closer to opening and I think that’s that’s somewhat what I think the mass fans and I I if I if it if I do understand correctly it does seem like that’s also what the organization is trying to do hey let’s get let’s get to that

Contention as soon as possible that’s a contending player 100% can get to it as soon as possible but also we’ve we’ve invested now in a lively and in omx and in a Josh green and in a Hardy and like we’re still they’re still trying to be

Young and like like walking chew gum at the same time being like get to a get to a title but also have some stuff in the future to look to right like fair enough trying to straddle that line herb Jones would be straddling that line for sure

That’s one I would just go all after uh last one is Bruce Brown there’s a uh this is a strong belief already bubbling League wide the Raptors will move newly acquired Bruce Brown before the buzzer sounds Toronto can’t aggregate his contract with any other players in a

Follow-up trades would have to be just him I listened to Zack low and he mentioned that he thinks that Bruce Brown could be had for a first would Bruce Brown be somebody you would want for a first round pick I don’t think so like even though I I like Bruce Brown as

A player um I an undersized an undersized guy that gives you kind of like some power forward stuff close to 65 close right he squint and maybe he’s the type right put in the right shoes in the right Lighting in the right lighting he’s six yeah I I just look and

Championship player like like he’s a culture guy I just don’t know that I don’t know what it’s going to be what’s going to make it worth my while um that you’re sending out for that deal to be worthwhile plus isn’t it basically like a one inone that he’s on yeah it it is

Kind of a strange deal he’s got he’s 22 million this year 23 million team option next year right and so like I don’t I don’t even love the contract for what you’re doing there either I don’t know I I don’t I wouldn’t understand exactly what the end goal was with trying to get

Him his profile picture on basketball reference is him with this goofy smile with this just like like Thin Mustache that was the day after he signed that one in one he was like we got it we did it baby we cash I don’t need any of the

Other facial hair but I need this one line I need this pencil I need this pencil looks like it’s drawn on with a a mascara crayon or whatever colored pencil or whatever there you go yeah that this one is interesting to me he would definitely he definitely fit I

Feel like the Mavericks have needed a player like this I’ve wanted Josh Green to fill into this role where he can handle the ball a little bit where if Luca’s out Kyrie’s out he can handle the ball a little uh be that that secondary Creator when one of those guys is off

The floor he doesn’t shoot the ball particularly well even when he played on Denver that one year it was about 36% from three and that’s playing with joic but he does a lot of stuff that a championship team needs so yeah I look that is fair and you put it in that

Perspective all right cool I just I I also wonder like what is what is the ask in that instance do you have any any general idea what might well Zack low was saying it could be just like a first because it is a weird like one-year contract then you’ve got to figure out

What’s to do with him he’s also not as young as you think he’s he’s 27 he’ll be 28 in August so by next year I mean for a team that don’t really got first uh out the Wazoo here that’s right you know I mean would you like the the big

Question that they’re asking I probably should have done this at the beginning the big question the maps are asking is is an incremental move forward right now good enough and then make another increment Al move next like this off season when we have three first we’ll have three first round picks depending

On how many they like if they give up the one this year so I think they have to so my whole thing is I think they have to make a move that addresses the present and the future isn’t that great isn’t that a great place to be where you

Got you got to do both we got to answer all the questions a little bit right now that’s right and they’ve got to be bigger and they can’t be six5 because it just I we just can’t go go listen to re Reggie atula on the van this week turn

It on leave it on unless you’re listening to lockdown Mavs that’s right and so go check them out there guys thanks for for listening to lockdown Mavs peace out Boom

Dallas Mavericks Trade Rumors: The Mavs are connected to several players that could help Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving. Could Kyle Kuzma, Daniel Gafford, Miles Bridges, Quentin Grimes, AJ Griffin, Dejounte Murray, Herb Jones, or Bruce Brown be the answer?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Reggie Adetula @1053TheFan discuss all the Mavs Trade Rumors around the Dallas Mavericks and ask if
Kyle Kuzma, Daniel Gafford, Herb Jones, or others could be the answer? Do the Mavs have enough for Kuzma & Gafford? Why are the Mavs interested in Miles Bridges? Do the Mavs have a type? Is Herb Jones the perfect answer for Dallas?

0:00 Kyle Kuzma & Daniel Gafford?
11:25 Should Dallas Consider Miles Bridges?
18:35 Quinten Grimes, AJ Griffin & the Mavs Type?
25:35 DeJounte Murray the Answer?
27:20 HERB JONES & Bruce Brown?

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  1. I've said that since Luka rookie season we should actually consider moving him to SF….

    Just think about it?

    We traded DS,let JB Go, traded for uncle Drew….

    But still play way too slow with luka controlling to ball 90% of the time.
    He is a natural forward compared to traditional positions, he's unstoppable in mid range,off ball would keep his turnover low and allow other players to actually develop.

    Also Uncle could be starting pg whynot?We also have plenty SG possibilities….I just don't understand why this hasn't happened yet…but I know it will once luka gets mature, also just go look at film on Dirk….gezzzz!

  2. Try and get Kuz in a 3 team trade were by sending 2 2nds and THJ is sent to a Contender or Pretender for a protected 1st.
    If he doesn't work out, Package his great contract and upgrade next year.

  3. Mavs don't got anything to offer don't worry about getting bridges Mavs got thrash to offer . Tim hardaway ain't getting you nothing

  4. Miles bridges at the 4 and DL2 at 5 is a finals appearance at least. Dude is hungry and remorseful. Everyone deserve a second chance. If Karl Malone can be in the HOF, Miles bridges can get a second chance at a career.

  5. Bruh we should not get another 6’5 scorer! Miles bridges and a big defender who can hit corner 3s, or capella and a long defender who can shoot

  6. Herb jones would be us finally replacing, AND upgrading our loss of doe. Doe was our “guard their best player” player which is why we’re all open to him returning, FOR THE RIGHT PRICE, because know doe THEN wasn’t enough. He’s gotten better since then with driving to the basket and passing, but idk if doe is the answer. I believe herb would finally give us that player to loc up your best player, handle the ball, pass and can catch and shoot a degree. If we could give up all our draft pics and minimal players for a combo similar to herb jones and gafford /capella type of deal then I’d say F the pics and go all in

  7. Gafford would be a perfect backup big but considering where we are and the assets we have I think it’s better to focus on upgrading the starters first. If we can get him without giving up the first rounder then maybe

  8. Kinda ironic you had similar sentiments about Kyrie… as far as you know not knowing his journey, intent or healing process and anticipating some crash course collision with him as a Maverick (which you’ve been wrong about)… Bridges missed a year. I’d imagine the NBA had him do some type of therapy and rehabilitation if he’s in the NBA again… so maybe just not pass judgement on non basketball things going forward? It comes off dense when you also admit to not know the people you’re seemingly criticizing.

  9. Keep omax's name out of your mouth. We'll trade THJ and some picks, but Omax isnt going anywhere. If we're not winning it this year then omax could develop to exactly who we need for next year. Stop trying to flush him down the toilet like a cheap turd for an older guy who will be at their prime for like 1 or 2 more years.

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