@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz lose in overtime to Houston Rockets: Post Game Show

Utah Jazz lose in overtime to Houston Rockets: Post Game Show

Tough loss for the Utah Jazz in overtime also the Packers loss double the loss double the pain let’s go over it a little bit it’s the Hoops nerd Show all right guys before we get into this make sure you go to prize picks use promo code Hoops ner they will match up to $100 if you use that promo code and if you’re new to prize picks it’s free money go do it it’s a lot of fun right

Now if you’re betting the over on Colin seon you’re winning every time uh you know what there’s a lot of reason there’s a lot of things I and I might do a video on prize picks and some things I’ve learned things to look for to help

You win the game but anyways it’s a lot of fun go check it out and it supports the channel I would appreciate it all right let’s talk about this Jazz team this might not be as long one although famous last words right man if only the Packers kicker

Could kick a freaking field goal the Packers would be going on my gosh leave him in San Francisco the bum absolute bum all right so the Jazz lose to the Houston Rockets and there’s a few things that jazz fans are going to talk about one of them is that cam Whitmore had a

Pretty decent night shooting the three 17 points although he’s six for 13 from the field you know what solid night from cam Whitmore he’s the guy a lot of jazz fans really wanted um he’s kind of been at this season just been like a catch sorry a catch and shoot three-point shooter and

You know what he’s played pretty well in what I’ve seen I haven’t watched a lot of him this year uh alen Thompson made the play of the night with that blocked shot on uh Colin seon the at the end of the game he had eight rebounds uh four

Of them let’s see eight rebounds two assists two two Steals and just a massive block shot uh let’s see two block shots he’s awesome I mean the thing with the Thompson Twins is just the shooting if they can figure out the shooting then there is you know

No limit to what they can become but it does require the shooting to kind of come around so uh we’ll see if they ever really figure it out my guess is they will become pretty good Shooters and then all of a sudden they become quite the players the player everyone really

Likes uh at least in the blogosphere alperin shenon he had a you know Big Time stat night 37 points 14 rebounds I mean that’s huge I honestly Walker Kessler should be a little embarrassed by this I mean Kessler had a pretty decent night at times but man to get

Pushed around like that is pretty embarrassing uh shang’s good but like you know you can score on him inside at will and uh the Jazz did that was why this game went to OT because this guy is a absolute traffic cone um but you know

For the Jazz to allow him to shoot 37 to score 37 points 14 rebounds I mean Kessler’s got to be better he just has to be I mean shanon’s a good you know post player it’s what he is he’s good at that and you know for them to not be

Able to slow that down is pretty disappointing uh Jaylen green is not good I I don’t know he’s one of those guys that I’ve thought about I just don’t think he’s very good three for 12 from the field over for six from three I mean honestly anytime you can just let

Him do something it’s good for the Jazz uh key himself $ar thank you my friend I appreciate it that OKC loss is having a domino effect it might it might uh that uh I was a little worried about that as well because you just wonder you

Know can this Jazz team you know recover from that and you would hope so but they certainly came into this one bad and let’s just get into it uh this was was pathetic first quarter and really first half especially from the bench unit in this game it was bad uh just terrible I

Mean the starting unit you know look at these plus minuses especially seon and Dunn Dunn honestly took this game over he was incredible uh but this bench unit they played so soft and you know Keon George got benched I mean he had that little inner altercation with Aaron holiday who

By the way is a loser that guy is a bum I mean that guy’s been on every team he’s an end of the bench guy you know I I you know what’s disappointing is you know Keon has that little run in Walker Kessler just kind of watches it you know

Just nonchalant walking I need Kessler to be tougher I just do because we saw it tonight I mean he plays 32 minutes tonight 10 rebounds and I’m sure everyone will talk about the advanced metrics and all this stuff he’s got to get in the weight room and get stronger

Cuz he got Absol absolutely bullied in the post multiple times yes he had some great block shots and there were some moments where he was awesome five block shots is great but Al alperin shenon was his cover and he scored 37 points in the post right that’s just not

Good enough and some of that’s on John Collins but it’s that’s you know one thing Kessler needs to develop is just more toughness and he needs to get stronger like he needs to get in the weight room he doesn’t need more weight he just needs more strength just core strength

Leg strength get some squats in man and do stop getting bullied stop getting bullied you know we saw this against the Lakers it was the same kind of thing like you’re getting this is a young Rockets team and you’re getting bullied by them come on you know I that’s why I

Appreciate so much Colin seon and Chris Dunn in their mentality to not get bullied like that but man Kesler just did uh it was you know he had it’s it’s like a it’s like a Bittersweet cuz he had some good moments he had some good

Things he also uh he also was three for I don’t know It’s just tough I don’t know exactly what to say about it other than he’s got to get better and he is Young it’s is only his second season so you got to give him some time to develop

But man I there was some frustrations for me because you know shanon’s a good player he should not be dropping 37 on you he is not that type of guy what’s that mean you’re not that guy pal you’re not that guy you know I just I just watching shenon I’m just not that

Impressed if you have a strong inside presence you’re going to slow that guy down he’s just you know and so for Kessler to just get bullied like that is just like uh not my favorite you know and I know he did a good job overall but man we

Needed a great job and it wasn’t uh let’s see Simone fono played some good defense you know he had a play at the end though where shenon out hustled him for a rebound and it changed the game the Jazz win the game if Simone pick up pick gets that last ball and

Those are the types of plays that win you games that said Shen uh Simone had a nice night just stat-wise seven rebounds three assists uh he does play great defense he hit his goal two threes so that three Ball’s starting to look a little better uh Lowry marinan you know

This game was really tight and obviously tight they go to overtime marinin went three for 11 from three tonight and he had three or four open threes like good open threes and misses them you know and that’s honestly that’s the game when it’s down to just points and the refs

Were bad tonight by the way the the absolute audacity they have to call the game like they do for shenon is crazy it’s actually a joke like the the 10 free throw that shenon fouls on every rebound it’s Bonkers and for them to give him the whistle they did is a joke

So on a night like that when you’ve got corrupt officials who have money on the game you’ve got to hit your open threes three for 11 from three are you kidding come on Markin and like he is the best player on the team but it’s games like

This where he has to step up and if you’re not going to hit the three you got to drive and dunk it then but three for 11 from three 27% from the Jazz’s best player you know sometimes your best player just doesn’t hit the shots and

That’s part of why they they didn’t win the game uh what would be the price for Kessler in a trade that’s a good question I mean I’m not saying they should trade Kessler thank you Jake Preston $2 is super super uh um uh generous of you thank you so much Jake

I’m not saying we should trade Kesler I just there’s some things that I just want to see some toughness you know like can we see some some git and some fire a little bit you know I mean I love the personality he’s a lot of fun he’s funny

And all that stuff and he’s great and I love having him on the team just there’s times where you’re just like man can you stop getting pushed backwards and doing that fall backwards thing into the the stands can you hold your ground you know it drives you crazy

Sometimes it’s just like come on dude you know and and pay attention like there was one where like Kesler was in that middle part of the zone or I don’t know if it was Mana man or what but he’s sitting right there in like that middle

Zone area on defense and I think it was fonio was guarding uh shenon after shenon out hustled fono for the rebound shenon then just turns and goes to the basket and Kessler’s like late to the contest and it’s just like what are you doing there were so many plays like that

Tonight where it’s just like wake up this is why you’re coming off the bench to be honest you have to to be better than that because there are some things that are nice with Kessler with spreading the floor but he or not with spreading the floor with the pick and

Roll but he doesn’t spread the Flor like John Collins you know and so there’s some frustration I mean not frustration but there’s some limitations there that hurt the the Jazz offense you know so when when he’s on the floor he’s got to maximize on his strengths and at times

He did tonight and at times I mean shenon 37 points it’s just man I’m not that impressed by shenon like he’s nice he’s he’s a good player but he’s not like this dominant player and he’s a traffic cone on on defense I mean he is terrible terrible defensively and so

That’s part of why the Jazz were able to score is just go after shenon but man if they could just get a better game from Kesler they probably win this pretty easily uh John Collins wasn’t much better 0 for four from three if he could have made literally one of these it

Would have changed the game uh six rebounds um you know tough stuff 20 just 20 minutes for John Collins and he did get benched in the second half which was interesting Kessler starts the second half I don’t know if that changes anything for the future but that was an interesting adjustment compared to

Before kind of a tough night I mean I have to say the Jazz don’t uh win this game if it’s not for Colin and you know Chris Dunn but when you come back and you look at the numbers it’s 11 for 27 you know 27 shots for 28

Points that’s pretty tough uh two for seven from three with five assists so you know all this set and now you know you’ve got to give a little credit because in a lot of ways seon was like the main option tonight but you know this is not the

Normal efficiency we’ve been seeing this winning streak from from seon and it’s why honestly I wouldn’t feel too bad about this l Lo marinin shooting 3 for 11 from three is kind of an anomaly ston shooting 11 for 2 uh s from the field kind of an anomaly because we know how

Efficient he can be uh tough night for the Jazz just you know they really just lose this game from missing shots I you know when you look at these numbers it really is just a game where the shots weren’t quite falling I mean some of these were

Blocked seon missed like the last two or three shots at the end of the game and then you know Jordan Clarkson misses that last shot as well just brutal uh so tough stuff but uh it’s actually this is actually probably a pretty good sign that they can do better I mean unless

The shots just start stop falling uh but I think that we’re going to see them just play better and probably win their next game I don’t even know who it’s against Chris Dunn was incredible in this game and honestly the only thing I would say is that he probably should

Have played more he plays 26 minutes in this game sorry guys uh seven assists eight rebounds 10 points um he was phenomenal and absolutely took over this game at one point I also love the toughness and Leadership because no one else was really sticking up to this Rockets team

And I loved the little Al altercation with Jabari Smith and him just getting in his face I mean Chris Dunn is tough stuff and I just really hope the Jazz don’t trade Chris Dunn because he brings that toughness and Leadership that mentality that they need that you know young guys like Kesler and

I I actually think keontay George has some of that toughness I mean there’s some weird stuff we got to talk about it going on with the bench uh but Chris Dunn was awesome tonight and you definitely just are glad he’s on the Jazz because of what he brings um we’ve talked about Walker

Kessler he’s two for four he was three for six from the free throw line he had he starts the second half and plays pretty decently uh you know we’ve already kind of hashed it out you know he had moments tonight where he made some some awesome plays awesome rebounds

And then he has moments where he’s just getting bullied and you’re just like man I mean he he’s five blocks in this one but you know did he foul out uh yeah he did actually I didn’t even realize uh but 10 rebounds three assists five blocks he was pretty good but he’s got

To get in that weight room this summer and he’s got to figure out how to get his toughness and some swag back that he had last year just has to um Jordan Clarkson had a nice night I mean I know he missed that last shot but

You look at the numbers 12 for 25 the Jazz aren’t in this game without him 4 for 10 from three 25 shots for 33 points pretty good uh four assists as well the Jazz don’t have an elite playmaker outside of Keon George and Keon got pulled and just didn’t play the second

Half but uh Jordan Clarkson played great um Keon George we saw the play with Aaron Aaron uh holiday and you know I think he’s hit hitting a rookie wall right now pretty hard like 100 mph hitting a rookie wall and I think this is really it now there’s some

Things going on Kelly oin was absolutely terrible tonight I honestly he was so bad and his effort level was so pathetic tonight I was over it you know he was doing 15 minutes of cardio tonight there’s a reason he only played 15 minutes he was awful and I don’t know if

He’s seeing the trade rumors and whatnot maybe it’s my fault because I write about him on SLC dunk you know but just terrible effort and there is a just weird dynamic on this bench youit with Jordan Clarkson Kean George and Kelly o lenck it’s just weird uh keante

Has like it feels like keante George has been neutered like he just does not he just doesn’t feel comfortable playing his game and I feel like it’s because Jordan Clarkson and Kelly Ock are on the floor floor to be honest uh Kelly o uh the Jazz need to trade him and I would

Look at trading Jordan Clarkson as well just I like the guy a lot he played really well tonight he’s not a good defensive player and I don’t feel like the ball moves quite as freely I mean when we had Jordan Clarkson not playing we saw some really impressive stuff from

Keontay George and I just I just do think that you know February 88th is trade deadline and the Jazz have to move those two they kind if you know tonight was just so obvious that Taylor Hendricks needs to get on the floor he’s just going to bring more than what Kelly oen bringing

I mean the effort tonight I can’t tell you he was just getting I mean he wasn’t boxing out he was just watching and so he gets like three rebounds because they fall into his lap but you know and because he’s seven foot and he’s near the basket but man the effort level was

Bad tonight and I think the Jazz just need to get that trade done you know there’s rumors right now you can go read about it C dunk I didn’t get to making a video so I apologize but the Knicks are interested in Jordan Clarkson uh the Jazz are interested in Quinton Grimes on

The Knicks so maybe that’s some sort of trade that happens but man I just I can’t deal with the the kolenic you know I don’t know it’s just you know I like kinic there’s a lot of times I love watching him play and he does so many

Nice things right now it’s not great and he has an expiring contract the Jazz are trying to move him I think he knows that and so that might be so and then yeah so we’ll see keontay George will get better we’ve got to allow keontay George

To be a rookie it is hard to be a rookie in the NBA especially rookie point guard and having to figure all these things out and learn all these things on the Fly learning new offenses being guarded by NBA athletes is hard and he’s hitting a rookie wall and that’s fine that’s

What rookies do you know I want Taylor Hendricks to get in because I want Taylor Hendrick to hit his rookie wall Taylor Hendricks has had the softest Landing ever because he’s on the stars and he gets to come in and just kind of have gotten 32 minutes a night all

Season with the Stars and then he’ll come in and play you know these I want to give these Kyolic 15 minutes to Hendrick because he can shoot the ball and guess what it’s going to be better defense and better rebounding yeah Kelly oin kind of is a playmaker but I think

Once once we unleash keontay George and he gets that vote of confidence finally then I he I would not be surprised if he just has quite the jump after trade deadline and that’s really what it comes down to I just think you know Jordan Clarkson it’s not that he’s not a good

Player because he is and the Knicks are probably going to give the Jazz a first and Quinton Grimes for Jordan Clarkson and you know and the Jazz will take on fornier and just you know he’ll his contract will fall off uh but you have to just kind of invest in these young

Guys I think tonight was a good example this Jazz team is good they’re not there yet they’re not yet there yet and there’s a lot of people you know there’s a rumor out there that uh herb Jones is getable if someone wants him and I wouldn’t mind getting that because you

Can always use those defensive wings like him uh and I actually think that’ be a mistake by the Pelicans and so you know he’d be a great counterpart to Lowry and and whatnot but oh man guys I’m really sorry I not tonight’s the bad night but uh konay

George has to be he has to get that vote of confidence and a vot and a move like that could absolutely rejuvenate him and also it would be a vote of confidence in Taylor Hendricks and those two getting minutes would be fun to watch and I

Don’t think the Jazz would lose any more games than they are right now I mean Jordan Clarkson had a nice night tonight but we have seen in the past where Clarkson will go on these major hot streaks and then he’ll go on these major cold spells and cost the Jazz games and

So we’ll see what happens but I just think uh the future is Keon George and Taylor Hendricks and you’ve got to develop them and and that’s what you got to do oai baji had an some nice defensive moments tonight he’s only getting 13 minutes but you know what

There are times where he just shows that athleticism and it’s fun to watch at some point the Jazz are going to have to consolidate um they still run this 10-man rotation and it is working but this is now two two losses in a row really

Bad okay let’s see I wanted to see where the Jazz stand so now the Jazz stand at 22 and 22 just a half game up on the Lakers uh the Utah Jazz let’s see schedule the next game the Jazz play it looks like it’s the Pelicans uh is that on Tuesday yes

Sunday oh we get like two days off that’s kind of nice so the Jazz play the Pelicans and the Wizards and the Hornets it is really frustrating they win tonight because this was a very they should have won this game tonight to be honest there were so many reasons why

They should have won and didn’t so it’s a frustrating loss and just a bummer I mean you just you can’t get these back and so the Jazz needed it especially if they’re going to make some trades to let the young guys play you know they’re going to struggle a little bit and you

Need these wins um but anyways the J should pick up someone’s and the Pelicans are playing well right now so that’s no gimme you know Utah can’t go into that one and play sluggish like they did in the first half in this one either uh Wizards Hornets Nets Nicks uh

Sixers so it’s pretty tough road trip but all of those games are winnable I Sixers it just depends on if embiid is playing embiid is just a monster all right guys that’s all I got tonight I a little uh you know the Packers lost the Jazz lost just a bummer

Of a night but uh still was fun still fun all right let’s see let’s give a shout out to our Allstar tonight thank you guys for supporting the channel I appreciate it very Much let’s see let’s give a shout out to dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel just buckets JB baby Elliot mats and Christian house money to hos Jess The Outlaw Jesse James Nelson all the Josh you need just Josh in your pod Ryan Perry the legend is cly

Rbe the man from Down Under yes C can see later built Ford tough Alexander Tsig Jordan the go best R tgd total game domination Tyson price The Price is Right Austin our gr editor extraordinaire KO to omay abaji Patrick goball the kosur and Robert Hall of Fame guys if you haven’t already like And subscribe to the channel and if you would like to support the channel just

Hit join I would appreciate it it supports the channel and it gets you part of the Super Chat you get also the Emoji I need to make some more emojis some more new some new ones all right guys I will talk to you next time

The Houston Rockets beat the Utah Jazz in overtime, it was not a great game from the Jazz who came out sluggish and weren’t ready to take on the physicality of the Rockets. Thank goodness to Kris Dunn who showed how to be tough and helped the Jazz get back in it.

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  1. People laughed at me when I said the OKC game was a MUST WIN to save the Jazz season. Welp, I told ya so. That OKC loss might snowball into us losing 8 out of the next 10

  2. Hoops Nerd.. love the content. Would you consider doing a weekly pod that could be a combination of an NBA week in review, answering viewers questions and as a possible incentive, having one or two of the channels All stars on to give their take?

  3. collins had better defensive game than Kessler. he could play more this game, or put Yurt on the floor. we start to play like any other team, relying too much on 5 main guys. depth is supposed to be our strength. if you play sexton & Markkanen for 40 minutes, you must see efficiency to go south

  4. It’s obvious that the only reason you want to trade JC is to get kyonte minutes. 50 40 100 with 12 rebounds off the bench.

  5. I don’t care what anyone says sexton is a problem 27 freaking shots for 28 points idc that’s bs basketball not at all how we play and win

    He’s been great the last 20 games or so but tonight Colin sexton from Cleveland showed up high scoring with no W

    Wtf is Lauri only shooting it 4 times in 4th/OT 😡

    Btw Jordan was great tonight

  6. It’s time for some Taylor Hendrix I mean wtf are we really playing for this year

    I would love the pick to convey but other than that I want to see what we got with these young rooks it’s time

  7. As a Houston native living in Utah, I never watch jazz games and didn’t know you had to buy jazz+ in order to watch. Oh well, it was worth the $15 to see my rockets win.

  8. Walker would be served big time putting on the muscle. With is skillset and IQ, he'd play a lot better if he were stronger both physically and mentally. If he doesn't, he's a very good backup center. If he does, he's a potential all star.

  9. When the Jazz share the ball and get everyone involved, they win (and they are super fun to watch).
    When the Jazz play too much ISO, they lose. It ain't Rockets science. 🤣

  10. I agree Kessler needs to stop having that "I'm just happy to be here" attitude. He needs more toughness to take the next step. However, he did well this game (besides free throw shooting) and it's silly not to recognize it. Sengun is just really good (MIP candidate, IMO) and had a great game. Give him credit! Also, Sengun got a good whistle…

  11. Unfortunately the difference between a guy like a Kessler and guys like Kris Dunn and sexton is that Kessler entire life he was always THE tallest guy and never had to really FIGHT everything just always came naturally with being super super tall, now he’s in the nba being a 7 footer isn’t special anymore… guys like kris dunn and sexton have been fighting for their spots since they picked up a basketball for the first time. That’s the difference between Kessler and Kris Dunn and sexton.

  12. Both Sexton and Clarkson had way too many dumb decisions with the ball. In several games. And somehow die hard fans are blind to see. Lauri should be our go to guy specially at 4th q.

  13. You are right about Green but you are wrong about Sengun's defense – he's just not a leaper, his footwork is amazing. Kessler is really good but Sengun beat him with his feet and hustle – Senjun is that good.

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