@Chicago Bulls

Can The Chicago Bulls Finally Get Above .500?

Can The Chicago Bulls Finally Get Above .500?

You found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls in today’s episode me and Pat the designer are going to talk about the Bulls being two games below 500 can they get above 500 for the first time since November 2020 we’re also going to talk about Billy Donovan challenging Patrick Williams yet again

And next week’s schedule which is ahead of this Cog bulls or this week’s schedule I should say we’re going to get into all that and more on today’s locked on bulls you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast Network your Team every Day thank you for tuning in to locked on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at e ESP p1000 I’m hay social creator of

Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s loock onba to post your job

For free terms and conditions do apply Pat the Bulls man two games below 500 well first off Bear Down apparently like if you’re watching on the YouTube like we’ve been recording a lot of bears stuff if you can’t tell fgb and the Packers lost yesterday so it’s about

Time it’s on BR and he threw a crossbody dog going to right cross body pass this isn’t Detroit man this is the Super Bowl I felt good anyway go ahead no but uh the Bulls right now two games below 500 we have not been at 500 or above since

November 2020 shout out to Stacy King stat on that uh it’s very gross it’s very gross uh how do you feel about the Bulls being this close to 00 and oh you didn’t watch it because you were at the game did you see they stole your comparison Stacey King literally

Referred to the Bulls as CIS fist trying to get to 500 they literally re they’re watching you bro literally a whole segment after a commercial they talked about Copus and and and uh Stacy King had to explain what Copus was and everything I’m like they’ve been listening to us bro because it’s crazy

Listen first off I love Stacy I love that he’s taking because I’m not one of those people that’s like oh you took it from me give me credit like shut up like first off everything that you end up hearing is something you’ve learned so

You can now take it to do with what you will absolutely but hey St just a little like come on DG like just just shout me out just say little a little bit right just a little bit just a little just be like I heard on locked on bulls or I heard on

The Indy City Bree that’s all I’m looking for we still trying to grow out here baby we still trying to grow no I love it I love Stacy uh there’s some slogans out there that that seem like they may have came from uh Stefan the DI

R goj i mean a little turn on to AC but no honestly um I think it’s a great thing to take to the broadcast because it’s just true every time we’ve gotten close we have gone the other way and we’ve gone the other way drastically right remember last season where there

Were games where it was like all right Bulls we finally going to get above 500 we’re finally going to make our way all right here we go and then we going like a three- game losing streak vers three teams that we were never supposed to be losing

Against and so I I I feel that the the sophist uh um comparison is so appropo for the Chicago Bulls because it’s it’s just been an uphill battle the entire time and a lot of times it’s very very self-inflicted is the bulls not doing things that we’ve seen them do that

We’ve seen them do well and they just don’t do it on a consistent basis I think what’s interesting is in last night’s game versus uh the the Memphis Grizzlies as we started to get closer we saw that Bulls team that was going to do the simple things well was going to

Defensively attack well was going to uh move the ball continuously I I saw I mean listen it was it was a dominant performance last night firstus of I mean listen I literally said we’re gonna win by a lot because I was watching one of the dudes that they brought up basically

To replace the young guys uh due the pregame shooter missed every shot and when I tell you every single missed every single jump shot practice he took I was like he’s in the NBA right now that tells me we’re going to destroy this team tonight and we did so we have

To just continue to do uh uh the things that are come simple to us defense ball movement uh um using V early Ian I mean like I thought that that was a really good thing that the Bulls did as well um and Ju Just maintaining that same mentality of it doesn’t matter where

We’re at or where we started at if we keep at the pace that we’re going at we can end up a lot above 500 remember this bull schedule is nothing to be like oh my God how are they ever going to win you know what it was like remember last year how

Every game where it felt like you’d get a couple of games where you played against like really good teams and then You’ beat a bad team and you’d be like well of course we beat them like I’m glad that we finally did it this year it

Feels kind of the opposite every time we get two every time we play a good team there’s two or three teams after that where I’m like we should win the next couple of games and maybe that’s like a losers mentality with it but I feel like that’s giving this young team some

Confidence to go out there and say we just came off a two-game win streak let’s make it three versus now the Phoenix Suns even though we’re not on are we on two game win stre right now yeah so just just getting that confidence now your next game vers

Phoenix let’s keep it going let’s get one game closer yeah the Bulls six and four in their last 10 uh one two games in a row but this is usually where things start getting either the Bulls go in a Four game winning streak or they’re

Going to lose two in a row that’s just usually how it goes right we got PTSD but I will say this if the Bulls come in here against Phoenix and they play with a solid game plan and set the tone defensively and rebounding that’s always

Where the Bulls are the best at if they have big rebounding kns and they defend really well everything else kind of comes together for them they get out in transition they get easy buckets they get easy buckets which then builds a confidence and the whole team’s rocking the confidence and then you’re getting

On a roll right so that’s what the Bulls need to do we’ll talk about the coming up ahead but I just and and the thing is is and I said this over on Chicago Bull Central getting to 500 is great and and don’t get me wrong it’s great but it’s

What comes next after that it’s the bigger question we really need to ask because you get the 500 cool but then what do you do to stay at 500 what comes after getting to 500 and I get it as a fan base and as fans of this team we

Want to be a team above 500 because it’s been so long but don’t look we can’t get to 500 and then it just stopped there that’s it well I think that’s the question you got ask right are we setting the standard for this team too low based on where we’re at in years

Right now right I understand if we if we trade Zack LaVine and we trade DeMar rosen then fine 500 you’re going through some some change here little bit of difference I can almost deal with that right like okay 500 season there was a lot of change that happened boom but if

We’re talking about pretty much running it back with the same team overall right it’s 500 too low because we’re not even at 500 right now but it feels like a lot of bulls fans are in a good m space right now because the team has done all

Of this winning they’ve gone I mean they’re they’re now six and2 over from the uh time Zack LaVine returned to now one game without Zack LaVine you just beat another team in Memphis that we can say we want about Memphis they’ve been beat up pretty bad right but Memphis has

Been competing even while they’ve been beat up it’s not like they showed up here and it was the first game where it was like oh this team has been devastated they I I believe they beat the the Dallas Mavericks uh um while the team was down I think they beat Utah as

As well so like they’ve got some wins under their belt this wasn’t a gimi it game and so right like can you kind of keep are we setting the bar too low for this team just because of who we’re playing I mean don’t get me wrong I

Think we’re set the bar is set and I think that’s a great question the bar is set low to a degree but it’s been set low because of the expectations around the every time you set higher expectations the team fails but I think now as the team is playing better right

When you look at it like we were even five and seven with Zack LaVine so it’s not like we we were winning before we lost after and then we’re back trying to get back to winning this team throughout the the month of December and heading into January has won way more games than

What they’ve lost but we do you you do have to start increasing those expectations because if we’re just beating Bottom Feeders yeah we can make it to playing in that but what have we really gotten out of it right you want to beat the better teams in the league

And I think that’s that’s why you know a lot of bulls fans or people who are bulls fans that watch when we’re winning right don’t have a belief in this team because a lot of us are excited right now about the how how this Bulls team

Has played I think that they are playing better I think they’re moving in the right direction but let’s be real we’re we’re we’re trying to get back to 500 yeah we’re close to getting back to 500 we’re not there yet so like you I think

Now this is a and I I love that we’re going into this next topic about Billy Donovan Challenge and P will because this is a pivotal point in your season before the allstar break right it yeah winning now cool you go you wi if the Bulls finish and we said this if they

Can finish at or near 500 heading into the allstar break when you get to the other side of that Allstar break you have a real opportunity to move up to standings if you can continue to win but are we going to see changes yeah that’s and those changes may be coming we’ll

Talk about Billy Donovan in his challenge he laid out for Patrick Williams which in that game he still he he kind of answered those challenges we’ll talk a little bit about that but before we get into that I got to talk to you guys about one of our sponsors and

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Yeah I’m saying I’m saying yeah because Nick on had read before when we did lock NBA was like that’s how I found Pat and I was like all right first of all tell him to stop taking credit for I found Pat what are we talking about now I got a bone to

Pick with with Nick I brought Pat to you Nick what are we talking about I was like yeah I remember that what are we a see now now Nick’s about to get a strongly worded no anyway bastic side eye on that one now P so Billy Donovan talked about

How P will wasn’t attacking the Closeouts as well as he would have liked in the first half of that game against the Memphis Grizzlies I think in the first half Patrick Williams went like one of six one of seven something like that and he he challenged him to be more

Aggressive in the second half of the game now Patrick Williams does end up finishing out that game with uh 15 points and the question here right and we’ll talk about the challenge itself that’s all great we can talk about that but something that me and you constantly

Talk about why do we keep having to challenge somebody in the in their fif fourth year in the NBA listen um you guys know how I feel about PW I like he two or by the way in the first half so I just wanted he he was two for

Four in the second half I mean like solid solid role player um two for three from the three-point line by the way both of those shots came from the three-point line listen he’s he’s solid yeah I like what he brings defensively but Lance Briggs always says this to me

On the Chicago Bears podcast I shouldn’t have to get you excited for your dream job and I think about like us doing the podcast and stuff like nobody sits there and shakes us and wakes us up and goes hey boys I need you to go out here and

Do an episode I need you to go out here and be exciting on this episode I need you to give it like we just love to do this and so the fact that and and maybe it’s a I think it’s tough for me with P will because in the NBA is so incredibly

Different it is basically you have to kind of get in where you fit in and with Zack LaVine coming back with Zach taking more shots Demar being a part of it a lot more right Kobe kind of taking a little bit more of a backseat Vu coming back into the F right you’ve

Seen P will kind of go into that mode where he was before he’s not a guy that’s being relied on and when he’s not a guy that’s being relied on you kind of see him go back into that shell of himself where he’s just content getting

Up you know a couple of shots here and there trying to get some putbacks he’ll drive aggressively but for the mo and he’s gotten to that point but for the most part right he’s just doing whatever the team needs him to do um that is a player that you’re going to

Have to challenge a lot that is a player that you’re going to have to tell hey it’s okay for you to be more aggressive in these moments because you’re not used to being aggressive no matter what yeah and I think that that is why we continue to

Hear these challenges that is why uh um demard de R rozan says he’s G he tells P will he’s goingon to beat him up if he isn’t not is he if he does take wideopen three-pointers where he tells P will I mean we’re we’re telling them be more aggressive offensively we’re telling him

To drive more around like I do think that those are the things that you you look at and say if this guy were like this all the time he would be dominant but because he’s not like that you have to continually challenge him he’s just to he is

Yeah yeah I I mean the thing that we have always said in our critiques and praise of Patrick Williams at this point is just all what’s between his ears that’s it that that’s it and and if he can get that together it’s going to be it’s going to be different like we’ve

Seen how much of a difference Patrick Williams makes when he is being more aggressive when he is attacking rebounds when he is you know shooting the ball without hesitation right that’s something that Billy Donovan talked about which we could play Clips here but like that’s something that he talked

About so these are things that that we’ve been seeing from Pat and everybody knows like at this point I don’t think people some people still doubt if it’s there in Pat but I think that we know it’s there the biggest question is does he does he want to to let it out

Consistently that’s it it really is like there there was a play last night uh I want to say p Will’s on the left side pump fakes drives through the lane runs into Jaren Jackson Jr Jaren Jackson goes flying Jaren Jackson is not weak yeah right and P will like goes for the I

Think he get he got fouled he ends up going to the free throw uh line I want to say this in the second half knocks down both free throws but it’s like I feel bad like that Miami game I see what that Miami game we me and you went

To I see what AK saw and I can see why you would be fooled by it now as the GM you shouldn’t be fooled by things like this but I can see why you’d be fooled by it because it’s literally just if we can just teach him to be aggressive

247 he’ll be a monster in this NBA and when he decides to he’s a monster but we we just we don’t see often enough and I think that that’s that’s kind of why you continue to see these challenges put in front of them because it’s not even to

Say that it’s a bad thing it’s just when you when your role has changed as much as P Wills has this season right P Wills gone from being the number four guy on the team to the number three guy to the two guy to literally like hey P will

It’s your show go off today we’ve seen him be able to do that and then it’s slowly like all right now get back to the back of the bus where you know you you you started off this journey on right like now we got Zach back we got V

Back in the lineup dear’s back out here and he’s taking on a bigger role right like you you’re you’re seeing him kind of go back and forth and so that’s why to me you still need these challenges in place I will say the one part that I I

Guess is still a question in my mind is if he didn’t have all these people in front of him what would he play like because we saw him when he didn’t and he looked I I want to say we played against wasn’t Cleveland because Cleveland smoked us maybe one of those games last

Season no it was this year it was this year it was where I think nobody played except him and Kobe and it was one of his best games of the year you saw him just doing everything that we’ve wanted to see from him uh this season and it

Was just that there was nobody in front of him who was going to take shots away from him there was nobody who was going to take opportunities away from him and he absolutely went out there and bought out yeah what was this this was Miami right uh uh we did lose that game

Yeah but 25 points he was a plus 12 uh he had seven rebounds that game he had four like that’s the guy that you want to see and yeah it’s flashes but it’s also the like I said the question that I always have is even in that game though

Everybody played but Zack did they yeah oh Caruso and Caruso was out Caruso and Zack everybody Tory Craig played Andre Drummond played de DeMar rosen played V played Kobe everybody else played so maybe it’s a different game I’m thinking of there was one this season where it

Was just him but was a really good game right and and maybe listen I I’ll say this very much like we say with I he plays like a role player a role player will have pop off games right a role player will have a 25-point game he we seen role players

Have 50o games you be like oh my God how do he do that and it’s like well everybody get in the ball let him just go I mean so I I don’t know um I it’s it’s between P Will’s ears but it’s also the role that he’s been put in

And I I the question that I will always have is if you take those guys away will he be somebody different and I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to see that with people I understand he’s young ak’s probably gonna resign this guy but like

So maybe we’ll see it eventually but it might be three four five years away it might be a Kobe white situation where you gotta wait till like everybody’s just like what’s he still doing on the team and then finally is like oh snap he can play where’s this been for the first

Five years of Our Lives yeah but Kobe still showed more flashes way earlier but yeah I get what you what you’re getting at with that for sure it’s just and I hope that he I hope that he doesn’t I hope that when he does get there it’s in the Bull’s uniform

Because it makes the team so much more harder to guard as a team when Patrick Williams is on just does yeah no yeah I mean the his shooting stroke is is pure and his like his stroke is what you’re saying strength I said a shooting stroke

You you took it there you took it there that was on you that was all on you my guy that’s a I just wanted to ask play but no I I mean like when you when you take a shooting stroke into account and his his defensive ability and his

Strength there’s no way you can’t like him there’s no way you can’t see that he can play it’s just when are you gonna do it and is it gonna be Billy Donovan waking up every day going hey P will it’s okay to be aggressive today yeah oh

I don’t know man listen he’s got a he’s got a ton of opportunity to prove it one to two weeks here without Zack LaVine and uh a very interesting schedule ahead we got to talk about what we got coming up this week but first we got to tell

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Difficult for the we do because no the the Phoenix Suns are definitely difficult and the Lakers aren’t I don’t care how they’ve been playing you can’t SL and by the way we’re gonna be up late that Lakers game bro that game doesn’t start till 9:30 Chicago time 10:30 yeah

That’s that’s one o’clock in the morning joint um but this first game up that we got we got Phoenix uh Lakers and Portland on the docket next week Portland that that may be the game the Bulls lose you just never know with that one but when you’re looking at at the

Schedule ahead for the Chicago Bulls what are something to expect no Zack LaVine for sure over this week how you feeling about this schedule I mean I I still feel fine about it I think the Suns is an interesting team they’ve been playing a lot better as of late um a lot

More aggressive and I mean listen there we knew what this team was right like we knew this team was kind of like it might be a little bit scary now you’re starting to see guys get on the floor you’re seeing the tandem of Devin Booker Bradley Bill Kevin Durant and and

You know what I I will say this the the dynamic for for the most part to me works because it doesn’t seem like there’s too big of an ego to where these guys are like hey I’ve got to be the one on tonight and I think that’s the only way

That that team’s going to be successful I mean a couple of games ago you’re talking about Grayson Allen going 10 for 17 nine for 14 from the three-point line Devin Booker finishes that game with 11 assists 16 points Bradley Beal has 13 points five assists you know what I mean

Like they like you’re seeing guys kind of get out of the way so when I look at that Phoenix team I’m not I I’m I’m still worried about them because of the names that they have on that team but I don’t think it’s a team that the Bulls

Can’t match up with and so I’m I’m very intrigued by that I probably would have that as a loss right now that Lakers game I don’t know man you you seem a lot higher on the Lakers than I am I’m not scared of the Lakers in I’m not high on

The Lakers at all as a team they suck but the thing is is that listen any the moment you you look at a team be like hey the Bulls should be able to take care of business against that team uh D’Angelo Russell will have a career

Night Austin reevs will go 11 of 12 from three point range so I’m just can’t Overlook them listen I I I hear you um but that to me right that’s more about which Bulls team is going to show up that’s that’s really what that falls on

To me right which Bulls team is going to show up which Bulls team is going to go out there and play because I’ve seen the Bulls be able to handle the Lakers without uh uh Zack LaVine on the floor already and I I think they can do it

Again like the the Lakers team is it’s it’s not even that they don’t have good play what’s Darvin ham doing I don’t think Darin ham knows what he’s doing like I’m not gonna lie to you bro that’s what Darin ham asks himself every day when he comes into the locker room

Before he walks in like what what am I doing here hey we give Billy Donovan a lot of flag bro oh Donovan darham is a way worse Coast there’s some bad coaches in the NBA out here bro I’m not going to lie to you Adrien Griffin has a better

Record than Billy Donovan and Adrien Griffin is not a good coach like what the Bucks are doing is just like every time I watch a Bucks game I’m like hey these guys are not good they just have too much talent to lose some of these games like that’s

Really how it feels it’s just like just Giannis and Dame just like is it my turn to just go be a one-on-one player all right let me do that real quick like maybe they keep winning uh I would assume that they would keep winning but Adrien Griffin’s not good uh uh um

Darvin ham is is worse ham is just watching things H like you know what it is don’t like you when the spunky white kid is walking past you for high fives Bro you’ve lost the tick you know what it is Dar darving ham is the substitute

Teacher that when they just showed up to be a substitute for like one day was like hey man this dude cool but then when the teacher goes out on maternity to leave and they’re there for three months in a row you’re like hey this dude sucks

That’s such a good analogy Stacy I swear if you use that on the on the uh uh on NBC You Gotta Give Hayes credit for that it was a phenomenal analogy bro come on lock on bulls did it uh but no you gotta clook that one up you gotta that that’s

A great that’s a great one he gotta take that to the broadcast but no I yeah I I don’t know bro like that’s that’s pretty funny but darving ham is is useless and then uh the Blazers suck hey I’m not going to lie to to you

We can complain about P will but he ain’t no scoot Henderson bro I don’t know what like have no I have no answers bro I remember when people were like there’s no way that scoot isn’t gonna go number one overall I’m like okay bro I don’t even know what scoot

Is um like I I get it he’s a rookie and like but like he is hey bro here’s on the team here’s the thing I think that scoop will eventually work it out but I will say this this this is one of the roughest rookie season matter of fact

Him and Marquel folz are almost having the same rookie season except Marquel at least had the hitch in the shot and got hurt and the crazy part about scoot is right like scoot’s numbers aren’t horrible oh no they’re bad bro nah bro scoots averaging like 12

And a half points a game for a rookie that’s not bad on 36% shoo no the percentages are God awful but that’s also the modern NBA must just be letting it Fly bro like listen I I I think the percentages can get better but it it

Just you know what it is it feels like his game is for a player for 2006 and it’s the wrong NBA like it’s like hey can you sh not all correct me if I’m wrong scoot was a solid three-point shooter when he was with the G league night right

Uh am I am I was did I make did I build that in my head I think you might have built that one up bro now I might need to go back and remember that but I’m pretty sure scoot has never been able to shoot it’s terrible now it’s terrible

It’s bad it’s wor it’s much worse now listen no no matter what it was down there it’s much worse now but listen he’s he’s 19 years old but I’ll tell you for the sake of this debate and this conversation we’re not debating we agree for the sake of this conversation

Then um yeah no bro the three-point percentage 27% yeah it’s 27% yeah garbage he was 42% from the field though okay maybe that’s so uh he’s a long way from that no I like we should we should win the week we should go two and one at

A minimum this week the Lakers are got off D darham has no idea what he’s doing and um and just just since you said that darham is g go one two’s life the heck out of Billy Don he’s gonna coach the game of his life bro he’s gonna be

Sitting there he’s gonna just be like all right boys this is how we get together triangle here and then we break into a one 12 one and then we go into be like I’ve never even heard you say these terms ever like what is happening right

Now hey man I’m not gonna lie you know what I love about darving ham is uh he’s just another failed LeBron pick and I shouldn’t like that but it makes me smile so much bro if you are the general manager of a team with LeBron James on it stop allowing him to pick

Your’ head coach stop don’t do it let’s go bro like I said like I said for all the things he’s great at he ain’t picked one good head coach bro really really good like I said interm head coach should probably do wonders once he’s the actual head coach is he’s he’s that

Substitute teacher he’s mad cool as a substitute one two one or two days tops longterm no you gotta get him up out of there bro bro that man picked Frank vogle he picked uh I guess Tyron L worked out that’s the one that worked out he he technically picked Tyron Lou

Hey hey look and got rid of Tyron L because Tyron Lou stood up to him I bro I I ain’t got I got nothing bro I got nothing let’s get up it’s not good let’s get up out of here man follow us on everything at lockon Bull you can

Follow me on everything at path of design appreciate you guys for tuning in and showing love and uh bear down I don’t know I’m hoping the Lions lose today they they don’t look like they’re going to you guys can follow me at CEO hay want to thank you guys for tuning in

To another episode of Locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube and the Odyssey app for path the designer I’m Hayes this has been locked on bear Bulls Bears Bulls Bulls locked on bulls love you guys peace y’all [Applause] peace

Haize & Pat The Designer talk about the Bulls being 2 games below .500 and how the team can still improve. The guys also talk about how Billy Donovan channeled Patrick Williams & the team’s schedule.

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  1. As I commented at CBC…I'm just expecting to go 3-2 over the next 5. Not unreasonable. That will get us one game under. Anything more is gravy. As Pat mentions though we slide downhill in a "one step up, two steps back" sort of way at times. So 2-3 in the next 5 is unacceptable. Also Suns play Indy tonight, we gotta take advantage tomorrow. We have to keep chipping away.

  2. Pwill was 19 his rookie yr trying to fit in with Lonzo,AC,Demar,Zach,Vuc,Coby and eveyone else on the team and him and Ayo did ok for rookies who played decent mins. Then Pwill gets inj and misses practically the whole yr. Then last season in the old offense played every game. He was ok overall but the 3 and D potential was shown cuz of the over 40 from 3. This season he was below 30% from 3 for I want to say at least 10 games and now has raised it to over 40. His ankle inj may b the only thing holding him back right now being more aggressive

  3. I feel like the suns game may not be a great game for us. But i expect us to beat the other teams. Anything worse than 3-2 will be a disappointment

  4. Sisyphus… man. We're busting out some philosophy and Classic literature over here. Did Pat just become my new favorite sports analyst?

  5. Correction: Adam Amin used the Sisyphus reference and explained it. They later went on to explain that he busted it out due to Stacey with the Gulliver's Travels reference.

  6. Dats cap 🧢 Nov 2020, the Lonzo year they finished above. 500 when they played against Milwaukee 46-36.. season B4 last 🥺 🤔 🏀

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