@Toronto Raptors

The Toronto Raptors Reveal Asking Price In A Bruce Brown Trade!

The Toronto Raptors Reveal Asking Price In A Bruce Brown Trade!

What’s up basetball fans welcome to the ratcha port it’s time to talk about the chono Raptors because one player on their team that we’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about in terms of trade speculations has been Bruce Brown and a report came out today revealing what the

Asking price will be from the chonto Raptors for Bruce Brown so I’m going to be breaking that down in today’s video and I’m going to be going through a list of things that may factor into you know where the Raptors end up treating him as well so if you’re ready to watch this

Video make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you wish to hit the Subscribe Button as well that would be very much appreciate it so with that being said let’s get into today’s video now there is actually no shout out for today’s video because no one got my previous

Trivia question corrected it was actually Mike James guys who played one season with the Tonto Raptors and averaged something like 181 19 points which actually ranks him third all time on Raptors you know points per game in his career with the Raptors but no one got that right but let’s talk about

Bruce Brown because this is an interesting name we’ve been hearing a lot of we know what happened in the pasal SE yakum trades and there’s a lot of chatter as to whether the Raptors will trade Bruce Brown whether they’ll keep him well we did get some update regarding that situation it was being

Reported that the Raptors are seeking a first round pick and a young player in return for Bruce Brown this was being reported by Mark Stein now I know the immediate reaction for most fans will be that the Raptor’s asking price is simply too high now you have to understand

Where the Raptors are coming from and why they have such a high asking price do they overvalue their players not really you’re seeing how much OJ anobi is affected with the New York Knicks right people were mocking Messi jury and Bobby Webster last season when he didn’t

Traded for three first round picks right so you have to understand that for a team like the Tonto Raptors who don’t necessarily attract a lot of players this is going to be one of the best opportunities and probably one of the best trade pieces they have currently

After getting rid of ojun noobi and Pascal cakam that they’re probably going to get a good return for so you have to start you have to start negotiations when you do start negot negotiations you do have to start them a little bit higher and then you can come down a

Little bit now realistically do I think the Raptors will be able to acquire both of what they’re looking for in a young player and a first round pick I don’t necessarily think so I think the Raptors would be really lucky if they can maybe get something like a lottery protected

Top 10 protected first round pick for Bruce Brown and maybe a salary filler as well or even maybe a good role player you know not necessarily a high quality role player but a decent role player would be nice for the Raptors to acquire now in terms of you know what teams may

Be interested well Bruce Brown did have some very interesting comments to see about the New York Knicks yesterday after the Raptors played them now Bruce Brown on the Knicks or trade rumors went on to state that I am a dog I can do whatever Tom Tibido needs me to do now I

Don’t know about you guys anytime you get traded to a team whether you know you’re going to be there long term or not that isn’t exactly the type of things you want to be saying to the media not only because it affects how your teammates view you I mean Bruce

Brown you just got to a new team you just got to a new roster and yes the likelihood that the Toronto Raptors trade Bruce Bruce Brown is very high but you still don’t go out and make comments like that which pretty much just suggests you wouldn’t be against a trade

You know with certain teams now with New York I don’t really understand their logic but there’s also another quote that Bruce Brown had to see regarding his trade rumors as well and he went onto state that I don’t know anything I’m not requesting anything that’s up to

Messiah whatever he wants to do if he moves me he moves me if he doesn’t I’ll St it is what it is now the one thing I really didn’t understand was a lot of raptors fans overreacting after one game and this isn’t a shot of Bruce Brown we

Know he’s a high quality role player but the thing is the Raptors aren’t exactly ready to compete yet maybe not even make the playoffs until a season or two from now so it doesn’t truly make sense to keep Bruce Bren around although you could you can understand where people

Are talking about in terms of mentorship and you know they have a lot of young players but I just don’t see it if you have the opportunity to acquire a first- round pick you absolutely do so and we’re going to be talking about the New York Knicks because that obviously is a

Team that is being rumored to be interested in Bruce brown but also because of the comments that Bruce from made about Tom Tibido now why the New York Knicks a lot of people may be asking that question they have DED even chenzo I mean heck they got rid of RJ

Bird they seem like they have a log Jam at the guard position now they want to acquire someone like Bruce Brown which may confuse a lot of people it’s very simple when you look at the amount of first round picks the New York Knicks have in the next season or so you’ll see

Here they have currently four first round picks this year two of them belonging to Lottery teams in Detroit and Washington one to8 protected for Detroit 1 to2 protected for Washington those picks aren’t going to convey but they do have their own pick and Dallas’s pick which is top 10 protected and we

Know Dallas isn’t going to be at the bottom of the top 10 in terms of league so they have their two first they have two first round picks this year but they also have two second round picks as well and strictly speaking I just don’t see

How it makes sense for a team like the New York Knicks to have four young rookies come on to the roster next season this is a playoff team this is a team looking to make the playoffs but also go deep into the playoffs and you don’t necessarily want to have that many

Rookies coming on because they have up and down Seasons you know we’ve seen it time and time again even with some of the best rookies but you’ve got to question right like it doesn’t make a ton of sense for a playoff team like the New York Knicks and also take into

Consideration next season as well when you look at the amount of picks they’ll have next season similarly they’re if they were to keep their picks the next two seasons they’re going to have about equivalent to at least eight rookies it doesn’t truly make sense I mean when you

Take a look at the next roster here you see how many players are under contract for next season they’re definitely bringing back ojin and Obi maybe not so Evan Foria but they do have a decent amount of players locked in for next season and also with their salary cap

Situation as well you look at that $144 million so it’ll be interesting that the Knicks actually are willing to go into luxury tax to acquire someone like Bruce Brown who’s making about $23 million next season so in terms of some of the pieces that the Raptor should absolutely

Look to Target back and I know a lot of Nicks fans may not want to do this it truly doesn’t make sense for Nicks from a Knicks point of view to keep Josh Hart down to D venzo and then add Bruce Brown to that roster I mean those three

Players Josh Hart yes he can guard small wordss at times but both all three of those players if the Nicks did somehow acquire Bruce without giving up one of Donte or Josh you ultimately look you’re keeping three guys that are listed around 65 or under and having them at

The shooting guard position it it doesn’t make sense they have also got Quinton Grimes here as well let’s not forget about him and there’s been reports that he’s frustrated and maybe the U Knicks look to get rid of him as well now in terms of Quinton Grimes

Could be a very intriguing player for the Raptors you get a first- round pick you get Quinton Grimes and maybe throw an Evan for in there that gets the deal done for the ton Raptors and maybe that is the deal that raptors look for I don’t know if that’s on the table right

Now because if it was maybe the Raptors would have done it already but I don’t think the Raptors will wait too too long before getting rid of Bruce Brown and the reason being is quite simple when you wait till last minute to make deals the best offers aren’t always

Necessarily there but also Al because you have to take into consideration what teams are looking for if a team like the New York Knicks or the LA leakers who are reportedly interested in Bruce Brown get another role player like Bruce brown but cheaper then all of a sudden that

Takes him out of the equation look I’m not saying those are the only two teams in trusted in Bruce brown but it’s better to make deals um get deals done faster before the trade deadline rather than waiting the last minute because I although there could be a lot of

Desperation when you get a bidding war started maybe you know you get some other players that are moved in office two or three teams aren’t necessarily looking for Bruce brown right so it will be interesting to see what the Raptors do there are going to be some names that

May be thrown out there herb Jones is a player that a lot of raptors ons one it is not realistic the Pelicans are way over their salary cap and they are trying to actually shed salary so it truly doesn’t make sense for them to trade a young player like herb Jones for

Bruce Brown who’s making more money than him even if the Raptors were to throw in a pick or so I just don’t see a deal getting done there I think they’re going to be looking for younger cheaper contracts as well for the Pelican side and we’ll see what happens we’ll see

What happens we’ll see more we’ll hear more and more rumors as we approach the tree deadline but it’ll be very interesting to see what the Raptors do I don’t think the Raptors should look to acquire a first round pick in this year’s draft class A lot of people have

Said it’s a weak draft class but also because you already have three first round picks in the draft class and then you know third considering if they were to keep their top six protected from the San Antonio Spurs and then you’ve got an early second round pick as well so same

Thing with the Raptor situation although it may seem like retooling rebuilding getting another first round pick for this season this draft class isn’t the best solution guys you can only develop so many rookies at a time and even if you were to draft different positions there’s only one ball to go around and

And not enough touches to go around for all the rookies and also when you speak of contract situations as well the one of the best methods of making sure that you’re able to stay under the salary is to have young players on rookie contracts if you have all of your

Rookies expiring at the same time it really complicat complicates excuse me the salary cap situation moving forward as well so I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on this you think that’s a reasonable asking price for Bruce Brown let me know your thoughts in the comment

Section below and as always I do have a trivia question for you today and the trivia question for today is which team has the best 3o percentage in the NBA is it a the Pacers is it B the Clippers is it C the Thunder or is it D the Celtics

So whoever asks this trivia question correctly first in the comment section gets a shout out in my next video so that will be for today’s video guys thank you so much for watching if you’re still watching make sure to hit the Subscribe Button as well that will be it

So thank you once again and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

I will be discussing the latest news surrounding the Toronto Raptors and recent rumors surrounding the team. News came out today discussing what the Raptors could look for in a trade involving Bruce Brown. Bruce Brown had some interesting comments about New York after the Raptors last game. The Lakers are also rumored to be interested.


  1. Which young player do you realistically see the Raptors getting back in a trade for Bruce Brown? Make sure to check out the trivia question at the end of the video!

  2. We need a 2 way Player for Brown.. Barnes have too hard a task with OG And Siakam gone. We Need a guy that can defend 1 to 4 or 5 and beable to to make a open look

  3. Don’t say Knicks please with that nutty asking price when we just signed Hart last season who BB plays just like. Why would we invest in similar guy that doesn’t move the needle for my Knicks.

  4. Brown 's cap hit likely means 2 players coming back. Example would be Cason Wallace and Bertans. A roster spot has to be created as Raptors won't waive anyone so it appears that a 3 for 2 or 2 for 1 trade has to go down first.

  5. Brown has some value, especially with a team option for next year. I don't think he has enough value to get a 1st plus a good young prospect? However their would be a lot of value if the Raps were willing to take on Fournier's contract. The fact that the Knicks want Brown, and Brown wants to play for the Knicks, also sweetens the pot for the Raps. It could happen, but that may depend on how much the Raps value Grimes? I think the Raps want to bank some picks for future trade assets. They probably will be more interested in picks down the road that they can keep in storage. Some of the Knicks picks from lottery teams are protected, so they will end up being pushed back, which is good for the Raps.

  6. Maybe, another way of looking at it is… the Bruce Brown trade must compensate for losses in total trade equity due to the Jacob Poertl acquisition..

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