@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics vs Houston Rockets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Boston Celtics vs Houston Rockets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Against the rocket so he wants to continue to build up that here in the second half all right that be the first half stats by Jason Stone injury lawyers injured you better phone stone8 100 54 4100 there’s the big one Scout 19 nothing in Second Chance points which

Tony dos was happy with yeah I mean why wouldn’t you be that’s a that’s a great stat for a game 19 and then giving up zero foul Johson scores the foul against porzingis who scored 20 in the first half it’s his first 20 point first half

Since March 28th when he was with the Wizards and he did it against the Celtics D white the second leading score with 16 can’t float that in good defense from Dylan Brooks cam Whitmore and amen Thompson the two rookies first rounders this year both making their first career starts

Tonight shenon those guys just put you right in the basket although shenon got a shot block by D at the end of the first half 67 ft Trav he was patting those block St yes two nearly at their average for a game this season rocket shorthanded tonight Fred

Van B the headliner who plays 37 minutes a game second most in the league behind tyres Maxi he is out same for Javari Smith Jeff Green tar een out as well giv opportunities to jayen Green missed that three white ahead of the pack Waits and scores another assist for

The Celtics I love that play and bad floor balance by the Houston [Applause] Rockets that is 20 assists for the Celtics Sam Hower picked up the last one his Fourth Brooks out to Thompson this is not his strong suit a man Thompson is a 14% three-point shooter in his rookie year I still find that odd in the league like what do you do all the Whit more look at the SP speed the explosion everything but the Finish am

Man Thompson with the offensive rebound shenon into the body of porzingis with a lefty finish that’s what he can do like he could pound you and kind of play below the rim and have no problem with it at all the thing you just said about you don’t

Get it how can you be in the league and shoot 14% is that what you think about guys who can’t make free throws either no not really I just think the three-point shot is such a big part of this game and these kids grow up playing shooting a three-point shot how could

You not at that point go to the NBA and I don’t expect you to be a 40 Center but like the other day when Toronto was at porzingis there’s a guy it works on a shot like Toronto is 12.5% how could that be a whole team be 12.5% Brooks cleans up his own

Miss like in the league now with the amount of wide open looks that you get or you just keep moving the ball I just I just don’t get it well the thing with Thompson is he really played professionally last year over time Elite is not professional but isn’t that the

Whole idea though scals you don’t have to worry about classes or anything else that comes with college you just f on your game I I don’t consider that like I don’t consider that like professional that’s the sales pitch that it’s you’re going to get better that

Might be part of it overtime Elite no class overtime Elite work on your game shoot 14% look at this they don’t teach you that over time El patting up those block TS making sure they got that you’re telling me if dere white play for overtime Elite he’d be as Elite he as he

Is a guy from overtime Elite or the G League ignite that you love Tatum in the spin cycle I think D white was better off at cooking school than overtime semi truck he think the motor home his game is fun to watch He’s blossoming in front of our eyes you

Talking about minivan the semi- TR there’s Jaylen Brown I like motor home better shenon the motor home motor home is good speaking of nicknames Jaylen Brown and kristofh porzingis apparently have some secret nickname for each other that’s what KP told Chris forsberg earlier this year Whit more missed it

From the corner really I got how do we not know this porzingis rips the cords again six trays for K go for 40 [Applause] tonight guess who set him up Jay Brown the brosies I like brosies Thompson bricks a three down 13% three on two brown HS and Bs it in

Look at Ken Whitmore I don’t want to call him out but well he didn’t cross half court didn’t cross half like what what is going on here nice bounce back from the Celtics out of the timeout green blocked by porzingis you see the athleticism of

Thompson to lay it in yeah he’s a freak of nature that’s what they taught him in overtime Elite no yeah he went in like you and me came out like that yeah you think they have Australians an overtime Elite just snapped by the putb by Thompson a nothing run after the timeout

By Joe [Applause] moua against Hower drops him sets up shenu that is just a different kind of shot you don’t see very many dudes shoot like that that no the shot put style up to 18 points to lead the way for the Rockets back to a 13-point game

Midway through this third quarter Tatum pulls [Applause] it Thompson one on four no look feed shenon fake the spin kick it out Brooks it’s the three little star down to coaching staff say stop laughing at me so the Rockets have responded with a 70 run of their own I really

Wanted I really wanted our Celtics to take care of business in the third and rest in the fourths the foul and scor I guess you could say kaminga but that’s jur still out like I don’t [Applause] know but then you see like I I get wiy

Seven whatever but he just has like the maturity to be an NBA player right off Jump Around The Hornet [Applause] Goes green having a nice night tonight helping fill the void with some Rockets Main Stays out holiday stepped on the Baseline it’s good people have options but I just got to see it I want to see someone coming out of the G League or overtime League just NBA ready watching this game doesn’t it like cam Whitmore is more NBA ready than a lot of the guys we see more game ready

Than sco Henderson is that’s for sure on the break Brown leading it ends up with Pritchard sends it out to Hower tries again bornett had his hand on the offensive rebound shenon leading the break for the Rockets wild pass made it out to Thompson right back to shenon dribbled it off his

Foot this is getting held for Skelter sh yeah what going the yak sack what is going on this might be on sht and T finally ends it with a bucket we are all out of sord since the half this is an 11 nothing Run for the Rockets beaten the buzzer once

Tonight that one won’t fall cornette the offensive rebound Celtics have been cleaning the offensive glass tonight shenon with the foul cornette hits the de get physical down this first for the Rockets is trimmed into it brette got it away holiday with the [Applause] Rebound holiday with a nice move couldn’t set up Thompson though cornette got in the way great read by cornette uhoh and they reward him on the other side with a slam that’s a se he really has to pinch himself to believe it’s real because he’s seen the work they put

In different challenges and he said I’m so proud of them it’s a blessing he did say though he wishes one day maybe he could play with his brothers but uh he said beating them is pretty cool too yeah it’s amazing how we don’t hear from

The dad about how great my kids are yeah my kids going to be the best ever who are you talking he he had legitimate like he could I got three kids in the NBA like that’s hard to do it’s hard to get one guy he got three but you don’t

Hear a word right interesting cornette bats it out Pritchard collects white this time with the offensive rebound Brown on the step through and the Finish there you go see this game right now with Houston kind of climbing back in it’s time for jayen brown to take over

JB in the double figures with 11 see the second chance points have been a theme for the Celtics tonight Brooks missed the three Nate Williams on the offensive board got cornette in the air but couldn’t finish with his off right hand was all the way down to five when holiday knocked down that

Triple I do not like the way we’re playing right now brown directing traffic five on the timer curls around holiday lot of contact no whistle tap challenge the shot holiday lost control the dribble sets up Tate Williams for shenon there’s that shot put again the peak didn’t want the

Cornette contest to affect the shot goes out to Brooks got a hustle shot clock winds Brooks obliges swirls out [Applause] yep white yes sir a lot of people text me when the two for one doesn’t work why do we go for two for one we’s see I think that’s three let’s see what

Happens on the final possession D White’s got the 21 plus 10 rebounds a double double for Derek white challenged the shot by Williams and the Celtics can take the final shot of the third quarter Rockets got it down to five Celtics have it back to double f

Again the ball pressure from Houston a little earlier Williams all over white crosses him up Kicks it out brown for three white almost had another

Boston Celtics vs Houston Rockets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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