@Miami Heat

Now 5-7 this year and 31-32 since start of last year with Big Three together. Remember Riley said in October: “You get to a point where, does it run its course?”

Now 5-7 this year and 31-32 since start of last year with Big Three together. Remember Riley said in October: “You get to a point where, does it run its course?”

by tomgreen99200


  1. It 100% has run its course. This roster construction is gross.

  2. realudonishaslem

    Man I can’t lie Barry’s doomer ass shit is irritating.

  3. Flaky-Mathematician8

    Need a to make some moves immediately before it gets out of hand

  4. chitownbulls92

    The trio of Bam, Jimmy and Herro have not run its course yet. Everyone else on the roster though….(aside from Duncan and Jaime)

  5. Muted_Dog7317

    Pretty obvious we have to use Lowry’s expiring and picks and get an upgrade at point.

    You add Murray, and get Jaquez back along with Jimmy, Bam, and Herro and that five has potential, otherwise we’re just not good enough offensively

  6. shorttttt

    The pacers have better ambition than this FO while having a more flexible championship window than ours. It’s ridiculous

  7. tickettv3

    I dont think its the big 3 fault. I think its the players around them besides love and JJJ.

  8. DraymondBeanKick

    Just get with Chicago and do Herro, Lowry, and 2 picks for Caruso and Lavine. Fix both the problems at the point guard and shooting guard positions at the same time.

  9. Trade for Murray NOW.

    In the offseason Mitchell won’t be available and even if he asks for a trade other teams would outmatch us because Herro is not as valuable as this sub think and our picks are also not as valuable because we dont tank.

    Get better NOW, this team is capable of winning it all if you add a good playmaker who can put pressure on the rim.

  10. LeRohameaux

    Still above .500 so I won’t overreact. You guys are the same impatient fair weathered fans year after year.

  11. Odd-Hamster1812

    It’s not the Big3 it’s the lack of actual point guard. Even if we trade for one we still don’t have a reliable backup

    Jimmy is coasting in the regular season, Herro can have his off nights and he gets crucified here, and Bam isn’t super aggressive at times.

    We really need 2 point guards to have some stability at point for once

    Lowry, Richardson, Bryant (plus pick) for Tyus Jones, Deion Wright, and Landry Shamet can be a solid trade for us

  12. MrRobotTheorist

    The problem is Lowry being 30 million in dead weight on the court. We coulda used someone else with that money.

  13. iamaweirdguy

    This thread sounds an awful lot like last year’s regular season lol

  14. Spectacled_Bear13

    Not having a point guard is really hindering us. Jaime is very important to this team. Have looked terrible with him gone. Tyler off the bench might be the move. I’m a huge Tyler fan too… so that pains me to say.

  15. Barry Jackson has run his course. Stop citing his nonsense

  16. Redmodtae

    This fanbase keeps on bitching but is not willing to let go the most tradable asset this team has.

  17. Redmodtae

    When you are supposed to be a three-level scorer and is seen by the team’s fans as the lonesome shot creator, you better live up to their expectations.

  18. Sebeeschin

    Probably not the best to be so reliant on a rookie, but the team looks way different with him out there

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